Getting High // Ty Gibson

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hey everybody listen this coronavirus crisis that we're in the middle of it's really changed the world if you haven't noticed and of course you have noticed one of the things that I've encountered is that the days we're turning into weeks and and then the next thing you know a month went by and next thing you know a month and a half went by and I'm thinking to myself I need a haircut seriously I need a haircut so I begin going online for my local area trying to find someplace where I can get a haircut and and right there online it says temporary closed temporarily closed temporarily closed or there few of them that didn't say temporarily closed so I I waited until 9:30 10 o'clock in the morning when it says their normal hours are and gave a call some of them no answer I hang up a few of them somebody did answer and basically said what are you crazy we're in quarantine of course we're not cutting your hair so you know what I did I went in the bathroom and this is a temptation I apparently should not have yielded to but a friend of mine named Roger Hernandez this brother and if he's watching today this is your fault dude Roger Hernandez on Twitter said hey post your quarantine haircut that you did on yourself well it had never occurred to me to give myself a haircut and now I find myself sinking down in the worm hole of Rogers tweet and I find myself tempted now so over and over again in my mind I'm thinking could I cut my own hair me maybe I could no you can't cut your own hair no maybe I can't Roger says I can I wonder if Roger cutted his own hair and I go into the bathroom I pull out some clippers that we had four years from when we used to kind of buzz our own kids hair and I thought I'm just gonna try this so I start buzzing on the on the back without knowing what's happening buzzing on the next thing you know it's Oh buzz that I called my friend you Neil and I say hey man I'm gonna panic over here because I don't know what to do because every time I cut a little bit more off I can't get it back of course so I left it long on the top and this is my new do so I did it to myself and I noticed something else I noticed that while all the places for getting a haircut are closed that all the liquor stores are still open and all the dispensaries for cannabis here in the state of Oregon that includes also Colorado California I think a few other states these are considered necessary businesses you can't shut down the grocery stores you can't shut down the liquor stores and you can't shut down the marijuana shops these are in the category of necessities at least here in my state these are necessities I would have thought a haircut was a necessity over being able to access cannabis but apparently not so I'm thinking to myself wait a minute this is regarded as a necessity and it begins to dawn on me that human beings are mental creatures I mean we are psychological creatures aren't we we've got all kinds of stuff going on inside of us and this coronavirus pandemic has driven us in to greater isolation than perhaps we've been in our entire lifetime and that isolation of course is going to begin playing on our minds check this out I did a little bit of research and I discovered that alcohol sales have skyrocketed during this time of quarantine I saw a video of a guy going out on a walk by himself in his neighborhood and he's taking video on his phone of the containers for the garbage pickup for the recycle bins full one after another through his neighborhood full of liquor bottles that are empty people are until people are emotional people are now driven into isolation people are getting high I want to talk to you believe it or not about getting high the Bible actually as a part of its storyline as a part of its narrative a number of times has God coming to human beings and saying hey by the way I want to invite you I want to invite you into I'm gonna say it my way the Bible doesn't say it exactly this way but we'll see in just a moment how the Bible does say it the Bible says that God invites us to get high to come from low places to high places so I want I want to explore with you in in three parts number one I want to explore with you the fact that people have reasons to get high people aren't just getting high willy-nilly people are getting high because there are things going on inside of them in their hearts in their minds in their lives that getting high somehow is helpful I mean this is a way to escape from whatever is going on internally or externally I want to talk to you about the fact that people are getting high I want to explore with you a second point and that is that most people are getting high on something I mean it's pretty much the case that most human beings are escaping into something and I want to share with you some of the ways that people are getting high that you may not have thought about and then finally I want to loop back to what I mentioned a moment ago and that is that the god of scripture is actually inviting us to get high to get high in a way that is so incredible that I'm going to suggest to you that you will never come down it is the kind of high that that I've been on in fact for my entire adult life I'll come back to that in just a moment but but what about the fact that people people are in fact discovering that they have