Purifying WATER with Alexa Pure

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hello everybody this is Danny from deep south homestead we were back in our off-grid cabin guys one of the most important things that you could have off-grid or even all grid is water and with the things we're facing in the world today clean water is becoming more and more difficult to come by London I have looked high and low for over a year we've done tons of research we have just pondered back and forth and back and forth about water purification what should we do to provide for our big house and but mainly for the off-grid cabin and that's where we're at today is in the off-grid cabin and in front of me here I have the Alexa Fuhrer what did I have to do in tons of research has come to the conclusion that the Alexa pure was really the way to go for us this thing is phenomenal it's a brushed stainless steel it doesn't show up fingerprints on it we have some things that are bright stainless and when you touch it everywhere you touch it you see your fingerprints on this doesn't do that that's one thing I really like about this now a lot of you is probably going to look at me and you're gonna say Jenny have a look at the reviews on this oh there are so many negative reviews about the spigot well I personally have talked to the company and have sit down and really went over this with them with a fine-tooth comb because hey I didn't want to get stuck either you know I mean if there's a problem I want to know about it the company admitted that they had ordered probably 10,000 spigots that was faulty and anyone who has a Baldy spigot can just contact them and they'll replace it with a newer version that really works good now well we got this one in this one came with two different stickers it came with this plastic when it's on it here and it came with another one well me I put the one the other one on there not thinking I went ahead just put it on there and as soon as I put it on there I'm just being honest and giving an honest review we could not stop the gasket rabbit from leaking so I'm sitting here thinking to myself okay I talked to the guy he told me they had some quality speakers because there was two in the vault so I took that spigot off and laid it to the side and I put this one on here this one has not leaked yet so this one is the upgraded version of the spigot it is it's really a nice one now let me show you I mean good I won't move my hand round here you can either push down on it water comes out or if you put a bigger container you can you can just clip it up and you can get the water out of it now Danny being who he is look at this thing and I said okay this is all stainless this is plastic that did not sit well with me so I called the company back and I said look this is a plastic spigot you've got a print you've got a perfectly fine piece of equipment here that's all stainless do you have a stainless sticking to go with it and they told me that they have not found a manufacturer yet that they worked on little deal with they're actively doing it but they said that on Amazon there is a spigot that works with the electric Fuhrer that they've been sending people to purchase so I went and purchased one myself off of Amazon and I want to give you a look at what it looks like here I get out of box because I won't stainless everything and this is it right here it's not expensive there's $10 on Amazon it just turns from one side to the other it's a quarter turn spigot like that it's got a heavy-duty neoprene washer system in it right here with a nut on the back of it that you tighten it down and it shows these two washers together and I haven't put it in here yet because this is full of water as soon as this water runs out we're going to be installing stainless-steel spigot because I'm all about stainless to me this may break this should last because it's stainless now put this back in the box as this is um this electric Fuhrer this is a 2 gallon one yeah uh it's about what one Danai will use everyday for our personal just drinking water because we drink a lot of water as a matter of fact that's all I drink I don't drink anything but water and in a grid down situation I wanted to be sure that we had safe water to drink now the Alexa fear comes with a filter system it is a one filter system it takes out 99.9% of all bacteria particles chlorine I mean you go through a name and it says I can't name everything it takes out I don't even know how to pronounce half of the words that it takes off oh it takes out but this one filter is all you need for this but when you put these filters in you have to understand that they have to be what's done what's called flushed now it can take up to four times of running because I call a company I put water nine twice because the paper that comes with it says you need to flush it twice well I flush mine twice and it just still seemed like the water was flowing a little bit slow and the company told me that that is quite frequently happens but if I uh if I do it like four times and the water doesn't flow any more freely then they would replace the filter for me but after about the fourth time this one began to the water began to run through it more freely and it was through with its flush now there's a few things you need to understand about the filter system of course with all the whole let you look at the top of it and will give you kind of a bird's eye view of what it looks like how the top off of this and I'm gonna lift it up there where miss Wanda can get to it I'm going to show you what it looks like that's the filter very easy to put on you just take it out of the box you just light it down through it and it has a wingnut system on it here you just it has a washer you just screw it and tighten it down and that's all there is to it replacing it there is one two three rubber tips here that you shove down in there to stop and seal this thing off from water from coming out of it because you can put up to four filters in this if you so desire and this part right here is the the holding tank part of it this is the pure water that we've ran through the filter system here it's a stainless it's all stainless there's nothing in there but the end of the spigot sticking in there and this just simply sits on top of it that's all that it does now I want to mention this filter the filter can never dry out you should never let it dry out as a matter of fact when you get it it'll come in a mylar bag and it'll be damp and wet on the inside that mylar bag the most that you can let this thing do without water is about three days at the end of three days you need to be getting water in it and should you have to be gone for more than three days and there's no water put in adult panic the filters not ruined if it dries out it's going to take you're gonna have to go through what's called a rehydration process which means you'll have to turn