Proverbs 04 - Proverbs 4 | Security in Wisdom

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this is a message from the ministry of calvary chapel santa barbra for more information about our church please visit calvary SP comm so we are going to continue in Proverbs and we're going to move does anyone know what chapter yes proverbs chapter 4 I'm going to warn you in advance I did not have any slides prepared I'm gonna have to force you to open up your Bible or your phone and just actually read along and I don't have any movies or visual effects I'm so sorry I actually love those things I just didn't prepare them for tonight the proverbs Fork I'd like to recap just a bit about the author does anyone remember his name Solomon right you wrote most of them but let's just quickly recap maybe this is your first time into this proverbs series or maybe you just forgot or whatever it is but I know that whenever I read a letter from someone it's always good to know where the source came from so I'm just a quick recap on Solomon his father was King David and his mother was Bathsheba Solomon wasn't the oldest child but David promised Bathsheba that Solomon would get the kingdom and that caused a lot of problems with his brothers blood it was messy he was over twelve United tribes of Israel which is a pretty rare thing for Israel's history he built maybe he has a crowning achievement with building the temple in seven years and honoring his dead David requested that he get it finished and he did he also built his palace in 13 years if you guys remember the story got a Solomon what he wanted in a dream it's kind of like a genie in a way what do you want you get one wish and Solomon asked for understanding heart to judge the people of God rightly and to have the ability to discern between good and evil and because Solomon didn't ask for long life or for riches or for fame or the life of his enemies but only asked for wisdom God gave him a wise and understanding heart which was wiser than any man before him and why is it an any man after of course not Jesus he also gave him all the things he didn't ask for he gave him riches he gave him honour he gave him Fame he was probably the most well known man maybe the celebrity of celebrities in that time people came from all over the planet just to meet this guy just to hear him speak just to ask about a situation his wealth exceeded all the kings all over the world he spoke to over 3,000 proverbs and he wrote over 1,000 songs he had knowledge about trees and birds and fish and construction you name it he just kind of knew he was that guy you ever have that friend that just knows everything you're like gosh why do you know about that and you do this and you play ah he's that guy but to the enth degree people came all of the world and we also know that he wrote Ecclesiastes and he also wrote Song of Solomon and he wrote proverbs and we can read about his life and first kings and other places that's kind of like in who the author is this is who this letter is all about I want to read this little thing in 2006 Twitter took the social media world by storm a sea of one-line liners appeared as everyone from movie stars to pro athletes to teens and their parents realize that they could communicate whatever they wanted but it had to be said in 140 characters or less but God already had the idea thousands of years ago we know it as the book of Proverbs it's a timeless book filled with brief but powerful gems of wisdom that are as applicable today as they were when they were first written I kind of like that that was written by Daniel Fusco you guys may remember he he visited here he's a pastor of a church up and up in the northwest another thing I really love about proverbs I don't know if any of you guys have ever done this but reading a chapter of Proverbs a day is something really fast thing to do you don't have to read your horoscope you can just open up proverbs and there's how many chapters and proverbs there's 31 right so 4 4 every day you can just kind of open it up and say gosh man like you know you ever get stuck you want to kind of start book we're not even sure where what to do is you just kind of go maybe the middle we'll start with start with a proverb say you know like Sunday was June 18th so I will open up proverbs 18 and you're just filling yourself with wisdom so that's kind of the beginning are you guys ready to dive into Chapter four okay we're going to get an intro to chapter two chapter 4 and verses 1 & 2 and then we're going to get into it here we go here here my children the instruction of a father and give attention to no understanding for I give you good doctrine and do not forsake my law I'm going to read it again in the NIV listen my son's to a father's instruction pay attention and gain understanding I give you sound learning so don't forsake my teaching and the NLT my children listen when your father corrects you pay attention and learn good judgment from giving you good guidance don't turn away from my instructions are you guys ready for the trifecta all put together this is actually how it goes my children my sons my sons here listen listen to your father's instructions when he corrects you pay attention give attention gain understanding learn good judgment I give you good doctrine I give you sound learning I'm giving you good guidance don't forsake my law don't forsake my teaching don't turn away from my instruction I'm a young father of two young children and they're five in there too and anything you know being kind of a newer father anything that has words like sons and fathers and listen and instruction man I'm right there I'm right there being a father has been one of those life altering circumstances or blessings or whatever in my life I mean it is just might you see the world a different way any fathers or mothers know exactly what I'm talking about those who aren't or may you'll see a friend you've seen it all but this whole idea of my children my sons my son's here and listen I'm constantly telling my son listen pay attention no you can't