Our SECRETS to Container Gardening!

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[Applause] all right guys this is what we use for our pots when we do our filling our pots full we'll stop like this and go ahead and take what few roots we see on the top out pieces of wood throw them back into the trash pile but guys this is as nutrient dense soil as you're going to get guys all the underbrush you see behind me back in here that's what it used to look like right here toward the cabin right here i came in here every year i take that underbrush and i move it just a little bit further out and i continually roll it and flip it and i'm adding dirt in with all these limbs and stuff like this and what happens is is this stuff like this begins to uh to decay as it's piled up in there you put the wood up and then you put some dirt on top of it and the dirt gets wet and filters down through the wood it keeps it saturated all the time and it rots in like half the time this is only a year's worth of work right here this was pushed up last year and we're already getting nutrient dense soil out of this to put in our containers we use this in our high tunnels we use it in our container gardening and guys we just have an endless supply of it it just keeps i mean mother nature is doing the work we're not really having to do anything other than just pile it up and just let it rot if you trim limbs off of trees in your yard your uh your vegetable plants and all this kind of stuff just take them and make you a compost pile because technically this is a compost pile it's just literally decomposing organic matter that's just turning right back into soil and it's doing what god intended for it to do good morning everybody this is danny back from deep south homestead uh we are out here today guys we do container gardening here at deep south homestead a lot we've learned that location is everything with containers we have these containers here behind the cold frame this is the side the hill that's east facing the sun will be hitting me here in just a couple of minutes we've learned that as long as we get the morning sun on stuff that it does really well if we can stop the sun about midday through the afternoon from being directly on the plants that seems to help a lot with our uh with our peppers and things like that we just get better results because the sun now is just so intense on uh what on the intensity that it gives out now a lot of you are asking you know what dirt are we using in the pots what what soil mix and all that kind of stuff well in my bucket here i just went out here to the woods because we don't burn our limbs and trees and stuff like this when we cut firewood and all the limbs and stuff we don't burn that we pile it up in the woods uh we go through and push all the underbrush up in the woods and pile it on top of it mix a little dirt in with it and uh and it stays damp and wet because our humidity is so high here usually in one year a trash pile will mostly rot down here and then we have nothing but pure organic matter that turns back into dirt and that's what i have in my bucket here today this stuff here what we do is we just go through it and we you know we look through it as we dig in it and we take out any undesirables like these pieces of wood that's still in here that didn't rot now that is literally waterlogged and saturated i'll lay this stuff out on the ground here as i go through it and when i get the bucket completely emptied i'll pick it up put it back in the bucket and go dump it back into a new trash pile and that way the process continues now in the bottom of these pots these are two different kinds of pots these are uh mineral pots from our cows and some of them are landscape pots now the mineral pots from our cows don't have holes in them we'll be drilling some holes quarter inch holes about three and a half to four inches up on the sides here because we want water to stay in the bottom of the pot with the dirt we don't put bricks we don't put gravel we don't put all that in there we just put plastic down and put dirt the landscape pots on the other hand are a little bit different they have big holes all in the bottom of them so if we put dirt in it the water would just come out of them and we'd be constantly having to water them during our heat we cut a piece of plastic and we put down in the bottom of the pot here and we let it come up about four to six inches on some sides comes higher than that and then we begin to put our our dirt down in here not potting soil but our dirt down into this section here and as it fills up with water it'll eventually run over these edges right here and it'll only stay wet right in the very bottom right here so that's how we do it with these type pots then we take our shovel and we begin to dump some dirt in here and we just kind of spread it around a little bit at a time we don't get crazy with it kind of like push it out around the edges to push that plastic up against the edge you see we'll have like there's a big old piece of wood there technically the wood would not hurt these pots if you left it in here it'd be like a type of huge culture and we'll occasionally find big old earthworms in all this we just leave them in the pots we don't bother with it because they make good worm castings now we do take out any roots or anything that we find because they could still potentially have some life left in them guys this is just pure organic matter this is rotted wood that has turned back into dirt and it is some of the best stuff that you can actually get to go in here it's full of life literally all the living organisms are in it everything is in it that needs to be in it some people uh may get offended if i use the word dirt uh in the south uh nobody uses the word soil supposedly dirt means that it's dead soil means that it's alive so if you want to get technical and be politically correct i guess would be the term this would be soil that we're putting in here now we are very careful not to uh get any type of stuff in here that don't belong in here now i've got this thing about probably about four to six inches full of uh this good soil here now what i'm going to do is come in and i'm going to add some potting soil on top of that we use the uh brand i suppose most other brands would work it's just what's