Pure Guardian Light Duels! Pelagos Priest! | Hearthstone

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yo twitch yo what's up earlier tasty piniest my god dude the names tasty pumper piniest tennis leg meat package what what have i made what is this who are all of you why why are you the three people here first and most excited to be here oh god i gotta i gotta i gotta get out of this it's just not for me wing burrito what's up thanks again for the subs last time i'm not weird i got some weird people here for sure i know that 100 hey spin dog jontron lotto grin villain what's up everybody hello hello first or something yeah something like that right uh hey steiner lots of people here happy saturday evening hope you're all doing good we're gonna kick it off with some duels today and then we're gonna kick it off with we can't kick it off twice then we're going to continue it off with awesome standard i need to play some standard today try out some of the new decks and stuff so you know we'll do that next i think alrighty so speaking of which what's gonna happen first here duels any good deck ideas for duels we did dude paladin yesterday and it totally sucked um grin villain the good fellow thanks to the bits to kick off the stream that's amazing i'm glad you like the cheese deck it's pretty fun actually was people people are not buying into it on youtube as much as they probably should it's i think it's a pretty decent deck to be honest um it actually won quite a few games so alrighty um tough week lotto sucks uh bugged quadruple spell drekthar it's bugged what's it doing what you did with that thumbnail readers oh thanks yeah i turned uh cheese monger into a vinthir anybody didn't see i happen to have it up here gave him a vinthia ear and recolored him a little bit to make him look more vin thier-esque i mainly just wanted people to know that it was a new deck because none of the cards spotlighted were actually new in the thumbnail right it's good to give people an indicator like this is actually not old so i made him a a vinthir i made him castle nathria-esque it's mostly just fun mostly an excuse to do something fun value pally okay i kinda like the idea of like a control paladin uh if you have brook on quest and use direct fire spell it makes the spells cast four times i think it used to do that right i feel like that's a familiar thing didn't we run into that before has that never been fixed maybe it's a new different iteration of that i seem to remember that happening when we tried it in the past you're saying nope but i'm i'm like 90 sure i have a video where something was whacking out on the drekthar spell but i don't know maybe there was something else going on it might be a little bit different looking mighty buttery tonight thanks monster cloud i love that the hair is buttery um all right let's think uh we got like in rage warrior we've kind of done that a lot what other castle natharia stuff do we have we've got paladin got pure paladin stuff i don't think any of the pure paladin cards are so strong that i mean i i guess we could do like kind of a control pure paladin i'm i'm sort of up for that i guess what does that mean modest aspirations then as they sort of debuff what what um what passives are we looking for if we get like a control paladin maybe like holy spells there's like guardian holy stuff there's uh well i would love invitations actually if we got invitations that would be pretty sick i'm not totally sure how this is going to win but we can try maybe um humble blessings i don't want to do cheesy stuff droco i don't know about that uh sue i feel like i feel like favored racers probably actually the best for like a control deck this has rush so it can be a sort of trade minion it can see it can be um you know a threat basically i'm okay with this we're not gonna maybe do a full i don't know i just don't want to have to run specific legendaries for greatsword right because i kind of want to do like pure countess stuff so i don't think greatsword will help us as much all right uh so paladin card these are all just paladin things i don't know that we're getting what i wanted here but it's okay countess actually we probably want to look for neutral right noodle this is noodle paladin do we run a ural it's gonna be really hard to keep this pure over the course of a run right that's the problem with the countess too can we actually keep this pure paladin for as long as possible it's gonna be so hard to do like is the drafting really gonna support this between the two of these uh what do you guys think i mean what's it hurt to try right like what do we care do we have we don't have the good form four mana guy man that's sad the four-minute guy is really insane the the true silver champion guy that card was always really good i think i want holy spells to complement this uh so there's many good like controlly holy spells as we can get it's probably the idea here you can run night of anointment i also probably just want to discover stuff holy stuff maybe you're gonna need some card draw some life gain some removal uh some good minions if i run too many divine shield minions we're gonna risk getting divine shield passives which probably ultimately aren't all that good so that makes me a tad nervous oh no in-game audio here i'll fix it sorry you gotta remind me guys i don't have uh a headset i forgot is it working now still seems quiet to me am i crazy yeah we could do a quality consecration stuff i guess i mean i like that a little better i think than bare off since it's holy spells right that makes more sense so this is a holy pure deck right now that's that's an interesting little pair again i i do think uh holy is gonna be hard to or excuse me pure is gonna be hard to maintain i don't know that we're gonna be able to maintain that very well what about something like immortalized in stone garden's grace i really doubt is important isn't the two mana tradable just better than consecration well certainly not just better no it's not a holy spell number one so if we're trying to build and encourage holy spells then uh this this reaps the benefit of a holy spell this does two damage city tax only does one damage so when played without inequality this hits a wider array of boards this can deal face damage so it can serve as an over-the-top finisher um so no no not just just better i mean debatably they're both very interesting options but kind of trying to go for the holy theme i think uh what's the holy payoff there's a card called there's a passive called guardian light i think uh but also the when you play a holy spell get a holy spell uh here we can just search holy current duels cards i bet and here you go there is invigorating light when you play holy spirit give one health there's guardian light after you play holy spell summon an ancient guardian and divine illumination after you catch your first holy spell discover a card from your class they're supposed to be unholy cards here with death knights but i don't think we're looking for unholy cards i think we're looking for holy cards in this case uh carryall hero card yeah actually that's a good idea i think carry all hero card um yeah our hero bar is not so good that carol hero cards not just better yeah makes sense to me we've been able unable to run carry on a lot of dude decks but in here i think it makes sense i'm still not really convinced that urel is very good but eight mana is just a lot in duels yeah i think leviathan actually is better than yorel yeah um uh i did see marvel snap got a release date and even more exciting they have said in their discord that there is going to be a pc client the same day on october october 18th so that makes me very happy as a streamer it's a real pain to do the mobile streaming stuff it never feels good so yeah i'm i'm pumped to see the pc client coming to steam that's going to be awesome we will definitely stream it that day and hopefully beyond if it's popular um okay i i mean uh yeah i think i like leviathan better than ural it feels weird because i'm trying to build you know like a a pure deck but i i think it's very obviously better i'm wondering if i actually need immortalized and stone it is a nice big holy spell but i feel like the curve's maybe a hair high i've already got quite a few seven eight banana cards for duels i think maybe one more cheap holy spell here first day of school or not for school i mean blessed goods is kind of interesting judgment of justice how to keep pure after buckets pick buckets with paladin cards we don't know if it's going to work you must have not been here at the beginning already acknowledged and addressed that it's probably going to be impossible but why not try was the logic why not try might be fun to try okay yeah i think flashlight's fine a little healing is good if we're playing more of a control line a little bit of card draw again is nice [Music] i don't think service bell's worth it yeah let's give it a shot let's see how many the question is how many games can we can we stay pure will we will we immediately sacrifice our purity [Laughter] like can we how many games can we take pure holy buckets and stay stay on theme here hopefully we make it at least like two or three games right i mean once we do you know there's still the world where we hope to to be alive long enough to sort of draw our neutral cards and and hope it works but do neutral active treasures break it oh my god you're right i didn't even think about the neutral active treasures immediately breaking it yeah i actually didn't think about treasures can we avoid that at all dude how do treasures break it that's stupid the passives don't break it but the the active treasures will [Music] oh yeah i didn't add discord i forgot yeah thank you hold up yeah yeah i will totally forgot thank you totally forgot thank you thank you heads up mage armory i think even mage armor is neutral right i don't think it's actually a mage card is it this is actually a pretty good little opener here these both being forest fine only have coin i think [Music] so only the countess is our actual you know literal pure card everything else is pure adjacent elitist knob for instance you know still works it's just the countess i hope that by running the countess the game is like ooh he really wants the invitations oh my god did i did did totems become meta are people running totems now i'm not sure if this is a dream or a nightmare i don't know i haven't even put out my totem video yet i put out a vod but that's it hey moba player dude thanks for the prime sub oh my god dude i'm not sure this is good if i did we ruin duels with more oh god too many totems it's a nightmare oh god carryall is a great answer to these early totems at least that's nice snob will probably handle some totems later too okay mobile player thanks the prime sub all righty we're gonna need to count this in game one or two because after that she's gonna be dead so we need countess to be good asap please count this are they gonna let this attack again maybe oh no blame tonight's clutch really good good god dude do they go face only maybe oh they missed a totem okay that's nice wow taunt totem's brutal i mean consecration here though is still pretty good [Music] consecration i mean it opens up the attack into the flame tongue but the flame tank still kills the carryall i'd rather almost attack with carriel first make a righteous defense that's one mana i could play like a simmering sunfish with it maybe even hit the sunfish i'm not really alive in that scenario always that was the problem you kind of have the consecration i guess so suppose we're just going to have to sustain some unfortunate ordering um man can't even really coin first and feel good about like if i attack into the the stone claw i can just right just defense the flame tongue and consecration and still be fairly happy with that turn right even though i sort of waste the attack but i i preserve the carriage well it sort of sucks i don't i don't really like this i don't know man this is weird doesn't feel right to me i don't know still feel like i'm kind of dying but we're technically playing into a snob set up here okay stone right's not lethal the way i've set this up what lust is they run bloodlust axe is not lethal either but pretty annoying maybe did they kill the carryall oh mr hill i could have put the echoed version in hand sure yeah yeah yeah wow dude so many freaking healing totems this guy got big though this is nice this is a big big heel very good okay sometimes a big heel i didn't actually check the logic there but seemingly pretty nice okay uh yeah echo is fixed to one mana but this isn't actually an echo card so i don't think it's fixed to one mana i think it will go to zero as you saw the first version went to zero i guess that doesn't matter though i mean uh yeah i think i think it's i think it's not actually echo keyword so i echo keyword is fixed to one it can't go to zero that's a new rule but well not new but it's a rule it's been around for a while i guess she shouldn't say no obviously broken thinks the 11 months man that's nice all righty they're still chipping away at stuff here but we're healing big time no good holy spell but we can go here and then here racer might be worth it too i don't think so we know that this is gonna work right so i mean you know we can at least always clear a payload totem specialist i'm a little bit worried about dealing with a gigantodome later i don't currently i guess hero power kind of always handles the gigantoma maybe that's not too big of a risk ultimately uh maybe we just like favored racer battle vicar light ray here since i've kind of gotten some health back i hope this gets like blessing of authority let's start here we may just find a better place who knows who knows consecration for later it is really good against totems i do still have the equality in the deck as well so i think we take the consecration right yeah it should be fine and then between the trade and the taunt here i think we'll be oh ho ho oh that's a sick roll uh did we hit totems i guess in this case am i worried about this guy blowing me out at all it's it's potentially a card that that does something wacky so let's remove it i think we're in a really good spot now as long as we take care of that guy yeah man that is a sick blessing okay so now we've really started to stabilize i feel pretty good i don't i mean we got through most of their most powerful plays like gigantom's big but hero power beats that totem goliath is annoying but consecration kind of beats that right we have any like lethal setups here we've already got 13 on oh that's gonna challenge a lethal setup i guess oh my god they are in bro equality please equality please equality please leviathan huh kind of feels like we have to hero power this i don't have man in a flash of light equality and consecration i don't really think flashlight's doing enough for us here i mean is leviathan just good math at all cuz i can hit for like four and one and then just like seven and four i leave them a five seven and i have two four attack minions on board like it feels so bad not to hero power the 911 though you know that's gonna be like the biggest threat that they have so i think we have to hero power here which means flash of light sunfish hero powers probably fine we kill the five five they've still got some stuff chilling but i have another taunt down right so should be okay i think let's not get too greedy on this leviathan will feel good next turn right will probably feel good next turn as well okay like this it's a good totem it's a good totem that's actually maybe a little bit of liability for them but not quite yet i'll probably have to kill still respect it because five cards is annoying i need to get through the next couple turns safely as safely as possible i think leaving this guy alive interesting gives me a much better trade here i think um this definitely feels like just uh carry all right i think that's totally fine here wipe out these totems i don't have any like lethals do i ate this is four is it's not a terrible play but i think this is fine are we hitting the mana tide or the totem golem um what threats do we think they have left are we really worried about any particular i think they just have like a lot of weak totems right i mean it's interesting because this doesn't really like threaten me on board at all you know uh this is actually really debatable but i think since we're likely to play a divine shield or consecration anyway i might as well take the thing that that gives them extra value the board should not really be a big problem anymore okay looking good here hero power leviathan's probably going to make some sense and then i need to play countess though because it like legitimately might be dead after this game we need to be careful uh yeah stone right yeah that's the only thing left do you think that's a big play maybe that makes sense to me i don't technically have any healing left i mean the carriage of course gives me a lot of potential life but technically could get blood out rage disconnect yeah maybe i don't know they had a pretty nutty opener that we were able to navigate through so i i could imagine them being a little frustrated sure yeah count as hard carries man i guess i'm gonna play it no they're still here okay stone right yeah maybe not a rage disconnect maybe just a disconnect oh that order is a little wacky good for us i need oh yeah consecration equality would be very nice double consecration would actually be very nice as well the first muck-borne servant is the one thing that does not effectively deal with everything here conservation hit certainly resolves a lot of problems there's no question about that so probably just mukborn after that have a good taunt left over right so we can muck board first just see what we find it's like kind of quality here wipes the whole board stonehearth draws an equality but i cannot play it with a consecration seven mana unfortunately probably just takes the bronze explorer then just to uh give me some more life gain here it's totally fine to me this buffs other stuff so we we do that right nice should be good should be good effectively kind of 24 health crazy hand countess is an 11-11 how can we lose stonehearth discounts the equality of zero it does you're right but unfortunately we only had six mana uh or seven mana or no six mana remaining we started at nine we spent we spent three on a mockborne servant we had six mana remaining a stonehearth cost three right so that leaves me with three mana remaining which means there is no longer a consecration equality option available there's a count is available now though alec here bro is that just lethal not quite man are you serious alec here what a jerk my god i'm done my bad it's okay i'm dumb too sometimes a lot of the times actually don't worry you're you're you're at home here this is this is your place hey count this wins the game guys i'm gonna take it that was worth it for sure definitely couldn't have won that game without the countess uh thunderstone dude thanks for the tier one 16 months yeah i think we take invigorating light actually right um the extra health is pretty sick for us we can do some work with the extra health yeah what kind of dig it kind of dig it definitely a book here no i think we take light i like light forbidden healing is a holy spell every night gives me holy spells chibley champions pretty chill yeah these are all paladin cards which is what we want to do right so as long