Psychic Cringe Fails 4

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you have a question for psychics you to stand on a a question that some it's very important to me that my son I I've written the song and I want more than anything else this one wish for this my song because I sang it from my dad before just a week before he passed on and he liked it and he said he was going to be listening for it and he didn't know he was going to pass the next week and I didn't and the song it's like it it was meant to be just meant to be written and I I want to know is there any future for it as am I ever going to get anywhere with it to have it recorded by anybody where it's going to be played on the radio not until he learns a certain lesson he has to one he has to own up to the some of the things he's done my father oh I don't understand what you what you mean well I mean he passed away he was a very good man well reincarnation but no how does that affect my song though I'm sorry I can't hear you very well I was wondering because I wrote the song and I sang it for him but is there any hope for my song that I that I is anybody going to ever record it nationwide that is going to be heard on radio he'll be back you know he'll reincarnate and he ought probably when did he die a year ago November he probably hasn't come back yet in another life she's wondering about her song she wrote a song and she wants to know if it's going to get recognition you have to get it Gambier knock on doors I am it's um all the doors are closed now she's read for celebrities such as The Saturdays and Gwyneth Paltrow making Essex girl Jane Wallace one of the UK's most celebrated psychics well today Jane claims that she can reveal key personality traits about our three mystery celebrities just by holding objects that belong to the mix so if you grab a hold of that one there and and what do you say about the person come how do you say something quickly haven't read for Gwyneth Paltrow I don't know where I should yes you're back when if come visit yeah just find out today that that came from your press Mike yes absolutely never read your own press this is our first mystery celebrity I feel real strong creativity with her she's passionate no it's a her yes feel real strong passion she's driven she's artistic she's creative I get words and writing and she's not flamboyant she's very sophisticated but I feel there's a very strong sort of flamboyance about her okay an amazing friend she's very loyal and I feel we've heard very much what you see is what you get what you see is what you get no no as you say Maria what sort of career writing creative so she's somebody I was she's got a book or it feels almost feeling of writing I don't feel Actress I just feel I want to write or she's very good with psychology okay analytical in her way and a very very deep thinker anything else that would pinpoint her for her to say oh yes that's a very personal thing I think home life is happy she's I would say grounded safe and secure that's how I see her there's certain areas that I can't mention there's certain things I can't say but I feel for me it feels really really great she's a good person okay so bring this person any comment who is that person that mean that rudely take a seat so obvious lovely to see major issue they're writing wrong there what were the other things that you mentioned I don't know what did you make family life family yeah I've got three children yeah three grandchildren yeah and when my mother died she only left a little bit of money see he said I want to let's say it that's what I was thinking with well I had anyway the money that I wasn't offended I bought that that's maybe like gentleman story but that was a major miss I I'm sorry hi there in alright Harry then okay I want to talk about them I mean that doesn't work with you is that these sort of main thing at the moment all right so that leave your teaching or something like that but seems to be doing quite a lot of children but they're older children as opposed to younger children but it's not just the children it's adults as well please your mother in the spirit world no it's not only Lawrence true but I've got them out here right is there anyone else she used to call mum was known to the family as mum by its mum that and it felt she won't give me any more animations just keeps calling mum and giving you much birthday passing anniversary with her someone who was wanted a son it's someone that didn't go to some or didn't have a son all right but wanted one so I'm being called to tie back there's a million dollar cash prize for anyone who can demonstrate supernatural powers let's meet contestant number one my name is Jesse Bravo and I'm a stockbroker by day but by night I'm a psychic and I speak to dead people here are the rules for Jesse's test 12 envelopes inside photos of 11 random living people and one very famous dead person to win jesse has to locate that dead person 9 out of 12 times hi Jesse like a game show thank you very much the odds of winning by luck are about 1 in a million but Jesse of course isn't counting on luck what I try to ask is whoever is gone you please you're showing me which envelope they're sort of contained in you believe that's a dead person you ready but the spirits didn't answer Jesse's first pick was this girl and she's very much alive attempt to are you ready this one is a live person strike two he was supposed to find Elvis Presley Elvis Presley we know he's dead right absolutely Epps I'm considered very good at what I do and boy am i bombing yep this is a dead person I'm hoping so after another failure so alive or isn't a live person internally I was crumbling it's Jesse Bravo's last chance Wow that was very direct well that one very strongly I'm guessing I'm trying different techniques this one is it's live thank ya you're right it's life Jesse may have failed but he says the problem wasn't with him it was with the test itself asking an envelope an inanimate object to answer a question it's a really tough thing to do maybe there's other people that can do that I'm not one of them obviously do you make your living as a psychic yes and I do actually do energy work and healing wicked my channel as well channeling spirits hmm I said I bring energy in and yeah from the angelic realms here are the rules for georgia´s test to win she has to match the palm print to the correct bio nine out of 12 times there's not a lot of information to work from to be honest twenty minutes of mixing and matching later Georgia has chosen a palm print for each bio can I get you all to stand please it's her million-dollar moment of truth I'm gonna ask you to look at the bios that are on your sheets please if this is your bio I want you to turn it towards a camera not yet if it's not your bio I want you to crumple it up no [Applause] did not get the million dollars you weren't just a little off you were very off yeah how convinced are you that you're gonna win a million dollars I'm convinced I I have great confidence in my abilities here are the rules for Paula's test she'll be given the 12 biographies then she'll do a tarot card reading on each subject to win she has to match the person to the correct bio nine out of twelve times Paula gets