go that way no you can't go this way you don't eat that no don't touch that don't do that to your sister please can you please honor your mother gosh don't talk to me like that that's disrespectful don't do it just constantly pay attention pay attention pay attention before we get into this I just want to briefly look at three ways that may be tripping us up because this is like a father talking to us you know when you're like coming to Bible study and you're and you're hearing the word and maybe you're you're going to worship but and you're in fellowships and you're doing all these things but something just isn't adding up it's not really like hitting your soul like you hoped it would or it used to or whatever there's three things I just in these first two verses I just want to pull out number one listening listening the father is saying to his sons here pay attention listening sometimes you guys I don't think that it's not that we're paying attention I just don't think that we have enough room in our minds to hear I have you know multiple multiple devices like this my phone computer iPads and lately it's just been telling me all like all day long there's not enough storage sorry that photo won't fit isn't that the worst like not enough storage I'm like but why I just need this one photo and you know and then that's how that's how phone companies entice you there's unlimited storage or whatever right but I'm constantly getting this thing like I don't have enough storage I don't have enough storage there's not enough space there's not enough there's too much data in other words so I either have to delete some data in order to bring up more space or I have to just get another phone plan or pay more money to get to get much more space so I think one reason that may hinder us from hearing the Word of God the way it is ought to kind of get into our system one thing might be because we just simply don't have enough storage in our mind we just don't because we fill it with everything we've looked this up and it said the 15 most popular social networking sites Facebook YouTube Twitter Instagram LinkedIn reddit VK Tumblr Pinterest Google+ Flickr meetup LiveJournal and believe it or not MySpace still somehow exists and that top 15 if you know all what all 15 of those are and your involvement you should probably talk we should talk later and we can kind of work that out but I I'm very I'm very familiar with at least three or four of these and it's just it's just the world that we live in I mean we are conditioned in our Western society to fill to fill to fill it is it is knowledge knowledge knowledge we'll get into that a little bit later but I know that in my filling and in my knowledge and in my my social media because I just we're all interconnected right I just sometimes I don't have enough space it's not that like God's Word means nothing to me it's just that there isn't really any room I'm just kind of filled it with too much stuff so we kind of have to go back and say Lord would you lord help me delete the things that need to be deleted so I can fill my heart with you nothing should take the place of you number two maybe you've come in tonight and there's not a sense of lowliness I mean a good sense a healthy since the Jesus type of lowliness humility right because the father was saying of up in this passage I'm giving you sound learning don't forsake my teaching but maybe you've come in tonight and you just don't have that humble heart like you used to maybe you've just stopped seeing Jesus as an actual answer the Word of God is not as meaningful as it used to be but Jesus took on the form of a servant he was meek and he was lowly and and God's Word says humble yourself on the side of the Lord so maybe maybe you still have enough storage you're not listening number two maybe your heart's just hard maybe tonight God's Word it says it's seed but it's falling on hard ground and you can't it's not penetrating because you've kind of made yourself your own God I mean that would be very 2017 so you know that in this world it wouldn't really be very offensive to anybody in this world because that's that's Western society 2017 like individualized right can part use your phone like get rid of all the the people that that you know bother you and make yourself a conflict free life and your phone kind of be you make it into your own little like device where everything flows exactly the way we want it right so maybe you don't have that lowliness that you used to have or number three as the father is pleading he's saying I'm giving you good guidance don't turn away from my instruction maybe tonight you've just come in and you just simply lost the love you've just lost love for God's Word like you used to have it it's no longer your word I've hidden in my heart your words a lamp to my feet man should not live on bread alone but on every word that you just kind of lost that love so maybe it's just not enough room you can't hear maybe you just you've got a prideful place in your spot where God's words not hitting or maybe you just kind of lost that love so as we get into the word let's pray that God would give us a listening ear right Jesus said whoever hears these or he said let him who hears what the spirit would speak right let him those ears to hear to listen so let's pray tonight as we spend a few more minutes in the word that we would listen have the lowliness and love a new love for God's Word Jesus we pray that now that we would hear what your spirit would speak to your family here at Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara in 2017 in June and it's very very new hot day Lord at least around the world but not here thank you but Jesus it's a new day it's summer it's gosh there's so much happening in our life it's so action-packed the god we want to have a listening ear we don't want to squeeze room maybe tonight we just need to delete some things God tonight we also pray for a lowliness of heart God we humble ourselves and God if one of these things is is sort of hitting us in a wrong way we're taking