Last minute Halloween Shopping!

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hey guys today we're doing some last-minute Halloween shopping on Z oh my gosh that was so cool angel said he used to have a costume yeah yeah I've seen those before look at this a wooden cane moving doll I should be wondering a quartet why do you like three other people to do it right yeah that's cool I thought no so gonna be squishy but they're actually really hard we actually need to find one more costume right yeah so we're here to see if they have anything new that is really cute that's really bright I like the bright orange on there oh you see it yeah oh that looks so cute now get your cane and dance no way it is this I thought was a guy yes what I think yeah he did like this and you flip he's watching this I hope I did it right oh my guys wait did you do it kinda no it's bad Oh angel doesn't really know how to I don't in time I don't have to do it I don't know either um you would just be a Halloween man whoa whoa gravy that is so creepy oh my gosh it looks so scary in the hair really makes it kind of a little bit a little humbled that is so scary it's called voodoo I like this one because if you were to put on like a shirt yeah actually covered oh yeah any good like that's your real faith would oh my god I can kind of see that we found the ultimate mask guys oh my gosh you could have taken the plastic out Chris in there but it still looks good on you can you see it all can you hear me can you see at all though no oh yeah because there's like a plastic piece in there but it looks like it looks really good you guys ever seen it do the robot look at it I mean Pennywise not it Pennywise do the robot i like that mess can you breathe in there having a good hair day we found some pumpkin Maris it's actually three of them oh wow okay so that one I feel like down look panadol like it's not very vibrant boring oh but it covers most of your head it's okay really tight that's really bad it's really form-fitting I like no problem yeah I look pretty good number two all right let's see what this pumpkin head looks like oh yes that like super covers your head I like this one a lot yes I like this one a lot more okay one more pumpkin head oh I tried it earlier yeah pretty clear as well so I like this one yeah but it's not gonna move like it supposed to because something I think in the mouth it actually supposed to move yeah so when I would talk it would be moving yeah but this one doesn't cover like you know yeah so another fan of it's pretty cool as well but I like the second one better yeah pumpkin head I like this one because the colors are supervising stem stem you don't know yeah I don't like colorful me feel I think this is what I'm leaning towards yeah but the other one is very form-fitting but if you look on this one unless she hasn't wearing a hood oh I see I still like the second one yeah the this one yeah yeah I like the how it's green and everything but bad thing is it's not really that form for me like tape it or something I maybe so yeah this one is probably gonna be like oh is this mask is really cool I like this one a lot it does something really cool actually oh here it is one yeah look at that its face glows red it looks super scary oh you did let me see okay oh my god I can see your nose is washed in the baby angle and look I can see like little tears right here oh my gosh you're having way too much fun Tainan these masks what is that it kind of does look like an evil Black Panther would having a little cone head at the time what does it say it says Oh gothic executioner mask oh my gosh you look really he's very formfitting oh yeah don't move more yeah Blaine bad thing is with any mask you muffle muffle yay you sounds really bad yeah believe me I know it was so lovable then I agree I'm breathing that one Chinese on then like any other no I love the mask cuz the master I'm really good this is a cool one Chris turn around look at this who knows what this is from we're not gonna say what it's from but maybe it looks so funny because the mask face is like so Stern and then you over here dance I don't remember seeing this last time I never pull it anymore I'm like gosh that is so CC what does this one do it has a stinker oh it doesn't work we'll just chewing on a finger that's creepy oh this is Neil I don't know what you're saying but I was pretty scary her eyes glow oh this is one this is another one it doesn't work either when the world what does she do I think she just looks creepy I think that's all she does hilarious Krista has a huge baby face how was I think he was supposed to stay on you yeah so now we're at spirit Halloween and Krishna has a really big baby face she's looking for a costume she actually found another Harley Quinn because she actually hasn't used the other one yet you might end up returning that one for this one because this one's more like a dress yeah that's right good we might have to switch it out right so we found some animatronics here that weren't at the other spirit howling was given to so it's closer to you there it is I saw what