Proverbs ~ 31:1 to 31:31

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our gonna finish the book of Proverbs today what a fantastic chapter this 31st chapter there's much consternation as to who wrote this chapter let's just with a word of wisdom from our Father and Yeshua's name push right into it I'll document that for you as we complete the book The Book of Wisdom by Solomon and wisdom such a wonderful thing through this whole book we've had a a group of good and bad giving a person the choice of whether you choose good or bad that's up to you you sale your own ship you take our on the rock say you have a good trip or you do it by wisdom and you'll be somebody you but you'll be a servant of the Living God chapter 31 verse 1 a word that what that word of wisdom let's go with it it reads the words of King Lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him now who is this Lim ul and what does Lim ul mean it means 2 L 4 L in other words it was a pet name of Solomon from his mother Bathsheba ok that's that because she dedicated him to L 4 L 4 to God for God in other words so there is a and many people will wonder who wrote it beginning with the tenth verse completing the whole chapter it is an acrostic in the Hebrew manuscripts therefore an Israelite certainly wrote it and one with great wisdom because the acrostic has each Hebrew letter beginning with a leaf completing the entire alphabet to the end of the chapter that acrostic view with companion bibles it will have it laid out for you and therefore documenting beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was Solomon and these are the words of his mother to him there are beautiful words and we think our Father for it verse 2 reads what my son questioned and what the son of my womb questioned and what the son of my vows the vows she had made concerning him in other words what we could translate what am I going to say to you my boy okay I want this to go long and I want you to get it real good verse three give not thy strength than to women nor thy ways to that which destroy earth Kings there were many desert strange women and this is what she was warning him against in other words have a good woman a good woman by your side verse 4 it is not for Kings o Lemuel it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for Prince's strong drink when a king is sitting in judgment don't ever drink because your judgment will be impaired you cannot make a good decision and this this is coming from her and some of the best advice and wisdom that one could have to operate a correct business community family or whatever the case may be and the thought continues in verse 5 lest they drink and forget the law what law God's law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted in other words you always be and have God's law to the forefront and when it comes to the afflicted it cares for them it takes care of them so that you always have that word for them and naturally if one takes too much as they use the term yayan your Wein take a little for the good of the tummy as it's written in the New Testament that doesn't mean a gallon and it certainly does not mean while you're in business that is to say the business of judging or practicing law or handing and deciding the law judgment why because it impairs your judgment and you cannot take care of the afflicted afflicted meeting someone that is hurting and they need your they need a fair decision good/bad somewhere in between a fair decision what is right and that's the way you come by it very good advice from this mother and verse six give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine into those that be of heavy hearts that's to say that it have a very trouble trouble heart you know many might say well if a man's about to die give him his last meal okay and if one has a heavy heart still in moderation all things in moderation as it would say in the New Testament a little wine for the good of the tummy that is to say rather than drugging yourself up on popping pills is the natural thing for and with that purpose so that's what a good king or a good judge does verse seven let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more in other words to alleviate anxiety that's why that a little and I repeat again just a little not a gallon verse eight open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction in other words for a person that cannot speak for themselves speak up for them provide them people that do not know how to defend themselves provide them a defender and naturally with this part of the common law which our Constitution was taken from the very Constitution of this great nation taken from common law which is to say God's law that if a person is unable to speak for themselves we will always provide a public defender that that law still in effect to this day but especially a person that needs help in expressing themselves improving themselves in declaring themselves this should be equal to them as well as to a person that has a glib tongue or is easy work finds words easy that we are to not let that interfere with the judgment in wisdom of what is right and what is wrong in other words what God is saying and I will paraphrase this in my own Irish way you know don't let a slicky get away with a slick talk ok keep it level keep it where everyone can understand and keep it simple whereby truth and service to the Living God in God's law are obeyed and carried out in an equal way regardless of the handicap of a particular person verse 9 open thy mouth and judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and the needy always take care of them and again that again that would have difficulty in speaking up for themselves or maybe could not afford to take care of themselves or hire a spokesman and maybe not having a kinsman redeemer that is capable of speaking for them that you would provide such if you were the king if you were the head judge so it would be I help those that can't speak for themselves in other words and when you judge righteously you do what's right well what is right well what God's Word says this great book of wisdom in this book of wisdom we have learned how to have a good community how a good community should operate how a good church should operate how a good