PURE THRILLS: The most spectacular roller coaster in Europe is being built

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this roller coaster requires courage [Music] when riding it and as a Constructor you need courage akin to jumping off a 10 meter high dive platform it involves the construction of the world's most modern and extreme spinning coaster 723 tons need to be welded transported and assembled on site a logistical feat with many unknown variables with radical track figures and a spinning train the German World Market leader in roller coaster engineering is pushing the absolute limit [Music] a new roller coaster is being built here at the company Mac rides invite Kish in the black forest the spinning coaster still Bears the simple name 10 195 the production serial number for project manager Johannes yosvik the exciting phase is beginning in building 10 195 success depends on a special machine and on the experience of the worker operating this machine this is where the pipes for the tracks are bent they're cold bent on a three-row vending machine we have pipes here that are 140 millimeters in diameter with a 20 millimeter wool thickness it varies depending on the load where the track will be installed later and all the pipes we use for tracks basically go over their spending machine there will be 98 track sections in a so-called truss structure in the end most of them bend and wind it's remarkable that the production of the individual track sections still requires a lot of manual labor the world famous manufacturer of roller coasters relies entirely on the intuition of its employee roofmeinert for the right track pipe thickness the pipe thickness always varies sometimes it's 17.5 millimeters sometimes 17.6 sometimes 17.4 naturally that always results in a different bending pressure it's never the same that means that you can never see from the outside how it really is nah only when you're bending it but you get a feeling for it you know the unit the track specialist measures the angle of the pipe Bend repeatedly bending measuring bending measuring in small steps life monoid gives each track pipe the proper curvature Rolf knows exactly where the pipe will ultimately be installed from the trap blueprint he already knows the position of the pipe the pipe is marked accordingly and passed on to the track manufacturing Department now you can see it he's marked it he started with rail 80 left pipe direction of travel in this direction the left pipe from track 80 is just one of the nearly 300 steel pipes that pipe bending Specialist of minolt handles patiently and carefully [Music] I don't like to bend the pipe more than six millimeters otherwise it will be Kinks and dents and it won't turn out right and towards the end less and less to get it right foreign [Music] coaster architect he receives the track blueprint for all the pipes kept ready in the yard that still have to be bent and then comes the next surprise Stefan utt designed the system with an advanced architecture software that has its origins in gaming and he got the ideas for the extreme figures from high diving which he pursues as a recreational sport alongside his work as a roller coaster Builder this color overlay provides good visualization there you can see it easily in the red areas we are pressed into the seat this is not extreme yet the red would turn to pink and then the black signaling that's too much everywhere here we are only in maximum red areas also I always try not to keep the red areas too long because then you're only pinned into the seat and at some point you can't take it anymore like blue means you feel weightless dark blue means that you really lift it out of your seat so if the bar wasn't there you'd fall out of the roller coaster so I can make the incline smaller here now then you can then see that the blue area has become somewhat shorter if I make the hill higher you can see that the area gets wider and then at some point it gets so blue that I don't feel comfortable anymore and say no we're not doing that I know that's designer my role is twofold I'm a designer on the one hand and an engineer on the other as an engineer it's my job to make sure the roller coaster is safe and reliable as a designer to make sure it's exciting as possible [Music] in the end the writing pleasure will also depend on how smooth in other words vibration free the ride will be as the saying goes as smooth as riding on Rails whether it will be a good roller coaster that the customer in Belgium and the Riders will like later on is decided here and now in this Factory Hall 20 workers are now assembling the entire track system as precisely as possible from Individual bench pipes and metal struts [Music] 10 of these computer calibrated diagonals connect the bent pipes to form a track section a total of 12 000 spot welds strengthened the installed steel into a system when the train rolls over it the entire track must be stable but not rigid the load of the train of course bends the tracks the whole structure works under load everything is in the elastic range and designed to Simply return to its original structure and designed to last 20 to 50 years in the future up to 7 200 people will ride the roller coaster on a normal 10-hour day but where's the system actually assembled it's interesting to note that in the past roller coasters were completely assembled here in the yard and over there where our test facility is now to make sure that the roller coaster really works and fits together on site today as we've just seen we no longer do that today we just make the tracks piece by piece and we're so accurate based on CAD capabilities that we can guarantee that the roller coaster will fit together on site even without having completely assembled it assembly of the new roller coaster will take place 675 kilometers from baltkish on the Belgian Atlantic coast and the summer