reasons to get high I'm going to suggest to you that there two primary reasons that people get high on whatever they're getting high on first of all I think people get high in order to deal with pain I mean that sounds maybe cliche but we are in pain as human beings I mean you're in pain I'm in pain in fact for a number of years I mean I'm a little embarrassed to say this but you know a lot of time has gone by and I think I can say this almost third-person like I'm telling somebody else's story but but it's my story my wife Sue and I when we got married we got married pretty young I mean we came out of a lot of a lot of craziness a lot of insanity which is to say we are basically average Americans we came out of all kinds of insanity divorce hostility anger drug addiction in our homes I mean we came out of some crazy stuff and we got married pretty young and and I'm embarrassed but not so much anymore to admit that for about the first seven years for about the first seven years of our marriage I had this involuntary ritual now when I say involuntary I mean I didn't consciously think through hey I'm gonna do this it wasn't a list I didn't have to remember it in fact I couldn't forget it and here was my little ritual that I would go through I would go into our room into our bedroom at night when it's time to you know go to bed it's time to go to sleep so I go into our bedroom and I would have to I would find myself looking in the closet looking under the bed looking in the bathroom and behind the shower door and then locking the door from the inside of our bedroom get in bed and I'm relaxed enough to go to sleep and if I was super tired and I got in bed and forgot to go through that which was very rare if I just jumped in bed thinking no no no I don't need to do that you know what it was inescapable I needed to do it I'd have to get back out of bed look under the bed look in the closet look in the bathroom behind the shower door and then I could relax enough to go to sleep why I'm not going to bore you with the details but because I had witness and experienced a lot of insanity in my life and so I had this I guess you could say this subconscious phobia this fear this pain this pain that's the word pain I had pain that I was always navigating on a kind of semi-conscious level where I had to move through daily rituals in order to navigate the pain and that was just one of my rituals I had other ones so people take refuge in their pain in substances in experiences people get high people get high in order to avoid pain there's a second thing I think people are dealing with in their pain there's a second thing pain is number one but then there's shame call it guilt it's just those internal eyes looking back at you where you did something that you're not proud of you did something nobody knows about but you I mean come on there are things right now if I were to ask you to just think of things you've done that only you know only you know nobody knows your best friend doesn't know your wife doesn't know your husband doesn't know your mom your dad I saw this other thing on the internet the other day where these these I don't know what they were talks to a host or something we're going out and putting a mic in people's faces that were together like you know adult children and their parents is what they were aiming for and saying hey what's something you did that your parents that your father that your mother doesn't know about and these these people were put on the spot where they had to right now on the spot on camera look at their you know their mom their dad as adult children and confess something that their parents knew nothing about and you should have seen the shock when these adult children were now saying something they did that their parents never knew about these parents some of them just looked at their kid like what you actually did why didn't you tell me there are things were ashamed of there are things we wish we hadn't done there are things that weigh on our conscience and we don't know how to escape and so we get high we get high we do things in order to escape the voice in our head that in some way or another is saying listen you're not worthy of anybody's respect you know what you did you're not worthy of anybody's trust you know what you've done you're not worthy of this marriage and that woman or that man's devotion to you you know what you did that voice in your head so I think people get high primarily in order to deal with pain and shame those are the two categories I think are most prominent now somebody is going to say well now some people just party because they want to have a good time but but rarely is getting high something that somebody would look at in the total experience and say that's a good time because there's always the crash there's always getting high and then getting really really low the hangover the next day the process of recovering from your remedy do you hear what I'm saying recovering from your remedy the remedy itself is problematic the remedy itself creates a situation that now has to be dealt with and the remedy that is dealing with the pain and the shame sometimes translates into addiction not just sometimes a lot of times and so that brings me to you know the second point that I mentioned that that is that not only do people have reasons for getting high namely pain and shame but I think