it did earlier this one's really creepy can you imagine this being on someone's porch yeah I know it looks gonna fall over she's like really demon eyes like I'm there really red it's saying something about I don't know what his name but let's get away from that one this one's cool I like this one it's actually saying something nice right yeah and I could girls voice and there's a easy I'm like an evil laugh but then it comes on again and it turns it's like a devil this is why you hear it and it just keeps going it gets even creepier and creepier yeah it just keeps going on and on this one's really creepy but I like it that's so that's you in the future so I just saw this wig right here and the first thing I thought of was Vegeta because it has like his hairline so this is probably a future version of Vegeta I don't know what what like form this is maybe it's like super ultra mega instinct Vegeta but it's gonna be Vegeta in the future green hair is gonna be something in Dragonball watch I can just I can already see it green hair Vegeta is gonna be the next big thing I wish this was a mask but it's not a mask unfortunately it's like something you just hang up like is it stuck on there somehow yeah so it's just something that you hang up somewhere I don't know I guess outside your door or even on your door to scare people away but I love how it has like the dagger in the head it doesn't come out so I guess it's stuck inside of it but the cut of it is awesome I love it I'm not much of a candle person but these candles are super cool look at this I don't you can see it without the glare but it's basically a like part of a spine so it's like the spinal cord oh look at that it has like six vertebrae in this one this one fighting has nine because it's 9 inches long or tall but look at it it has the wick up top I'd be scared the light it though because it probably drip over and like go straight down to the bottom this one actually has broken some pieces off at the bottom I believe I thought I saw yeah part of it has broken off of the spine the vertebrae but these are really cool for like really creepy vibe these are so cool it's time to eat guys yeah so you guys know we have to show some food so we've actually never been to this place called Mission barbecue so we got like basically a sampler this is like a sample platter then we got some ribs got the fries got the mac and cheese alright so we have a brisket right here they have two options moist and lean we went with the wet one moist then I have chicken pulled chicken what is this sorry backwards pulled chicken poured pork then we got spare ribs which are these those are baby back yet that's the spirit of course everyone knows what fries are and then what was a mac and cheese called a head a name like something-something mac and cheese I guess it's just some okay so it's nothing special about that and then there's some cornbread which Christmas she's like I'm not wasting my stomach on bread I'm all about wasting my stomach space so how's the mac and cheese let me know I want you to taste it and I catch ants like just take your time taste that this is probably just gonna be crystals because I'm not a big brisket fan that's a that's brisket pressure I did well I don't know if I really want all the chicken I want to focus on these we made sure not to get a lot of everything because we just want to try it how is it is it good we're gonna eat this we hope you didn't get too hungry because you're probably starving now but yeah we're gonna eat this and then we're gonna actually gonna show our costumes once we get home I think we're done with the day like for the day we just basically our costumes are ready to try them on at the house hopefully they hook streaming in our costumes and a lot of people like angels those eyes go so perfectly with the jacket like you really really ties in well oh you want like the same pattern crystals looks pretty good look at her crystal is what are you again we ever showed it say crystal actually ended up getting a voodoo doll with a voodoo doll I would be asking here me I'm gonna take this off Oh okay so she's a voodoo doll in a voodoo doll that's why I was trying to say oh yeah her makeup - it actually looks pretty good I like it every single time you've had a costume on this year that was looked at really impossible yeah I don't know if you guys have seen that she's been posting it on her Channel and on her on your Instagram so it's on her Instagram do a link in the description guys but yeah we're gonna end it there the food earlier was amazing we'd never say anything about that but the food was super good but yeah we're gonna do that guys we hope you enjoyed coming with us as we found some costumes that's actually when we found two but hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 234,086
Rating: 4.7334509 out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs, couple, vloggers, couple vloggers, halloween, halloween shopping, halloween costume, clown, clown costume
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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