vacation town of Japan [Music] this is where all the individual parts are delivered by truck plopsaland will be home to the new extreme spinning coaster the amusement park for small children which opened in 2000 still lacks an attraction that appeals primarily to teenagers and young adults with Mac's new roller coaster the operator wants to ascend to the ranks of the top five European amusement parks the difficulty is that the new roller coaster has to be integrated into the park landscape the main track section will be located in an artificial Lake in order to be able to set the foundations for the columns it was drained a 23-member Mac team has already begun erecting The Columns the track columns will later stand on a total of 172 anchor points they were previously calibrated by the construction management with laser scanners and poured with concrete the construction is made even more complicated because it's located next to a white water slide part of the roller coaster is in a lake and on top of that we have to take into account another Mac coaster with an old Super Smash that's right next to it here and you really need to make sure these things go well together and that it works especially the foundations underwater that's a bit difficult a tricky puzzle begins with a heavy duty Crane and 97 individual column sections these were manufactured and supplied by an outside firm commissioned by Mac because the head of the amusement park wants to celebrate the opening of the roller coaster in the summer the workers only have a short time window in late fall to build the columns high-rise construction will occur at the most unfavorable time in terms of weather this is the highest support column we have the rail height there is a maximum of 36 meters that's where the support will be roughly 34.5 meters in the end to enable proper assembly of the individual sections each section has a marking but this is obviously missing here the Fitters can't find any and don't know which way around the next section should be mounted confusion surrounding column section k23 but isn't there any marking on top there's no Marky on top well then that belongs on the top but you said the marking always points up if there's no marking in the bottom at the column Tower then it belongs on the top it said that you always show the marking the right side up that is don't turn it upside down and then sometimes that's questionable because you have to match up the markings and if there's no marking at the top and there is a marking on the column then you don't know how the column is to be mounted but up to now it's always fit I mean you could always read it it wasn't upside down so that's the bottom now the column section needs to be lifted by crane the goal is to complete the large column the most important elevation of the entire track today then the crane will be moved again that costs time however the park operator wants to reopen the amusement park to the public as soon as possible in order to quickly earn back the 17.5 million euro investment that's what the new roller coaster costs in total but around noon the Wind and Rain pick up the construction team now has to assemble the columns under difficult conditions high up now you can put it in have you got it yeah I got it first they secure the position of the upper column hanging from the crane with a metal pin so that the column head cannot become unattached once the column section is secured workers quickly Bolt the two sections together with threaded screws it's still possible to keep working but as soon as the wind gets stronger they may be forced to stop temperature doesn't really matter of course it's not exactly Pleasant working in freezing temperatures if your fingers are freezing that's dangerous if something falls out of your hands especially at the height with the heavy screws in terms of wind at nine meters per second and above you have to stop using the crane and we also don't force anyone now and say this still has to be assembled regardless of the weather it's fun if it doesn't work at all on a given day well then it has to be made up for within the specified period of time [Music] six weeks for construction of support columns and tracks then the roller coaster track should be finished that's the challenge [Music] parallel to the track construction the completion of the station building is also making progress foreign s will later start from here at staggered intervals and the ride on the spinning coaster ends here after about two and a half minutes at the end of the line there's already an evacuation platform for malfunctions the station itself has two levels this is where the passengers will later get on and off when the train leaves the station full it immediately goes into a kind of roll the so-called yo-yo row an optical illusion it looks like the track is rising that's the special feature because the train virtually drops down on the left then it does a roll like that it really looks great when you see the train coming out as dick has already said the track twists it looks like it's actually Rising but it's only the bottom pipe Rising there and the actual roller coaster we have a very slight slope that increases a bit entering the first launch the train does not have its own drive but more on how this is accelerated to 77 kilometers per hour after the first roll later on a total of two years are budgeted for the entire project the first half is now already gone [Music] when you've seen the blueprints you know them inside and out you've looked at everything umpteen times and then seeing it implemented in real life that feels great it's really fantastic also to see the dimensions as it stands there in real life that really is beautiful that's worth a pat on the back meanwhile in a Mac Factory Hall in herbaltim here the brand new cars of the roller coaster train celebrate getting married this