Major ROLLER COASTER Coaster Renovation - The Return Of Colossos | Full Documentary

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To answer the sprinkler question, Twister II at Elitch Gardens.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Apocalypse at SFMM does i have seen them along the rails

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/frito11 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
hundreds of workers are breathing new life into europe's highest wooden roller coaster colossus is set to return the original people from china say how can you make such a gigantic structure just out of wood how can these thin mikado sticks hold as part of a unique revamp the technicians have to install enormous elements and exchange each and every rail even at dizzying heights it's nothing to do with fear just caution because every wrong step up here is fatal for the team a battle against the elements is about to begin and against the clock the major three-year project has its pitfalls although that's critical for the project i know hyder park zoltao offers adrenaline junkies lots of attractions and rides the wooden roller coaster colossus is the park's biggest draw it's been defining the amusement park skyline since 2001 with a height of 60 meters 61 degree drops and peak speeds of 110 kilometers per hour it's still europe's highest and fastest wooden roller coaster it once cost 45 million deutsche marks and is a giant of world renown made in germany bastian lampe head of rides experienced the most glorious of times with the roller coaster [Music] coming i remember the first season here waiting times of four hours and everyone was thrilled people were coming out and just couldn't get over it they were virtually in tears hugging one another park is proud of that colossus represents hyder park like no other roller coaster we didn't hide the park but over 20 million passengers in 15 years have taken their toll the ride closed in 2016 and the renovation work began project manager toston berwald and his team of park planners analyze all of the components and face the mammoth task of having to renew the 1 500 meter long rail network as well as numerous load-bearing crossbeams called ledgers it's like a railroad we have two rail sections and the ledger beneath them this is the actual construction that will now be replacing one to one when it was built back in 2001 the people in charge decided to use pre-fabricated rails made of laminated veneer lumber only these rails can guarantee colossus's high speeds this wooden body is what's called a catto beam keto lumber is basically what you see here very thin layers of pine wood glued on top of each other the entire rail cross section is fully impregnated over the whole surface that's why it's particularly durable and stable at the end of the day this is no longer lumber as such it's more of a technical product that we have here stainless steel step plates and threaded connections are intended to extend the surface life [Music] it was a custom production and that's now being completely recreated we've improved some of the details and incorporated them into the rails and the ledger construction in terms of material quality and carrying capacity it's the best material you can install there ein khan but customized production also has its disadvantages it's not so easy to carry out repairs on site if things wear out or are damaged [Music] you could remove three boards from a classic board rail construction for example nail three new boards on sand them down assemble them and away you go you can renew a section like that relatively easily but the problem here is that you're dealing with pretty expensive individual components and they have to be coordinated with each other dismantling starts at the first hill after the banked turn the workers are removing the first rails today's the big day the rails are going to be carefully taken down removed from the actual structure set down and properly disposed of of course that's not so easy because of the two components metal and wood if you have a look at the bolts and the connection we've got quite a task facing us here as well [Music] over the next few months the workers also have to tackle the beams beneath the rails they have to exchange a good third of them a total of 356 beams you secure the ledger with the crane of course so nothing can happen then you take out the bolts here you can use a bit of force to knock them out jesus tired this part of the leisure is taken away first and then these two are removed together each ledger each rail looks slightly different because the elements have to withstand different stresses nobody has ever exchanged all of the wooden rails on a ride like this before it's a superlative renovation project with a price tag of 12.5 million euros if possible some of the roller coasters elements are to be reused the lift chain which is only six years old is lying in the station it pulls the train up the first hill the chain is several hundred meters long and exposed to enormous stresses it's well lubricated as you can see it looks nice and greasy there's a bit of flash rise because it's been idle for a while but we've kept running it occasionally even while the roller coaster has been out of service to keep it lubricated moving and fresh and it moves nice and smooth no problems there um a new chain would cost several tens of thousands of euros i guess a lift chain like this will cost around 60 to 70 000 euros you're pretty happy if you can recycle it the fact that the six ton lift chain has been removed offers further advantages at last we can now inspect the components as well when the chain's installed you can't turn them by hand these are the contact surfaces is the sprocket uniform or is it warm but that looks very very good the only tough thing is the heavy weight i think this sprocket alone weighs 300 to 400 kilos because it's made of thick iron setting that in motion is no easy task but when it runs it runs perfectly instantly for the reopening everything has to be as good as new so the