(pt. 7) Revelation: The Church of Pergamos

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justin's dad was a member here over 30 years ago and he attended clear creek and now this singing preaching son and i tell you i love brother brant too oh the lord sent us some good young men what a blessing now that's the best you're gonna get my dad used to say if you've got a hard sermon boyd he said do it like a sandwich and he said what you do is you mayonnaise that bread and you put it on both pieces of bread and you make it a whole lot easier to swallow so here we are today the third church of revelation and it's the church at pergamus and the word pergamos means married but the fact of the matter is they became married to the state or married to the government and the state and the government had control of the church at pergamos and so i want you to remember how that that name means married and if we're not careful today this is the time that we have to be very cautious about the church can become sin sick on the altar of compromise let me remind you the church at ephesus they were careless they left their first love and then we noticed the church at smyrna they were a persecuted suffering church and so we find that they were crowned he had no criticism no rebuttal no rebuke for the church at smyrna but now this church at pergamus we find that they are compromised in this hour that we're living in the thing that the church has to be constantly aware of is compromising with an unregenerated unsaved world and the government dictating to the church we've been going through that and i'm telling you i'm not going through it anymore we're going to meet in god's house if there's just a few that are able to meet if i'm sick or you're sick and i'm not able you're not able the doors of the lord's house are to be open somebody ought to be here the altar to be filled if ever there was a time void that we needed to be in the altar being the church that we ought to be i believe it's today i think that's correct and uh when we look at what we looked at last week with the church at smyrna and then moving over to the church at pergamos what we have to realize and i hate to stand up here and give the historical context all the time but that's what you've asked me to do and that's what i'll do the church went through a period of intense persecution smyrna was the crushed church the bleeding church but it was the pure church and the rich church they have no rebuke no condemnation or no call to repentance when jesus gives them the epistle here in chapter number two and then we move over to this church dispensation of the church at pergamus where it wedded itself to the state yes this may be the most important of all the seven churches that we cover at this time in this hour in which we live because the church in the united states of america is being dictated to by the states i want to remind everybody that's here and everyone that's watching on television that the church of the lord jesus christ is 1776 years older than the country that it sets in yes and there's been no congress or senate president or supreme court that could have ever produced the church the institution it was before the foundation of the world that our eternal bridegroom would be slain as a sin offering and he would bring out of the earth the church when we get over to matthew chapter number 13 the pearl of great price yes glory what was the price that he stood before pilate and herod that he went to a roman cross and he rose from a jewish grave and he ascended back to heaven the state has no business dictating to the church because jesus is the head of the church we are to operate as an autonomous group and before anyone is ever ashamed of being a baptist i want to remind everybody that the first place of complete religious freedom in the history of the human race was a little baptist island by the name of rhode island that it was founded by a baptist preacher by the name of roger williams it was the model for religious freedom in the americas and we have no business listening to the state we obey the state as loyal citizens as patriots and we love our country but when the pergamos church wedded itself to the state it wasn't but one generation from constantine to constantinus that the church compromised the doctrine of the lord jesus christ and the perfection and deity of the lord jesus all right so let me mention there boy good to go along with the history and we'll come back and i think this will be so important right now when this compromise began the lord answered a mother's prayers and oh mothers today don't stop praying of all the letters that we receive from television the biggest request is pray for my lost children my lost grandchildren my lost great-grandchildren so there was a woman about 398 a.d and her name was monica and she had a son that was 18 years old and he was already living with a mistress and so she never failed to pray for him and god got a hold of him and god saved him and his name was augustine and god raised him up at exactly the right time and he again brought the church back to the course of good sound biblical doctrine and the doctrine that augustine espoused and i know you hear a lot of people talk about saint augustine it's kind of like the the legend and he's a real man st patrick and how that his day has just been absolutely desecrated if you know anything about the real patrick and our kids that have attended gateway school this is all in our teachings uh we cover all of this our history is being