is what mechanics call it when the upper seat frame is connected to the rolling undercarriage a train has four carriages with four seats each the special feature the top rotates the viewing direction is therefore not always in the direction of travel this in turn requires the highest standards in terms of safety and riding comfort these are the restraint bars that keep passengers in their seats as the ride on the spinning coaster goes upside down several times two restraint bars are held in place by a bolt it also enables the bars to be folded up and down when getting in and out [Music] Maximilian Russo head of marketing at the manufacturer is happy that the train can soon be delivered to the customer we have the First Assembly of our seats here now in other words the basic structure is already in place on the other side we have our undercarriages and this is where all the safety related areas are now installed so the cylinders the whole interlocking system the sensor technology it's all assembled and then the seats are actually fitted out to where they can be married onto the undercarriage what you can see nicely here now is that we see our latest development stage of our seat frame here which is no longer completely welded instead the individual parts are all bolted together to avoid residual stress as in welding and also to reduce the time and effort required for testing later on because in addition welded seams can naturally have the potential to fail which is why they need to be inspected regularly the nuts and bolts are painted with colored varnish a seal that breaks when the screw loosens for added safety this is noticed immediately during maintenance the undercarriage the chassis has many spinning parts to go through curves and spirals wheel bearing receives an extremely large amount of Grease which will only be evenly distributed after a series of test runs [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] but how is the train powered it has no motor instead there are two electromagnetic launchers on the track they catapult the train to up to 77 kilometers per hour over the highest point two of these magnetic launchers are enough for the entire track electric coils on the track are only one part of the whole system the second part of the secret is contained in these boxes in order for the electromagnetic coils to accelerate the train each car needs permanent magnets like these hours this is what they look like when we receive them red and blue the two poles if you approach this with something metallic or magnetic you can see that it's immediately attracted now I'm pulling this over it and I can see this is starting to jump yeah and these are here at this point is the opposite pole here it's attracted here it's repelled and there you can see very easily over the track that it's repeatedly repelled when he's up here these permanent magnets are installed in the chassis and are no longer visible from the outside behind the cladding foreign by the invisible magnet force from the white stator housings on the track the train climbs the first High vertical 36 meters high the launch area is located right after the first roll s here are the launch segments inside are the coils that Propel the vehicle down here the fans are for cooling the components that's where we transfer a lot of power and to do so the parts also need to be called and then the train is positioned here [Music] then stands on the first launch segment and is then accelerated by the linear synchronous launch to I think to around 90 kilometers per hour at which it then goes into the first High figure this will then be done with one megawatt of power that corresponds to a total output of 1000 automobiles a massive 3700 horsepower magnetic shooter first the track sections have arrived and will be attached to the columns by the installation team this winter [Music] the first thing to be created is the spectacular vertical track on which the train will later shoot up in just two seconds for the Fitters once again this means after the column pre-assembly climbing and fastening screw connections 36 meters up in the air [Music] nothing happens around here without safety equipment and the components are assembled only by Fitters working in buddy pairs but the vertical is just the beginning in the designer's blueprint it's followed by some really wild figures at the top a small so-called outside banked curve then it drops vertically towards the lake into a so-called banana roll very disorienting especially on this roller coaster a vertical Loop very classic yes the really hard part is that you have to be aware all the time that the cars are still spinning at the same time so people are not necessarily looking straight ahead when they ride the roller coaster they don't see what's coming but what is now up ahead for the installation team on roller coaster project number 10195 is the eagerly awaited track completion today 12 days before Christmas the actual festive moment has come for all the people on the construction site the most important remaining track section is to be installed in the loop this would make the track circuit more or less complete now foreign can see how precisely the designers and Fitters have worked [Music] what we see now is a section of track without a column connection installed between two tracks which of course needs to fit precisely so that's an exciting moment if the columns on the left and right are 15 centimeters apart or in the worst case five centimeters apart then we won't install the track because the track will fall through section number 40 is to be screwed on tightly first on the right side then on the left according to the blueprint at a height of 28 meters the two polish Fitters struggled to dock the 3.4 metric ton curved single track let me know if it fits okay man keep it straight the fitters for the last centimeter which the crane