PS4 Controller Lag + Disconnect - Easy Fix Bluetooth Antenna

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hey what's up guys so i just got myself this playstation 4 uh bought it off a friend so it's got some sentimental value to me because um well uh he's a very close friend of mine and he hasn't played it since he got married so i convinced him to sell it to me um so um when i tried it on uh it's got some funny behavior and uh i think it's losing signal when you go far with the controller and after checking it i realized we had a little crack here so i'm guessing this baby had a nasty fall at some point and i'm going to try and just basically clean her up and fix possibly fix the the bluetooth and wi-fi antenna because i believe that that that's most likely what the problem is okay so we've pried her open um she doesn't have as much dust as i thought she would um i mean there is quite a bit of dust but it's not too bad um it's the first time she's been opened so uh i'm trying to keep her as clean and safe as possible so we're going to be cleaning that and our actual problem this time i think has something to do with this antenna right here so i don't know if that's the way it's supposed to be let me try and zoom yeah i'm not sure if that's what it's supposed to be looks a little mangled but i'm just going to be investigating this is not a how to fix i'm just documenting it for the sake of it just i like to tinker with my devices so this is actually fun for me actually woke up very early in the morning just to do this so i don't think sony ever wanted anyone to open this thing because my gosh these evil screws are everywhere so i'm fighting with them and trying to figure out how to open them because none of uh my screwdrivers actually really work so crap okay so i give up trying to open these funny screws with uh with the type of screwdrivers that i have so i've decided to just uh find my way into town um possibly find the right type of screwdriver i don't know what it's called i think they're torque or something like that i don't know i'm not a professional so i'll try and find a screwdriver to open that and i will try to either find you know i'm just going on the streets so i'll try to either find a replacement antenna mind you i haven't yet confirmed that's the actual problem but i'll i'll see if it's cheap i'll buy one anyway um because i can see there's a i don't know if you can see there there's a soda that's it's broken here that's probably affecting things i don't know so i'll try and find a replacement for that if i can't i am going to see if i can buy a soldering iron and some what you might call it for soldering and give it a go so now i'll be off into town so finally got this baby open and um well i couldn't find any i really didn't look that much i didn't get any soldering iron and soldering wire so i can't soda this part so i thought to just link it using using a conventional wire so hopefully this works i'm going to give it a try but before i close up this baby i'd like to clean the cooling system and just dust it up a little bit so let me see what i can find to what i can use to clean this up all right so when it comes to the cooling fan right now um i don't know whether this needs me to suck the air out or blow it i don't i'm not sure what i need to do but lucky for me i'm very good at both so um here goes so okay so um i've put everything back together and it's time to close it up and give her a try how do i put this thing back so finally here we have it guys it's now working properly i can play the playstation um from afar controller works just fine and all i had to do was use um a little wire that i tied on the antenna so i didn't have to solder anything and it was a gamble but here we are it's working time to play some spell break alright guys enjoy
Channel: PlunnDarr
Views: 5,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L94VBbzsfpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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