powers that be can guarantee everything will run smoothly over the coming years that's why the old parts are being checked precisely even the plan was originally to let grass grow over the entire track i'm just joking so here we have a lawn sprinkler it's a classic sprinkler that we use to water the track if necessary it's not there to soak the track it's simply there to keep the wood's moisture content at around 60 percent so it doesn't become brittle and breaks that's particularly important during hot spells bastian lampe orders additional lawn sprinklers next comes the airtime hill air time is the moment at which the passenger is lifted out of his seat you can feed the barn with air time there are lots of tracks with about a second of air time just a short time when you're up in the air but here you have three four not quite five but about four seconds of continuous air time that you can really enjoy well i really enjoy being thrown upwards you can also be utterly terrified for four seconds but i love it in around one year that should all be possible again reopening has been announced for april in time for the important easter season down in the station the team is in discussion besides exchanging the rails and cross members the track will also be getting a new attraction as an on top element we've thought up a gigantic themed figure for our guests which the roller coaster will pass through we've also come up with show effects within the themed figure we've thought about how we can make it come to life how to make it really tangible for our guests but a steel construction forms the framework for the tracks extension there's the site the new colossus theme is called clash of the titans the new figure will be accordingly large when finished it will be 25 meters high but nobody is to see what's being built here yet the construction site at the end of the roller coaster is completely shrouded it's a well-kept secret whatever is being built here will be gigantic [Music] three weeks later the rails have already been completely removed from the lower straights the technicians are now having to work higher up here too the workers have to remove all of the bolts saw through wood and lift out the rails and cross beams that's what look after that that's going to be a lot of work i think of course it's especially difficult up there we're pretty used to that but this is a wooden roller coaster and we're not used to that it's crucial that people are wearing their harnesses keeping yourself safe is the most important thing before starting work at all working at these heights is only permitted with the relevant training and appropriate safety equipment the personal equipment has to be checked each time before starting work this is the fall arrester for example i'm suspended in that dinner when i climb up the beams it moves upwards and lets me move as normal if i fall down it triggers and stops me from falling stop the hype stop this is the webbing break lots of climbers use these it's incredibly important personally i attach myself in the front there are other belts where you attach yourself at the back that's very important for scaffolders because when you change position you're always hooked on mugly carton the team works with the heavy components at heights of up to 60 meters the safety equipment and its correct use are vital this is not your average day at the office [Music] after all this is europe's highest wooden roller coaster and the biggest challenge is firstly that nothing happens to anybody and secondly that we stay on schedule the first of the new components will be arriving shortly before they do the assembly team has to have removed enough of the old rails and their cross members but if the weather doesn't play ball it's not possible to work on the wooden construction that would be too dangerous when it rains it's more slippery of course because algae is formed on the old timbers that's completely normal it's just like your carport at home this roller coaster has sunny spots and shady spots and naturally more verdigris formed in the shady spots it's not so nice but it's also not a problem because all the timber is deep pressure impregnated a regional company is manufacturing the cross members and making sure they're weather resistant this timber construction company was involved in assembling colossus back in 2000 and therefore has the necessary experience is it here you can see some of the ledges they're chamfered here at the top that's where the rail runs at various angles so each ledger is different here you can see the holes and recesses for the fasteners that are used to bolt the whole thing together over 300 of these new support beams are being produced here exactly according to the engineer's specifications the timbers arrive pre-cut from the company's own sawmill they're given their final shape in the computer-controlled joinery machine all strictly according to plan we already know which component this is going to be they're drawn individually into the machine here and are then processed that usually starts with the soaring unit then they're milled drilled and otherwise processed until the component is ready once they're completed the components are protected against weathering the lumber is exposed to the elements for years and mustn't lose any of its safety relevant properties [Music] here in the pressure treatment plant is where we impregnate the individual timbers we use a vacuum pressure method with heavy metal free impregnating salt to completely soak the plywood this is where we input the impregnation program meaning that the timber is impregnated until it can't absorb any more preservatives after pressure impregnation the new ledgers are not only weather resistant they're also protected against insect infestation and fungal growth as dismantling continues reconditioned ledger blocks are also being installed on the wooden roller coaster the stress on some sections of the construction is particularly high here the cross members are additionally reinforced with steel plates now you could say oh it's