offense maybe that's a sign that yeah I need to change and number three Jesus would you give us just a new love for your word just a new love for your church a new love for relationship with you a new love for the things of God Lord may your word hit us in an impactful way like it used to Lord may we return to our first love bless you Lord in Jesus name Amen okay so we're going to look at three things okay we're not going to possibly get through every single verse but we are going to look at three different messages so to speak ones coming from a grandfather another one's coming from a father and another one's being spoken straight to a son and right to his heart okay so here we go let's let's take a look at verse 3 when I was my father's son this is Solomon talking when I was my father's son tender and the only one on the side of my mother he my father also taught me and said to me these words let your heart retain my words keep my commands and live get wisdom get understanding do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth do not forsake her and she will preserve you love her and she will keep you wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and in all your getting get understanding exalt her and she will promote you she will bring you honor when you embrace her she will place on your head an ornament of grace a crown of glory she will deliver to you so grant grandpa's kind of talking whose grandpa King David King David is that incredible who's your grandpa King David was King David yeah David you know Goliath the whole thing David Wow I remember when my grandpa spoke anything to me it wasn't it was very few and far between but when he spoke and you knew it was like wisdom you knew it was like something worth listening to man you held I still remember those few moments what those words my grandpa spoke and how he spoke it I'll never forget and this is grandpa speaking this is this is what I want to just let us soak in for a second okay the Bible is a book about family and relationships the Bible is a book about family and relationships and God wants life lessons that we hear from his word and when he speaks to us and our growth and our struggles he wants all these things to be passed from his blessing from generation to generation the Bible is a book about family when God made a covenant with Abraham he knew he wasn't just making a covenant with Abraham but he was making a covenant with a nation his descendants Abraham took what he learned naturally as a man God gives us you know men and women different natural giftings but he took his natural giftings and blessings he received from God and pass them to his son Isaac Isaac had the same for Jacob Jacob for Joseph it was never God's intention for a son or a daughter to start from scratch it was never his intention for us to start life all alone and when the Jews looked back and mentioned their God they called in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in other words he was the god a family of covenant and a generational blessing so whether it's biological sons like Abraham Isaac Jacob or spiritual sons like Moses to Joshua or Elijah to Elijah or Paul to Timothy God is a God of family and he desires instruction and sinked pass from father to son mother to son mother to daughter father to daughter and this has got me thinking I mean I want to think about my descendants - have you ever thought about that like God could you give me a life that would impact my descendants would you give me a life that would impact not just my children but my children's children and my children's children's children so that when they're talking about man remember when great-grandpa Joseph when he when he took that call of God in his life and went to Santa Barbara remember before that when he went to to Ukraine as a missionary remember that remember that and I want to do the same thing with my life remember those journals he left us remember those words he passed on to Grandpa and now dad you have them remember that like I want to have a life that's going to impact my descendants for the kingdom of God and it's difficult because we live in a place now where we are the only person we're supposed to think about is us you cannot impact God's kingdom if you're just thinking about you it doesn't work it just doesn't work Jesus was thinking about you think about that Jesus was thinking about you 2,000 years ago it wasn't just oh gosh floor this is going to be crazy crucifixion super painful let's just get through it I'll get back to heaven it'll be all good no dude his whole mission his whole mission was you his whole mission was me you cannot have a kingdom impacting life if you're only thinking about you it's not possible you have to think about the next generation and the generation to come and really eternity God's kingdom what are we doing with our life that's making an impact so what does this mean to us just simple things if your son or your daughter in here which I imagine everybody at some that is true it should be true everyone is a son or a daughter right what does that mean how can we in the in the sort of spirit of family what can we do if your son or a daughter honor your parents love them obey them submit to their authority and you mate you may get to this hole well my dad or my mom they're not Christians another find a way to honor them find a way to honor them and feel because it's the right thing to do and remember that in doing so you're sowing seeds into your future life in your family or your children or if it's not even like a genetic thing maybe it's just your spiritual family if you're a father or you're a mother in here teach your children how to love train them in the ways of the Lord and struck them in righteousness do everything you can to prepare them for their own unique mission or calling and purpose do what David and Bathsheba did be faithful to do your part and then you could just trust God with the rest maybe you are from the younger generation and you're looking forward to your life if you're just starting off in school