Lourdes College Graduate School Research Webinar

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in lourdes college we commit to provide integral and inclusive education the institution holds the mind heart and soul of the students exhibit the distinct and immense talent of every student we find unity and diversity living life with faith in god achieving dreams with excellence in the humility we serve the community so so so so so foreign good morning praise be jesus and mary the lourdes college graduate school proudly presents our research webinar for this year ladies and gentlemen we would like to request you to please dispose yourselves for our opening prayer to be followed by the singing of the philippine national anthem to be led by our lourdes college strings with miss anna maria v de la fuente our music coordinator oh is yes please oh me thank you very much lourdes college strings we would like to greet our participants all the way from the north to the southern part of the philippines as well as our international participants who are joining us today live via youtube we also would like to greet our party our speakers who are here today and later on they will be introduced we shall be talking about important areas on publishing research as well as designing research adapted to the new normal my dear friends before we will embark in this journey today allow me to call in our vice president for academic affairs at the same time our graduate school coordinator dr judith c chavez to give us the rationality of today's activity dr jude thank you sir x good morning everyone praise be jesus and mary loudest college graduate school warmly welcomes you all to our first of the webinar series for the school year 21 2022 so specifically would like to welcome our graduate students not only from the philippines but also students especially in the asian countries so thank you very much for joining us and we also would like to acknowledge our own faculty in ludus college as well as the faculty of the tertiary in northern mindanao i think there are about three or four schools faculty from these four schools who are joining us right now so once again good morning and welcome let me begin this uh giving of the rationale with a quote from henry ford and it said here that coming together is a beginning keeping together is progress and working together is success we would like i would like to wish and hope that our coming together today would not just be the beginning but it can actually progress to keeping in touch with one another and not only that that we would be able to work together to succeed specifically in terms of this is the reason why the objectives for this session this morning would be number one we would like to increase our understanding of the research methods adaptive to the new normal okay that's the first objective and the second is we would like to expand our knowledge which is very much essential for research publication and the third objective is this might be the beginning of engaging ourselves in conversations by raising questions and clarification relative to the topics discussed and we are very much pleased that we the graduate school is able to invite two speakers one from phylum specifically ram kang university and the other one from de la salle manila de la salmonella so we would like to thank them very sincerely for wasting their time for us this morning so they will be introduced a little later so the the prime reason why we would like to put so much emphasis on research it is because of the cmo 15 series 2019 you might be asking why when are we going to start the implementation so if you take a look at the cmo it's really 2019. so ludas college graduate school is preparing for that time when we could no longer say no meaning it's already mandatory the three year period is already over so most likely next school year they would come and of course visit our school and find out if we have implemented the provisions of the new cmo series of 2019 and i would like to highlight research publication i would like to inform again our students who are here that lourdes college has chosen two tracks i know there are a number of tracks to choose from but for a start uh lourdes college grad school has identified the academic track meaning prior to graduation students would come up with theses and have this thesis published in reputable reputable and referred journals so that's the first track and the other track is the professional track i know nba people are here uh gun were those days when after taking the compre okay there you are you'd be able to finish your mba degree but this time with the new um cmo there is already the requirement of a practicum paper prior to graduation so you can see that it's the academic track which is quite you know challenging uh please also know that you cannot proceed to the post-graduate degree like the phd if you are not able to comply with the thesis so we have some students in the mba program who decided to pursue the thesis because they have in mind to really pursue also the post-graduate study so once again i would like to thank each one for your presence today and again i'd like to wish i would like to hope that we are able we are able to provide you the necessary scaffolding so that we would be able to see people finish the program on time not only not only you know defending the paper but the culmination of learning is really publication so i'd like i'd like to end uh this talk with the african proverb i am sure you must have heard of this it said here that if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together therefore ladies and gentlemen the key is collaboration so we hope you would continue you would continue collaborating engage in conversations with other people especially in their respective disciplines so that we'll be able to meet our target and that is research publication so once again good morning and welcome to our webinar back to you sir x thank you so much dr jude for that very uh comprehensive explanation of the rationale of today's activity uh earlier i made mention that we are joined today by the people coming from the north and the southern part of the philippines as well as with the international participants uh in our registration link we were able to identify around 1 300 plus who registered for this activity and we have participants all the way from abusa agusan del norte uh but one city bukidnon is occidental of course from the host city oro city we have also and we also are joined today by participants from the other countries some of them are students of lourdes college graduate school and some of them are visitors coming from our partner universities we have from malaysia kuala lumpur we also have participants all the way from india we also have participants from singapore from the united arab united arab emirates we also have uh participants from thailand pakistan from the kingdom of saudi arabia and of course from vietnam from our partner university in bangla my dear friends to introduce our speaker for our first speaker for this morning please help me welcome one of our graduate school faculty as well as the coordinator of the research planning and development office dr miguela b lapierre yes good morning everyone we are so happy to have you here and we are indeed privileged to have with us an expert in the field of research our first speaker finished his doctoral joint program from ohio and bangkok university with organizational and instructional communication as his primary area in research methodology as his secondary area he is a business administration professor in the institute of international studies in rural kangen thailand and the secretariat and executive member of the southeast asian association of intern institutional research or sea air where we saw him and became his friends he is an invited lecturer in the doctoral programs in business administration human resources development interpersonal communication and business practices in at least seven universities in thailand australia uk and the usa he's a consultant the vice president of thai chamber of commerce world pigment industries world pigment chemicals and world house corporation our speaker is an author of books such as the management and organizational behavior from the first to the fourth editions business research methodology and is also a co-author of psy and american communication behavior he's a he was a keynote speaker in the adjustment of businesses in thailand during the coveted 19 pandemic situation presented at the international marketing seminar and the third international conference is in business and banking innovation in indonesia just last march he has written 48 publications imagine this 48 publications from 1998 to 2020. he is a member of the editorial board of the journal of institutional research south east asia philippine social science journal a cn journal of education academic journal of sore suvarna bhumi institute of technology and the eu journal of management he is a reader of 26 journals and studies for various conferences including the asean journal of education and sea air he is an sme training course content assessor and a panel chairperson he received the best paper award in the national conference and building the learning organization for human resource development among asyan countries in 2017 he received two travel grant awards and the best instructor award in assumption university in 2009 friends please help us welcome our first speaker associate professor chris de tanjaisa phd sir sir you are muted okay you get it yes yes okay ah thank you dr miguel it's my pleasure to be here with you today it's not wasting my time at all madam vice president it's my uh i'm very grateful for this opportunity to talk to you good morning colleagues students ladies and gentlemen today i'm going to talk to you about uh doing a research and doing a research if you do not get your paper published research will work very little okay so today we are going to talk about how to get your research paper published and in the national journal how to get it published it's very easy and straight write the good and by writing a good paper i will show you throughout this session a bit short okay i would i duty a researcher's duty is to perform a study about the phenomenon whether it be to solve a problem or just you want just to know some thing okay so to do so we have to collect data process them and present the findings to the public so ask a good pup starts with a good topic what is a good top topic a good topic is a topic which benefits the society it should be of interest of the people and the academy if you do what whatever topic is good but you have to choose appropriately okay for example you have to choose some trend topic some top uh well researched from decades for example uh burned stress satisfaction job satisfaction leadership you can find millions of such paper published around the world so anyway um you can always find a good topic okay uh paper writing is a presentation you have to think that you were presenting your ideas to your readers and what you want to do you want to get your idea to