as we can we're going to get an active treasure next game which will ruin the countess but until then you never know man we might need her all palliative bucket man that was good two games out of the count is completely worth putting in your deck no question why not take book of wonders and break the countess right away it's an interesting strategy let's see if it pays off i wish we could we didn't but all right uh [Music] yeah snob early worth it i don't think so i kind of like righteous defense early i feel like it's such a swinging card i don't think you need to hit something insane for this card either you know sometimes it's like oh i better get through 88 or whatever i think sometimes debuffing like a 4-4 is worth it you know just reducing a mid-game threat you think about it right you know if you if you hit a f4 with it you're talking about a 6-6 swing for three mana that's not bad that's not bad that can be very valuable very efficient so yeah treasures drawn at start of game are there any active treasures like that are always drawn at start of game are there any in fact i don't think so unfortunately unfortunately that kills our countess games [Music] um okay murloc holmes we're gonna find you early and often so that you don't break our countess holy spells i mean libras aren't exactly the game plan i was going for but as long as i can keep a line of um palleting cards you know right now for instance i only have to draw murloc holmes to keep my pure card active so that's not asking too much the problem with that guy was he knew the countess was in my deck and he said i cannot beat the power of the countess i know i am destined to lose so i'll just concede and save myself some time pretty logical if you think about it pretty logical oh taunt guy yeah yeah yeah taunkai that gets better yeah yeah yeah he's strong he's starting game drawn yeah that would be perfect actually great example i think we can keep this curve a quality just to activate sunfish i mean i have other holy spells of course but quality is fine unfortunately for us this looks like a ring in odak which is annoying and boring uh we do have some life gain in this one though so maybe it's not too bad maybe we can um heal up enough to kind of outlast all their shenanigan vanishes and and uh cloaks and all that garbage and just get a lethal lethal hit in there somewhere along the way right that's a great start uh cool cool cool cool that's some big healing do i go for a coin sunfish here i don't really have another play is the only downside like i'm gapping a turn here i mean maki roll times three is not totally crazy it's a lot of extra health from invigorating light well not exactly though because i will be like interrupting the maki roll a little bit there oh knight of annoyment is good though is that a counter spell what is that like it's usually barrier right is there anything else they run rigged fair game maybe i don't know i don't know all right carry all next turn solid good little board here being able to buff my one without a range of the hero powers pretty cool like to see that favorite palette and hearthstone streamer oh man i do like playing paladins i'm like a traditional goody two-shoes so i do play a lot of paladins video games i have a hard time being the evil character in video games i mean i guess it's okay when it's like built into the character like grand theft auto or something but if i'm like controlling my own character's destiny i have a hard time being the bad guy something like fable for instance you know i'm like the goodie two shoes i'm so boring all righty that looks like another reno great you love zero mana cards it's exciting oh hey holmes is here nice this is a flame ward rest barrier this time uh yeah chill i only need to rip this uh forbidden healing at some point just to test what might be a counter spell i don't know what this deck typically runs uh [Music] i made a challenge for myself to win a battlegrounds game in japanese which i don't speak and can't read forgot quests have a changing reward scheme oh yeah that would be the hard part i feel like i would know the characters okay and card text and stuff but yeah maybe some of the quests might be hard to figure out they do have uh graphics when they first pop up but i don't think i'd recognize those off the bat for sure all right let's think here got some minions to play this is a decent holy mackey roll turn i bet uh is this really a counter spell feels weird to me i don't i don't want to debuff my minions but i actually think equality is probably my best bet to throw away consecration of the test oh i hate spending four mana though forbidden is okay to test but i actually value the healing more than the equality i think there's just not a lot of minions in this deck right or hardly any actually oh god it's not counterspell i'll screw me dude what is it what is it rigged fair game dang it god dang it dude uh i want to save the consecration because i think the damage through um through a stealth is actually valuable and i want to save the healing because i think that's valuable man i'm really sad that's not a counter spell annoying ice block i don't think it should be an ice block but i think it might be a rigged fare game it could be a random minion based thing that he picked up in a bucket that he didn't want right like it doesn't have to technically be um it doesn't have to be something expected but brings fair game i think would be the next expected thing i need to start healing i guess we're in a bit of a pickle here holy moggy rolls actually better to use at full health i'm just not creating any pressure though and certainly not enough pressure i need to find carrielle man i need to stay alive into cariel somehow it's rigged fair game yeah interesting we're probably dead very soon oh good point mages don't get bad cards in their buckets i totally forgot yeah that's an excellent excellent excellent point apparently he did get an auctioneer jackson but it's actually kind of insane he's got tradable support so what do you know i really need carry out man we're still a man away but oh actually we're not gonna be because he gave me mana okay interesting is that gonna be enough though still i mean for now it's pretty good five armor do we kill the jackson i guess is the question oh my god i'm dead i hate this deck so much dude it's insane this is the only deck that didn't get nerfed so stupid so silly to play against they just don't play hearthstone they just play um shuffling simulator you know hey garden light that's nice i said garden light that sounds like a nature passive but yeah this is what really work guardian light's awesome turn our spells into some tempo that's great uh here's three paladin cards all right here's three paladin cards i think i kind of like this a little better because called arms is not a holy spell sideans i mean they have the libra might have carriel like there's a few synergies there done boldar not gonna be very useful for me unfortunately do i like these cards better on average like called arms pulls out what nothing really very good now i mean could be a way to tutor out uh the murloc holmes to protect uh us a little bit but i think unlikely i think i like to hold the bridge enough that i take here all right so all right we got our holy package we're looking for what tier 2 passive treasure are you aiming hoping for that one guardian light but also whatever fun stuff the game decides for us is also acceptable also fine dumbbell they give you a six six though right i mean if you have cydan at the exact same time it can yeah i mean is that really that exciting though i'm not super in love with that am i i mean i think it's okay i'll be happy to do it but i will savor this victory still doesn't make me love don balder i don't think my hair is really uh finicky on the side you tried code reed just for a discount on on uh on runestones i'm sorry sorry to be the pair of bad news this is an interesting combo i'm just we got to play reno again man silly cydan should get extra health from invigorating light yeah he should get 2x if it works the way we expect it to yeah yeah that's an interesting upside definitely makes cyan between that and then baldar sure he's getting pretty good maybe quite a bit of cool stuff going on oh whoa that is an atypical reno card an atypical reno card he means if you played on balder you get a four four from treasure and another two two um i don't though it's not a holy spell that's that's actually what i was saying during the thing it's it's not a holy spell this is what you're talking about from from guardian light you mean ah that was the confusion okay i got you i thought you meant from side and he goes to 6-6 okay unlock potential crystal gem reno am i i don't know what this is to be to be transparent with you guys i don't know what we're fighting um judicious junior is a little expensive but i do i do actually dig the lifesteal on it seafloor savior much easier to weave into a turn maybe like turn four it's pretty good i guess yeah it's probably like the technically better pick i don't know we must have gotten a tow juggler bucket i haven't seen unlocked potential reno before i don't think we've seen some weird stuff but this is a new one where is my murloc holmes nice dodge that hero power come on dodge it dodge it nice beautiful yes dude that's great i mean do i just like your power value trade i don't think so because the hero powers right don't hold the bridge also just doesn't really feel that worthwhile does it i mean i get a 3-3 out of it so it's not like it's nothing i i mean i lose some healing but i i think it's actually pretty fine i think it's okay by lose of course i mean like i can get more later on bigger minions technically but i think this is pretty solid a nice little board early we'll take this we'll take this so next turn might be here might be here if that makes any sense yeah this is like a death rattle i don't know what in god's name we're fighting right now i don't know what it is ah this is weird though it is weird though um [Music] is this too early for a righteous defense again i i get a 3-3 so it's not like it's nothing here i might hit a sea floor savior or a side and as well which is good i mean even an elitist snob is pretty good i just i just really don't know guys what to expect here i'm gonna hold that just for emergencies i think we're totally fine in our current board state i'm just gonna hold it for emergencies carrie elbow is cool sure yeah why not trading straight to prevent as many one health things as i can here of course i have to put one in but maybe not all of them right okay interesting he traveled to the future and only chose cards he had yeah that could be it maybe he's play the last time he played was where's huge toad from that's a uh league of explorers card yeah so traveled from from the past this is the first time they've played hearthstone in in ages and this is just what they're working with that that actually kind of tracks this of course is a fantastic righteous defense target uh carriel frankly would have taken a decent trade too but i think we're just happy oh my god that's a big curial okay oh i did this order wrong well no arguably maybe not doesn't matter i guess i do it that way okay so who cares very big kind of wish that went on like a snob or a side and of course but it's okay she's good too all right we're looking good here got some healing got some what happens if you hero powers cydan does he go to a 4-4 or does he stay at 3-3 like what what takes precedent you're setting you're not giving so i think he would stay a 3-3 but he's technically gaining attacker health does the game know is it like oh actually all right but you're gonna have four four instead i don't know what what what takes the prize there [Music] your power is coming in kind of handy this game nice little buffs i would think a 3-3 as well yeah we may try it if we're about to win yeah i'm not gonna throw for for a little science there but if we're about to win a game sure i'll test i'm pretty curious it's like does he overwrite this or does this overwrite him i don't know what do you take your bets i think stay a 3-3 personally but because this says set it's not like it's really like giving it so much i mean you know effectively is that the same thing right oh i actually have lethal if i have oh i have lethal anyway let's just test three three three three yeah interesting okay good win man that was great i think the opponent's deck was very weird i don't know what to make of that totally clueless but we take those and i think guardian light was actually pretty clutch it was really nice um i mean soul stone is like the most controlly of all these cards they all break countess again as expected countess is gonna get pretty much impossible from here uh but it's this is still pretty bad i i've never been a fan of of of uh spending six mana on the soul stone here um this deck can probably afford it more than most just because we have like life gain and you know stabilization late you know we're tanked up on a carryall with 45 health i can spin six mana maybe to just find some stuff so that's a little intriguing i don't think blade i mean it's not bad we have you know some rush minions and some lifesteal minions that are decent for blade it's also sort of an infinite value piece but really bad with cariel right so that's not very exciting we don't want to have to risk losing a carryall weapon to realize the benefit of a card draw canopic is kind of cool with our guardians you know we can put out some cheap guardians like make a mocky roll cycle into a canopic jars or something like that's kind of intriguing i think we had a good board last game i don't know if that's always going to be the case it seems like that opponent just had a really slow start i'm not sure how reliably we're going to be able to generate those big boards but might be reasonable i just wonder if that actually plays enough to like a win condition for me like like it is that really a big difference maker sometimes it'll be good we do kind of have a random legendary theme in here with a countess i guess i mean yeah maybe this is the pick i kind of like it purcellini dude thanks for the two months haven't caught the stream in a while love the new feature to see the cards on the board yeah i don't i don't that's better thank you that's been there for like four years but maybe new to you that's still great i don't need to to to sour the moment that i'm glad it's it's serving you that's awesome i'm glad it's working i think it wasn't working for a while actually now that i say that so maybe maybe you caught it when it wasn't working that might be that might be the case um yeah we can take we can take canopic jars i mean soul stone is just too slow if we're going super late in a game anyway we're gonna win right like carrielle's gonna win we don't in other words we don't need like totally infinite value right how often is that gonna be relevant anyway i'm cool with trying it some good points made by chat wow big dudes but no more please uh it definitely helps us here protect countess a little bit might be nice was your time you couldn't see cards on the board well i think he means the twitch overlay so he can like hover over cards as my guess is what personally means which i think it was broken for a while now that personally says that i think i remember you guys complaining it wasn't broken or it wasn't working i mean was broken so that makes sense wow we got done bulldog on opic the combo that is not going to work for us very well for a long time we need about 17 mana to make that good i think need to have played a lot of things first um so yeah i actually think i can maybe keep a light ray carrier it's like well carriel's not good against this specific hero power i guess so maybe not this hero power shreds carry out pretty easily i think maybe we play for other good early game but i like the light ray getting cheap fairly quickly and swinging into that it can be very nice okay knight libra could be a good way to get more more ticks on the light ray and more more tutus in a weird way it's almost maybe better if this isn't discounted so that i get two twos out of it instead of one ones oh that is brutal okay gross a lot of value not happy to see that this of orb so discounted cards and extra cards off doorways so this is a pretty common priest build these days still always surprises deck doesn't run um the hero power thing but i guess you're just generating enough stuff that you don't really care anyway maybe i like this a little better than hero power here why does that summon on the left that's so weird i didn't process that earlier but that is strange very weird that it summons on the left then baldar is like wish it was a holy spell right if it was a holy spell it'd be brutally good i think shield of honor is a holy spell the other ones are hard to work with i don't think there's a choice really here not good yet of course but still interesting oh void burned wow too much value in hands okay bangs whoo thanks radiant needs to die guess that means hero power here maybe i maki roll after to kind of protect this more i don't know this turns not not very exciting i would say i don't think i'm making roll right just for a 1-1 no this is a neat combo later right so maybe i just set up for this soon i can go like done baldar and then on turn six like maki roll a bunch and then light ray or something right make a big board of like three threes or whatever might be cool the good news is they're like pushing a lot of damage there but ultimately that's not that big of a threat for us i think i'm gonna forbidden healing this i just get a decent minion out of it i think the heel is relevant actually i you know i do i do want healing for my face certainly i think that's relevant but i think building a board here off the dun baldar is going to be more relevant so and it still heals me a little oh that's wait am i insane why didn't i get a dude oh because it was zero i guess it's not actually a one mana card of course no that makes more sense dang it well okay paid off anyway but i can't pay off anyway all right that worked eating an extra resource here that's still good news i guess still paid off but did not work as i anticipated of course initially all right so this is the holy mackey roll turn let's attack first here to see if we get like a flame ward for instance oh visage okay that gives him a libra that's kind of crazy this is gonna be a really big board because each one of these is procking a buff as well right that's kind of crazy this is actually a sick combo i want to put this down asap so that i get more buffs on it right this is a sick combo dude i'm losing one free minion here i guess technically i think i'm okay with that to get this really buffed up though right super high health total okay we're back to 43 40 44. yeah cool do i coin here ever i think coin might still be pretty useful let's chill i think it's okay wow actually not dude this got up to a 3 8 off that that's crazy look at that look at that invigorating light chain that's a sick combo okay i'm sold on the done boulder dude i didn't buy it at first oh they got a libra of justice that's annoying ugh they have another aoe here is that a flame ward renew i mean i might be able to buff my stuff enough that i can play around any sort of flame board can't really currently though probably not a flame order i don't think they're ripping light at burns aren't they we know what the secret is