Proxmox /TrueNas Core Install Nightmare- Should Have Used Unraid?

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all right welcome to Creator hardware and today we're talking about my proxmox free Nas install and well I should have just done gun rate let's get into it uh things did not go well for me and we're gonna talk about some of the problems I had and well the install video did not happen it took me about five hours messing with it to actually get it working and then I had a different hiccup so we'll talk about that all right as you can see true Nas is set up I do have some things I'm gonna have to fix going forward but this is what we got right now um obviously it's in a proxbox virtual environment and I don't pay any attention to the 75 percent utilization of my storage and proxbox that's by Design it's all going to truenas point of it is to have a network storage where all of my video assets are on my network so I can do things like have a render server for my videos I have a render server which is another Windows desktop that is the one I'm capturing this on that I send my video files over to Via the network and it renders my videos for me so I can continue working on my editing PC just a workflow thing to speed it up so I can save the file move on to the next video and keep continue editing whereas if I'm rendering it's sitting there rendering and I'm not can't do anything else with premiere I can but let's just be honest I don't want to you know crash so that was the whole point of it some of the stuff setting it up was 100 my lack of knowledge with proxmox and trunass so we'll be honest I've set up unrated I've never set up proxmox I've never set up true nest on red server just kind of worked one advantage of well unraid I'm gonna do a video talking about that in a future episode so get subscribed if you want to see that where I compare my thoughts on trunass versus unraid so I have true Now set up I have eight gigabytes of memory setup to it virtualized through proxmox it's not enough I'm gonna have to do an upgrade to double the ram just so I can allocate more towards true Nas I may be doing a CPU upgrade too the other thing is is I found that transfer speeds over the two and a half gig network card that's in the motherboard probably isn't going to be enough I'm actually not currently using this setup in my workflow right now because of some of those issues so I'm probably going to go ahead and double the ram order that I'm also going to get a 10 gig Nick so I can hook it to my 10 gig internal Network and just to make sure transfer speeds are not a bottleneck because right now they kind of are but let's talk about some of the problems I had first one was well me I went to set up true and ask install it and none of my external drives none of my one terabyte ssds were showing up well that was a hundred percent me I forgot to mount them in proxbox so they weren't there you know I had to go back into proxbox and you know Mount them whatever you want to call it you know turn them on so they know they're there and then when installing true Nas I screwed up and 1V Dev you notice right there only shows three discs yeah I can always go back and uninstall and reinstall whatever or add another v-dev or whatever I want to do so I'm not real super concerned about that it is what it is right now I have you know 1.6 Tippy bytes of storage that is my infamiliarity with well sure it has so I'm not blaming churn ass now I went after I got everything finally done after way too much time which was why there was no video because it's like two hours of video footage of me just sitting there searching and doing stuff and trying to fix stuff so anyway after all that turned the camera off screwed around with it finally got everything working set up my network shares great tested them both PCS could connect to them I set it up in media encoder which if you notice there is only the server that is unraid there is no other one you know if you don't know anything about media shares everything has to be shared over the network so both PCS that are working on that project can find the files because if they can't find the files they can't render it so it has to be on a network share now here this is my unread server and I had set up a network share using freenas everything was good I tested it everything worked exactly like it's supposed to it's the end of the day you need to do other stuff so I shut my systems down came back the next day and well I couldn't get access on either PC could get access to the true Nas server could get access to proxmox either Windows computer would log into the share changing nothing other than shutting off my PCS so I'm not blaming trunass on that I'm blaming Windows because obviously something broke with the windows part of it because literally I could not log into it true Nas was up everything would work I could log in on a the root it would not let me log in on those Network shares at all so I burned it down and set up a new one and let's see and there is the true Nash share I decided since I've got a little I need footage from off of recordings transfer them while this video is recording onto true Nas so we'll see how that does there shouldn't take that much time it's just OBS files and uh MKV so they shouldn't take a whole lot to transfer but and I'm not on 10g on this PC so take that with a uh you know it is what it is because this is this PC is not 10g so all right so lock me out again don't ask me why this keeps happening but it keeps locking me out so here is test files and so it should work but we'll see because it keeps locking me out um that's the biggest problem I keep having it keeps not password doesn't work it just doesn't let me into the share so if you don't know what I'm doing wrong let me know in the comments um I don't change anything but I have to go back in there and do stuff and add say put the same password back in and all of a sudden it works again so I don't know but this is the problem I've been having with trunass is like every time I go to use it I get I get locked out as for credentials I put them in and I get locked out so I'm not I'm don't this is the struggle I've had so it's been frustrating um not gonna lie it's been pissing me off because it's like every time I go to use it it locks me out and I know I'm doing something wrong I'm not blaming trunass it's just like as soon as I go to move on with the project I get locked out so it's not been fun um I've probably got you know six seven hours into setting up true Nas and I haven't been able to use it now as soon as I log out of this it'll probably lock me out again so yeah hasn't been fun um I don't know what to say it's like I set up a you know I don't know I keep playing with it you know the whole part part of this fun stuff is to play with it but it's it's just been frustrating so that's been my proxbox journey so far let me know in the comments if you know how to fix that on Windows because it's got to be a Windows problem it just has to be a Windows problem not a true ass problem but I could be wrong and searching has found me not really anything that's helpful to keep me getting logged in where it doesn't lock me out so as always thanks for watching this is Creator Hardware
Channel: Creator Hardware
Views: 4,089
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Keywords: network attached storage, seagate, editing pc, western digital, 3950x, corsair hydrox, fractal design r5, elgato wave 3 review, elgato wave 3 mic test, elgato wave 3 setup, elgato hd60s, fractal design, ryzen 3600, amd ryzen, creators, sony a6400 review, sony a6400 video test, nas, nas server, network attached storage explained, hard drive, nas storage, network attached storage tutorial, network storage, diy nas, network attached storage for home
Id: 4l82SI8WNo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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