Pure Religion // Ty Gibson

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so I want to tell you about a little girl named Jenna who just four years of age looked up into her mommy's face with all kinds of excitement and she said mommy mommy I want to be a bird and her mom was really impressed with that it's out it's so deep and poetic and beautiful she oh that's amazing sweetheart so you can have big beautiful wings and soar through the sky right and Jenna said no mommy so I can poop on cars I don't know what was motivating her but children are amazing and they're always thinking something that we're not expecting children are the best thing without exception happening in this world and not only are we privileged to bring children into this world ourselves but there are a lot of children who don't have environments with a mommy and a daddy and Nana's and Papas and aunties and uncles and brothers and sisters to surround them with love and kindness and to grow them into their potential there's so many children who don't have that opportunity well I want to share with you this morning I want to explore with you what I'm going to call quoting from Scripture pure religion religion is a tricky word it's a word that carries a lot of baggage in fact when I say the word religion you think something more likely you feel something and I have to be honest when I heard the word religion for most of my years growing up it triggered some pretty negative thoughts some pretty negative emotions inside of me religion isn't even a word that rolls off the tongue with any kind of pleasant sound to the ears it's just not a cool word the Bible uses the word a few times I want to share with you probably what should be regarded at least in our context the most crucial statement regarding pure religion true religion good religion that is made in Scripture pure and undefiled religion before God and the father is and I'm just gonna pause right there because I don't want to finish the sentence yet I just I just want you to pause with me to understand that that we have before us a biblical declaration about something that's good a kind of religion a way of being religious that is pure and it's undefiled but but this implies does it not grammatically that if there is something that can be rightly categorised as pure religion undefiled religion well there is something by contrast that would be impure that would be defiled religion in fact I would suggest to you that religion has been a lethal force down through human history it's no wonder that the word itself doesn't trigger in probably just about anybody's mind or heart warm thoughtful calm pleasant feelings religion what is religion when it's pure when it's undefiled but by contrast before we get there what is Bad Religion look like I'm gonna suggest to you that religion can be very bad indeed and that there are four specific versions of religion and oftentimes they intersect and overlap and and the same thing is going on in one person or group of people's religious experience that creates a kind of monstrous amalgamation of all four of these but I must suggest to you that bad religion is first of all me and myself and I religion will unpack that in just a moment just me myself and I religion religion that is egocentric religion that is centered on the self religion that is something from which I extract rather than something that teaches me how to be a giver me myself and I religion and theirs we take care of our own religion this is tribalism and it's often driven by religious sensibilities that there's us and there's them this is this is we take care of our own we don't know what's going on with you your situation your home your community your neighborhood your country but we know that we're looking out for number one and number one just happens to be ourselves and then there's we believe the right things religion and because we believe the right things it's it's kind of euphoric it's an opiate in fact to believe the right things to be doctrinally correct oh it's exhilarating what feels so good to be right and to be able to prove how right we are over against those who are wrong this is this is what I'm calling we believe the right things religion and then there's the God is in control version of religion which is what just kind of puts you into to neutral I mean if God is literally meticulously in control of everything why in the world would you do anything anything at all if everything is under what control so let's just move through them briefly the me myself and I religion well it begins it begins with a very common phrase or term that you've heard you've probably said it I've said it here's this this idea that that that really what the gospel is about it's about getting me saved and and I am settled into this sense that yeah I'm now in the right position I was in trouble with God I'm not in trouble with God anymore punishment was hanging over my head I'm not gonna be I'm going to the good place I'm not going to the bad place there's heaven I'm going there there's hell I'm not going to hell because I'm saved now I've shared with you before the I have a pretty strong antipathy for this kind of religion this I'm saved kind of religion and I've shared with you before that I think that there is a kind of salvation that in and of itself is defined by basically forgetting about personal salvation there is a kind of salvation that is salvation from the impulse toward me myself and I itself it's salvation from the very thing that we think we got saved into wouldn't it be nice to just kind of forget about me myself and my salvation and be concerned rather about the salvation of others wouldn't it be great to just kind of rest in the arms of God's love and say all my salvation that's that's he's got that under control I don't need to worry about my salvation I don't need to be hypersensitive about my salvation and I've shared with you in the past that that I think that this that this version of salvation theology that is kind of the pie in the sky by and by salvation going to heaven when you die or whenever it is that you think you go going to heaven when you die salvation that's what salvation is I got saved on June 6th you know 2002 and I'm going to heaven whoo I'm glad that settled now let me get on with my