revised and it's being revised on purpose it's being revised in order to leave god out they don't want any mention of god whatsoever and so here's what augustine here's what he espoused when god saved him he was a student he he and he delved into greek philosophy he learned the greek language he was a scholar but here are the dogmas of doctrine that augustine gave to us man inherits a sinful nature from adam and we're all sinners by births man cannot contribute anything to his salvation we are saved by grace only god can save sinners and god saves sinners by the cross and finally what we've been teaching about since last week augustine preached the eternal and the complete deity of the lord jesus christ and when you're preaching the eternal and the complete deity of the lord jesus christ that means that jesus wasn't a johnny come lately that he was just not one of the created beings and we hear that espoused today in america and that's one of the most popular denominations in america at this moment and they're gaining ground every day 38 baptists a day are converted to mormonism you know the reason they're converted to mormonism they don't believe in the eternal and the complete deity of the lord jesus christ he is not one of the sons of god he is the son of god amen and not only is he the son of god he is god the son that always has been and always will be on the other side of that the complete the eternal deity of jesus there's but one god and one mediator between god and men and you can put any statue in the church that you choose to and you can fall at the feet of any patron saint that you choose to fall at but there's only one god and one mediator between god and men and he is the man christ jesus and thank god today it's all wrapped up in him that's absolutely right now opposed to the doctrine of augustine was aryan that espouses that man is sinful just because it's our nature to be sinful and that we can achieve perfection through good works he also espoused that jesus was a creative being in the highest form of created being and was one to be admired and copied so augustine comes along and writes his book the confession and then when rome is burnt by the barbarians he writes the book the city of god when they tried to pin it on the christians uh outside of the inspired writers i think that augustine is one of the greatest christian authors that the world has ever known and if we're not satisfied completely on the eternal deity of the lord jesus christ and you've missed the entire message of the gospel you missed the entire message of the epistles you missed the entire message of the revelation the unveiling of our lord jesus you don't realize that every prophetic finger of the old testament points to the fact that jesus is god you don't realize that only god could uphold the law of god that jesus fulfills prophecy that jesus satisfies the law and only god can please god and therefore jesus was the only one that could please the father and we have to be sure of his eternal deity and his godhead that it pleased the father that in time in this linear space yes in which we dwell these dimensions and god doesn't process time like we do he's outside of it he's in eternity but inside of time it pleased the father that in him the godhead should dwell bodily now if anybody here can explain what that entirely means that the godhead dwelt bodily in jesus and you have a full comprehension of it well then you and i will sit down next sunday and let that individual stand up here and preach yes we can't understand it we're not god we're not eternal but we have to believe it and i do believe it and i'm sure about it and i'm going to hold to that doctrine of it because when i think about the eternal security that i have it's all based on the fact of one thing that jesus christ is god yes and he was god in human flesh let's begin at verse 12 and i want you to underline some important things that we need to notice under the angel of the church in pergamus and of course pergamus means to be married and of course over in jeremiah chapter 3 verse 14 jeremiah says that god is married to the backslider and then we find over in second corinthians 11 at verse 2 paul says to the church of corinth for i am jealous over you with a godly jealousy for i've espoused you to one husband that i may present you as a chaste virgin to christ and so we find the church was married to the wrong bridegroom and today there's not much mention of the bridegroom in the modern church jesus is somewhere incognito and he ought to be out in the foreground with all preeminence and so he says these things sayeth he that hath the sharp two-edged sword the sharp sword with two edges underline it this is important even with balaam he told his little donkey if i had a sword i'd cut your head off he hit him over the head three times with the staff balaam is coming up right down here stay with me for just a moment i know thy works where thou dwellest even where satan's seat is let's pause for just a moment let's see if boyd and i can define this the city of pergamus had five temples of those five temples one was even raised up to honor caesar the one that really grabs my attention and studying these five temples and you can read a little bit more about it and i'll try to pronounce these the very best that i possibly can and want it to be a blessing to you uh ask olympus am i saying that appropriately that's correct and he was listen the gospel was nothing new at pergamus this ascolipus he was said to have been restored to life by the chief