Prophetic Word For June

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changing of the tides and the changing of the seasons so that they would know what to do and what was coming and what the Lord was saying and what was getting ready to happen come on right in and what was getting ready to go down well that is exactly where we are and I have a question for you if you've been if you have been following this ministry for any length of time when is the last time we released a word at midnight anybody all right I won't keep you in suspense I'll tell you New Year's Eve come on somebody it was December 31st in in 2018 we were getting ready to go into the New Year and there was such an expectancy the word of the Lord and just the beginning of the new year can I tell you it is just the same with this word and we had to do it at midnight come on somebody we had to do it at midnight so I want to invite you to not only get excited amen but also get expectant and I want to invite you and it's a bold statement to make but but I'm this because God is not a man that he should lie come on now so I want to invite you to put a demand on this word Amen once again I know that it's going to be the answer to many of your prayers so I want to thank you for setting some time aside and tuning into tonight's live broadcast whether you are watching live or maybe you are watching on the replay we are so blessed and just so honored that you have tuned in to receive what thus saith the Lord for the month of June 2019 my name is prophet Jolene Whitaker I'm in full time prophetic ministry I am the founder of relevant church which is currently an online Christian community and we do lots of stuff through this ministry we've got a Wednesday morning prayer call we've got a Friday morning coffee chat of course we've got Sunday services and we stay active on social media and in our community multiple outreaches to prisons and jails and rehabs and we've recently added on homeless outreach amen that's just a little snapshot for those who are perhaps not familiar with the ministry and to be honest with you that's really all I want to talk about myself tonight it is about the Lord Jesus Christ tonight it is about what thus saith the LORD oh my god I feel the anointing the Holy Ghost I already oh thank you lord you know I prayed before we went live I said Lord let your but your anointing just saturate this studio just just pierce through anything and everything that the enemy would try to construct or erect to to prevent the fullness of this word being released and just saturate the atmosphere with your anointing and he has done that amen we're going to be receiving the word of the Lord for June of 2019 now if you are somebody who likes to take notes I want to invite you you might want to go ahead and grab your notebook real quick you you might go and grab your notebook get a journal get a get a get get your get you get a wakeboard you can get a chalkboard you can get a poster board get grab a napkin if you got it get something to write down some notes I believe it's going to be a lot that many of you are going to want it to record for yourself amen and write down the date it's a good thing it is faith building to write down the date when the Lord says something when a prosthetic word comes forth amen and then you watch it and you you wait and you watch for the manifestation you monitor you know comments even on various platforms from this ministry and that is how you can see the Lord in motion amen that's also how you can test the spirits praise God and you should amen well June of 2019 is going to be a month of Jubilee it's going to be a jubilee June it's going to be a month of joy oh come on somebody that gets me excited right off the bat praise God in the name of Jesus let's go ahead and kick it off in the name of Jesus I decree and declare over you that many people under the sound of my voice you will look back and you will recall June of 2019 as a month of Jubilee and as a month of joy hallelujah thank you lord so if you have not yet done so because we're about to get right into it that was just the introduction so if you have not yet shared this message I want to just invite you to please go ahead and do so once again I'm not going to promote myself but I want this word to get out to as many people as possible there are people other than just me and you who need this word there are people who need the blessing and the anointing that is going way to come forth within this word and as a result of the word praise God it glorifies God it's going to glorify the name of Jesus Christ it's going to bring blessing to many people so I just want to invite you to share on whatever platform the Holy Spirit leads you to do so amen and I thank you for those shares let's go ahead and pray and then without any further introduction I want to get right into the Word of God Heavenly Father we corporately come before you Lord and we just worship you got on tonight God we say we love you you are a good god you are Almighty God Father we know that people may have disappointed us in the past and people may have led us down in the past Oh God and people may have failed us Lord but you will never ever fail as God your love for us is everlasting you are faithful and you are true God we thank you for the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on Calvary's cross for us that we may come into covenant relationship with you father we bless your name we exalt you Lord we extol your name god I speak a blessing right now in the name of Jesus as I stand here on tonight June 1st 2019 in my office of Prophet I speak a blessing over everybody under the sound of my voice God let's show word saturate their lives O Lord take their faith to another level god I'm praying for their households I'm praying for their families god I'm praying for their health Oh Lord I'm praying for their marriages god I'm praying for the ones who are believing for marriage Lord I'm praying for the people who are struggling in their body in their mind and their spirit god I'm pray for their finances for their businesses Lord you are the God who provides all things and I ask your Lord in the name of Jesus to do something personal significant and mind-blowing for everybody who is seeking you through this word lord I give you all the glory I'll give you all the glory I submit and surrender myself completely and fully to you not my words but yours Lord not my ideas or thoughts but your Scott do what you want to do say what you want to say O God for your glory that you may be glorified at higher and higher and that your people may be blessed greater and greater in the name of Jesus amen well if you have not yet begun to take notes this would be a good time we're gonna get right into this we are heading into Pentecost weekend the the Feast of Pentecost when the the early disciples were gathered there in that upper room and and there was a sound of a mighty sound of a rushing wind and and the Holy Spirit came upon them for the very first time ever I gotta be careful not to preach what kind of Kozma is it you praise God but but what did the Holy Spirit came upon them for the very first time this is the Feast of Pentecost and we we do well to keep those feast days and to observe them the Lord has never stopped I'll tell you something else my friend God keeps his feasts and he keeps his celebrations and if we are faithful to meet him in that place as we engage in remembrance and celebration along with the Lord hallelujah then we can reap a blessing and a benefit and there is a lot of blessing and a lot of benefit that comes forth by a Pentecost amen we're gonna get into that deeply this coming Sunday but right now we are heading into Pentecost now the the feast of Pentecost is actually celebrated June 1st and June 2nd here in the northern hemisphere so that means technically now it has begun now we are not going to get into the message for Pentecost tonight is the prophetic word for the month of June 2019 what Pentecost is it's relevant to mention right now it is crucial in fact for you to grasp right now because the presence of the holy spirit is there strong the presence of the Holy Spirit is very strong and there are many administration's of the Holy Spirit we're going to be examining a few of them on tonight as I release to you and and share with you what the Lord has revealed he's getting ready to do in this season and I want to make something very clear before I go one word further your season has changed hear me in the in the name of Jesus your season has changed Daniel 2 and 21 it is God who changes the times and the seasons your season has changed from today you're going to see battles evaporating from today you're going to see enemies keep that berating from today you are going to see walls fall from today you're going to see blockades overturned from today you're going to step into the blessing and the favor of the Lord unlike ever before it's going to be a Jubilee June it's going to be a joyful June hallelujah write this down if you're taking notes you're getting your joy back I said you're getting your joy back there are people listening to me right now I know it's