Psycho Boss GETS CAUGHT doing ILLEGAL STUFF at WORK... so I GET HIM FIRED - Reddit Podcast

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my crazy Psychopathic boss makes my life a living nightmare for well over a year all because I caught them in the act of doing something super illegal at work but now after dealing with this for so long I decided to blow the whistle and get them in trouble and not only did I get him and his team fired from their job but they also got reported to the government and I've honestly never felt better about getting revenge on my boss in my life here's what happened so I started a new job 3 years ago in the public service and my department was in the hands of a psychopathic narcissist immediately The Narcissist started love bombing me now me personally I don't care about validation or the extra attention I'm at work to work and I love doing my job well that then became my problem because I had utility and the narcissistic department head wanted to keep me close all so I can make them look really good fast forward 12 months and a role became available on this jerk's leadership team I applied and I was very successful a few months after I commenced my new role on the leadership team I became very aware of some really awful things that were happening some really fraudulent and corrupt stuff undertaken by my boss and two of my colleagues maybe they thought I was one of them and I would buy into their business practices but instead I called it out and I challenged what I had observed now everyone who has been fortunate enough to meet a narcissist are very well aware of narcissistic rage because what I then experienced was Next Level I was sat down and verbatim told to shut up and I was then instructed to never speak again again obviously I became an instant threat to all three of these corrupt jerks which subsequently led to me being unbearably mobbed for the next 12 months all in some kind of desperate attempt to get me to resign now to be honest I am pretty resilient and I am lucky enough to be able to bury myself in my work so I just kept on delivering what I needed to do once this jerk and his puppets realized they couldn't break me down they started persecuting members of my team and that's when they hit a raw nerve and I decided to take some action I now regret not acting sooner knowing that I could have prevented all of the bullying and the awful treatment I received over the past 12 months now blowing the whistle was not easy by any means I mean this was Next Level stressful my biggest fear was that I wouldn't be able to provide enough evidence also I could substantiate the allegations I was making resulting in these corrupt jerks staying in the business and being given free reign to psychologically destroy me on a daily basis well I came forward and provided statements and as a result my boss and peers were stood down the business then engaged an external forensic investigator who was given the authority to approach others to request that they submit statements to support my claims I chose not to remain anonymous which was a very difficult decision however I wanted these corrupt jerks to know that they could not intimidate me any longer after a few months I was informed that the serious misconduct allegations I made were sustained and my jerk of a boss had been terminated and referred to the state corruption commission and I serious viously can't express the relief that I felt now I look in the mirror and know they selected the wrong target and in the end all I can say is that revenge is oh so very sweet wow this is a really cool story like this guy not only saw exactly what was going on but he put up with their garbage for over a year like can you imagine having these kind of co-workers breathing down your neck all of which know that you know they're doing sketchy stuff at the job you're working at like I can only imagine the crazy links they went to just to try and like treat you like garbage to try and like make you quit like after the first 4 months that would have like really driven me crazy but I seriously think it's so cool and very brave of you to step forward and be like no enough is enough I'm not dealing with this for another second and in my opinion I think this is a massive lesson that needs to be learned when it comes to like workplace relations like if someone's bullying you at work or treating you so badly that it makes your life a living nightmare or if you know your colleagues are doing something super sketchy and probably illegal at work then this story at least shows that it is possible to step forward and say something to the authorities or even just like report them to HR at the bare minimum like this kind of behavior is not normal for a workplace because at a normal workplace you go in you clock in you do your job and then you go home but the fact that these guys were doing illegal stuff and they tried to get you out the door because they were doing illegal stuff and you knew about it like that is super sketchy and really scary so truly good for the original poster for getting this done as well as taking down their psychopath boss who clearly had it out for them if if you like am I the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out link Down Below in the description also go to am I the SLS submit if you would like to submit your own stories am I the jerk for calling my workmate unprofessional all because she's been bringing her puppy to work because that dog has been disrupting everybody in the office and now after I told her that she can't bring the dog back to work she's calling me the jerk and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened I'm a 27-year-old male and I'm working towards getting my PhD so in addition to some other roles I have at the University I'm leading several projects with a core team of seven members back in late January one of the ladies on the team went on maternity leave and then another left for maternity leave as well in early March because of this our team has been