Odin 2 Max 4 Months Later, Still One Of The BEST?

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hey what's going on everybody it's ETA Prime back  here again it's been a little over four months   since a released the Odin 2 and in this video  I wanted to take another look at it we're going   to see if it's still worth picking up is it still  one of the most powerful Android handhelds on the   market and should you buy one today four months  later okay so jumping right into it if you're not   familiar with the Odin 2 basically what we've  got here is a really powerful Android handheld   with a 6in 1080p display 8,000 mamp battery and it  also comes included with Wi-Fi 7 the they do offer   three different models over on their website and  when I say models I mean ram and storage variants   so they've got the bass the pro and the max the  one we're taking a look at is the Mac so we've   got 16 GB of RAM and 512 GB of storage but keep  in mind across the board you can add a Micro SD   card to any of the variants that they're offering  another thing I'd like to mention here is all of   the models also have the same CPU and GPU we've  got that Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 so across the boards   you're going to see the same kind of performance  even with the 8 G EG model versus the 16 playing   something like GameCube you're going to see the  same kind of frame rate out of that emulator and   obviously this is running Android but they do  have their own little launcher that actually   works out really well it'll autop populate all of  your games and media apps or you can go with the   stock Android experience it's really up to you  another thing you could do is just opt to use a   thirdparty launcher if you wanted to but overall  I think it works really well the way it is they   have sent out a few OTA updates to address a  few issues here and there but I did run into   an issue trying to update I just couldn't get my  unit to update whatsoever I waited a little while   thinking maybe their update server was down it  still didn't work couple weeks later I went ahead   and reflashed the complete firmware on this unit  then I could start updating so that was definitely   a bit of a downer I wasn't getting the kind of  performance and fixes that everybody else was   getting at the same time but now that I flashed  that firmware I should be good to go with future   updates and since then I've actually run across  a few people on Reddit that haven't been able to   update so that's really all I can suggest is go  ahead and reflash the complete firmware you're   going to lose all of your data that you had but  you can definitely get those updates it's going   to fix a lot of the issues like the memory swap  issue that wasn't holding after reboot couple   other little things here and there but overall  these new updates have really helped out they did   utilize Hall based analog sticks we've also got  analog or linear triggers around back d-pad uses   Dome switches underneath and in my initial review  we did some testing with in games it's actually   a pretty good d-pad that they have here a bit on  the smaller side when you compare it to others but   it's got good roll to it and I personally haven't  had any kind of issues with the built-in controls   they offer several different color options  and on the bottom here we do have a 3.5 mm   audio jack USB type-c up top micro HDMI SD card  slot volume rocker and our power button and of   course first and foremost it's a handheld gaming  console but we do have HDMI and USB type-c which   both deliver video out I'm going with USB type-c  to this portable monitor here and the reason being   is uh HDMI up top which is micro HDMI can only  do 1080p 60 but from the bottom here we can do   up to 4K 60 and there are a few other resolutions  in between 2.5k up to 144 Hertz and you can go on   down from there if you want to but having 4K 60  out on something like this is great for watching   4K videos on a bigger screen you can connect this  to your TV very easily we've also got Bluetooth   5.3 so connecting Bluetooth controllers is really  easy Xbox PlayStation controller personally love   seeing this with an Android handheld the fact  that we can actually turn this into kind of a   couch console also so like I mentioned the Odin  2 is using the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and of course   we've got the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 on the market  but the 8 Gen 2 is still really holding its own   and given that this is in a handheld form factor  I think they chose one of the best chips you could   at the time this was released and one of the best  things here is the sustained performance that the   Odin 2 can put out given that we've got an active  cooler does have a built-in fan we've got a couple   power profiles that we can choose from we've got a  standard mode performance mode or high performance   mode and of course high performance mode is  really going to give you the