Prophetic Points of Interest - Part 1 - Lee Stoneking

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from the Word of God last chapter of the Gospel of Mark mark 16 beginning at verse 16 Jesus is speaking here he says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils say I have that power in my name shall they they shall speak with new tongues say I do it every day I really think you should I speak with tongues every day in my life sometimes more than once I just like to know he's around it's just a good feeling they shall take up serpents that means accidentally and if they drink and a deadly thing it shall not hurt them they believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover what any incredible insurance policy we are covered with as believers I want to talk with you tonight about prophetic points of interest prophecy is very intriguing in this hour because we're living at the end of the age Jesus is about to come and people are talking about it everywhere even people not in the church they're talking about it this is not tonight a message about some particular prophetic point where I lay out a foundation and build to some climatic ending but rather it's various points a prophetic activity that I'm very interested in and I feel that something will happen for you here tonight so I want you to lift your hands your voices in your hearts and pray that God will give you revelation understanding and that God will do with you exactly what he wants to do with you Lord Jesus tonight by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ allow there to be revelation understanding in this house upon everyone within the sound of my voice that you O God will lift us to a higher level of understanding that you will flow through Oh God these points of interest I'm asking you here tonight because we are the generation upon whom the ends of the world have come something is about to happen in the name of Jesus I worship you because you are God and notice now mightily both to hear and to speak put to carissa love the raucous attire Wanaka hi Anu Hoda horeca in Jesus name and everyone shouted amen you may be seated clap one more time uproariously and just let your voice be lifted to God hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus I wonder what would happen if every individual here even if you're a visitor here tonight now you are visiting with us if we were in your church you would want us to act like you but we are not in your church you're in our church so we invite you to act like us and if you if you don't act like us we know you're a visitor the safest thing for you to do is to act like us because we're out to get you so everybody just clap your hands that's just shout again with the vice of triumph to the Lord thank you god bless you forever in the beginning every believer was a preacher they won their families they won their neighbors they preached everywhere they literally destroyed the Roman Empire in the end result because as I have said here before the liens couldn't eat it the fire couldn't burn it the walls couldn't hold it there was nothing that could stop Christianity in the beginning it was like a forest fire out of control there was nothing because these signs followed the believers people were healed in the streets they didn't they didn't have buildings big enough to house the congregations at the beginning history tells us there were fifty thousand believers in Jerusalem there were fifty thousand believers in Antioch that was not a Roman Coliseum big enough to house that so these things were done in the streets there was preaching signs wonders and miracles the scoffers came and got too close to the fire and the fire got a hold of them and there was nothing they could do what is interesting to me is this as you read the epistles when the Apostle Paul writes these various letters he makes a statement at the end of some of them because at the end that most of the epistles there is a salutation greeting various heads of state and people that he knows within the church but then he will always add to that in many places and the Saints of the household of Caesar greets you Nero was the first Roman Emperor to persecute Christians but the intriguing thing to me is that history says Poppaea his wife was a believer that means she was baptized in Jesus name and she had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking with tongues right under Nero's nose there was a church in his palace and there was nothing he could do about it because I'm here to tell you tonight they may fight you and they may fight me but they cannot fight the God that is inside of us there is no ism there is no system there is nothing out there that is greater than what is inside of us and I hear as believers greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world that greater has the name his name is Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Devils tremble at that name tap your hands again if that excites you [Music] Christianity in the end I've listened to top professors from Harvard and Yale and they always speak about apostolic Christianity as that Christian cult I heard one of them say I listened to his whole lecture he said it was the Christian cult that destroyed the Roman Empire one of this is a cult I'm a cultist you want to see a real terrorist I'm a terrorist I'm so sick and tired of these people coming in and blowing themselves up you know what I decided what I'm gonna be a terrorist for Jesus I'm gonna just blow myself up in the Holy Ghost and just preach like I've never preached before and just go at it you want to see a terrorist I'm a real one but we're terrorists for Jesus we're out to absolutely destroy everything that's in the darkness we are there to bring light to bring light to bring truth to bring healing to bring deliverance to bring salvation