operator cannot see from Below and just a bit lower only when the first bolts and screws are inserted through the holes is the track section secure and can't come flying out and everyone involved is relieved the hardest part for the crane operator is keeping still that they don't get a section Jam someplace up there when they're pulling it together and of course he also has to check to ensure that he doesn't put too much weight on the track they don't want to pull down the crane the suspense is mounting [Music] done the first screws are in place and the fitter can tighten the nuts go for it damn ah the wrong way we don't want everything to fall apart meanwhile on the ground two Steel Workers are moving pumps to the other side which they can use to jack up the columns at the section that is still open [Music] if you look up the loop still has to be closed at the top and they're now starting to jack up the right side of the loop from the outside and now they're going to start jacking up those three columns that are part of the column Tower back up the columns the gap between the last track section and the loop connection would be too large so that you can continue to bring the two columns together on the right and left so that the track can be joined at the top above the assembly team uses a chain hoist to assist in closing the loop circuit down below the steel workers continue to pump the jacks synchronously [Music] it's important that they pump here at the same time it wouldn't make sense if they only jacked up one side or the other it's really important that they pump uniformly the fitter at the top can now insert the long bolts and tighten them with the heavy nuts at the end there is one last blow with the sledgehammer then there is one last screw connection then we'll see that's where the flags will be hanging the national flags the parks flag our flag you know the team is somewhat proud of that and just a firmly proud they've built it up and now they've achieved a milestone foreign [Music] the last screws have been tightened the High Altitude assembly team is returning safely to the ground [Music] after the loop closure it's official the most modern and spectacular spinning coaster in Europe is complete and standing in Belgium in the USA the Mac company has also built a similar coaster but 10 195 is built differently and thus unique despite its Hulk and total mass of 723 metric tons the same applies to this roller coaster as to all others the megastructure must be allowed to move to expand and contract the steel engineers in Dirk aachen's team have taken precautions similar to those used in railroad or Bridge construction in managing a classic law of physics this is what's called the equalizing piece it's the only straight part of the roller coaster and the thing is steel expands in the summer when it gets warmer it expands when it gets cooler it contracts and this is the equalizing piece according to calculations it can move back and forth by up to two inches in the summer and winter with the rest of the track it's like this you you have the individual bends and they are the bend only expands to the outside or contracts inward that's why you only need this equalizing piece on the straight section [Music] a short equalizing piece for a roller coaster ride that allows for vertical accelerations up to 4 G's and spans an area 175 by 135 meters on the park grounds but nothing works here yet without the trains to go along with it March 2021 in hairball time the cars have meanwhile been fully assembled and are being packed today for transport to Belgium like a big present [Music] two trucks are to transport the first train with its four cars and spare parts so that the first running tests can be performed out on the track in Belgium the second train will follow two weeks later Maximilian rusa would prefer to keep the cars for himself he's especially fond of this roller coaster yeah it's really great especially when you think about it this is like a gift on its way to the customer and the customer is naturally ecstatic when the truck arrives there he'll open the tarp and exactly this vehicle will appear That's the kind of gift I'd like to get from my birthday every once in a while precious gift each individual car is very expensive so the train as it's standing here is the most expensive product available on the World Market at the moment in the area of roller coasters so much detail goes into it so much technology and expertise it would surely cost more than a luxury car standing in front of us is a vehicle that's worth more than a my buff and that's the truth everyone the entire train has a value of about 1.5 million euros that's why Maximilian Russa monitors the loading process very closely when the forklift creaks under the tonnage of the first car when you hear that you realize how much power the forklift actually needs how heavy this vehicle is it looks so light when it's Gliding Over the track at 80 kilometers per hour but just think about the sheer mass of material in motion it's amazing the minutes on the forklift cause physical Agony for the roller coaster specialist this is because although each car can withstand extreme forces on the track the vehicle is very fragile off the track we'll be happy when it's on the track because that's where it belongs doesn't belong in the truck when it's located securely on the rail then will be relieved the loading begins [Music] [Applause] first the forklift heaves the first three cars into the first truck slowly but with direct contact to the truck loading wall so that there is no play in a forward Direction and thus no slippage of the cargo Cars 2 and 3 are also loaded easier than they thought [Music] but always with heart pounding [Music] loading takes just under an hour then the truck is ready to take off 675 kilometers to Japan on the Belgian Atlantic Coast now that the cars have