deliver your readers would understand your point it's not just like uh whatever i know many of the times you know better than your readers you uh okay you might be in different areas so your readers may not know what you want to do so you have to be clear this is a presentation writing a paper is a presentation okay you have to what you did and why it is important and how it works so what you did was is about the topic say you want to contact a study on uh the acceptance of halal food in thailand you have to say it explicitly okay and many of the times many journals would like to see what kind of status you use in your paper so you should have it on for example if you use multi uh varied analysis just say it in the in in the topic okay partly it can increase the interest to your paper so so a good topic to start with you have to think whether your topic uh benefits the society or not or who the paper benefit right if it's very little group small group the readers of may be not willing to accept it even though the paper is good the methodology is strong but if the top is out of date or it benefits only 80 secondary school students in your particular school that is too limited if the results can be to other schools not right and we cannot just say uh we collect data from this uh secondary school and the result is this and the result can be applied to other schools that's very risky okay if you want the uh result to be applied to other schools you have to collect data that's school as well all right so the first point is uh a good topic to start with what you did you studied uh this achievements of students for example and why why is it important okay okay so why why why does achievement why does student achievement important you have to provide i'd strong rationale here this is the part where i like to read a lot okay i would see oh this topic actually i am interested in all every topic but but you have to say why is your topic important is there a problem here if you want to study about achievement for example you have to say is there a problem here you say all the achievement of students are lower than national standards or uh students do not achieve very much in certain okay and and prefer it's important to provide reasons throughout the paper as i said your paper is a presentation so people would want to know and if they can follow better follow better if you provide reasons true throughout the paper you will make claims a lot of claim in your paper you claim uh for example you claim gender affects achievement for example gender effect achievement no you have to provide reasons for example all males and female failed male and female students study in different manners or male students have different interests from females to students they prefer more uh or activity or whatever and so firstly you have to provide references or citations you don't make a claim by yourself right this is a good state of doing research search oh it's not my it's a doctor so and so idea i refer to his uh he did a study somewhere similar to you and so you can refer to him okay so the first point is what you did a good topic and the second second is why it it's important the right the professional of this topic and it is how it works so how did you contact your research or you want to say it research methodology so that the three important parts you have to focus on them and present them very clearly okay a well-written papers con contribute more than just their discribed results you who do not just describe this is my result male and female differ in certain area more or less here okay and each important is to get the re videos to understand your topic so in the beginning i think they might have a 2 out of 10 knowledge about this achievement issue by the end of your paper this should more about achievement so what is that in the literature review you have to review it you have to say what is this what is that what is this achievement uh how is our school you don't don't pursue don't as do people would know or they may know you have uh that many executives that many teachers many not students so you have to explain to them okay so in a research pro process it's it's very very important to stick to the scientist inquiry system right what is a scientific inquiry system it me means your research project should be systematic step by step at all the steps i explained okay dude you don't just say choose this group period and nobody else would understand why i do you want okay so you have to provide some something a very good thing is to provide support on numbers to support for example if you want to study harold business you have to provide i'd like other market value who is this much uh the export value is that much uh it journal a lot of income no no no no you don't say a lot yeah say the number a lot means nothing be careful of such words like good a lot big big small because they have no meaning okay comparatively no meaning well whatever you want to say you say oh the export follow me is 100 million dollars or the market value is 10 million dollars what's up and when you provide numbers don't forget provide reference just of that number sometimes i rate papers writing about about this economy uh an economy for 2 3 paragraph full of numbers like uh export value this number of people that without citation and when you provide numbers everybody knows you get it from from somewhere so you have to provide citation okay else that is considered a plagiarism okay in in a in a paper in the whole the whole paper if you do not say this piece of information from who readers would imply it is your idea okay so make it clear this part is my id yeah this part is uh mr x id yeah this part part is dr chris idea okay and provide examples of everything you go on on and on and on with legend and you uh be relevant to what you want to study okay sometimes i rape a paper uh which talk about uh leadership in school so that would bring in this uh theory leadership and go on on and on explaining the theory and provided like uh uh for example the executive in this hospital did this and that uh mind you may be likely to be different from executives in schools though the example should be relevant and if it's not relevant uh especially some students i read a lot of thesis and disadvantages and students will put in previous research and many of the previous research oh okay okay let's talk about this one uh this student study about job satisfaction in a factory and she quotes she refers to job satisfaction of in the airlines people working in schools people working in universities so the question is if you work in an airline your job this uh job satisfaction may be two assertions do a lot of things and high salary and etc but it's different so leadership in oh i mean job status okay leadership or job satisfaction in my industry may be different from uh job satisfaction in school i'm not saying you cannot refer to them yes you can refer to them but make them relevant to your paper okay so oh uh i'm talking about scientific inquiries systems this point somebody he here might start do that oh no qualitative research should not scientific it is against sorry it should be because the scientific inquiry means you have to go for true everything by step with supports reasons a reference set is qualitative or quantitative okay with a quantity study it is obvious that we grow hypothesis on theories so you just theories operationalize the concepts which means you have to say how am i going to make sure each concept okay but if you you want to study leaders ship so you have to explain how am i going to measure and certainly you have to refer to previous literature they that per person did this the same topic and he measured it in his this man the item the items in the questionnaire and would you write from certain steps which you have to explain clearly understand okay you want to measure leadership and that is that was how you to measure leadership okay as certainly scientific samurai in case of a quality of study so in case of sci uh uh qualitative study we ground out the fighting it's on data okay and the system batteries here you have to collect them systematically collect the data systematically maybe a free flow semi-structured interviews we have to control the interview fields else if we call no way like i i did this before a couple hours interview this executive and he goes on and on and on he talks about the things he want to say but not the issues i want to learn so so you have to con control the appropriately like list them one two three four and make a an inter view let the interview goes on but you have to control the issue and the person start to go up out of the the frame we have frames as well in quality of study so when the per person go out of the frame you have to pull them back and talk about the issue sometimes we just and return to the university and wow oh oh i got to ask about a couple more questions or a couple more issues which we want to contact right so so even with a qualitative study you'll have to do it systematically now what uh and you have to plan who are the informants kind of issue just you want to ask them and how did you uh came come up with the conclusion okay you don't just provide uh content but you have to draw themes sub themes for first and then from the sub themes you draw the main theme of the things you found okay the qualitative risk risk search is difficult in the later part in the the beginning part of the paper it might as for qualitative research that you cannot a lot of theories but at the end you have to come well yeah suppose you interview uh 10p people and 2 hours each that means you have up to people to our first that is 20 hours of interviews and there are a lot of data in 20 hours interview so you have to go through all of those and come up with the themes all right uh we have to synthesize all the pieces that data collected thai interview we mentioned something very abruptly or very briefly we have to get the point okay uh this is a of research paper engineer uh we we start with abstract and abs should be written last okay keep it to the last you start with introduction one page introduction into uh your concept if there are three concepts in the title talk about all of them previous slides previous please okay uh introduction you have to talk about the car concept in the title if you say hey i want to set it clear relationship between job sales spec and leadership ship okay leadership and job satisfaction you have to introduce leadership you have to introduce job satisfaction and if you say among uh people in back back you have to talk about bank a bit just a bit or you want to talk about a marketing mix you have to eat introduce my marketing mix okay do not just talk about a general description about the country about economy and suddenly you come up with your research problem okay as i said the research paper must systematic you have to leave readers step by step so you talk about the concept you have to talk about concept b say uh why you okay not just let's say period and then you wanna do this right it's fragmented it is and stakeholders should gain benefit from your