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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the channel everybody I want to thank you for stopping by if this your very first run my name is Chuck and on this channel we deal with everything Corvettes and in today's vlog we're going to be talking about the zo6 versus the zr1 and a lot of questions I get from people who watch the channel ona zo6 they say Chuck is it worth trading in or selling my zo6 and purchasing a zr1 I'm gonna answer those questions we're gonna jump in the cars and I'm gonna give you my thoughts on the zr1 versus a zo6 now this is my 2019 zr1 that i've purchased and then this right here is a good friend of mine his name is Joe he's actually in our Corvette Club this is his car many of you guys know who followed the channel I used to have a car that looked exactly like this so I am a an xc70 6 owner and so we're going to talk about I'm gonna actually get in his car we're gonna drive we're gonna talk about the deal 6 and then we're gonna get into zr1 and then at the end if we if if the light here holds up we're gonna do a couple pools with these cars so you guys can see them side-by-side and how they do on some pools so guys let's get in today's gonna and manual 7:06 again thanks to Joe for getting out here and allowing me to use his ride here try not to stall it but you know it's kind of one of those things once you've once you driven a manual there's nothing like it really all the manual the manual my goodness I've missed you I've missed you mr. manual oh yeah guys you have no idea how bad Chuck could go back in time and change my Auto to a manual but hey it's done I enjoy it it's a lot of fun talking about the zo6 you know what this video may be more for two different types of people number one you currently own a zo6 and you're thinking about maybe buying a zr1 or maybe this is for someone who currently doesn't own a Corvette at all and maybe you're struggling whether or not you want to buy a zo6 or you want to buy the new zr1 if you can get an allocation and just like that this is a first for me the camera just totally went out I thought it was recording but it was it so we're gonna continue on with the power of the b-roll footage which to me I kind of enjoy this better anyway instead you just said they're looking at me let's check out these cars but I did we did do some pools we're gonna look at that here in a moment of that footage but we're gonna continue on with is the zr1 worth trading or selling your zo6 now I'm going to break this down into why you should and maybe why you shouldn't based upon again I've owned both of these cars driven both of them they're both amazing Corvettes the first reason I would say why you shouldn't go from a zero six to a zr1 is that the zero six is ultimately the best value of power and performance in the market I don't care of what brand you want to buy a car from whether it's a supercar whether it's a Dodge product or a Ford Ford product the zo6 is just for what it is you the prices you can get these cars at again best value out there that's why you wouldn't number two is if it's all about horsepower for you then keep your zero six or keep it or buy a zero six and once it's out of warranty go ahead and modify you can do a lot with a zero six with not a whole lot of money to make it a whole lot faster than what the the zr1 is if that's what you're after another reason not to get rid of your zero six four as the r1 would be if it's paid off or maybe you almost have it paid off you know in that case you can take your zero six and go down and do some mods to it that aren't gonna cost you eight ten thousand dollars and make it you know just as fast or not faster than the zr1 you could go down and do a lower pulley do a tune on it do a new throttle body do maybe a stage two cam do you know new headers maybe an exhaust system cold air intake and you've got a beast of a Corvette where you could simply live at stock and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that as well you know Joe co6 that you're looking at here is totally stock he hasn't done any performance modifications to it and driving it is a blast and totally worth keeping just how GM produced it if you don't want to you know do any modifications to your zo6 and the final reason I would say why you should keep your zo6 would be that you know we have the c8 coming we know it's here it's gonna be here later the first part of 2019 and be ready to go next summer and that might be something because the zr1 is not a total redesign yes it is different from the a-pillar Ford and yes it is more aggressive in its arrow you know it's not a total redesign in the Corvette like the c8 will be so that may be another reason why you would want to stay with your zo6 and maybe wait to see what the what the c8 is all about so before I get into the zr1 we're going to do a couple of quick pulls I know you guys want to see this so as we were rolling out of here I'm going to shut up and we're gonna listen to some cars and we're gonna watch some pools that they will come back and we'll talk about why you would want to get the zr1 [Music] [Music] that's always a ton of fun and we've got a couple more pulls for you here in a moment but I want to talk about if you're in the market to buy a Corvette maybe you really thinking about getting the zo6 maybe you're thinking about about getting the zr1 is it worth it you can go to GM calm of course and build one and in this picture here I have built a zo6 to look just like my zr1 the 3lz package it's got the carbon fiber everywhere blue stitching Alcantara basically it's the exact same type of car I even put the red beading around the tires because I think that's kind of cool on the carbon on the ceramic matrix gray metallic but everything exactly the same and it comes out MSRP at 1:17 six that's if you do everything that's just like mine so as you can see the base price of a zr1 is going to be 119 so 3,000 more than that yes there are going to be some incentives that you can get on the zero six that you're not gonna be able to get on the zr1 yes the zr1 if you spec it out to look just like this you're talking about a hundred and forty-one thousand versus a hundred and seventeen with zero incentives so in that case if you said that you could get the zo6 for maybe around you know let's say a hundred and twelve hundred and fifteen maybe one hundred and twelve Specht out just like this zr1 then would it be worth at that point pulling the trigger and spending an extra thirty thousand dollars I would have to say in my opinion yes and the big reason would be because this is the zr1 this is the king of Corvettes this is something that you know they they're very rare you don't see them very often you know whether someone has a c4 zr1 they have a c6 zr1 you know when you go somewhere and you see one of these cars drive up everybody's head turns towards this car so yes it is the king of Corvette it is always the top of the line for that particular generation and to have this car and for me knowing this is the last front engine Corvette lineup that's going to be there I think it's going to hold it by you really well I think that as the c8 comes out as the new zr1 in that platform comes out with this being the last supercharged front inch in zr1 it for me it's worth the extra thirty thousand dollars if you're buying you know thinking about buying a zo6 versus a zr1 and then ultimately it comes down to really is the zr1 a dream Corvette for you for me it was and you know in all honesty you know all the logic went out the door all the financial sentiment went out the door when it came to this car you know there was not a question if I was gonna get rid of my 0-6 for the zr1 it was just when was it going to happen and you know when it comes to this car I'm never gonna modify it I'm gonna leave it just the way GM built it I'm not a guy that has to have the fastest car on the street because there's always gonna be someone faster than you there's always gonna be someone that can race it better than you and I just want to enjoy this car and the state in which it's in and you know it's just so it's gorgeous it's beautiful it's something that I've always wanted if I could spec out and create a Corvette it would be the c7 so that doesn't mean that in the future I may not get a c8 but I will never sell this c7 zr1 in order to obtain it you know a good friend of mine named Ashton goes by combat Carvin on Instagram make sure you give him a follow said that some people trade up and other stack up and with this new zr1 and now having it and almost have it paid for will be paid for by November of this year it is the car that I begin the process of the stacking up because it's mine fearless is never going anywhere but guys we're gonna do a few more pools here and then afterwards we're gonna check out some of your beautiful rides so I hope each and every one of you have a blessed rest of your week [Music] [Music] Road [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and your heart slay then and all you can see is till you discover it is within each other to forgive and me No Oh at supper long road thought I'd be better on my time's up riders understand you
Channel: Corvettes 918
Views: 497,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corvette z06, c7 corvette, drag race, road racing, c7 z06, sports cars, corvette zr1, 2018 corvette, fast cars, 2019 zr1, 2019 corvette, 2019 corvette zr1, corvette news, new corvette, tulsa vette set, review video, roll race, street race, zr1 vs z06, c7 corvette exhaust, c7 corvette exhaust mods, c7 corvette exhaust sound, corvettes 918, corvettes 918 videos, corvette, road racers
Id: W9CbsRJxgIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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