been safely loaded what else could go wrong [Music] on the road there's not much that can happen we loaded onto the truck then it will travel to the customer Belgium there things will get a bit difficult again that's where we'll have to Hoist the roller coaster cars and set them down onto the track then everything must be properly configured this is high Precision work and afterwards the test drives can actually begin but nothing really should go wrong in between foreign Belgium however a severe storm awaits the truck drivers upon arrival so severe in fact that drivers keep moving their trucks as windshields to prevent the wind from grabbing the cargo like a sail and blowing it off the forklift for the second truck driver this becomes a battle with the elements foreign who is now in charge of testing the coaster in Belgium has the precious cargo unloaded but in a way that ensures it won't fall very far off the forklift the only remaining concern is on the premises here we still have pave Road on site we have only an unsurfaced road if a pothole comes along it could quickly start to tip that's why we have to keep it close to the ground so it basically can't fall very far already when entering the construction site however the wooden substructure is dragging across the ground it's actually only 46 meters to the staging area but it's a rocky ride [Music] thank you upon arrival at the train station the cars are to be lifted into the building by crane but because the wind is not letting up Franz friedel postpones the operation until the afternoon [Music] and although the situation is not much better the foreman wants to risk it with a few safety precautions to protect against scratches he attaches cardboard to the side panels [Music] when maneuvering the vehicle May sway to the left or to the right we don't want to damage the cladding we're securing the load with ropes to allow some control of the vehicle from below the wind has died down a bit I hope we catch an opportune moment and eventually bring it in we'll lift it up a bit first and see how it responds how much force it takes to keep the vehicle still in position if it immediately starts drifting away from us we'll have to abort the attempt then we'll just have to try it again they start out the first vehicle is on the hook Vance friedel directs two men below and one helper above while the crane carefully hoists the load [Music] sometimes the package begins to inflate like a sail then the men let the cargo hang in position for a brief moment foreign now it's a matter of making sure that the support Wheels touch down exactly on the track platform on the sides without getting any fingers in the way then the hardest part is done crawling with one hand on the crane controller the foreman and his helper pull the first car onto the secure station it still squeaks in some places but the vehicle is now out of danger now we've done it everything went well the vehicle has been raised without any damage so it went better than I thought it would [Music] Franz friedel and his team also transport the other three cars to the second floor of the station an entire train is now ready in the maintenance area for the first test runs [Music] the Belgian amusement park plopsaland with its 50 attractions and so far 1.2 million visitors per year is one of the medium-sized amusement parks in Europe with the new extreme spinning coaster however the park owner wants to move up into the Champions League [Music] but before the new ride officially opens on July 21st the roller coaster still has to complete a few tests initially without passengers and before the first passengers are allowed to ride the coaster still has to undergo a technical inspection by the turf [Music] in a little less than two years the shell construction has been transformed into a colorful train station with a lake and park landscape out front but the last hurdle still has to be overcome today is the tough appointment we expect no major defects to be identified at least we hope not Franz friedel is only responsible for the train and track the buildings and Landscaping installations Remain the responsibility of the park operator but of course many things are interrelated which is why the two Dutch Turf inspectors Cohen messilier and Rick verkheiser are taking a look at the entire facility we take a look at the technical installation itself like here the brakes and all the pneumatics everything around it but also we take a look at the environment so trees at this point the inspectors discover a large Branch protruding too far into the braking Zone the branch must be removed prior to opening platform when it says after all an evacuation platform here when the train stops in the braking Zone then the guests must be evacuated here the tree is still growing there could still be branches hanging lower or even falling down later if it's very windy that's why we want to trim them a bit more to make sure there's a safe passage here in the next step the turf inspectors check the safety zones around the tracks are the fences secure and who has access we have a panel there of course there's a lock with a door lock this is a special lock yes I guess it is a special key it's a special key I don't know it's they just supplied to me yesterday yeah so we're gonna have to take a look if it's only accessible by technical stuff yeah at one point the turf questions the insufficient clearance between the protective fence and the track this is where the park needs to make improvements prior to opening at this point you're too close to the rail if you can take a look backwards that post it's actually very close to the rail when you're outside you can reach very easy the part which the train is passing the wheel bogey at this cut your fingers off or if you have you have people with umbrellas during the day you want to do we I we don't say everybody's like that