stretched pretty thin I understand this so I've been setting less ambitious objectives for our team so that the remaining five of us are not overwhelmed in late February the newest member of the lab who we will call Carol for the sake of the story Carol is not her real name took in a 5we old puppy by the name of bean Carol joined the lab back in December as she needs to research for her master's degree before she joined I had known her for almost 4 years and here is where the problem really begins since getting Bean Carol has been consistently coming late to meetings missing her deadlines and even leaving early I've been having to take extra time after hours to ensure that she's in the loop Carol says all of this is because of bean and how much work he requires since according to her he is just a baby Carol seems to have taken offense with the fact that the two ladies have taken maternity leave while she didn't get time off for her dog it's a whole thing with her that since she's childfree and all but I honestly just don't want to get into that about 2 weeks ago Carol asked me if she was okay for me to bring Bean to the office since according to her he gets upset and fussy when he's alone since the school doesn't have a policy for bidding this and nobody else on the team objected I allowed it and trust me when I say this the dog has been ridiculous here it constantly barks and whines has made a mess on the floor more than once but the worst thing is that it starts to go pee whenever it sees me or other people and it tries to run over to them while peeing it has a crate but it always whs constantly whenever he's in it and once he's out of the crate he acts like he's in the Olympics or something running around in all directions trying to take the shoes off of my feet Etc Carol has been doing less work as she spends so much time feeding and cleaning or trying to persuade Bean just to go to sleep one of the other professors noticed this as well and he told me to give her a warning about the situation before it got out of hand well I did just that on Tuesday I told her that keeping Bean in the office was untenable and that she would need to find some kind of alternative well when I said that she protested but I insisted and she seemed very upset with this on Wednesday Carol didn't come in since she didn't want to leave being alone today she only showed up for a little bit and then she headed out I didn't bother speaking with her and just a few hours ago go after work she called me and said that I was being a jerk for not advocating for her and being I've decided not to escalate this since she is clearly under a lot of stress but I did tell her that she was being very unprofessional and she needed to pull up her socks before her supervisor got involved so honestly am I the jerk in this situation because honestly I really don't know what to do no I do not think you're the jerk at all I think Carol's being very naive and very shortsighted if she thinks her dog is well behaved or even like supposed to be in a lab where you do research like the dog is going to the bathroom all over the place it's literally making a mess and causing all this disruption like I don't know about you but if I was working in that kind of environment I would be very frustrated and here's the thing if the dog was well behaved and actually did what it was told then I'm sure this dog would be no problem it would either sleep in its crate or it would just Ram around and probably not bother anybody but it's the fact that the dog is so unruly and literally just doesn't listen to Chloe or anybody and is overall making a massive mess of everything that in my op iion is just not a good thing to have around the office it is a workplace Hazard and someone is going to get hurt because of that dog so no you are not the jerk and I think Khloe is being ridiculous for calling you The Jerk because if anything she's just being super selfish and that is not your fault in the slightest am I the jerk for expecting someone to pay half the cost of a parking fine that they literally caused me to get in the first place because right now I'm very frustrated and I'm kind of at a loss on what to do here's what happened okay so my friend who we will call Skyler had made plans with me to spend the night at his apartment I had never been there before and when I arrived I noticed that some cars in his building parking lot had parking passes on their windshields I wasn't sure if I was allowed to park there without one so I asked Skyler if I needed to move my car to find street parking somewhere Skyler told me that he's allowed to have a guest Park in the spot assigned for his unit and told me a specific spot to park my car so I moved my car to the spot he told me was okay to park in and then I went inside the next morning I went out to the parking lot and my car was nowhere to be seen I went back into Skylar's apartment and I told him that my car had been stolen and we needed to call the police Skylar's roommate then came in and said that my car was most likely towed because at 10: p.m. or so they tow any car in the lot without a parking pass and apparently Skylar was supposed to talk to someone in his building management to get me a temporary pass but obviously he didn't do that I still had to call the police to get the number of the towing service that had my car but thankfully I did find it and the impound lot wasn't very far away so I was able to walk there and get my car I was charged to find of $186 for illegally parking in the lot and had to pay that much for them to release my car I did ask them if I could get the fee waved if I had some kind of documentation from the owner of the unit stating that I had permission to park there but they said it didn't work like that and I still had to pay so after that when I updated Skyler on the situation I asked him to split the cost of the ticket with me and pay $93 well Skyler said absolutely not because it was my car and I was on my own I said that wasn't fair since it was his fault that I got