god zeus so when they came preaching the gospel death burial and resurrection that god had raised jesus from the dead they said well we've heard that and so with this god ascalipus they raised a template and it was called a temple of healing but in order to get your healing you had to buy it you had to bring a gift sounds a whole lot like what we hear in some of this phony baloney christianity today that you can sow a seed and get your healing let me tell you something dear friend nobody's ever been able to buy a miracle from god never will be able to buy one from god and so that's what we see proposed here and so there was a symbol and joan can probably help me pronounce this better than i can say it and it's called the comma caduceus the caduceus is the medical symbol you even see on the side of an ambulance the winged staff with two serpents this is the reason i want us to bring our attention this church at pergamus they had in their city imitators imitators of true christianity look at america today look at those that so casually name his name and they can just bring it up oh i'm a christian i'm a christian i got the christian faith and they'll do anything in the political season uh you know they'll say they're deacons they'll say they're apostles they'll say anything you know and so that's what they were actually doing but let me tell you what it is it's an imitation of numbers 21 john chapter 3 beginning at verse 14. write those down with this ascalipos and this uh uh caduceus huh caduceus caduceus write it down and they were stealing from numbers 21 they were bitten by serpents because they murmured and complained and he said fashion a brazen serpent raise it up on a pole all that will look will live jesus in his dialogue with nicodemus at night he uses it in john 3 14 15 and 16. you know 16 don't you for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son if i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me so we've got this imitation going on already at pergamus and they're getting married to imitators and today i'm telling you there's a lot of people in the church world that are married to imitators they really don't even know whom it is that they're listening to and they're following after fall after somebody that is proven and stood the test and someone that can be close enough to you that you can examine there is no replacement for the local church amen and a local pastor that can be proven in front of the people as a true shepherd an undershepherd of the lord jesus christ and so you see this compromise you can put all that together a little bit later on and i think it would be an interesting study for you but the gospel to them was already given to them in greek mythology and for them it was nothing new until augustine comes along and says yeah the thing that you're missing though is jesus that is that it's jesus that is eternally and completely god always has been always will be and when we consider just the city of pergamus itself and the temples that you mentioned the five temples that were there in the one to caesar these men that built these temples lysimicus one of alexander's generals that we previously talked about made pergamos his treasure city so they were extremely wealthy they were immersed in greek culture and philosophy and theology yes these men were advanced so when these people would go inside of these temples they had mechanical gears ropes pulleys they understood mathematics geometry and they would actually make these images move smoke and mirrors they would even have smoke and mirrors basically what it was it was a place where the senses were completely stimulated the church right now in the western world has adopted that form of worship and that you come to a place where there's lots there's smoke it's dark you're focused on the stage there's enchanting music you come to have your eyes the senses of sight satisfied but this bible still says that faith cometh by hearing the divine vector through which god communicates to us is words a great analogy and we love him yes our great king david he was in his palace of cedar that projected his power to his neighbors that he had just got finished killing i mean that's the truth and he says to nathan i want to build god a house david is overloaded and says i want a place where these people that are around us and our people that they can be satisfied they can come and see the power of god his motive was not completely false but part of it was a fleshly motive and nathan says go ahead then god comes to nathan and says tell the king no what kind of house what kind of house would you build david to satisfy the eyes of mankind long have i walked in tents paul tells timothy he's immortal he's invisible he's the only wise god our god has eyes to see he has ears to hear he has a mouth to speak he has a hand to reach he has feet that he can move when our young people go to college they use exactly what you just talked about that this was not a foreign idea to these greeks that were living in pergamos about the fact of a demigod about the fact of a resurrection they say you find it in greek mythology you find it in roman mythology and you find it in jewish mythology and you find it in christian mythology there is no christian mythology there is no jewish mythology i believe every word of this bible from genesis to revelation and the difference between perseus hercules and our lord jesus christ is before greek mythology was ever thought of there was a man that was named abraham that took isaac on top of mount