Proverbs, The Etymology Study #007

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and shalom everyone shalom i want to welcome everyone to house of the lordship of israel and we're going to be going through the book of proverbs today and just to make sure that we all is on the same thing what is going on just that we then had um with hebrews on yesterday and that's what we're doing today as we're going through proverbs in proverbs if many people remember what you need to remember and why you are going through the book of proverbs what you doing in there and what you going through it for and the same thing is i want to tell some of the people who who was in the class and the instructions that was given we're going to do this today to where you're going to have some keys on the notes you need to make to make sure you're following what you need to do so as i go through here you'll start seeing and finding out some things you need to make sure that you clearly get what is happening so as we go through the scripture today you're gonna hear me say a couple of key things on how you need to take your notes and just make sure you're paying attention to what's happening so as we did on yesterday we picked up and we have some information we really need to cover and we need to make sure that we panic we need to make sure that we pay attention right now on what's happening and we see here what is going on this let me see here one second and we'll see what's happening here and we're gonna make sure what we need to do is to make sure that we look at everything here and make sure that we put everything correctly on what we need to do so we're going to pick it up where we left off at from last week and we're going to go in here to proverbs chapter 1 we're going to pick it up at verse 22. we're looking at proverbs verse 21 verse 1 in verse 22. so we're going to see that and we're going to get some very good understanding what is happening there and it says how long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity how long will you love simplicity this is one of the things we really need to pay attention to and it tells you even more it says and the scorners delight in their scoring and fools hate knowledge so we got a lot of stuff we got to tear down just in that before we even move down but we're gonna get some understanding here and just to make sure anything that is that is happening there to where we know and just keep in mind on what's happening because this that's a two-part question is how long will you love or how long will you cleave to justice to righteousness they shall not be ashamed of simplicity on what he really want us to get own hearts is going to either perceive justice or can perceive out of our mouth the evil thoughts the murders the adulteries the fornications thieves and false witness and blasphemes so we want to understand what was going on there is why was this is so important so when you look at this and what your spirit is doing is holding on to something and as we see in first timothy chapter four pick it up over verse one it says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in latter times some shall depart from the faith that's exactly what's going on right up here some is going to depart from this i don't care how we look at it how we want to hold on to it but some is going to depart from the faith and it says giving heed to seducing spirits so you need to make sure that you taking the time to where you even doing a good check on yourself because many people will come into teachings and they look at teachings on how they're going to take check on someone else when this is a self check for you not a check for someone else and it's in seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so some will depart from the pure truth and many people will depart based on pure number of people in buildings some will depart on members there's a pure part of another body some will depart to make just an appearance and not for the doctrine itself seeing is not perceiving in hearing and not understanding anything that's the point and this is the same thing how long will you love simplicity that's your key in what is even going on and many will say all of them can't be wrong when they go into a building they see many people there they all can't be wrong that's craziness in the book of proverbs he's been where he's really trying to give us the best advice he can and a lot of us still not going to adhere to it many even disciples of christ when you how shy walked this very earth this very earth that we are in some even then departed from the faith i will show it to you in john chapter 6 verse 66 and we gonna see there what happened it says which is clear for that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him he goes on more it then said yeah how was shot to the twelve will ye also go away now he's not saying that like okay well i need you guys to roll with me no he just he just want to know because what he did mean he was hearing a hard serious parable and they couldn't get it so what happens to many times when they when that happened they didn't get it but it's a parable i'm sorry let me show you the pair but where we can get with it we're going to go back and we're going to look at verse 57. because this this one got him round up right here verse 57 we're going to go down he said comparing the living father has sent me but they're not knowing that he's the mouth of christ he's not knowing they're not seeing that and it says and i live by my father so he that catches that eateth me who learneth of him even he should live by me not complex it's parable but but you should get it because he's telling you something to silhouette picture or similar to it on what you need to see let's look at this a little bit more watch what happens verse 58 he says this this is the bread which came down from heaven this was through everybody this is the bread we came down this is the knowledge we came down from heaven how do we know because wisdom of solomon if they would have looked at everything together they would have got it because it tells you right here in wisdom of solomon chapter 18 verse 15 it tells you thy almighty word leap down out of heaven out of thy royal throne as a fierce man of war into the midst of the land of destruction it's not hard it wasn't complex but if they would have did these studies study to show that self-approved this wouldn't have been so complex but he said this is what came down that bread which came down from heaven not as your father did eat manna that's all i know you didn't talk about the manner excuse me in our dad he said hey man they did he ain't talking about that so i'm not talking about the physical bread i'm talking about this bread and knowledge and he says he that eateth this bread shall live forever you can see he's not complex here but they took it as a complexity and it was hard for them to take it and there was a reason for that it was a reason for that because bread is knowledge not flesh as people believe even that your homoshot came down you got a lot of people here today believe yeah howard shy is physical that was in the beginning and he wasn't the word was in the beginning but they'll tell you that this man was in the beginning confusion and he's explaining was the word spirit as carnal so you this way you can see a carnal he explains it as bread he's saying the bread that came down and he's telling you all times the word and it fed you in verse 59 he says this now this is a unique part because it's in it says in these he said in the synagogue as he taught in corporea now the only reason i'm gonna make a side note here because i want people to understand the purpose he was talking about comportion and why they really made a note of corporeal because corpoream where it was built and it was built for the people of israel but it wasn't built by the people israel you with me in fact let's let's in fact let's let's look at this let's look at this real quick just just a side note for us to know in luke chapter seven in verse one one second [Music] okay just one okay we're gonna look at seven and one seven