by any chance did they probably another visage because it's copied right probably just another visage in case we traded the non-libram card maybe hold the bridge okay that's kind of interesting not a lot of mana to work with this turn though unfortunately kind of sucks sort of sitting on a denis hand here trusting the dog i should have attacked first god i mean it doesn't matter cuz i'm trading this in but kind of annoying okay yeah the the libra here being two mana is actually helpful maybe i buff the two two here instead of the three three yeah it's gonna i don't need a three four another three three is cool yeah okay where is it now let's i forgot about don baldar ignore me just ignore me i forgot about dunbar i should have this could be a three-four i missed a health on this just ignore me forgot about don i think he was summoning a 2-2 not a 4-4 and i was going to buff the 2-2 but i forgot about john baldar either way this is still really nice puzzle box holy crap sketchy paladin secret cleve's not bad it's just like it's a shield yeah it does okay cheap shots not gonna be able to be played again for them earthquakes insane though oh earthquake so gross brain freeze dead king reflex dad phantasms interesting her bless herself oh come on dude wildfire does that does that work did it do two or one it dealt two you're kidding me dude it doesn't update the text but it still works screw off dude screw off dude that's so brutal avenging wrath makes a big boy that could be nice do we ever think it's oh my god here though what are the odds they also got in oh my yog right there's no way i just refuse to believe it like i just don't accept it impossible absolutely impossible i don't believe it i don't trust it dude freaking wildfire on their hero power is so gross i mean we have a lot of ways to gain life i think i think it'll be okay but still really annoying doubling that damage output snot suddenly makes carrielle interesting again though kariel becomes kind of good again hand maiden ton of draw here jeez the awful banker handmaiden in the deck wow that's cool actually pretty sick um probably want to play an elitist snob here to try to heal i actually kind of hope i guess that this is a um noble sack because i think i'd rip a consecration here honestly it's reckoning oh dude come on [Music] hate this guy i hate this guy i hate this guy i hate this guy it just ate this guy [Music] we're still at 29 despite all of this right oh priest of the feast is a ton of healing that's going to change my timing windows here dramatically they're just never going to run out of resources they did use that leverage they don't have any mage spells anymore i guess that's good news i think we might actually be able to outlast this right how many spells are they gonna make i guess they always have a labrum of wisdom if i don't deal with that it's interesting that's a pretty decent righteous defense target but i don't have a freaking minion in hand right now can this draw me a minion please it can okay that's decent finally gonna have time to use this uh coin too what do you know been the most patient coin user in the history of the world like i've been sitting on this coin for three years finally using it oh really no expensive cards one holy card is that worth it here um rebuke i mean i could definitely see this being a good finisher like set up a board and use the rebuke to kill them right so maybe we take the rebuke even though it's not holy basically a lothab in a can right it's not bad certainly don't think giving in the library is scarier than them having a priest of the feast on board and i traded it anyways probably would have rebuked this turn honestly if i if i had the mana right would have been nice here's that other libram oh come on no they did lose their infinite damage here though to be honest i mean i guess they still have two every turn but it's like a little more awkward for them perhaps literal identity theft yeah literal identity theft great great great point yep i am just kind of stuck on stuff to do that's interesting though i would consider this a very weak turn right i don't this is certainly not a rebuke turn it's not like a board that i really really need to protect right um i need oh my god this guy is a freaking god of hearthstone do you just get to magically generate cards out of thin air when you're this opponent i mean they just pick every card they want that's all they do they just pick their cards and they just get to play every card they ever want and they just they're just just happy hearthstone players this is a good draw actually a really good draw gonna not complain for one second here i think oh okay nice nice nice uh countess is not active unfortunately because i have holmes in the deck so i can take homes but then i mean the countess is stuck on the bottom of the deck basically right so unless i get to dredge again i'm not going to get the countess forever but i don't certainly want to take her now i guess they still take holmes some value here could have been nice some value here could be very very nice so okay let's go let's just chill all right so good health here i'm trying to keep the dredge alive for that countess now um a little bit of healing face against good they have two libras now oh my god yeah because they copied my other guy thankfully the libraries for them don't generate as much upside as mine do right my librarians become bodies on board my librarians become health buffs right so ah our countess play may actually pay off here since we're going to get to attack with the libra again now we're not drawing it right away so we have to decide if we maybe just want to go face and carry l here yeah probably so right we'll put count this on the top we'll just set up our own carry out we're actually gonna burn a libra and a card here which is pretty pretty meaningful this stage that's a big deal oh canopic jars is still in the deck oh count i i just i picked the wrong card i'm a little tilted by my opponent's insane draws so far but it's okay we'll we'll still get there it's fine you know it's only it's only two from the bottom now ooh and asmani that's would have been good earlier but probably not particularly relevant at this stage of the game right i feel like i'm oh my god say i feel like i'm a little favored at this point right um they're playing with kind of a ramshackle hand i think i have a lot of ways to just gain a ton of life and keep cycling into cool stuff so i do feel a little favored here we're luck again no is this a decent rebuke turn actually not so much because i'm planning to end the game but just to really start swinging it in my favor a little more just kind of shut down their turn realize maybe the double murloc holmes benefit to get a couple extra resources that way i mean there is a world where maybe i play it when i play the countess but i'm still four draws away from that because the canopic jars is on the bottom i think i'll use it this turn just to get uh just to maybe protect murloc homes i think there's quite a bit of value in protecting homes here palm reading's not bad okay good for them but oh whoa that's a liability right oh my god okay can i just leave that alive for now and let them fatigue out do they have some sort of fatigue game plan i'm not imagining here appropriately trying to think here if like they have like a kazakhstan there's no no dragons played right i mean holy spells are good i'm for an eye i mean it's like yeah none of these are that interesting are they uh i guess avenge is probably a little more important than eye for an eye i doubt the uh oh the discount actually sucks on it though i think about that discounts unfortunately it still it still buffs everybody but it um won't make a minion for me anymore okay so a little more value here i think this is maybe a risk for them so i'm gonna leave it alive until it becomes a bigger threat whoa crowmagus they have so much insane value in this deck right they decide to kill it off yeah so okay they're pretty smart pretty smart i don't have to do it thankfully an iphone i would do one-fourth damage wow that's you're right that's actually a really interesting insight isn't it yeah because i'm taking half and then they're taking half yeah that's actually really interesting open the doorways we have any idea what that is i don't think so right okay just keep chilling here 30 health is a lot i think we're fine double i'll just trade here that's totally fine i can uh test a noble sack first of course repentance oh i'm not testing an oval sack i guess you goose i'll honestly trade right i'm chill with it i can make a dude first and then buff the dude again after some help this way but i don't need this to be insane right we're chill let's get some dudes my libras kinda got worse right because of the idiot uh one drop maybe i shouldn't have even played that i don't know man is nice too but so chrome agus is their last big threat probably i can just equality through him it's not a big risk they are down to seven cards in total another paladin secret all right their discoveries definitely got a lot worse huh uh remember quality consecration time or do we save that for emergencies we could just carry out trade here probably maybe we're a little worried about noble sack and or redemption i think if there's a redemption i am probably just chill right i'm not really that threatened by this guy in that case not really that big of a threat oh i didn't hear a power oh repentance is fine yeah that's no biggie sure sure should have hero power there's a chance it hits carry all right oh i'm playing so sloppy because i'm playing fast because i think the game is basically over and i'm just putting in the final touches but that's okay i need to tighten up a little bit though we're gonna i mean there is potentially something crazy on this hero power but we have this for that right both of these actually we really don't want to play the room of justice though so quality consecration is saved for whatever this monster thing is wow it actually is charged holy crap are you serious dude that is gross oh my god okay hopefully nothing too scary in here right um that is so brutally gross i mean in an emergency i may have to play libra now but i think we'll be okay for the most part ah nice fatigue damage nice that was their last big hurrah dude oh my god dude that game was insane i think they threw by by swapping into cariel honestly i i feel like their pre-serial power doing two damage was a bigger threat to me overall i mean i i recognized we had a lot of free life gain and maybe they were worried it wasn't gonna get there but i don't know man i feel like they would have been better off a little bit we're doing other things that turn spells into into stuff maybe i don't want that maybe hunter's inside of like a carriage or a big hand is a little better i don't know all right that's actually three decent palleting cards but i think we're better off with no more please 20 minutes 18 turn duels game crazy dude actually insane i thought we were dead like three times honestly like we're not really dead but you know i thought we were losing like three times how many dudes did i make off guardian light by the way that one turn with the with the maki roll dude that was a sick turn that was really cool hey wing burrito holy crap five gifted subs grats to zeifer zephyr lich king nightfall nino and schneppy that's awesome thank you everybody [Music] yeah i've heard potion of sparking something wacky is going on oh by the way guys i asked about um yesterday we were talking about the forgotten depths uh having the discount even though the patch notes said it didn't have a discount apparently it was a patch notes mistake not a game mistake so uh it is still supposed to discount it's just only two colossals so just they just left off the end of the the sentence on the patch notes it sounds like so correct in game correct incorrect in the notes was our was our learning there okay yeah this is actually a pretty cool little hand i think i like i like all the little synergies and holy stuff here this is a good start can't get worse than this if we keep it hell yes dude thanks for the two months i hurt you as well man that's nice all right good hand opponent is definitely one we can negate a little bit right with all of our life game um you know there's still probably some inevitability with the bombs like i don't think we beat bombs forever oh legendary loot is also gross dude how do i get awesome passives like this these are both so fun i want both of these okay that's not the strongest uh weapon thank god you know be more weird about a rune spear or a woe cleaver it's good definitely not a bad card to get for free but not the craziest luckily in the box pirates okay so you have a lot of like shuffling and stuff happening here don't they we ever coin a sunfish just because coin does operate pretty interestingly into both secrets right we might learn a little bit about secrets we have a three drop follow-up i think so let's try it if not we have the like if we get ice trapped or whatever right we have the the play here anyways i think it's a good time to coin um conviction is a two mana holy spell which is a little better for guardian light hand of protection does seem pretty interesting though like if this is like taunt divine shield right that's pretty nice judgment of justice does not seem relevant to me yet i don't know if i like conviction better or not i mean it's also good on lifesteal stuff i don't know i feel like canada protection is a little easier to work with and probably on average more helpful to me like hitting a top minion you know on turn four for instance that alone offers some value for it which is nice i think that'll be fine okay face base secret sure that's kind of a little roll for them that's nice so they're getting some armor which is bad we would like to shut that down as soon as possible but currently not really in the cards in the cods see what i did there i don't think they attack with the two four here ever right yeah i wouldn't either it's pretty smart i can't punish that a little bit with um oh actually probably just equality is fine here huh equality yeah i like equality here it just really lets us deal with stuff and then i can use other spells to create great trade opportunities right so i think this is fine it's obviously a little early on the equality there's no question about that right like there are going to be other boards we'll want to have equality but if we fall too far behind i think we're in trouble i want to start getting ahead so i can chip away at armor totals every turn and maybe you know save a few turns of bombs basically so getting some bodies out seems very good for that goal alrighty snob here is good hunter's insight is also good because carry all comes down asap then let's go ahead and do this i don't think we need to wait guess i'm leaving the 3-4 up in this case right i think never gains stats unlike some of the other ones um oh coins back to zero so i can actually carry all next turn that's actually really cool anything about that that's awesome which after this trade might look really nice going back to zero carryall at seven that's awesome unnerfed carryall is here dude that's good okay that's still a fine carriage i think we absolutely go for carry all right there's no no reason to wait because every bomb i snipe off if it's awesome the hero power is better to get rolling sooner rather than later it's good on board i remove armor there's like you know 17 upsides here basically i don't see any reason why i mean weapon removal is one reason why they guess they have they have a weapon removal card chilling in hand you know but i'm not gonna play around that i don't have a lot of other weapons to bait it out anyway so it's not like we would bait it oh it's really sad dude my heart just fell out of my chest it's just absolutely just my heart just broke dude just broke um holy spells are better on average but i don't have a lot of synergies here i feel like i just need meat right now bronze explorer is a little meatier maybe get a good dragon do i want to play holy spells though while i can it's a little bit better on minions probably at the moment um discover a second carol we could eventually actually yeah sarah is really good for us a lot of value here i think is fine we give this divine shield also buffs health on both of these yeah maybe it's probably a good target honestly this going to three four also matters against like shield slam right now technically so who knows why not i mean you know the carriel was still good for the hero power as you saw like we're still netting you know on average this is going to be more stats than the than the the 3-3 buff is that can be a nice debuff to be fair but i think on average this wins out usually wow leroy to kill the taunt jeez okay i don't mind that too much it's not exactly a home run play is it all right mocky roll we're gonna try to hit a knight if we can here yes sarah i think we need the buff lasts nice we don't wait right we just go here kind of playing a little bit into some removals but we can try to hedge that a little here by putting this at three i know there's life still here i play around uh rancor just slightly ever so slightly more i guess not much really but a little the lifesteal currently doesn't matter anyway it seems so we're up to 44 naturally uh maki roll could be used now just to uh get us even higher that'd be cool trade-in with libras here gets me a lot of extra bodies that's nice and extra buffs on the stuff i care about wow charge on that that's so sick this guy's really like a ton of charge minions for finishing damage i think that's crazy i kind of dig it i dig it a lot of bombs already unfortunately but you know we have a lot of um nice let's go we have a lot of life gains so i think we're okay with that for now three bodies too is really good against warrior at some level all right back to 45 dude six bombs is 30 damage though if you are counting that is a lot but i can get even higher health totals eating you know a couple bombs at a time play a maki roll through them or whatever that's that's how we kind of get through all this i think i figured this guy's legit just running a ton of um like just running a ton of uh like burst damage cards it's actually sort of cool i dig it they just trade in our small boys here is it time to play you sarah it's decent i guess i i'm gonna burn a card which actually i guess at this stage of the game is fine it might just be a bomb so maybe we're okay with that no cards that i like desperately need right now anyway so current board state we're winning right the odds of me hitting a bomb right now are higher than not for sure well not higher than not but higher than any other individual card let's say drake for one just to get the body down okay sure oh that's sad so i can probably just flash of light here do i keep a full hand or not like how much are we thinking about like getting for going for lethals already right like i get it for nine right now we're getting pretty close to setting up lethals actually it's like dream ever any kind of lethal this is plus six damage i have how much 12 17 16 22. i think we're there quite yet but we're getting shockingly close i think so we probably play this one a little more straight up well i sure do wish i could i'm gonna play at least one card here i think this is pretty nice i mean i'm only playing one i might as well play two right what's the there's no real reason to wait