CBT Counseling Role-Play - Clients with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder

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hi this is dr. Bronte I hope you find this useful if that's the case please like it and subscribe channel as always thanks for watching little Marcy hi doing I've been better been better yeah I saw that you called a few times between the last session and today you left a few messages yeah trying to get home in you and we had to really discuss the view but nobody called me back I emailed you a couple times but never got a reply so I was just wondering what's going on with that we can talk about that I want to talk about that after getting those messages when we discussed the process for when your mood teary rates and you had a few other resources you wanted to connect with before calling me your brother was one of those resources yeah useless anyways go on did you did you attempt to now he kept busy with it like you see he could never help me I don't think he even cares when I'm going through he's got his own stuff to deal with he's got his own family and all this shopping yeah he doesn't care she didn't contact him first because he thought he did yes and care yeah and we'd also talked about a few different friends that you had that you'd reached out to you didn't contact them well I did comment one friend best but she's all can I call you back and of course she didn't because nobody ever calls you back you know might be all of their own lives I'm really cares and I'm doing you know it's always like that so that's what I thought I could reach out to you since you're supposed to be helping me but apparently you never call me back or answer any of my emails so right we talked about how those limitations on time and how it would be better if we could keep the therapy in here in person right and not get really too excessive with the telephone calls I realized that when you're distressed there's that kind of feeling that a good idea to call but remember we discuss different levels the stress and if it's something common you've been through before and you've got to know the outcome connectives wellness resources might be more helpful yeah I just feel like you're the only one that can help me you know I mean I my boyfriend like things are going well with him I thought he could help me but I guess he can't and if he's running around on me and all that so I was like well on the agenda at around 80 that can help me because it seems like my last resort I remember you discussing a few weeks ago your boyfriend and you had a fairly high opinion of him like it was seemed like a positive uni was great he's great and then you know he was in another room and you got a text message but just look at that because I was just curious to see what's going on with them because you never talked to me about anything and I looked at it and it was a girl's name and number that I don't know and so he came back in and I put it away quickly and I'm like do the same thing like what's wrong with you cuz I was acting weird and I was like nothing so then he went out to follow them and then he went to like some friends house and I thought there's girls or not but so I kind of thinking running around I don't know and I can't trust him I can't trust anybody you know so I don't know I mean he was so awesome before but now I just don't know but he was everything I ever wanted yeah I remember you seemed very excited about where that relationship could go yeah and you seem like you're much more negative about yeah I mean he's not going to be faithful to me what am I supposed to do you know he's just like every other guy I've ever dated like you leave me or cheat on me or lied to me so I mean I don't know why I thought this was going to different a trip seriously why was this going to be different so you have you had this experience with the text message and you you don't know you don't know any more than that that sounds like you kind of jumped to he's cheating so you know you went to a text message and went to someone's house yeah I don't know if there were related to text message of him leaving I mean I guess Assunta who's gonna soon because this seems to be a pattern in my life yeah everybody let me down could it be that you're jumping to that conclusion prematurely probably but I get the ball I know I thought of how entreated so kind of feel like I was a feeder crap you know I thought it was in the beginning but I don't know so you feel like you've seen this all before this pattern yeah I guess I just always take the wrong for people or it's probably just me I think I'm the one is dis unlovable I've been told that growing up a lot so I think it's me because he's great I mean he's great he's good-looking it's good job and I only find like why I keep with me and then now I say like he doesn't really want to be with me whoever he's texting he says probably first want to be with his she's probably pretty and she probably had a good job she's got everything going for good sell so you really this week at least you don't seem to drink a lot of yourself yeah I mean things are going bad and my relationship is really seem to get to me so in a way you feel like your mood is subject to how your current romantic relationship is coming yeah I guess that's pretty right on is there anything that you can do from your side to improve what's going on no I don't think so I think it's everybody else that is treating me from you know so unless I find the right person to treat me right then I don't know what I'm going to do so the so the key to feeling better is finding the right person yeah I think so I'm like I said I thought he was 3-1 and beginning and now I don't know anymore but you know I really don't wanted to leave me just like that I heard you know maybe less I want to be alone because I love them but you know I think I probably will forgive them and just stay with them because I don't want to be a lot and she's scared to do that I mean I don't want to be alone without somebody you know about errors yeah so to some of this seem like what you're describing to remove the some of the seem like you're out of control yeah I feel like I can't control their people's actions and that really makes me mad that makes you really angry you know that what am I supposed to do and so I think acting out following them and checking their text messages and it's the only thing that makes me feel in control I guess Wow I know in the past so we've talked about this - you mentioned that you thought that that behavior could be driving them away - yeah I think I can see that I mean people want you know some this bacon trust - and I'm not sure I believe in eyes with them but I'm always looking for things that they're going to do to manipulate me or try to like you know remover or whatever so you're my guard down yeah suspicious I wonder sometimes you're acting on those suspicions that's not making things a little worse those relationships yeah probably but I mean like I said before I don't want to be alone I don't want to lose out somebody and I need someone I need somebody you so need to be with you know anything mean to help things I want to be alone you know that's you and he he has said things to me like you can't call me all the time of work because I'm networking using me like 40 voice messages because I just want to know if he's actually at work you know he's like you can't do those things she's I'm going to get fired and then where are we going to be he's like you know and