and one it says now he had ended all his sins in the auditorium and other people and entered into corporeal but watch what happens i want you to pay attention what's going on in a certain centaurian servant a certain centurion servant who was there unto him was sick and ready to die and when he had heard yahweh shy he had sent unto him elders of the jews beseeting him that he would come and heal his servant and when they came to yahweh they besought him instantly saying that he that centurion is worthy of whom he should do this because he's telling you hey he's worthy to do this but why he's going to explain to him right because then they're going to tell him he says for he loveth our nation that's in tyrion he has built us a synagogue the same one that yahweh was in so that's why he was saying this was why it was particular on what was going on because that centurion had built them that synagogue so that was the point of that and we just have to look at what was going on because some people would sit there and do things for our people verse 60 now it says this it says this it says many therefore of his disciples when they have heard this when they heard this said this is a hard saying who can hear it now he says we sit down we see what the issue is when he's sitting there talking about this this is the bread that came down he's giving him the similar two and he already told him what it was but they sit in there and they can't relate to carnal and relate it back spiritually because he said he said your father ate bread for manna but he ain't talking about that bread the words that he speak is truth in life he even brought all this up and this is why a lot of us have a problem when we're dealing with scripture because we see everything carnally and we can't relate this spiritually verse 61 it says this because he see he sees the problem and when yehawa knew in himself that his disciples murdered at it and said and said to them do this offend you he turned it in what i just said do this offend you he's checking him right there on the spot and he goes on more right there he says what and if ye should see the servant of man ascend up where he was before no man ascended into heaven only that which came down was the word so he's telling you right here he he's telling you everything always up front it says it is the spirit that quickeneth it's the spirit so everybody should understand right now he's not even referring to himself he's not referring to flesh he's telling you it's the spirit that quickeneth so if it's the spirit of the quicken it he tells you even more the flesh prophets is nothing the flesh don't profit nothing let me see okay yeah i got all this here i need all that right there he said the flesh prophet said nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit in their life they're the bread so it's not crazy he's explaining himself already but you see when you get down to first 66 it says and many of those disciples went back and walked with him no more because they didn't get it they didn't get it so how long will you love simplicity how long will you love simplicity see the flesh is never going to profit anything it's going to always stay on the ground but the words that it spoke fails the spirit and those of life simplicity are parables and very simple ones in many times but they said that was a hard one but either they will be exhibiting one or two things either they're going to zip it where they have the knowledge or they're going to zip it that they being fools and fools hate knowledge that's why it tells you that over there it says and fools hate knowledge people have a problem we want you to call people fools but right here it says tell you right there in proverbs fools hate knowledge saying saying this speaking and teaching doctrine of the bible i have people say that they from other channels the teachings is confusing we have people who come here and they say teachings are confusing because they can relate one from the other trees of people that's confusing for them in fact let's let's look at something let's look at something let's look at a parable for you for us to understand it all together in judges chapter 9. jesus chapter 9 we're going to pick it up in verse 8. and understand the parable it says the trees went forth on a time to anointed king over them so if you don't understand the parable then you show me a tree that uprooted itself it's in the trees so it was a few of them that went to anointed king over them and they saying i'm confusing when this is telling you about some trees but it's talking about some people so evidently they had to take this literal and they believe little trees went and walking around in those days and times and they said unto the olive tree rain over us so trees also spoke he said and adam is one again we're confusing the parable is confusing genesis chapter 5 picking it up at verse 2. it tells you male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name adam in the day that they were created but that's confusing that is confusing to people the point is people want to understand the bible literal but many people want to believe men who's teaching doctrines of devils not proving anything according to what they say see this is this is what this is actually saying this is saying this i'm showing it to you and you don't want to believe what you say so it's it's there's no different than like what happened to rodney king they show what happened to him and they showed you video on what happened to this man and they acquitted those police officers and they showed actual video to those to those joy members so the same thing happening here you have people who can look at the actual words here and still not believe what it says because they're blind that's what happens so what do they do they seek to scorn that's what it says and scorners delight in their scorning they despise a ridicule they they taunt they insult and they delight in it it's corners delighting this corner because they don't get this so since we're running this and showing you what's happening proverbs is telling you fools hate knowledge and scorners delight in scoring because since they don't understand the parables they want to sit there and they want to ridicule they want to despise they want to talk they want to insult people who bring you the truth it don't make sense don't make sense in fact the bible says this the bible makes this perfectly clear in psalms chapter 53 psalms 53 and we're going to pick it up at verse verse 1. psalms 53 we're gonna look at verse one well i see something and it says the fool has said in his heart there is no god they hate knowledge so they ain't no god see that's the simple see that's the simplest analogy you can use on anything because if you sit in there and the bible is not your authority then you're simply saying there is no god the easiest way to do it he says in the heart there is no god corrupt are they in have done abominably sinful acts there is none that do us good they gonna follow their own paths their own desires because they telling you right up front fools hate knowledge scorners delight in scoring so as you're sitting there you holding on to what the truth is they telling you no there ain't no god you don't no no you got that wrong you got that wrong i'm telling you what's going to what's what's happening here i'm telling you what's going on here they they they're the person yeah you be on youtube have a person he they called and they called him shepard and what what he did he made a few videos and he's telling everyone made them clear trump is going to win the election y'all gonna hate it but he's gonna win made that prediction he knew y'all hate it but this is what's gonna happen he doubled down he tripled down i think he quadrupled down on that prediction trump lost when he lost he he said that it was an uproar something went wrong this and that he made all kind of excuses for that because fools hate knowledge they can't believe what's going on but he made a prediction and he needed that prediction to be correct even though he's trying to sit there and control what the world is in the