been a long winter but the Lord wants me to tell you that you're getting your joy back spring of 2019 a we are still in spring it's in full effect until June 21st here in the northern hemisphere amen and I know that many of you are in other parts of the world but you just got to stay with me here because whether it is spring or autumn for you the the message is the same it's been a long season that previous season all our tiles amen but can I tell you in the name of Jesus and I prophesy it but your child is about to become your triumph God is going to put a praise report in your mouth and he said to release his people you're getting your joy back your joy is increasing in the name of Jesus Psalm chapter 30 verse 5 weeping may endure for a night but read thing comes in the morning rejoicing comes in the morning rejoice you are getting your joy restarted you are having your joy we knew God is giving you back your joy Zephaniah 3 and 17 and we're going to go deeply into this because it's incredibly important that you understand the difference between joy and happiness Zephaniah 3 and 17 the Lord your God is in your midst a mighty one who will save and he will rejoice over you with gladness he will quiet you by his love he will exalt over you with loud singing now that's incredibly good news for many of you who are going through a trial there are people listening right now and I hear about the Holy Ghost you got some you got some bad news even on today you have some bad experiences even on this week can I tell you the devil is a liar and when your season change all things must bow down to the decree of God for your life the only question mark in the equation is will you come into agreement with it will you receive it will you receive what the Lord wants to release into your life will you grab a hold of it and dare to believe it the Lord your God is in your midst right now on this night in the name of Jesus he is a mighty one who will save I don't know what you're dealing with but you need to understand whatever it is it is not difficult for God we're talking about the God who created this universe and many others we are talking about the God who designed your brain we are talking about the God who who set up for though the wiring of your nervous system he can handle your situation maybe he can get into the hospital room he can get into your body he didn't get into your kid he can get into your marriage and get into your bank account he who go right with you into that interview room God is mighty to save hallelujah he will rejoice over you with gladness now that's an incredible implication I need you to catch it that implies in rather it states that going to be something to rejoice over there's going to be something to be glad about oh come on somebody are you catching this he will quiet you by his love you might have come in under stress you might have come in to this broadcast under duress you might have had stress and anxiety all week long but God is going to quiet you by his love there is a woman listening to me right now you're on anxiety medication i'ma tell you my friend by this time next week you're gonna be off it in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus it's just gonna go God's going to quiet you by his love now if this is you lift your hands I'm told there's an anointing for deliverance you need to lift your heads and say Lord I receive it I was sick and I'm you need to be ready because the doctors gonna tell you one thing but you gotta have put your faith in this God is the great physician you're already healed by the stripes of Jesus dare to come out of agreement on tonight with the label that they put on you the Lord said there is somebody listening and I thank your Holy Ghost for that word of knowledge there is a woman listening you are on anxiety medication and is gone from bad to worse has it not it's gone from bad to worse as a matter of fact that medication gives you side effects heart palpitations right by this time next week you're gonna be off the meds and you will testify and you will say Jesus did it now listen to me carefully in the name of Jesus you need to give God all the glory you've got to tell people that Jesus did it amen hallelujah he's gonna quiet you with his love he will exalt over you with loud singing i prophesy in the name of jesus to everyone under the sound of my voice during the month of June 2019 you will feel the presence of the Lord unlike ever before God is going to visit you there are going to be visitations in the night he's going to speak to you in dreams you're going to feel his presence even when you're outside you're going to feel a warm wind just caress you you're going to know it's the presence of the Lord and going to encounter and experience the joy of the Lord unlike ever before I already told you you're getting your joy back in June of 20 it's gonna be a joyful June come on say joyful June joyful June you're getting your joy back and you're going to know that the Lord is with you you're going to know that God is doing this for you but he looked down from his throne and he saw you that he he urghhh you when you were crying alone in your bed he heard you when you were talking to him as you're driving in your car gripping that steering wheel too tight he heard you and he respond to you he came to see about you and you will know that God is for you that's a very powerful thing to know for some of us who have felt like everything is against us everybody is against us even the people who should be for you even the people who are the ones who were supposed to take care of you oh come on you stood at the altar and you took a vow to take care of each other that is your parent that is your family they're supposed to treat you differently so even the ones who you put you put faith and trust in God's not going to do you like that he's not going to disappoint you like that you're going to know that he is for you and of God before you nobody can be against you hallelujah and you will feel you got to catch this please hear me I'm not talking figuratively with any of this by the way please take this very literally very literally many people listening will literally physically feel in your body in your spirit in your mind your joy increasing from today from this moment you will feel your joy increase you might not be able to explain it that's the Holy Ghost baby you might not be able to actually put words and articulate what's going on with that stand knowing to hear the Lord hallelujah but from today your joy will increase but now it's critical to understand that joy is not happiness we've got to break this down very briefly before we get deeper into the word happiness is a euphoric but fleeting feeling right it's it's a euphoric feeling but it is fleeting why is it fleeting because it is based upon or contingent upon circumstances so you're happy because something happened or because of something somebody did it's contingent upon a thing or a person that's happiness in other words happiness requires something from an outside source to make you happy or to incite happiness but joy on the other hand joy means this write this down delight great pleasure jubilation there's that word jubilee hallelujah we're gonna get to that don't you worry jubilation triumph exultation rejoicing gladness glee oh I love it X acceleration exuberance and elation radiance that's joy it's deeper joy is deeper than happiness joy is more long-lasting than happiness it is substantial it is of substance it does not it is not fleeting like the wind joy attaches itself to you and becomes who you are if you let it joy will attach itself to you and they come your disposition if you let it and then all of a sudden you just become one of those very optimistic people one of those very positive people now you find yourself speaking life come on proverbs 18:21 now you find yourself speaking breakthrough you find yourself speaking health you find yourself speaking wealth you find yourself speaking blessing and those things begin to come to you because you are creating through the power of your words joy is deep and joy is powerful because joy changes the way you think and as a man thinketh in his heart so is he joy changes the way you speak and what you can best out of your mouth you see hallelujah joy is powerful your going to be one of those P was optimistic in Jesus name your joy increases from tonight in the name of Jesus I said your joy increases from tonight in the name of Jesus you're gonna be a joyful person you're going to be an encouraging person in the name of Jesus you're going to be a pleasure for people to be around hallelujah for everybody who's listening and says yeah but that's not how I feel right now stop saying that from tonight learn to edit your words baby let me help you learn to edit your words let God work on you let him work on your words let him work on your thoughts tell it lift your hands right now so lord I receive your joy in the name of Jesus let him download a portion of joy to you unlike ever before so that your thoughts are different your confession is different watch and see how your reality becomes different God is increasing your joy in the