ArcGIS Pro Reshaping features and editing vertices

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okay so now let's look at different ways we can reshape features and edit vertices within arcgis pro okay so we're now here in arcgis pro and of course we'll have already gone through all the process of configuring everything for proper editing always keep in mind that in arcgis pro you are always able to edit your data there is no start and stopping an edit session like there was in the older arcmap product so we're gonna go in and look at a parcel and say we need to change the shape of it because maybe it is acquired additional area from an enjoying parcel or maybe we just found a better Platt was some more current information and that kind of thing so we're just gonna zoom into an area stay down here for example and say that this parcel here now has some additional area that's been an added added to it so we want to reshape it to include that new area so what we're gonna do first verify that again our parcels are editable so we've gone to the list by editing tab in the contents pane set that up and let's go ahead and make it the only editable layer just so we don't accidentally edit another layer so I'm going to make that the only editable layer by right clicking on it and then choosing make the only editable layer we also want to make sure it is selectable we won't be able to select the one when we want to edit so we've done that see the parcels is selectable so we're good there next we can go up here to the Edit tab in the ribbon and with that use our select tool here to select that parcel that we want to and as you can see it outlined in red here now we're going to go up to the tools group and in this little window that lists all the various editing tools available again if we didn't happen to see the reshape which is right there we could use the little arrows over here to scroll up and down in this little window or we could click the bottom arrow down here and see all of the tools that are available so now we're going to click on the reshape tool notice it opens the modify features pane over here on the side of the interface this is undock Abul meaning we can take and move it so if you did have a secondary monitor or something you wanted to put it over on you could do that so we're gonna reshape this now typically you would have some sort of document or something that would show you the change that you're going to make I'm don't have such document I'm just going to kind of pretend I do so with that selected we're gonna also make sure our snapping is turned on verify what we're snapping - so we're snapping to the endpoint the vertices the edge in the intersection which is fine those will work fine I'm verify my snapping tolerance which is set to ten pixels I'm gonna change that to map units just because I think in map units much better than I do pixels so with that we'll go okay and now we're gonna start drawing the sketch that represents the change we're trying to make to this parcel so we're gonna click here and then we'll come out and you know again pretend maybe we have a platter something says a specific distance or bearing direction what not we can then right-click go up and choose what we want to do so do Direction distance so south 67 degrees 29 minutes and again say we have a document that says that's supposed to be 55 seconds at a straight 240 feet so I'm gonna put that in there hit enter so that takes that part now we're gonna come up here right click and go perpendicular so we're now perpendicular to this existing line and we'll you click there on that edge now we can actually go in and you say the trace tool so to make sure we follow this exact if we wanted to or it's pretty much a straight line so I'm just going to go ahead and continue that and then snap to this vertice over here and double click so that is now reshaped my existing parcel and added that area that I just drew to it now we can also take away so we'll go back to the same parcel that we just edited and draw a new sketch to subtract area from this parcel so again we would have some document some source that would tell us what we need to remove so I'm just going to start drawing the sketch that represents the area I'm going to take away and say we're going to cut out this area so I'm just going to click here right click up here so say it's parallel to this existing line so make that parallel and now I'm just going to come down to like I could either snap there or just come outside of that existing boundary and double click and now you can see it is now removed that area from that parcel so I've gone through and used the reshape to both add to or take away from an existing feature so pretty handy there so next let's look at editing vertices okay so maybe we are going to take this same parcel and we're trying to match it up to some other feature or based off some sort of aerial photo make it follow something we see there or whatnot whatever so again we're going to select and make sure it is still selected this parcel then we're gonna go up here into the tools window choose edit vertices and we do that you see that vertices appear the little green and then the red squares those are the vertices of that polygon so we can do a couple of things one if we put our mouse pointer over a vertice you'll notice how the pointer changes to a box with four arrows around the outer edge of it that means we're all net vertice and if we hold our mouse button down I can now drag that vertice to wherever I need it to be so you know wherever I want it to be and by the way if you're snapping is enabled if you press your spacebar down while you're doing this little disable snapping temporarily so say I need that vertice to be in this location I just release off once I drag it to where it needs to be same with this vertice down here I can move it up again holding my spacebar down to temporarily disable by snapping move it up where it needs to be and then let off both buttons okay so that's doing it one at a time you can also come in and use the tools down here on the editing toolbar to go in and say for example add a new vertices so if I choose to as long as I have that tool selected I can keep adding new vertices which then would allow me to go in and refine the shape a little bit more with the additional vertices or maybe I have too many vertices I want to make it a straight line from this point to that point so I need to delete these go down here to the Delete vertice button and again just click on it click on it click on it and it goes away so that's how we can add and remove you can also right click when you're in the Edit vertices get this menu up and because there's no vertice there I can add one in or again I can right click and subtract one so various ways that we can edit the vertices whether it's a line or a polygon that they both work the same okay the other thing I want to show you is how you can select multiple vertices so when I put my mouse on a vertices and I forgot I'm in the subtract so let's go back to select here and by the way we select vertices with various options here so into a circle a rectangle or a lasso so with that feature selected if we go to a rectangle and that done we have selected all of those vertices notice how these non selected ones are not filled in the squares these are filled in so now with those selected is I'm grabbing and moving the 1 vertices it's moving the others because I have all of them selected ok and then I can just click off to clear that you can also use your shift key to select multiple vertices instead of drawing a shape and again when I do that notice it's going to move them all the ones I have selected in there so yeah be careful with this you can see as I'm going this way I'm starting to create weird shapes with this polygon those are all ways that we can select multiple vertices individual vertices and then edit those as needed to make sure we've got the right spatial dimensions and shape for the features that we are creating so I hope you found that demonstration helpful allows you to better understand the processes used to reshape features as well as to edit vertices within arcgis Pro please feel free to reach out to us if you need any additional assistance with these techniques you can reach us our website at
Channel: eGIS Associates
Views: 6,736
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ArcGIS, Pro, edit, editing, features, layers, vertices, vertex, polygon, line, point, lines, polygons, change, reshape
Id: ac-8EknUuz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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