direction that is chosen when all he should have been doing is being focused on the word and it tells you fools saying there's no god so he's telling you it's no god because he saying whatever is going on i'm telling you i'm god you follow me i get you there in fact let's look at something let's go over here in psalms let's look at psalms over here in chapter 81. we're going to look at psalms 81 and we're going to see something here 81 and verse 12 81 and verse 12. and it says this so i gave them up unto their own hearts yeah because he's saying in his heart there's no god the own hearts lust and they walked in their own counsel they walked in their own counsel when these things happen what is the reason for him to keep staying or hanging with you on this it makes no sense in fact let's let's let me let me go back to to just jog our memory a little bit we're going to look at proverbs chapter 1 in verse 16. it says their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood they run into their own counsel we we didn't already looked at this we we looked at this we looked at this and we should have studied this but it's telling you their feet run the evil but most people keep saying well i'ma pray that god changed their heart i'ma pray that god gonna change the heart he's just gonna come in there one day and just change him over they make haste to shed blood in fact look at verse 11. [Music] providing they say come let us lay wait for blood let us lay wait for life let us lurk privately for the innocent without cause why they walking their own counsel they walking in their own counsel their hearts and everything is corrupt they do abominable iniquity acts now now everybody's seeing kind of how this looks you drop down to verse 18. drop down right to verse 18 and they lay weight for their own blood they do themselves in they learn privately for their own lives how long will you love simplicity soon is something not going how you really looking for how you really want this is what we do and it even is telling you when they saying right there when he's saying there's no god so there's no reason for them to trust a god there's no reason to even trust a god people saying i can't believe yeah it says that because he he's telling you what we do in hosea chapter 7 picking up in verse 11 let's look at something that ephraim did here it says ephraim also is like a silly dove without heart they call to egypt they go to assyria this is craziness the reason why this is craziness he sit there and they call on egypt the house of bondage they got caught up with this and that's what they did did not these boys do this let me show you something genesis you're going to go to genesis chapter 4 verse 26 show you something real quick it says this in seth and to seth to him also there were born a son and he called his name enos then began men to call upon the name of the spirit of god that's who we're supposed to been calling on but they called on egypt why fools hate knowledge fools hate knowledge so we just doing acts of a fool people say no we're not he's telling you right here we can say what we want to say we can do it whatever we want to do the bible is telling you fools hate knowledge call on egypt not to say what what a syria did to us because a lot of us was hanging out in in um in nineveh let's move a little bit more we're gonna go to isaiah and dig into how how we act as fools isaiah chapter 32 we're gonna go to verse five but we're gonna go to chapter 32 and pick it up in verse five it says a vile person shall be no more called liberal nor charles said to be bountiful we'll unpack this see because vile let's just let's unhighlight it to where we can focus in on what we're doing we want to know what that means we want to know more like we'll go here we'll see what this mean we'll clear that one up but we definitely gonna clear this one up and probably already know but we're gonna clear that one up anyway so we're going to clear those up to where you can get what it's saying but we talking about a vile person a vile person should be no call no more liberal so we need to figure out what they're saying as a whole because it's telling you that they have went and they walked away from that so now they delight the scorn and they then became fools because they hate the knowledge that's what 22 is saying over there in proverbs chapter one and the vowel person is telling you a contemptible a foul person not liberal because he said she'd be called no more liberal means should be called no more trusted no more diligent no more noble that's what they're saying a contemptible person and it says ignore a child charles said to be bountiful because charles is telling you about a deceiver one that's being crafty saying that they being bountiful in abundance and knowledge that's what that's talking about that's what they're saying this is the problem we have now we see the seriousness what isaiah saying now we see the function of what's going on we got the foundational understanding of those words so now we know what it says and it's telling you you can't be called normal you can't be called trusted we hate knowledge we talk about it when we sit there and see somebody showing you simplicity a scripture the first thing we want to do is scoring them think about that in fact let's double down some again let's double down a little bit it says for the volvo it goes right back to this the contemptible person will speak willingly we keep running into more and more and i'm talking about isaiah getting deeper and deeper with this so give me a night like this because we just we need to talk with this villain he is and the reason why i want to make sure you know what that is and then we can highlight the rest we highlight the rest i don't know why keep going that way there we go so villainy is talking about ungodly ungodly evil wicked unrighteous person so this vile person is going to speak wickedly meaning why he's going to do that to scoring he loves scoring he delights in that when someone sit there and they don't know the bible or they sit there calling themselves a teacher and then another one has more knowledge in them in doing it so what they would do is scoring that person and tell you no not if not they don't know what they do no no no this they do this to scoring we have people sitting there when we're sitting there telling you that your household is from joseph and mary yeah a lot of people scoring in that he said no that yeah how was shot is from the seed of god so if he's going to see the guy why he can't why his flesh can't go back to god because god made that flesh and he came from his body so if he came from his body and it clearly in the bible says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god so that made god then abominable you see the silliness that's the silliness but he tells you all the time the word came down and rested on this man so they're going to talk ungodly wickedly and more so it says and he in his heart will work acts of sin you're going you're going to be going that's what it's going to do to practice hypocrisy ungodliness wickedness you can't make this stuff up it's right here in front of us and to utter error against the spirit of god just about same as they sitting there saying okay god had a seed of flesh but that flesh can't go back to god that's craziness that makes god a sinner when you sitting there saying that god produce flesh from his own body you saying out of your own mouth god has sinned and he has sinful flesh on him you utter an error yeah i don't even know what to tell you from there because it's to make empty the soul of the hungry and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail so the ones seem a lot of people believe that he is the seed of god yeah how are shy jesus they believe he is the seed of god and this is what they teach and once they said he said and you thirsty for the truth and you're going to still fail at it meaning you believe that and when you stand before him you're still not getting into the kingdom because you believe that god has sinned in him because he produced this man from his own loins and the only thing he