Pruning 1st year vines 0001

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good afternoon today we're here in the Southeast Regional muscadine research and demonstration vineyard on the campus of James Sprunt Community College in Kingsville North Carolina and what we would like to talk about today is pruning vines it's March it is early March and it is time to prune our vines from last year's growth now what we have here is a one year old vine this fine was planted last year and as you can see the vine has grown up to the wire and has started down both ways on the wire with the arms as you see here ok so let's talk about pruning when you prune there's a couple of things you're going to need you're going to need a set of pruners I like to use on these young vines a small needle type printer this is a bypass printer a pair of gloves and of course goggles to protect yourself as your pruning off the vine so we'll get started what we're looking to do is to go along Devine and count the number of buds that is left on the vine from last year and you can see the buds here all of last year's wood will have buds on it now what we want to do is leave 2 to 3 buds every 3 to 4 inches down the vine and that's easy to check we'll start right here in the middle and here's our first sheet from last year and we see one two buds and so we cut it off right above those buds all right if you want to know what 4 inches is easy way to do it is to lay your hand on the vine the typical hand is about 4 inches across so we lay our hand on the vine and we have two shoots that are within 4 inches so what we want to do is take one of those shoots off so we'll take that one off go to the next one and count one two buds and once again we'll prune okay bud one bud two click then make our way down the vine leaving two buds on every spur now some of these will be fairly small but that's okay Dale Road we make our way down you'll see here some of the yard some are very small and we have this vine on one side it's been totally pruned we've left two buds on each spur this will be where our growth will come from this year we'll have each bud will sprout will grow a shoot-out and that's where your fruit will be located at the end of the summer all right now we need to go back the other direction because we've only done half divide okay anything that's in the saddle for the wive the vine needs to be taken out because you don't want any any growth in here and of course we start we leave two buds all the way down every three to four inches or leaving two buds and sometimes you don't even have growth within three to four inches and that's okay and there it is I prune one-year old vine ready for this summer scrub
Channel: jsccviticulture
Views: 90,849
Rating: 4.6842103 out of 5
Keywords: Pruning, 1st, year, vines, 0001
Id: 75QOoYj_RBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2009
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