the filter upside down and submerge it in water and it has to rehydrate with water which can take up to 24 hours before it actually rehydrates with water now this is just in a rare situation you have to leave it that long it's best not to do that one deny over here to help create cabin even though we're not here every day all day I will come over here and take this Cup like I just dude right here and running full of water I'll turn around and I'll just sit here and I'll pull it up and I just I'll run about separate cup flows of water even though this is our waters already pure what he tells me is if I'm not using it that's not here and I pour it back in here the water is already purified so it's not stopping my pillow up anymore I'm just running purified water to it again now I always urge people we have two extra filters here with our we went ahead and got two filters besides the one to Tennant because should something happen there's a grid down situation I mean this thing purifies thousands of gallons of water and you can go through a lot of water pretty quick if you're having to use bad water so minam wanders thinking was why should we just talked with one filter why not just go away to get two more that guarantees us longevity of water into the future should something happen and we can't order something I mean it's it would be useless to have it if you don't have a filter so we went ahead and got two filters and I urge everybody if you want to buy one of these to go ahead and just get a couple of extra filters now they're a little pricey but in my opinion it's well worth it now one of the things that I had to really look into was the simple back to this thing if I can get this up over here we were having to have this thing sit like this right here we had to leave it kind of balancing on the edge of this table so that we could get a couple hundred to get some water out of it so I immediately contacted the company back and I was like look this is just not so this is not good so they said well we sell a stainless steel stand to go with it here now this has been really nice to have because we can take this thing and we can set it virtually anywhere now and you can put a cup under it if you have it next to your kitchen sink and it slides up to the edge of it you put a picture under it to get even more water out of it so that is really been a lifesaver for us the one thing that we have noticed about this is because of its height it will not been underneath the cabinets on a normal kitchen countertop and if you sit it on the countertop and there's cabinet doors there our problem with the house was everything was open it was in the way so it's best if you could have a designated area for this now us over here at the off-grid cabin we have designated a corner over in our kitchen here on the opposite side of our kitchen wall we're going to put a particular shelf in there this made specifically for the Alexa pewter because we're going to bring the ship right up along right here so that this thing can sit and we can put whatever we need up under even if we had to put a PI gallon bucket under we could do it we're going to design it that way so that we can use this thing in any form or fashion that we see fit to in our off-grid cabin so guys I know they make burpees out there and we look we looked hard at the burpees I'm not going to condemn the burpees because they have their good points just like the Alexa pure has it's good points if there's actually several different companies out there that makes these water purification systems but for the price and not having to have separate filters to do everything we had this one one filter does it all that was the thing that sold me I didn't have to go buy a bunch of different filters at a high price to be able to use I can buy one filter and I can filter hot water and it's night now I'm saying of all bacteria and I can't name little things you just have to go all the website and look at all the different contaminants that it can take out and leave your water really good and clean to drink no we have this like I said this is just a temporary setup about here in the middle of our cabin to demonstrate this with you guys this is where it's at because if the world goes haywire which it probably is at some point then you cannot live without clean water you can go three days that's it at the end of three days it's over your body is like 60% water each organ in your body has a certain water content to it your heart has a water content to it your intestines has a water content your kidneys has a water content your lungs has a water content you can go online and look and see how much water content your body actually is and if you're not staying hydrated your organs will eventually begin to fail from the lack of water and I cannot stress strong enough the importance of clean pure water if something happens guys it I just can't stress it enough it is the most important thing you will ever do for yourself is to have clean water guys that's not all oh here comes the kicker to this thing at our gathering on March the 21st of 2020 we are going to be giving one of these away so the only way you can get it is you have to be it together and if you're the lucky person you get to take home one of these elects appears just as identical to this one I think that you will actually really really really enjoy it if you end up getting it now I want to make a want to mention to you all also after getting the Alexa Fuhrer here I actually contacted the company and talked them and we are now an affiliate for my Patriot supply guys they carry a vast range of supplies for being able to survive so my patron supply has all of your your foods and everything and you can be you'll be able to your freeze-dried foods and stuff like that that you'll be able to stock up on they have the Alexa furious through them they have all kinds of supplies they have all kinds of air purification things all kinds of survival gear so check out my patron supply through our link in the description down below guys if you purchase through it it help sneaks out homestead they taught you any more money so guys I check out a Lake Superior I really believe you'll appreciate it thank you guys from deep south homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 28,775
Rating: 4.910727 out of 5
Keywords: Water filtration system, alexa pure, alexapure pro water filter, alexapure water filter, water purifier, water purification system, water filter system for home, water filter installation, how to purify, how to purify water, how to purify water at home, my patriot supply review, how to rehydrate a water filter, water spig, water spigot leaking, water spigot replacement, water spigot repair, alexapure vs berkey, alexapure pro water filtration system
Id: Az8O979bG3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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