available in our town where we live at this has the extended uh uh time release fertilizer in it that feeds up to nine months it has very low potassium very low nitrogen and all that kind of stuff in it i mean it's just very low we'll have to add most of our own amendments to it the thing we like about this too is it already has the paralyte stuff like that in it [Applause] see it even comes with big chunks of wood in it look at that i mean we don't i don't like to leave too many big pieces of wood in here but i kind of layer mine that's a layer there and then we're going to go back to just using our regular soil out of the bucket here because in a minute we're going to turn all this in a lot of people goes man that's an awful long process well it might be but it grows some awesome stuff now we'll be probably using some types of commercial fertilize in this and a lot of people will probably go oh my god i can't believe you're doing that but where we live at you cannot use animal manure because of um grazon uh it has amino pry lids in it and anybody who knows anything about the science of of plants knows that the amino prolids are designed to keep a plant from actually producing a broadleaf plant now here is one of the things i'm talking about here look at this we have lots of these in our soil so we'll be putting it in the soil here covering him up leaving him in here with it i'm actually seeing several of them as i go along it's a worm culture in our well we have worms in our in our soil here that's that's the beauty of letting stuff go back and using nature look at here see there that's a big one those are big they're all in the soil everywhere so and that's good fishing worms ain't it that's good fishing worms that it is but it's also good for our pots and you know as long as you don't overdo it with your uh fertilizers you use now we'll probably use some stuff like uh powdered phosphorus and stuff like that you can use bone meal and blood meal and stuff like that and that's those worms will live in that they don't uh they don't have a problem we go back a year from now and dig in this pot and i guarantee this pot still be full of worms we've not lost our worms to use any types of fertilizers now if you overdone it the salts in the fertilizers would kill the worms i get that but we don't overdo ours everything in moderation you know i think that's the uh the best way to do it and let me tell you something from experience go ahead and fill this pot full to the top because if you don't a year from now it'll be down this much uh it just by the time the worms get through feeding and the plant gets through feeding and stuff like that a lot of this stuff just finally dwindles and just goes away and turns into pure basic worm castings in here guys i'm going to tell you what this right here this will grow some stuff right here now i'll take my time go real slow with it because you'll find stuff that you missed in there we kind of like mix all this together that way you don't have any places in it it gets really hard and packy because it's just plain soil you got the uh pearlite and vermiculite and all that stuff kind of mixed all around through it and there you go now we'll for the first couple of weeks of uh planting in this pot here we'll probably use some fish emulsion to kind of get those little plants off and get them going good now we're going to put peppers in these um the fish emulsion seems to do really well with helping get this kind of stuff up and running and then we'll come back and i do buy some uh time release fertilizers in a little shape container and we'll just kind of sprinkle a little bit more around on this here and we'll watch the plant and we'll see if it needs nitrogen or and i'll probably will come back with some uh epsom salt and put in here because peppers really need magnesium to grow good uh i would check and probably put just a little bit of uh this already has a little bit of lime in it but i'll put a little bit of lime down in here just to uh uh just kind of help make sure i get some calcium and then i'll come back with a little bit of calcium nitrate around the outside that pepper plant after it's about two weeks old and then i'll begin to feed them about every two weeks uh with a well-balanced fertilizer after that and guys just keep watching us and you'll see how these pots turn out another thing guys this old shovel here i picked this up at a garbage dump and i made me a little tiny short handle on it specifically for doing jobs like this in these uh containers because you don't need an old long shovel handle seems like it just gets in the way all the time and we don't have to water this right off the bat because the dirt we're putting in here we've been getting a lot of rain here lately and uh this dirt's nice and our soil is nice and damp so we don't have to worry about watering everything right off the bat okay as we're going through the pot we look for when you see these white roots like this right here that's one thing you want to definitely make sure you get out of there because what that is that's a seed right there that's a smilax seed that thing will grow from that to this big in just a year in rich soil i mean they come out here's here's a piece of one of them right here it's a some people call them saw briars i'll show you the different stages of them here this little seed goes from this to this to this to huge within a year and they make big old huge saw briars i mean it's just most ungodly thing in the world now this does have some medicinal values to it it's edible but we have so many of them here i don't care if i ever eat one of them to be honest with you some people call them wild asparagus here because they put up a shoot that makes a saw briar but if you get it when it's about this tall and it's real tender uh it can be eaten like asparagus so it's it is a uh it is a survival thing that most people don't know about that's in the woods that that would keep you from starving to death if you needed it okay this is one of our old pots that was wasn't quite full of dirt that was sitting here i started turning it and when i did this is what i was telling you about this is an old pot now this is a piece of worm i did chop him off here uh but this pot was it was so full of holes down in it and that's what i tell you we