not a real wooden roller coaster anymore purists might complain but we can't engineer it any other way we're working with lumber from trees and when i look at one of these ledges it's not from the center of the tree it has no core timber it's from the left or right of the tree's center and it needs a certain thickness and if you design the ledges increasingly larger at some point there are no longer any trees you can use to produce these ledges before the technicians can align and secure the parts they tighten the connections with an impact wrench next special anchors are used to provide additional stability here you can see a spike-like back structure these are called anchors ultimately they transfer the forces from that component to that component they're pressed in then the bolts are tightened and then we have a connection between the ledger and this vertical part which is what we call a calibre alongside the anchors are being removed from the old ledgers by hand that takes time and effort but there's a good reason for it if they remain intact when we remove them we can reuse them you might think a silly gecker anchor but they're relatively expensive when you build a carport you need eight of them we need thousands so it makes sense to reuse parts particularly in a big project like this because they really are pretty expensive one anchor costs around 10 euros four to eight of them are needed per crossbeam depending on stress this means that with all of the 356 ledgers to be removed a total of almost 30 000 euros can be saved the old ledger shoes are also reused later on they'll connect the support beams to the rail sections the steel connectors are hammered onto the ledgers and aligned as much as possible is to be reused during the renovation work the threaded connections are completely new though special nuts are used [Music] you might think they're bent they have small indentations here they're pressed onto the thread and this nut then secures itself so it can't come loose again because it has a self-locking function if you hold them next to one another you can see the difference between the nuts a connection has to be reliable and that will do just isn't good enough it really has to be secure with a safety margin under the supervision of the technical manager the workers are installing four to six new ledgers each day fewer is not acceptable or the reopening at easter might be jeopardized a few weeks later in september i know the planners can foresee the first scheduling difficulties [Music] then our colleague won't be there any longer you won't be there nor will you what are we going to do on top of that the next load of rails is overdue without the material the technicians are forced to take a break the guys working on the new themed figure are right on schedule though a tree-like structure is emerging on the steel frame then comes the saving call okay i'll drive there now and fetch the truck vista truck's there sven okay see you soon there were transport difficulties then there was heavy traffic on the freeway we've been waiting a while we all have i think we can get to work right away now moines hey do you see rails rails 10 rails are arriving from the supplier with each truckload the technicians want to install three of them today time is money right before the rail sections are taken to the track they're checked you can recognize a good rail by its really smooth surface it's been wonderfully impregnated for weeks you can also see here that everything that's been cut out has been painted individually the bolts have been recessed in the support area that's really great great quality and it looks really good can't say more than that [Music] you really can't tell that it used to be a tree i can the product appears to be okay exactly that's why you check the quality make sure that everything arrives safe and sound excuse me has the load shifted or what what shifted up son i don't dare i know okay take photos yeah they're all touching yeah yeah okay at the back too we'll do some of the expensive rails are directly touching each other that could have caused transport damage that's not good oh we'll have to watch out a bit next time this will be here like here these are nice spacers we'll have to do that there as well next time as you can see there are lots of people here in the truck all checking to make sure everything's okay that's incredibly important because when the parts are installed up there later on we have to make absolutely sure that everything fits right away you can't keep installing a mobile construction crane lifts the wooden rails out of the truck each rail is removed individually and maneuvered carefully with a material value of around 15 000 euros the cargo is very costly the rails are first temporarily stored the delivered components have to go right at the top of the track after shifting position the telescopic crane lifts the rails into place carpenter constant hennig supervises the construction site from the cherry picker [Music] as you can see here we've built platforms everywhere to ensure that the work is safe and you can see all the new ledgers we've installed we've made real progress the new rails are going to be installed in the starting turn at around 60 meters it's the highest point of the track the assembly team is waiting on the platform at position 32 amid the 120 000 piece wooden construction the workers transport the first rail to its final destination it's crucial for the crane operator down below and the technicians up on the track to work together precisely they pull the component into the right position using guide ropes once it's in position it's set down and adjusted and the rail is then fastened to the rail shoe with long studs one minute the studs are greased for assembly the workers can then drive them easily into the wood the components don't always fit precisely but the construction workers are prepared for that if there's too much paint on the rail it sometimes doesn't fit together as easily as this then you have to pull them together with two chain hoists of course