with that I feel like shutting and jumping up and down and running the aisles because people this is the greatest hour we have ever lived it there is nothing like this there's nothing like this this is that another that is not coming this is that so get in it and get everything out of it you could possibly get out of it because there's nothing that can compare with this there's nothing out there that can compete with this this is that this is that and I've got it if you've gotten your to be something I've got it I've got that I've got that this is that so in this hour we must give our utmost for his highest we are the generation upon whom the ends of the world have come in Acts chapter 2 the Bible says here but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days saith God I will proud of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy that means to preach and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams x2 16 through 17 I know that those scriptures those verses have come to pass thousands have received the Holy Ghost our offspring have preach this gospel I understand that we have seen within our own ranks the Billy calls ministry in one service in Ethiopia a hundred and I think it was 80 some thousand people received the Holy Ghost in one service we live in the Western Hemisphere to us sons and daughters are 15 16 17 18 year old kids that's how we think about sons and daughters but in Judaism it's different in Judaism no priest could enter the priesthood until he was 30 Jesus did not begin his ministry until he was thirty years of age I don't care what anybody tells you you don't really get this thing called life together to you about 30 you really don't because but that time you're out of high school you either went to college or you didn't go to college either married or not married if you're married you get a child the - you've had two or three jobs and by the time you're 30 things are sort of settled down and people begin to get it all acclimated so in Judaism it's obvious because of their culture the way they live the sons and daughters to them were these people 25 32 32 or 33 years of age that were sons and daughters to them I have been watching in my travels I don't talk about this but I just watch it's very interesting to me in this hour for the last couple of years I've noticed this everywhere I go among us it's that 25 year old - about 35 year old age group they are the ones talking about the miraculous they're the ones talking about the gifts of the Spirit they're the ones reading the books and trying to get information they are the ones that are wanting and reaching this it's amazing in other words God it's working something right before our eyes and somewhere there's going to be a signal come from God and there's going to be a generation of young preachers men and women that are gonna step forward and preach like this world has never ever known your sons and daughters shall prophesy that's the thing we've not seen we've not seen that in its fullness we've not seen it but somewhere the Holy Ghost is going to fall and there's going to be preaching and demonstration like the world has never ever seen or heard of before it's going to shake our world but the thing I understand about this 25 to 35 year age group is they're they're wanting to do it they believe it but they're waiting for permission to do it they're looking to the elders to give them permission to do it they have my permission it's now or never he who has never made a mistake has never done anything forget those kinds of people if you feel to do something you ought to do it you people in this church right here some of you ought to get out of those pews and do things you've always wanted to do you've heard preaching it's coming out of your ears your pastor is one of the greatest preachers in our movement I've never heard anyone like Raymond Woodward he is absolutely brilliant you've got the best of the best hear the music everything you've got it you've got it what is wrong with your situation you want to come out of the seat and do your part I mean my God in heaven people there is something God is trying to do with you something God is trying to get you to do then get out of your seat walk across the aisle get a hold of somebody lay hands on them pray for him pray for them length hands on them pray for them tap your hands again and just let your voice out because the Holy Ghost is speaking to many of you here tonight Oh this generation they have young people there lay waiting for a confirmation from us they're waiting for permission to do it brother Tito big bands told me a couple years before he passed away he called me one day he said boy if God would raise up ten thousand prophets real ones like the Old Testament he said it would shake the entire worried oh but I'm saying his and ever they come in vernacular I believe in you God believes in you Abraham Abraham is called the father of the faithful what's interesting about the whole story with Abraham is that God Himself entered into a blood covenant relationship with Abraham God said oh hey Abraham you take a heifer for me and circumcision for you and we will mingle our blood together and make a blood covenant relationship that type of thing has been going on for centuries and millennia even in this country when white man came to this continent it was not uncommon among Chiefs and white men to sit their wrist put their wrists together so their blood would flow together so they became brothers it goes back centuries millennia but the interesting thing about Abraham and there's governor with God is that in the Old Testament God had no name they had what they called the Tetragrammaton it was four consonants jhw h or j h vh it was unpronounceable it was called the Tetragrammaton abraham as we call him his name in hebrew was of rama and sarah and hebrew