anymore is there i'm gonna get bomb draws anyway kind of maybe play into removal a little bit i guess roll or something but let's chill here this looks like a nice middle ground play maybe so nine cards in hand i'm not ever dead to bombs themselves even if i somehow magically drew all eight 47 health so all right let's just see nice dude this acts cool guys i really like this deck man all right you can't lose if you keep a full hand oh you can definitely lose if i never play any cards i eventually lose a ball like you know if he has brawl then i have one minion left right i have like a one three on board uh and then you know the one three is not enough to win the game against every card he draws if i can both play cards and keep a full hand yes sometimes we've been able to do that with decks that like naturally replenish their resources right if you play a card that draws a card sort of thing yes that's true we have like a mage weapon thing that's generating spells every turn or something right possible but i will all right we like this good early curve stuff not holy spells specifically but we can find some certainly and at least a synergy for them here although as we're fighting the discounts on the holy spells aren't maybe always a good thing it seems like sometimes they hurt us more than they help us flash of light alrighty war commands is nerfed so this is delayed quite a bit well some guy on twitter told me a funny story he said he had um his opponent going for the oh nope not going for your power interesting really wow what's better you just the deathrattle in hand oh whoa okay hysteria in there all right keep that in mind guys um anyway what was i saying story story time what was my story oh my story was um i forgot muckborne just to get another good holy spell for carrielle next turn it's a little bit more susceptible to board but still doesn't actually die i think i might we might find a good holy spell oh oh somebody on um rebuke i mean they're mostly a minion based deck i don't know it's probably still the best card i will i swear to god i'm gonna get through this story some guy on twitter was telling me he faced an opponent who had two cookies ladles as his treasures which makes sense if if the opponent drafted a deck prior to the nerf and got cookie's ladle as a tier one passive then he then he continued his his run after the nerf he could have also gotten offered cookies ladle as a tier two passive and had double cookies ladle which just sounds hilarious to me it sounds so funny so this is gonna have a weapon inside and they got the hysteria already we need to keep both of those in mind not totally in love with this turn are we it's kind of bad i don't know man but i want to put extra stats in play or just remove more stats now weapons not bad against carrielle but it's not amazing one would argue i'm gonna maybe librim of justice soon but i don't have a way to kill a lot of stuff off the librum so probably keep the board narrower for now and then figure it out later i think if this man starts and stops his story again i'll cry hey at least i was aware it was happening okay that's worth something i think no weapon yet can we ever like just let this farm for a while and then just destroy all the cards their hand is so freaking full it's kind of happening already so this is now just dead to whatever i guess carrie ellen coming soon is nice there's the weapon anyway okay so just loading it up all right that's fine too dreadlord in there wow that's cool actually i haven't seen that in a while this does not feel like a good libram really i mean i get a 4-4 i guess that's something maybe it's okay it feels premature to me i think do we deny the value here or just give them the card now i mean the dreadlord's not very good it's on curve i guess but yeah i think the idea of like burning value is silly let's just kill it right i think it's fine that feels silly to me just get more bodies more buffs light rays pretty cool okay i want to try that done baldar holy mackey roll again guys that was super super cool that was a fun win condition or not really win condition you know what i mean fun play fun play kind of could be a wink edition i guess sometimes some boards would some decks would be able to answer that so this weapon's not that great against you know most of our stuff honestly it's um stuff's a little worse with it right sun fish etcetera but not not anything crazy this is a good sign an older bridge yeah the healing is lost we have plenty of ways to gain life and negate life so i think just make the big dude and take the trade here's fine seems good to me might want to try to use these weapon charges soonish if i'm going to carry all on eight it's kind of maybe hoping to suss out some of that uh to sucks out some of that weapon removal we saw last game but i don't think weapon removal is that likely uh so we we know there's still hysteria but that's the only known card left right everything else was already everything else was already uh played right we got the weapon we got the dreadlord yeah okay i think it was that's a good carryall board but we're one turn off here snob is decent though a holy spell here would go a long way for buffs but we don't really need it i think we just snobbier probably light ray too right it's fine with me i will uh i will hit face i will hit face just in case we want to play carry out get one extra damage out that way certainly don't expect to need two of these pre carryall i am going to need some card value though right now we are really out of resources man like yeah these turn into a lot of bodies and stuff but not that good which is not that good okay it's a decent carry out i'd say especially if that dies yeah oh that's funny let's stop the taunt yeah that's funny i didn't even see it that's amusing yeah that's amusing okay that works out nicely for us that's great these are good minions for carol's hero power at least this guy too can actually generate a little bit of card value as well there are actually um like blessing of wisdom and stuff can generate some resources i think maybe other things too but i'm not sure whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right carol's up hero power is up fell riffs are incoming cool cool cool don't have oohs don't have ooze don't have oohs i mean nobody plays carol and duels i don't ooze is not like a common tech right now that i've seen much of i feel like we used to run a lot of oozes back in the day but not lately well that's a good removal for that wow that's clean countess countess you're not ready yet it's not time countess it's not your time counters is not gonna be ready for like forever at some point i'm just gonna have to play at 11 11 right like there's just no life seals are helpful stats are helpful okay oh that's very helpful nice okay great yeah that's very nice i'm actually gonna hold the sunfish i don't think we need it right now and i i kind of want to buff it up if i'm going to be playing it right i think we're just chilling on this guy for for the moment too soon you throw me too soon regis yeah she's uh he's definitely here a little early this color palette i never really noticed the like straight up contrast between the red and the blue on the different halves of her doesn't feel very paladin-esque in any way honestly nothing about that really screams paladin to me oh my god they've got a boar package in here i gotta be honest i was not expecting the boars but that's kind of scary this hand is dying fast too man oh my god i think i gotta play this guys i think i just got to play it i mean they just used a siphon soul they only have seven damage showing on board what choice do i really have i think i gotta go right i mean i still have canopic jars and murloc homes in deck there's no way i'm gonna draw those in time i mean yeah if i knew they were the very next two cards like sure i would i would wait but i don't know that they are i have 90 hp i mean that's true but i'm worried about these elwynn boars like the l1 boards are actually a win condition right i will lose to ellen boars i'm running out of time and they're going to be drawing them as well these are neutral minions they're drawing i i think i go guys i think i go i don't think that the the invitations are so good that they're better than a 15-15 particularly in like three or four turns right because it's not gonna be the next two cards it's gonna be five or six or seven cards away you know that's that's four five six seven turns maybe oh my gosh see the game's almost over bro those all have rush dude and they trade this is crazy four out of seven i can't kill any boars guys i'm not allowed to kill the boars um okay how do we win do we just heal i can't play holy cards either though because well i can play this holy card let's think about whether or not i can beat boars like you know the taunt is big enough theoretically you know i can beat boars if they can't clear the boars i can beat boars like i can just hit face and heal this actually does not um this does not summon a minion so can i i need 16 turns can i live for 16 turns can somebody do the math real quick i'm taking six ten per turn that's three turns this adds another two no i can't i cannot oh they're killing off their bores as well so we're dead probably curses too what is this nonsense bro oh that is an interesting win condition too okay dude stop it i mean the weapon only hits me for eight right or yeah eight i mean theoretically i'm not even dead the weapon but it's it's everything else they play with it that's scary but i could also heal the answer is here i think for now i just wait i can play these and they don't hurt anything if i want like if i think rebuke somehow matters but i don't think it does yet i think i can maybe wait a minute just not you know we don't until we have to we don't have to you know what i mean like i the problem is i'm kind of taking free damage if i want to outlast the weapon like if my plan is to outlast the weapon i'm not oh god okay that's extra damage too well not too much really it's one extra damage okay remember the following i'm finally do this this turn right it doesn't hurt anything i think we're fine mocky roll canopic is also an idea but let's then even if they get sword they may not be able to deal with the board enough right my patience could can wait a turn maybe don't wait one turn i guess i don't know i might just have to do that next turn anyway though i kind of like that in theory right i'm just sort of hoping i can maybe find some way to do more damage but the the chill blades not getting big enough fast enough right like this is a path to losing currently so i think i need to go for the monster board maybe do i also play oh my god by the way i drew them both already i still don't think count this would be very good here though so probably ultimately the right call um so consecration canopic would not really get me a big enough board yeah i think we'll try it i think we'll go here i i just don't think this like even if i hit this every time right i'm going to 11 that's like 13 it's just not fast enough i need to go here i'm gonna run out of time so we're gonna go we'll just try to make the we'll try to make the play here i have enough health that maybe we live right we don't know maybe we live oh i forgot to do this i need to play this it's free right well no i need them to be one mana so it's not exactly free now really isn't that big in hindsight man i mean i have a lot of health which is nice i go here and heal once more i don't get a minion but i buff these more but i'm not actually sure it's good to buff them more i kind of need them to die weirdly they need to trade in boars i don't know if it's better to have them die or not guys i don't know man maybe i need to save that guy for post thing because now i can play his rebuke i don't know man i didn't have anything that's zero mana anyway after the after the sword right so i guess saving it's pointless i'm just all in on this board right so i'll be trading in dudes to try to get powerful legendaries hopefully they can't well they just don't have enough damage right but they can refresh the thing maybe but not really because i'll just kill the boar but they might have more boars in hand that refresh the sword so this is just a weird weird game i don't know i don't know the right way to play this wish this were one mana man that would be a big difference jeez if they don't have more boars right now i think we're kind of happy or chill at least okay i'm gonna hit face feels eight i can trade in and kill a thing here i'm gonna try to unlock these as soon as possible right i need like big taunt legendaries i need i need actually need to kill this boar asap though too unfortunately i need to kill the boar as soon as i can i actually should have probably hit this boar last turn i don't know if it matters though honestly let's just kill it now it needs to die so that i don't they're they don't i don't want them to refresh it after attacking again i think that might have already been a mistake in fact but i need like a big taunt legendary not theater unfortunately oh that's kind of a tree all right sort of dig that i better have hitting minions i mean we're not doing the face damage yet we're trying to get through the weapon not this is like another 24 damage and i'm already at 29. there's just no way right i don't have any good draws either i guess um aldor into libra would be a decent draw but there's no way this does eat boars even so this actually might be a liability it might refresh their bore for them like if they play a poor this kills it and gives them a new sword no that's not good that's not good news okay is a cool dying but his his baller cry still goes off so um okay so they killed that dude i can't even play the curses man how many freaking win conditions are in this deck dude purity purity emperors and ilganoth that's not useful right i don't think just dead to two hits here unfortunately and i'm not killing them so i think that's a game i don't have any holy spells i can play i guess if i top deck aldor no that's still two mana so yeah i'm just dead in two turns well that sucks maybe they won't attack for some reason who knows i think i should have killed that boar the first turn i think i might have been in a better oh they're hitting ilgan off oh my okay interesting well that theoretically helps me but the problem is any more boars screw me right like they can just trade in boars and i lose again this game has been weirdly close despite the shenanigan over here i mean i feel like they just play any board they win right like i don't know what their hesitation is here i feel like they just play a boar they win play any minion they win right i i'm curious what they're doing that's not yeah see that's just that just always wins the game like there's no i cannot win now right there's just no path to victory there tamsen okay again i'm just always dead yeah i do kind of agree boris would be cool if you had to make another another seven like it reset the count but it doesn't work that way yeah after reviewing all this i don't know that we had a way to win boars with rush in particular just kind of steal any win condition for us right there's just no way for us to win they're taking a long time to end so let's just do it for them i feel kind of bad maybe they knew their their achievement but they're just really really milking it there so sorry buddy all right henchman is actually pretty good for us it's early starting game like you guys said for for countess might make a difference who knows who knows hey canthal oh my god marin and elven archer that is a classic combo what was i what was i thinking why didn't i go for the marin archer combo i kind of dig this dude we got some librams libra of judgment i guess is a little bit of liability with cariel though maybe we're better off here this is holy spell synergies right yeah we're probably better here that's like fancy that's fun but thank you careful for the sub uh gosh i don't know if i should mention it on stream but there was something mrs killman was wanting to talk to you about did you uh did she ever talk to you about that a funny well a thing a certain certain situation here all whispering there i seen a whisper all right we definitely don't want hitchman early warmatic that's okay uh i don't know why i don't know why i wrote mrs gilman in the whisper by the way yes if that's her name [Music] all right okay decent hand okay okay we can work with this that's not her real name i know right what the heck some people do think regis is my real name so i guess that would be kind of fitting wouldn't it do we play a loyal henchmen already i think we're not really feeling too much urgency right now glory i'm here okay pirate swarm i think we're actually gonna be pretty good against this though ultimately a lot of defensive cards a lot of life steal a lot of taunt i think we could maybe risk the don baldar on four just to really go nuts although man i don't know what what the right turn five is if this guy lives it's gonna be hard pressed not to go ahead and hold the bridge just to get the 33 defensive body on the taunt i don't really think he's gonna live there's already a nice clean kill on board but would be cool weapons a little gross backstabs really gross man they are going hard already geez gonna need that freaking holy monkey roll man eldor oh i really need a minion that sticks this turn it's like the do we use the war medic as bait here and like force another hit um or do i need to get the war medic upside right that's i think the question i can't do it on baldar yet i think aldor hold the bridge or something's pretty bad i think i throw out the bait here man and see what they do i just don't think the tutus are gonna offer enough upside currently with this hand especially not right um if i had a holy mackey roll or something we'd be talking differently sure but with this current hand i think i need to throw this out and then if they can't answer it you know maybe we do something cool if they do answer it of course which seems very easy we heal five at least you know we kind of interrupt their plans for one more turn here sad news is i still don't really have a play after weapon is getting gross with battle stance carrielle does not beat the two five unfortunately carrielle hold the bridge as good later but not good now man i just have the weakest turns here i need to stick a minion right i just need to stick a minion use the holy version of dunbaldar dude that would be sick if only i just gotta stick a minion here for hold the bridge to pull this game back i think if kariel lives for instance right that'd be great um they might feel like they're ready to turn the corner and just ignore minions for a minute i don't know or not i mean are they really gonna bother to kill the outdoor attendant though like this seems like something you just don't bother killing to me in which case i go equality hold the bridge trade i think kill this probably dump in a henchman too you don't kill this right it's just so you just don't bother it's just no point in killing this yeah indeed okay so that's not bad i hate how much value they're getting off this career herlock holmes is a little weak to me by the way i'm i'm sort of hesitating now whether the equality was actually worth or not but i kind of think it was a light ray or henchman henchman just continues to get bigger light ray currently doesn't actually get much cheaper based on my current hand states i think