discussion uh okay good starts with good good idea the idea should be innovate it's not like this topic was repeatedly researched for many decades it's like i said that uh burnout job stats job set satisfaction or even leadership it's so okay you have to find a new angle maybe the same old concept but you have to find new and go to uh that concept right maybe a new group or okay new population or new angle or you have to dig deeper in in that that issue so be innovative and how to be in the investigative talk to people and you may have yeah i want to study by leadership in uh you better go talk to people around like what do you think about leadership uh you have do you think we have problems here ask her around bro in order to find you your topic and in this case people will help you to come up with something right so you you have to promote initial i would call it initial research or or somebody put it as exploratory research so ask arab just to refine your idea okay and they might suggest you some uh interesting issue about leadership in like in school and the topic must be up to dates and we don't we don't we don't do we don't like readers do not like all topics you know readers would have brain it so many articles satisfaction and then e even it's with different groups of people but they will it's a second ecological oh uh it has some psychological effects of this again again so the chance is they lost interest in your paper okay and the topic should capture people's interest okay this goes back to the benefits of the study people okay the first thing they see is your topic so they would see you look at your topic and say and think hmm okay if they think oh it doesn't benefit one then your paper ends okay uh okay for example i captured people's intro for example you might talk about a new media or you might want to talk about fintech or you might want to talk about web 2. all right so it should be something which capture people's interests now the first part is abstract don't assume too much like don't assume people would understand what you are talking about so you have to put in some uh introduction and very brief it is an abstract remember you put and you have to state the oppo most of the times people would read the abstract and they should understand briefly the your whole paper so you talk about objective you know the methodology you say okay this is a a qualitative study uh we interviewed that many people or we collected from 300 people students or whatever so talk about methodology and talk about findings oh what we found so and so and so and the abstract should be written the last keep it to the last you feel project you finish with the whole paper and write the abstract because you you can get a better idea all is to get the reader to read the introduction i mean extract would start us that's the the of the paper that is the introduction uh the introductory introduction uh in the introduction the important point is the rationale to study this topic is why why do we buy uh the evidence to support the the importance of your paper the more important the highest higher chance to be published okay if you say oh my paper is not important already oh so don't rest my my page just right so you have to stress you you emphasize the importance of your paper it is very important but certainly with research or evidence to i'm seeing the introduction part provide some um status or numbers that would help people people trust in numbers so you provide numbers like uh look at this number look at that number first okay and i bet you can and find all the numbers you like right sometimes people will tell uh the population is unknown don't know the number of population oh that's impossible okay if you can cannot find the number of that certain group you cannot always find the numbers of big group cover a bigger group doesn't harm your pain paper uh dr chris okay it is good now the details the introductions now your introduction make claims hey you ain't in the introduction with a research question you claim all right uh dr chris i think we're losing you right now uh your signal might be a little bit weak um ladies we would like to inform our dear audience are your participants that we shall be giving you a copy of the slides of dr chris actually uh as soon as we are already in the session for this morning okay um to facilitate our question and answer for the session i would like to call in the dean of the arts and sciences mlis and mssw dr kurt escandinas to facilitate dr candinas dr candelas we shall also be awarding the certificate for our uh speaker for this moment our first speaker for this morning dr candelas thank you so much uh let me check here the questions of our audience by the way uh this particular webinar you can actually watch it again in youtube and in our ethnic page i understand that our speaker is the secret internet connection is not really that stable i myself wondered if i am able to understand grasp what he said but nonetheless i in the backstage i know that our speaker is still there and he is very much ready to answer some of your questions so if you have questions please do write it in the chat box be it in the youtube or be it in the facebook page uh are there any questions you'd like to ask to our speaker i can't see a question both in facebook and in youtube as well but rather the question i can see commendations from the from the comments in youtube and in facebook saying thank you to our dear um speaker from this webinar despite the fact that the connection is really that bad however with this live presentation that he provided it's being grasped as opposed by our dear audience i think our audience does not does not have the question at this moment so if ever you do have questions you just have to write it in the comments section but if not then let's have to proceed to our giving up certificate to our invited speaker okay so lord's college incorporated or city presents or certificate of appreciation is awarded to associate professor krishna hd in grateful recognition and appreciation for sharing his time and expertise as resource speaker on how to get papers published in reputable journals during the lord's college graduate school research webinar given this 18th day of september in the year of our lord 2021 signed by dr judith c chavez our vice president for academic affairs and sister maria rupina b gilliano rvm award president thank you so much dr christoph for gracing of your time and for sharing of course your expertise on how are we going to publish our research manuscript especially to our students in the graduate school and how they can have their papers being published in a reputable research journal it's indeed substantial it's indeed substantial right dr x even if this is not really that good looking at his slides we can really see that it's really full of substance that we can really understand and how are we going to you know um process or publish our research manuscript i think what's good about it dr kurt is that when he presented his slides it's really step by step he looked into every details on how to really come up with a very good idea he made mention earlier that uh the the topic that should be chosen by the researcher should be something that is attractive that should be something that is novel so that people will be really reading the research paper and i i like that when he also said that the abstract should not be written at first it should be there it should be written at the last so that it will really capture the entirety of the the research paper and i think that those are those are some some important things that i got from him uh also i got also a very nice idea on how he how we should be selecting our literature when we be when we will be including our literature review we have to make sure that it's really aligned to the discipline it's not that we are not according to it it's not that uh because it's not aligned it's no more it has no more relation but we have to make sure that the literature has to be related to the topic that is currently being studied that's exactly what what really struck me also is that he's saying that when we're going to come up with our research study it should have to be really that beneficial to the society that's right and that's of course really the main purpose why we're conducting research the the benefit it gives to the people in the society in general thank you for your doctor thank you so much dr kurt you made mention about uh the impact of this research to the society at large and you know the type of society that we have right now the kind of environment that we have right now is something that is really different it's now the new normal therefore it's also good for us to get to know our second speaker so that we will be able to think about how to design really research that is adapted to the new normal and so to introduce dr kurt our uh second speaker for this morning may i call in may called back dr miguel avila our coordinator for the research planning and development office to introduce our second speaker for this morning dr mila yes good morning everyone our second speaker has two doctoral degrees in educational psychology and philosophy from the lasalle university and xavier university respectively he is a newly elected member of the board of trustees of the philippine educational measurement and evaluation association and he is the incoming graduate program coordinator of the lasalle university in the counseling and education psychology department de la salle university in manila he served as an associate professor from may 2019 to the present and was a department chair last may 2013 to april 2019. he's a member of the psychological association of the philippines and was a member of the board of directors of this association in 2013 2013-2014 he's a member of the asian association of social psychology from 2015 to the present he is an institutional expert of curriculum quality audit for teacher education standards in the lasalle university from 2017 to the present a chief editor of the philippine journal of counseling psychology associate editor of philippine journal of counseling psychology reviewer for various international research journals in psychology and education and an evaluator of the educational psychology psychology certification of the psychological station of the philippines friends he has conducted a number of international and national workshops including situation sampling action research developing instruments dissertation mentoring conceptualizing research decisive use of statistics of which we have participated in the seminary obe contemporary theories engaging the generation z assessment the fourth industrial revolution learner center teaching research and data analysis scaling and measurement as well as education and cultural understanding understanding okay he has presented a number of research works in international conferences such as filipino pre-service teachers experiential learning in an international study program in thailand why sense of relatedness promotes academic engagement in collectivist setting the mediating role of academic motivation