most people are doing it when I say that I think most people are getting high on something think about some of the other things people get high on I think some people maybe they're not addicted to drugs and alcohol maybe they are addicted to a person sometimes you know in in the technical sense this is called codependence I mean this listen to the word codependence CO - dependence dependence do you hear the word dependence this is a relationship that is not healthy it's toxic this is a relationship in which you are dependent on that other person for your sense of self I mean if that person is removed from my equation I'm going to implode you can be addicted to a toxic kind of relationship some people aren't addicted to drugs and alcohol they're just addicted to some weird psycho friend or a mother who won't let you live your own life and now you're 46 years old and you find yourself still dependent dependent addicted to your mother's approval and you can't let go I think some people are addicted to money or you say well money I don't have a lot of money well a lot of people who are not of great income they're not wealthy or addicted just to shopping man have you noticed what's going on with Amazon Amazon is a company that is worth multiplied billions of dollars why because there are a bunch of people who aren't necessarily addicted to drugs and alcohol what are they addicted to they're addicted to browsing for stuff and ordering stuff I like ordering stuff don't get me wrong I have entirely too many shoes I have too many shoes in fact one of my friends recently said to me ty you have too many shoes I think that there is a kind of high that we get off of assessing analyzing comparing products and then ordering some product and getting that thing delivered to the house and then having a new one of those a new product I think that even if we're not wealthy we can be and many of us are addicted to just I don't know call it material acquisition just getting more stuff and there's a part of that addiction to stuff that is connected with projecting an image I think so we all live in neighborhoods and communities and towns and cities and we go to church I mean come on we're not going to church right now but when you do go to church do you remember what it's like to go to church do you remember going to church and feeling self-conscious about what you were wearing because maybe you weren't wearing what everybody else was wearing at least at the standard that they're wearing it I mean you can walk into a church and encounter a fashion show and the fashion show communicates to everybody else hey you are or you are not up to snuff you're not meeting the standard of this community's fashion sense that's going on in churches so I think that the materialistic quest the the quest for stuff is also connected with something I'm just gonna put this with money slash material acquisition slash and after that slash I'm gonna put projecting an image I think some of us are addicted to projecting an image and what we get high on is people seeing us and seeing us in a certain light seeing us in the light that we project because we want them to think of us a certain way we want them to have a certain kind of impression of us and that impression that we want them to have of us man that thing that thing reaches deep inside of us because if somebody disapproves in our clique in our community in our social circle whatever it is you know we're reassessing and we're thinking we need to get some more stuff in order to project the right image I think some people are actually addicted now this is gonna get a little bit more you know this is gonna be abstract for a minute so track with me I think that some people are getting high on someone else's low do you understand what I mean by that what I'm saying is I mean the word we use for this is talking smack or gossip if you can pull somebody else down in your estimation you know and we're not thinking this through consciously in thinking okay I'm gonna make her look bad so I look good we're way more sophisticated and way more self deceived than that nobody pretty much nobody I mean probably somebody but pretty much nobody who is engaged in the act of gossip would say I am presently engaged in the act of gossip pretty much nobody who's engaged in the act of diminishing someone else and pulling them down in their own estimation and in the estimation of others pretty much nobody who's doing that is thinking what I'm doing right now is I am deliberately premeditatedly pulling that person down in my own estimation and in the estimation of others we don't we don't know we're doing it at every given moment that we're doing it but I think we do it I think that we are oftentimes high on someone else's low that if somebody else looks bad I can feel better about myself I can I can kind of you know I can feel high and elevated in my own estimation because they aren't as amazing as me they're not as good as me they're not as whatever as me so I think that gossip I think talking smack I think whispering behind people's back is like it's a kind of high it's a kind of you know you feel good you feel good when somebody else looks bad and that's connected with another one and it's this I think that in our present culture especially in in the world of social media I think that a lot of us are getting high on having an enemy you know what