you can't like call the numbers in my phone to find out who they are and I cannot because my friends know it's you and you can't you know have your friends come to the bar and see in love with and like report back to you like he's like I don't bear this room that doesn't trust me like that so now you know I'm really scared of losing them so you have called other boyfriends and this boyfriend many times yeah on the phone yeah just one check up and see if they're doing it they said that the place that they said they were going you know I just want to know that I'm not being lies you there's always been lied to all my life until I do so there's all that calling something you do to relieve anxiety well when I find out they're at the place that they said they were that I feel better for at least you know for a few minute ill the next time like a week maybe they lovely see where they are now you know and then it kind of builds upon itself so I just get so frustrated and then usually it ends up like a screwing match when I do see them you know there's a lot of screaming and yelling screaming and yelling and accusations and finger-pointing and just it's not good not a good scene when those kinds of things go down but like I said I really love them I don't want to be without him I don't know how is it about him all right so as the screaming is yelling and some discontentment but there's also this love you have from and this fear that give me alone it's a lot of emotion here driving different behaviors I said I would do whatever it took for him to stay with me I know I'm Sandra talked about it and you gets really mad I mean for banks OED cousins if you're needy you wanted to do your own stuff and leave me alone woman and you need to have your own life and you know I don't like to be ignored you know I was ignored all growing up need a big family and it got lost in the shuffle and now here I am so with all these things going on with all these negative feelings negative self-image and trouble with the boyfriend take this week today which what's your goal what what do you want to change yeah I guess I would like to be able to trust people more not feel so desperate that and I don't know what to do I don't know how to do that to be able to trust people more so maybe one place we could start is to ensure that you're accurately assessing what for example your boyfriend is doing right so in the past we've talked we've been suspicious about different behaviors it turns out in many of those cases nothing was happening and the kind of chasing them around and making observations that's what caused some of the problem so Mike yeah I mean that's what they say the problem is but I don't know could be something else I mean it could be somebody else it convinced me that somebody better I don't know that's what they tell me me they're trying to be nice to I gather relationships there's no way to know that seems to be where your mind goes first it's kind of the worst case for one of the worst case scenarios so sometimes with managing mood one of the one of the cases success is encouraging accurate thinking logical thinking so there's a lot of emotion involved when you're falling around and when you're checking the cell phone like you be feeling yeah I don't I don't feel good I mean I feel completely anxious when I do it for a and I get call it you know that's always a thing in my mind and like be like why am I doing this but you know my control sometimes I just need to know it would be possible to you have these thoughts like that say let's work on this idea that you're worried about cheating I see how this thought that something like he's going to leave me yes I love me he's cheating is that close to what you're thinking yeah and after you have a thought like that are you is that when you're like checking up on them and checking us out and completely I had compounded salsify so something happens that leads to that thought I think that would be an area where maybe we could try to focus some energy so maybe for this week I know things are still tumultuous between you and your boyfriend maybe this week before you follow him around check his cell phone confront him anything like that instead of doing that before you have that feeling or as you have that feeling that you want to do that maybe document what it's going through your mind at that moment like what's your thinking and try that it seems likely based on our experience together that this is something to happen a few times between now and next week there'll be a few times when you want to confront em or fallen around you could write down what you're thinking each point and not confront him or fall around so hold off on a behavior focus your energy on hiding down those thoughts difficult yeah try that sometimes it feels like the emotion kind of takes charge yeah sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing I just like by myself in the car I'm like where am I going I am like what am i doing yeah yet emotions are powerful however I'd like to be able to get these thoughts I think that there might be a way to improve your mood if we can find out how these thoughts are working and maybe try to make some adjustments there I know it's difficult I know the emotions are hard to control for you you think it's a step you could try this week though and so whenever you find yourself about to do something that's maybe going to antagonize the situation write down at that point what you're thinking maybe that way you can kind of channel some energy there and not act out on that and it's also something we can take a look at in session next time and review those thoughts see we find till we find patterns that make sense I know this is a struggle for you and I realized that writing all these thoughts down and fall in this process is new and different I want you to try to stick with if you can I think I think that you you could be able to benefit from this if you stick with it okay okay give it a try VAR c let's go with that plan and write down those thoughts we'll go over the next week and between now next week the same thing like in terms of what you want to reach out to me take a look at those guidelines we've worked out with that process and work through the process and see if you're actually supposed to contact me if it's really something that requires the attention or if some of your supports can take care of that right I know it's tough when you call me and I can't get back to you yeah I really feel rejected yeah I'm not rejecting I know it feels that way I'm trying to set a boundary that will help you and try to focus our time in here instead of on the phone all right so if you could apply that same same logic to when you want to call me or through the process and write down the thought okay we'll go from there and I will see you next week thank you thanks Marci
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 194,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, CBT, role play, role, play, session, counseling session, behavior therapy, borderline personality disorder, borderline, personality disorder, borderline personality, dramatic, relational drama, drama, mood instability, labile, love, hate, anger, frustration, measurable, relationships, symptoms, reflection, behavior experiment, goal, goals, goal setting, reframe, reframing, problem solving, empathy, REBT, homework, encouragement, counseling, Grande
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2017
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