or a business or or whatever look for someone who's willing to mentor you spiritually if it's not your father your mother look for or and find other people I just read this this statistic recently this poll that was given and it's not just so much about parents raising their children in the Lord but the best shot that children have growing up is not just their mom and dad raising the Lord but having at least five or six adults in the lot that surround them like a fortress that surround them and are speaking the same Jesus that you are the same language that give them the best shot so don't think that yeah I mean if you're a younger person today thinking yeah I'm just going to go off and figure out life on my own that's that's crazy that's absolutely nuts like that's like jumping into the deep end and you don't know how to swim I mean you have to find a mentor you have to find a spiritual father or a mother you have to have that that that person that you're opening up the gates of your heart to influence your life what about if you're the older generation and you're sort of reflecting and looking back at your life and going wow like this and that and you're you have children and grandchildren if you've been around a while and you're in the latter years of your life it's good to think about your life think about decisions you've made in retirement all those things but think about the people who pour it into you and I just respectfully exhort you as a younger person in the faith do the same thing with somebody else find somebody else invest in someone like you've been invested into just one person find one find that guy find that gal and just you know what you're my guy how are you doing weekly phone calls man I want to hold you accountable man I want to be that that spiritual father in your life that mentor I want to be that person see yourself as like a Solomon you're kind of passing your your life lessons on to to somebody else the Bible is about family the Bible is about family and the Bible's about people it's about relationships it's an other focused thing it is not a self focused thing it's just not I wish it was it'd be so easy right it's super convenient like just do my saying just like just me and myself and I and we just like cruise and if you bothered me for a second I'm out you know I only want to surround myself with people that tell me everything that I want to hear so unless let's check out and verse seven well let me go back first five six and seven get wisdom get understanding don't forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth do not forsake her and she will preserve you love her and she will keep you wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and in all your getting get understanding sowhat's wisdom I mean in proverbs chapter one it tells us at least the beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord another way to look at it it's to hate evil it's to hate the things that God hates and love the things that God loves it's to not be afraid and scared of God like oh my gosh she's like the next lightening bolts got my name on it I know it I blew it not that kind of fear but the kind of fear that says God like Solomon actually wrote in Ecclesiastes you are God in heaven here am I on earth I'm gonna let my words be few just going to be quiet because you're God and I'm not so I'm just going to respect that that's that's fearing God knowledge is knowing the right thing it's having information but wisdom is having the skill to apply the right knowledge the Hebrew word the actual Hebrew word for wisdom is Hoke m'a and all it means is skill for living skill for living we need wisdom in every day day in and day out season after season and some of this wisdom we acquire just practically just like when you're 2 and you're learning how to walk or 1 or whatever and you fall down and keep hurting and hurting and hurting but you know if I keep going I'm walking a little farther right starts from way back when till today but proverbs is a very appropriate wisdom at the very appropriate thing for us you guys because we're in 2017 we have a lot of knowledge a ton we are the information age we live in a world filled with information information information I mean it's bizarre that we know what's happening in Australia like like a minute from now how is that possible like something happen Australia I got an alert boom oh my gosh so much information something just happened you know wherever in Zimbabwe boom I have information oh my gosh I really wanna make a pot pie okay that's one look it up make a pop by I mean how do I parents look that up like oh my gosh my insurance company and you just you're filled with knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge but it does very little for your soul if you don't know how to appropriate it and know how to take in the bad knowledge or useless information and actually apply wisdom because it says at the end of that passage in verse seven and in all you're getting get understanding life is about getting right like kind of funny I'm glad my son's not in here but this is a it would be embarrassing for him but this is a big deal if you're a guy he learned at five years old how to pee standing up it was massive I mean like that's a big deal for him this is like part of the getting of life like it's like kind of like a funny rite of passage or whatever I I don't know but it's a really big deal and he keeps bringing it up he's really proud of it he's really really proud of it um you know he he got his first trophy playing t-ball and he sleeps with it at night like this is like a big deal these are these are the getting's of life like I'm learning how to be a little man a little boy you know and my daughter will not let me call her my little girl I'm a big girl I'm a big girl you know because she's two now she's going to be three like this is part of the getting she's walking to she she can handle herself she can hang with the seven-year-old it's not a problem at all so we have a lot of getting you know it's like we're going to