month of June 2019 it's gonna change the way you think it's gonna change the way you speak heads it's gonna change what you see in your reality hallelujah joy is being released to you and increased in you from tonight in the name of Jesus many of you will look back on this month and say it was a joyful June such joyful June things I didn't expect happened in June 2019 things I was praying for it came to pass in June 2019 things I was believing for sewing for confessing declaring came to pass came to fruition manifested in June of 2019 for the glory of God hallelujah Jesus and you're gonna be a pleasure to be around because your joyful you will not listen to this carefully you will not be affected by circumstances around you you will see joy joy doesn't let you be affected by circumstances around you like you used to be joy joy changes you to the extent that now you're a thermostat you become the thermostat they're literally shifts and affects the temperature in a room in other words you affect other people other people do not affect you you begin to affect others your disposition joy makes a deposit of joy into the atmosphere of wherever you go come on somebody so in other words in other words this is one of the ways Jesus is going to make you a world changer he's going to increase your joy come on somebody which is going to change your thoughts it's going to change a confession therefore it'll change a reality but then on the other flipside when you go into an atmosphere when you go to work when you go to the grocery circle or wherever you go you are a thermostat you're a thermostat you change the atmosphere of wherever you are not you're a world changer people are being affected by you they can't even explain it then you have the opportunity to simply take on my Jesus let me tell you about my Jesus glory to God that is how the Lord is going to make you a world changer and because your joy is increasing in June of 2019 so shall your strength because you're to see this because your joy is increasing in June of 2019 so shall your strength mentally stronger emotionally stronger spiritually stronger physically stronger in June of 2019 because Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 the joy of the Lord is your strength the joy of the Lord is your strength there is a reason why depressed people want to stay in a dark room they don't want to open the curtains they don't want to open the blinds now they feel heavy they got that spirit of heaviness on them right come on up they've got that spirit of heaviness on them and they don't want to leave the house and they barely want to get out of bed they're heavy they have no joy they start to feel weak they even walk slow have you seen this have you ever experienced it they even walk slow but when the joy of the Lord comes upon you come on somebody it is your strength hallelujah now let's look at the previous part of that verse it's very important because the prophet nehemiah said to the people again this is Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 he said go your way eat the fat and drink the sweet go your way eat the fat drink the sweet and sad portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared go your way eat fat drink the sweet and some portions to the ones who don't have any for this day is holy into our Lord the joy the Lord is your strength can I prophesy to you in the name of Jesus in June of 2019 God is going to make you a lover he's going to make you a giver and he's going to turn you into a messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ lift your hands if you know this is for you glory to God he's going to make you a lover he's going to make you a giver you know we already know you're gonna be a thermostat baby right you're gonna change the atmosphere wherever you bring the joy of the Lord wherever you go praise God but God is also going to make you a messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ how so he's gonna use you to give to others he's going to use you to help other people gotta know listen I prophesied God is getting ready to provide the overflow required for you to give go your way eat the fat drink the sweet and send portions unto them that don't have none God is going to prosper you he's going to release to you the provision required for you to be in overflow so that you can accomplish that hallelujah and be a good witness as to the goodness of Jesus praise God we share this with you earlier this week my husband and I brought gallons of coffee and then we also brought doughnuts and muffins to a crew that's that was working at one of our properties right and how could we do such things God provided the overflow it is a job sites amen and and so there's you know a lot of workers there and they're just there working on a property of ours but you know what I did I grabbed one of the carpenters pencils and I wrote scriptures all over the walls all over the walls I just went through you and I just wrote scriptures Joel - and 25 just to bless them Psalm 37 and for Matthew 6 and 33 they they all know that you know we're Christian and they know that that I preach and and how can I boldly do such things though they don't know me they work for us the joy of the Lord is my strength that's number one and number two I'm bringing portions to people and it being a good witness to the Lord Jesus Christ can I tell you something you're about to do the same God is going to download a boldness to you he's going to give you the provisional resource required for you to release to others and to bless other people in June of 2019 the joy of the Lord is going to be your strength and God is going to use you to bless people out of your overflow which means that you must come into overflow in Jesus name hallelujah in the month of June 2019 many people listening to me right now are going to be strategically positioned I said strategically positioned to be used of the Lord he's going to increase your joy he's gonna increase your strength he's going to bring you into provisional overflow and he's going to use you to bless other people to impact other people hallelujah and you will do so without fainting you will do so with great stamina for your strength is increasing even on tonight in the name of Jesus as you go forth through the month of June 2019 many of you are going to feel you're going to see that you're being healed in your body you're being strengthened in your body you don't feel weak even in your spirit even in your emotions there are people listening right now that you've been struggling with heartbreak you're going to feel that getting healed in the month of June 2008 you can't be crippled by that anymore baby I came to tell you it's time for you to get strong hallelujah and the joy of the Lord is your strength in other words this is your time and this is your season because you have just entered joyful June of 2019 hallelujah thank you Jesus now everybody go ahead and shout yes if you are ready for an increase in your joy it's going to be a joyful June Philippians chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 so if there is any encouragement in Christ any comfort from love any participation in the spirit any affection sympathy complete my joy can now catch this now here here we go here we go complete my joy being of the same mind having the same love being in full Accord and of one mind can i prophesy in the month of June 2019 many of you are getting ready to to see unity come back into your home you've been praying for it you've been standing for it you've been sowing into a come on as many of you been sowing into restoration and harmony in your household many of you are going to see even family members you've been bickering with they're going to simply want to make peace with you they're gonna simply come to you and people that might tell you something this is a very specific prophetic word for several people listening the Lord would say to you that there are family members who are going to come to you and they're going to say I just want to be at peace I can't do this anymore I don't want to fight anymore this is not how we ought to be and you're probably going to just drop your jaw because you know that that is not how they really were before let's see when the when that when the Spirit of the Lord begins to work on somebody when the Spirit of the Lord begins to come on somebody see you could not change them but God can you could not you couldn't get through to them nothing you said was working nothing you did was working but you prayed for them right you stood in the gap come on you even even forgave them for the crazy things they did to you you could not change them but God can God God is the one who gave Saul new heart changed him into another man we're talking about the God who literally designed humanity he can change that individual and I prophesy in the name of Jesus according to Philippians 2 verses 1 and 2 in the month of June 2019 unity is coming to your home I said unity is coming to your home unity is coming to your family unity is coming to your marriage come on togetherness is coming to your marriage it says here having the same love being of the same mind complete