towed and that he should actually be paying the full amount but I was only asking for half because I was trying to be a nice friend Skyler just repeated that expecting him to pay for my car was ridiculous now I didn't want to argue about it and I don't think he even had the money to give me anyway so I decided just to go home I complained to one of my friends and she said that Skyler was a jerk for not doing anything to help me get the car back and it was fine to be mad at him for that but she said that I was a little over the line expecting him to pay for my car expenses when he doesn't even have a car himself and that's probably why he didn't know how the parking lot works now I don't get this logic I still feel like Skyler owes me $93 and I really think he's a jerk for not paying me so honestly am I in the wrong here because at this point I'm very frustrated and I seriously don't know what to do no I don't think you're in the wrong at all and I think Skyler is absolutely on the hook for not helping you out in this scenario he literally told you to park in the parking lot and didn't know the details about how you could get towed like how is that your fault yes it is your car but Skylar is the one who's like yeah you could park down there it's all good like you wouldn't have gotten towed if he just knew what he was talking about so I don't blame you for being upset with him and being like wait a second this is kind of your fault as well so no you are definitely not the jerk Skyler's an idiot for making you park there and in my opinion in the fure future if you do decide to hang out with him I would be slightly cautious about him helping you out with literally anything because the way he acted is super inconsiderate and in my opinion I don't think that's fair in the slightest I feel like my boss is screwing me over by essentially making me give up my weekends off as well as making me work well over 40 hours every single week and now I'm seriously so frustrated and I just don't know what to do here's what happened so I'm a 24-year-old female and I've been working a basic retail job for about 8 months now this store that I work at is a larger department store like Walmart or Target and our store in particular is a complete disaster like surprise visits from corporate at least once a week kind of disaster all of our leading managers are being investigated for various things and the general public has nothing but complaints about us anyways I work in a lot of different departments since starting so I'm trained as a cashier customer service general merchandise and a few other things that I can't really mention without outing which company I work for I go through a lot of employees really quickly since I was hired I've seen more than half of my co-workers completely change at least three times so working there for 8 months it's considered a long time when I first got hired I made it very clear that I was not available to work weekends due to family obligations but I work really really hard and I do most of the stuff myself all the daily tasks are done by me the cleaning and maintenance is done by me all my co-workers have questions that they would usually have to ask the manager about but but I'm the one that they ask instead I'm constantly just destroying myself figuratively for this job every day I work 40 plus hours a week and I get one day off which I usually get asked to come in for work anyways last month my manager came to me asking if I wanted to give up my weekends off so that I could work in another department basically I'd be checking the store safe to count the money every weekend and make sure we have money set aside to refill the registers the next morning they would train me on how to do this and it would all come with a pay raise a week later that same manager told me that they were going to hold off a few weeks with the training until one of our co-workers was done with their vacation now a month has passed and I still have not been trained or gotten a pay increase despite the fact that I'm now working weekends anyways which I only agreed to for the pay increase and the new position not only that but I haven't had a day off in 2 weeks because of this scheduling anyways while working at the customer service desk yesterday my manager asked me if I wanted to also work another another department in the store that would mean that I've agreed to work in seven different departments and only currently working in five I agreed but asked about the other previously mentioned position and she said that she would figure out what was going on well that same day I found out that one of my co-workers who is a seasonal part-time employee was randomly scheduled for training working the position I was promised now I'm not upset at her because she had no idea about it and they didn't even ask or warn her about it but I seriously feel very betrayed since I'm working extra for Less days off and with no pay increase I just don't know if I'm justified in being pissed off or not because of my time working here being less than a year I'm honestly at such a loss and I seriously don't know what to do yeah what you're describing is very unfair and this is not okay your manager promised you that you would get a pay increase and a new job in this store which by the way you're doing way too much and there's no way I would ever stick with this job but like they promised a pay increase and a new position and not only have they not given any of that to you in exchange for your weekends but now you no longer have a day off and they're giving that position you were promised to somebody else like what's the deal with that that is not okay that's also not your responsibility to try and figure out so I know if I was in your shoes I would tell them hey since you're not giving me a pay increase or this new position I am no longer available on the weekends like I would put my foot down immediately and say I'm sorry but this is not working for me because you should not be forced to do all this work for such