family should operate wisdom is a precious thing that's what this book of Proverbs is all about verse 10 and here's where the acrostic begins verse 10 in the Hebrew manuscripts begins with an 1/8 and and and so forth to the very end of the book until each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is utilized and again I would emphasize you with companion Bibles you have a you have it drawn out for you at the beginning of each verse the acrostic this documents who wrote it ok it certainly was not someone of another people as err but someone that had wisdom that knew God's Word and understanding the acrostic begins in verse 10 listen to it let each verse from here to the end fall on your on your very mind and keep it there it's precious verse 10 who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies in other words more valuable and precious pearls is a woman of strength that's what this virtue means with of strength and ability a can-do type person a woman that can hold her own right the greatest gift God ever gave to man and man never can own woman because God owns her and she owns herself but the what it's going to give you is the model of a wonderful Israelite woman and her duties and obligations to her family on her own verse 11 the heart of her husband uh safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil he's not going to lack of any gain why she's going to help prosper the family that loses a little in the translation but that's what it means she does her part that the family gains in in profits and in getting ahead in accomplishing things she's what an asset to a family what an asset to to a husband is to have a wife like this this perfect model of this woman verse 12 she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life she's dedicated to the family it's her family and as nature would have it I always like to say it's her nest okay it's her home she's going to take care of it she'll fight for it and she'll preserve it and she'll take care of it verse 13 she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands it's a pleasure to her to work with her hands in other words she goes out and gains you know you didn't go to the to the local where shop and buy materials and so forth you had to make them at this time and certainly when it come to working with the with the flax and with other with wool she was she was good and she could see that the family was provided for that and and in doing this in providing for her families their clothing she took pleasure in it she enjoyed it verse 14 she is like the merchant ships she bringeth her food from afar no she's up early and she's out taking care of business I mean tending the the farm the home the family you know a man he comes in from work after an eight-hour shift and just collapses and it amazes me at how God can put so much energy and such a light person as a woman that she can go before he ever leaves for work take tending the family providing the mills and so forth and then getting him off to work and then taking care of the home and maybe working the side job and then when he comes in and crashes she's still going okay right up till bedtime it amazes me that God puts that much strength and energy in in such a a beautiful person verse 15 she rises also what it is yet night she's up early and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maiden she takes care of the food and the family gets them well-fed to start the day good healthy bodies healthy God's way verse 16 she consider it a field and buyeth it with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard in other words she not only provides for her family proper but she even sees that it prospers and grows and gains even more land and and more property and in supporting that husband that's what brings this to pass and we can see why God said this this virtuous strong woman is worth more than rubies she keeps things going 4:17 she Gerda there Lauren's with strength and strengtheneth her arms girded means that she's ready to do battle and her arms are certainly not weak they may be a little light but they're strong and she she gets it done she's able verse 18 sheep receiveth our profits that her merchandise is good she sees to it her candle goeth not out by 9:00 you know where she keeps that work going on even into the night before daylight still working after dark of course I received letters from ladies when I'll say that no one is someone that doesn't work this or that and they'll say well I don't I don't have time for a job to go work because I have six children that I have to take care of that's a job okay that's a full-time job and in an honourable work okay but she sees and thinks of profiting not just one or two in the family but the whole family even the maidens which means even this the servants are those that assisted they had it good because of her verse 19 she layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff this means that like I said they didn't go down and buy yardage they made it by hand and there there are there were many women through God's Word that were in the business of making clothing yardage materials and it was an honorable profession 20 she stretches out her hand to the poor yay she reaches forth her hands to the needy even in taking care of her family in these long hours that she puts in she still has leftover to help the poor and the Nene to give them of her increase that what a what a priceless woman this is a woman of Israel the house of Israel that that Bathsheba would tell Solomon this my son this is what you want this is the model woman verse 21 she is not afraid of the snow for her household for all her household are clothed with scarlet translates card at double garments okay in other words they got enough clothing to keep warm amply warm regardless of what the condition is she's provided she's made the way and that spindle has put out the precious yardage that is necessary that they have more than one set of clothing and they can double up with layers - regardless of what the temperature of the snow might bring that they're going to to keep warm okay and so it is and verse 22 to continue she maketh herself cover legs coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple linen fine linen and purple coloring again as