college we're retiring we're working we're getting a lot of things but in all you're getting get understanding wisdoms the principal thing how do I live what do I do with my life how do I make decisions right how do I know what right or wrong is in a world where that's kind of like no right or wrong you know like it's no longer like biology anymore like we actually have to go to God's Word to say yep biology that's true it's man's man girl that's just so if we got to do it today so wisdom its wisdom secondly let's move on to the father David stop so that was all grandpa so you can kind of feel a little bit wisdom you know seasoned years that was all grandpa now we're going to go to father so here my son and receive my sayings and the years of your life will be many I've taught you in the way of wisdom I've led you in right past when you walk your steps will not be hindered and when you run you will not stumble take firm a hold of instruction do not let it go keeper for she is your life do not enter the path of the wicked and do not walk in the way of evil avoid it don't travel on it turn away from it pass on for they do not sleep unless they have done evil and their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall for they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence but the path of the just is like the shining Sun that shines ever brighter into the perfect day the way of the wicked is like darkness they do not know what makes them stumble so just a few notes here you can kind of sense the urgency of Dada Dada speaking now it's not like son wisdom is the principal thing here this is Dada he's talking about a few things like it's important where it says in verse eleven I've taught you in the way of wisdom I've led you in right path it's important in this walk with God to did not just be consistent at the beginning but to be consistent till the end finish finish well the Bible says that the end of the thing is better than it's beginning you know you don't want to be that guy or that that gal that's just starting just like a bunch of things and never finishing and that kind of can lead to this sort of lifestyle of never finishing and Jesus showed us what consistency was from from day one when he came here and finished his life unto death there's a consistency my kids asked me all the time if I'm coming back you know are you coming back yeah I'm coming back and asked me again are you coming back I'm like yes I'm coming back and where's mama I'm like still issues of the story but where is she like she's at the store and where are you going right now well I'm gonna go work why are you working because we have to pay bills you know well what would our bills they just they need to know but the funny thing is that they ask me all the time like all the time where are you going you know are you coming back where's mama like these are things that are consistently happening over and over and over again but it's not just about my consistent answers but it's my consistent follow-through because what it's doing is building trust it's setting a foundation of trust for their lives every time I tell them that I'm leaving I followed up by leaving to work and when I say I'm going to come back I followed up by coming back so what I'm doing is is setting a foundation for my children's life by showing them that I can trust daddy when daddy talks about trusting God I can trust God too it's that consistency and they're going to listen just a little bit closely because I've led consider because I've consistently deposited years of trust into their trust account and once you do that it starts building a system of consistency not just for my children but this is for people all around you this is what a consistent walk with God people start to actually trust you and believe you oh there's that guy there's that guy that always sees I was doing his thing he's always on time he's always shows up he's always happy he's always what's his deal he's consistent it's there's this consistency I've led you in right past I've led you and then talks about going into the path of the wicked and don't walk in the way of evil choose your friends wisely there's that sense of urgency bad company corrupts good morals avoid it don't travel on it and verse 15 turn away from it and pass on it Jesus didn't say Lord when I when I throw myself right in the middle of temptation bail me out Jesus taught us how to pray what do you pray lead me not into temptation don't even get to that point because usually the most likely you'll lose if you throw yourself right in the middle and go I'm going to be strong on it be strong don't go to where temptation is going to be a struggle we said leaving not into temptation and if you happen to get there like the guys named after run run run and verse 19 the way of wicked is like darkness they do not know what makes them stumble they do not know what makes them stumble look at verse 18 but the path of the just is like The Shining Sun the shiet that shines ever brighter into the perfect day there's that beautiful contrast there I love it how the NLT puts it but the way of the wicked is like total darkness they have no idea what they're stumbling over when you're when you're walking in darkness you actually have no clue that what you're doing is messed up you actually don't you actually deceived yourself your heart will always get behind what you want to do your heart will always get behind what you want to do always I guarantee it if you devise some crazy plan and it's like pretty secretive and probably immoral and gnarly and maybe it's like cutting people with with a you know maybe a few hundred dollars or maybe it's going to this place or going to that place or maybe it's whatever you guys can fill in your own scenarios but I promise you this is like a foolproof if you get behind it your heart will get behind you your heart will always get behind you so finally the final appeal here Solomon appeals to his son and not just to a son but to a son's heart you can feel and sense the urgency here my son give attention