life this pie in the sky by and by going to heaven when you die salvation I've shot it down before I'll shoot it down again and I've shared with you that I think it's more that salvation is more like like like quinoa salad with chunks of whole-grain tofu is there such a thing as whole grains oh no I don't think there is but right now we're gonna have whole-grain tofu so I think I think it's that quinoa tofu bowl its nourishment for the Soul here and now it's not pie in the sky by-and-by oh yes there's a heaven and hopefully you get to go there but what about right here right now what about right here right now in the people in the world all around us who are in need what about that kind of salvation well then closely connected with this I'm saved version of salvation of the gospel there's this worship experienced junkies kind of thing that we have going on through all of Western culture now it's it's it's bleeding over into the east as well because of social media because of television because everybody can access anything they want any time of the day listen did you come here today for a worship experience well a lot of people that's what they're after they're after a worship experience they're after feeling something I go to church to get a feeling to get one guy literally straight up said to me I come to church for a fix for a fix of some kind for an experience for a feeling now I'm really really fascinated by the divine commodity that is this is a book by Sky giovani that is about the idea that in fact God has been turned into an economic product God is for sale on the open market right now if you haven't noticed the divine experience that you and I can have the worship experience we can have and sky says to us if imitation is the highest form of flattery than Christianity Christians have become pop culture's most devoted admirers do you're what he's saying here I mean this is a pretty pretty sharp knife this cutting to the bone this is saying essentially listen if the church exists merely to mimic the economic patterns of the world around us then the church has completely missed its mission now check this out more than a century of marinating in this stew of products ads and desire has transformed the way people see themselves and the world so we don't know this is happening to us but but by osmosis than receiving all our lives a kind of scripting that is dictating to us what matters through the advertising industry and and all the sensory stimuli that surrounds us all the time we're about to have Super Bowl in super time Super Bowl halftime and Super Bowl ads and they're very expensive ads well they're very expensive ads for a reason because they they trigger something inside of people well the divine commodity goes on and explains it like this although lack of self-control has always plagued humanity I mean human means have always been selfish but listen to this for the first time in history an economic system has been created that relies on it this is to say that the economy is dependent on our selfishness in order for the economy to itself be sustained if people began he says hypothetically if people began suppressing their desires and consuming only what they needed our economy would collapse I mean just let that register permanent if suddenly a sizable number of people in our 360 million population just here in America if a sizable number of people if just a hundred million of people has just said you know what I'm just gonna stop buying everything I want and just start buying what I need the economy would take a serious hit probably be threatened with collapse to prevent this satisfying personal desires has become sacrosanct that word means it's a sacred cow don't touch it this subject is way too volatile do not suggest that people only buy what they need how dare you if you begin to prompt and to promote a more minimalistic approach to consumption you will threaten the economy so it's a sacred cow of sorts you don't touch that subject whatever else you want to talk about talk about whatever you want do not touch the economy but I'm going to suggest to you that real Christianity this is a definition I'll suggest to you that real Christianity is the slow steady hum of deeds done in love for others that's what Jesus came into the world to give birth to in the movement called Christianity the slow steady hum it's not exciting necessarily you don't have a real strong surge of emotion every moment it's just the slow steady hum of loving people in tangible ways that relieve their suffering and meet their needs now I can get behind that can you isn't that something worth living for isn't that really the revolution that Jesus brought to the world I mean we can do a contrast we can think in terms of you know because we come to church everybody that that comes here comes for a reason I I can come here with this frame of mine I came to church today for a worship experience I came here to you know I just want to I just want to hear a a good message and all those songs they really I want to feel something I want a worship experience or I came to church today to find out how I can help spread the gospel and alleviate some of the suffering in the world I actually had a guy say to me over a year ago came here to story line and and I greeted him and we were talking and and he said hey the only reason I'm here today is to find out if there's any needs cuz I have some money I said really cuz there are some needs so you came to church I said to him to find out how you can help people in need you said yeah that's why I'm here I said well there's gonna be a sermon that I could take or leave that I said there's all these people really good we have a great worship team they're gonna some great singing and so I just want to help somebody Wow so what do I go for to church do I go to church because I need my little spiritual fix well there's nothing necessarily wrong with that unless it is the whole thing if it is the thing that is driving your spirituality if it just keeps you going through the rest of the week until oh I'll go again and there'll be another sermon and we'll sing songs and we'll have Prayer rather I want us to begin thinking in terms of okay the reason I'm a part of the Church of Christ the reason why I'm a follower of Jesus is is