what we've seen a lot of stupid there's a so yeah so this is the easy part so you see if you take a look at the Wheel Boogie to make sure there's a safe passage here yes the solution is they're going to add netting on top of this again with an inclined to prevent people from climbing over and to prevent people from uh reaching into the envelope the safety envelope of the on the right of the train what interests the inspectors the most are access points for maintenance personnel and emergency exits surprisingly the inspectors only take a brief look at the track itself it's important to note prior inspections took place involving site documentation welding certificates and worker certificates however the tooth accepts paperwork for the track check so the train is the most uh critical critical part of the whole ride so that's why we pay special attention on the on the trains normally the Tuff wants to keep people away from machines but this involves people sitting in a machine and being safe [Music] first the Tiff inspectors check the chassis and the fastenings of all the components then they have foreigners show them the safety equipment on the seats explained the restraint system the Locking and the monitoring right now we have no electric so if I would now open the lab Bars by manually you see now the lock is engaging this is how the restraint bar technology works when you press the button the restraint bars are closed not with pressure of course the restraint bars close through their own weight but are then locked by two redundant cylinders if the Redundant Hydraulics fail there's still a mechanical interlock here that would then act so the restraint bar would not open in any case [Music] the turf inspectors remain on site for three hours it's the first of two visits so there's a subsequent inspection as an opportunity to remedy any defects in the station the inspectors discover something else at the base of a support column the concrete foundation has developed a crack it's good to hear that the column here is not critical for structural stability naturally we do have places that are under a heavy load something like that would not be good because in principle the concrete should absorb the load from the anchor if it breaks up we have all the entire load impact on the anchors of course the anchors are not built for a high load so that will become an ongoing problem that it's not good but I don't think this will be one of these items that would prevent opening the ride we have different priorities depending on the type of remark some of the remarks need to be done before opening for publics others can be done within a month or two months later after the commission the two Turf inspectors have seen everything they cannot give a tough seal of approval yet we have some items that needs to be solved before opening so but in general our infrastructure and the surroundings yeah yeah but well it was good Franz friedel will receive the inspection report in the next few days with a list of defects I'm satisfied I don't expect any major points that affect us from a mechanical and steel construction point of view everything is in order it means the customer will still be subject to a few more restrictions or take care of a few more things the railings have not yet been installed on the stairways these are still expected to be completed before the next approval to remove the suspense the roller coaster receives the Tiff certificate and is allowed to open its gates to the public after a little less than two years of construction [Music] from now on 720 people per hour will be able to experience the ride [Music] a 162nd ride through the yo-yo roll Cliffhanger Loop and banana roll [Music] the day of the opening shortly before the first passengers flock to the new roller coaster project managers and designers treat themselves to their first personal ride project 10 195 now has a more resonant name ride to happiness the park operator entered into a partnership with techno music promoter Tomorrowland the ride to happiness exciting for the builders the okay how will they react how aware are they of the right at all hey guys the magnet launch acceleration to 77 kilometers per hour [Music] the Cliffhanger 90 degrees vertical International [Music] into the banana roll and then into the loop an intermediate acceleration in launch two and then it's already back towards the station through a double dive Loop [Music] although the two designers know the coaster inside and out from the blueprint they're deeply awestruck just like normal passengers [Music] that's good hey it's nice and tired [Music] so how was it it was marvelous lots of fun absolutely insane but soft as butter there's no Corner in it it was insane you guys made an awesome track here great work it was really good foreign [Music] everything is ready the Belgian amusement park plopsaland opens the spectacular roller coaster stretching almost one kilometer in length the project managers and designers can't get enough of their own roller coaster as the cars can rotate freely each subsequent ride is always new depending on where people sit those who want to go on the ride have to pay a bit more than 40 euros for the day ticket and be at least one meter 30 tall which makes sense because the spinning coaster is physically exerting with its extreme verticals and five somersaults up to Four G's and the Quest for the world's most spectacular roller coaster continues now that project 10 195 has been completed the Mac people are already working on the next number foreign [Music]
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 89,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film, thrills, rollercoaster, europe, spectacular, manufactured, amusement park, Plopsaland De Panne.
Id: AqUfMEsrg3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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