Publishing and Registering data in Esri ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 (unfederated) using ArcGIS Pro 2.7

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hi i'm sean morgan i'm going to show you how to publish to arcgis server using arcgis pro this is the same process that you might have used using arcmap in past in that the server that we're publishing to is a standalone one it is not one that is federated against a portal or arcgis enterprise based deployment it is installed all by itself so in past you had to do this using arcmap but with arcmap going away now you need to use arcgis pro so to get started you create your map and you author it the way you'd like and i've done that here i've created this just using a very basic layer that i want to publish and put into my arcgis server now this layer is coming from a shapefile and you can see that right here that shapefile itself is stored in this folder and that's going to be important when we register the data because if you do not register the data with the server on the local server any file based database will copy at the publication step and that could be really challenging if you have a large data set so i'm going to show that registration as well so we need to know where the data are locally and then we need to put it on the server somewhere as well so i'll get to that point once we when we get to that point i'll show you how to do that so let's get started first thing i like to do is just check to make sure i have the correct urls so i use a web browser and i just go and navigate to check that my arcgis server is where i think it is so bring up a web browser it doesn't matter which one and then type the url for your server and it should come up now in this case i can see my rest services directory and you'd see this fine if you have your rest services directory available in that it's not hidden and it would work for pretty much any default install of arcgis server but this might be passing through a web adapter which would prevent administration so let's just check that administration is possible we need that administration rights to be able to actually publish so we can do that by just changing this portion of the url to manager and if we get a message like this where administrative access is disabled that means this url is not valid to publish to this service that is the url if we go back here that is the url you use in other services but not one you use to manage the arcgis server you want to separate the management from the use so you don't want people that are publicly accessing this to get into your management you don't want them to have access to anything so that's what the web adapter is preventing so to make this work what we need to do is use the special administrative port so you have to change this to six four four three and let's see if that opens up now now it's going to give me a warning first of all because the certificate that is being used by arcgis server directly is a self-signed one and that's the default and the recommended practice by esri so this error message is valid so what i do i simply say advanced and then i can say proceed and now i can actually see the same thing yes it has the not secured in https but i know it is functioning and if we now go to manager you can see it's oops it'll actually yeah there it is okay it brings up the management interface so now i know this is the url i'd like to use to actually publish to it you can always check your certificate if you want you can check to make the certificate you can see it's issued to the server name in this case and that server name obviously is not matching the url here which is why there's an error with this mismatch okay so that's that's an okay error in this case so this is the url we're going to need we don't need the manager portion this portion right here inside of arcgis pro so let's go to arcgis pro and connect to this now so in arcgis pro if we go to insert there's connections right here now you can do this it'll show up in the catalog pane if you already have it once it's done but i don't have any servers listed here so i need to go and add that server and you can see there's this new arcgis server in the connection so if i click on that it asks me for a url well now if i paste the url we just tested it's going to be happy now it's going to be sort of happy because it's going to see that it has a certificate that's invalid in a moment and it will prompt you for that so you need to log in with a user that can access this so i'm going to log in with my site admin which is the default again if i remember the password and you have two options you can save it as part of a windows credential manager which is a little bit more protected and it's local on this computer or you can save it in the connection file and therefore it would actually be saved into the project itself in arcgis pro and this one isn't always good because it moves with the file if you copy it from one place to another whereas this one stays on the computer locally that's associated with your login to this computer but i'm going to use this one if i say ok you can see it warns you about saving those credentials i'm okay with it in this case and then you can see it actually goes and connects so if your server i've already connected to this in the past if your server prompts about the ssl certificate being invalid you want to accept it and that's simply because it was read back in the services back here that red item right here is is why um it's prompting you and again we're okay with that we understand that this certificate is invalid because it's self-signed okay so i have that created here it creates the connection and we can make sure it's working by dropping this down you can actually see the services that are published this is basically a duplication of the services directory inside of that server okay we know we're connected and we can also see what rights are available to us if we right click on top of this and you'll notice that there is a publish option and that's because this url that we've supplied has administrative rights to publish so what we're going to do is publish a map service and we're going to be selecting the map that we want and you can see under maps it says map and that's basically just the name of your your map here that's where it's getting it and you can rename this map isn't a very good generic name for a map service so i'm going to call it the canada demo well i have to do this first then i can rename it my apologies i could have renamed this to make that but now it's going through the sharing options okay so here's where i want to call it the canada demo that'll be the service name that's going to get created in arcgis server you can supply a summary and the summary allows you to detail about this map service and just like arcgis online arcgis server has the concept of tags and we'll just do a demo tag now this is where things get really important you have data and you can reference the registered data or you can copy all of the data and this gives you a little bit of information about each basically if you reference the data the data won't be copied but you have to have a version of the same data on the server itself and that's what we're going to do we're not going to use this copy option because if we do that copy option it'll actually even if we want to update this map service it'll have to copy the data again so