I stated many people many women in the Bible have have been merchants in in the fine linen the flax and so forth verse 23 her husband is known in the gates and when he sitteth among the elders of the land he's a wise man and he judges this is why that Solomon's mother wants him to be a fair judge in that gate that he's knowing therefore whatever comes to pass it will equitably be transmitted that the law will come forth as it is written in God's Word and everybody is going to get a fair shake and so it is verse 24 she make a fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchant in other words you know this is unfortunately many women of the Bible were so good at clothing that the and and the and sellers of these materials that usually they would end up calling them some of the men and jealousy would call him harlot saying the only way they could have made it to the top is you know how okay and mainly because men traveling to buy the wares would have to travel long distances and they would be put up there as they bought the wares and proceeded back home with them and this would sometimes call bad reputation this is why that that one would be called a harlot the keeper of the two spies would be called a harlot and and all it is is that she was called that she was not the harlot she was even in the genealogy of Joseph and the Messiah but why do you think when she hid the spies on the roof she hid them under great rows of plaques what do you think those great rows of flax were doing up on her roof because she was a merchant of fine linen and there was enough flax up there that I mean heaps of it that she had room to hide the two spies that would come from the house of Israel and then of course the the red thread and the red-handed people came forth from that red string thread that would be put from that window to save that thin when the city was conquered but this is as it goes gossip people talking men jealous of the accomplishment of a fine woman can played havoc with her reputation from jealousy pure out now damaging wicked jealousy it can happen and it happened then and it still happens to this day that that jealousy continues verse 25 to continue I would I'll add one footnote this is who the woman named gazelle okay or Tabitha that was her business even in the New Testament verse 25 to continue strength and honor or her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come in other words she is so prepared and has things so ready for a future day that she doesn't have to worry about what tomorrow brings she's loaded and locked she has it all in place her family's well prepared for her pantries are running over ample clothing and she doesn't worry about what tomorrow brings because she's all set for time to come and can rejoice over it finding pleasure mainly because she knows God protects her God takes note of a person that does what's right I suppose none of us are perfect but as long as you try as long as you try when you stumble and repent God stamps it perfect and in his eyes it is verse 26 she opened with her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness how beautiful that is and how rewarding that a wise calm voice can settle great disputes wisdom is a precious thing that's what I hope you gain from this book of Proverbs is wisdom understanding and common sense as they apply that brings understanding and then never never forget in Chapter one of this great book verse seven where it stipulates that the beginning of knowledge is to love God to fear God but to revere God why because all true wisdom comes from him that's what this word is it needs you it guides you it directs you it finds you and when it finds you it brings you success yes she opens her mouth and you can always count that wisdom will come forth and it will be in kindness meaning totally fair verse 27 she looked at well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness I mean it's just not in her to have that bread of idleness to to to to allow that to spoil her day or to overtake any part of her day it's well planned she carries it out and she looketh well that means she plans ahead so many people don't don't what what is one of the things that this word this great book of Proverbs has taught you about being hasty what happens to people that hastily just stumble right out into a problem without thinking about it putting this in gear first and letting your mind solve the problem we're about you know how it must be handled or pretty well so that you can advance and take care of it rather than just stumbling out there and getting your gourd stomped okay you don't need that life is too short for that you need to move with caution and what is it we say that a prudent man establishes he moves forth cautiously and with common sense I'll say that again he moves forth or she moves forth cautiously and with common sense verse 28 her children rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he praiseth her and he should why shouldn't he I mean when he provides a family like this and assists him and and manages to that point that part of her business that it's a profit to the overall family and community to the poor and to the needy a blessing to all she comes in contact with why she follows the law of God she is a servant of the Living God in simply doing what it is required to be a good person to be that model person here don't forget we're reading Solomon's mother's advise to him and picking a mate verse 29 many daughters have done virtuously but thou excel at them all meaning of them I want to go one more verse and make comment favor is deceitful favor call it beauty beauty is deceitful in beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised in other words looks is not everything but that's what he's saying here this woman is beautiful from inside as well as out that she accomplishes all these things for her family and there may be many daughters that some would say boy there are a lot pretty than she is well they're really not really not because it doesn't have anything to do with it it's the beauty that comes from within a beauty that is able is there when needed is there to get it done is there to receive the blessings of God for work well done to manage that family to provide for it you know there is there was an