my joy oh come on complete my joy is there anybody here you have already received the word of the Lord for joy on tonight but now it there is somebody you can think of in your family maybe it is your spouse maybe it is your mother maybe it is a sibling maybe it is an extended family member whoever it is is there anybody you can think of where you complete my joy and lord I just want to happen say mind I don't want to fight anymore I don't want to have just scored anymore I want to have the same love it and be in full Accord lift your hands there is an anointing right now in the hunt prophesy in the name of Jesus there is an anointing right now for unity receive unity receive unity I speak it over you now in the name of Jesus receive unity receive harmony receive togetherness come on receive the one the same love of one Accord in your home in your family in your marriage in the name of Jesus unity complete my joy come on say hello say it say complete my joy Lord complete my joy Lord hallelujah Oh John fifteen eleven these things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full that is the Lord's desire for you he wants for joy to be full no more fragmented joy no more fragmented a security and stability in your mind your heart your spirit God wants your joy to be full according to John 15 and 11 receive that in the name of Jesus and now we are going to switch gears and go into the second part of this word and I want to tell you just what a warning is going to get a little intense at this point amen praise God and I give God all the glory and this would be a good opportunity to get a sip of my water amen and you might want to just brace yourself and maybe buckle up because it is going to get intense amen thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord I want to tell you some of you began to sew into the prophetic word for June 2019 even this morning let me tell you something manifestation and praise reports have been coming all afternoon into the evening I mean we were just like wow god I haven't even released the word you're already doing it can I tell you that is how that that is the extent to where God is on the move that is the extent to where God wants your joy to be full that is the extent to where your season has changed hallelujah thank you lord in June of 2019 God said you are coming into extreme victory extreme victory not just victory what extreme victory now we are not naive and we're not going to sugarcoat anything in order to have extreme victory there had to have been an extreme war in order to have an extreme victory the battle had to have been extreme I know that it has been a long hard battle for many of you I know that some nights you did not think you would make it I know that to some nights you literally cried yourself to sleep on a tear soaked pillow I know that some days you were running on coffee and just fumes I know that if it wasn't for the love of Jesus you might not even be here because the devil was trying to put all kinds of thoughts in your head I know that but the tide hallelujah the battle broke in the name of Jesus your enemies now listen to me your enemies are being swallowed up in the Red Sea from tonight your enemies are being swallowed up in the Red Sea from tonight Jezebel is being thrown down some tonight in the name of Jesus and she will be nothing more than dog food is a victory season baby but not just victory God said extreme victory now somebody with some bold faith say it's my season come on say it's my season for victory say it's my season for victory in Jesus name in order to understand this is very important in order for for all of us to comprehend fully the the type of anointing and and the level of anointing that there is present now in this month right now June of 2019 for extreme victory we need to examine the mighty act of the Lord in the life of Jehoshaphat who was a king in the Bible and the prophetic word that came through jahaziel which was the son of Zephaniah zechariah and we find that in second chronicles chapter 20 he give you a little bit of backdrop and we're gonna go into the Bible amen if you have a Bible this would be a good time for you to grab it so Jehoshaphat was who was king of Judah all right and he had a situation on his hands with rebellion and the tribes and he made the mistake of getting involved with a hab and you know that was not a good idea but but and then on top of all that some ungodly practices some pagan beliefs and pagan practices heathenism had just crept and seeped its way into God's people and Jehoshaphat however his heart was correct his intentions and his practices were good please catch that it's not just that his intentions were good it was what he followed through his actions were good and the Bible says that he did good in the eyes of the Lord hallelujah nevertheless in second chronicles chapter 20 this King Jehoshaphat finds him surrounded and where it's gonna get intense free for many of us he finds himself surrounded by the threat of multiple invading armies multiple invading armies and the key points that you need to notice on tonight are there are these number one he sought to do what was right number two he turned to the Lord when the threat came upon him listen to what he said in verses 6 and 7 of second chronicles chapter 20 alright say I was already I was already further ahead so second chronicles chapter 20 we're gonna look at verses 6 and 7 Jehoshaphat says O Lord God of our fathers art not thou God in heaven and rule is not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in thine hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee about not our God who did drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel and gave it gave a stitch of the seed of Abraham by friend forever so in other words previously we learn listen it's not just one enemy coming against him he's got Moab coming in he's got a man coming in he's got a time coming in and then even Morgan got into it the interesting thing about this is that these these invading armies that were banded together to come against him they had nothing in common with each other they didn't even like each other they made it it wasn't like they hung out together and knew each other you know we're friends know the only thing they had in common was they all hated Jehoshaphat and they wanted what belonged to him there are some seasons of your life where people will come together against you they don't even know each other until they've bonded in their hatred over you they they don't even pretend don't actually even particularly like each other all they have in common is a demonic bond to hate you and a demonic drive to destroy you that's what your host of that was dealing with and he made two very critical good choices number one he continued to do what was right according to the standard of the Lord and then he sought the Lord when the threat came upon him that is just like many of you many of you are just coming out of a season of extreme battle you did not take the matter into your own hands you sought the Lord you did not try to deal with it yourself you sought the Lord you prayed you asked God you waited on the Lord hallelujah so let's look at verse 12 because now what he does is he goes ahead and he calls a fast in Judah now we're going someplace with this I'm leading you into the prophetic word for June of 2019 how the Lord is going to bring forth extreme victory very unusual victory in fact let's look at verse 12 o our God wilt thou not judge them for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us neither know we what to do but our eyes are upon thee we have we're not strong enough for this enemy God we know we can't do this on our own our eyes are on you and will you not judge them listen by all means in this hour if you've been dealing with something that you know is demonic if you've been dealing with a contingency a company of enemies and you know that is you have prayed you have prayed about it you have prayed for the individuals that Satan is using by all means go to the Lord and say God take them out God take them out that's enough of this take them out will you not judge them Holland we're talking about extreme victory coming forth for you in June of 2019 take them out when you have a prophetic mandate on your life if there is somebody or something that positions itself against you and it comes right down to it and they will not relent and they will not repent and gods already tried to talk he'll take them out he will take them off this earth before they hinder you baby if there is a contingency or a company of enemies that has banded together watch this now to try to steal your inheritance to try to take what God gave you God gave that land to them God gave it - that was their promise their inheritance if there is a contingency of enemies that makes up their mind and they want what you have they deserve it they there or they just want it no no no no no if God gave it to you you need to stand for your promise you need to grasp a hold of it and you need to believe in the month of June 2019 that extreme victory is coming for they can't have your husband they can't have your wife they can't have