I mean by that to have somebody that you're against maybe it's an entity what like a political party I'm this not that and rather than trying to comprehend whatever can be acquired from the conversation that you might have with other human beings the go-to kind of response is to throw punches verbal punches to call people names to say things about people that you really wouldn't say to their face but certainly you'll type it on the internet and post it on Twitter on Facebook or something I'm telling you what I have accounts on Facebook I have accounts on Twitter and on Instagram and I am blown away sometimes by some of the mean stuff that we say to one another on those platforms I feel it rising up inside of me sometimes I have had entire complete sentences that are so cutting that have formulated in my mind and my fingers are just right there on the keyboard I'm ready to type that sentence and I know that it will cut to the bone the person that I'm aiming it at I think sometimes we're addicted to having an enemy now this final one in you know the category of the kinds of things that people are addicted to is gonna sound a little weird but I'm gonna say it anyway I think sometimes a lot of time in fact I think that that it's possible to be addicted to religion now religion in and of itself is not a bad word religion the way the Bible describes it is a rather beautiful thing that is to visit the widows in their affliction and to provide for orphans and those who are hungry the word religion is used like that in the Bible doing the right thing for those who are on the downside of the situation in life I mean religion if it was invested with that kind of meeting it's a positive thing but but religion oftentimes is very very negative it's a it's a way of being against somebody it's a way of saying hey I'm X whatever X is and you're Y and therefore I'm right in you're wrong and that sense of being you know theologically right and and everybody else is wrong or a lot of other people are wrong that sense of I've got the true doctrine you've got the false doctrine I've got the truth and you're a heretic I mean that's exhilarating man that is exhilarating I've had that high myself I've had that high where I knew or at least I thought I knew that I was right and I had Bible verses to prove how right I am and I could marshal those Bible verses against some theological doctrinal religious denominational opponent and it's exhilarating man it is you can get high off of religion in that sense and then the third point that I wanted to bring to you is that believe it or not God is inviting us to get high in a sense now the Bible is full of this kind of language I want to bring you to what for me is one of the most astounding parts of the biblical narrative the Bible is a narrative by the way this is a story the scriptures are not a collection of propositional statements to marshal against your your religious opponent or or the Bible is not a proof text manual the Bible is a narrative it's a story by the way you're tuned into storyline storyline Church on line and if if you're joining us for the first time tell us that you're here for the first time and where you're from we'd love to know in the chat box that's provided there or in the comment section let us know where you're from and tuning in and we're just happy to have you we're happy for I mean the coronavirus in this epidemic that we're faced with has a lot of downsides people are suffering but one of the good things is is we find ourselves connecting with people that we've never connected before with and and we're glad that you're connecting with us and tuning in for this time together and let us know what you think about about these ideas and and let us know where you're from we'd love to know that but Deuteronomy 32 okay so the children of Israel the children of Israel at the part of the story we're picking up in Deuteronomy 32 this is toward the end of the story well at least us at the end of the story where Moses is a part of the story because he's about to die he's an old man now actually he's been an old man through the entire deliverance but he's older still and and he's basically recounting in the form of a song he's recounting for the children of Israel their experience or at least a part of their experience and as he's recounting their experience he says he says to the children of Israel he says listen this is this is in Deuteronomy chapter 32 verses 1 and 2 and probably verse 3 give ear o heavens and when the Bible says that this is a prophet calling upon God to you know take notice of what the Prophet is prophesying the angels to sit in on the declarations that are about to be made so give ear o heavens and I will speak and hear o earth the inhabitants of the earth everybody listen up this is basically a poetic way of saying I am summoning the attention of everyone in the universe heavens and earth listen up I have something to say he says let my teaching let my teaching drop like rain and let my speech distill like the dew their images painted here and raindrops on the tender plants and and showers upon the grass that's verse 2 there's this image this poetic image that is painted and Moses is saying listen I'm going to speak to you I'm going to teach you and my teachings are gonna be like rain showers of rain and it's going to water your souls if you'll listen up and pay