moriah and they saw the topology of jesus a ram caught in the thicket and god said listen i will provide myself for a sacrifice amen jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world he's before all things above all things and by him all things consist yes again at verse 13 i know thy works for thou dwellest where satan's seed is and so these idol temples five major ones and boy just mentioned they had a library at pergamus 200 000 volumes can you imagine what a cultured place that it was but then what it became think about some of our major cities right now what's going on in some of the major cities you know why idolatry the name of the true god is not being preached and mentioned he's not being honored so he says satan's seed is and then listen to what he says in the close after he mentions antibus my faithful martyr and again the sword is brought up there he was probably beheaded we begin with the sword in verse 12 and that ought to be hebrews 4 and 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword and then he says where satan dwelleth in the close of verse 13 let me give you these verses real quickly you need to put down job chapter one and when the the created beings of god came to appear before god satan was among them and god said to satan where you been he said i've been going to and fro in the earth peter puts it this way the devil as a roaring walketh about he's on the prowl but also he says he's actually living here so let me give you this great verse of scripture daniel chapter 10 and verse 13 and daniel 8 at verse 16. daniel's answer to prayer was hindered for 21 days by the prince of persia and gabriel entered into battle with the prince of persia so the answer would come to daniel daniel was still wanting to know about that son of man that boy and i taught about daniel chapter 7 when he saw that son of man deal daniel said now i'm going to see more than a son of man that's what the jews said when jesus arrived on the scene and 80 times in the gospel he says calls himself the son of man they said no we want more we we want a king like david we want a champion we want one that's going to overthrow the occupation of the romans and so he says i've been going to and fro but now he said the prince of persia and michael had to come and help gabriel so the prayer answer would get through to daniel and that was described today you can read about it from the 8th chapter to the 10th chapter here's what i'm trying to tell you the devil can captivate a region and he can dominate what goes on in a particular region now i don't know if you've traveled as much as i have in the world and i thank god for my education of travel and thank god that my father began to expose me to traveling the world and then you see what a large world that we're living in and multiculturalism but in the exposure of traveling the world there have been places immediately i felt the witness of the spirit of god say you better pray you're in an area that satan has control of do you see what's going on in our nation right now at this moment what was it last night 83 days of continual rioting in portland the murders in chicago the murders now in new york city and people lawlessness they're just having their way the devil wants to take control of regions and dominate the activity of it that's what will happen in a compromised church and here's the sad thing about it if you don't have the witness of the spirit of god you won't be able to tell the difference serious where satan's seat is at it's serious how many would say today pastor oh we pray he never takes dominion here in this church never never never if you want to know where his seat in authority is i want to say this and don't want to hurt anybody's feelings i want to be everybody's friend and i never come and you never come to church to try to make enemies but where satan has dominion on this earth right now is anywhere you see the roman church and islam he has the power there because they're from him and they're of their fathers the devil and the works of their father they will do and the only reason they haven't taken over america is because the church still has the power we still have representative government now you watch they're after it yes and we see the unification in our nation of the papalists and the islamists the it's moving together i won't go any further i'll go back again and say about uh abu dhabi and it's a little island off the coast of the united arab emirates and they've entered into an agreement with israel first time they're going to be able to fly over israel airspace and likewise israel over the united arab emirates when i went to india uh the day that we came into the persian gulf uh one of our vessels and i think it was the stark if i can remember correctly that's when they brought up a little dinghy boat beside of our naval vessel in the persian gulf and exploded and killed our sailors that were there down in the bow of the boat of the of our naval ship and so how we even had to fly and i landed at dubois and it's just absolutely unbelievable to see the wealth the opulence you just cannot believe it until you see it and that's what they're getting ready to do i believe it's part of the rebuilt babylon but they're joined together with the pope and you've got to read about the sheik you've got to read about the arab that is heading it up in the uae along with the pope and now they've given a new name it's called chrislam the combination of christianity and islam in order that we might have world peace they're going to