old saying many years ago that a woman could could scoop more out the back door with the teaspoon I think it was that a man could shovel in the front with a wheat scoop well I suppose that was a pretty good old saying and really it has a sense of truth to it but not this woman this woman is able my don't forget this is an acrostic beginning with the 10th verse and we're about to read the final the final letter in the Hebrew alphabet and a crusty of what Solomon classed as the Solomon's mother classed as the absolute model woman verse 31 to complete the chapter give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates the gates is were all judging was done judge her well done and make sure that she protects in the work of our own hands rather than just sharing it with everyone and not taking a moment to enjoy it because God expects every servant is worthy of his or her hire and she needs to take that time and to enjoy it to enjoy the profits and the love and affection of a family and let it go all the way to the the judgment gate that she's a good woman God loves her because she does it God's Way and that completes the acrostic from the 10th verse through to the 31st again documenting who wrote this chapter it was God's Word delivered through Solomon's mother and Ian by Solomon that we would have that wisdom with this pet name that his mother called him and how precious it is the great book of Proverbs the the book teaching you how to be successful how to gain you have learned how to operate in your community in your nation in your family and yourself especially in the church how that God's Word should be handled and what a fantastic book of wisdom don't ever forget the eighth chapter were wisdom speaks and let her speak to you let her come into your heart in your mind and understand wisdom that same wisdom as she stated in that eighth chapter I was with God before the foundations of the earth I was with him before man was ever formed and I was with him as he even formed each child they chilled the sons of God which term meaning no gender but God's children wisdom was there it's a precious commodity to have it what wisdom will keep you out of trouble wisdom will humble you you know so me anytime a person begins to get on an ego trip you need to think just a moment what you truly are and realize that our Father gives us wisdom and until you begin to love him you're never going to have any book of Proverbs a set of goods and Bad's your choice using common sense you can choose the good road or you can choose the bad road naturally we learned in Proverbs if you take the bad road you're going to nowhere but trouble and from every turn in the good road you're blessed why because God loves you and sees that you're blessed the blessings of God are the cursings of the pit it's your choice it's your life the book of Proverbs the book of wisdom I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from porto rico throughout the u.s. alaska why hay all over canada if the spirit moves you got a question share it won't you please never ask a question about a particular religion the teachings of a release but a specific religion when we don't judge people okay we would never judge another church or down another urghhh god's word is sufficient you teach it and let the chips fall where they may but never ask about an opinion about a certain individual reverend denomination or organization those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address it's always a pleasure now you've got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking you're his child and he loves you may not love what you're doing but he does love you let him know that you love him in return once you do that it brings his blessings because that's what he wants from you is your love Isaiah 6 6 not your burnt offerings but your love your grace father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and questions we're gonna go with Margie from Pennsylvania when the Fallen Angels had hybrid children do you think any of their DNA is still being passed on no no absolutely not why well the flood destroyed all the Gaber not one being survived other than those mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 that's to say the generations of Noah which they were said he was the only one that had a perfect generation that meant him his wife his three sons and their wives in the Adamic Dom people the people through which Christ would come and then other than that family he said take two of every flesh aboard the ark so but not keeper okay that's what the flood was the purpose of the flood and that's what he not taught and it was destroyed Virginia from Pennsylvania pastor Murray why our burnt-offerings mentioned in the last chapter of Ezekiel won't we all be changed in the Millennium thanks you're welcome it says burnt offerings but as God would teach in Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings but an offering what his offering will be it will be love okay you will sacrificially love him that means you you will not be if you're still going at that time you cannot help yourself but love him at the end of the millennium why because of the opportunity that he gives people how good he is to the children you could not help loving him just as you cannot help loving him today for one that understands the word but certainly that offering of love will be what is given at that time there would be no flesh in the Millennium anyway to offer that sacrifice okay but the sacrifices of love Hosea 6:6 Ron from Wisconsin you mentioned a an unpardonable sin now what can be considered as being an unpardonable sin it's just real simple and it's drawn out for you it is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit it's where it is usually written but it's drawing out in detail in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 what does it say there it says you can talk about the Son of God or against him and any way you want to and that can be forgiven once you repent but you have to repent but if you refuse the Holy Spirit when you're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan if you refuse the Holy Spirit the privilege of speaking through you before the Antichrist that's unpardonable and and you can understand why it would be wants