her name was Sarai he said Abraham we've mingled our blood together but I'm going to take the H out of the tetragrammaton and I'm gonna hook it onto the end of your name and change your name from Avraham to / hum or from Abram to Abraham bring Sirah your wife to me I will take the H of the tetragrammaton and for the end of her name and change her name from suraíh to Sarah this business of God having a people for his namesake is not something new it goes all the way back to Abraham it's what he always wanted thank God we live in our generation but we have his name we have his name we are the people of his name God has mingled his name with us the name of Jesus is engraved indelibly in our souls in our minds in our hearts to worship God we are the most privileged people on the face of the earth there is nothing like it I feel like clapping I feel like clapping I just feel like waving a hand we are the people of his name [Applause] so when this happened when this happened Abraham became God's earth partner they were in a blood covenant relationship god no matter how wicked sodom and gomorrah became he could not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah until he checked with his earth partner and Abraham bargained with God down to one soul and got that soul out so I've been praying today I prayed and cried over Canada as a Jesus if you can't bargain with Abraham down to one soul I'm not bargaining with you for one soul I'm bargaining with you for thousands of people in Canada that believe in you who love you who carry that word who come to church we're not ashamed of the Bible for their sake for the sake of the believers that for the sake of the righteous in this country in this nation god save this nation until the rapture I pray it for America I'm praying it for you God hears an answered prayer people we can bargain with God we are entered into a blood covenant relationship we have a relationship with him that is why no matter how wicked this city becomes as long as Raymond Woodward is here crying and praying for the souls of men God cannot destroy this area if you're a pastor here tonight you're a preacher I don't care how wicked that city becomes and how angry God becomes with it he will not destroy that as long as you are there interceding he has to get permission from you because you are God's earth partner in that city you are God's earth partner in that area if that excites you clap your hands and that your voice out and shout to the Lord [Applause] Jasha that Circassia yeah he shot look at this entire Jesus let your voice one more time because there's revelation here there's understanding in this place [Applause] [Music] that's it keep doing that keep doing that because something is happening something is changing in the spirit world something is changing in your world you don't know what the granite Lord Jesus I pray [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] just shout for a moment when you do something breaks when you shout Jesus cracked the walls of hell Oh can't we storm the gates of Hell tonight in the name of Jesus the anthem of Iraq retire Wanaka handle of arrest record of Elisha I have learned I have learned in my own walk with God to bargain with God because I am a son of God I can run into his throne room any time I want to I can crawl up on his lap leaned on his breast and feel the heartbeat of God and he will hearken to my cry go ahead just from Allah in your own way run into his throne room just for a moment [Applause] Chaka Chaka Chaka go ahead and just let your voice out there's no one here but us in Jesus oh ho Taha Rico should I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] - oh shut up Ibaka thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Applause] thank you Jesus Moses Moses is not a Hebrew name it's an Egyptian name it means pulled from the water Moses was one of the most unique individuals in the Old Testament because he was a theocratic means that God spoke directly to Moses and Moses spoke directly to the people so the Hebrew children under Moses lived in a theocracy God was a was a voice that spoke directly to Moses and Moses spoke the Word of God directly to the people Joshua also was a theocrats spoke directly to Joshua and Joshua spoke directly to the people I have been trying to absorb some of this in the last few years because at this point in my life I have been in contact with some of the greatest most spiritual men that I know in our movement and I am convinced and have been for some time that we have theocrats among us they have the anointing of a theocratic there are men among us that God speaks directly to and they speak that directly to the people that's the most exciting thing in all the world in fact if you really get a hold of what I'm saying here tonight then Church becomes the most exciting thing you do all week long because you can talk among yourselves and say I can hardly wait to get to church we're about to hear from God we're about to hear the voice of God something is about to happen in that service tonight we are in total khadisha for Ithaca Shia nakiya people this is the most exciting thing you do all week long anointing is the most powerful thing in the entire world you will hear many explanations and definitions for the word anointing but I have finally narrowed it down to one thing anointing is nothing more or nothing less than the favor of God some people have more favored than others that's what anointing is it changes everything anointing breaks the yoke of pondage it is the only thing that breaks the yoke of bondage inspiration does not break the yoke of bondage inspiration has many sources that's when people come out of theaters crying it was a very inspiring movie they come out of games and there's a spiring touchdown or somebody made a basket or the you go to some opera and someone just