not to get a dopamine hit of good spiritual something-or-other the reason I'm a follower of Jesus is to assess my talents my gifts my energies my resources and figure out how I can best leverage myself with a group who has the same orientation to help people how can we leverage our collective energy and resources to spread the gospel and to alleviate some of the suffering in the world hopefully there's a good sermon - hopefully the songs are beautiful and the song leaders know what they're doing hopefully it's all well done - but seriously is that what we're here for it's not what I'm here for I hope it's not what you're here for we need to start thinking in terms of hey we have an opportunity to be a blessing to the world and then there's then there's that version of religion that is all about the group taking care of themselves whether that group is a local church that is expending its resources and energies on its self or whether that's a community a city a nation religion goes bad really quickly when it is me myself and I combined with us and them ISM and that's where the connection is so Eugene Peterson the author he's deceased now of the message paraphrase of the Bible and a long obedience in the same direction which is a remarkable book on discipleship he observed that more people are exploited and abused in the cause of religion than any other way sex money and power all take a backseat to religion as a source of evil religion is the most dangerous energy source known to humankind this is this is a Presbyterian minister saying this this is a guy who writes theology books and he's saying that religion is the most dangerous energy energy source known to humankind the history worldwide of religion fueled hate killing and oppression is staggering he says as I've said repeatedly from this platform religion without love is the most dangerous force in the world so most of the time religion when it becomes a collective consciousness that is inward focused focus on me and my salvation and us and our needs this is an us-and-them ism that blocks our vision from the wide world around us this becomes even more ugly when it becomes nationalistic and there is and we're witnessing and all of history has witnessed a version of Christianity that merges American identity with Christian identity so so let me just let me just put this in perspective for you from my perspective this is how I see myself you can see yourself of course any way you want to see yourself but if you want to take on this particular perspective if you want to contemplate this please do so I will suggest you that from my perspective I am first and foremost in primarily and entirely a follower of Jesus then I'm an American I'm not an American Christian I'm a Christian American so my loyalties lie with Jesus and I'll tell you why Jesus started a revolutionary movement that is if you read the New Testament and take it seriously the church is a pan tribal trans National Movement that's why we can sit here in these United States of America in Eugene and leverage our collective influence for a group of children in Honduras we don't care where they are in the world we don't care if they're Honduran and not American all we care about is that they're human beings for whom Jesus died and we have resources that can alleviate their suffering the Church of Christ is transnational pan tribal it is not tribalism and it is not nationalism if push comes to shove you and i we're followers of jesus first and foremost our national identity is secondary we choose christ and his principles and values over whatever value system any political system or party happens to be peddling at any given moment the church just settling moves straight through all of this right left conservative liberal Republican Democrat whatever independent be whatever you want politically but your primary identity my primary we just the slow steady hum of loving people regardless of who they are and where they are on any spectrum including the political spectrum our loyalties lie much higher and our mission in the world is much more transformative at the soul level of people's lives so then connected with that number three is there's the we believe the right things religion and a lot of us man we're attracted to this including myself I'm just like blah man there is a very very serious exhilaration that comes from figuring something out intellectually or theoretically and being able to argue it against an opposing view man that feels good but listen over and over again what I've discovered is that the moment in this American Christian culture of consumer Christianity where God is available on the open market for a worship experience and we're divided into us and them in that entire cultural norm now because it has been normalized you have to actually resist it in order not to be a part you have to deliberately think it through identify it and say no or you will just by default be sucked into the vortex of that entire consumer mentality that makes God out to be a commodity now listen whenever we and I am in a sense one of the spokespersons for this little thing we call story lines so so I speak what I'm hoping we collectively are trying to understand and immolate a emulate of of Jesus but the moment in this big American consumer Christianity culture you begin to suggest the possibility of engaging on the level of social justice for some reason that's a trigger I've been I've been pummeled on the subject on social media recently giving multiple emails and texts tyty and this is the constant refrain this is the thing that people are sending more than anything else in emails text messages on Twitter Facebook tight I just preach the gospel quit I mean stop talking about anything that has to do with all these subjects that are divisive okay if the well-being of children is divisive we'll bring on the division if we can't speak in positive terms about bringing about actual change in the lives of real human beings who are suffering without being charged with social gospel type just preach the gospel what this is code for is theological correctness Tigh that's the gospel a a correct doctrinal system Tigh that's the gospel now some of you are familiar with the book the desire of Ages written over a hundred years ago this is one of the