build three tabernacles on this beautiful island called abu dhabi and it's kind of like what i said last sunday morning like peter on the mount of transfiguration he said let's build one tabernacle to moses one to elijah one to jesus let's don't ever go down let's stay here forever they're trying to take the emphasis off of jerusalem and say this is an alternate place that you can come and worship islam has three holy places mecca medina mecca and medina you and i can't go there we're not even allowed to enter there we're infidels we're unholy the third most holy place in all of islam is jerusalem and the mosque beside of the golden dome it's called al-aska and that's where edgar on wants to come and capture the el oscar mosque he's changed the hagia sophia constantinople istanbul into a a muslim mosque and it was built by justine after constantine he took another christian church yesterday and all you just wouldn't believe the mosaics and the muriels some of them inlaid with solid gold and they've covered those they've desecrated them he says my next move that's the ezekiel battle that we've been anticipating there has to be a rebuilt end-time temple and for there to be a rebuilt end-time temple israel is going to have to come in full control of the 36 acres of the temple mount that will be so that there can be an abomination of desolation midway the tribulation into three and a half years of the tribulation that daniel tells us about in daniel chapter nine and a seven year peace treaty nine and twenty seven i got off course just a little bit but all of that is showing us there has to be a compromise in order to bring about a one world order and a one world government they see one obstacle a one world religion and as soon as we can get everyone together religiously the compromised church jesus is no more special than anyone else i beg your pardon he's lord he's savior he's prince of peace he's the king of glory he's the rose of sharon he's the bright and the morning star he's the one that is all together lovely he's the fairest of ten thousand to my souls he is the king of kings and the lord of all lords every knee is going to bow every tongue is going to confess what are we going to do church in the day that we're living in are we going to compromise and he's just going to be mentioned casually and occasionally or are we going to give him the position that he deserves most of all and that's the preeminence in all things i agree with that of 100 you better my grandfather my grandfather said that the world will come down to three world religions you'll see the annihilation of anything else and if you look at what's going on in china if you look at what's going on in the philippines if you look at what's going on in malaysia if you look what's going on in south america where the catholics are if you look at what's going on around the world you can see it that they're either converting to islam or catholicism there are no jews that are going door to door and knocking with the name tags on one thing i respect about those people if they want more jews they just get married and they make more jews yeah they're an exclusive little group and they act like they're an exclusive little group but the world's coming down to those religions just as he predicted the advancement of islam in asia advancement of islam in the western hemisphere is terrible yes it's a plague upon the earth what are we going to be married to see we're going to bring this up we'll get over there in second corinthians and we notice the great verses that all of us have known most of our life sixth chapter be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers what fellowship what agreement how can we enter into a contract so young people you need to marry another fundamental christian boy just mentioned today yesterday if we'd have been in israel you'd have been so impressed so impressed this year james was there some of the others were there dr moore back there we were at a hotel sea of galilee and it was friday before shabbat or the sabbath and there was a whole group of people there that wasn't touring the holy land they were israelis on holiday and they were a little rambunctious and they were a little loud and they kept us up late on thursday night and up late on friday night until midnight and shabbat began and even the so-called infidelity jew stopped they stopped no more music no more fraternizing no more loud talk no more and it went on until shabbat ended and in israel boyd said if they want more jews they procreate them but they teach them you know why it's a matter of national survival they're in a battle they're surrounded on every side but in the church here's what we've decided doesn't matter who you marry doesn't matter if you're an unequal unequally yoked it matters how you're going to raise your children when one wants to send them to a christian school and the other one says we can't afford that well that's not necessary anything's just as good as what that is all it doesn't matter you're going to be torn apart you're going to be pulling in two different directions the church at pergamus was married to the world and i'm watching the church today are you watching it we got more of the world in the church than i've ever seen in all of my ministry 45 years and i've never witnessed a time like this and if you preach against it listen to what he says to him he says you better repent pergamus i'm going to come and fight against you with the sword of my mouse i believe it started what are you talking about