it's actually light right here i think it's i think it's the move but my hand is so bad dude how did i get such a terrible hand here this is the worst hand we've had imagine drawing like countess or snob right now we would be completely screwed some of the opponent has more cards than me as or better board crazy damage output like i'm just really really struggling here i have no more holy spells in hands that's six three's gross okay how do we pull this out the consecration might be not sipping on the board shape puffer fist it's oh crazy but i guess it gives them uh good patches trades right which they'll probably take i think they're learning maybe leaving a minion on boards a risk they're not willing to accept any longer chill blade champion bro okay um i i mean i gotta kill the six three right it's probably here but i'm just stressed that if i don't play more like holmes this turn i'm not gaining any additional value like i might need to chill blade holmes this turn right i think that'll be okay we're going to 26. what am i drawing though that's good enough here cariel i guess always is decent leviathan there's some good draws ivory knight might be good hero power hold the bridge i mean i get it right like it it makes chill blade heal for more it sets up a little better taunt i'm i'm nervous about it but i kind of like it i'm actually nervous i'm dead if i do this i don't know if the swing is worth it right i i get it i i get it i i think in my heart of hearts it was calling out to me as the play but it's just so oh we're so exposed this guy again that's a decent target for chill blade now though oh my god the bodies is carry all any good off the top here not really no chill blade henchman is fine with hero power i don't even know what i'm hero powering though probably knight and status is better always just to get another body there's no great debuff target here right do we actually say we have to kill the puffer fist instead of the career like are we thinking maybe the four damage is more relevant than the the value here i mean this is a 10-10 let's let's think about break points a little bit in that case first we see what happens here because this could change everything forbidden healing feels like a next turn sort of play i like it but we gotta we gotta get this going first i think the taunt is potentially worth more there is obviously some risk that um they have like a sap effect and this taunt does nothing and forbidden healing might be better but for now i think i actually need to go here i think the damage matters more on average i'm just wondering if i if i use this for two health right now or actually three health right now and an extra health on the taunt i think the swing next turn is more valuable but it's it's honestly debatable it's it's really close i think i'm not dead on board here right no but they have a sap oh i'm just dead to spells cool they have a sap wow yup shoot and they had it kind of perfect and i just drew so dead here i feel like we actually win this game like 7 out of 10 times probably we just drew dead we hit a bunch of garbage neutrals no holy spells you know we we hit like the weird side of the deck here the done bulldog the the holmes just totally stranded cards none of the good stuff right none of the good holy spells that's a cool deck though man that's a really fun deck i think giving this deck another go i don't even know if i changed that much honestly but uh maybe countess i guess i guess you you don't run countess if you're really try harding but those are pretty cool deck i like that one the the boar loss was a little tough for sure that one hurts the road gloss is like yeah whatever okay that happens sometimes smorky stuff i don't hit my early heals or taunts or whatever okay um all right we're gonna play some standard i think guys that's a good duels run actually let me take a pee break and then we'll play some standard but i'll be back in about one minute we're gonna play uh some standard decks that look good and then go from there alrighty standard feels good man i have not played standard since the patch yesterday actually but i want to do a couple videos of course covering uh what the new meta looks like speaking of which i think we're gonna play the best deck the new best deck and maybe one other sort of interesting deck something that's become a new force in the meta right something that has become good um so if we look for instance the best nude well not the best new deck the new best deck that is a very important distinction it's not a new deck but it's new to being the best is actually naga priest since the patch 24.2.2 uh naga priest has taken the number one prize from diamond of legend uh amongst the meta beast hunter is very close behind and face hunter is also making a resurgence so naca priests up there best deck in top 1k pretty close among these three still priest is wrecking though man three insane priests but yeah i think i think we'll play some naga priests then i wanted to showcase the i mean to be honest i think beast hunter is a little more interesting but i i mean this is the story right naga priest is the best new deck so i think that's the interesting story i might also play beast hunter and you know now tier one is a pretty good storyline too so all right let's take the highest win rate naga priest deck how different is that from the most popular naga priest deck majak is in the highest win rate version samuro the most popular version has samara but no najak what's it running instead here i'm just double checking all these peligos handmaiden one shard one vote well one valish obviously hispanics definitely a smaller sample size highest winner with a decent sample size also not running in ajax but clearly something's popping up here in the data the najak is working well i feel like i want to run the najak version for sure in fact i might even put an ajak in the thumbnail maybe boon of the center in the thumbnail though that's a pretty good card yeah we'll just try this out that's fine everything's gonna have pretty small sample sizes on the new patch right now so anything in general is is that's close is fine for me that'll be fine for the video and ajax is definitely fun so uh now i've not really played much of this deck at all to be honest um we played a little bit when the expansion first came out but i have not been running a ton of naga priest as you might imagine so i'm not expecting the cleanest lines here but uh we're probably still gonna win some games we're probably still gonna run through some people i would guess here and there sometimes this deck just plays itself just make a big stuff uh i guess i will take a quick peek at mulligan one rights here see what people are keeping traditionally in these decks that seem to do best let's go serpent leg of course number one by a mile on mulligan win rates slater spear cathedral is a high power card scribe is good and radiant elementals devour decent probably a little bit more match-up dependent i would guess pelagos not great handmaiden not great boone is weirdly it's got a great play tonight but definitely not a good mulligan rant so anyway uh this looks like a solid pair for sure we know these two are really good in the mulligan these are two of our best on them on the data side of things samara's probably not ideal but we can make it work cathedral's definitely good turn two we'll go ahead and roll in here get a get a big body moving i think not a lot of reason to wait oh we've got actual token druids happening here all right can't quite contest that just yet dude that that that delay was a little intense what was that is that animation delay wild or am i seeing things hopefully this lives we can uh start building on it with cathedral cathedral samurai is a is a possibility too i could hold the cathedral for the turn for samurai i don't think we need that i i you know i think it's in other words i think it turned five samurai will be fine if we need to go for that oh my good god dude oh i say that but i don't know i'm not sure that's true i think i might need to turn for samurai um let's deny a little draw here we're not really playing in a trog so that's okay let's let's hold i don't think the buff here does enough i mean a two health break point doesn't change anything so let's just hold this first tomorrow i think if we swing off some row here at the right moment it's definitely going to be a big big play now of course uh well this doesn't really look like they didn't they didn't develop anymore they just hero powered here so maybe maybe we actually hold again on samara i think treasure guard is fine as a bit of a bait here for a moment now though we've sort of wasted a a cycle on this right so i don't know i'm also giving them more draw but we'll see wig on the samoa could actually give us a little extra depth too if they go for a big health buff here so let's see how it goes this is the one mana spell either living roots or the other guy i think we're pretty much always submirrowing this turn unfortunately i have to hit that taunt though oh doesn't feel as good to me but it's definitely right let's pull the board back before they redevelop anymore okay there's chilling here pelagos uh yeah probably not that exciting yet handmade in a little light too right now malcolm's a little stranded okay samaro dead he's dead ever make a really big pelagos use a knee jack here soon oh of a leash huh it's a little awkward man i don't i don't really love this am i just tempoing an amalgam to get a chain going here with with radiance and serpent wigs and stuff this feels weird i guess i try to hit a noggin here i don't know if he will but yeah we do nice okay i think that's definitely the pick for later yeah um i think we don't over invest into any one minion right this is worth two mana i think that's good enough just go for well i mean you want you want a big minion to be fair but i don't need to be like insanely big i want i want to make sure everything on board contests a little bit let's make like two four sevens i think that's that's interesting i kind of like that okay um that works out all right i could have grabbed an elemental yeah i didn't think about it it was just i don't know obviously it's free yeah might as well why not right okay so they're gonna trade in wow you'll love it great i don't really need it that much honestly it's fine oh devour dude how big do we go here how big does this get with caressia's blessing i will find the truth didn't even yeah can't get it oh my god dude pelicans is gross good god okay cool that's a good good game to get some feels for this deck in yeah that's nice najak's best in the mirror huh i buy it swinging into some crazy big stuff uh did this list have shard for the mirror no but focus will okay kind of makes sense focus will still good against singular stuff but also can be used to build your own threats now that said not good against walls of taunts but i guess those are probably a little less likely at this stage i had to guess i think uh we definitely look for a naga wig line here but getting wig early is great handmaiden pelagos to go with it okay pelego's treasure guard wig is pretty cool do we get pelagos down on three and trust that he survives against demon hunter some of those things where gosh i don't know i don't have enough experience with this to really know how confidently something like pelagos is able to stick on three right because if it does and you can like coin treasure guard wig on four i think you're really over the moon but i just don't have experience here or even just boone too is kind of nuts not quite as nuts but still pretty nuts what do you guys think does pellego stick on three you think no location it sticks could be it could be a location though it's really no good way to know there um you know what we could do we could scribe this turn and then uh pely ghost wig next turn or well that doesn't really change i can scribe this turn still [Music] i'm gonna try it guys let's see how it goes it's there's a chance right there's a chance i don't i don't think i wig it i mean in 88's cool and everything but i want to get multiple instances of value out of it right let's chill let's chill i buy it i think he's gonna live i think he's gonna live i think he's gonna live yeah he lives let's go he's smaller but he lives now do we buff the treasure guard here we buff the pelagos actually i guess we bought the treasure guard right there's no reason not to oh do we radiate here radiant coin treasure guard serpent wig serpent wig well no i guess we don't really want a serpent twice because then we lose our wig right as interesting as that is pele just does work on himself yeah it's not another friendly win it's just a friendly minion um let's hold the radiant for next turn i think we've off the the guard since it has taunt right it's really nice should be fine i mean i i can go face for six six now but i mean i actually don't really want this trading in effectively no i take it back take it back let's hit for six because you know this actually is really good at just denying this anyway i don't really need much out of this and it increases the survivability polygons again right so yeah i'm cool with this i think this is actually the right way to do it so now samuro is pretty cool uh we also got some cool boon plays here foon can get even bigger later though um i don't know there's a few different directions to take this depending on draw too right bless oh my oh this is interesting i don't have another good cheap naga right now as my problem right i feel like i really want to samurai because i want to i want to clear here right i mean i i risk this thing i guess but that's not ever too bad right i guess the 7 7 can't come out of this so yeah i think i think some row here is fine this is still going to be a monster somewhere alright so he's an 88 pretty nice i mean do i hit here first and like you know just fully resolve or do i just leave whatever that is i think i leave whatever it is i think it's like a 3-3 worst case i think i want to push more face oh it's a tom engine that's even better that's fine okay easy clear there save all of our health totals yeah i like where we're at right here this is nice now boone becomes pretty cool on the on the samurai it's just a monster body uh this seems like extinction probably oh just phantasms wow that's pretty small shame i don't have another cheap naga for the wig but just doesn't matter yeah okay cool i don't think we had like an instant winning follow-up there but certainly worked i mean it's good enough [Music] this deck does do broken things sometimes i gotta say it feels gross feels pretty gross probably an enraged warrior i wonder how this act fairs against enrage warrior we've seen these are all pretty high mulligan win rate cards i'm a little nervous to keep the radiant as is but um i don't know i think the odds of us hitting a playable two-minute player are solid at least to fill in any gaps here there you go what do you know a two-man play what did we say starfish should be two mana it just got nerfed you're going the opposite direction of blizzard jeez i didn't really have a lot of strong thoughts about um starfish either way to be honest i feel like handmaidens in the deck and therefore probably is going to be the most relevant for us not in the short term because you know i have cathedral to draw and no spells but overall i think probably makes more sense welp bonker okay samuro again all righty fortunately we can clear this do we want to um yeah i need to manage the board right trying to split out the value on this a bit i think so that uh not over invested on any one thing here nate jack could be really cool like an anima extractor this game oh okay uh it's got rush all right not quite as interesting i guess serbian wing showing up though that's always nice to see i think we just kill this don't we i don't think i even get fancy on the wig do i i think i just buff the treasure guard i have to assume there's gonna be better targets right some giant thing like a grom even later right we can steal the grom and hit the enemy with it do i need to get fancy or do i just build a good treasure guard here i think i just build a good treasure guard honestly i think we don't get fancy we've got some row location if needed we've got just location on this if needed right i don't have the handmaiden active yet so i do need something to do but hopefully between location and natural draw we'll find a solid option there something good to do right school teacher is probably pretty good we could find like a shadow word pain maybe um i mean that's not a bad najak target again by the way it's just a 3-7 i'm tucked away behind some taunts right now i don't hate that guys to be honest uh i don't think i need to get too greedy with najak do i it's already a lot of buffs it's all the buffs basically i think we uh i think we take it now the question here is do i invest in buffing the knee jack or do i just invest in buffing the taunt does an enraged warrior 30 card deck have an answer to najak based on the opponent's actions i think the answer is no they do not i think buffing the taunt was the right call okay there you go uh you know no way to snipe that no like shield slam no no you know no spells around things they have to operate through minions so najac is probably just an enormous tempo swing there which is pretty sweet and it raised where your scoops didn't ajax you called it you called it sir you are correct all right so we saw these aren't really the best mulligan options so we really want to find you know the slither spear we want to find certainly a wig if we can uh flush with your thrive is a way to find a wig yeah could coin a pellet ghost but no good follow-up right now unless we naturally draw a wig i guess that would be cool gotta be quicker on the explanation the opponent didn't sit through it yeah it was like an evil villain monologuing my my evil plan and you will die to the knee jack hexson and they just noped out before i got to explain yeah yeah yeah and coin here makes me think cathedral is always the best player right if this lives at all i think cathedral's got to be the move double cathedral just get get rolling here we may not live though in that case i mean we may still coin cathedral but it feels a lot worse maybe coin pelagos is fine in that case cathedral on pelagos is not quite as exciting but still reasonable yeah i mean they just used a chaos strike maybe peligo sticks here let's see they do have you know they'd have ways to kill it obviously but i think there's a chance oh that's annoying jeez i need boom to be playable here oh i don't i really just don't answer that do i serpent wig is certainly not enough a little sad to see the wig now by the way i just i mean i don't ever take the trade do i what's the point of that they're definitely gonna trade right if they don't i'm the saddest dude ever but i mean they're definitely coming straight for me they're not they're not sending seven damage into this right to protect the poisonous are they they're not it's okay uh what do you take here cathedral boone i mean wig i guess if you can offer a wig if you know the deck you probably take wig right yeah they take a wig all right are we seeing the return of venomous scorpions man to beat uh to beat priest it's kind of cool i mean i think we try to take a wig here again if we can um other thrive i guess i'm just taking a total downturn here though that feels so bad boy this doesn't feel right i don't know man