Protecting Our Herd: Vaccinating Mom Cows for Healthy Generations

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hey there gang I'm Mike welcome back to our Wyoming life where today we're getting back to work I actually had a little bit of time there where I had the flu and cut all kinds of stuff from the kids but now we're back up and running here um today we are actually going to be pre-conditioning cows which is something you've never actually seen us do before now we like to do this about 8 to 13 weeks before uh where you start cing so we're right in that time frame now and what we're going to be doing is bringing all the cows in that are pregnant and we're going to be giving them vaccines and making sure that they're good to go we're also going to be separating off our heers from the cows but first we have a few cows here in the Corral that we have to deal with now we've got number 130 back there you can see her uh right there with the white tag if you remember she's the one with the bad hoof we're going to be taking a look at her also we have number 31 in here who is actually going to be going into the feed lot she has an unbred heer that's a giant pain in the butt then we also have number 42 and whoever that is and they are unbred cows so they're going to get thrown back into the mix as well given another shot next year so uh the only one that really needs shots in here is number 130 she is pregnant we're also going to take a look at her at her uh um her hoof as well so we can get 44 whoever you are 41 and 31 out of here uh for right now and just get them kind of pushed out of the way so let me get a gate open or two and and we'll see if we can sort off number 130 okay so it's about 40° out here uh wind's blowing up to about 30 mph which is kind of making the day a little bit interesting but not horrible could to be a lot worse come on guys come on get out okay no I want you to stay come here little one come around we do need to bring 130 back up towards the Corral so we might try opening up this gate seeing if she'll move this way this gate probably not going to stay open with the wind probably not let's go the other way with it okay the wind is not being our friend when the wind will really bother you cuz a lot of these Gates just want to blow shut okay we have another option here we'll open up that gate who's going to go through there go go go go go go come on come on nope come on come on come on don't follow oh you turd okay 31 somebody needs to come back now come on that looked like it hurt try it one more time come on okay now we got 130 on one side we've got 31 over here where we want her and then we've got the other guys over there where we want them so she is a wild child you can see that when she came shooting out of that gate um what we're going to do is as we bring these cows through we're going to let the big cows come directly through and and then when they come out of this head shoot we're going to let the heers which there's only 13 of them or something like that let them come out this way and then we're going to turn them into this secondary Corral here on the side uh which should work just fine and get them turned and out of the way so first things first we have to go ahead and get number 130 moved up here and we're going to try to take a look at her hoof we're going to just take a trip through the Corrals here make sure we've got everything set up the way we want it all right everything's set up we can go get number 130 we'll bring her up take a look at how she's walking um again she had some hoof problems a few weeks ago we brought her in gave her some medicine hopefully kind of got her shaked out but who knows she still seems to have a little bit of a limp to her but we're going to take a little bit closer look at that hoof again just to make sure there isn't anything going on could be an abcess or anything like that so there she is come on girl come on let's go she is a big cow can see she's still favoring that leg just a little bit come on Mama nope [Applause] come on Mama come on mama get up there all right she's heading up we're going to lock her in [Music] here where she can stay bring her up into the head shoot where we can get a closer look at her come on Mama come on come on up now she's a pretty big cow she weighs 1,500 lb and what we're going to do is we're going to get her head locked down come on put your head in there there we go okay and now we can take a look at her Hof we can also get her her vaccinations here depending on what we find out going down here with her legs um this is where we de if she's going to actually stay here in the corals uh with these heers which might not be a bad idea um but this is this is probably what's going to kind of dictate what's going to happen with her this cing season so as we get in here we get a look take a look at her hoof [Music] here and she's nice enough to put it right up here for us so this is the one that's giv her problems yeah I see that so again I'm not really seeing any pus or anything stuck in the hoof oh look at that you stick your leg out here I can actually get a pretty good look at it come here so what I've got is a hoof knife here or a hoof kind of scraping tool and we're just kind of cleaning out in between her hooves for her I don't see any damage I don't see any nails as I scrape along the bottom I'm not hitting anything that seems to be [Music] problematic okay all right we're going to let her be there I think our best bet is going to be to let her stay with the heers have a little of adult supervision too so that's not a bad thing so she is going to go onto the heer side that's why I pulled this rope here she's going to drop right in there after we give her her shots we have the first one that we're given is multi 90 now this is zinc magnesium selenium uh copper we usually try to give this to the cows in the spring at least a couple times a year gives them a little boost of vitamins lasts a while and definitely helps them out the other one that we're actually giving is the new vaccine that we're giving this year now it has been extremely nice this winter which means that we haven't had really really cold temperatures which means that a lot of the bacterian stuff that's out there in the soil could very well be alive one of the things that we deal with during cing every single year is a thing called scourers uh it's basically Bine diarrhea which can really take down a calf really really fast so what we're doing is we're vaccinating their moms for a roto virus which actually causes that scourers and hopefully the moms can pass that uh that Immunity on to the babies that's why we have such a little strict time frame here and to do this so This is actually called uh scour boss it's a killed live virus um and basically is just a a b Vine uh Roto virus vaccine so can kind of help to keep these calves a little bit hopefully more healthy I guess when they once they're born uh scourers is something we don't want to have to mess around with a calf we never do so we're going to give the her the vaccines here really quick we are just going to come right in [Music] here 2 milliliters for that one or CC's or however you want to put it and then five CC's for the multi and every one of these cows is going to get this vaccine actually both of them as long as they're pregnant and we should be good