i don't want to lift the entire toolbox up here because there'd be no room for anybody to move so i hope that it fits like that one then the tools we have here will be enough the wind picks up twice as noticeable and hazardous at this height the rail starts to swing leo watch it boom boom would be fatal the workers have to react quickly they get the rail section back under control the component is lifted over the wooden railing into its intended location and installed [Music] good good good colossus consists of 320 rail sections like this the components are between 6 and 12 meters long and each one is different that makes installing them complicated a workplace with a perfect view over luna burger heide but there's no room for distractions mistakes can't be made at this height have someone to play around you know then you can't play around here you can see yourself if you play around here it'll be for the last time it's nothing to do with fear just caution because up here every wrong step is fatal it's very simple the workers installing the rails have reached the valley the first hill and the first turn at the start of the track have been completed theoretically wagons could already run along here before plummeting down the 61 degree downgrade [Music] the new themed figure is already clearly visible at the end of the roller coaster a 25 meter high demon the embodiment of a dark force that wants to destroy colossus a battle between fire and wood that's what the amusement park's new story envisages work on the demon is still in full swing the figure is slowly taking on its final form this is an artificial rock structure that you can see here the actual supporting framework is a steel structure the outer shell itself is artificial rock that's a pure cement mortar made specifically for the sculpturing work so that we can model the figure accordingly classifications of the future resort map shows the figure's highlight the monster is tearing the rail out of the track at least that's what the visitors are supposed to think not just on paper when the passengers approach the section briefly appears to be interrupted destroyed an optical illusion for a quick scare then the actual section beneath becomes visible again and the visitors pass through the evil creature a keen imagination is still needed but the team is working hard to achieve the desired effect the scary and striking elements will be highlighted and emphasized with additional show effects this isn't just a static figure this figure comes to life thanks to light effects fog effects fire effects all in all i think the result will be more than acceptable in combination with the figure itself a section of the roller coaster track runs through the hellish being and that means that special safety precautions apply what's called a pull through test is carried out to check whether the wagon can pass through the figure without any issues [Music] part of the train the first and second wagons are moved very slowly along the entire section with winches so we can check whether the track width and the chassis are okay over every centimeter they shift while they're running the train articulates in the dips and on the humps the trains twist when they're moving into a turn does anything mechanical touch inside the vehicles does everything match the simulation and the computer models [Music] the rest of the track also undergoes this check after the tests work continues on finishing the demon [Music] the themed figure's outer shell is almost done just the show effects are missing light fire and smoke are to accompany the passage through the figure a towering evil demon that appears to tear the rails out of the track the remainder of the roller coaster is now almost complete again too three thousand meters of rails have been installed 160 elements on the left track and 160 on the right the final pair is particularly special it ultimately has to compensate for the tolerances that occur when building a wooden roller coaster that's what we call a fitted panel it's a section of rail that wasn't prefabricated based on plans instead it was measured beforehand based on the final gap and was only manufactured afterwards that means we haven't had any rails delivered for a while we've all been waiting for the fitted panels the crane lifts the final rail into place [Music] the time reserves for the complete revamp have been used up and the team is running late all of the companies that took part in the original construction of colossus are also involved in its restoration the planners were hoping that this experience would boost efficiency but things have proved not to be so simple a lot of time had passed so things didn't go as smoothly as we'd first thought because a lot had to be relearned during rail production as a result parts of the rails had to be removed and reworked again quite a lot in fact that delayed things a little and proved unexpectedly complicated because in effect this is another prototype the final rail is installed at fitted panel 5. it's seated perfectly the workers hammer in the final stud number 960 that marks the closure and completion of the track yay closed in terms of the rails the team learned from its experiences with the old track the new components should guarantee even longer durability the bridging plates and rail joints are wider and longer than before the track rails now have more threaded connections lots of details were further developed one of the most important developments is the stainless steel threaded connections they're much more expensive but necessary unlike zinc steel doesn't react with the wood or its impregnation and it remains intact for a long time so you can re-tighten the bolts the old bolts had deteriorated so much that they couldn't be re-tightened nothing will deteriorate here a few days after completion the new wagons are on the track the test runs are taking place on april 1st of all days the trains are loaded with plastic dummies of various designs to achieve a realistic weight they're filled with water from the station the first train