Pumpkin Day!

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hey guys today is pumpkin day that means we're gonna be carving our pumpkins today but are we going to two pumpkins actually painted cuz you're pretty good at painting okay and if you get one this mom wants it won't have the seeds in any way you'll have to take the stuff out I will carve one crystal will paint one that's petitions on the pumpkins carve a shinza words playing you ever gonna start the day off with a pumpkin spice pumpkin spice [Laughter] pumpkin spice lattes are always meant to be hot but apparently crystal says you can get a pumpkin spice latte cold see I don't know anything about coffee and all these funky names but maybe two coffee oh I don't taste the pumpkin in it nope I'm tasting coffee and try again I taste the pumpkin angel I guess it's like a very small hint coffee so that's all I'm really tasting out it is a coffee but crystals gonna fish enjoying that I also gonna have any more of it pretty disgusting and then find a pumpkin we don't find anything there are some orange ones I'll get you I'll get a video of you with it we really can't see the backdrop because the Sun let me get over here there you go now you can see it smile oh that's a weird one but it's like a green like off green white color and it is what I was gonna say oh I'll just say look at this one but that's a pancake yeah has some kind of works on it are those contagious I don't think so they're hard though so maybe they're supposed to be on there you think there's like part of it it has pumpkin pods so we got to find one I like that one too because it is flat but it's like it's perfectly round oh that was nice - there are so many different ones here guys look at this they just keep going for like days over there I'm not sure like how big of one we're gonna get though we have actually I think they have like a tub of smaller ones or they did oh yeah over there way over there well you can always put on the back and you can always like shave it off because we've been watching this TV show what is it yeah are they like do pumpkin-carving stuff and one thing they always do on that shows they like shave all the outside off the skin and then and then they carve into it you could do that you could try that I've actually never liked shave one tried to carve into it let's see or just cuz it sounds right on them alright I think these are mainly for decoration can you eat those cuz are there certain pumpkins that you're supposed to use for eating there's no way it looks like someone sat on it while I was growing all day there's any way for that they even grow anything but these are so ugly look look at these folds it's like a pug it's like a bug pumpkin we have the ugliest stims to Crystal we here for pumpkins not scarecrows yeah so we're gonna take a look around guys because there are a lot to look through once we find a couple that we really want will show you guys [Music] oh yeah one of these small ones I'm going through no no I can't do it it looks hard this is the pumpkin I don't have to go through of course angel would get the biggest most expensive one but it's really round last year oh yes oh gosh it smells so good and actually this one says it smells like a pumpkin angel favorite pumpkin right there on there oh yeah this huge angel really cool I'm not like big my whole arm in there and starts creeping in crystals does need a job and that's artificial pumpkin over there oh that's no sweeter my candle and this smells like I'm kind of like a bitter pumpkin but I still love the way it smells guts Wow Crystal's doing that over there I'm looking for pumpkin designs crystal actually showed me a one with a head like teeth as toothpicks and does look really cool but what I want to do I want to do the toothpick mouth but I want to find some really cool eyes and I had it like see those eyes right there super cool she's that wanted there it looks super evil yeah that's actually a nice design I like it I might just go with that one guys you want to find some eyes that are really creepy so I can go with the teeth that crystal show me that made out of toothpicks I did see one or like that right there that's what I think I'm gonna go with because I like how the eyes aren't exactly the same and it does have a nose some of them don't actually have noses I noticed that but not all those are showing I knows it isn't that's not a crystal finish getting it all cleaned out I have the design I'm gonna carve on it on there already it's just taped on there Chris was sorting out the seeds now there are a lot of seeds in this thing look at this that is a ton of seed roof to get some to our family because that is way too much so I had this all taped on now I got to do is like poke the hole so I can cut it so I probably won't do too much progress report throughout it because I mean I won't crystal might if she wants to examine I won't be focused on this oh yeah crystals about that cut up hers I wonder what's inside there are there really seeds inside okay okay there probably are seeds in there about how big are they are they little ones or are they gonna be the size of those what do you think because I wonder is this the same kind of pumpkin is this they just cut it when it's younger or is it a different because I know there are different I believe I don't know this I believe there are different types of pumpkins for pumpkin pie versus pumpkin like carving pumpkins I don't know I'm gonna say this season there are smaller then these crystal says they're the same size we'll find out later all right