attention to what I'm about to teach you it will make all the difference in the world for you and then he says this this is fascinating I will proclaim the name of the Lord that's verse 3 I will ascribe greatness to our God because check this out verse 4 he is the rock what does that mean well this is again poetry it's a song it's a poem in the form of a song and when it says that he God is a rock it means God is is a solid foundation God is is is a rigid dependable he is going to follow through I mean you can depend on him that's the idea God is a rock God is a rock he says and his work is perfect for all his ways are justice without iniquity and righteous and upright is he so here's here's what Moses is telling us in his in his introduction to this beautiful poem the song he's saying listen I'm gonna teach you some things that will be like water to your soul if you will listen up and take it to heart and what I'm gonna tell you is that God is a God who is dependable God is a God who is solid like a rock you can depend on this God because his ways and this is the key his ways are ways of justice and righteousness notice that God is not a rock in some kind of abstract arbitrary Suns the Prophet is telling us that the reason you can depend on God is because he's a God of justice and righteousness he's upright he always does the right thing God's dependability is grounded in God's character are you tracking with me God's dependability is grounded in the goodness of God's character you can depend on him and this is one of the attributes of the character of God his justice his goodness but then the story goes dark in Deuteronomy chapter 32 because the prophet Moses finds it necessary to call the people to account and so verse 5 says they speaking of the children of Israel whom God has delivered out of Egyptian bondage God has done this great and mighty act through Moses of pulling bringing them out of out of bondage and God is good god is just God is upright and then verse 5 but they have corrupted themselves they have corrupted themselves they are not his children well they are God's children he lays claim to them but they're not acting like God's children they're not behaving as if some mighty act of deliverance had just been performed for them they're not they're not acting as though God is great and good and just they have corrupted themselves the end of verse five says that they are a perverse and crooked generation and verse 6 says that they are foolish and unwise the following verses basically say that they began to participate in the same idolatry of the surrounding nations they began to engage in dastardly horrible acts like human sacrifice I mean these were the things that all the other nations were doing and God was trying to teach the children of Israel a different way of being a different way of living a different way of existing and what is that way of being and living and existing well to live out the implications of God's character if God is a dependable rock of Justice a dependable foundation of uprightness God is saying I want my people to be like me I want my people to relate to one another into this nations with the same kind of righteousness the same kind of justice with which I have related to them God is calling upon his people to be his children in the sense that children reflect the image the likeness of their parents he's saying listen if I'm your father if I'm your God I'm expecting you to behave like me if you lay claim to me as your father as your God this is amazing in Deuteronomy 32 he goes through and he sets it up by saying hey God is amazing great good just like a rock I mean you can but you have sinned you are perverse and crooked and corrupt and you've engaged in all the same practices of the other nations and and then we come to the part that I really want to bring you to God says okay but listen through the prophet Moses that is God through Moses are saying if you if you will operate by my principles principles of justice and righteousness and uprightness if you'll do that then then then I will do something for you that will be like the inherent blessing in this beautiful way that you're operating in all your relations with one another and with the other nations and God describes through Moses what he was doing for the children of Israel and what they were forfeiting watch this language in verses 13 and 14 this is our key text this is where we're landing the plane here in Deuteronomy 32 I don't know if you grabbed a Bible grab a Bible look at verses 13 and 14 Deuteronomy 32 he that's God made him that's Israel as a corporate body the children of Israel God made Israel to ride in the heights of the earth now that's again poetic language this is this is symbolic in the sense that a poem is used to invoke an image so so what the poet on this occasion it's Moses under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the poet is hoping for is that you will imagine imagine the earth and imagine that the earth is composed of low places and high places and and when you have that image in your mind he says listen God's will for you is that you would be high not low that you would ride on the high places of the earth that you would experience the blessings that the earth itself has the capacity to yield I mean the earth is a production facility of the most remarkable kind I mean you guys you can literally