didn't even hit it oh i guess devour could be one way for us to swing this from behind which we don't currently really have right like kill off some one one uh relics and assuming that's what this is uh make a big boon out of it or something right like i'm gonna have to play for more of like a mid-game swing here i think than we traditionally do we're not building off the turn three player we're gonna try to make some monster thing see if we can't kill some monster thing instead probably just playing the other cathedral i think treasure card's sort of better against theater but not really it's fine another boon okay so like this is seven mana play six currently but you know devour makes it seven that's interesting like elemental you know keen reflex devour might clear some stuff for instance probably still just kind of chilling for now though nayjack into the rush minion here with a devourer or a reflexes is okay to swing this turn but not really a big play overall right how greedy do i want to be here i'm being really greedy right now i'm not sure if it's right but we're gonna try to play for the big big boy plays here hey marissa does stuff thanks for the three months that's nice all right can ajax feel anything like crazy good in this one trying to think if there's any like monster target oh now that doesn't summon the the things right does not summon the things right right it doesn't it does i've done this before right it does not summon the things because i'm not freshly summoning it i'm just moving it right so i don't in other words i don't think we stress about that too much right now uh i want to save mana on this and damage my guy or get a ton of damage i want to get a ton of damage i think actually but i am wasting mana here technically it's okay though or different damage i think um [Music] okay that's kind of what i was looking for i don't know that was perfect but it was sort of what we were trying to do right yeah i feel like i feel like that i don't know if the damage was worth it just to clear a minion or not maybe it was i don't know like i kind of floated a mana because i could have you know like i said i could have i like used the this discount and this discount to make it negative one effectively but it's okay why didn't i both radiant then boon because i would've ran out of mana i think i had a discount on the boon to make it three or two and then i think that messed it up right i had played a merkwater scribe to make this cost one less right so if i use the buff in between i remove the the discount on the scribe buff is free not if it removes the discount on the scribe oh the cathedral buff oh yes that buff i probably should have sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's fine like i said i'm sure i messed something up but generally the turn i was looking for you're learning the value of good good language here to explain yourself um all right wig wig devour boon devour worth it again i mean probably much mana for oh no it's not [Music] again yeah i don't i don't know if that was perfect again but sort of doing what i wanted to do i guess no blesses unfortunately right now that's our big problem at the moment man what can they find to deal with two 818s man i don't know okay that's definitely not good enough that's not good that's not it that's not it yeah boone doing crazy boon things man boone is so gross boon is so gross man okay yeah like i said i you know i i didn't even play that close to perfect but it's just so insane you know you don't need to yeah that's that sort of position before the before the game it's just nuts you just three wins half the time [Music] um yeah we found out handmaiden's not really our best mulligan card radiant is doing crazy things but not having a naga makes me a little nervous i wonder if there's a conditional mulligan here where you move away from radiant if you're not getting your early game naga next to it i don't know we did get one here so that's nice hopefully that's enough to snowball here but um all right pelagos is interesting for sure the double devour would be nuts against the board of like volatile skeletons although maybe not that nuts because you're eating all those two damage pings i don't know bully readers is an effect because i'm just hitting people in the face with giant priest minions yeah that's that's pretty pretty accurate i guess i do feel a bit bully-esque i'm a humble bully though i know i don't play this deck super well but man you don't have to so cathedral preemptively or just rip the big pelagos unfortunately the pelicans doesn't have a good follow-up right now so i think cathedral preemptively is is pretty nice sanctum is is gonna be frustrating for us i'm certain um yeah let's just see let's let's see if he sticks right no reason to invest he's not the only card we have so let's let's get him moving slitherspear i'll toss in that's fine you put up these minions here devour ascended could be gross a lot of stuff to work with i mean you know it's gonna be frozen out for a while but it's just a lot of health to build off of potentially so devour here is three minions is plus three health worth it oh whoa shattering blast off the ruined orb he's a god among men screw me i guess man geez louise wig is good we definitely need a wig um in theory i don't know i need cards i don't have right now so part of me is thinking i need to hold the scribe into the um into the cathedral here there's a chance i don't hit a good minion off the top for it and then i need it so i'm gonna chill i don't think playing a 4-4 scribe right now is really a dream scenario either so let's just hang tight again we're um we're going to try to swing this with a giant mid game board unfortunately with pele ghost gone it's not going to be the most threatening maybe just a high health total board but i've heard of it we're kind of resigned to that fate because we don't have any other options it's not really a choice so much it's just where we are that's fine that happens sometimes uh condemn is weirdly good against mage but do i just value my game plan more because i can take thrive and actually this never gets buffed right it's maybe not that good against me yeah i don't think that's good actually take that back um let's just make this guy fairly big for now if i take the thrive now i don't think i take a devourer yet this is sort of interesting with a radiant elemental but it doesn't really change much yet um yeah wig number two with only one with only one naga makes me really nervous i sort of like the double devour here i don't know though we do have we do have elementals so this is a lot of potential value i'm gonna take the other devourer though to handle a bunch of tutus i think that's one way i make a winning play just double devour a big board of two twos or whatever then have a billion health on this and boon it right that's one of my only good good game plans sadly currently they don't have a lot of it's just a three five and a two three so currently this game plan feels like garbage guess i play i mean i don't know man i don't even have a pumped up wig right now i think i gotta wait but i'm you know we're just sitting ducks right now man i'm dying i'm just straight up dying oh they're not they're not playing into the game plan we need right we're sort of resigned to this one specific way to win and currently it's not working you know if i can get like a samurai or something and just kind of fill some time that'd be nice even just like a treasure guard i mean honestly a slither spear is is fine um i still don't think i'm going yet i'm not i'm not dead yet right so let's hang out for now draw some cards radiant number two i mean i i don't i don't go yet do i it's it's certainly possible i'm like thinking about it already right like do i have time to wait i think is the question is that already active or am i losing my mind i don't know i was probably losing my mind um i need the leash on board i like the extra health more [Music] so we're in we're in i don't know i left one card in hand here i again i don't know if i did any of that right but we'll take it it we're in so uh yeah i mean you know obviously susceptible to freezy removal stuff but if not you know we try to win over a couple turns here they're digging for something solid alibi is definitely a good start i mean my god it's annoying three blizzards in a row yeah that's that's what i mean like you know we're susceptible but i don't think i had a choice in the matter wildfire again okay so trying to ping down the taunt here it's honestly a ton of damage already so it's not impossible weirdly oh they're really just freezing it i guess huh that's that makes more sense i draw a handmaiden of course after i go off of course i do all right i mean more drastic stuff right is still pretty brutal here i don't have any way to like what what would be the best but like thrive into serpent wig still wouldn't maybe if i draw like a treasure guard and then i thrive into serpent wig maybe that's uh a path forward to get the handmaiden active right boon again okay yeah okay let me do that for sure i guess i gotta start tidying up minions though right like um wonderful just wonderful i don't know i don't really have a lot of choice solid alibi i'm not attacking face right like screw that oh more dress is awfully good i'm dead lethal's awfully good flurries awfully good all right this is um this is an interesting little test case here i really like this game i mean a lot sucks but i think we learned a little bit at least about our thresholds and like how much crazy stuff we can do you you could see that um you could see that that game being a win you know one blast and one turn without a without an alibi or something you could see that game going our way hmm i don't think so i've i've been enjoying the raiding elementals though it's kind of nice to know they're there serpent wig is also nice to see cathedral's great uh yeah i think this deck was bad against mage and still isn't great but mage you know got nerfed significantly and that's part of the reason this deck is now the best deck um because it lost a lot of bad matchups because mage's popularity will naturally decline as it gets weaker and therefore this deck gains win rate really just via the meta shifting around it right so big spell mage terrible win rate if this deck goes away right if this gets worse or goes away becomes less popular suddenly priest gains some advantage the same is true for i think there's another match up to that the same thing happened which one was it what else got nerfed that was substantial rogue a little bit i don't know anyway yes in theory in theory okay priest is this a mirror match not a quest priest uh 30 health sort of to me points into a mirror match scenario now i have not played this one at all the mirror here or at least not this entire expansion cycle that i remember but i do know that they are not good at reacting to minions so i think we tempo radio elemental is the theory here uh najac is the best way for them to swing on a big minion but without it we might just be able to gain some oh that is not in my deck okay i don't know maybe they're not a mirror maybe other sets with true i don't know i am suddenly thrown for a loop my loop has been thrown i am looped but this is a great turn certainly uh scribe is great for us yeah yeah i don't i don't know what to expect right now but this is still a good start i think it's boar priest oh yeah we did see switching back in the board pre-stage yeah that could be yeah i don't know how this deck favors against boar priest sure the running silence is in boar priests so uh maybe boone of the ascendant is the is the go-to plan there so they cannot silence off the boon the stats remain and then if they can't deal the board i just kill them while they're trying to kill me with with swords right i think that kind of makes sense in my brain alrighty so big boom build would be nice knee jack abor could also be a win condition right if they have uh they leave a bore sitting sometimes we've seen that ooh 2-1 stat line what is the 2-1 stat line hmm what's a two one peasants or two ones there's no two one naga yes but how yeah guys oh it only stops health now oh that's right that's right oh yeah yeah yeah so oh it could be a boar then it could just be a bore it's probably just the boar then there's no one healthy so yeah it's definitely going to be bores i bet i don't know how much to split out my stats here guys curious what you all think is right i think investing in two minions is pretty reasonable so that if there's any sort of single target removal i still have a good threat on board i think super investing into one is maybe not that advantageous something like shard would still handle it pretty well right but illuminate radiant number two i mean you don't run radiance and board do you it's really just nagas huh what was the one health target there i just don't know so we have a silence right now but we might also just have a lethal we already have i don't know what this is actually out of the base but four six ten that guy's gonna be some insane amount of damage oh velish oh yeah maybe it's the leash yeah that's a one that's a one health nugget yeah yeah yeah the leash okay that's it that means this could be a big turn if they go for the leash here it's still not gonna be a reactive turn though oh whispers is cool wow wig again at least here yeah three health felice wake again five minutes ago running out of time though switcheroo again boom okay yeah we got a silence for boone so this feels like lethal right oh super lethal yeah okay nice double switcheroo man i don't know i'm not feeling the switcher wait we've been playing so far i don't feel like a switcher would have been helpful for us i haven't played this switcharoo version so i don't know but [Music] good man we're flying right now four and one so far i don't even know really how to play this deck anybody can win this deck apparently i can win with it you go with it oh man i don't have a leash i think we got to give up for a spell right i don't know man i like these two but i love the leaf she's really strong right oh that's a little clunky that's a little clunky treasure guard's a nice follow-up i think we still tempo here there's a lot of twos we can hit that feel good well couple twos we had to feel good maybe probably amalgam merc water only honestly we can probably throw in one radiant though as well oh that trade feels terrible wow boy boy oh boy flame imp what what year is it an actual imp warlock i haven't seen one in a long time do they kill the radiant here because they're more threatened by that or do they value trade they take the value trade okay interesting call i think i don't know what was right either so i hit here i put this to three it hits here it goes to two i can submerge it off but samara just otherwise feels so bad i don't think we soften it for no reason right let's see what we draw off the top and see if we can't find a better line for it it still doesn't die to the two five anyway right samara could wipe a board of wide imps here they gonna go for the buff immediately what do they have here what is this swarm oh wow okay for one more dude it's kind of good getting the value trades really nice so i feel like we're not coming back from this by the way i don't know how to pull this back i guess cathedral into summer oh [Music] do i just take that i mean i feel like there's a decent chance the najak lives right the library's not up they could obviously have a second library is there any other card that deals with the najak or gives plus one attack to the to the imp at four mana i mean the other question is do i have a choice i could go like for cathedral samurai but i don't feel like that's good enough i don't think i have a choice let's just try it man [Laughter] if nothing else you know it buys me a turn to figure out uh you know solution if nothing else yeah they do sometimes run the the void walker summoning spell that would do it not always though that was always i mean i haven't checked in block lists lately but at least early on that was not a super common inclusion oh connie okay so you just trade into the okani um also the location does not get affected by okani at all so boon is crazy nice um i can't kill oh connie and boone what do they pick guys what do they pick i wonder i mean if i go for location i can buff hexen but that still dies to the oconee trade unless i i could heal it with my hero power i guess but then i leave this alive right that's not very good by hero power i can't play boon you guys think he picked spell i don't know i feel like maybe he picked minion i just don't i don't think hero power is right you know hero power just doesn't feel right to me because then he gets it back and i've only dealt two damage to this you know let's just see what we draw i don't know it changes things maybe it doesn't change anything shoot yeah i don't know i don't feel good about this like we damage it but it's getting it's coming back right i don't know i was hoping to get a silence you know something else that maybe i don't know i kind of regret this guys i think i should have just went for it now we'll never know too which drives me crazy like not knowing actually just drives me insane i just don't know what it is you know i have no way to know now this is gonna be great but it's a turn late we're just gonna die yeah i have major sad regrets guys i've never been so sad in my life so this is three here it doesn't quite kill that i need a spell like i need a bless honestly yeah i need a bless uh devour is also interesting in a way because it kind of does the same thing by removing health but it's four and this is still only three i think i take the blast just to reset right that's fine we're not literally dead here so i think it's okay uh [Music] maybe i even throw this in just to save a little life no that's a win condition later let's chill all right so we bless first right and then buff although i don't know it depends on how much damage this has i may need oh eight's fine okay it's fine i'm still actually not dead and i fully clear here so that's fine they're actually kind of over committing a little bit the only problem becomes um i don't have an answer to reform oh god okay i didn't realize i was at one i'm gonna be honest with you guys i didn't know i didn't actually know i was at one um okay so this is enough life so i can actually heal after or i could even maybe arguably heal um or i mean buff this right i can't unfortunately boon nor pelegos and bless sadly that would be great my healing face i don't really think it changes anything does it i think i'm just playing arabian elemental if they have the three damage spell that hits face i'm not i'm not out of range anyway right so i think i just go i think i just play stuff to kill them right whatever gets me the most damage yeah this is 1315 so this sets up a lethal yeah i'm cool with this two heals saves you i'm planning on just winning before then hopefully nice that's good nice whoa i don't know if it was right man but it worked it worked the way what am i doing because i had an honorable kill all right did i agree too much the fact that i was at one i did not calculate that that was purely luck i cannot take credit there but um it worked it worked out worked out oh perfect game since i like that my instincts are just so good i didn't really like the hex and turn we took that was the that was the only problem i really had honestly i you know the the the i think