the big reveal guys the big reveal I said they're gonna be smaller I think about the same size though so yeah that's cool you can your hand even fit in there I don't I don't think my could oh yeah that actually could do they don't go in there you need to put your seat separate just in case yeah just case it might cook faster but I don't think it really will will it just mix them in there if you mix them in there some will be extra toasty yes maybe or they all should be toasty at the end so matters actually you can make the same time that's that's cool I actually never cut a small like this so this is gonna clean this out and she's gonna put some crazy design on it I just finished cleaning out my pumpkin it's do a little messy in there but that's okay angel in fear progress whoo get your eyeballs going the nose so I still have to do like the soul you can actually see the light yeah it looks like thinner in there and then oh yeah about 10 minutes [Music] in Joe's allowed to get ready to pull out the mouth I want to see this all right put toothpicks Oh actually I'm not going to the nose oh my shoulder I'll just kind of short and then all the way up here it smells really cool make it myself yeah just I don't know if I want to know that looks cool good guy put a tea light in there so I gotta get on those toothpicks respirating a long time crystal cut out her first eyeball that bad like it looks like you gave it some like curvature yeah actually makes it look not like standard with just a normal well that makes it have character you're giving your pumpkin character here let's just hope that the mouth fits on there because you got that you probably should have gone with this big sigh even though it's ugly it's still with um not you wouldn't seen that with the face [Music] it's gonna be hiding so I just finished putting all the toothpicks in the mouth so he doesn't worry about picking his teeth anytime soon so here are all the toothpicks like all lined up it's actually kind of dangerous to do this guys I was close to stabbing myself a couple of times yeah definitely so I would advise if you do something like this start with the outside and work your way in I started in the middle and went out cuz I thought that might be the best way but don't do that start on the outside work your way in it looks pretty good if we did put a candlelight in it wear one of these team lights I'll show you guys I'm not a big fan of how it looks Chris can you turn the light off oh you can't would your elbow so if you turn it off you can see like this I doesn't show up at all so I might have to actually cut some now you can go ahead and turn back on for me please there we go so what I'm gonna end up doing is cutting some of this out right here I actually did that with the bottom because I thought to myself I do not want to have to take all these toothpicks out to just cut the to make it look like it has more depth so that's one that you write here I'll have to cut some of this out and then some of this edge so more light comes out otherwise it looks like it's his eyes closed and you can't see it now look and I want to be able to see the eye open it looks pretty good to me you know it looks like kind of it kind of like reminds me of you know when kids dress up as a ghost and a base they have to like wonky eyes it's a pumpkin trying to be a ghost pop that mouth out Chris you can do it it looks like it looks like it's part of it is still in there like whenever you cut you know why not cut deep enough good look we said it but this is crystals first time actually carving a pumpkin by herself and I'm pretty proud of it like it's it's definitely a hit I like it just prop it up on like a rock outside and you'll see it perfectly flying you can actually put it inside my mouth of mine over there scare - super great especially angels angels is my favorite cuz how small it is a light really good bounces around done really see the eyes in the mouth - okay it just looks so it looks like a mess mine I wish I had more than LEDs like you're telling me that yours is my favorite and then you're trying to say mine is your favorite so now wait for those seeds to get done cuz I'm hungry the pumpkin seeds are finished and they are so delicious guys I remember the first time Krystal ate a pumpkin see she's like how do you eat it should you shove the whole thing in your mouth I wonder if some people actually crack them open that seems like a lot of work to eat a pumpkin scene yeah Chris what adds a lot of salt I think you actually put butter in this time did you do last time we made them yeah cuz it was been like two years since we've actually had a pump we did have one last year cuz we just moved in it tastes the same as all I've ever had ever but if you think they taste better that's all that matters our pumpkins came out great - I can't believe that pumpkin is so big like it didn't feel that big out there because they had other ones that were larger than this one but this thing is she you actually get a really good shot here with the light on it like imagine your hand going in there like oh my gosh that would hurt the best pumpkin award goes to that one all right guys you're gonna wrap this up we hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 257,406
Rating: 4.7898307 out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time, vlogs, couple, vloggers, couple vloggers, pumpkin, pumpkin carving, halloween, halloween vlog, halloween pumpkin
Id: zszNHay1gJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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