produced from his lawyers was his word that was his seed the parable is this the seed is the word of god so you got a lot of people i care less how much you believe how much you don't believe you believe that jesus your household whatever you want to call him he's the seed of of god and he came from god that jesus guy the man when you stand before him he ain't gonna say oh well that's okay you still no that's what you believe you calling me a sinner we don't run together you believed in another god that's why hell enlarged herself because they need to put a lot more people there in fact let's look at this verse seven verse seven it says the instruments also of charles tell me the instruments of the deceiver because that's what they're saying we know what it is because we wrote it down we know what it is because we wrote it down if you didn't write down that shame on you because you shouldn't know what this is study to show yourself approve don't think that i do this stuff or i come and then i want to show you what things mean so where you can you can properly go through the book i just do it for my for my oh yeah let me just show this to you no it's for you to know what you can do to where you can do your personal study and get it don't like it the channel goes up and down go to somebody who who speaks go to somebody who who speaks what you like to hear over here we study because you trying to get into the kingdom i'm just showing you the keys to get there i can't put you there you got to put yourself there and it tells you the instruments also of the deceiver are evil he then told you a bunch of lies he told you a bunch of silliness he devised wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words you know i even got to say anymore do i have to say anymore i shouldn't have to say anything else because it's telling you right up front what they do and it says even when the needy speaketh right you think about that in fact this let's triple down on this just thinking about this i want to take you somewhere else i want to take you somewhere else i want to make sure we get something so i want to take you somewhere i want to take you somewhere we're going to go to jeremiah 17. i believe it's in verse 10. if yep it is verse 10 we want to look at it it says for the spirit of god searches the heart and try to ruin even to give every man according to his ways including according to the fruit to his works of his doing he got us he got us we i'm we can't get around that one that's one folks we cannot get around he's gonna go search your heart and he's telling you right over there for a fool said in his heart there is no god he got us we can't get around it we can't we ain't nothing we can do so he's going to check the heart he ain't going to look at your outward appearance he's going to look at your outside work he's going to look at what's on your heart what's on your heart going really going to show him what's going on because your heart gonna produce your work anyway you're only gonna produce what you need to produce in front of people that you're just trying to fool but your heart is gonna let him know where you really stand being completely dishonest for a fool said in his heart there is no god make it the soul of the hungry and were caused to drink the thirsty to fail that are precisely what happened precisely what happens he got us we can't get around it we can't move anything from it he says this and in a little bit more actually we're gonna pour this but we're gonna go ahead we're gonna we're going to deal with this and um it says this is it says as a partridge sitteth on eggs now most people don't know what a partridge is but it's it's actually like a quail that's what he's talking about and it do something but it says in hatches enhances them not so he that get his riches and not a right shall leave them in the midst of the day and at his end shall be a fool because what that's what posture says in the middle of the day they want to go out and do everything leave their eggs there and they not even protecting them and one day it was word won't tell you so bad about it apostates tell you the spiritual meaning but i'm gonna deal with the spiritual meaning of that posture it is called a caller a caller a bird that sits on eggs and some don't hatch because they want to go do everything else because they want to be seen they want to be seen be called callers his working function is a caller producing nothing right they lead them in the midst of the day and at the end of the day showing they're coming back later and thinking everything's gonna be cool comparing us to a postage they're sitting on eggs because we want to be seen this is what a lot of us do even today we want to sit there and we believe we won't tell you what we can be in this position with people and now we can be in this prominent position and we're going to be the one scene and many of them get on here and i promise you this you can go to many other places and many times they're going to sit there and they're just going to do a lot of talking that's it a lot of talking and people sit there oh man this is highly enlightening this is highly enlightening highly enlightening you know you gotta do that what do they need to do to get into the kingdom keep the commandments how you do that how do that how do that work oh go read exodus oh okay go read exodus okay they're gonna run you right to hell telling you right there already caused the drink of the thirsty to fail because they didn't ran you to the wrong place see as men do and they showing and what we are we're foolish birds not being as a dove we being foolish birds to show you more water my point is let's uh actually i can go to this one guy believe this one's on jeremiah so let's go over to jeremiah we're going to look at verse 10 where i was going to originally go verse 10 in jeremiah chapter 10 we're going to look at verse 14. and we're going to look at that in what i really want to tell you it says every man is beautiful in his knowledge if you're a physical man we're beautiful in our knowledge every founder is confounded by grieving image by the grieving image for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them because we always want you to look to something else a fool rely on words only the same as an image they rely on what they see only not on deeds of it i'll say that again that's why they say you go online they say all you have to believe is the works of jesus jesus and you're safe no deeds behind it love one another y'all cool cool but if not don't worry about it you saved cool don't like cool don't worry about it reminds me are you still safe it was on the works that jesus did on the cross you saved relies on their words only and that's what you're gonna drink gonna cause you to fail james says this and he makes it clear james said this and he made that clear we're going to look at james chapter 2 we're going to look at verse 20. it says but will thou know o vain man that faith without works is dead no you say everybody by the works of christ you're good by the words of christ you're good don't worry about it it's telling you they're going to tell you things that's not the truth and if you don't see your works that you have faith in and you just believe on what somebody else did i just go you you think about this this person died a couple of thousand years ago and they saying all you got to do is believe he died think about that he a couple of thousand years old so you can say that i know he dead he's all yet to believe he died but he died on the cross you're good you're saved and when your time come up you're gonna stand before judgment and i'm you're gonna say i'm covered under the blood of jesus and cover it under the blood of your house i so i'm saved just show me the door and i'm good faith without works is dead simple ones simple ones he said that let's go back to it simple ones ye simple ones will you love simplicity just telling you this so if he's saying that we we need to find out what he's talking about in proverbs chapter one we're gonna go we're gonna go back and look at some stuff before we move on we're gonna