to come to the full truth and then turn your back on God right in very presence of the devil you would deserve to die okay and that's exactly what would happen but let me assure you I do not ever believe that will happen because God's election no the Antichrist and we don't find him tempting we find him to be an abomination and we will stand against him and I believe all that have eyes to see and ears to hear will do the same I do not think the unpardonable sin will be committed Sarah from Pennsylvania I still can't understand what do you mean when you say John came in the spirit of Elijah I can't comprehend what this means well read Luke chapter 1 verse 17 read Luke chapter 1 verse 17 where it states very clearly that John was born of Elizabeth okay Elijah never died he could not be born again of woman but he came in the spirit of Elijah but what does the spirit of Elijah mean read the last four verses of the great book of Malachi okay the well I can even make it simpler for you read the last four verses in the Old Testament which are the last four verses of the book of Malachi and you will find that before the great day of the Lord Elijah will return okay and Christ made it very clear that John was only in the spirit of Elijah and if people had received him it would have been Elijah like Elijah would have returned but they be hating him the cut his head off reading Matthew chapter 11 documents what I just stated okay Kathy from I do still believe that before the great and dreadful day of the Lord Elisha shall return okay Kathy from Illinois where did the idea come from that angels have wings you and your staff well it comes from the Book of Ezekiel as well as other places but it was Ezekiel explaining why these things were up off the ground they were flying and in Ezekiel's day if something flew it had to have wings there is no way it could fly if it didn't have wings but we didn't understand then today with jet propulsion with with the understanding of aerodynamics that we know and understand of lifts and slugs we understand flying and certainly he was describing the perfect vehicle designed by God that is the transportation for those people ok Joanne from Connecticut I've been fortunate enough to watch your broadcast for the last four years and when I don't get to see it it's like something in my is missing in my day I have a question for that that I would love to hear the answer if possible I'm confused about the end time prophet Elijah know where Elijah is a popular person today I have heard some people say he has already been here in these end times please set me straight as I know you can thank you he has not been here okay and who are the two witnesses who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration let me ask that again who appeared with Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration Moses and Elijah Moses God would never even though he died in the flesh God would never let anyone touch him or bury him because God took him and Elijah and never died because God took him and therefore they were with him and most likely they will be the two witnesses Enoch will have a part somewhere because he was a preacher that even while the deburr and the fallen angels were here on earth Enoch was preaching against this mixing business and God saw him that he was good and had a good heart and God took him but Elijah will return just before the great day of the Lord it will happen Chuck from Tennessee what if you feel that you have been called to minister and you haven't been doing it well when when when you've been called to minister there's no way you can get out of it because people will force you to minister people will come to you asking questions neighbors will ask questions because it doesn't take long when you're ready to minister that people know you have the answers and they will come to you until then you're really not ready okay you're really not ready many times people see that big GP up in the sky and they think that means go preach it really means go plow okay so until you're ready and people will let you know when you're ready why because people will seek you out they will find you they will recognize the Spirit that is within you and the knowledge that you possess from the Word of God because you're able to answer their questions and then you're ready the Spirit Guides Marie from Oklahoma I have a question I've turned in drug dealers and drug houses is this wrong some people tell me that I need not get into other people's business and please tell me if it's wrong I am not afraid to do it thank as God leaves so be it okay if you're not afraid you go for it girl okay at any time someone sells poison to people that ruins lives they need to be turned in nothing wrong with turning people in that are druggies okay do it and if if you feel led and but you you alone must make your mind up to that to that point okay Diane from Canada I was baptized as an infant I have not joined any church because I have not found one I feel is right for me I study with you every day and I learned more than going to church what can I do to be baptized again as they will not do it if I don't join their church any Christian can baptize another Christian okay if you have a good Christian friend that is baptized then they can baptize you now the church may not accept it but God will okay and that's what really counts so just to have a good Christian friend baptize you that's all that's necessary if I die before I'm baptized will will I be given will I be in trouble well the thief on the cross wasn't in trouble because that converted unbaptized Christ said today I was this day I will see you in paradise meaning you're going to make it George from Florida is there any documentation that how many people got on the ark besides Noah and the eight Souls in Genesis well how many races are there you said take two of every flesh aboard the ark and there you go and and I say some people feel that rather and I don't want to confuse anyone you had to make your own mind up about this some people believe that that there were not two of every flesh aboard the ark but that the flood was not worldwide but only where the deburr or the hybrids were to destroy them but you have to make your own mind up on that I feel when God