your house they can't have your job that's your ministry that's that's your company that's your opportunity you've prayed for it you've sold for it God told you he made you that promise that belongs to you they can't have it in the name of Jesus you are receiving extreme victory in June of 2019 and that's why some of you really need to pray for some of your enemies you need to pray for them pray the Lord's mercy upon them so you so this this King here Julis of that he calls a fast in all of Judah some of you listening right now you want to receive this word you know this is for you you've already got your your mind is already going crazy it's thinking about the exact situation that you're dealing with may tell you something you need a best you need to fast put yourself on a three-day fast go before the Lord tell god father I'm believing you for this I am pressing in for it I will not let go until you bless me I will not let go until I receive my extreme victory then be bold enough you might want to put a seat on it yes I said it and you press in for that because there is an anointing present to see the battle completely turned in your favor enemies completely evaporate come on now extreme victory in the name of Jesus and then God answers Jehoshaphat so after all this they're in the fast they're coming together they're seeking the Lord and he's extolling God that's what that that's what it is what he's doing those verses I read that's called extolling the Lord you are entreating him you are you are you're telling him how great he is because he is you are telling him how mighty he is because he is and you are saying God will you hear me will you answer me I need you and then God answers then he answers just like he's getting ready to answer many of you in June of 2019 i prophesy in the name of jesus by the end of this month many of you are going to have a praise report that's gonna blow even your own mind you're gonna have a praise report that just blows the mind even of your family God is getting ready to bring forth extreme victory for many of you for your blessing in his glory hallelujah to Jesus second Chronicles 2014-15 then upon jahaziel the son of zechariah the son of banana yeah the okay and son of a few other people as well came the Spirit of the Lord in the midst of the congregation so the Spirit of the Lord comes down on the Prophet hallelujah and he said hearken ye all Judah and he inhabitants of Jerusalem and thou King Jehoshaphat thus saith the Lord unto you hmm I love it be not afraid nor dismayed be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude don't be intimidated don't be intimidated by what they're saying don't be intimidated by what they're doing don't be don't be intimidated because it looks like it's big because it looks like there's more of them and there are of you don't be intimidated by the great multitude don't be intimidated by the size of the issue you don't be intimidated by the diagnosis don't be intimidated by the the eviction notice don't be intimidated don't be don't be intimidated the devil is a liar the devil plays head games don't be intimidated baby extreme victory in June of 2019 hallelujah thank you Lord do not be afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but gods hallelujah the battle is not yours but gods hallelujah so these enemies wanted to come in and take away the inheritance the promise that God had given his people do you know why that is it's because the enemy always tries to steal what's yours that's why John 10:10 says he comes to kill steal and destroy right so the devil always has a plot but God always has a plan the devil always has a plot but God always has a plan and he can't out plan God because God made everybody including him so the devil has a plot in your life but God has a plan hallelujah and that plan is extreme victory in June of 2019 do you receive it in Jesus name oh come on somebody this is good stuff so he brings forth specific instructions he says all right here's we're gonna do and they all begin to worship the Lord and they all begin to just praise God and he brings forth these specific answer you know what let me read 20 he starting in verse 20 because I want you to hear this so they rose early in the morning after they worshiped and praised the night before they rose early in the morning and went forth into the wilderness and as they went forth Jehoshaphat stood and said hear me o Judah and ye inhabitants of is of Jerusalem listen to this now believe in the Lord your God so shall ye be established believe his prophets so shall ye prosper hmm my god and verse 21 and when he had consulted with the people he appointed singers unto the Lord and that should praise the beauty of holiness and as they went out before the army and to say praise the Lord for His mercy endureth for ever 22 and when they began to sing and to praise the Lord set ambush myths when they began to sing and to praise the Lord set and Bushman's against the enemies now and then it says and they were smitten which means they were they were they were they were destroyed I want to pause right there before I read another couple of verses I did a word study on that word and bushman's and you know it's actually talking about combat angels these are not individuals these are not human beings these ambushment were made up of a contingency a company of combat angels this is according to Psalm 91 God will send forth his combat angels he is Jehovah saw by oath Lord of Angel armies he is a man of war oh come on somebody and when the goat when it comes right down to it and the chips are down a few combat angels will clean that situation right up my god my god so verse 24 and we are still in second chronicles chapter 20 verse 24 and when Judah came toward the watchtower in the wilderness they looked into the multitude and behold there were dead bodies fallen to the earth and none escaped none escaped and when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies and precious jewels which they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days in gathering the spoil it was so much this is life-changing do you know that's called that's called a life changing a game changing a life changing extreme victory come on this is extreme victory extreme spoils extreme in Jesus name this is the anointing that you are under right now where God is getting ready to step into your situation and deal with it for you come on and the only thing that you need to do fast pray praise the Lord and get ready to collect your spoils come on somebody god is causing your enemies to be obliterated in the month of June 2019 and what I mean by that is it's going it's going to dissipate the storm is going to dissipate come on the storm is going to break you're gonna be out out in Jesus name and with the strongman removed this is very key with the strongman removed what can you do who knows this verse you can plunder his house that's exactly what we just read with the strongman removed with the enemy removed you can plunder his house hallelujah and the Bible says that when the thief is caught when you identify the thief when you know who the thief was and many of you do he must repay some enfold in Jesus name and we do know who the thief is because the Bible says in John 10:10 that Satan is the thief he comes to steal it's the devil behind everything don't get it twisted these people that the devil has used I have no other way to say than this they're just pawns in the devil's game pray for them forgive them you're dealing with the thief that's who's really behind all your warfare that's who's really behind all this stuff that you've been going through you're dealing with the thief but the Bible says in proverbs 6 and 31 that when the thief is caught he must repay Sevenfold he must repay 7 extreme spoils Sevenfold hallelujah that's what it says in proverbs 6 and 31 it says he shall give all the substance of his house too bad too bad it's the thief he's got to repay Sevenfold so there they are jealous of that and the the trial of Judah and their gathering the spoils all dead bodies it's over the enemies that they were seemed innumerable the threat that seemed insurmountable eradicated dealt with the Lord sent in combat angels he said ambush let's BAM done extreme victory and then came the extreme spoils their gathering the spoils off of them for three days and there was still too much they still couldn't carry at all because when the thief is found he's got to repay Sevenfold that's what we call extreme spoils hallelujah coming forth from extreme victory in June of 2019 many people listening to me right now you're going to have a praise report you're going to be able to say I can't even explain what happened all I know is that suddenly I got a phone call suddenly I got an email suddenly something just happened suddenly I got an invitation suddenly I suddenly just came through suddenly the tide just turned I don't even really know how this whole thing came about I got the contract I got the promotion I got the opportunity my god the business just took off I don't know I suddenly because the thief is caught the strong man is being bound and you are plundering his house and accessing