look at one we're gonna go all the way down to six and we want to see something and it's telling you this again it says the proverbs the similitudes of solomon the son of david the king of israel to know wisdom and instruction to perceive the words of understanding to receive the instructions of the wisdom of wisdom justice and judgment in equity to give septility to the simple bingo to the young man knowledge and discretion to a wise man will hear and will increase learning because i just said in man of understanding will attain unto wise counsel something we're not doing to understand a proverb a similar to a parable in the interpretation the words of the wise in their dark sins and i just showed you yeah how much i did a simple one and they said that's a hard saying who can hear it go right back up here how long will you love simplicity that's why we got to think about that this is what we got to think about because what we'll do we'll go all over the place and just right oh let me go over find this find this see what's going on right here we need to grasp the wisdom the discipline within the verse and in the past receive that guidance and to understand the deeper thoughts of them to give us insight to the immature and the mature like actually won't tell you what i want to go back to verse 4 just so you can get verse 4 again for the mature and the immature to give some chili centilite to the to the to the simple to the young man knowledge and discretion to the immature and the mature alike clears day clear is day so this is what we need to grasp we also need to read the advice regarding the wicked companions and why we need to stay away from them because it's telling you food hate knowledge a food hate knowledge so if a fool hated knowledge we need to clearly get when he's talking about something else and we we find out that if a fool hates knowledge we already know we got to issue that so it shouldn't be no issues let's look at this let's let's go down to verse 23. it says turn you at my reproof turn you in my reproof so he want us to look at his counsel and his reproof and to understand what we proof is we write down the note to make a perfect note we write down the note to make it where we can understand it so it shouldn't be nothing hard about it once we understand it so i'm on highlight and then we can highlight the rest i just want to don't i'm gonna do them in two different colors we'll do it that way so we can make a perfect note of this and if my clients who know they'll know what i'm saying and it's in the turn at my reprove it's in to turn to his rebuke his complaints is what he's saying we need to know what they are because we we when we out of when we out of line we need to know what they are we need to know what they are and it says remember i will pour out my spirit unto you i will make you know my words unto you need to remember that so it's not like we don't know yeah i know you know what i'm saying in fact let's let me put this one up here i want to put both of them up we're going to go to properties chapter one but we're gonna look at verse seven the reason why i wanna make sure we clearly get it so to fear the spirit of god is the beginning of knowledge and he's going to pour a spirit unto us that we may know his words so we should get this and he said but fools despise wisdom and instruction we just seen that up there he despised knowledge you just seen that in verse 23. actually let me let me put that one there you see here so now we see where the complications happening but we have people who still want to hang around people who hates knowledge because they say there is no god this this this just happened so to fear as we know the fear of this so we know fear is the desire because it's not something about you be trembling you know you don't know the desire of the spirit of god is the beginning of knowledge you want a desire to know what you need to know to keep his ways and removing yourself from the ways of flesh the way foods despise reproof in correction though fools despise wisdom and instruction telling you this we just looked at this a couple of weeks ago in verse 7. just seen that you see me going back to this referring what he's telling you over here we in verse 23 and he's still referring you back to verse 7. let's look at something i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show you a problem we got i want to show you a problem all of us have we're gonna look at job while we gotta look at job we wanna see something in job that's really important in verse chapter 28 we're gonna look at 28. it says this it says including unto man he said remember the desire of the creator that is wisdom the desire of the creator that is wisdom including to depart from evil is understanding that's the instructions but how many of us listen to it every one of us have to remember the desires of the creator but unto us that's wisdom wisdom is our instructions and our instructions to depart from evil not just understanding what must be done so what's the issue there we have people who sit there want to do unethical things unruly things shady things crooked things but that's my friend and they'll stay around them birds of a feather flocks together the berries of a feather flocks together because the food says in his heart what there is no god fools say that we don't seen this fools and said there is no god so many people sit there and as fools even say well god is not really what god is because they didn't got a hold to crazy books ain't got to read hold these commentaries and these concordances to tell you lies and they didn't use them and god is god in the bible that tells you because it's going to tell you the same thing what we're going to see and we're going to sit there and see right here it says the fool that said in his heart there is no god they are corrupt they done abominable works there is none that does good and why is it saying that why is it saying that because when you sitting there saying there is no god this is what people will tell you because they're going to see what they do they entice you they pull you away from snow this ain't this and now they want to tell you they want to go to the holy google bible that's what a lot of them do they're going to go to the holy google bible and in the holy ghoul bible they're going to find people who jives with them and they're going to tell them okay see here this really means this and that means this and this means that because it jives with what they want to teach you and god is correct in the bible it's correct and the reason it is i'm gonna show you something because we just need to know the functioning of god that's it once you know the function in the guide you're good so we're going to go to second address and we're going to pick it up at chapter 16. we're going to park over here at verse 75 and he's going to explain it to you in a clear detail part it says be not afraid neither doubt that's the full thought there because you see the semicolon in that but it says this the meaning of what god is for god is your guide that's all god me he's your guide he's your guide this is where we run into these problems because people are going to tell you no god means this god means that god means this god means that me god mean this god no god means he's your guy so whatever god you following so many people follow those little guys whatever god you're following now you got somebody controlling that little bitty guy that you got on your arm your neck your chain or whatever and they gonna tell you what that guy is saying and you follow that god because that god is your god that little god that you have on your cross and that little man on there they say you believe in him and you're gonna have salvation eternal because that man is telling you that that's your actual guy but he's speaking it through that image you see but god is your guy he's a living god so there's nothing for me to show you to try to show you god he's a living god rest in the heavens in fact let's look at something a little bit deeper we're gonna go to psalms we're gonna go to psalms and we're gonna look at verse 48. chapter 