in japan he received an award for his outstanding contribution to counselor education and research given by the philippine association for counselor education research and supervision in 2018 he chaired and convened various international and national singapore including hope and life experiences academic motivation he had a number of research works presented in national conferences including our work when is teaching effective he had 21 research works published in esi and scopus index and international peer review journals i will not read so many but i am so amazed at the topics the various topics that he has presented face book use investigating homesickness academic emotions hope and so on so many but uh friends uh i know that you will learn more from him rather than this introduction ladies and gentlemen i'm really very proud to present to you our resource person for this hour dr jerome abreason you're muted new danger muted good morning everyone i hope you can hear me yes yes okay thank you thank you dr mila and uh for for that uh long introduction and sorry that was i was not able to send you my my bio note most of the things you mentioned are old the the more recent activities i've been engaged into is of course apart from teaching would be gardening yeah just a little bit of correction i only had one phd i didn't have two phds i didn't have so much motivation enough to obtain two phds just just one okay um may i share my powerpoint presentation uh okay please let me know if this is if my powerpoint slide is already viewable do you see it now please let me know that's it not yet not yet oh how should how am i supposed to do it share okay how about this one that's it yes yeah okay okay okay this is just a short sharing of course for this morning so it's not too overwhelm the audience i have prepared a few powerpoint presentation slides for this conversation which i suppose uh to be just an ordinary normal conversation about what alternatives we would we have for data collection in doing research at the time of the pandemic so there is really nothing nothing so novel in in the discussion but of course uh apart apart from the adapt from from the alternative strategies i would be talking about common uh strategies for data collection our focus is simply on data collection this is to address questions related to how we can proceed with data collection at the time when there are there's an implementation of different uh quarantine classifications now we have alert levels and then um health protocols and all so and how do we make sure that we still continue with our data collection especially for those of you who are doing research as academic requirement like thesis or dissertation so um in the in the discussion uh in this morning's discussion uh we are reminded that the whole research process includes so many um pit stop so many uh points so many faces which of course will begin with identification of a research problem and i suppose for those of you who are doing research or thesis or for the students who are about to do your your thesis project i'm sure by this time you have already started identifying your research problem which is very a very important starting point in the whole of research conceptualization and of course there are many other things that you will do or alongside identification of the research problem there's an understanding that you have substantially read the literature or you are continuing to read the literature and then as you proceed you will eventually specify your research problems your research objectives formulating your specific research questions and then of course you draw these research questions from the gaps in the literature from how you review the literature and then once everything is set including significance of your study the potential contribution of your study to theory to practice to your discipline then you will select research design so you will decide on which research design you will use of course a little prior to this a little prior to the determination of research design you will have to make a decision as to the methodological aspect like would you pursue a quantitative research or qualitative research you will have to make that decision and then whether quantity or quality you will have to specify select a research design and of course justify why this research design is most appropriate for your study and of course after that you will have to determine your sampling your research participants you will set criteria and one of the important things one one of the important decisions to make along the way as you uh clarify or finalize your methodological plan would be on the data collection like what approach what method of data collection will you use especially at this time when you don't have the luxury of going around moving around and searching for meeting with your prospective participants considering the lockdowns and all the limitations uh brought about by the pandemic which is why this conversation is called for because a lot of you a lot of students are asking what other ways by which they can continue collecting data uh especially when the more traditional the more common ways uh especially those ways that have been used by people before the pandemic are no longer useful or can no longer be done today or at this time of course um we don't you you don't end your research journey after deciding on data collection method you have to do other stuff like uh after you have collected your data you'll have to do analysis you report your results and then you you write the entire paper so there's there are a lot of pit stops um along the way from the decision that you make on uh data collection method so it's important that we all understand that our discussion today will focus on the decision on data collection method so in terms of data collection of course i think this is no longer new but it pays to remind everyone that you can you don't have to use a singular method of data collection you can use different methods i mean different strategies within the same research method for example if you are pursuing a quantitative research you can use a multiple strategies or multiple ways of data collection that those strategies which are warranted within the method that you have decided to use so that is what is called intra method mixing so you can mix uh quantitative qualitative data within your method and you can also do inter method mixing like you use more than one method of data collection in the research study so um while this is not new it's important that we remind each other that oftentimes the the better way to do data collection would be to use different methods not just one you don't just rely on one data collection method it would be good if you mix so that's an important reminder for each of us now this is a very crucial pit stop or point or face in the research conceptualization or in in the conduct of your research because the kind of data that you will collect the quality of the data that you will collect is greatly affected by the data collection strategy or method that you use so if you go wrong with with certain methods if you mess up in this decision for data collection it would significantly affect or impact the quality of the data that you will be able to collect so it's also important that we remind each other that in terms of um collecting research data we have to make sure that the data should be accurate uh i think there is no need for further explanation because everyone knows that it is extremely important it is essential in any kind of research that the data that you collect are correct in all their details so if you get uh details of the of the data you cannot say anyway i have so much details uh i can forego uh correctness of some details especially if other parts or other details are okay are correct no it should always be accurate it is non-negotiable a second consideration is that data should be reliable so for example you have multiple trusted sources of data you make sure that the data you collect from multiple trusted sources are generally consistent of course uh when i say generally consistent you have to take this with a little bit of of decisiveness of of critical thought because being reliable does not always mean being consistent does not always mean what you get from this source what you get from another source would be exactly the same considering that from a different from a specific or perspective human experience can be seen as fluid and dynamic it can change over time but in case you're taking you're getting uh pieces of information or data in real time or all at the same time from different sources these data from different reliable sources should be generally consistent so that's being reliable the research data that you collect should also be relevant relevant means the data that you collect are all necessary for research now there are beginner researchers who tend to collect as many data and then make a decision later on to remove some data to not use some of the data that they have collected uh up to a certain extent and based on ethical standards sometimes it's not ethical because well generally it's not ethical because you ask permission to collect data for research purposes but after getting the data you decide not to use some of them because you don't find them relevant or maybe this other part would be when you do not collect uh or when the data that you collect uh are incomplete like that some are missing some data that you're supposed to get which are relevant to your research have not been collected so see to it that your data are relevant they're all necessary they're all important they're all what you need for your research fourth would be timeliness of course when you collect data you make sure that um it can be repo the data can be reported in real time or at least in near real time and it has to be up to date uh because times change and the experiences also change so when the data that you use have been collected a long time ago and you tend to use this data to infer about the present that would be misleading so the data should be timely and finally research data should be complete by complete we mean comprehensive comprehensive so whatever decision you will have to make in terms of the data collection strategies or methods that you will use especially this time when you're collecting data at the time of the pandemic you have to situate that the research data are accurate reliable relevant timely and complete now as i have mentioned earlier there are methods or there exists methods of data collection and some of these methods have been commonly used by people even before the pandemic so i would just zero into this most common methods i'm not going to just for in the interest of time we will just focus on uh five of the most important most common uh methods of data collection used by researchers and uh for each method we'll talk about a little bit about what it is and then more about the alternative strategies that we can use to still continue on with that same method of data collection okay so we'll talk about sorry six tests questionnaires interviews