ascends to the starting turn a height of around 60 meters the chain drive works perfectly after the first turn the train hurtles downwards but there are no cries of fear or pleasure yet hundreds of sensors have been installed along the track to detect irregularities each malfunction first has to be programmed tested and simulated an incredibly important but also very laborious process for the team the testers are now doing around 40 laps every day the runs are evaluated directly readjustment and reprogramming are carried out time and again the values from the old colossus roller coaster are of little use basically we've built a completely new roller coaster it just happens to look almost identical to the old one but the rails are new the control system is new and the trains are new so the entire process of installing the track starts from the beginning if we'd only exchange the rails but not the control system that would have been easy but standards have changed in the meantime and you have to take that into account but time is pressing in three weeks colossus is to be approved and open to the public however the trains are still causing difficulties they're far too fast [Music] guests will think great fast trains but with a big extreme roller coaster like this that also means you quickly reach the limits of what's acceptable whether they're medical or material limits so now we have to do lots of test runs lots of adjustment it's really a pretty big problem if the brakes are applied too much at the front the wagon is too slow at the rear fine tuning is now needed all load conditions are also simulated empty and fully loaded children only or just heavyset people each scenario is played through here so the plastic passengers go round and round thundering past the workers involved in converting the colossus station we were delighted when it finally started up again you think i think it'll be more interesting than before it's got a bit more kick the wooden roller coaster's entire surroundings are being redecorated to match the new theme around 30 lamps have been installed with technology that simulates flames some led light strips and then new lighting effects in the station effects in the figure too quite a lot the station interior is also being redesigned artist vitaly raspurov is at work in front of the entrance to colossus he has to repaint a total area of 1 000 square meters not just the station itself but also the shops and snack bars everything has to match the new theme [Music] clash of the titans you have to get into it a bit and understand it and get a feel for how you can design it of course i received sketches from the designer in london then i came up with a solution and did some samples on different timber boards then i was told that's how we want it so i started to design all of the buildings the basic color is jet black the artist has almost used up his fifth 10 liter pail the professional artist uses a trick to produce the new flame look and now we have flame effects everywhere the artist has been working at haida park for five months there are two weeks to go then the flame effects have to be finished [Music] i have set dates for specific objects the shop for example should have been finished two weeks ago the hot dog stands too fix dates wherever you look not only the artist but the entire park team is now working extra shifts the punctual opening deadline cannot be jeopardized in the final phase work is therefore being carried out at night and on weekends as well and the schedule can be kept too the team managed to complete all of the work on time the water dummies have left the roller coaster now visitors are all to fill the trains but only if no defects are discovered on the reopening date the carpenter responsible carries out a final inspection of the entire ride [Music] i'm not only taking a look at the rails but also the construction around the rails for example i'm also looking at the ledgers to make sure all of the bolts are fastened whether there are any cracks or anything else unusual i'm also checking whether all of the walkways are in place whether the timbers at the side are still there just take a good look around and sometimes i climb down as well always at two or three points that you have to keep your eyes on the particular attention is paid to the new construction with its now completed demon [Music] the figure's new this is pretty much my first experience of it so i'm going to take a closer look at this area [Music] when he leaves the rails casting hennig uses the fall arrester it protects him by engaging and locking if he stumbles or falls [Music] from down here the carpenter checks whether any part of the rail connections has changed due to the test runs this is what's called the stopper rail this is the guide rail and that's the running rail there are bolts in them everywhere and bolts that are inserted up here come out down here so you have to climb down occasionally and have a look all of the bolts are visible none are missing it's also clear that they're secured with the so-called stop nuts they serve a particularly important purpose on colossus because its wooden structure is constantly in motion when it rains it swells up slightly and when we have a longer hot spell it contracts that's why we also have sprinklers on the right to compensate for that so that the swelling isn't excessive and thanks to the stop nuts the bolts always remain in the same position so the pressure doesn't destroy the timber quasi glycogen put it [Music] when the roller coaster is in operation two other mechanics and a carpenter walk along the track each morning carsten is mainly responsible for the one and a half kilometer long timber construction he pays attention to every detail and knocks on wood a lot not only because it's lucky if you listen to a hand rail like this for example you can tell whether it might be loose they come and hide uh perform after flight losses then it makes certain noises or clocks everything's actually secured twice markings make his job easier and each support is clearly