little pay you absolutely should be compensated for your time especially if you've seen all these other co-workers turn over so quickly like 8 months is not that long for working somewhere and for your entire team to turn over three times like that is an insane turnover rate and based on the way the managers are acting I kind of see why like these people don't know what they're doing it seems like one person is organizing one thing and then everything else just gets switched around behind the scenes so truly it really seems like they're over booking and over scheduling you and they're taking advantage of your willingness to work and help them out out and in my opinion I think in the future it would be very important to say you know what I would be happy to take on these additional duties but I need to see a pay increase to match what I'm doing on a weekly basis because according to what you're describing right now it seems like you're doing way too much and in my opinion that is absolutely unfair am I the jerk for being disrespectful to my parents after I rejected them when they tried to ground me despite the fact that I'm a grown adult because right now I'm in the process of moving out and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened okay so I live at home while going to University I'm in my final year and I have a job lined up after I graduate my parents have been charging me rent since I was 16 years old I have a small company that makes about $60,000 a year and I started this back in high school it is one of the reasons I graduated early from high school and why I got attention from recruiters my parents said that since I was earning adult money I could take in adult responsibilities and you know what I thought that was fair so I paid for all my own stuff starting at the age of 16 not University I got a scholarship for that and the rent they charged me was really minor it was maybe $300 a month but after that I basically considered my room to be completely mine I kept it tidy because I like it that way but they had no say when I cleaned it up I would do my own laundry but not at a time that would disturb other members of the family and I also bought food for myself and ate what I wanted they tried to say I was separating myself from the family but I saw it more as having my own own schedule this year for spring break I went down to Mexico with my friends my parents are upset because they were hosting a big Easter family get together when I got back they said I was Behaving Badly by not being around for a family gathering I said it was my last spring break in University and that I was not responsible for their schedule they said I was grounded and I laughed and said okay good luck with that I went to my room and I locked the door they tried banging on it for my attention but I was just completely done my grandfather came over to talk to me later and for a bit of context he is the only one who helped me get my company started and he has always been there for me he said that I was rude to my parents when they were trying to be there for me and I asked him how much rent he charged my mom when she lived at home he said it was ridiculous to think that he would charge his kids rent and I told them that I've been paying rent for 4 years well after I said that he went into the house and I heard fighting when he came out he said that I need to treat my parents with more respect but that since they are my landlords they do not have a say over how I spend my time I'm avoiding my parents for now and I'm renting an Airbnb right now until I graduate I took everything that was important to me and I left $600 for the last two months I planned on being there at the moment they keep calling me but I am currently getting ready to move for my new job and you know what I simply don't have the energy to deal with them right now so seriously was I the jerk or even just disrespectful to my parents because at this point I am so completely done with them and I serious seriously don't know what to do no you are definitely not the jerk for reference the original poster has to be in their 20s and they clearly have their life figured out in a major way they have their own business they're going to college and they literally are paying for rent in their parents' house so for these parents to really go to the original poster and actually try to ground a grown adult that in my opinion is hilarious and there's just no good excuse for that like technically they have absolutely no say over what you can and can't do and they literally do not control your time any longer you are an adult and you can make your own decisions so if you want to go to Mexico for spring break then absolutely go to Mexico and honestly I think it's a good idea that you're finally moving out and that you gave them the $600 necessary for the last 2 months you planned on staying there that way you can guarantee that you keep them completely out of your hair and they have no excuse to try and fight you on anything because from the sounds of it it really seems like your parents are very controlling I mean why else would they start charging you $300 a month at the age of 16 it almost seems like they're trying to punish you for being a high achiever all because you graduated early and have your own business like that's not a bad thing and I can't imagine them being like oh you want to have adult responsibilities congratulations it's time to pay rent like no why would you do that to your own kid that's just like really weird to me so no I don't think you're the jerk at all I think your parents were completely out of line trying to boss you around like that and honestly with all things considered I don't blame you for moving out in the slightest when you 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Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 17,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: Ebvp08NUV4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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