plant a seed in the ground and get Brussels sprouts not that you want Brussels sprouts necessarily that was the first thing that came to my mind you can plant a seed in the ground and get strawberries you can plant a seed in the ground and get avocados where do you get cuacamole you get guacamole from avocados where do you get off of cottage you get avocados from avocado trees where do you get abakan Oh trees from avocado seeds and where do you get a Vacarro seeds producing trees while the nutrients of the soil and the process of photosynthesis with the Sun warming the earth and drawing up the nutrients and the rain watering the earth I mean it's a remarkable system and God is saying listen listen listen all the other nations around you Israel they have been conducting themselves in relation to one another and in relation to the earth so that the earth is dying in producing deserts like this desert that you find yourself moving through there's no water to drink there's no food to eat turning the earth into a dry desolate non-productive desert that's what human beings do when they misuse the gifts that they have been given they produce Berenice in their listen this isn't just talking about merely the fact that the earth itself a physical literal earth under our feet hath the production to produce or the capacity to cease producing if it's mistreated relationships are a fertile field I mean if you're married to somebody you can plant seeds in such a way that a day later well an hour later a day later a week later a monthly you're planting seeds right now that are producing a harvest of beauty and goodness or you're planting seeds right now that are producing a day later a week later a month later a year later you're planting seeds right now that are producing a kind of desert in the relationship a dryness a lack of a lack of glory and thriving and it's just not good so at any given point listen to me listen to me that in any given point that you can look at a relationship whatever that relationship is a marriage relationship a parent-child relationship a friendship if at any given point you can look at a relationship and you can say you can assess and identify and say this is bad that I mean communication sucks we're not hearing one another we're talking over one another every time we try to have a conversation about anything we end up in an argument she doesn't understand me he doesn't understand me any time when you experience a bad relationship you can be absolutely certain that there's a history there's a history there are words that were spoken and deposited in the soil like seeds there were attitudes that were projected that were planted like seeds there were harsh and mean and cruel things that came out of mouths that shut the spirit down if you can look at any given relationship and say this is bad somebody one or the other or both usually both are contributing to the descent of a relationship but a relationship that can be identified as bad I mean there's a problem here there's a history things were done to bring you me to that point in that relationship no relationship implodes in a vacuum God says listen my ways that's in the earlier verses that we read the way I conduct myself the way I operate produces positive outcomes and I'm calling upon you my people to operate by the same principles or laws relational laws dynamics whatever you want to call it I mean you know you you you relate you go through you relate to one another you relate to the world you relate to the community you relate to whatever God is saying listen if you operate by my principles you you will be like walking on mountaintops so just visualize a human being blown up you know to some gargantuous size picture some human being with a big smile on her face skipping over the tops of mountains that's the image writing on the high places of the earth above the fray above the misery above relational breakdown above anger and hatred can you imagine God says listen if you operate by my principles then you will be above everything that is imploding below you and you'll have a perspective and that's the other thing that comes from being in a high place you have perspective you're able to see things in a way that you can't see if you're down in the thing God is saying in verses 13 and 14 of Deuteronomy 32 he's saying listen I made you ride Israel on the heights of the earth and and then a series of images are given that describe that that they might eat the produce of the fields that they that they might draw out honey from a rock I mean what kind of image is that you don't get honey out of a rock but apparently this is hyperbole this is a way of poetically saying that you're going to get from the earth sweet things that the earth is not going to yield by any other means than by operating by my principles and then and then not only honey from a rock but oil from a flinty rock and curds from cattle and milk from flocks and verse 14 the fat of lambs and Rams of the highest breed and the choices here's the language the choicest wheat and you will drink wine the blood of grapes this is remarkable imagery in which essentially God is saying listen if you come to me and you put your faith in me I'm telling you that I am dependable I'm a rock you can trust me and if you put your faith in me if you trust in me in such a way that you begin to participate in my ways that's