preacher a dissection an amputation a separation between true christians and those that are just playing games and being entertained i believe it's already started i believe that we're going to witness more and more of it it's the streamlining effect that we're seeing where the church is adulterated by the culture in which they're in and they said well we're to streamline for young people or to streamline for young married couples or to streamline for the affluent or to streamline for this group the best i can tell from the new testament is that you and i are not to streamline the church for anybody but the lord jesus christ because he's the head of the body of the church and people say well we have a changing world you can't do the things that were done in the past you can't be like your grandfather you can't be like your father people are different well we may have a changing world and there may be changing people in this world attitudes and mentalities and sentiments may change but i submit to everybody here that we have an unchanging god see it and jesus christ is the same today he's the same yesterday and he's the same forever and forever his word is settled in heaven and no matter what men may say it's still the great lamp and to our feet it's still the great lot unto our path and they haven't broken one string of its thousand-stringed harp in these 3 500 years since it existed it'll guide us to heaven amen it's still the best book i know of it's a book above all other books and when the church moves away from bible doctrine then the church has truly compromised let's see if we have enough time to let you very quickly jot these seven things down and we'll try not to preach on each one of them or we'll be here forever or have to go another week how does this happen what are the compromises the church is being offered let me give you what god's given me and i know it's been a blessing to me and i pray that it will be to you number one the inerrancy of scripture that means this book is without fault it's without it's without any fault whatsoever inerrancy of scripture we've already defined we believe that it's true altogether you can write down ii timothy chapter 3 verses 15 through 17 all scriptures given by inspiration god number two the biblical definition uh-oh of human sexuality and the sanctity of life the biblical definition of human sexuality and the sanctity of life genesis 2 adam and eve matthew 19 our lord jesus for this cause shall man leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife paul romans chapter 1 i have never seen anything like what we're witnessing never never anything like it there is no variation of the genders and i want to say this in an appropriate way i think you ought to be able to tell that it's a male when they're walking towards you and when they're walking away from you the devil well number three the way of salvation the way of salvation and we've already talked about that ephesians 2 8 9 it's the gift of grace it's not by our works number four separation from the world again that's second corinthians 6 unequally yoked come out from among them be separate first john chapter 2 15-17 love not the world neither the things that are in the world jesus said be of good cheer i've overcome the world do you recognize the system that is without god and against god do you recognize it do you see it number five when we move away from the spiritual standing of every believer i'm talking about the priesthood of every believer i can pray for myself i can pray for you you can pray for me we don't have to seek absolution from a particular person that has on a clerical collar first peter 2 and 9. you can write it down this is where we began in revelation unto him that had loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and has made us kings and priests unto our god the priesthood number six the stewardship of every believer maybe we should take time for all these stewardship starts in genesis 15 the steward of abraham elazar and how abraham was even going to trust him with everything completely then you can look at luke 12 and 42 who is that faithful and wise steward luke 16 the unjust steward that said i cannot dig and i'm ashamed to beg i want to preach a sermon on that i cannot dig and i'm ashamed to beg but yet he got justified uh titus 1-7 the bishop and i'm old enough now i've been preaching long enough that i would consider to be a bishop i've been a good steward mostly of the word of god moreover it's required in stewards first corinthians 4 1 and 2 that a man be found faithful peter said a good steward of the manifold grace of god our time our treasure our talent you've heard that sermon where did this all begin with boyd and now oh let's begin with how israel got 70 years in babylonian captivity and how that god pronounced 40 490 years with a with an intermission until that at the 483rd year how did it happen they broke the sabbath you owe me these land sabbaths look at it today in america can i tell you something from a preacher's viewpoint i'm glad they're not playing sports today it's become people's god and people are listening to some of these people like they know something about life and how to live life and how that our government is to function and the right way in the wrong way i tell you we need to turn it off it needs to be boycotted they need to earn a living like the rest of us they've been so privileged and so blessed they ought to feel guilty over taking a knee to feel guilty and let me say another word while i'm on this subject