focus groups observation and constructed or secondary um data if you notice these are not new now this have been in existence for a long time but let's try to talk about your alternatives for each of these methods considering the limitations that we have at this time okay please take note of your questions feel free to raise anything even tension points like this agreement or maybe um discomfort when it comes to certain things or certain ideas that we may be able to talk about okay uh so let's talk about tests of course you know that the most common uh measure available out there would be standardized tests or tests that have been programmed uh in a wonder in a manner by which the scoring the interpretation is based on a norm group so it has been subjected to to a norming process so that the interpretation the norms of interpretation are already established and often this measures or these tools are used to measure certain attitude types of personality perceptions uh even aptitude and of course performance so these are these are very common of course most commonly these tests come in print they're in paper and are administered in person administered in person so there's a face-to-face meeting of the researcher or the test administrator the test user and the participant who is expected to respond to the items in the test um for some of you who are who are using this or who may be using tests is maybe standardized tests um and the like one of the questions you will have at this point would be how to proceed with the use of this test considering that you don't have the luxury of meeting your participants in person for the administration of these tests of course our alternative would be for you to use online tests because some of these standardized tests have their online counterparts of course not all but some of them have online uh format of course you will have to consider availability here so in terms of this type of test especially because most of this are sold by certain organizations professional organizations and agencies so your online access or subscription to this test is important and that can be expensive so you have to but but if this kind of measure is what you really need for your study then you will have to consider subscribing for an online test or you can also do a programming you can ask somebody you can hire a programmer guide the programmer in programming the material to be conducted using the internet as your platform in fact if this is carefully crafted carefully programmed you can use a program test for experiments even before the pandemic we have a few students who are who have been doing this kind of data collection where they would for the purpose of their dissertation they would program their materials to be conducted using the internet or yeah as their platform so the participants don't have to go to you or you don't have to meet with your participants physically for you to be able to conduct tests so that's online test something related to this would be questionnaires i think this is one of the most widely used data collection tool and for some of you for those of you who are contemplating on you the use of questionnaires for your thesis or research project of course you understand that a questionnaire is uh an instrument a self-report instrument that researchers used to collect data from the participants so the participants would be asked to respond to the items in the questionnaire this the use of questionnaire could be for the sake of obtaining data or information on the participants feelings thoughts perceptions and even personality and behavioral intentions so i think one of the reasons why this tool is one of the most widely used tool for data collection it's because it can be used for a wide variety of types wide a variety of information that researchers would need to obtain for their research but of course traditionally we make questionnaires we print questionnaires we administer questionnaires in person either individually or in groups but we will we meet with the participants physically for the administration of the questionnaires and that is not feasible at this point so what are our alternatives one common alternative we have would be to use internet questionnaires or to to craft questionnaires and uh use the internet as our medium to disseminate the questionnaires and to obtain data to get the participants responses without requiring ourselves to meet with the participants or our participants to meet with us to get or to submit to return the completed questionnaires so this is less expensive it only requires software and most of the softwares we we are using or we've been using are free uh like surveymonkey google forms google forms is one of the most widely used internet or online softwares for questionnaire so for those of you who are aware who are familiar with google forms you know that you can you have options as to the kind of response format and even the formatting of the items in your questionnaire is quite flexible in terms of style and for those of you who are not familiar i think it's about time that you you will explore that there are also youtube videos uh video tutorials to guide you along the way especially for the beginner users of google forms so feel free to consider that as your alternative it can also include everyone wherever the person may be during at the time of your data collection wherever they are in the world for as long as they have access to the internet they can respond to your questionnaire of course the strategy here is that the researcher will send out link or the link to the internet questionnaire so the participants once they the target participants once they receive the link they'll just click it and then they are now uh brought to the online questionnaire that you have prepared for them and then they will respond to it wherever they are in the world and another good thing about this is that of course the participants are free to decide when or what is the best time a good time for them to respond to the items in the questionnaire and also because of the of the way the internet questionnaires like google forms are programmed there's also quick turnaround of of data for those of you are aware in google forms right after the participant one the participant sends the responses immediately the researcher can already access the data so that's how quick the turnaround is it's so easy i could hear some people some researchers even our students saying that in one week's time they would already be able to get more than enough data for their small research so this is really a feasible way of abusing questionnaires this time technology is important specifically the internet okay so i i i don't think this is new for most of you i think most of you even prior to your entry to the graduate uh school of lourdes college you you you've already been familiar with google forms this has been used for surveys and anything related to that okay so if you have some clarifications regarding the use of questionnaires considering your context uh some unique aspects of your of your circumstances let me know of course just scribble those up questions or maybe some ideas in your notes so that during the question and answer you uh you can open that up um the other good point an additional advantage of questionnaire would be that you can program complex uh questions sequences uh it's relatively it's easier to do it than on paper okay and considering that it is less expensive so it's really something you have to consider interviews this is another one of the most commonly used methods or strategies for data collection and for some of you you may be considering interviews but you have a problem now with uh meeting with your participants setting a time for the interview considering that there are lockdowns quarantine protocols social distancing and all the the restrictions uh brought about by the pandemic so it's it's extremely difficult to go about the interviewing following the traditional the normative the the ways that we were used to before the pandemic of course in an interview you will the researcher collects data from the interviewer the interviewer asks questions and the interviewee responds so the responses of the interviewer at the interviewee would form part of the data that the researcher will can collect for their research interviews of course as i have mentioned are more commonly done face-to-face this is what we call an in-person interview so what's what are our alternatives today at this time when all those restrictions are set they are in place one is through phone interview this is where the interviewer reads a script from a single location and then records the responses of the participants of course this will have to use the researcher will have to use computer assisted telephone interview system in which the recording is automatic uh we will no longer have to emphasize uh ethical considerations because i understand that you are very well aware that you will have to seek um ethics clearance in your in your research of course our discussion here already subsumes or already considers adherence to ethical standards is an important thing to satisfy for the researchers so in in phone interviews of course one advantage of that would be that it is less expensive as compared to uh in-person survey but it's still a bit expensive especially uh at the startup when you when you put up the the system because since you will be using computer assisted telephone interview system you will have to have that set without a call center to facilitate or to assist you you will have to set it on your own if you also hire a call center to assist you in the recording in the setting up of the system and in the recording retrieval and all you will also have to pay that call center to set those things up so but of course that is um an option for you if a face-to-face interview or an in-person interview it's not possible or it's not feasible another point is that this is most visible way of reaching certain people because there are people who can only be reached through phone and so especially for example if they don't have internet so you will have to call them or they may have internet connection but they don't have access to the softwares that are for free or the softwares that we use where we have the audio and the video together uh in the setting another of course is that this type or this alternative for interviewing would be um more advantageous in terms of reducing interviewer bias because of course you don't see each other as as there is as a researcher you don't have a necessary impression on the participant because you don't see the participant you just get to hear the participant the downside of course is that it would be cumbersome to do the interview the phone interview for more than 15 minutes the maximum would be 15 minutes in fact 15 minutes is already a long phone conversation uh at which time your phone must have exhausted its battery already or it becomes too hot um so it's it's limited in terms of time whereas of course in in face-to-face interview and in other alternatives the interviewing could take up a much longer