most amazing things that the author of this book Ellen White says in the whole book in my opinion and this is what it says the greatest deception of the human mind in Christ day was that a mere ascent that is just an intellectual agreement to the truth constitutes righteousness I believe the right things i i'm doctrinally correct okay watch this in all human experience a theoretical knowledge of the truth has been proved to be insufficient for the saving of the soul yet does not a mere theoretical knowledge of truth it does not bring forth the fruits of righteousness I mean we've all been there our selves or witnessed it or both where you can be so right that you're wrong a middle 80 years ago I was like 19 years old and I was staying at her house as I was doing a series of meetings in an area and this was a long time ago and what she said to me has never left my mind she said in her southern accent she said young man I'd rather be merciful than right because I was I had both barrels loaded I was giving something I was about to prove a bunch of stuff and as I'm heading out the door and she's gonna be following and attend these meetings I was going to be giving young man I'd rather be merciful than right would you rather be merciful than right I mean if you have to choose I mean to be totally honest I'd rather be right and merciful but for our purposes this morning if you have to choose I'd rather be merciful than right because the fact is theoretical knowledge of the truth is not sufficient listen she goes on in this book desire basis to say a jealous regard for what is termed theological truth often accompanies a hatred of genuine truth as manifest in the life in loving people real time religion pure religion the darkest chapters of history are burdened with the record of crimes committed by bigoted religionists is it an exaggeration I think not any historian would agree the pharisees claimed to be the children of abraham and boasted of their possession of the Oracles of God that just means the the theological data the truth the corpus of Old Testament knowledge okay they boasted we've got it we've got the truth check this out yet these advantages did not preserve them from selfishness malignity greed for gain and the basis hypocrisy check this out they thought themselves the greatest here's our word this morning religionists of the world but their so-called orthodoxy led them to crucify the Lord of glory the Lord God of heaven came to earth incarnate and in Christ and who crucified Him his church his own people and they crucified him on what premise doctrinal correctness if we can even process that so preaching I'm suggesting is only as powerful as the actions that back it up I mean just let that register preaching yes preaching I mean I'm doing it right now so so I'm obviously in favor of it I like preaching I like listening to preaching but listen preaching is only as powerful as the actions that back it up if the actions aren't there then the preaching falls flat on the ears of those who are hoping we're hoping we'll accept it empathetic action has more power than religious claims the most powerful thing in the world is to genuinely be good to people to relieve their suffering to meet their needs and hey by the way without cramming it down their throats Jesus is the reason I'm motivated to do anything right then our religious claims are theoretical claims our doctrinal claims make sense in the context of love outside of that context they have no power and in fact do damage to the reputation of Jesus in the world so number five the God is in control religion is just an escape mechanism from activism it's a way of not taking responsibility for the world around us there was a fascinating back in the 1970s Philippi an see and in where is God when it hurts reports to us that back in the 1970s a study was done by two students from a university in Chicago to find out why is it that people in the south have a higher death rate in tornadoes than people in the north I mean a tornadoes a tornado configuring the data so as to consider all the variables what they discovered was a very fascinating reason why more people in Alabama than in Illinois died Alabamans were far more inclined than the Illinoisans were to see their lives as controlled by external forces okay follow this the seven errs saw God as actively involved in their lives rather than as a benevolent but non-interfering presence do whatever you want with that language but follow what the study is saying Illinoisans tended to trust in technology to help them confront nature so you have two different mentalities altogether here watch this but each Alabama Alabaman is is on his own and faces the world alone with God so the the study basically says and this is a quote from the study that what they heard over and over again from southern Bible Belt believers in once saved always saved trace that back to determinism trace that back to fatalism trace that back to destiny trace that back to Plato not Jesus and what they heard over and over again was if it hits it hits and there's nothing I can do to stop it if that tornado is coming my way there is a sense in which it must be the will of God so just hunker down and see what happens if it hits it hits when it's my time to go it's my time to go God's in control que sera sera whatever will be will be verses up north they were saying things like well before it hits I'm gonna do everything I can everything I can to get out of its way so les tornado deaths in the north now I give this to say that there is a contrast in this world view these two world views between what is known historically as fatalism contrasted with activism so I'm going to say to you this way to the degree that I buy in to this line of reasoning God is love therefore God grants legitimate freedom of will hence there are bad things happening in the world because of people misusing their freedom therefore I will use my influence in order to counter the misuse of free will by making a right use of my free will versus God is in control everything happens for a reason children are malnourished and babies are abducted and little girls are molested and Holocaust happen because the sovereign will of God has it all under control is going to put me into neutral and I'm not going to have