put fertilizer in this pot synthetic fertilizer all last year and the worms are still in it guys uh so i'm telling you they don't all die when you when you uh just cause you use synthetic fertilizer it's about moderation with everything and there's a big old piece of wood still in there from our from last year as a steak end i can tell you one of my steaks rotted off it was in here that i'll tell you something steaks right yeah the steak's even right in the south down here you can see the air holes when you turn that yeah there's air holes in here everywhere you know i mean i'm just that's what the worms did yeah and this is probably a lot of worm castings in this i'm trying to get it down as deep as i can kind of get it moved around because we're fixing to add some potting soil back in this this one here did not actually have any pot and soil added into it last year i just come over here and dump some dirt in it out of the woods and and left it and we grew uh peppers in it just to see how it would do and actually it did pretty good to be honest with you it's um it's a little packy that's the one thing about it that's why if you use just soil this is what you get this is what you get just dirt or just look at this look how big he is wow look at that all right it's fishing time i think we may be having to take a fishing break oh look at here look at that they're in the very bottom of this pot because i just dug down really deep in there they're in the bottom of it down here when i got down here on this side they're way down in there so they're turning our dirt into soil yeah oh look at the baby ones look at that get him out of here you can see him right there see him right here that's a little young one right there so they're hatching out in here that's good that's good our pots are doing what they're supposed to be doing our containers are working like they're supposed to [Applause] guys we've learned to use the quarter inch drill bit anything else is too big let's too much water out too fast i like the water to drain out real slow so we use a quarter inch bit okay we've got some lola banana peppers here that we uh from hoss tool that we started from seeds we're in uh my high tunnel here the big one that's got the dark shade cloth on it we're gonna try to plant these two over here the banana peppers really did good over here last year in the container so we're going to try them in the uh in the raised beds this time peppers love the whole hand so it's not going to hurt to put them a little close together about 12 14 inches apart they're not very far apart right here we have two yellow marconis last year that was grown with about eight over eight foot tall we cut them back over the winter and left them and they've come in they're coming back out but we have uh some kind of little worm here i don't know what he is uh but i'll end up having to come in here with some neem oil or some bt or something other and spray this i look like we got a couple of aphids starting on the bottom of that leaf so i probably need to come in here and spray this right quick with some organic spray and see if we can't knock this down right off the bat but these are coming out from last year these things bore peppers all year last year all up into the winter even last year when we took all of our banana peppers up wanda just could not stand it she came in here and she cut this one off like right right there and look at it already this year i mean i it's so thick look at all the the blooms look there's peppers all down in there this is last year's plant guys and this thing is already taken back off it survived the hard freeze we have we didn't try to protect it or anything it's in a pot with one of our peach trees we figured it wouldn't live so we it's in the pot and anyway the peach tree is taking off now this is a red haven and then we got a banana pepper right in there with it so it looks like it's doing gonna do all right again this year these were our big huge tree peppers we had this past year this one here is the red roaster pepper um it's uh it's doing good look at the little peppers popping out on it there we cut it back left it in here it stood the hard freeze this year down in the teens with no protection this is a california bell pepper i'm looking at the leaves here seeing some issues with it i need a little nitrogen a little magnesium with that i can see and then here we have another california bell and i'm looking down here right at the stump it's starting to come out here so i see some sprouts right here starting to pop out right there so it may eventually pull out and do something we're going to leave it guys time to head back over to the pots and get the rest of the peppers planted we're going to be putting the yellow marconi's in here we've got four plants we try to save seed every year we're going to put them over here because we have no other peppers on the hill anywhere over here and that'll make them where we can save the seed from them because they that is probably our go-to pepper is the yellow marconi i'm just going to dig a spot right here in the center of the pot oh man good soil i'm telling you it is when you dig where your hand is you dig your hand like that that is some really good soil man that's nice let's see how they look oh you're starting to see little roots see all them little roots around they're growing straight down that's that's really nice probably dug too big a hole but that's all right we we can fix it back real quick like how soft that soil is nice and i'll put me on a little tag back in there let me know which one it is some of these plants are a little small but um i already got roots on the side they got roots on the sides there so they're doing all right we're trying to get in as a hit as rain headed our way it's right behind us here the sky is starting to turn dark so we're trying to get this done ahead of the rain beauty of solo cup somebody was asking me a question about solo cups let me see if i can show it i take my pocket knife and i cut a place off right there right there and right there and then i set it down in a plastic tote like one likes behind me here and i put water in it and absorbs water up from the bottom we don't have to really water anything from the top i don't like watering plants from the top we'll come back in probably