period of time especially when it is necessary but in phone interviews you'll have to design your protocol such that the maximum length would be 15 minutes in fact the shorter the better another option you have another alternative for interviewing when face-to-face or in-person interview is not feasible would be to do it in the internet or using the internet so this is internet interview here the interviewer interviews the participant over the internet using a particular software for example this software that we're using or microsoft teams or google meet or zoom so we already have a couple of or some our free software's so you can use them and these software's thankfully have some features where you can record uh the conversation you can see the person uh through the webcam so it's really accessible and you have more complete information uh it's it's really close to an in-person interview it's inexpensive um another important point here is that since uh in-person interview is not feasible the interview can happen even if your participant is somewhere else in the world for as long as those participants have internet access and they have access to the software you're using as well and then but of course you have to consider that since this is computer and internet aided you have to set this up set this up prior to the interview and the time to set up is much longer than when you set up an in-person interview of course there is a necessity there are some necessities here such as computer uh internet access and webcam and all so if the participant does not have some of these necessities it would be very difficult to do the interview so man but for sure you are now able to imagine some ways by which you can reduce this disadvantages or you can do away with this disadvantages another common method of data collection would be focus groups i think you're also familiar with this this is a type of group interview in which the moderator usually sometimes the researcher or somebody else who works with a researcher a trained person to moderate uh focus groups or folks group discussions we lead the discussion with a small group there are guidelines in creating small focus groups or focus group discussions there's uh there's a range of number of participants to a group or members to a group it should not be too many or too few anyway you have those textbooks available with all the guidelines on focus groups or focus group discussions um this is a good method of data collection because the moderator here facilitates the the group process and it is called focus groups because the moderator takes on the role on uh aside from facilitating the group process will have to make sure that the moderator will keep the individual members of the group focused on the topic being discussed therefore the protocol for the focus group should be carefully prepared carefully designed such that it would assure it would ensure the participants focus on the topic it should not be about anything and because it can be tempting for some members of the focus groups to talk about something that's not related to the topic so the moderator should be skillful enough to facilitate the discussion and bring these members back to focus that's why it's called focus groups okay um because this is also not possible otherwise you will have uh to maintain social distancing a focus group discussion of let's say five members maybe you're the sixth member uh you will have to to need a whole gymnasium because you will be seated afar from each other of your you have to be far apart so that's not feasible anymore so you can do alternatively an internet based focus group discussion where you can still use uh softwares such as google me zoom and whatnot for you to be able to invite uh your members or participants to the focus groups um a good feature of this especially because you're using a software and most of the available free of charge softwares now uh have features in which you see and hear you have audio and video features so you can see each other the members can see each other they can hear in real time so you don't wait it's it's not like a chat where you have to wait until the message has been posted or sent by the participant or any member there's real-time discussion because of the audio and video features of the software you're using members here the members of the focus group can also be widely dispersed they can be anywhere in the world but still they can come to the focus group discussion without having to physically bring themselves to a particular venue that the researcher has set for the fgd so this is really very convenient convenient for both the participants and the researcher or the moderator especially with google meet with zoom where there is instant messaging there's a chat box so while the focus group discussion continues the the members the moderator can also send instant messages privately to other members of of the group so it's an added feature of the available softwares now so you can also use that instant messaging system aside from the real-time conversation which is recorded in the software so that is for the focus groups another common method used in data collection would be observation you know that and i know i would assume that not too many of you would be excited to use observation but you have to remember that the hallmark of social science research would be is that the data collection has to be unobtrusive so that it allows revelation of a naturally occurring it allows observation of naturally occurring phenomenon naturally occurring behavior patterns so it's it's something you might want to consider but the traditional form or way of observation is where you have to be physically present in a venue or in a context in a setting in which the observation has to be made so this time because that's not possible one alternative that you can consider would be the use of visual data collection in visual data collection you will collect uh pictures of visual data or maybe even uh sculptures or any anything that comprises what we call the visual data you can collect them and the good thing about visual data collection would be that there is an assumption there's an understanding that visual data could reveal much more meaningful information as they say a picture is worth a thousand words so that's exciting when you look at let's say a picture it could give you so many pieces of information that words cannot uh like short statement short utterances cannot readily capture it can the the visual data can also show concrete pieces of information from visual elements and these concrete uh i mean these visual elements are really concrete which is uh contrasted from abstract pieces of information that you can get from verbal data or from numerical data so that's that's why it's it's exciting to use visual data as well visual data can also be qualitative such as making interpretations of the photographs cartoons and all or it can also be quantitative when you make pictographs or charts of certain details of the visual um in fact the when you attempt to get quantitative information from the visual data the the information you will get will even go beyond what numbers alone would represent and that's why it's it's another thing that should excite you one of the most commonly used specific approach to visual data collection and analysis would be auto photography in autophotography the researcher asks the participants to take pictures of whatever is related to what is being researched on the good thing about this is that it's the the participant who makes a decision to take a photo to take a picture of something and sends this picture to you so you'll get to see a picture that is chosen by or a picture of a phenomenon from the eyes from the perspective of the participants because it's the participants who decided to take a picture or to take pictures on those aspects of the phenomenon so that's auto photography there are of course there there are processes there are steps that you go through when you um use autophotography and i trust that you can find them in journal articles i don't know much of textbooks that also mentioned autophotography but i'm sure there are so you can consider them you may want to consider them finally of course you are aware of constructed data or secondary data secondary data or existing data like those that are in the archives those that have already been pre-existing even before the pandemic or even before this time so these are data sets that have been produced uh and collected left behind sometimes some of them had been collected not for the purpose of research but now you're gonna use it for research although this has to be subjected to ethical standards there are uh protocols to follow here if you are of course in adherence to the ethical standards of the use of data but for some of you who are in difficulty searching for collecting data for your research you can consider using secondary data or already existing data some of these data are available in the internet they are accessible so you can use them common secondary data that we can find would be personal documents letters diaries all of these are have been recorded for private purposes official documents on the other hand have been uh recorded and collected uh by public and private organizations it's not just for private purposes but it's for something else you have newspapers journals magazines published article speeches even videos of news programs and advertisements and of course physical data physical traces left by people with fingerprints or clothes um dirt in the shoes anything any physical tangible evidence that would point to or reveal some information about the experience that is being studied personal accessories jewelries even shoes some even the newer more the rare articles of clothing or rarely used article of clothing or even buildings books billboard and artwork these are physical data so these are commonly used the common uh secondary data that some researchers archivists those who are doing historical research ethnography may be using and you might want to also consider these in your data collection especially at this time so if you notice these are um these are not new things these are this have been in existence for a long time you just have to uh sorry let me skip this this has been a repetition okay um in relation by the way to the constructed and secondary data i would have wanted to also discuss at length expedient sampling method because this is where you use diaries you you ask the participants to record or to keep track with experiences uh based on on or in relation to the research topic where you have to set up the system availability of gadgets and the time in which the participants are made to log in or to to report their responses but you can read a lot about this i have decided to shorten it especially because at 10 a.m earlier when i joined i noticed that the first talk was not yet done so i removed all the slides for expedient sampling otherwise we won't be done with uh uh with the discussion but um maybe of course if we have an opportunity in the future we can talk specifically about