Our best Pumpkin Carving EVER!

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hey guys today is pumpkin day so we are going to turn our pumpkins into something very scary or very ugly we're not sure just yet crystal is actually putting the pumpkins on the table right now we did go ahead and get some pumpkins we went to a pumpkin patch earlier today we recorded just a little bit because we didn't want to spend the whole video over there choosing which pumpkin we're going to get because there are so many to choose from like hundreds of them maybe even thousands to choose from like I said we did record just a little bit I'm looking at crystals because we got a total of three different pumpkins and that thing talking about we show it so I'm go ahead and put the footage of us at the pumpkin patch in now so you can see all the different types of pumpkins and then we're going to come back and start carving then let's find us a pumpkin there are a ton to choose from and this is only half of it there are weight more behind us but they're currently people over there so I'm going to show that side crystals over here looking for her perfectly sized pumpkin and I think she found it that is a good size that's okay baby just put it around just um carve on the other side you're never gonna see the the back did you find yours she's probably I don't get a different one but I don't want a big one like I usually get so I usually would get something let's see like that like that one's pretty big that's about the size I would get normally then yeah but I'm not gonna get one that big I'm gonna look a little bit smaller maybe like this one right here just for it oh man this one's really big I like it but it's really big no that's nothing I was talking about how about that right there yeah it's like perfectly symmetrical and everything I have no idea where we're gonna put on this thing yet good gotta find a pumpkin first hopefully oh yea it's actually really you go he's car that piece out oh man what kind of pumpkins are these Chris do you know I have no idea what these are but when I can get one of those they are they're like really like it reminds me like an older person's face like we have you ever seen that picture of like the old lady that if you look at it one way it's a old lady but you look at it like a different way there's like a young lady in the picture yeah well her nose that reminds me of the nose for some reason it's one of those illusions those optical illusion type things yes we're gonna take a look around once we find the perfect pumpkins we'll come back and show you guys I know there has to be a perfect pumpkin somewhere amongst all these pumpkins we just have to show how big this pumpkin is that thing goes all the way at the crystals need that is huge this right here is just as big look at this this thing is a tree that thing is huge so here are the pumpkins we decide to go with we have a very small one for Crystal and then the big one yes I was being as usual though but don't forget the green Magoo heard [Music] the exact reason she said she's getting it yep that's it that's exactly what yeah so she's gonna paint that a little bit carve some eyes out maybe draw them on there I'm not sure exactly what you do that we don't know what we're gonna do on our pumpkins yet still I'm thinking something silly on mine but who know they all do evil maybe it's cute and spooky what would be cute and spooky we saw a spider balloon earlier today it was a cute little spider but that could be kind of spooky too right but you can't really make the pumpkin into a spider could you I guess you could oh yes yeah so we were have to find some examples online that's how we decide what we're gonna do like I said I don't know what I'm doing mine maybe I'll do something scary but I kind of don't why you slapping my pumpkin like that okay let me just pick yours I just like oh we gotta get the pumpkin seeds out and start baking those yeah the bowl is right here ready to load those in there and get them baking off you've never had a pumpkin seeds baked pumpkin seeds they're some good lots of salt we only do it one time of year so it's really fun to look forward to that but yeah once we decide what we're gonna put on the pumpkins will come back to show you guys so we found which designs were going with this one over here is mine and then that was crystals is looking at my like yeah so hers is a very like cute scared and not everything this one I hope it has like a bigger mouth over here I just kind of like copied it off um another one I saw online so hopefully it comes out looking better than this because that's pretty ugly but right now we are taking the guts out christmas is almost finished mine I have it like all set in there it was ready to dump into then you can hold it see if you can yeah I'm just gonna try to dump this because I should just come straight up oh I had it better but I guess I didn't quite have it ready your seeds came out like so fast because I forced her according I actually had scraped it a little bit okay yeah so they almost all came out hard too but yeah that's not what you can see it's crystals over here working up a storm your face looks so funny yeah so she's over here cleaning these for about 20 minutes it seems like there's a lot of them though look at me seeds we had she's almost an except which is basically put them on the pan yeah that stuff would burn in the UM in the oven we don't want to smoke up in here oh that's a lot of seeds they were actually a lot in your pumpkin surprisingly there were a lot of um seasoned her pumpkin I have started carving my pumpkin while crystal was doing that here it is I've taken the eyes out so far so I'm trying to make the right eye this one right here larger than this one it's not really coming out the greatest it is a little bit larger I haven't taken out the inside of the pumpkin like right in here I'm gonna end up carving some of this out so that whenever the light whenever there's a candle in there it'll like reflect it in a different way because right now like if it light was to come on it probably off the top but right here you wouldn't see any light I mean that's not necessarily a bad thing I don't know until I put a candle in it but I'm probably gonna carve some out in here so I'm a little bit out from the back back there and now the hard part is gonna be the mouth because I want it to be big and I kind of come down that like too small but then not too big as well though I start to put the nose in the nose is this gonna be like two little straight lines I don't know kind