48 and pick it up at um verse 14. i'm telling you the same thing for this god is our god even forever and ever this guy the one that i'm showing you the one i'm showing you his attributes and it's telling he will be our guy even unto death trading right right in front of you didn't want to believe the apocrypha okay standing right there songs right from david he's your god even unto death he's your guide that's all god means that's the one you're going to follow that's your guide so if you got to know your guy then you need to know the details of your contract your contractors right here and that's all i'm here to do to show you the details of your contract showing you who you need to follow in fact let's go a little bit more with this and thinking about that we're going to look at isaiah chapter 53 because this is our problem this is one of our personal problems 53 and verse 6. this is our problem we all we like sheep that have gone astray have turned everyone his own way in the spirit of god had laid on him the iniquity of us all we had gone astray in our own eyes we saying there ain't no god have you thought about that if we saying there know god then he then pulled his word out to us but we choosing not to follow that that that god in ephesians he he made a few other things known to us in ephesians chapter 5 verse 17. uh oh i know they got that right there we go in ephesians chapter 5 verse 17. he says wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the creator is we need to understand the wheel the wheel of the creator that's what we need to understand here this is our problem because it even tells you even here more it says because i am call and you refuse and we're going to ask we actually going to come back to this one i have stretched out my hands and no man regarded we're going to come back to that because i want you to focus on this this is the one i want you to focus on we're going to come back to that one it says but ye have said to not own my counsel i would none of my reproof and with none of my reprove problem and again we already found out what we proof this problem so we counting any of his counsel as nothing said it at nothing all my counsel we didn't say that it's nothing this is what we have done we have set it to absolutely nothing it means nothing to us what he says now we want to pay attention to man so when he said and would none of my reproofs and he then stretched out his arms all to us and no man regarded we even make his reproof some mockery that's what i want you to see that's the focus i want to make sure we get that's why i want all that together because i want to make sure we can't get around anything here we go look at isaiah we're gonna look at something here gonna go to chapter 52. make sure we can't get around nothing because i want to make sure this is right in our face and let me make this smaller because i want to see if we can get out of here that's even better so i'm gonna look at verse four and you see christ is talking it says thus said the creator god so now you're getting the word that's coming directly from the creator my people went down a fourth time into bondage and so adjourned there including their sirians oppress them i want you to think about that the reason why i want you to think about that because that's serious and this is this is why you even get sometimes you got fools even speak some pieces of knowledge that makes sense sometimes you have fools to speak some pieces of knowledge that makes sense in what i'm saying the spirit of god is telling us and i'm going to tell you dude i'm going to share why while i'm saying what i'm saying you have us went down into egypt it didn't tell us to stay there for 400 years including at a time we had the assyrians down in nineveh oppressed us these things happened for no reason of theirs it was but of disobedience to god i want you to think about that the reason why i'm gonna put it to where we can't get around it i'm gonna put it to you to where we can't get around it and then i'm gonna show you something let me show you something we're gonna look at isaiah actually can i get three yeah i can get three there i can get three here i'm not sure i didn't it says for thus said the spirit of god this is the problem ye have sold your cells for nothing you see right here we sold ourselves and ye shall be redeemed without money why am i saying that i'm gonna show you something because even kanye said a lot of people got upset but he had a lot of sense in what he's saying he just didn't know what he was actually saying but let me show it to you about slavery for 400 years for 400 years that sounds like a choice like you was there for 400 years and it's all of y'all you know like it's like we're we're mentally imprisoned i like the word prison because slavery goes to too direct to the uh idea of blacks it's like [Music] sounds like a choice was he right was he wrong was he right was he wrong i want you to look at that in green again i want you to pay attention to in green right in here in green you pay close attention to what you see it says for thus said the spirit of god yeast have sold your cells for nothing so just like i said in every little bit some truth lies somewhere so he said something that provoked a lot of people but for 40 years for 400 years really we sold ourselves we is as thus said the creator got my people went down a fourth time into egypt and so it turned in and we were supposed to get right in bounce up after the famine but we didn't we stayed there in fact people went down a fourth time and then in the assyrians oppressed them without cause we sold ourselves we sold ourselves and then the first thing we do we look for a person to save us not turning to our god we look for somebody to save us in fact let me show you something i want to make sure you get this in see you see where's see we'll see where this coming from we're going to go to judas in chapter five and we only look at one little verse that we want to get to and i want you to see this verse 21 it's telling us this it says but if there be no iniquity found in their nation meaning talking about the nation israel if you go read judith chapter five you're gonna see what he's getting into because he actually tells you about you and he said let my lord because he tell him if no iniquity be found down in these people because if it's iniquity found we can take them on we'll win hands down tell you that in the verse before but the verse we're focusing on is virtually what he's saying but if we find no iniquity in their nation he says let my lord pass by least their creator defend them in their god their guide be for them and we become a reapproach before all the world is it a choice we sold us else is it a choice we sold ourselves all we got to do is call the right one but same thing like it says you got people have an issue with this he says this and he makes this clear it says this makes it clear and then we're going to go down to the main point this is an oxmoor of his owner as his massacre but israel don't know my people don't consider i pour out my spirit and make it unknown unto my words unto you because i have called and ye refused i have stretched out my hands and no man regarded but ye has said it not of my counsel in none of my reproofs why because thus said the lord yes sold yourselves for not you sold yourselves to this shadiness we went down into egypt they're seriously even oppressed us they even impressed us you see now we're getting the point in fact let's look at something let's look at something it says now therefore now for that reason what have here what have i hear say it the spirit of god whatever i hear that my people is taken away for nothing for nothing see now we should think about what's one thing we'll tell you what you mean we sitting there in the positions we are in for nothing see somebody should have thought about that because your answer is yeah yeah that's what that's why we have a problem right now are we in this position for nothing uh yeah we want to sit there and every time we get in trouble the first thing we look for is what we look for a savior a man gonna sit