told him in Genesis six take two of every flesh aboard the ark that meant two of every race and we have them today the races were created on the sixth day they were already here and from Virginia and it is your right to choose your own friends okay don't you you know when the Holy Spirit leads you as to whether you should share a friendship or not and and I would not necessarily let someone make my mind up as to who I wish to have for friends okay that's that's your right as a Christian I'm reading the Bible every day but sometimes I skip over all the long lists of names and numbers of various tribes and armies I know the Bible is God's letter to us but I get bored with these lists am I wrong when I skip over the list not not if you feel God doesn't lead you and it isn't of importance it what it is is usually the chronology or something of that nature and as long as you're happy with it then God leads one you know God has a lot of children and we're not all blessed to know and understand the same thing thank God for that he has different duties for different people and so I never questioned that how one feels there's one thing for sure if the Holy Spirit intends you to read it you would not find it boring so he intends that you read something else some other part of God's Word Patricia from Carolina South Carolina your program is a blessing and I enjoy Bible study thank you my question is women wearing the veil of Christ does that mean women covering their head with the word of God to protect themselves from the fallen angels basically that's it when you have the Word of God in your forehead you have Christ the seal of God in your forehead and Satan has orders in Revelation 9 for that he cannot touch anyone that has the seal of God in their forehead and that's what that means the very word of God well then you can't con them you can't deceive someone that knows the truth if if they know you're a fake coming out the gate they're certainly not gonna follow you okay and so it is K from Kentucky thank you for your comments about how much you've learned from studying with us I am bipolar and I have a lot of trouble comprehending a lot of things in the Bible and remembering them i sow seeds to my children and the people all the time am i doing am i doing all and or will my kids blood be on my hands no you're doing fine okay you're doing you're doing quite well not to worry okay because I didn't teach them about God when they were little no you're doing it now and that's time doesn't mean that much to God okay once you repent and come into his study and service and and you're working at it he's happy okay you be happy to you're doing a good job okay and be happy with what you're doing I think today's lecture kind of gives you a list of why you should be happy the virtuous woman of proverbs chapter 31 nice up from Florida I cannot go to church because I have epilepsy and some of the medication meditation I take doesn't work I have been told before I am full of demons is this true absolutely not necessarily epilepsy is a disease evil spirits are up are a possession okay there are two totally different things epilepsy is usually caused by an injury at birth or men more than one reason and usually you need to check with your medical doctor they have come a long way with being able to balance that medication and you need to let them know it's not working as it should and and bring it to their attention but you feel real good I can tell you enjoy studying God's Word and don't let someone tell you that you're demon possessed and that causes that it is sad that we have ignorant people in this world and sometimes that ignorance can be very hurtful to someone that has a problem okay so don't don't be offended by it know that God loves you and and will be remembering in prayer David from Michigan when you ask God to bless your anointing well do you only have to do that once or do you have to ask God to bless the oil every time you anoint someone no no once you once you pour some of the pure olive oil in a small vase or vow and ask God to bless it as the anointing all of our people it's done okay you don't have to do it again until you refresh that vial or or change it out then again you would ask his blessings as an anointing oil it's done then and God wouldn't necessarily be all that happy if you kept asking for him to when he's already done it okay you might let that be your rule of thumb Gloria from Colorado please document we're in the Bible that says that what the mark of the beast is so I can so I can relate it to others that is as you teach it well why haven't you you you know we have the mark of the beast tape that is free all you have to do is ask for it if you had asked for it you would know okay but why don't you call and request the mark of the beast tape if you've never had one and if you have had one take it out and listen to it again okay the mark of the beast is like we were talking a moment ago about having the seal God in your forehead which means the Word of God well to not have the Word of God in your poor head and to be deceived with false teachings and traditions is to have the mark if you would of the beast or is a good leading to it okay and hey I'm out of time again I hope you've enjoyed the book of Proverbs what a fantastic book on choosing the road of life that you wish to take I love you because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all God loves you for it you make his day when you study his the letter he's written to you most of all when you make his day he's gonna make yours okay it makes him real happy we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that when you bless God he always I do mean always blesses you one thing most important though you listen to me good now you stay in his word every day in his word to your appetite it's a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 grab it Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 852
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Proverbs, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Book of, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Book of Proverbs, Arnold, Shepherds, Chapel
Id: 6hVCgIz7Pgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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