experience sampling method or esm because some of you might want to consider that as a method of research as a whole not just a method of data collection it's an exciting way of doing research um and the other good thing about experience sampling is that there are some because there are some experiences that are not readily available uh real time and when you ask the participants to just to report these experiences the participants often refer back to when that experience happened and it can be a long time ago so it's offline the participant is not into that specific experience when they report uh the data or the details to you whereas in experience sampling it's always fresh the information they would get would be fresh it's either close to real time to actual real time um and there's a format there there are strategies by which you will uh you will go through you will um yeah take on an expedient sampling but the closest that you can have at this point that we are not yet talking about the details of experience sampling would be the use of diaries which is part of constructed secondary existing data you can use it although in expedient sampling the diabetes that you're using for data collection purposes are not pre-existent diaries instead the diary the journal writing happens during the research process during the actual data collection so we will just spend a little i mean a different time on experience sampling i would love to have a conversation or a discussion on experience sampling specifically with a smaller group so that there's direct question and answer clarification up in the near future just let me know so it's close to 11 30 i would uh bring this to to to a close and at this point i would like to entertain some questions or maybe some comments some ideas that are brewing from the participants and i would love to spend a little more time prior to the closing of this activity for those questions or comments okay so let me stop sharing and i will return to our discussion and i hope the moderator will be able to um facilitate to help me with the question and answer oh dr chris i just uh i just read in the in the chat dr chris said sorry that uh he took my time uh you don't have to worry because um don't chris in fact your topic is also extremely important that students the participants need to know uh considering that they don't just produce research this time for as an academic requirement they are also required to publish and it's important that they they really understand uh how it is to to publish and how to prepare their manuscript for publication anyway my my topic simply is on some alternatives so i think i am in the best position to make adjustments as to time okay so good afternoon sir jerome thank you so much for your substantial talk about this matter i am tasked for this morning to uh facilitate the q a to our audiences both in youtube and in facebook so we have here the first question i know jerome how data privacy issue is best addressed in doing an online interview of a qualitative research of course that's that's important and uh because there are there are existing laws on data privacy and by all means we have to abide by these laws uh my the only thing i can say is that are relative to your context there would be variabilities of context in relation to where data privacy issues may come up may come out or arise the i would strongly encourage the especially the students to have a full understanding of the ethical standards the ethical guidelines of your institutions and by all means you have to seek help and guidance from your mentor or from whoever is in charge administrators that who are in charge of um ensuring that both the laws and the ethical standards are being followed it's very difficult to single out uh items here or our context because there would be context variability but the best guide would be the institutional standards ethical standards yes i agree i suppose that in every institution we have the so-called research ethics committee wherein you as a researcher could have to go and um review the protocols from the protocols and how you're going to conduct your online interview when you're going to use that qualitative research design i also have a follow-up question dr about this one um you were saying also earlier that uh that the test is also one of uh one of uh what you call that an area or one of an instrument to be used when you're going to conduct research now how do we ensure the spontaneity of responses and answers from the participants if this task is going to be conducted online after all spontaneity when it comes to tests especially if you're using standardized tests uh that that's even if you're using the or the online alternative for for this test then the fact that they are standardized it means that even the procedure for administration has already been standardized that would include specifically even the time element uh if you if you remember you have iq tests which have time limits and it's actually exactly the same time limit um that is uh set for for the online the other good thing about standardized tests is that there is a specific way for us program there's a specific way for the the online test to make sure that the participant is the one responding to the items although of course there are limitations to those security features because you know them and sometimes uh the participants would just ask somebody else and give that person all important pertinent personal information about him or her so of course it's still close to that which is why um informed consent is extremely important here because uh you'll make sure that the participants who cons who give their consent to participate are actually willing to participate so you how you you have to write your informed consent in in a way that it would convince the person that if he she may not be comfortable responding that it's all right to not even say yes or to initially say yes but may may decide to abort or to terminate their participation along the way even during the the actual uh responding of the items and also by the way in relation to the the first question that was asked on data privacy especially in qualitative interviewing the same protocol the same requirements would apply including informing or getting the participants consent in terms of who will have access to the recorded interview and even recording itself so the participant should give a consent that the interview be recorded and uh and who gets access to this uh recorded interview and what happens to this recording after the research has been conducted yeah that feel that it's very important and again these all boil down to ethical considerations and that's right i presume these are not really the main topic of this webinar anyway so we still have questions uh yeah from zurita good morning doc about research questionnaires can a researcher use questions from previous study which could help the new researcher from getting reliable results or yes in fact the rule is that if there are existing questionnaires that are useful that are appropriate for your study use these questionnaires rather than develop a new one you just develop a new one when there are no existing questionnaires that you can use appropriately for your research but if there are available by all means use them yeah but and even if this has these questionnaires had been inspected in terms of their psychometric properties validity and reliability you still as a matter of practice you still have to establish validity and reliability estimations in your own study as well but uh the the student seems right not thinking that because this has been used uh in previous studies there were already preliminary or previous reports on uh validity and reliability or the psychometric properties already so it gives you some confidence that the measure the questionnaire you're using had been used previously and it was valid and reliable thank you so in a nutshell the instrument that you're going to use still has to be subjected for silo testing even if it's being taken from from a particular source okay there may be variations in terms of that requirement for pilot it can be the the strict uh rigorous pilot testing or just an initial pilot but what's important is that you have to do inspection of the psychometric properties okay and we should also have to ask permission of course to write dr jerome to the proponent or to the author of owner of that instrument yeah if that is required because there are there are questionnaires that are available especially in books and uh yeah in in some publication formats in which uh the the permission from the author or from the proponent is required but if you're talking about questionnaires that had been used in previous studies in journal articles and your subscription to this journal article is legitimate or it's free access since the questionnaire is already there in the previous journal you can actually use them without seeking permission but make sure that you cite of course yes yes okay to avoid plagiarism of course okay we also have a question or this is just a commendation from one of our graduate school faculty dr julia tabithania good morning dr jerome thank you so much for the valuable information in data collection and methods to be used in conducting research so more power i think the questions that are already being raised earlier are already answered in your talk on doctor i i also think i also think that the the reason why there's not so much is because most of the things i mentioned are already new to you it's just that maybe some students especially for those of them who are who consider themselves beginners don't have much of confidence to use what they know for example they have been using google me they've been using zoom and some of them for some reasons are not so confident enough if they can use this as platform for interviewing even google forms now some of them may have already used this for the purpose of surveying uh not necessarily for research but survey related to their work related to whatever other engagements they have even pre pandemic so but during the discussion i think uh i would assume that for those of them who thought that this may not be used even if these are available may now have greater confidence in using this available knowledge and technology as alternative means of data collection without inventing another data collection method yeah because uh let me also emphasize that the reason why it's extremely difficult and it's quite a challenge if the researcher makes an arbitrary decision on data collection without being guided by what is available what is set as standards in our discipline it's because the whole methodological aspect of our research in general has to be standardized it means that there there are strict protocols to follow and you cannot just make arbitrary decisions to to tweak without basing it on some available information or some normative acceptable knowledge that we have in our discipline otherwise our research would lose its scientificity if we make arbitrary decisions on those things that are supposed to follow others are supposed to be