Psychodynamic Therapy Role-Play - Defense Mechanisms and Free Association

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I just ain't do it today I'm okay you're okay yeah what's been going on I just been demo if so much anger that I I'm having difficulty controlling it in my everyday life a lot of anger huh yeah can you give me some examples like for instance um I go to the dry cleaner to pick up my fiancees uniform and the lady had them like all bagged together and I mean I could have easily just asked her because she separate them but I began to yell causing a big commotion because I was so frustrated and angry she actually was about to call the police to escort me out and I don't think I'm even allowed to go back to the drive-in anymore I'm sure quite a bit of anger yeah now my neighbor's dog was barking late at night I know my neighbors where they can't control that but I get into a huge fight with my neighbors argument we're not speaking at the moment and it's just real comfortable but I mean I feel bad now that it's over with and that I thought about it and I just don't know why I was so upset that the dog was working all right so from your perspective it doesn't seem to make sense why he got so angry no I just has been going on for some time now I just get little things just I just explode so did anything change around the time that the anger started nothing that I can really think just when I'm overwhelmed and I have so much to do I kind of just break down and just become extremely upset with everything around me all right so you're getting upset you have some anger any other time do you feel angry when I go to the go workout at the kickboxing class I'm like look I go all out like I used a is like a release I'm punching the bags extremely or I actually had hurt my wrist last week I just go all out in there and my trainer kind of notices like are you okay and I'm like it is just relief kind of getting all the anger heading out so all right so that experience for you you feel like you're releasing more energy than maybe other people and uh yeah I can wait you more waiting more I'm like loud I'm sweating bullets I'm just going all out like streaming all right so the in recent memory your anger has increased but it's still not really clear what's going on that's causing the anger not really I just feel like shred just has too much going on at the moment so it's just kind of like just feel overwhelmed I guess um I take it out you feel busy like in your daily life like a lot of responsibilities yes a whole lot what kind of things are you doing mainly mainly take care of home is my mean I don't I don't work or anything so I kind of just take care of home and you know with the kids and everything is just a lot so she a lotta responsibilities in the home yes all of the responsibilities oh it feels like all of them yeah what type of things are you doing I'm cooking I'm cleaning now I have to iron all of my Zins uniforms and get everything ready for him I had to make sure I cooked breakfast I had to make sure I picked lunch I had to make sure I have dinner ready when come I had to help the kids with their homework I just have so much going on like it's constant catering catering catering cater and it feels like I just really don't get a break or any other help it's just me doing everything you're doing everything yeah and has it always been this way not always but it seems it's been like this for some time okay we're really just doing everything at home everything I want to ask you I want to ask you or mention a few words right I would like you to if you're okay with this exercise tell me the first thing that comes to mind like and you can I say word you can offer several responses but try not to invest a lot of thought into the responsible more just what occurs to you oh that does that make sense yeah so the first word is home structure responsibility repetition repetition all right I give you another word relationship conflict power struggle disagreements alright let me offer you another word work independence freedom able to express creativity good all right and I have a another word here power a constant struggle extremely controlling so do you see any themes and in the words that you provided back this seems like everything you like really controlled it structured controlled structure what's the source of that controlling structure or is there a source of it a lot of it may come from my fiancee now that I'm thinking about it something tell me you're thinking cuz I felt like he doesn't give me the freedom or the ability to do a lot of the things that I would like to do like work and I think he should help more with the kids around the house and do things and I shouldn't have to do everything and I feel like that's probably a lot of why I'm so frustrated because I feel that I don't have any help it's like I'm single when I'm doing everything on my own so this probably were the bulk of my frustration is coming from all right so as you're telling me this in your explaining kind of that relationship with your fiance what are you feeling I'm feeling angry and disappointed like I don't really know if I want to further anything because will it be like this forever so angry frustrated this is similar to the anger that you've been experiencing recently like at the dry cleaner clerk places it's far worse than it but it's like I think that's where why I'm always so upset angry so you're thinking that maybe that relationship or something part of that relationship is what's really causing the anger yeah because I feel um I feel alone at the same time completely like I'm not in a fair relationship it's like I'm in a controlling woman I don't have freedom to do anything I don't have help and it's just it's weighing a lot of stress on me all right so this is you talk about this do you feel like this is new information that you're kind of realizing something that you didn't realize before because honestly I kind of I never really focused on that aspect of it I kind of just thought that's the way it should go and I just thought I was angry because I just had bad days I never really looked deep into it because I try so hard to make everything in my family right so I kind of really don't pay attention I kind of ignore it but it but now I'm thinking and putting out different things it's all stemming to so you feel this is kind of a big moment in terms of awareness definitely because I don't think I would like I said I think I'm kind of I try to hide it and really don't focus much on it because I want things to be perfect so I think I kind of ignore it okay so maybe through this session you develop more insight about what's contributing to the anger yeah definitely because I would just go off for no reason at all and just later just think about like why but but this source of anger this relationship you recognize this is maybe more causal or more contributing yeah where's the other objects of your anger you weren't really sure I wasn't sure at all why but would they definitely see the reasoning all right Jess move I feel like we've made some progress here and I'd like you to between now in the next session if you're comfortable there kind of reflect on what themes have maybe come to the surface what informations they've been revealed to you a little bit and we can pick up there and explore this further with the anger issue that's not like a good plan yeah definitely well I appreciate you coming in today and I'll see you in week okay thank you
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 242,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, psychodynamic therapy, therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, Freud, Sigmund Freud, defense mechanisms, sublimation, reaction formation, displacement, free association, unconscious, unconscious mind, awareness, insight, anger, frustration, theory, theory of counseling, counseling, counselor, role-play, role, play, demonstration, reframe, reframing, positive, therapeutic alliance, Grande
Id: z9fF9F5w1cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2016
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