in the hot seat and starts her first reading so I see that your person that's ambitious you're involved in your work situation I felt like it could be making more money okay I'm gonna go with this one this is your final answer yes she's just chosen the bio for the 12th and final subject on banacek's signal now it looks like you've got one right I'm so sorry you do not get the million dollars so this doesn't make you think twice as to whether or not you're psychic no I still believe I'm psychic this gold watch here so you know I'm gonna want to ask him what is it a mean something to me in this room it's not hidden anywhere not really tricky about it just tell me about this gold watch if he says but then we've got an interesting story what be the one thing you could tell me who's an object is it a toy car please there's only who's gonna give me that's warning the object in the room I'll give you that much the objects here somewhere in the room I'm not gonna start looking around because if I say like it's that it's that it's that you've put the thoughts in there I'm not it's in the room so all you have to do is up if it's definitely here and your channel them now all you would have to do is go is mmm - it's you it's nothing else there's an object that was not picking up any object my mind would say that my head would pick up that but I don't think it is that's my head picking that rock I haven't walked around to room so I don't know what it is I really don't know no it's not milking it and say what it could be fact I guess if it wasn't know it was that chair yep I'm not picking it off do you need to touch datums no because I think I'd be looking at some sort what was drawn to when affairs came in here okay what's that yeah I thought it was stuck to that but no now we're pushing it now with milk in it and I've got three items wrong also know the law of averages we'll say I'm gonna get it soon I don't want to do that because what happens if it stands there lie what was it this is the gold watch was a gold watch yeah so when I was younger I would pull on the back I'd like you to lock up when you go back on the phone is where I pointed and I said that you wear datapoint cube I may have been pointing at you I may have been pointing at the watch it's you I don't know well definitively say you didn't say the watch no it didn't seem to watch I don't want to make you fit but if you think I think that I'd pick that off yeah I need you to be open-minded about everyone living in deceased do you know the names of people deceased and living grandparents parents okay I see an M or J person do you have somebody family that is a J or an M yes she do duh-duh oh yeah yeah Oh AJ or M hm is it a male or a female M I don't know female is it spelled MA yeah are ya like Mary yeah is that your mom as my daughter oh yeah it's your daughter daughters okay yeah I mean but is there another Mary or Marie a deceased or middle name like this from your husband's side no okay I think there may be but anyway um is she starting a new project or a new after-school something or a new is there is there does she have a boyfriend okay I let you know okay I know about okay I didn't know how we'll do it okay so how do you explain you failing miserably here I picked up by Mary I said it to there is it your mom as my daughter oh yeah oh it's your daughter when I was five years old I had a boyfriend yeah yeah didn't you marry you said an M or J in my family most people are very respectful and you know and really nice about it successful I'm gonna read for you not will do this off camera yeah if you allow me to read for you sure and then I'll come back on the show okay and you will be the one to decide if what you feel is is truth or not okay with the reading oh well my father passed away in November and I want to know what's happening mm-hmm he does a funny thing says his legs are good his feet or legs uh-huh you know it makes sense yeah and he does a dance like a little shuffle dance it has to be funny to you I believe and and I his love my love my love my heart he said my heart your your is heart he said I know make sense oh yeah we close to him a very close very close was his leg thing what's the feel uh you know what do you he he had cancer and he was losing his ability to walk you know towards the end but that was the lasted for like a week you know that scared him he was very afraid because he thought he would never walk again and he says in heaven I guess he's fishing he shows me because there's water right next to where he is was he a fisherman no no he was a musician well he's right by the he's holding a pulse I don't know uh-huh yes I still you know who you are you in the house before I've said I've said AHA ly we turn up and I said I know you've been and you've you've met these people I have I have briefly met them yes I have yep yep oh there was some type of split off going back quite a while no just the Jimmy or James connected no she's saying yes on grandfather's side no there's one particular person that I know was trying to get through to me they said if there's a way of coming through they will find it yeah is the pole connected with you and Paul we have a pole here what the same my mom wants a pop all she I don't all I know at the mall ones is that there is some type of connection with Paul I don't know if there's been a some some spots of bother or something happened around Paulo but I know is that she was specifically talking of a pole no it doesn't make any sense okay that's fine yeah but you seem to be trying it is it I need to prove to you nobody have mind it I was hell yeah no no very open-minded how you managed to come in and have a reading how was it range dice eigen applied to have a read and on - who - the advert so you've met Devon yes you know you just told me dumb that you haven't been here okay talk to me you seem unhappy well I'm unhappy because you told me a blatant lie and mercy you told me that you had not been in this house oh I had been in that and you've told me you had not been in this house oh you've been in you've you've met these people I have I have briefly met them yes I have yep do you think that's absolutely terrible that to me is terrible you've got to draw a fine line what is real and what is sick yeah yeah and some of the things what I do is real because I'm touching people right in a nice way everybody you know it is John at Canada yeah the past I want to say like is the accents of English and them you know and they're Savin the other but happy won't lay exact sense up there just like my you know but this is Kennedy
Channel: Chodmunch
Views: 4,033,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychic cringe, psychic fails, cringe fail, psychic fail, pyschic cringe, Psychic, psychic cringe fail, pyschic fail, pyschic, psycic, psychic cringe fails, psychic owned, bad psychic, psychic embarrassed, cringe, psykiska misslyckas, sykic, psychic humiliated, psychic exposed, psychic embarassed, epic cringe, talk to dead, cold reading, psychics, psychic medium, psychic tv, psychic reading, epic fail, psychics caught lying, psychics exposed, caputo fail, caputo wrong
Id: Lhs9Pmyx_o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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