extreme spoils in the name of Jesus the thief was Satan according to John 10:10 working in it he's been working through people to come against you but now God is setting ambushment sfrom tonight in Jesus name God is sending in the brigade in the name of Jesus come on here God is sending in the heavy artillery I'm your Bo come on here God is sending in the heavy artillery on your behalf and the enemies you see today you will not see tomorrow in Jesus name it's over in the name of Jesus it's about to be a Jubilee June a Jubilee June you're accessing a Jubilee June in 2019 you've been wondering where the funding is going to come from you've been wondering how you're going to get out of debt you've been wondering how it's going to happen how it's going to come together I decree and declare in the name of Jesus and I prophesied over you tonight in the name of Jesus there will be debt forgiveness in June of 2019 just this oh how many John over the past two weeks I want to say over these past I'm gonna say two weeks we've had a few praise reports of people who have been genuinely shocked mine's genuinely blown student loans went out debt went out we know somebody personally that their electrical bill just just something happened with us they were there they're not required to pay it at all they tried to pay it no no way you don't have a bill they're like no what I do have electricity no we don't you can't God will do these things you have to understand you know it's interesting because so often when we live in the natural and we live under these secular systems and companies and bills and banks and things of that nature we can sometimes forget that God can do anything he's got no boundaries whatsoever come on somebody right so don't ever forget that when we're talking about a Jubilee June we're talking about debt forgiveness we're talking about extreme spoils coming forth you need to be prepared for for the unexpected I mean to say expect the unexpected because God is going to do it however he wants to do it I know for a fact in the name of Jesus it's going to be very unexpected for many of you you're going to get what you requested you're going to get what you prayed for when it's going to come in a way that was going to blow your mind extreme spoils extreme spoils debt forgiveness a Jubilee Juno Jubilee is when you are released from debt you get a first start you get a clean slate I prophesy in the month of June 2019 many people listening right now you will you will testify by the end of this month that you went from payment plan to paid in full you went from payment plan to paid in full hallelujah sudden ambush Oh God set an ambush Oh God set an ambush Oh God and catch the thief Oh God reverse the curse that has been on your people's finances God and on their blessing Oh God in the name of Jesus rebuke the Devourer off of their crops Oh God rebuke the Devourer off of their harvest Oh God rebuke the Devourer off of their finances God their inheritance Oh God in the name of Jesus seven ambush Oh God remove the thief Oh God make him pay seven fold in Jesus name I can't wait to get your praise reports hallelujah accessing the spoils of war receiving seven fold and what was stolen is literally life-changing please catch it that's literally life-changing when you access a level of spoils that takes you three days to gather and you still can't get it all when you receive what was stolen from you over all those years Sevenfold that's life-changing that's when people change tax brackets that's when people change zip codes why are you catching this life changing furthermore I prophesy in the name of Jesus in June of twenty and God's gonna do these things for your blessing and his glory you have to understand we live currently I mean we are in the last of the last days we know that Jesus Christ is coming back soon and we anticipate the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and the world is very dark and rebellious and the world is it's a very Babylonian world right now we know this oh you bet God is going to do things like this for his glory he wants to show up and show out in your life hallelujah there are going to be people who look at you and they are just gonna not even believe how you suddenly went from from the back to the front from the bottom to the top how everything just supernaturally turned around and that is going to be your opportunity to talk about Jesus because it's not by might not by power and nothing you do yourself that this is going to happen for you but it's going to be by the Spirit of the Living God hallelujah so please my friend when this hits your life in whatever capacity it does please give God the glory please don't forget to just take a moment and thank your heavenly father and listen then I want to challenge you because I already know it's gonna manifest beautifully on mass all over the world hallelujah for the glory of God so I challenge you right now after you give my glory oh baby tell everybody tell everybody you know tell everybody about the goodness of your God the wonderful Jesus that you serve and love amen tell them about your Jesus and I prophesy that many of you are getting ready to lead people to the Lord in June of 2019 because of your testimony the testimony that God's going to give you this month because of the praise report that God is going to give you this month see the Bible says that I have not seen nor ear heard the things that God has planned for you simply because you love him 1st Corinthians 2 and 9 many of you are gonna get supernatural healing in your body the cancer has to go right now in the name of Jesus the fibromyalgia has to go right now in the name of Jesus the anxiety disorder has to go right now in the name of Jesus the colon cancer has to go right now in the name of Jesus the infection somebody's got like a parasitic infection that's gotta go right now in the name of Jesus and many people are going to see your supernatural healing it wasn't possible any other way you already did all that you know how to do doctors didn't know what to do with you they're gonna see your supernatural healing they're going to see your marriage suddenly restored how when the the joy of the Lord comes upon you and now your joy is made full and there's unity and harmony in your home in your marriage and they're going to see all those things happen for you the healing and the harmony and the joy and the right now they're gonna see you accessing extreme victory over a situation you've been dealing with for quite some time and they're going to see you just increase and the Lord prosper you and they're going to know that it's supernatural and you are going to have the opportunity says God to talk to them about me says the Lord talk to them about me says God hallelujah hallelujah for the Lord would say that he's doing it for you and he's doing it for his kingdom be a witness be a witness for the Lord open your mouth and tell people that it was God and many people listening right now there's a woman in Norway you're all the way in Norway says the Lord and there are some family members who do not share your passion for Jesus but in this month June 2019 all the way in Norway what's the weather like there I have no idea the Lord saw that you're going to have the opportunity to lead at least two of your at least two of your family members to the Lord this month honey I feel like you're crying right now okay you can cry it's all right let us know matter of fact you know what when we're done email me I would love to know what part of Norway you live in and tell me what the weather is like I'm interested in all those things receive that in Jesus name I know you've been trying really hard I know they make you feel like an outsider they make you feel like you're the crazy one you're the fanatic one well they're gonna get a taste of Jesus and then they're gonna be on fire woohoo amen hallelujah and that same anointing it's coming on many of you how they Lou you there's a woman listening you've been standing for your marriage he left I want to say it's between two to three years ago two to three years ago initially you had it you had communication but then they just kind of waned off and you're not even divorced the Lord said he's been speaking to him he's been speaking to him please don't be surprised if you get a text message out of nowhere in the month of June 2019 hallelujah restoration of your marriage that is your portion restoration of your marriage is your Portia hallelujah thank you lord in June of 2019 I'm prop assigned to everybody under the sound of my voice there will be reports and they will be widespread all over the world for this anointing is is potent and it is applicable to everyone under the canopy of this ministry hallelujah so there will be reports of sudden changes in your marital status sudden changes in your marital status John make a note we're going to hear about people getting engaged and we're going to hear about engaged couples setting the date sudden changes in your marital status some of you a Ruth anointing comes on you even on tonight a Boaz anointing comes on you sir even on tonight and you are getting ready to locate your Ruth