there keep hope alive black lives matter dude you gonna put up signs what did it say over there with judy but if there be no iniquity found in their nation let my lord now pass by least their creator defend them in their god be for them and we become a reapproach before all the world we can't get that that's that that that just don't make sense that just don't make sense i will pour out my spirit unto you i'ma give you pastors according to my heart that will feed you with knowledge and understand the way you have my words and know my words unto you but i got a problem because i have call and you refuse i have stressed out my hand and none of you guys regard it but it said to not my counsel told you what you need and you don't regard it trying to tell you what the reproofs are what the corrections are and you choose not to do it and you have sold yourselves for nothing so how did that look when we look at all our children being killed in the streets for nothing see we can't look at what they doing we got to look at ourselves before we can get the big old log out of we thinking they ain't and it's really a moat we got to take that law got our own eye because we choose to do what we want to do and think and put it on every other man besides we taking care of ourselves it tells you that it says this and it says my people have taken away for not they that rule over them made them how tell me they don't make you how how said the spirit of god they'll make you out of they tell you when they give you two dollars you do this guess what you do you do it in a heartbeat do it in a heartbeat one thing twice won't think twice why because that's what you believe this is what we believe we'll do whatever it is we're doing put up the money we're doing we're how park like a dog let me start barking in my name in my way continually every day my way continually every day is blasphemed we need to know even what blasphemy is blaspheme is curse despise scorn foolishness every day he's telling you and we're the first ones to sit there no i don't believe that let me let me go over here and listen to them oh lord lord as soon as they singing and all this kind of crap this is what i like to hear you want to sit there and celebrate thinking you're doing something foolish nation that's why i said we're a foolish nation excuse me we are a foolish foolish nation thanks let me let me let me show you that because most of us don't won't believe it but but i've got to show it to you we're a foolish nation so it's easy you want to see it let me show it to you we're going to go to psalm 74. because i just want to make sure when i say something i'ma back it up and we're going to look at psalms chapter 74. we're going to look at verse 18. it says remember this telling you remember this that this that the enemy have reapproached old spirit of god including that the foolish people who know who you are have blasphemed lying down ways right there the black screen that name black stream this way just to make sure we all on the same page hate knowledge turn at my reproof no can't do that can't do it because we're scorners and we like to score remember i will pour out my spirit unto you and make known my word unto you he's doing that because you have called and he and he's calling to you but what we do we refuse that i stressed out my hand and no man regarded but ye has said it not in my all my counsel why could we sold ourselves into bondage just like how you have them people they want to be beat all the time that's what we did that's what we have done we have done so this is why i say people have the biggest issue when they tell you to go read this go read that go read this go read that we want to look at all kind of propaganda besides getting this word in us and to tell you even more so how can we say as a whole how can we say as a whole and to prove the point look at the condition as a whole us all over the world all over the world is in the same identical condition you think that's a fluke how is it possible in every country every state same condition foolish nation because we don't pay attention see what happened even even what people are saying because as others when they speak in this message the message they don't think that you're all kind of crazy and everything else same as with paul actually we're going to look at paul i want to show you something with paul because with paul paul actually let's let's look at paul i want to show you something paul because besides talking about paul i want to show it to you just wait wait the way you can't get around it we're going to go to acts and we're going to look at something acts chapter 2 i'm picking up at verse 13. it says this and the reason i want to focus right there on this one because i'm gonna show you something that happened it says others mocking said these men are full of wine because of what happened they're full of wine they're crazy but you'll see the same situation when you go over here to acts you see well it's holding and pausing we're gonna go to acts we're gonna go to chapter 26 and we're going to look at something in verse 24 because festus says something about this festus said something about this because paul telling you something else paul was teaching how is it such a hard thing that god raising the dead that was the whole point of everything and actually just to say we're gonna see what's going on and we'll see this right right where where he was talking about it i just want to take you there that we see and why and you see it in verse 8 it says why should it be thought a thing incredible to you that god should raise the dead that that's that was the subject of paul but festus as he's telling them what was going on festus had an issue with that infested as the and he does speak for himself faster said with a loud voice paul thought beside thyself much learning make it the man make you crazy what you think about that as others when speaking of these messages speaking and we taking his word for not the actual thought on what he's saying we'll sit there and say we'll tell you what all we have to do is believe he died and we're good because this one over here is making us being required to do something why should be an incredible thing that anyone believe that god should raise the dead because we take none of his counsel and regard none of his reproves so we being deceived and not taking heed to the words of god as being foolish that's being foolish in fact let's let's let's speed up since we can we can go ahead of ourselves we'll go to proverbs in chapter 20. and pick it up with verse 20 first one actually we're going to look at verse 1. we're going to look at verse 1. it says wine is a mocker strong drink is raging including whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise wine is a marker in in overusing with the strong drain and whosoever is deceived by by the strong drain thing i just want a drink to get me a bus thereby not wise it's not wise i don't care who drinks if you didn't being drunk when why is doing it doing whatever you're doing drunk to where you now incoherent on on the thing soundly with a sound mind not wise i don't care who we are god knows the respect of a person someone said well man that's my mom that's my dad okay and they're not wise they've been drunk i wasn't wise that was my wife that was me okay not wise if you deceive by anyone being able to where you can see according to the belief of god what he's talking about because he poured out a spirit to make it known unto you his words but the problem we have is that he had called and we refused and he had stretched out his hand and we didn't regard it we took all this counsel and we took it for nothing in all his corrections we didn't want he's saying this and he's showing you right there let's look at proverbs chapter 15 since we can go ahead let's look at 15 verse 12. let's look at verse 12. ace corner we already seen them scorners this corner in this corner love is not one he don't even love god because god is one that gonna correct him these words gonna correct him and he's telling you in a scorner love is not one that reproves him so he has no love