The Hereford Bull has a Problem!

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how's it going guys and welcome to today's video today on the ranch I'm dealing with a problem that I wish I could tell you Kane is a little bit more of a surprise to me but it's something that I kind of seen coming for a while and that is our Hereford bull has started to develop a limp and it's time to remove him from service that's what we're doing today on farmer Tyler ranch [Music] back in the beginning of June when we brought the Bulls here a few of you guys noticed that the Hereford bull was already walking sort of tender on that foot I think it was most noticeable when he jumped out of the trailer when you watch the Black Angus bull jump out he was raring to go the Hereford bull reminded me more of like somebody kind of easing down into like a bathtub or something he was very careful about how he stepped out of that trailer now at the time I knew that the bull had sustained an injury a few months prior and that he might be a little bit sore but I figured that you know maybe another part of that was he's an older bull now and they just don't have the same level of enthusiasm as younger Bulls have there's a joke that revolves on this premise and I'm sure someone's gonna leave it in the comments but anyway yes he did sustain an injury a few months before he came here but after being separated from that herd and having some time to rest and recover he was able to get back to what we were hoping was about a hundred percent he was in with cows he was in with other Bulls and able to hold his own just fine and usually that's a good indication that they're gonna make it however since coming back here a month later he has managed to sort of hurt it again now it's not really bad yet in fact I would even venture to say that some people that aren't real familiar with livestock might not even be able to spot the fact that he is limping but I can see that he's definitely starting to favor his left front foot and I want to get him out of the cows and off by himself though so that he has a chance to recover before that injury gets any worse probably he will not be put back in service and my herd or the owners herd most likely he's going to get cold now because this is kind of seeming like it may become a chronic issue and you know the other thing is that if a bull can't make it on flat irrigated pasture then he probably can't make it anywhere [Music] as I've been sitting here talking to this camera the cows have slowly started to sort of migrate up towards the corral this is actually a really good thing because I don't want to actually push that bull any more than I have to because as you're sort of putting pressure on them trying to get them to move they're gonna have a tendency to move a little bit quicker and a little bit more urgently than maybe they otherwise would so as far as he can get just on his own free will the better in fact I might just sit down here for a little while and see if he gets closer I might even get really lucky and they might run to the corral and get a drink but that probably won't happen but we'll let him get up as close as he can on his own and then when he gets close enough where I think we're we're in good shape then I'll run up there with the side-by-side and I may not even push him in with the side-by-side I think I'll probably just walk behind him because he is moving kind of slow as could be expected and I think the presence of the side-by-side again is going to have that same effect like I mentioned before it's going to make him try to move faster than he should I think with something like this slow and steady nice and gentle that's the way we're gonna do it and now that I bring that up I kind of want to touch on another point that I've probably mentioned before but a lot of people have a tendency to want to work cows as fast as they can I mean this is the whole premise of competitive rodeo right you want to get the job done as quickly as you can and as efficiently as you can and that's all great but in a lot of cases the slower you work cattle actually the better it ends up being when you push cows faster or hard then they have a tendency to get riled up and they might be more likely to try to jump a fence try to turn around get back to where they were all of these instincts that they have to get away from us are heightened now if you work them slower and you just kind of let them go with our own pace I have found that I mean a lot of times it ends up being faster but it's definitely better and less stressful for the animals we're not on a time limit out here so I mean I got all I got all evening to do what we're about to do and I'm not going to try to push this bowl any faster than I have to [Music] [Music] [Music] well the look on his face pretty much says it all he is definitely not too happy about being in here he'd rather be out on the grass he'd rather be out with the cows but unfortunately this is what its gonna have to be for a little while the purpose of keeping him in here is just because we can manage his environment and we can keep everything that he needs very close I can keep food and water very closeby and thereby keeping him off of that leg as much as possible when he's out on pasture kind of by design he has to always be up moving around grazing going back to water chasing cows when he's in here he's got nothing else to do but eat drink and rest [Music] before I shoot the clothes in here I do want to point out that I'm breaking one of the main rules probably the main rule when you're around a bowl and that is never turn your back on him the reason that I feel comfortable doing it for one it's because I know that this guy's pretty gentle but for two he's lame right now and odds are he's probably not going to come after me and if he does he'll make a lot of noise and hopefully I'll be able to get out of the way fast enough I don't know when I say it out loud it doesn't sound like the best plan hopefully after a few days this guy starts walking a little bit better and then the owner can either decide to let me turn him back out with my cows or he'll take him back to his place and give him further treatment thanks for hanging out at the ranch with me today guys and I hope I'll see you again on Farmer Tyler ranch [Music] I don't turn my back on him
Channel: Farmer Tyler Ranch
Views: 132,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmer tyler ranch, bull, bulls, cows
Id: 0EYfsywAhW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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