any internal motivation to want to do anything to relieve the world so these these contrasting worldviews are dictating the way we interact with the world around us now summarizing what is by contrast good religion in contrast to bad religion Hans earl's von Balthasar how'd you like to have that name a Swiss theologian writing one of the most remarkable books that I've ever read and I don't suggest you read it because it's just really tiring and hard to read and it's very academic and I just put it down over and over again it's a hard read but here's the the concept in a single sentence where he spoke without academic jargon finally he said love alone is credible nothing else can be believed and nothing else should be believed he's saying whatever it is that Christianity is imagined to be whatever you think it is whatever you whatever you imagine it is this is the bottom line the only thing that people find credible the only thing that people actually find believable the only thing that people genuinely lean into is love it doesn't matter what we're saying doesn't matter what we're preaching it doesn't matter how dr. Lee correct we are what people read is a universal language and love is the universal language because everybody understands it everybody knows what love looks like in action when you witness it when you experience it you come alive inside and then if by chance the people who love you have a worldview and a perspective and they're followers of Jesus well that gives you all the more curiosity about this Jesus person because people who live like that people who love like that well if they trace all of that to Jesus not only do I want to know them I want to know Jesus it's a necessary logical beautiful corollary it just happens you don't have to force anybody to believe what you believe they will believe whatever looks like love that's the bottom line well in closing Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 15 onward the god of scripture is utterly unique in all the religions of the world here you have the most powerful being in the universe introducing himself to Israel and checking them for their religiosity that is prompting them towards self-preservation and they are posturing in the context themselves against all the other nations all right they are living for themselves under the name of God so God comes along through the prophet Moses and says yet the Lord set his affection on your ancestors and loved them yeah it's true it's true it's true cuz they're all the while shouting were the chosen people we're the chosen people were that you're not we are ok yeah it's true God did choose you he set his affections on your ancestors and loved them and he chose you to through that ancestral line their descendants above all the other nations yes yes you were pulled out from and got yes that all that happened and it is true to this day now this is amazing watch what this critique goes on to say circumcise your hearts therefore and do not be stiff-necked any longer well what were they being stiff-necked about this is just a metaphor for stubbornness and an uncircumcised heart is a heart that is self-centered a circumcised heart is a heart that has made soft and wants to love and this stiff-necked condition what is the cause of it what's going on here for the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords the Great God what makes you great mighty and awesome what makes you mighty what makes you awesome who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes your religiosity can't buy me off your song services your Sabbath keeping your annual feasts your tithes and offerings your doctrinal correctness you can't give that to me as a bribe for my favor no partiality okay so what is he getting at here he that is God this God who is the God of gods this lord who is the lord of lords this God who is mighty and Awesome above all other notions of God whatsoever he defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow and loves the foreigner residing among you giving them food and clothing this is astounding you guys the god of the universe says to Israel I called you I selected you for a mission there's no partiality with me I don't like you more than I like everybody else I called you out for a mission and if you really want to know who I am great mighty awesome God that I am you want to know what makes me great and mighty and awesome I have a particular interest in fatherless children can we process this I have an interest in widows what makes me awesome great wonderful you worship Me you go through religious motions you come to religious gatherings you sing songs you offer praise you want to know what makes me who I am I have a very specific interest in orphans and widows foreigners people who are displaced and have nowhere to go in the world that's who this awesome great mighty God is and you God says drawing the logical conclusion you are to love those you are to love those who are foreigners for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt so God is saying I love people and you're my people so love people I'm a particular kind of God who has a particular interest in orphans and widows and foreigners and if you are my people you will have a particular interest in orphans and widows and foreigners I love people you as my people are to love others it's an amazing picture of the god of Scripture the God of the biblical storyline distinguishes himself as a God who cares about human suffering it's amazing a religious claim is only as good as its treatment of the most vulnerable that's what the text is saying this is called expository preaching you read the text you process what it means and you draw some kind of exposition some kind of conclusion we just read the Deuteronomy 10 text here's what it means straight up no interpretive gymnastics can get around it the God of the universe is saying listen your religion is only as good as the way you treat people and specifically the orphans the widows and the foreigners the most vulnerable people and I'll suggest to you that you'd be hard-pressed to imagine anyone in the world more vulnerable than children they are in the power of the rest of us they are therefore the most vulnerable and I'll suggest you that the most vulnerable children among the children