boyd i i know i'm holding this up let's go vote in person go vote i'm afraid i'll be sick go vote men went in person and got infected with agent orange men went in person and they got gassed on the battlefield of world war one men went in person and now we want to vote by mail god help us today not to betray the blood that was said for the privilege to vote [Applause] vote want to be ashamed of ourselves ashamed that we'd be afraid to go vote they weren't afraid to go and die [Music] man right here in our neighborhood has a father-in-law you can be seen he has five different types of cancer because he was on board a cargo ship and they were in the sea of japan and the barrels the 55-gallon barrels of agent arm broke broke loose and they waited in it and mopped it to their ankles and yet we're afraid to go vote wear you a mask put on goggles get you an astronaut suit but go and vote it's ungodly what we're watching it's a ploy of satan he knows what he's doing what a privilege this year when i took my young people to washington three young men not ours they were standing there with their foots up against the vietnam memorial the wall and we were looking for bell county names we wanted to trace them you can get a pen pee a pencil piece of paper and you can trace those names and we were looking for those names and i said gentlemen they said yeah i said y'all need to move i'm just a little fella they're bigger than me i said y'all need to move along i said don't put your foot up there that's a name you got your foot on that died for you i don't care if all hell that broke loose and like the indian that sat there and beat that drum in front of the little boy from up here covington he wouldn't have beat a drum in front of my kids up there where were the chaperones after what that kid got he can beat a drum in front of me all he wants 250 million he can put the drum over my head but that it would never happened no they should have had chaperones but listen let me give you the last one right here the preeminence of our savior if we compromise on these seven things we become the church at pergamus i don't want the lord to fight against me i need him to fight for me not against me he said i'll come and fight against you with the sword of my mouse and i believe there's some people that are raising up a voice boyd we didn't even get to balaam should we come back on it i i think we ought to i think so i i just like the story of balaam that it proves to me if he talks to a donkey i know he can use me can use me i'm as stubborn as one but there there's something in this we need to see don't we boyd so important and i'll i'll print you these seven uh points right here about where we cannot there's some places we gotta stand and we dare not move for anyone or anything we dare not we dare not here we stand i can do nothing more and i can do nothing less but a closing word the bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so bless his name and it's time i think in this nation for us to be men and women that aren't ashamed to just to say so and do what's necessary but theologically america may be so divided that's why we don't appear in bible prophecy because we've become our own worst enemy i'm to the place where i would be willing to tell my representatives if needs be if an election is stolen if they keep going on and killing babies if they keep redefining what god has already defined since adam and eve to send succession delegates maybe time so preacher you can't say that what if richard fuhrman didn't say it we would still be under queen elizabeth ii it happened right here in the house of god you think washington was a founding father you think jefferson was a founding father richard henry lee benjamin franklin they they framed it the men that founded it were men like these men sitting here they were on church pews that were tired of being oppressed and wanted freedom and they went and fought and it's the day and hour in america where we need to say so but no matter what happens god puts kings on their thrones and he removes them yes and we can be like nehemiah then we appeal to the god of heaven yes and in heaven no matter what happens at a convention no matter who's in the streets protesting no matter what goes on there's still angels flying around the throne around the father and the son sitting in his right hand and they're crying holy holy holy and they're saints from our church from the smyrnan church from the pergamos church they're there right now and heaven's message is what it always has been worthy is the lamb to receive honor and glory and dominion in the earth none of us are worthy in us dwelleth no good thing but as the church we still have the great message jesus he's worthy and we're going to get to it he's worthy to take the scroll and then loose the seals thereof yes the title deed of heaven and earth and that was the message after the resurrection all power is given to me in heaven and in earth and he told mary go and tell my brethren that i go to my god and your god my father and your father glory we may be cut out of our own government in america trivialized marginalized separated but we still have access by one spirit to our heavenly father through the shed blood of the lord jesus christ with the mediation of the holy spirit [Applause]
Channel: Binghamtown Baptist Church
Views: 786
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Ministry, Sermon, Christian, Baptist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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