3 Men Make Mistakes Judging Others, Their Lives Will Never Be The Same | Dhar Mann

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cut the crap we can't hire someone like you i really need this job once a criminal always a criminal do you know who the new ceo is no but he's gonna know who i am this is my job last chance you either pay up or i'm calling the cops i swear i made a human please believe me go now we can't hire someone like you i need you to leave immediately i really need this job go [Music] now wow that has to be the best fetus i've ever had you made this yes and if you hire me i can cook all types of dishes well i'm really impressed i'd say the job is yours just take a look at your application [Music] here um is everything okay no i see here you checked the box for having previously been convicted of a crime oh that yes it was a minor offense but that was such a long time ago i changed a lot since then you really expect me to believe that once a criminal always a criminal people like you don't change no i i promise people aren't defined by their past they can grow and change for the better cut the crap we can't hire someone like you i need you to leave immediately please i really need this job go now [Music] hey boss how'd you go with the applicant was this food any good yeah it was the best i've ever tasted i almost hired him until i found out he has a criminal record so i told him to get lost what if he's a talented chef isn't that all that matters he's an ex-con and we can't hire people like that wants a criminal always a criminal people like that never change no no no no that's not true people can change you see a long time ago i was arrested for a minor offense and got sent to jail i was in charge of making food for all the inmates but i had no idea how to cook until i met a man that taught me everything i know [Music] over time i ended up becoming a really good cook i became so good that when i finally got out of jail i decided to open my own restaurant that's how i got to where i am today so you see i also have a criminal background but i was able to turn my life around and change for the better wow i had no idea i'm so sorry i feel so bad for the things i said it's okay i can't believe how i treated that guy [Music] you know what there's something i gotta do [Music] hey [Music] i'm so sorry for how i treated you earlier it's okay honestly i'm used to it you were right people aren't defined by their past they can grow and change for the better i'd love to hire you for the position if you're still interested really wow yes thank you so much for giving me a second chance of course oh and let me introduce you to um angelo oh my god i can't believe it's you chris oh my god i haven't seen you in years wow wait you two know each other yeah this is the guy that i was telling you about the one that taught me how to cook i wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for him yeah thank you so much you really changed my life no thank you for this opportunity this is gonna change mine [Music] good morning there's a new senior manager position that just opened up oh get those for you sir thanks sam those are yours anyways um as i was saying our new ceo is flying in later this week to do interviews for the new position you two should really consider applying it looks like there's one for you and one for me oh yes this is the job i told you about this is my job and look it's like triple the pay dude yeah i can hear it now sam the senior manager oh that has a nice ring to it doesn't it yeah it does oh by the way do you know who the new ceo is no i don't think anyone's met him yet but he's gonna know who i am i'm the most qualified person in this whole building yeah if he doesn't hire me then he's a fool i'm so sorry to interrupt um i'm new here my name's taylor it's very nice to meet you ew i don't know where that hand's been i'm not shaking that right listen would you mind giving that to me i am not touching that trash that's your job i'm here i'll help you with that thank you um i really appreciate it of course anytime that's why you're not gonna get the senior management position you're too busy helping everybody who can't do anything for you well like i always say you should always help people in need even if they can't do anything for you that's something a janitor would say it's pretty funny right real smooth how exactly did you get a job here by the way listen i really hate to ask but would one of you mind helping me lift this box i have a bad back last time i checked my job description didn't say janitor so no we can't help you with that yes of course this is exactly why you'll never get ahead see you later jakey thank you i really appreciate it of course don't mention it your co-worker doesn't seem to like me very much oh sam he's a nice guy well to people that can do something for him at least he's probably going to become the new senior manager here there's a new job promotion that just opened up well you seem like a hard worker how come you're not applying yeah i'm applying too that'd be my dream to become the new senior manager here but it probably won't happen sam is really good at impressing people with status so i'm sure the ceo will choose him well you never know anyway thank you i really appreciate it um i i just i feel really bad i wish there was something that i could do for you well like i always say you should always help people in need even if they can't do anything for you wow that's a really wonderful attitude yo come on man i don't want to be late for this interview you realize the new ceo is going to be in there with us right yeah i know man i'm so sorry yeah just faster oh hey um look i really hate to ask but would one of you mind helping me take this to the trash um no okay we have a meeting with the new ceo upstairs right now okay we don't have time to help some janitor throw away some trash all right so let's go come on no problem i'll help you are you crazy you're really gonna be late for this interview don't you at least want to pretend like you want this position i do but she needs my help and you know like i always say save it don't waste your time trying to help people who can't do anything to help you all right don't be late sorry about it here let me help you thank you it's not a new coat but it's new to me i like that yeah exactly yeah but i'm still so sorry that i'm late actually your timing's perfect ceo's just arrived i'll be right back actually sir let me get the door for you well that's very nice of you sam you're always so helpful don't mention it it's my pleasure sir see that is how you get ahead you have to help the people who can help you sorry bud but that position is as good as mine and don't worry i won't forget about you you've been a good friend hey everyone i'd like you to meet our new ceo hi i'm taylor the new ceo hi oh i would shake your hand but who knows where my hands have been right i'm sorry i thought you were the janitor oh yes i actually went undercover as a janitor because i wanted to see how people would treat me you see when you're the ceo people tend to be a lot nicer and i don't want a senior manager who's nice just because i'm the ceo oh uh i can explain you see i don't normally talk to people like that i just oh you don't need to explain i saw everything that i needed to see jake any employee who would go out of his way to help someone who can't do anything for them in return wow that's the kind of employee that i'm looking for to guide my company i think you would make a perfect senior manager so what do you say would you like the job yes thank you so much this is going to change my life no need to thank me now let's go see your new office [Music] hey man like i always say you should always help people in need even if they can't do anything for you and then one day maybe you'll get it [Music] now you can pay up or i'm calling the cops oh please sir i swear i made a payment please believe me last chance you either pay up or i'm calling the cops no please please don't worry sweetheart i'll get you something for your birthday okay okay matter of fact did you use a little stock tip i gave you yes sir thank you um i think someone may be a little lost excuse me excuse me sir can i help you with something yes um i would like to order something to go i think there must be some misunderstanding the cheapest thing on our menu is a 13 cheesecake yes that's fine uh it's my daughter's birthday and i've been saving money i would like a cheesecake please if you say so here's your cheesecake and your bill thank you don't forget to tip oh let me get a refill on this yes sir right away sir thank you i think someone's dining and dashing i knew that guy was trouble there he is here sweetie this is all i could get you a happy birthday okay thank you daddy hey stop right there you thought you were gonna get away without paying huh excuse me i left money on the table uh there was a gentleman there he saw me yeah right he's the one that told me you left now you can pay up or i'm calling the cops oh please sir i swear i made a payment please believe me daddy is everything okay yes honey everything is okay all right last chance you either pay up or i'm calling the cops no please please this is all the money we have i was gonna buy my family dinner tonight you should have thought of that before you tried to rob [Music] [Music] me cheesecake and your bill i swear i made a human please believe me hey dar man fam make sure to subscribe to my channels and check out this next video i know you're gonna love it get your eggs in your pancake should i have a milkshake mom one chocolate milkshake please i want a milkshake too i think you already know the answer to that no how come he gets to have pancakes in a milkshake because i am his real mom where's my real mom she gave you up
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 12,334,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, life tips, judging others, the golden rule, why you shouldnt judge others, never judge a book by its cover, before you judge others, before you judge others watch this, how to be less judgmental, lesson about not judging others, how to stop judging others
Id: CdKDqa8w1Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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