are the orphans those who do not have mommies and daddies to love them and protect them and care for them this is the most vulnerable people group on earth the fatherless the motherless the orphans these children these children's specific children with names and personalities children that have hopes and desires and aspirations children who because of what they've gone through have trauma who have night terrors who wake up in a sweat crying at night because of the abuse that they've endured children who have learning disabilities because the appropriate nutrition was not given to their bodies in order to form their little bodies and brains as they were developing children who have been through things that are so traumatic that as Miranda shared with us from so years they don't even speak they are arrested in their development and something's going on inside of them and it's too horrific to try to articulate children who have been through things that have put them in the position where they can't point to any human being in the world and say that's my mommy and she loves me that's my daddy and he's taking care of me all they have is people like us who would come alongside them and say you may be fatherless you may be motherless but you're not alone and we love you and we will take care of you when nobody else is able to do that these are children and we have the opportunity to enter in to solidarity with their needs a few years back one of the students for our discipleship program which is called arise which by the way we're starting up again here in the last week of August and you might consider the possibility of being a student in that discipleship course a young man from back east came to us from Pennsylvania Ronny Rambo what a great name huh sounds like he's gonna get something done in the world Ronnie or Rambo and he went through our entire to South ship course and he was so on fire for Jesus and the gospel that he said I want to do something so what this guy does is he goes back to his home in the United States works for a period of time makes all the money he can saves the money goes back to Honduras to the orphanage to spend his own hard word earned money and his time and energy he his wife his children are there with him in Honduras and he has a message for us hi my name is Ronnie Rambo I'm here in pain you Blanco Honduras with my wife Sierra and our five kids we originally came down here in 2014 to work on some farming sustainability projects for a children's mountain and children's home our original commitment was to be here for six months but we knew before the end of those six months that we were gonna be involved with these children for the rest of our lives so now it's 2020 and we're still here and now we're in charge of Education for the children's home with your help and the help of our other sponsors we'll be sending a team children to local Christian schools here in our area most of these children are coming from situations of extreme poverty and we have a chance to break that cycle of poverty by sending them to high quality education this high quality education will help them impact their community now and in the future thank you for your all the kids screaming in the background that's Ronnie Rambo incredible guy he's one of our own he went through the whole program he's worshipped here with us a story line over and over and over again and he is a missionary to the children of Honduras and he is a person that I know personally and have a history with he's super high integrity trustworthy the money that we're going to pull together in pool is is going to be put into the necessary process of getting directly with no administrative overhead there's not a cut that's going to anybody in an office in a chair all the money that we give here at storyline is going to go to pay for the education of the children who we have seen and talked about and we know their history we know who they are we're appealing to you I'm appealing to you to prayerfully consider the possibility of what you might do to contribute and I think together if each one of us just says yeah man I can do this I can do this much I can some of you can write a check for a thousand bucks some of you can write a check for $2,000 some of you can give five hundred some of you can give a hundred some of you can give twenty five dollars you know your situation I don't know your situation but it's all going to add up to the collective whole that will put those kids through school and give them an education so and it's not expensive I don't know what you spend money on I know all the ridiculous stuff I spend money on and I just need to check myself and say ty I've got a choice here I'm gonna spend it on that I'm gonna do I mean what is a good quality Pizza cost in Eugene I mean I'm not talking about what is that called Domino's well what's what's like what what does a pizza cost at at mizune Azure or Mizuno's is that it what's it called Izzy's is at your place okay so so what is a pizza cost what is what is it what does a drink cost each day I don't know your situation I just know that that we can pool our resources and we can we can do it we can pay for these children to to go through school for this entire school year it's not expensive give it some thought give it some prayer we can make a difference in these children's lives the god of Scripture has a particular interest in orphans and he says I love orphans and the god of the universe says I want you to love them too hey thanks so much for watching we hope that message was a blessing to you God's Word is powerful it penetrates into our minds into our hearts brings about transformation in every aspect of our lives listen we don't want you to miss any content so again we want to encourage you to click on subscribe and track with the content that's going to be coming out week after week and if you'd like to partner with us in this global Ministry of taking the gospel of Christ to the whole world we want to invite you to become a partner in this ministry click give and join with us
Channel: Storyline Church
Views: 6,042
Rating: 4.9370079 out of 5
Keywords: storyline church, purereligion, ty gibson
Id: D_vXp4HK9KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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