we're going to do it as a manual process so we're going to say reference the registered data next the location that we're publishing it to you can see we're using the 6443 special administrative port again never share this port on any application you only use this to publish stop start and manage services you would use it without that 6443 when you're using in an application okay so do we want to put this in a folder no so we will not create a folder then what we can do is click the analyze button and the analyze button existed in arcmap and you can see it pops up some errors so this is the analyze step and you can see there are a couple of different different problems first and foremost the layers data source is not registered on the server so we're going to fix this one the next one is the layers data source has a different projection and it later a layer's data source is not supported and that's simply the base map you can't publish a base map the base map is already coming from an online environment so it will remove that when it does publish so let's fix this first one that's the most important one to fix at this point when fixing these errors i always start at the top and move down and that usually helps solve things because sometimes that top error might actually fix errors below now before adding this layer to arcgis pro i created a zipped version of it so i basically uh took all the shape files and then sent to a compressed zip folder and you can see that file's right here i didn't want to use these lock files i didn't want them part of this so this file i'm going to put on my server and then deploy it in a location that is similar or the same that is being used on my arcgis pro here so i'm using an ec2 on aws so there's actually a couple of really cool tricks to be able to do this so this is the ec2 that i'm using and what i'm going to do is put the file on the local desktop and you can do that really easily so if i just minimize this for a second if i just copy this file using the file explorer and then bring up the remote desktop watch this and just go paste and that copies the zip file over the remote desktop session so now i have it locally on the computer so that's an easy way to get data onto a remote desktop and that's what we need at this point we need to put this data in that server itself so here are the data and what we're going to do is we're going to place this into a folder on the local computer so i'm going to put this into the same folder that i was using on the arcgis pro which was in this case gis workspace off the root and then a canada folder and i'll copy the document there okay so that extracted the file so now the path here is see colon slash gis workspace canada on my remote server on the local computer you can see it's c colon slash gis workspace slash canada so the data are in the same location now sometimes case does matter so it's important to distinguish that but now i know the data are there the second thing i want to do is make sure that the server has access to use this data because this directory might not be usable by the server so you have to set permissions to make that work and you can do that under security here and all you do really is just go to users and we're just going to make it that all users can see this data for now so under users i'm just going to allow users to have modify rights okay so i did that on the root directory gis workspace so now any user of this computer can access this and that includes the process that's running arcgis server because it needs to have access to it so it has read and write access to this folder okay so with that being set now we can actually go through and register the data because the data are there and waiting and the interface here allows us to do that you can see there's this little three ellipses at the end of the error or in this case warning rather and we can actually say register data source with server so you can actually register it and you can name this and you can see the publish folder path is the same as what's coming from the arcgis pro connection and then the server folder path there's two options it can be the same as the publisher folder path which is the case that i have or you can enter the name that you'd like whatever that name needs to be so in this case they're the same if they were not the same make sure you type in the path i don't know why it has a browse here that doesn't make sense because obviously arcgis pro in this case is running on one computer and arcgis server is on a completely separate computer that browse with browse would only be valid if you are running arcgis pro on the same computer as the server itself okay so we're going to have it as the same folder and then we're going to click create and what that's going to do is register the data store on the server and with it registered the dialog goes away you can see it now has a check box so it's effectively done the analyze already for us if we go back and analyze again you'll see that it's dropped that item off now only the other two options exist they're not warnings warnings or sorry they're warnings warnings do not prevent us from publishing only errors prevent us from publishing so we could still use these things to to fix these things so layers data source is a different projection so what do you want to do set the layer different projections you can set the layer so for projection wise but this layer data source is not valid and you can see it's only option is in this case well it's to remove the layer so let's do that so there's two items here each one of these are not valid that's what it's really saying so topographic map and then this one if i hover over it you'll see it's world healed world hill shade so we'll remove this and we'll remove this once it's happy okay so now we have just our map so let's just go do an analyze again and now we should have no warnings or errors that's simply because the data are sitting in there by itself great so what we're going to do is publish this data and when we publish it now it's going to go and create the service on the server check the data connections make sure the data are actually able to read the data set and we'll have our data set published to the server in this map service with the cartography we have defined in this arcgis pro session so it usually takes about a minute to do this now if it had to copy the data it would have copied it first obviously we copied the data manually and set things up and registered the folder so we didn't need to do that and there we go it's published on the server you can see it actually even provides a link that we can use to actually access this service and it gives us the url to open that and there it is so this is the service on the server itself and if we get rid of the 443 that is the url we should be using on external services so this is the url that we'd use when we're using this with any computer any application something in arcgis online whatever it is this is the one we'd want to use we don't want to use the the one with 6443 in it there you go you now have your data sitting on arcgis server is functioning you can see our map looks exactly the same we can zoom in and out and there we go so that explains how to publish and register data on arcgis server using arcgis pro
Channel: Shawn at Geomatics Fleming
Views: 1,153
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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