most that this   thing can basically this is changing the governor  to Performance and we've also got fan control   Smart fan sport which does get a little louder or  we can go to customize and take it all the way up   to Max and I'll tell you at 100% you can hear this  fan it's not horribly loud but it's definitely   there if you've got the volume on your device up  more than 40% you're really not going to notice it   but I usually stay in Smart Mode kind of keeps  it nice and chilly and the unit itself around   back doesn't get hot at all even when stressing  this out for long periods of time just real quick   running for 13 minutes here totally maxed out  on that Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 smart fan mode we're   also in high performance mode and I've not been  able to get this thing to Thermal throttle the   only way I could really see this happening is if  the fan failed or if you've got the back of the   fan blocked or the ventilation up top block but  for long periods of gameplay you can keep this   thing in Smart Mode high performance and you don't  have to worry about losing performance over time   with a hotter CPU now the reason I mentioned the  Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is because we're seeing a lot   of devices on the market and recently I picked  up the Galaxy s24 Ultra I wanted to compare the   Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and the Odin 2 against the  Galaxy s24 Ultra so the first Benchmark we have   here is geekbench 6 on the Odin 2 single Core  is coming in at 235 multi 5,698 taking a look   at the s24 ultra 2277 on single 6,988 on Multi so  yeah I mean we're definitely working with a little   more performance coming out of that CPU single  and multi with the 8 gen 3 next up we've got a   GPU Benchmark here with 3D Mark Wildlife extreme  and this is where that 8 Gen 3 is really going to   outperform the 8 Gen 2 total score on the Odin 2  3,739 on the Galaxy s24 Ultra 5,12 Qualcomm states   that the GPU in the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is 25% more  powerful than the 8 Gen 2 and yeah throughout my   test I've definitely seen this but one thing you  got to keep in mind is a lot of the phones out   there with that H gen 3 don't have active cooling  so they will thermal throttle after a while with   the Odin 2 we've got that nice cooler built in so  again that sustained performance really does help   out and finally we've got the n22 Benchmark on the  Odin 2 1,558 37 on the s24 ultra 1,971 3177 and   just taking a look down the list you can see that  yeah that 8 gen 3 beats it out but to tell you the   truth I figured there'd be a much bigger Gap here  given that we've got the new 8 gen 3 and next year   we'll see something even newer that beats out the  Gen 3 that's how technology works but since we've   got the Odin 2 with the Gen 2 in it right now it  does perform absolutely amazingly so in my initial   review we couldn't get fortnite to go to 60 FPS  it was just kind of locked out from the game   wasn't anything about the Chip it'll definitely  handle it now with all of the latest updates to   the game and the software we can run this at 60  FPS High settings and I am at 100% resolution scale moving over to one of the hardest games  to run on Android ginch and impact we do have   a built-in key mapper so what we can do here is  swipe over from the right hand side at any time   on the Odin 2 we can map the built-in physical  keys to touch points on the screen and play games   like genin impact that just don't normally support  controllers on Android and we should already have   controller support but unfortunately we don't  this game runs amazingly on the Odin 2 we're at   the highest settings and we're also set to 60fps  the Odin 2 does have ail pin frame counter I know   it's a bit hard to see up in the top left hand  corner but when it comes to Native Android games   we've got more than enough power for anything on  the market right now so when it comes to Android   gaming the Odin 2 with that Snapdragon 8 Gen 2  will definitely handle it all but one of the main   reasons somebody would pick this up in the first  place is for emulation and that's where this thing   really shines so I'm not even going to show off  some lower-end stuff this will do Dreamcast it   do N64 it'll do PSP 7x scale if you want to go up  that high it's really up to you first up we've got   some GameCube using the Dolphin Emulator and I'm  just using the basic Dolphin Emulator from Google   to you but again we've only got a 1080p display  and I think 3x does scale really nicely on the   Odin 2 screen and for most of these PS2 games I  was using the Vulcan back in but you could run   into some that perform better with openg G it's  really kind of an experimental process I mean   we're working with emulation here these weren't  meant to be played on a device like this so with   the Odin 2 we've got native Android game out of  the way it'll play anything on the store you want   to do some