goes off the charge with their voice and people cheer and drop things and throw things it's amazing inspiration has many sources but an anointing has only one source it comes from God and so for that reason I'm not interested in having inspirational services I'm interested in having a night it's services for the anointing of God is there because you can come to an inspirational service and you may be inspired over the choir inspired over the rhetoric and the sermonizing but you go out after church shoo little dope get into vol Vince immorality you may have danced and shouted but it was just inspiration but if there's anointing in that church service and you're in this altar crying and praying and speaking with tugs you're not gonna go out after church and commit sin anointing breaks the yoke of bondage anointing puts you in the realm of the supernatural I thank God for anointing I think God for anointing on you I think God for anointing on you you you I think God for the anointing upon you if you can feel anointing in your very soul tonight do something to give evidence that you feel the very anointing of God that his anointing is flowing in you that his anointing is working in you Satya Tasha Tata Keyshia TACA TACA retire this I pray for the anointing all the time because I can't do it without the anointing it doesn't work without the anointing and I tell you I'll be honest with you I've been in some services but I didn't feel anything at all nothing zero zilch I've set and thought I've said God they're about to open the curtains on me I'm about to go onstage I don't feel anything Jesus is something you know he never comes a second too soon never comes a second too late either I've walked to that pulpit absolutely by faith and when I got there it fell on me you just have to blindly trust God that he's gonna do it because if he doesn't do it it's not gonna work but if he does it it works it's not because I am Who I am it's because he is who he is He is God and his name is Jesus and we know him [Applause] oh shut up if you get the challah goes that the challah go speak through you for just a moment huh truck initial of the raucous attire handle heavy rock oh sheeeeeit iyavor akka wonderful Jesus wonderful that you are alive in these people vibrant in these people may they never be the same I pray in the name of Jesus of Nazareth [Applause] Oh ha ha ha ha Rocco should I have Rebecca check your hands one more time and see what the Lord will do I can continue preaching or I can finish this tomorrow night but there's something wonderful here at this moment in this service probably could there could supply over Russia and gosh a title character Theotokos architecture shot that we shot the cha cha cha cha how many of you feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost right now reach over take the hand of the person next year and pray for that anointing to flow from you to them all over the audience just do it in the name of Jesus by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus whoo ha shot October Felicia Tata Keisha from dr. Rakesh whattaya Veronica that's it that's it the power the power is above a believer the power of believers is being transferred that's it that's it otoko shota imparted by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus such as I have in the name of Jesus such as I have in the name of Jesus that's it keep on coming such as I have in the name of Jesus you can say that authoritative Lee you can say that with authority you can save that Gotama cachaca you can declare that in the name of jesus because that's who you are you people are believers you've got this power you've got this power all over this audience Atacama Chaka Khan dr. Rafa Rakesh a taya Khandava raka raka raka raka shotta I encourage people I encourage all of you all over the audience if you're able to just stand and lift your hands on begin to worship because there's something very spiritual happening there's an anointing flowing upon the people there's an anointing coming from God himself to you people Katara Africa Pandava Dasha taya but there shall die of our Akash retire in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Applause] that's it that's it you young people just that your voice is out just that your voice is out raka raka Shaka if you were a parent to some of these young people down here reach your hands toward these young people you may want to come down here mother you may want to come dad you may want to come down here and get a hold of your boy get a hold of your girl and just pray for them because the anointing is upon them the anointing is upon them they are the future of everything this generation this younger generation a Tukka Tukka they're going to reach this world [Music] [Applause] [Applause] one that's it that's it keep on coming don't be afraid if you feel to venture down here some of you may want to get a hold of what I'm talking about more in-depth if that is the case and you want to get involved in the realm of the supernatural as a believer come here and stand and lift your hands on your voices and just cry out to him because God answers prayer God answers prayer he wants you to enlist don't wait to be drafted just enroll just enlist in his service and the fringe benefits are absolutely incredible out of this world mr. Hashimoto Koresh Athiya Honda never Russia prefer Kadisha Mendota have a rock oh sheeeeeit ayah that's it wonderful wonderful the hunger in this place is extraordinary vodka got a shot at the lava rock retire on dr. Carissa
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 31,070
Rating: 4.8547654 out of 5
Keywords: prophetic, points, of, interest, lee, stoneking, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic
Id: sercOBkP0Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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