Training Young Vines

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so we're out here at ketosis today the whole winery crew is out to Train young vines when this vineyard was purchased there were a lot of misses and a lot of vines that were that were dying so we planted root stock in those first years and finally grafted them a couple years ago now and now we're at the stage where we are shaping what these vines are going to look like so we've basically tied up a trunk that's woody now and it has all these chutes coming out so we're gonna essentially place where the head of this mine is going to be wherever you were in the future all the shoots are going to span out from so to do that essentially we're just taking off shoots at the bottom of the vine here so that they're not competing with the shoots above we want those shoots above to be really strong and vigorous so that they can form good positions going forward and we're also looking for root stock to make sure that none of the root stock underneath these grafts is coming up because that'll also deviate the rest of the vine so that puts us if we take off the shoots and roughly the bottom half of the vine we end up with we end up with three shoots up here which for a little vine like this is going to be fine for this year we'll add more positions as we go and the other thing we're going to do because this vine is so young is we're just going to remove all this fruit right now because that again it's just another thing that we do to make sure that all the vitality is going into the chute growth because right now we're looking to build structure next year we'll let these vines carry a little bit of fruit but this year we are more interested in building building up the wood it's great to see that these vines want to produce fruit some of them have two clusters per shoot already and that's that shows that it's low diets it's very productive out here so that's a great sign but for right now we're going to keep we're going to take that fruit off so these vines will be irrigated again this year they were irrigated last year with this we have drip tube just for the young vines in this vineyard and then after that we're going to wean them into dry farming which this vineyard is is nearly dry farmed it gets watered just a couple times a year and it's slowly getting watered less and less so that's the future for these vines and we're really excited to have this vineyard fully up and productive because it's ten acres and it'll produce a lot of really great low dies in you
Channel: Bedrock Wine Co.
Views: 13,255
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Pruning, Wine, California, Bush Vine, Head-Trained, Young Vine, Viticulture, Vineyard, Lodi, Sonoma, Gobelet, Bedrock, Zinfandel
Id: IfN_0g7Rx4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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