of right there so it's coming out pretty good I'm pretty satisfied with it I like how smooth these aren't this right here isn't the smoothest but the curve right here is pretty dumb like consistent does having like jagged marks which is good crystals it's coming along just great look at this oh it's a perfect canvas ready to be carved just have to clean up the inside a little bit it's like the spin I think since the last video I'm like I said I'm gonna work that in later Oh big the eyes are like big okay so when you look at the eyes mm-hmm what do you notice um these little this little curvature was bigger yes yes so you know this is bigger main concern I didn't know yeah so it goes pretty far I haven't actually started cutting it I just like I'm outlined it that's gonna be amazed hopefully it comes out good because here are little dots in there no I have not done dots I don't think I'm going to do that since this will stay on it yeah she said I make sure I don't wipe it let me know I will put dots but it's gonna get hard on like the tips Oh first like this right here suppose to be a thin little line so there are two hours to cut it out but I'm showing you that some little creepy eyes on there this still is okay but check out so I'm about halfway finished oh my gosh I love it so much why I'm actually am half way this is a halfway mark I'm not like finishing it I start to like like I said I gotta clean it up definitely it looks just half over here but yeah I think it's coming along pretty well did you think this part was hardened it's not really hard it's just so I'm using this thing which is certain cutter and like it doesn't want to bend the way I want it to my little mouth right there it's hard it's more just time-consuming awesome while angels finishing up in there I wanted to show you guys my pumpkin seed oh my gosh they look so good nice and salty and peppery and toasty I'm gonna eat soul mini pumpkin seeds in a little while but check out this pumpkin roll since it's pumpkin day we got a pumpkin roll I've never had a pumpkin roll before but it says it's filled with buttercream so hopefully it's tasty yeah you know saw butter came on there and he was like a pumpkin pie smoothie which was actually really tasty it tastes like you were sleeping off a pumpkin pie was really good but now I'm gonna cut me a piece of this little pie roll or what is this thing a pumpkin roll hopefully it's a fee check it out guys I finally finished getting the pieces cut out so it's not a hundred percent ready yet now I'm gonna start doing like the carving in here we're doing a mouth I might do something to mouth you think I think so far I think this is the best pumpkin carving I've ever done it is it actually turned out how I wanted it to turn out like I'm super surprised it looks this great like it looks super awesome if you noticed around the edges it looks like the pumpkins already drying out and they're starting to like curve in you see it so hopefully it doesn't do it until them finish because what son Pierce alright whatever I know it's gonna go bad eventually yeah how is it the seeds are good I haven't eaten some of the seeds with crystal I haven't tried the pumpkin rolling it crystal said it's really good like a cupcake almost I'm looking forward to that but yeah what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna start doing like like I said earlier cutting in around here inside I think I might do it for crystals too we're gonna actually just put this in there put us in yours and we're gonna see how it looks cuz you might not need it in yours my I know I will need it Kelly because it might look pretty good let's if you turn it this I can't really see them and feel fast turn those lights off yours looks good yeah so I don't think I mean you could you see how there's a shadow I did it's mostly because oh I think that lights dead it's mostly because the light there is okay yeah it actually looks really good on camera trying to block it out yeah so you don't need to do anything new yours yours is good how it is but mine I know but mine I know I need to cut some of this out that's where it's gonna be the problem so yeah next next time you see this it's gonna be completely finished so we have the top I will have some of these candles in it I don't know fer gonna put the LED ones and I want to put like real ones in there so it has like that real like old-school glow to it so yeah next stop finished pumpkin all right guys we're officially finished with the pumpkins they are rounded eyes now like I said and smooth and some of the teeth I actually ended up like cutting inward you can't really see it but you don't see it with alum with the camel okay light it up light it up that you still not lit up all the way it's lighting up oh yes that looks oh oh my god - terrified of yours oh my god I love it so much this is without a doubt my absolute blast pumpkin I've ever done yeah mouth actually goes all the way past his eyes I said wow it could be a herd this is crystal crystal I was thinking that there's no way as we get this book right but you didn't so I used to get I was never gonna be able to make it look like what I thought if you don't think you can do it cuz it might turn out good this is my best pumpkin yeah I like yours yes but it has like it has a great expression like you know it's a shock they're scared pumpkin I love my especially with the snake beside it's like come loose do this thing so that's we're gonna end the video guys hopefully you had fun watching us carved these pumpkins into something very scary yeah we've been Garrett marriage for years right yes sir we've been married for four years but here is my I'm done yeah so this one's gonna last the longest because it has a big bar yeah it just has some scratches for its eyes and that is cool so we can have that for Christmas but you know the pumpkins if you forgot what they look like come on you can see it yeah awesome yeah so I'm gonna put these in the fridge we're gonna find room in the fridge first yeah we're gonna end the video we're gonna eat these pumpkin rolls or slices of the pumpkin roll that we have here hopefully you guys have fun again thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 168,324
Rating: 4.7524376 out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time, vlogs, couple, vloggers, couple vloggers, pumpkin, pumpkin carving, halloween, halloween vlog, halloween pumpkin, awesome pumpkin, scary pumpkin, carved pumpkin
Id: pELSnVtqWeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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