the word that is used in the prophecy if you participate in my ways if you operate by the same kinds of relational dynamics that God operates by then God says I'm telling you I'm telling you you will flourish now of course this isn't a promise that nothing bad will happen I mean we're in the middle of of a pandemic that is extremely threatening disconcerting and is driving us into isolation but listen you and I in this corona virus pandemic season we have been given a kind of gift that we didn't want I'm not making light at all of the lives that have been lost and the people's livelihoods that have been compromised I mean man my own daughter called me last week and and said she's only allowed to work one day a week and and her her income is of course being impacted by that who knows how long this is gonna go off so I'm not minimizing what everybody's going through but would you just hear me on this you and I have an opportunity right now to kind of do a reassessment of everything what I'm suggesting to you is that if you have found yourself kind of leaning out or wandering away from God and the things of God the beautiful poetry of the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 he is saying to you and saying to me today that in God you will find a wealth of Beauty flourishing thriving that can't be found anywhere else whatever this world has to offer to you and me whatever this world has to offer and I mean it has all kinds of things to offer to numb the pain to escape the guilt or the shame all of us self-medicate everybody's getting high everybody's getting high on something everybody's navigating whatever it is that is unbearable by throwing themselves in some direction with all their gusto and enthusiasm I'm suggesting that this is an opportunity to throw all your weight toward Jesus Jesus is the answer I have found to everything that ails me I mentioned as we again our time together that I've been high for my entire adult life well I've come down at times I've had highs and lows but just as a general trajectory just as a as a you know as a curve when I was 18 years old I encountered the god of the universe in an actual I think it was a supernatural experience I didn't hear a literal voice but I did in fact hear a a concept in my head and it was constructed was such a cohesive clarity that no 18 year old least of all this 18 year old would have ever conceived of this this was not this was not a product of my intelligence I had no concept of this it's like somebody just dropped an idea in my head and I found myself face-to-face with this unbelievable concept that God exists that God is love and that that love necessitates that God operate toward us by giving us freedom and freedom has the upside of flourishing and thriving built into it freed I must say that again freedom has the upside of flourishing and thriving built into it but freedom also has the downside risk of pain and suffering and that was the idea and so 18 years old that idea was dropped into my head I believe by the God of the universe and I've been striving by the grace of God failing often times but striving by the grace of God to build on that concept that idea that truth that I don't know call it whatever you want this this idea that God is good and because God is good his ways are good waise and if you and I pour ourselves in to relationship with the god of the universe through Jesus Christ who came into this world to manifest the truth about God if we throw ourselves in that direction we will find ourselves getting high on the beauty of God's love for us and that high will be an experience that we will find there is no coming down from there's no hangover there's no there's no crashing at the other end of it it's it's it's a kind of it's a kind of writing on the high places of the earth from the vantage position of perception you don't know what to do well in Jesus you'll find what to do you don't know what to do about that relationship that's failing you don't know what to do about the communication breakdown in your marriage you don't know what to do with that teenager that doesn't want to talk to you anymore you don't won't know what to do about your friend who's sinking into addiction and it doesn't look like they're coming back you don't know what to do about the fact that you're faced with no job and you're panicking you don't know what to do Jesus is the master problem solver because in him are all the ways the principles the laws of relationship that make everything better in its time if we lock into and lean into him hey thanks so much for watching we hope that message was a blessing to you God's Word is powerful it penetrates into our minds into our hearts brings about transformation in every aspect of our lives listen we don't want you to miss any content so again we want to encourage you to click on subscribe and track with the content that's going to be coming out week after week and if you'd like to partner with us in this global Ministry of taking the gospel of Christ to the whole world we want to invite you to become a partner in this ministry click give and join with us
Channel: Storyline Church
Views: 3,992
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Keywords: storyline church, ty gibson, getting high
Id: _8czS2MgsTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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