streaming you could always do it it's  got built-in Wi-Fi 7 really fast stable connection   as long as you've got a good router at the house  you shouldn't run into any issues and of course   emulation is a treat on the Odin too I got to say  my favorite thing here is actually battery life   you really don't have to baby this unit to get  great battery life out of it it's got an 8,000   mAh battery and of course if you were concerned  trying to get the most out of it you could get   much more than what you're seeing here but in  performance mode fan set to Smart Wi-Fi on and   the screen brightness at 80% Game Boy advaned  games 22 hours of gameplay GameCube 9 hours   and Android gaming with fortnite pubg and ginin  impact 7 hours of gaming and keep in mind this is   straight gaming this isn't starting and stopping  this is you start up a Game Boy Advance game and   you can play it for 22 hours straight before  this thing dies taking the screen brightness   down turning Wi-Fi off maybe even going into low  power mode you could definitely net a lot more   out of it but with the settings I used here this  is what I got out of it and I think that's some   great battery life for a handheld gaming device  okay so here's the deal this thing's putting out   some great performance we've got that Snapdragon  8 Gen 2 it's going to play all of your favorite   Android games you can stream your Cloud games you  can do steamlink Moonlight all day long with the   battery we have here emulation on this device  is Awesome from NES all the way up to PS2 it'll   even do some switch games I personally don't like  showing it off we do have access to Yuzu still a   bit early for the emulator but yeah I mean it'll  play those games also the d-pad isn't my favorite   one on the market I would have loved to have a  conductive pad underneath it but you know given   that they did use those Dome switches it's not  a bad d-pad for what we've got Hall based analog   sticks so you don't have to worry about stick  drift you can also recalibrate these directly   from Odin software we've also got two mappable  rear buttons and again I want to mention sustain   performance so with a lot of the Android devices  on the market right now you play for 30 minutes   that thing gets hot that CPU has to slow down  to keep itself cool with this having that active   cooler we can go all day long in performance mode  with the Odin 2 HDMI out and USB type-c video out   so you can connect this to a larger display in  the end yeah we've got a lot of great features   here but uh the main thing you got to remember is  this thing is powered by Android so we're kind of   limited there we can play our Android games of  course you can emulate PC games using something   like box 86 but it really can't compete with  something like the steam deck or the Rog Ally   the Allies running Windows the steam deck running  Linux and with the Odin 2 we've got an arm-based   S so running Android so the main thing you got to  consider when thinking about purchasing something   like this is what you want to do with the device  if you're looking for Native Android gam streaming   and some emulation this is awesome the base is$  299 Pro is 369 right now and the max is 4 59 if   it was me I'd go at the base I know it's only  got 8 gigs of RAM but that's plenty for what   we're going to be running on this device right  now and we can also add a Micro SD card so going   with the base and then adding a 512 GB micr SD  card is going to bring you up to around $240 not   too bad for a nice little handheld like this so  yeah those are my thoughts on the Odin 2 4 months   later I still think it's a great Android handheld  but there are other devices on the market that can   outperform this and if you want to spend a little  more then You' probably be better off getting   something like a steam dag but if you know what  you're getting into you know exactly what you want   and the Odin 2 offers that then be my guest you  can definitely pick one of these up and I think   you'll have a great time with it but that's going  to wrap it up for this video really appreciate you   watching if you've got any questions or you  want to see anything else on the Odin 2 just   let me know in the comments below and if you're  interested in learning a little more I'll leave   some links to their official website down below  but that's it for this one like always thanks for watching
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 185,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AYN Odin 2 Review, Android Gaming Handheld, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Gaming, Best Emulation Handheld, PSP Emulation Android, Gamecube Emulation Android, Wii Emulation Android, Dreamcast Emulation, Sega Saturn Emulation, PS2 Emulation Android, odin 2 max ps2, odin 2 max unboxing, odin 2 max vs steam deck, odin 2 max gamecube, odin 2 max setup, etaprime
Id: 9DF7uwZVoNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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