standardized so if you notice the the six things that we discussed uh like observation interviews questionnaire tests and all all of these have are existing in our available knowledge in our discipline these are commonly used methods of data collection and we did not invent a new one just for the sake of accommodating what is necessary at the time of the pandemic but instead we make adjustments or we search for alternatives within the same standardized methods like it's still interview but this time you may use softwares and internet to do the interview but everything else still applies all the guidelines for interviewing including the training on the part of the interviewer to ask good questions to probe to establish rapport all of those things are still necessary um in fact from our before pandemic we're already practicing those it's just that in this kind of pandemic we are really are looking into the alternatives we also have question dr jerome from one of our audience uh dr ed gary sleeps from st michael's college of illegal would you agree that the gap between the traditional and modern way of conducting research impeded research output any best practice would you like to share with your own uh i let me respond to this to the best of my my appreciation gaps between traditional and modern way because there are supposed to be no gaps consider because my understanding of even methodologies uh are evolving i mean methodologies are evolving and traditional methodologies or traditional methods and approaches are actually called traditional because they have been there for a long time and they have been commonly used for a long time period already so that's why they're traditional i don't want to to associate the word traditional with something that is a passe something that's not useful or something that is bad because there are traditional practices that continue to be appropriate in certain contexts and in certain top research topics nowadays but i think the point is when you simply decide to use a particular strategy for data collection just because it has been there for a long time and just because a lot of people had been using it before so mindlessly you use it without knowing whether or not it still fits the context in which you are in so which is why you will have to make an inspection of what we call appropriateness which is that is why i always make it a point that my students my mentees my advices are given um every now and then a reminder that when they choose particular designs or met make this methodological decisions they have to consider appropriateness they don't consider popularity um in terms of modern way i also like the idea modern way because since as i mentioned uh methodologies are evolving usually the modern the more contemporary ways are products of decisions made by people who have been key players in the conversation about certain methods within the discipline and often can be a reflection of what these people have thought to be more appropriate at this time given certain context so we it also makes sense that we know the developments of these methodologies but still the bottom line is appropriateness because no matter how modern the way is if it's not appropriate for the research that you are going to undock then it may still not make sense yeah thank you so much um sir jerome for really pointing about the context of appropriateness in the in our research methodology we also have from christina victoria velasco good morning dr can you recall authors who explain or expose experience sampling particularly for phenomenology as research design particularly uh experience sampling no experience sampling has not been is not used in phenomenology per se because a phenomenological study a phenomenology has its own set of standards to follow it is uh it is both a perspective and a design on its own so if you go through if you do a phenomenological study there are even variants of a phenomenological research there are variants of the design depending on the variant you're using you will have to follow the protocol but if you ask can you can you borrow some aspects of experience sampling and use them in the design that you are you're using in your research remember intra method mixing internet mixing it is okay for as long as the the approach that you borrow does not impede your adherence to the essential steps of the required in the design that you are using yeah but experience sampling method is a method on its own it's a method altogether so you can do a study using esm as your method experience sampling method but you can also borrow some aspects of experience sampling and bring these aspects to whatever design you're using for example i've been using experience sampling or borrowing some aspects of experience sampling in a scale development research so that skill development research that i have been doing or that i often popularize or tell people to also consider doing uh does not necessarily use esm as its method it uses a different method but it borrows certain phases or aspects of experience sampling only uh at the face of item pool generation or item generation thank you so much doctor still you talked about the appropriateness regardless of whatever research method you're using i think that's the last uh question that we have considering our our time okay so allow me to present to you doctor our certificate of recognition okay lord's college incorporated kaguyandi ora city certificate of appreciation is awarded to dr jerome 810 in grateful recognition and appreciation for sharing his time and expertise as resource speaker on defining research adapted to the new normals during the lord's college graduate school research webinar given this 18th day of september in the yearboard lord 2021 signed by our vice president for academic affairs dr judith c chavez and sister maria repina di giliano rvm our school president thank you so much um dr jerome for again gracing us your time this has been my second time facilitating the q a with you as our yeah the last time was just uh a few months ago right yes let me also take this opportunity to thank dr judith chavez and mamila they're they're two of my close friends in cagayan de oro and i could not say no whenever they would invite me i'm so glad to be reconnected with them again thank you thank you so much so we still have to wait for our moderator to be back in there thank you so much for that a very uh comprehensive discussion yeah the methods uh key word there is appropriateness dr kirk yeah appropriate because there's no there's there are traditional methods but when it comes to the the use of it in research it's really more of appropriateness so thank you so much for that one okay so at this time at this time we shall now be having our closing uh remarks to be given to us by the dean of the business management doctor anthony b hello good morning everyone what a productive day can you hear me sir ex so in behalf of the graduate school of lourdes college the students and every one of them being here today i would like to express my sincere gratitude to our speakers for sharing their time and expertise to dr christa and dr jerome for an enlightening presentation on how to publish a research paper in reputable journals and designing research adaptive to the new normal the topics that you discussed today have given us valuable information on effective research writing and publication this is very very important topic especially the research is considered embedded to all teachers and students in the graduate school you inspired us and motivated us to continue doing research despite the uncertainties brought about by the crisis that we experience today once again dr jerome and dr christa congratulations thank you and keep safe thank you so much dr daga uh indeed there are so many things that we are grateful of for today and we most especially thank our speakers as well as our participants for joining us in our on our one uh in our first research webinar for the graduate school for this academic year of course we would like to thank the people who are behind the success of this activity all the communities that perform in order for us to have this research webinar we'd like also to thank of course the different deans of the graduate school as well as the coordinator of the graduate school dr judith chavez for really coming for really thinking a lot in coming up with this kind of interventions for our graduate school students and now well of course the faculty of the graduate school we would like to thank you as well for for your support for participating and for bringing in some inputs in our discussion in this research webinar we also would like again to thank our participants from the philippines as well as our international participants thank you so much and we hope to see you in our succeeding uh sessions we will be having more sessions this year in order for us to help our students as what dr chavez has mentioned at the very beginning this is really our way of helping our students to become the to be able to succeed in their graduate school our graduate degree programs so my dear friends we now come to the end of our session for the for today so we will now have our closing prayer may ask everyone to please dispose themselves for the prayer is all the time is is me where there is pain lord grant me stress grant me compassion that i may be your heart today where there is and anger lord grant me courage lord grant me strength that i may be your heart today when comes the day i dread to see i may be where there is fear i cannot lay where there is pain i can fail lord grant me courage lord grant me strength grant me compassion that i may be your heart and when yet there are lord give me hope your heart to thank you so much uh for the rv and him as well as for our closing prayer i'd like to request our participants of the session to please fill in the evaluation that are placed right now in the respective comment sections of both youtube live as well as fb live in order for you to be able to get this e-certificate for this session so once again fill in the information or fill in the evaluation so that you can have the certificate for this session uh earlier there were some issues relative to they couldn't open the the evaluation link please refresh it uh right now because you can now access the we have removed already the restrictions so that you can have an access to this e-certificate so once again we would like to request you to please fill in the evaluation for your e-certificates for this session once again i'd like to thank everyone for your active participation i'd like also to thank our technical team um with mr carl ninja bundook one of our it faculty who is heading uh who is behind all of our of the success of our technical broadcast for today so once again this is sir x your host for today thank you so much and see you in our next research do you
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Id: yPJWxEYdl78
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Length: 185min 19sec (11119 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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