a few days and we'll put some uh now this already has fish emulsion in it but we'll come back in a few days and we'll put some more fish emulsion in it and don't freak out if you've uh i got two pepper plants here i'm not really worried about it this pots large enough to support two of them last year we had as many as three pepper plants in each one of these pots so two of them is not going to be a problem here the wind getting up that means the rain is not going to be too far off about time for us to take a break anyway and go sit at the pier these are the celebrity plus now we are doing an experiment for hoss tool about how well the celebrity pluses will do versus just the celebrity now this one has another uh disease resistance that's been bred into it for the spotted wilt virus and um in all fairness we've grown some in the garden next to the other celebrities over there but we thought we would save some to put in containers because a lot of people grow them in containers so we're going to be seeing how well they do in containers and in the field out there so we're going to jump in here look at that root system i know they have a root system that that's something amazing with those so far and it doesn't matter how deep you put oh it don't matter how deep you go with these deeper the better really so we'll just do them like that right there all right guys we uh i don't waste nothing this water that was in here has fish emulsion and all that in it so i went ahead and poured it around them that way i don't have to go mix up anymore and um you know i know a lot of y'all probably don't have access to a lot of the stuff that we do uh we're really i'm gonna lie to you i'm kind of a cheap person uh these are the mineral tubs from my cows i don't throw them away uh the other pots of landscaping pots we have a friend that's in the landscaping business and when he plants trees he don't need the pots so he's just going to trash them so we get them from him and you might want to look around for those kind of things farmers that have these mineral tubs that don't need them or landscapers that just trash their pots that's what we did and it worked out really well for us or you can go online on amazon you can buy grow bags to put stuff in guys you can take five gallon buckets from home depot or whatever i mean you can grow in just about anything and and the thing about it is is we have a pond in the background down here we're going to be taking the water from that pond with five gallon buckets with fish stuff in it bringing it up here we're going to be using that also we have uh rain catchment systems on the cabin here we're going to be using rain water we don't use any let me let me say this we don't use any water from a municipal water system we don't have it out here water with chlorine in it is the worst thing in the world you can put around a plant uh because that's just bleach you don't want to put that around it a lot of it has chlorine a lot of it has fluoride uh has salt all these things added to it ph neutralizers all these things um you don't need a lot of this junk put around your plants oh and i know a lot of you live in town and uh i don't really know what to tell you unless you run it through some kind of filtration system to use it around your plants but your plants will be a lot healthier if you set some 5 gallon buckets out in your yard and catch some rain water when it rains and pour that rain water around them instead of using municipal city water and i know you know some of you don't have choices and plants will grow with it don't get me wrong they'll grow uh even the rain from the sky now they spray stuff in the sky and it comes down on top of it and things of this nature that's why we do in the high tunnels like we do to uh to have stuff that's not chemically laden from the sky but um and guys if you watch this on a regular basis we'll always do comparisons we'll show you what's in the field what's in containers what's in the high tunnels how much difference there is between outside and inside and you know the climate things like that we try to show all of it in an honest opinion to show you that um you know what the benefits of one versus the other is how climate's affecting our plants and i'm showing you one here right now and i mentioned in the beginning of this video these plants are facing the east right here where the sun comes up and hits them in the morning time about 1 30 to 2 o'clock in the day the sun is off of them they're in the shade of the trees back here and they stay in the shade until dark it gives them time from the intensity of the sun that we have now to cool down before dark and not literally bake the plants because now when something says full sun if you'll read on it nine times out of ten it'll say six to eight hours of sun six to eight hours is not a full day of sunshine in the deep south here we get 14 to 16 hours of sunshine in the summertime and that's too much with the screaming hot sun that we have now that's just too much sun on a plant and they and the plants show scald signs from the sun your fruit will show scald signs on it where the sun hits it if you don't have good foliage so just a few more tips to add in i thought maybe you know it might benefit you to know a few extra things that we've learned here at deep south homestead so guys the clouds are getting ominous looking in and way back in the west there the wind's getting up looks like it's fixing to start raining here and probably in the next 30 minutes to an hour uh we got to head to the pier get us a snack uh it's about nine o'clock time for our break so guys we'll see you in the next video thank you from deep south homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 161,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, deep south homestead, mississippi homestead, south mississippi, mississippi squirrel revival, homesteading family, catch and release gone bad, catch and release, dog chasing squirrel, dog chasing squirrel around tree, live trap, live trap squirrels, live trap squirrel cage, funny videos, funny animal videos try not to laugh, funny animal videos clean, squirrel runs up my body, animal gone bad, animal gone wild 2019
Id: QPgdEy0GyBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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