for god so the same thing you have people here going to come through here going to look at it and you see we showing all bible but people going to come through here and they're going to put a dislike or whatever but those are the ones i don't worry about because they because they're not the gods they're just not speaking their language so they stop by why i don't know they didn't put the thumb down i care less the one thing they know they won't do is sit there coming openly and try to refute the scriptures the problem becomes is this there's corners because something is said in there that they don't like and neither will he go into the wise this corner won't go to the wise they'll pass by and they'll put up a dislike but they don't want to stop by to get understanding this is our problem people do not hear god reproof they don't listen to wise men of understanding so it's some things you need to always remember when you dealing with people with wisdom of the bible he's telling you what they're gonna do in telling you what you need to do for yourself let's look at psalms and we're gonna go to psalms chapter one and chapter one you psalms 1 chapter 1 and it says wisdom is given blessed because that's all blessed me that's why people sit there say god bless you okay know what it mean because then you might use another word but that's what blessed me wisdom is given to is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly wisdom is given to you because you're not going to walk in the council because he's going to sp he's going to pour out his words on you and let you know what they are simple you can see now it's plain and simple and he says no standards in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful and that's going for you see it keeps showing up so this is what the problem is see in all corners they think they got it going on right now they think they have it rolling right now but the bible tells you contrary to what they are it tells you contrary to what they are in isaiah chapter 29 it's going to let us see something 29 and verse 20 is going to show us something here it says for the terrible one it's brought to naught the terrible one the scorner the one who don't want no reproof because he said he hate the dude this corner and before he he disliked that he can't stand that but he's saying in the terrible one it's brought to night including this corner is consumed and all that watch for accessing or cut off it's scoring axis in 100 cut off they can say whatever they want to say and be scorning this word is not going to change this is not going to change at all because many no matter what you do no matter what you say no matter how you say it no matter what you show no matter how many verses you show many is still going to walk in their own counsel they don't walk in their own imaginations on what the truth is to them actually won't tell you what thinking about that let me let me run somewhere we go uh i want that to stay there let me see let's go to jeremiah let's go to jeremiah jeremiah says this jeremiah chapter seven because i want that to stay there because i just want to run somewhere real quick chapter 7 we're going to look at verse 24. and i want you to pay attention to how it's going to tie you it says but they hearken not nor incline the ear but walked in there in the counsel but walked in the counsel in the in the imagination of their evil heart of your evil heart this is what we're doing and went backwards and not forwards we walk backwards and we hark and not he we didn't regard nothing he said his counsel we didn't hearken to that this is the seriousness what i'm talking about the council and we walked in our own imaginations of our evil hearts what our desires are and the same thing is what we like to do is look at fleshly as apples yeah i want to show you this this is let me see me show you this this is actually a double sword but but this would be okay this would be okay in deuteronomy chapter 9 verse 27 i think he's gonna shock a few people but it'll be all right let's look at this it says remember thy servants abraham isaac and jacob remember them i want you to look at this devil sword remember them doing the works of the flesh remember that watch this look not upon the stubbornness of this people nor their wickedness nor their sin i'm gonna let you marry i'm gonna let you let me let that marinate on you i'm gonna let that marinate i'm not gonna i'm just gonna let that marinade don't get caught up in a trick bag on that verse many people gonna read they're gonna overread the verse they're gonna overthink the verse don't get caught in the trick bag on this verse don't get caught in the trick back because they're saying remember thy servant abraham isaac and jacob jacob loved esau abraham went into hagar jacob went into rachel baylor a few others don't let this get you in the trick back better know what it's talking about look not upon the stubbornness of these people with their stubbornness on what they did was that stubbornness what they did so we need to remember one thing and never forget it because this is our problem this is our problem in isaiah chapter 65 in verse 2. as he said even over there i have spread out my hands all the day until a rebellious people which walketh in the way that is not good after his own thoughts i had stretched out my hand yeah i stressed out my hand and no man regarded the spirit of god has done this in non-regarded and regarded so with that we should see the notes from that we should see what's going on from there and i just want to make sure that we clearly get what that was going on there and what we're going to do because from what happened uh yesterday we have scheduled that today but i just want to make sure that everybody is good in the front and if you have any questions we'll go on the back if not we're going to end the teaching from here if you have no questions from here we just end so i'm looking for um and i'll give you guys a minute to um let me know if you have some questions we'll go in the back if not we will end this teaching for today so i'm just waiting to see what we're going to have here because i know it's a little bit of a delay on this teaching here so i'm just gonna wait to see what comes on so we're getting some people saying it's clear you know i'm just trying to make sure so we have any question we go in the back if we don't have any questions then there won't be no reason to go in the bank it looks like we have no questions thus far so it looked like we will be into the teaching right now clear clear clear clear and seeing um the main thing is if you're not clear it's real simple just say i don't get something i do not have a problem going back there to clear it up because i don't like to do it in the type because we can get a mix up so i like to be face to face with the person and um right now we got everybody saying it's clear so we're cool with that so it looks like we're going to end it here but i do appreciate you guys as came over and we went on but please meditate on it the ones who are taking the notes make sure you take those notes and understand what's going on i see once and i will meditate on this teaching and that's what you need to do meditate on those verses and make sure you see what's going on because many of us think that we in this position based on something else and we put ourselves in this position is why i showed even with kanye that he said for 400 years seemed like a choice and all we have to do is cry to our god as a whole but we choose not to do that so with that i'm gonna end it here but i appreciate you guys and we'll be picking this up back on the sabbath where we'll be going through our sabbath teaching on the once on this coming sabbath day and we're gonna go from there so i appreciate each and every person so i say to each and every one of you guys
Channel: House of The Lost Sheep of Israel
Views: 523
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BvxtxYqOwEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 23sec (6323 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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