we should have went for the uh the dude technically but it worked out so it's fine all right uh yeah this is good i don't think we need hex in against diva hunter do we i mean it's good against some of those early death rattle stuff but the hair is pretty good at answering it i think so and so unless i really support it with you know focused will or whatever it's probably not going to be that good for us on average all righty hero power it is a good opener a lot of good just building block naga here nothing pop off yet but just good stuff to start with keep things keep the opponent busy you know keep it rolling what's sad dude you killed my amalgam of the deep bro all right this is always a wig if we get it yeah nice this is a good wig hand mostly you do kind of need like a good naga building block again i i will probably tempo an amalgam if nothing else just because i need to get things rolling and i don't quite want to coin yet so this is fine just get get a minion out that's contesting that's making plays that's doing stuff school t-shirt for health by the way is it's probably non-insignificant buff in a deck like this sometimes the um small little changes like that don't matter but in a deck that's so focused on building out meaningfully survivable health totals and playing off of those for damage i bet that makes a difference more than people think four versus three that is kind of a big deal maybe so my dude is dead that makes this scorpion a very big pain i think a school teacher is sort of a fine target to throw into it though honestly that said i am pretty much out of cool stuff amulet's not it it's got to be called a grave i have nothing to really do i can make a big dude and boon it but it's not going to have a lot of attack yet they are just rolling through my stuff them having the relic on one i think just completely changed the complexion of this game honestly because i lose they're really hitting good relics right now jeez i am so stranded man devours pretty sneaky cool though crack i mean uh yeah right i mean yeah yeah taylor's cool but korak's better borax awesome i think the question is do i just go in on korak right now man he does not keep buffs when we summon no but i'm thinking he's just a good a good base minion i mean i'm a little nervous if i just play a single core act they're going to figure it out but if i go big right now i just want to boon as well as the problem so i i don't have the mana to also boon do i actually do holy crap this boon is three and a half coin oh my god i don't know this is right dude but we're gonna do it anyway we're gonna do it anyway i just need to get big [Music] i mean i don't know five attacks really not awesome but clearly like a bless can fix that instantly so let's just get big we don't have a lot of time we just need to go honestly korak hero power is a fine play next turn i think anybody bless is probably my best out i mean yeah obviously bless is good hit for 18 right that'd be great less actually could be more if this doesn't take damage i'm sure it will but you don't want to silence this one but you can silence this one it doesn't matter so they are trying to whack through this guy right that's cool okay i mean i kind of just like korak go face don't i just really put them on the back foot here it's 12 damage i mean trading into a 4-4 seems reasonable as well it doesn't seem good i i don't think so i just need to end the game right let's just go do i ever silence this radio elemental just to keep it more alive i don't think so that might be good for a taunt or something you don't expect a ton of taunts here but there might be some oh well there's literally two coming in board i'm a genius i'm a genius um the problem with the correct line here is i don't play a treasure guard which means i delay that draw by an entire turn because you know it may it may die faster but i'm not sure they would kill it quickly for me anyway they might like accidentally kill it but you know it may not die anyways the problem so just the korak is a higher damage output we were we were theoretically presenting some lethal outs depending on top decks and stuff so i think it makes a little more sense to just just go for that we don't want the game going too long or we will still lose lanking is a lot of damage output man they are doing a good job chipping through this thing it's actually gonna die so kinda crazy not a bad turn from them at all i would say setting that up for trade here i guess bless is lethal cool why'd we save the silence nice dude the 2020 correct never seen a corack that big of my life that's actually so sick wow okay yeah man i like i said i don't even play this deck well i'm sure i'm gonna play it okay i think but you know we're six and one with a deck that i'm just sort of not an expert in barely good at you know just absolutely easy wins with this you don't always win but when you win it's pretty insane and easy i feel like kind of crazy that correct role really really felt good do we keep samurai against hunter base hunter i mean it's man this hand is so good otherwise but i do feel like i need a spell face hunter does run some early minions to be honest beast hunter i think is less likely that it's going to be relevant for us to clear but uh yeah i'm going to keep it i like this hand so well i'm just short of spell is all like we need we need some good spell action to make this really sing but i don't know someone has felt really good so far or you do live in missouri derrick yes indeed okay slither spirit go get him my hair is really i cut it a little short on the on the sides and it's kind of going like that you know it's like it's not quite long enough to to meet up with the top it's like uh it's doing its own little thing you know it's like hey i'm gonna i'm gonna stay over here actually reeds i'm gonna hang out over here man that gives them a trade but i don't really care uh literally haven't looked at my hair yet today um [Music] well that's i'm looking at my hair every second of every day sort of an exaggeration but only sort of i because i'm always editing videos i am actually quite often literally looking at my hair quite a bit i think thrive is gonna be important for us to get a little more more depth out of our current situation there is some interesting thought about devour right with like boone it's certainly a combo but we can get a devourer off a thrive right it's not like we're we're stuck here so this is more of a beasty hunter by the way the peasant kind of threw me off at first i thought they were going to be hyper aggressive but they're just going for some big crazy discounted colossals right now which is pretty terrifying i don't really know how to beat that if that's a good colossal on time right i think we're kind of screwed actually um i don't even really have a good answer to ambassador phelan here like wig is i don't want to play that i'm not going to cycle the wig i mean a bless hits it that's something but not not great maybe i play a 2-3 and a blast we're just really really really not feeling good this game i think um i think we're in a tight spot it does give them a bit of a pickle about what to kill but if they have a hydraulidon they don't care they just kill it all right so they probably always got a beast the question is is it a cheap enough one they're usually always cheap enough aren't they is there a beast that's too expensive the priest is fine hunter's fine warrior's fine but warrior is the weakest one i think so that's kind of relief to me i'm sort of happy to see that could have been a lot worse they're going to potentially get another one but but the news is right they they took this one so was it either the only beast or you know why did they take this one if there was a better one waiting wouldn't they have just taken that one i mean they might have another card in that slot now like hydraulidon or whatever sure but you kind of have to think they they took the best options in other words the next turn's not going to be better right why would it ever be better that's my thought i need to like boon this sadly so bad but i just have no good plays it's a 6-4 it's not what we're looking for i guess a knee jack would be kind of insane maybe we get a good knee jack off the top right and maiden again really that sucks man this is bad guys we're so dead this is not a good turn right we're not happy about this turn we're just barely hanging on here this tomorrow is a mistake by the way i've i've learned my lesson summary has been completely garbage without a cathedral samurai was just hard to work with i think so we kind of assume bad colossal here but you kind of assume some good pirates right they're not you know three pirates is often gonna be a decent turn for them for them worst case i think um unless they just got really greedy and didn't get playable ones like smite some other five drop or something right might only play one here or something but for the most part okay well currently i can just kill that play something but i need a spell right now to make these handmaidens good because otherwise i just don't reload significantly enough treasure card not a spell that means my reload sucks any questions weirdly i think we're killing a puffer fist maybe not like what are the odds that's actually attacking right pretty slim maybe we just go face protect these minions they just used a harpoon gun do they really have another one i'm thinking they might actually just have a full cost colossal that's good here soon say you know a leviathan or something that wasn't discounted but they still dredged it just because it was the best card maybe maybe gaia i draw on in hand there you go another example so samuro is like a little interesting here but still not actually very good well maybe better if they leave up the 6-2 they are really prioritizing the um they're really prioritizing the dudes and that's helping me a lot we take a naga we trade we samuro i could buff the samuro but he oh he only goes to two i could trade in the two one in that case that would be fine protect our guy on board a little more that way boy oh boy i don't like any of these death scale is kind of intriguing maybe i'm gonna be reloading a fair bit so that's fine i guess so i need to make sure this dies at the same time though does that they all die at the same time right there's not any weirdness here like they don't re-summon mid frenzy proc do they it just occurred to me they might summon mid frenzy proc i don't know we're gonna learn something oh no no of course they don't die until that dies as well no that's that makes sense no that doesn't scared me for a second but that that tracks that makes sense of course because this is also dying simultaneously this the order is not like backwards there okay so that's definitely the move then that's a good turn actually tavis is strong just a lot of bodies here i mean huffers and stuff over time are gonna be annoying we do have some nice reload though so i'm more confident than normal in our ability to kind of get through all this what minion would i like to be freezing trapped maybe this one not a freezing drop so this feels like explosive and ice of course yeah uh so explosive kills both of these that's fine then we go handmaiden we will probably just ice trap the serpent wig that seems totally fine i mean it's not ideal i guess but it's coming back anyway um i don't know though no i'm looking at it like maybe just draw more cards again right maybe just throw away the devour here i don't really think that's how i win anymore because i don't have a boon in hand i mean we're probably gonna get another boon in hand for the record but let's just do this for now you're kind of at risk of running out of spells in deck we have bless and another devourer i guess the ajax seems very powerful though that's kind of nice could steal like a gaia here for instance i still kind of think there might be like a gaia or a um maybe a gigafin ozomats what it was wow that's a pain okay actually no it's not a pain never mind my god dude we have found weird the weirdest answers this game i can just uh death scale um actually can i devour these first probably not really worth the trouble i think we just play it straight here it's weird too because if i devour them first and then well no i want to devour this guy no let's not get fancy on this it's fine make sure we get our spells here boone on this guy could be a big win condition yeah that's fine let's take that for next turn okay this doesn't okay man i don't know how we're staying in this game so long i didn't think this deck had the potential to go this long but here we are so pelagos devour boon like there's quite a few interesting lines here gotta think about mana a little bit you know so oh that's not good shoots dang it oh crap that might be that might be too much i mean i can can i just steal the crush and win with like serpent wigs and stuff no there's a taunt i do have focused will i could find it how much mana is that can't really add that much damage to it anyway though right because yeah i just can't add that much damage to it unfortunately it might still be worth it though to like focus will this and like trade in the crush you know like stealing the bear i don't know it seems too sneaky to me i don't know though now that i say that like using the there might be a lethal here by the way but i'm too lazy to figure it out i don't know about this guys it seems kind of kind of kind of bad maybe it's kind of bad i mean it's fine right it's not like a bad play but it's not a only my favorite play that's for sure i don't know it's the one i saw so it's the one i took i you know i'm not convinced it was great because now we actually have a problem with another bear like i have to actually eat through it which is gonna suck like i don't really want to have to eat through a bear i don't know kind of running out of time here i need to make a big boon we don't have a lot of windows left i just use my last cheap devourer as well oh my god shoot i don't know how to kill that pelagos devour make a big boon and there's just no way right i just can't deal with all this stuff dude endless endless freaking waves hey monkey man thanks for four months dude do i have another devourer in the deck that's showing a devourer but i don't i don't think it's right it's this this this this no it's a wig i i think i'm just dead i don't think it's here i don't think it's in the cards if i had like a way to like spell damage doesn't affect this for instance slithering death scale in theory i guess actually kind of does something later maybe um i need to be alive this turn is the problem though yeah i don't even think this is right i probably should have booned that honestly oh look at these death scales dude you're all i'm playing um so neptulon just clears this right like he just wipes this i take five three maybe or i don't know i could go face for eight as well i guess oh that that's that's weird that just oh he wants another one that's not that weird never mind that's awesome scratch that if he has good minions left i think he's at least a mountain bear right um oh it's actually i don't take 12 i take 16. no i'm dead never mind i take no no i can only attack once i'm not dead i'm not dead we lose but i'm not dead there's a difference right death scale is just not enough though freaking rat king are you kidding me bro who death scale doesn't do it four is a pretty nice number here but i'm just dead epilon still alive if this was one man i mean maybe we'd have more cool place but alas dude that was a cool game we went deeper than i expected i i feel like there was maybe a turn there like that king crush turn and i keep revisiting that like could i have done something more with that king crush turn you know like i i i honestly feel like there was maybe like a sneaky lethal with pelegos because remember you can you can make crush's health equal to his attack and then you know start buffing from health but i don't they were 19 i think it was a little too far maybe they're like 15 14 or something there might have been some better better break points for it but definitely felt like opportunity that game anyway that was cool to see how deep this deck can go that's the deepest we've gone that was different for sure um all right do we keep a boon with a wig or we just look for more murlocs naga we definitely don't look for murlocs i can tell you that right now we might look for some naga though that might be okay boone's right back all right i mean boone's good i don't know mine i think we'll tempo in amalgam oh demon seed whoa wild hopefully we get offered a naga here right it's always the risk somebody who has a lot of experience in this deck i would be curious to hear if they think that this is a mistake or not like if you're better off holding that to make sure you hit nagas and like just take your time a little more because we're kind of hurrying a little bit you know speaking of which like look at this garbage um i mean we don't draw any murlocs right so that's not a concern i think we just take the cheapest highest attack value unit in that case it's feeling like a mistake right now right i'm i'm feeling sad about it so cyricas i'm just gonna kind of ignore those for a minute i think not really especially stressed about those so um do we do we value trade even here at all like do we bother right do we even bother we just go face i make a giant dude i've got a few questions here i don't know the answers to kind of like this sort of middle of the road line be honest make a big dude for the boon maybe but still develop some you know it's not the strongest devourer i've ever played but we're making the guy right that's kind of the plan make the big guy handmaiden timing here is terrible i would argue am i in you feel like this deck can answer it but ugh if i don't top deck a spell this handmaiden is totally screwed am i in on two five nines like is that enough to win the game i'm gonna wait a minute i think we can do better i'm gonna wait a minute but i think we can do better i'm gonna try to agree i need a cheap cheap naga right i need like a scribe scribe would be perfect actually yeah okay rod it's pretty low tempo again man oh slitherspear is good too okay deal yeah now we'll go because we're not really risking as much anymore now we know we can get a handmaiden later we actually made our guys even bigger nice okay tamsen's pretty weak at this stage serpent wig draw here i mean we definitely rip away we don't get a better spell right we we have to draw this turn blast of course would be our best draw but are you really gonna hit a bunch of amps right now don't do this to me don't get free amps ugh two amps out of a 28 card deck bro come on that matters a lot the ability to trade in softens me up for like abyssal waves and stuff really matters a lot green sole as well just emptying hand space there i think pelicos oh my i'm losing my wig here but it's it's worth it to get a big buff right i want to draw three gotta go here i want the most possible attack right i think it's i think it's hard to debate that drawing three is ever worse than you you got to draw three in other words right like the extra wig isn't worth more i don't think it's god it was awfully close to lethal in a weird way though like is hero power wig ever lethal there no i think so right we gotta find another 10 we're not finding another 10 i don't think maybe we could have found another four or five or something but all right so can they deal with 12 12 abyssal wave is