Ruth you are getting ready to be found by your Boaz but that anointing comes on you tonight in the name of Jesus God's going to do a quick work and there are going to be some people who say well don't you want to get to know each other a little bit more and that's when you say Shh okay you're not okay with the advice because we and this is a god thing I can't even explain it well trust me maybe you want something like this and God is going to do a quick work in your relationship and things are going to progress very rapidly but that anointing comes on you tonight in the name of Jesus oh right on time because we're doing a marriage a kingdom couple series a two-part series next month in the month of July amen there's the anointing on tonight also for a rapid and sudden change in your health status I prophesied about that a moment ago but the Lord would have me to reiterate it because you need to understand for anybody who's been dealing with something for a long time I want to challenge you right now please stop saying that you have it whatever it is stop saying that you have it start to cream that you don't have it start to cream that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus start to cream that you receive your healing hallelujah by the finished work of the cross 2,000 years ago start believing that your body is getting stronger day by day start believing it and you will see it in them in the name of Jesus for there is an anointing for sudden health restoration sudden health status changing in June of 2019 God said that he's going to be restoring them vigor strength and youthfulness to many people as well there are some people where you're gonna get a second wind says God you're going to get a second wind that it's no it's not your time to decline yet no no no I know that we live in an ageist society yes I said it I know we live in a very ageist society and there are you know platforms and constructs that that are infused on you and imposed upon you from the time you're just a child it's in the media it's in it's an even literature it's in television it's in the film industry it's everywhere around you it's a very ageist society and it is global but the Lord is able to quicken you the Lord is able to renew you come on he's able to restore even your youth he's gonna give you back that full hair I don't know who I'm talking to he's going to give you that full hair he's going to give you back additional energy he'll then he'll add years to your life and what are you gonna do with the additional years you have enjoy the time you have the additional time with the new people he's gonna send into your life it's not over for you come on your ladder will be better than the former years your ladder will be better than the former come on your your ladder house will be greater than the former amen so that is an anointing that is coming upon a very specific group that is under the sound of my voice hallelujah whether you're watching live or on the replay but there is anointing for a refreshing even a second wind come on say I received my second wind say it say I receive my second wind in the name of Jesus and God is going to restore you give you energy they restore your youth come on just just add years to your life then here come the new relationships hallelujah and there is a woman who's gonna have some adventures and travel as well thank you Lord thank you lord hallelujah there's an anointing present in June of 2019 for geographical moves and for zip code moves so geographical move would be to another city another state another country but there's also an anointing for zip code moves what does that mean well that means God's gonna move you but you're gonna stay in the same area in the same city or the same state just your zip code is going to change God is moving his people that's that's where we're going with that word friends God he's going to be moving many of you in June of 2019 the Lord would say to you that your current situation your current status has out outlived itself it is no longer appropriate for you it is no longer appropriate for where you are going God is getting ready to move you he's getting ready to establish you and to situate you Psalm 138 verse 8 he is going to perfect all things that concern with you and in that to that end many of you are going to receive sudden changes in your living arrangements in the month of June 2019 sudden changes in your living arrangements in the month of June 2019 so in other words God is releasing keys prayers God the Lord is also releasing tickets required for those long distance geographical moves hallelujah tickets planes trains amen tickets required for the geographical moves and then keys as well for the zip code moves and the Geo moves praise God hallelujah in the month of June 2019 under the canopy of that extreme victory extreme spoils many of you will get contracts jobs and promotions contracts jobs and promotions and new opportunities God is sending new opportunities to you you will find yourself in the right place to meet the right person you find yourself suddenly just receiving an opportunity coming to you you didn't even go after it well that's the Deuteronomy chapter 28 blessing coming upon you where if God ordains it for you it begins to chase you down now this thing is actually pursuing you and many of you will testify and you'll write to the ministry and let us know that you weren't even looking for that job matter of fact you didn't even apply for the job well they sought you out in the month of June 2019 many of you are going to receive sudden opportunities sudden new jobs sudden promotions in the name of Jesus and I do mean sudden promotions some of you need to expect to go into work and just be hit with it do you want this position it's available you'll start today whoa today mm-hmm praise God you know what that's called it's called suddenly in Jesus name hallelujah praise God but listen many of you have prayed for it you've asked for it you believe for it you've sewn into it so here it comes in Jesus name you better be ready when that door opens you gotta leap when that door opens don't don't get the deer-in-the-headlights look you got a leap through that door when it opens for you amen in the month of June 2019 many people under the sound of my voice you're going to elevate in your tax bracket you're going to go up in your tax bracket as a direct results of accessing these extreme spoils hallelujah I promise I it's about to break forth in Jesus name God is going to do it for your blessing and for his glory and that brings me to the close of this prophetic word of the Lord what thus saith the Lord for June of 2019 well I don't know who this is for but the Lord instructed me to quite simply turn you loose in Jesus name God said turning loose I said Lord what do you mean by that and he said I'm gonna read this as I wrote it he said that some of you have remained calm cool and collected for long enough God said some people listening you have remained cool and collected for long enough you know what your dream is god knows what he put inside you he knows the potential and the skillset that he put inside you he knows how you put gold on the inside of you and he wants she's putting a demand on your anointing he's putting a demand on your talent he's putting a demand on your potential you are not going to be one of those people who has all this potential all these dreams all these aspirations and does nothing no no no no honey you have been calm cool and collected for long enough god says start Wilding baby yeah it's time to start what now you some of you you've been gracious and you should you've been patient and you should come on we should be gracious we should be patient you've learned to hold your tongue and to pace yourself let me say that again you've learned to hold your tongue and to pace yourself and there are seasons where we must hold our tongue and we must pace our something gotta win on the Lord and to get a pace yourself you gotta wait wait on his timing amen praise God but hear me on this night in the mighty and forever matchless name of Jesus Christ it's time to wild out baby you have been patient and gracious and calm and cool and collected for long enough you gotta start wild in somebody's gotta cut loose on tonight from tonight start wild and says the Lord you've been holding back and you know it you've been cautious and you know it even a little too conservative and you know it it's time to give them the real you you can be holy in a little hood yes I said it you can be delivered and still dope you can walk in grace and still be a gangsta you gotta start Wilding baby come on in his destiny season is your time this is your season start wildin you got to write that book do it come on do it start start tomorrow some of you get ready to start tonight you got to start your blog you got to launch that business you got to take that first step you gonna start your healthy journey you gotta start getting yourself together come on this is your time this is your you got to change careers you've been thinking about it you've been praying about you're gonna change careers come on go ahead and just change lanes God