to go so her she's done we can let her out and she's going to head over on that side and hang out over there when we're all done with all these cows we'll actually show you what we're going to do with them where we're going to where we're going to C our heers and everything else so that'll be pretty pretty nice as well but now we have to actually go get more cows because well we have more than just one to do right so we're going to go grab the rest of the herd who is actually patiently waiting for us okay these are our other two empties over here we don't have to mess with them but they'll stay in there now we can go ahead and grab some more cows so I was a little sneaky today and actually fed the cows basically directly into these Corrals uh brought them in here closed them in and now we can just run them right up into the a equip and get started hey Jack come on [Music] guys okay as I'm sure you can tell it is just me out here so I've got the four-wheeler to help me push these cows up and in um we are just going to have to kind of give them around a Bend here which isn't horrible but we got a few that still want to try to eat come on dinguses come on guys let's go come on come on come on let's go get out of here come on come on turn the corner come on gang let's go tracker Jack you're not pregnant if you want to go back you can thank you bye-bye buddy [Music] I think he's very happy to not be pregnant okay these cows we're going to move up uh we also have some cows in here these are heer Cales that were born uh in 2023 I'm not worried about them they're not bred but it's uh they're with them so we can bring them in they'll stay out with the cows throughout cing season like I said they're not breads so we don't have to worry about them but we'll work on them also come on come on get up there come on move up come on come on come come on let's [Music] go good girls got a bunch of these guys ready to go here come on girl pushup come on come on fine and first up we got a calf so that one can go right through come on calf calves have the purple air tags this is actually number one that was born horn first of the Cales last year hey back [Music] up and we can just go ahead and let her out come on but the next one we need so this is a cow we're just going to get her in the headgate make her sure who she is who are you hey 77 okay you're [Music] fine she is who she says she is and she can get her [Music] shots let her out and there we go now we just have to do that a whole bunch more times uh but first I'm going to tell you really quick so this is probably the most expensive vaccination that we actually give the cows um this uh scour boss runs about $5 a dose so if you have to do 100 cows there's 500 bucks uh and that is really expensive multi- men's not much cheaper but this is something that we feel really needs to be done for these cows especially this time of year and especially the kind of winter we've had where we really haven't got those freezing temperatures that we need in order to kill off a lot of the bugs and stuff like that in the soil so I'm going to roll through we're going to get the rest of these cows done then I'm going to show you what we're going to do with [Music] them I ain't got no money the first week of the month right up into our bit CHS the all bounds a land Earth than a problem a r be over what possible solution I haven't got a clue but at the end of the day at the end of the day yeah it's all that matters all I pray just to feel good at the end of the day I've Lo on my possessions and all that I can claim I ain't got a single penny to my name my neighbor says he bother what I cannot see says that I caner F with those should be but at the end of of the day the end of the day so that matters oh I pray just to feel good at the end of the [Music] [Music] day at the end of the day at the end of the day yeah it's all that matters oh I pray just to feel good at the end of the day at the end of the end of the day you got to feel good at the end of the day it's all that matters oh I pray just to feel good at the end of the day and there we go we're all done all right so here's what we've got we've got our heers in here along with number 130 she's the one with the bad hoof they're going to stay in there for just a second while we reorganize everybody else all of the cows and by cows I mean cows that have had a calf before unlike heers who are brand new moms uh cows and these calves which are last year's calves are going to go right back out to pasture so right now I'm just getting some gates open to be able to lead these guys whoops to lead these guys out of here along with Cracker Jack who's hanging out back here also Cracker Jack you coming come on bud come on Cracker Jack all right so these guys we are going to lead them right out and back into the pasture just going to open up the Gat so they can head that way and here they come come on out guys Bambi we'll see see you later hopefully with a calf come on guys hey knock it off get out of here come on get get thank you okay thank you okay there go the cows back out to pasture going to go do their thing thankfully now what we're going to do is actually move the heers up into this area now you may recognize part of it as the uh the pig pen they are going to be able to get into the pig pen get out of the weather and that kind of good stuff uh but we are going to utilize this area for cing of these heers it's very close to the barn it's very close to a equip everything we need is right here we even have help from the turkeys if we need it so there and this will be the fifth or sixth year that we've actually calved heers this way in the little Corral close to the barn close to the airquip close to the shop close to everything that we may need so it's actually pretty handy um now what we have to do is obviously get these guys moved down here so I going to open up a couple more gates and one nice thing is that we do have water up here in the caral we also she's a lunatic did I tell you that anyway we've got water down here uh we've got water over there in the Corral we've got food for them so they're all set all we have to do is now that crazy heer is out she's actually going to be going in the feed lck by the way we can let the rest of our little heer guys out heer girls come on gang come on head on out good girls good girls last one come on [Music] kid all right out here is where they're going to get to hang out where they're going to stay until they C their first calves hopefully without any help from us but you know there's a few of them that are going to have issues and we're going to have to deal with that also but that's just the fun part of cing H so cing season creeping up on us us quick make sure you subscribe follow along as we explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary vaccinating cows vaccinating Cales keeping all the things going on the ranch that need to go and it's all right here on our Wyoming live we'll see you next time [Music] guys
Channel: Our Wyoming Life
Views: 32,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranch, cow, cows, horses, cowboy, gardening, farmers market, Wyoming, our Wyoming life, animals, animal videos, peacock, farming, planting, cattle, ranching
Id: wwgDvEMhQdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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