labeled notes are also attached to the sections here each anomaly is noted and then dealt with by the engineers a very important new sensor has been fitted on support 392. as soon as the train passes this point on the track it triggers the fire and fog effects on the themed figure it's firmly attached as well and then the climbing really begins everything has to be perfect ahead of the big reopening in a few hours but the rope isn't long enough koston hennig can't go to where he wants to be [Music] i'll just have to change position i've seen a couple of nails that i want to knock in i might make too long you can tell that the dry period is slowly coming with these new stresses a few of the nails can start to work loose he re-hooks and off he goes you always have to be a bit careful of course it's a lot of effort for two slightly loose nails i'll fasten that around here here's the here's the guards the brake system is much more complex it's been completely newly installed that solved the problem with the excessively fast wagons nine block brakes now engage at five positions along the track if necessary fully automatically [Applause] we have to control the train speed when it's moving it has no brakes on board they're fitted on the track we knew in advance that we'd have to brake but not where the ideal positions were we found that out during the test runs seemingly minor things are also noticed during the inspection bolts have come loose that needs to be fixed one of the lawn sprinklers for watering the timber is missing and the whole thing is loose everything's tight down there [Music] but these two need fascinating we'll let a colleague know and he'll take care of it everything is carefully inspected from below as well after a long dry spell slight washer jingling is okay everything's okay here there are roughly 750 000 nails and around 80 tons of bolts and anchors in the timber structure the carpenter then climbs aboard the cherry picker which can take him up to a height of 40 meters we're going back to the bank to turn now i want to take a look at one of those sprinklers because i saw that the other one is loose so i'd like to check whether that one is loose as well he's hardly come down before he goes back up for a final check of the rear lawn sprinkler time is now pressing it's tight mission accomplished my colleagues are still going around and i have to go to the station now at the station the colossus team is awaiting the final assessment [Music] yeah everything's okay we found one small thing we'll take care of that right away the most important thing now is to discuss with my colleagues what's been found let me take life and that everything went well so they can get the trial run started i can't complain it's been a good day and the great weather and the reopening attract masses of people and today everyone wants to ride on colossus at the moment though the trains are still empty and creeping into the station the final technical tests are underway all signals and safety systems are checked so nothing is left to chance the trains then do a couple of test laps [Music] misha you doing the test run no oh it's you attention misha is doing a test run so take position after the unmanned runs the park's employees are allowed to do a test lap [Applause] it's always claimed that the guests are the first ones on the track but that's not true of course logically we have to do our own acceptance runs it's fun on the one hand but also necessary to get a feel for things with your bottom meter as we call it is the track good we've got test values and so on that tell you all this but it's better to test it subjectively if we enjoy it the rest of the world should finally enjoy it now too [Music] [Applause] two minutes and 23 seconds from the lift back to the station for carpenter casting hennig it was the first time in a long time fantastic the hills just great when you're coming up to the figure wow then finally the gates open the visitors flock to their long-anticipated colossus the people responsible have been testing it up to the very last second [Music] we want to run at full capacity straight away that's why we tested it we gave ourselves half an hour so there are no interruptions in operation later on party's about to kick off now the public's really up for it all systems run perfectly open and close the entrance doors and then the most important thing of course start the train so the guests can have fun [Music] the first train filled with visitors starts off marking the official reopening of colossus three years after it closed at 110 kilometers per hour back and forth up and down one and a half kilometers over wooden rails and right at the end the new highlight [Music] the demon with a healthy dose of show effects yes the planners are convinced that they haven't just reopened the ride but have made it better ultimately though it's only the guest's opinion that counts for an amusement park that was so incredible brilliant totally great fast high excellent worth repeating we can take a winter break then right great [Music] three years of work it's been a long road for the entire team 20 companies were involved in the complete revamp and finally ensured that colossus returned europe's fastest wooden roller coaster it's not just any old project for us at hyder park it's one of the projects in recent years our favorite roller coaster the most popular attraction at the park it's just fantastic that it's finally running again [Music] you
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 226,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, full documentaries, hd documentary, hd documentaries, free documentary, welt documentary, welt documentaries, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, reports, factual film, Germany, renovation, New wood, new rails, new technology, restoration, speed, ride, amusement park, Soltau, Heide Park Resort, wooden, roller coaster, Colossos, heidepark soltau
Id: -yFYR74fgoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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