to my words incline your ear to my sayings do not let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life to those who find them in health to all their flesh keep your heart with all diligence for out of it Springs the issues of life that's the key family it's keeping our heart it's our heart the Bible speaks about Souls and emotions but the hearts just a level deeper right I mean the Bible tells us out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks the Bible tells us that the heart of man is desperately wicked it's not what goes into a man that defiles a man but what comes out of a man the issues of all of life come from the heart that is so true every issue you have is because of you and your heart that amazing like really we always like want everybody else to change so I can be happy that's so funny like if they would just do this if I would just if this situation would just be happy than I'd be or just happen that I'd be happy like in the way we'd like to say it is that keep your heart with all diligence for out of her pubes hearts others friends keep your hearts with all diligence because out of it Springs my issues that's how we like to read it out of your hearts brings my issues it's not true it's your heart every issue that we deal with in life everything as violent and gruesome is as war and terrorism all the way to just like my two year old same mine like it's it's all it's all from the heart from the issues of men from the issues of life come though that the heart is the center it's the will of man whatever your heart wants to do that's what you you do that's what that's who you're going to be and there's a difference between believing in your mind and believing in your heart if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord you'll be saved what you believe in your heart affects the way you live your life what you believe in your mind can pass by at times virtually have no effect but when it goes down deep into your heart it can have a massive effect on your life for good or not so good so we must keep our heart with all diligence and finally put away from you a deceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you verse 24 here's 25 let your eyes look straight ahead and your eyelids look right before you ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established don't turn to the right or the left remove your foot from evil the last reverses I like how the NLT reads look straight ahead fix your eyes on what lies before you mark out a straight path for your feet stay on that safe path don't get sidetracked and keep your feet from following evil it be a good prayer to say Lord I I want to turn the corner from learning just having knowledge to living to living this out from information into actual application into our life from from head knowledge to actual heart knowledge from religious Creed's and and righteous acts or to righteous acts and from empty rituals to actual fulfilling relationship with Jesus so we're going to worship for a song or two and it's a good time to just allow the Lord to speak to you songs a lot of times are like prayers we just send out to heaven you know sometimes they're declarative you know Jesus you are Lord there's no one like you and sometimes they're just prayers Jesus can you deal with my heart can you know Psalm 139 said search my heart try my heart know my heart come on up no my heart see if there's any wicked way in me sometimes the songs we sing or prayers and sometimes they just declare God sometimes we're declaring God over our life sometimes songs we don't see many of these ones but sometimes it's where in the heck are you God because I don't know where you are so as we worship the Lord just for a few minutes you know I understand if you need to leave no one's telling you stay I'm just letting you know this is the space that God has provided for us to come before him honestly and trem transparently young and old male or female saved one day or saved 80 years it doesn't make a difference but God blessed us with this space to just bless his name and be in his presence so we can have some people from the prayer team come on up but let's just worship the Lord for a few minutes and yeah I'll pray and close us out one of the good night huh a good ride home Jesus we we thank you so much for your word wisdom man I got it's just hard for me to speak about this because there's so much that needs to be applied in my own life a father I'm just I'm just a broken man before you I'm grateful for salvation I'm grateful that I have a good father lord thank you for all the blessings you give me me why me God thank you for your your faithfulness to us Lord you're so faithful and God I do pray that we could have wisdom give us wisdom Lord we want to see you for who you are we don't want to fill our head with useless information god what good would it be to hear your word ended just carry on as if we're just reading another tweet or we're reading about what happened today in the world what what good is your spirit in your word if we just treat it like everything else so Jesus we delete the storage and useless storage we just delete it today and say father we we want to fill we want to make massive amounts of room what I believe it young or old 80 years old 18 years old Jesus you love us all and you know our unique situations and our unique struggles and we choose tonight to respond to you with a song of praise a prayer to cry out and say God would you make me the man or woman you've called me to be and Lord we're going to end just exalting your name and just saying yeah the earth is yours we are yours this language yours bless you Lord Jesus name we pray amen this is a message from the Ministry of Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara for more information about our church please visit calvary SP com
Channel: Calvary Chapel of Santa Barbara
Views: 6,682
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Id: ydnoZF_EiRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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