like a good start for sure oh so i can take the gigafan how does that work doesn't really do anything does it i don't actually want to take the gigabit um samuro here is one off man i can't samorrow najak and buff samurai samurai only goes unfortunately to three which means i don't kill gigafin i don't have any way to up that by one do i right can't najak and samurai that's only two um i'm saying if i take the butt it doesn't it doesn't make it it's still i can't play this and this and this right so i mean if i take the butt does it i don't even know how it works like does it still kill everything i feel like it might still kill everything um i'm gonna just chill for a turn i they might kill it off i might regret this right but i'm gonna chill for a turn let's wait a turn oh but if they trade here now though i still can't do it oh i can heal it with my face i guess but that feels kind of stupid oh no i can't it goes to six oh shoot that my playing a minion here might actually be wrong i was trying to get the spell discount right but i think it might actually screw me if they trade maybe they won't trade and i'll be fine but okay well wait if i get some road no this still works fine i have to hit i have to hit like a wig or whatever right i just need i need a wig a wig yeah perfect okay great that's that's dreamy yes so now i steal the butt now does the butt oh god i'm dying oh god i gotta heal too shhh well maybe not maybe i can just uh well no i'm dead to curses i'm always dying um man i don't this feels weird guys i'm dead to any curse like this doesn't ever work right there's no way this actually works there's zero chance this work i mean exactly nothing else to do but there's no no way this works uh i'm actually not dead to curse yet if i heal my face but i don't mana so that doesn't matter what what's coming back off this i don't even know man i don't even know i should this this this place stupid they're going to kill this thing i guess i have another taunt so that's fine yeah it doesn't matter right but i'm dead to literally any literally any curse i know they have a curse so it's just silly it's a shame we didn't have that cathedral down to turn center to make the same play right savannah was our check maybe the curses will bug out no they don't okay just wondering if there's a different way to take that game i didn't really feel like we had an opening there against the gigafin i don't know doesn't really feel like it was winnable to me could have tried to steal a turn sooner but you know that you know the hexan's gonna die in that case and yeah i don't know just didn't really feel one of them don't need to steal the butt um that's true actually i guess i don't technically have because they died at the same time it doesn't go off right so i was just thinking i wanted the body but yeah maybe to be fair i don't have to steal it um well that's not the hand let's look for wigs and nagas specifically we got a rogue here we haven't played rogue yet this might actually be like a bit of a race to see who makes the big unkillable thing first my hand is not good the handpieces don't do a lot of work for us yet we want to go faster i want like a slither spear pella peligo's hand not this garbage wig is still garbage oh my god this is the worst hand we've had yet this is a terrible opener i literally have nothing to play everything is waiting on something else to be played i may have to just tempo a handmaiden in a wig next turn we may just be stuck hey zarna whoop man thanks for the nine months dude that's nice navel mine amalgam tempo amalgam worth it i hate the tempo amalgam every time oh this feels so bad this feels so bad i'm really sad okay can't top deck much worse is the good news right there's not many dead draws left at this stage it's like i mean i'd be sad about like a bless or something i guess but you know most other draws are gonna have something to do i guess cathedral's a little clunky i i do definitely want to prioritize another minion here if i can at some point though i'm gonna have to commit to the handmaiden and just go i'll just i'll just go like handmade and focus will wig and then this one will be ready at least so i have some kind of presence on board i mean that's a pretty healthy minion too which is nice amalgam again um okay still not super perfect but man does focus will matter against rogue i mean clearly they've got some deathrattle stuff so there's like that eight eight coming me well no no no this is just uh well yeah they had they had bombs so they may have the big death riddle stuff too with smoke screen yeah let's just let's just go here for now i'm it's i think this is risky but i gotta get a big guy i gotta make a big guy right okay we need something to build on here hopefully they play seven one ones whatever this is right whatever they give them seven one ones that's all i want please so after handmaiden i've got three mana remaining i can't really do any like boon stuff next turn you know but if we hit something like a pelico so we may not even care we might just say hey now let's just go big make a few big boons well i can't boon and pelegos i guess but set up for it anyway oh screw me i guess okay don't kill me please oh right at the end all right well i can kill a 5 8 i mean that's not the worst you can maybe deal with five eight somehow i mean currently not exactly but you know oh my god dude we just jack it um there jack in theory is better against those eight eights and stuff later but is that going to be too far behind the game to matter right can they snipe an ajax i mean to some extent we could devour the najak though i don't know it honestly feels a little premature to me let's just see if we find like a blast right we we have plays this turn that are decent honestly let's see what we can grab valeesh cathedral's only five damage even with serpent wig stuff not good enough i think we can make a valise turn here though hold up there's the blast okay nice that's probably worth it yeah i think saving an ajax for maybe more of an emergency could could be really nice this like i said is still a pretty good turn so a little sad about that like you know seven health isn't a isn't a mountain to work with here unfortunately they play that five drop guy they got though they're just gonna get another eight health and only have one mana to work with which that's not too scary yet um so we can we can build off that right we can devour this guy boon him you know just discounted oh no they're just setting up oh man imagine a second devour right now oh my god can i get a second devourer oh never mind they're going for damage now screw me i guess okay kind of smart i kind of dig it they don't have a location up though or an objective up so not like crazy damage yet can i get by on just big taunts and like big big damage here i guess they're gonna yeah they can't kill this yeah that's pretty sneaky yeah i see it's really maybe playing for the rush minions more than anything else eh maybe not about damage maybe just about rush minions i kind of i kind of dig that they're gonna be totally behind on board but it's better than being dead crap oh tooth oh chain lightning wow that's actually a sick turn dude they turned that into an awesome turn honestly they just balled out on that turn wow that's pretty insane i'm impressed they did a lot there i unfortunately have a pretty garbage follow-up i feel like i don't know this doesn't feel good at all ah this feels a little better need some radiant elementals dude geez wasting a lot of cycles here because everything's so expensive losing a lot of naga cycles all right man i'm just not getting a boon in time hey chad chattusito man what's up how am i doing today pretty good i think okay they got the 5 8 not the damage i actually think i prefer that at this stage the damage is getting scary i'm almost dead um they don't summon the 5 8 right now so that's kind of good maybe this feels like it kind of has to be a boon turn i just wish i had more mana to work with man so i can make polygons in 88 and boon it right now that's that's okay i wish it were better but i don't know if i have a choice it's going to be a 8-10 taunt i guess i think this is the best way to do it though again i i wish we had better play maybe i could have gone for the devourer it just doesn't do enough i'm afraid i don't know might be it might have been better though it's a little more health on this but then i don't have a devourer kind of sad i kind of want to save the devourer for the bless maybe kings wow they're getting interestingly useful spells i think they are maybe taking eight here though it looks like i have any kind of like lethal setups here like pelego's going crazy we don't double anything is the problem right this doesn't feel like any kind of lethals are they going for or they're playing a 5h sure we could steal the 5 8 here actually it's not inherently a problem actually probably worth it i think we can we can actually just buff the najak a ton too they're not yet on their tin mana guys to make eight eights right would be maybe pretty nice if i could squeeze it do i have a lethal actually i need to be thoughtful about lethals here um because like uh wig wit or actually devour puts me at uh 12 wig puts me at 14 16 18. i don't have mana for like a hero power right i think we're technically a little off on lethal um okay in that case we probably just shore up the najak a little here i think i actually heal face a little bit 19 you said i can get to i buy that do i ever buff this it's like it's potentially going back to them so i don't think so but i'm a little intrigued play i'm not dead right there's there's like bomb outs here like if they did this get bomb or ate it i forgot it's got accolade again not bombs okay so no probably not actually any bomb outs that makes an 88 five eight that's fine that does not make it five eight yeah we're good okay cool excellent work wow that was a cool game really fun game actually all right maybe play one more i can't feel like a reading element would have blown that out earlier but i think we're happy we'll play one more uh let's see tomorrow i got two videos yeah we got that cool that run in duels tonight might have been worth a video it was a lot of long games there was one really good game i might actually prefer making that duels run into a highlight video instead of a like 20 minute win was pretty cool i don't know we'll see we'll see i got to think about it see how long it is does it take usually around the 5 8 guy i've seen both i i i thought the list i'd seen were mostly mines and the 8 8 stone born generals but i don't i don't know they had something different there all right we need faster plays than this i think we need slither spears we need amalgams we need uh serpent wigs certainly are always our best bet i think this is the sort of non naga side of the deck i don't love this side of the deck it can win games yes but it's not as reliable and it's more of a complimentary side of the deck i think i will play the tempo radiant yeah we have two so if they do have like a harpoon gun they coin into here or this is a rogue this is not a you don't have a harpoon gun but if they have a uh a bone removal thing right there's other plays you guys know what i mean come on now you know what i mean uh let's start with cathedral here we'll save this bless maybe for later cathedral's totally fine for now get some good choices in hand i mean peleo's blessed next turn's insane right we'll just use it on bellagos probably if this thing sticks and retains that discount right you're a rogue what no how could you knowles are good knolls are good shadow step null not just a hero power huh okay maybe going for a drakka here coin draca maybe location two i guess coin location maybe wow free stuff locations big here boys big big location boys oh it's a nine nine that's going to be hard to get out from under to say the least i'm not feeling confident i need a devourer off the top another bless huh okay well we're screwed um i'm gonna save this discount maybe for pelly ghost next turn i don't know how i win even with that but uh we're gonna try i think a top deck devourer maybe between the location and the bless i get a big pile of ghosts i don't know man he's going to eight nine he just dies to the conscience here that's cool that lieutenant eddie's thumbnail artist got to draw a hearthstone card i don't think that's true but it sure feels like it is it sure feels true um surely they trade down here and here i have a nine nine problem to solve which isn't gonna be easy man a devourer is lining up really well here though i mean they do they do they oh [Music] how big is this going to six six six seven seven health that's just not good enough man uh what if i drew a devourer off the hexen right or off the off the cathedral i mean with the hexane right what else would i draw that's important not boone wig is decent will is decent do i have to make the crazy play here is the question right do i have to go for the nuts do i win the game if i don't go for the nuts i don't think i win the game if i don't go for the nuts i think i have to go for the nuts i don't think i win without it thrive will is not playable here unfortunately am i better off with bless in that case yeah a little better off with bless you know they they can kill it obviously but i still buy a turn and i make them take seven and clear two minions i mean yeah that's all we got so you know i mean they may not have to trade minions of course they might have abilities and stuff spells obviously but you know in theory uh if the thrive had been a focused will bro we were just off to the races man game over dude so next turn i don't know we don't have a good answer to this 99 ever really um i mean just pelagos boxing it i think is our best bet uh there's a clean wicket stab jeez another four four okay so i'm kind of just dead next turn right i have 16 on board so that feels like a problem i don't have a boon i think we're just dead right focus will remember doesn't silence these so that's irrelevant i believe that is gg boys and girls i can technically hero power and be alive for a turn but there's no outs anymore pelagos boon i'm alive at one by the way pelagos boone is not in a win condition like that's just a single eight health taunt that doesn't matter i think it's gg which means i might wanna go might have to go i got a lot of games of this deck but they're all really short so i'm like part of me still worried about having enough for a video let's say 5 8 16 minutes 21 minutes 28 minutes 35 minutes 45 minutes worth of wins maybe a loss or two weaved in there it's probably enough maybe we'll play one more that'll give us 10 30 cutoff time that's pretty good all right one more game one more game and then we call it quits this is a great opener i don't think we want boone yet i think we need more payoff on this early minion tempo but uh boone can definitely work against c-mounters we saw before by the way a lot of d minors popping up today that's cool glad it's getting a little life wonder again if this is ever worth holding for turn three right like do you ever just sit on this for two turns i don't think so but it's another one of those where i feel like i want to play the deck more to really know that i'm not confident that i know the answer to that question yet right it's one of those i want to learn more about um handmaiden is probably it for us but man it's we're it's not good yet right we just do not have any any nice uh spells for that quite yet i need to find a wig here soon relic vault already okay my brain said i need to kill that obviously that's not how that works regis you don't kill it bro um okay it's actually just uh we need to kill this guy he's getting out of hand here he's gonna he's gonna cause us some problems curious if i should ever maybe just throw this away and heal this to maximize health totals doesn't feel right to me but i don't know definitely worth thinking about oh hey where's my shadow word devour bro but i have one of those what happened to it wig okay sadly it's a little stranded ugh that feels really bad i'm not happy with how this game is going i mean i don't think i'm doing anything wrong just just not you know just not going that cleanly yet i have a lot of answers early a lot of stuff i don't have good activators for my handmaidens is the problem right i can't do that am i ever booning a seder just to get another spell in the handmaiden am i ever throwing away one handmaiden just to get um a wig cycle and get the other one active for next turn a few interesting questions i think i'm just gonna chill for a turn to be honest boy these both being a two left is so brutal though but cathedral opens up next turn i think i can make maybe some more decisions that are good for us there i still feel confident in my ability to build a giant wall of boone that the demon hunter can't easily deal with the risk of course is that we're dead by then i'm worried i'll be dead by then so will it be too late obviously this could be a monster tempo swing sort of thing for instance um okay actually let's just start with the pelegos i mean he is one of the things that makes boone insane later if i start with the elemental though it's just too susceptible to death i think i really really need a cheap naga here that's cheap-ish boy is peligo's ever alive i don't know i don't think so but there's so much mana here i don't know seems impossible classic five minute pass breeze turn yeah sadly for this deck that is not the dream uh if these handmaidens had been treasure guards this game i think we'd be in a very different world right now good god all the relics already everything in their hand is basically free good god chaos strike cycling here oh connie is brutal for me oh uh it's probably spell right i don't know man it's brutal for me either way does the polygons ever live no he's dead oh my god i'm so dead dude yeah we're super dead yeah really deep butter's like mid to high tier two now actually yeah it got way better got way better it's actually mini encounter interesting i don't have a choice obviously i'm desperate i need like double shadow word devour even though i only have one so let you guys figure that out just because i need things that don't exist all right we're dead should find a lethal though all right guys i think i'm gonna call it here it's pretty late i'm gonna go get a snack with a wife and uh we will be back tomorrow to play more new decks um and more doodles of course both i'm gonna keep an eye out for any other cool decks that pop up anything that kind of got an edge in the new meta maybe some paladin stuff maybe some some demon hunter stuff we'll play some of that tomorrow we'll play some uh some duels we'll get some youtube videos rolling all fun stuff so let me drop you off on a raid before i go late on a saturday night man i only have 362 viewers that's crazy that's low i'm not ever on at this time it's weird very strange all right love you guys see you tomorrow thanks for being here good luck out there thanks for watching and until next time oh hold up i'm doing my thing but i haven't gotten a raid yet ah let me get a raid first and then i'll say until next time all right folks like i said until next time game on
Channel: RegisStreambin
Views: 46,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0N_9Xb9RqvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 28sec (13588 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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