is going to meet you in that place of obedience but if you don't do it baby if you don't wild out just a little bit you'll never know what could have been and I want to tell you regret is a lot worse than failure because the worst thing that can happen is there might not be what you expected but can I tell you with God you can't fail hallelujah but you don't want regret God said start Wilding there are some people who are getting rid of has changed careers and there's gonna be a big leap of faith but God said he knows he talked to you and he knows that you heard him he saw the light a recognition come on in your eyes oh yes he did he saw the light of recognition come on in your eyes he knows you heard him God knows you heard him when he spoke to you start wildin sorry this is not the season to be conservative this is not the season to be overly cautious this is not the season to hold bet you've been calm cooling clay so the real you baby come on start Wilding it is the season of extreme victory it is a season of extreme spoils it is a season for joy it is a season for Jubilee it is a joyful June it is a jubilant you come on you gotta start wild and in Jesus name Hollis start the company launch the ministry you got to start wild and it in Jesus name don't worry about what they are gonna think please don't worry about what they are going to think they will get it when they see the Lord prosper you they will get it when they see the favor of God come on your life they will get it when they see the great things you're going to do for the glory of God as you impact your generation hallelujah start Wilding oh come on to school bananas just start right now just get just get out for this broadcast when we're done and write your vision and make it plain and then be bold enough to go for it somebody just just go ahead and scream yes right now in Jesus name scream yes I know people are probably sleeping in your house but then it mean the worst thing can happen is you wake them up maybe you can't but you're gonna hear this war - amen kriem yes in cheese's babe somebody needs to start wild and it's your time you've been conservative for long enough start well now baby it's your season hallelujah the enemy might have come in like a flood but God lifted up a standard against him and guess what that standard is gonna be many of you in Jesus name you're about to do exploits for the Lord Jesus Christ you're about to become a wealth carrier for the kingdom of God you're about to launch a business it's going to employ many people you're about to have your marriage be just just so indicative of the goodness and the beauty and the glory of God and the love of God that you impact people and inspire people for the Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah you're about to receive a second chance a new beginning you're about to access your dreams and receive exceedingly abundantly more than you ask or imagine you just need to receive it on tonight in Jesus name don't let the thief come and steal your feast don't let the thief come and cause you to doubt no no no have faith in this word go back and read all the scriptures in your Bible that the Lord gave you on tonight to substantiate this and dare to believe dare to receive in in the name of Jesus and somebody needs is there to start Wilding out in June of 2019 amen it's your time this is your season and that concludes the word of the Lord for June of 2019 at this point I look forward to your praise reports I already know they're going to come back they're going to start coming in immediately they're going to come abundantly and they're going to come from all over the world hallelujah there has been an increase in angelic presence the atmosphere began to shift about 72 hours ago and it's just been unbelievable God is doing something so major so massive in this season hallelujah and I believe it's going to touch your life God is going to take whatever you've been dealing with and turn it around for your good he's going to bring you into a place of extreme victory extreme spoils hallelujah joyful June jubilant June hallelujah victorious June praise God this would be your last chance to share the message if you have not yet done so please share take a moment and share on whatever platform the Lord leads you to do so if the Holy Spirit leads you to sow into this word some of you need to put a seed on whatever aspect of this word you know is for you and if the Lord leads you to put a seed on it just know that we're going to be praying over your seeds we're going to be speaking multiplication and manifestation a good harvest over your seeds hallelujah every seed has a harvest date this is Malachi 3 and 10 God says test me and see will I not open the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to contain that can't happen until you have seed in the ground the contingency for that level of blessing is seed in the ground and the ground matters the ground matters there are some people who have planted seed and you and I both know that is not good ground that is not good soil nothing grows there anyway so you want to put seed in good fertile soil where the Spirit of the Lord is where there is movement where there is growth where there is favor come on where there is prosperity so if the Lord speaks to you on tonight I want to just invite you I'm not asking you it's for you not me believe me because this allows you to access the economy of heaven you opt into God's financial system and if the Lord leads you to do so I just want to encourage you to be obedient to whatever he tells you to do I'm not gonna belabor this but I tell you man some of the most extreme instructions I have received from the Lord have been regarding this type of thing and there's always been a reason God's trying to get something to you amen but you've got to release what's in your hand praise God so just know that myself and John are going to pray over your seeds personally but this is such a big words a strong word amen and that's all I'm gonna say about that if you are listening and to be honest you are not in a good place with God maybe you've never been saved you've never given your life to Jesus or maybe at one point you did love Jesus you you did follow Jesus but you know something happened life happened sin crept back into your life just hard times it fell on you whatever the case might be my friend it is no coincidence that you are here tonight I'm grateful that you're here I'm so blessed that you are but I want to tell you and I love you enough to tell you this heaven is a very real place and so as hell you don't want any part of hell let's get just saved on tonight you and I both know it's time to come home what do I mean by that come home to the Lord come home to God come home to your heavenly Father who will never leave you never forsake you loves you with an everlasting love yeah you might have had some disappointments in their life but can I tell you Jeremiah 29:11 God has good plans for you he's ready to receive you tonight wash you clean get put you on a fresh path bring you into a new season a new beginning you need to start tonight and it all begins with receiving Jesus you've got to let him be your Lord and Savior which means giving up everything but him cuz he you're gonna see he loves you so much he's not gonna share you amen so I want to invite you to pray with me right now let's pray the prayer for salvation and let's get you started amen close your eyes and repeat after me you gotta say this out of your mouth repeat after me dear Jesus I give up all sin and I choose you I give up everything that is against you and I choose you Jesus come into my life take over my heart I will follow you now Jesus be my Lord be my savior help me Jesus I choose you I need you I love you in Jesus name I pray amen you pray that prayer you are now born-again Christian welcome to a family right to my ministry hit the link in my bio and write to my ministry let me know that you just prayed and got saved I would love to pray for you personally and just my husband and I will lift your name up to the Lord amen okay so let us know if you got if you got saved and we'd love to pray for you that concludes tonight's prophetic word for June of 2019 I pray that you are encouraged stirred up and in expectancy please put a demand on this word please be bold enough to not only believe it receive it but put a demand on it phrase God get some seed in the ground Oh God Lord I'm believing for my portion I'm believing for your portion too amazing I can't wait to hear your praise reports when not if when it gets your life amen well until we meet again my friend I love you so much with a little Jesus I will see you in social media I'll see one Sunday irrelevant church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] even [Music] we can do even when things [Music] we are you to live rather even when bringing change bring in change yeah [Music]
Channel: JoLynne Whittaker Ministries
Views: 18,057
Rating: 4.9036827 out of 5
Id: yu0fBc_m_8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 54sec (6234 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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