Prophet Muhammad's Journey to Heaven (Al-Isra'a Wal Miraaj)

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the most severely tested have always been the prophets vilified and attacked by proud disbelievers wallowing in sin and the last one Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him suffered immensely but after every hardship comes ease and so we begin after 12 years of calling people to reject idols and worship only one God he peace be upon him was sorely tested by the year of grief tragically his uncle Abu Talib died whose kinship provided protection from markets now buoyed up as thugs in disbelief in that year pagans imposed severe sanctions upon his tribe Bernal Hashem a me to starve Muslims and make them outcasts undaunted he went to dive inviting to his love but they pelted him with stones until he bled and he had to escape really fast on seeing his bloodied sandals Gabriel said is the Prophet peace be upon him ordered he'd crushed the thigh offense under the mountainous range but in his mercy the Prophet peace be upon him stalked him saying I pray their children will believe and Allah brought about that change in that same year before migration to Medina he was devastated by the loss of his loving wife Khadija peace be upon her while disbelievers closed all doors upon him Allah didn't forsake him but opened up the doors of heaven for him in honor Allah glorified himself on introducing al Israel while mirage the prophet's miraculous night journey and heavenly ascent where he was physically taken from Makkah to Jerusalem and then up to the highest heaven in one night he was sent glorified his Allah beyond all the evil they associate with him who took his slave Muhammad on a journey by night from Masjid al-haram to Masjid al-aqsa whose precincts we have blessed so we might show him our signs by sight it all began one night in aunt Hannah's house as he peace be upon him slept between his uncle Hamza and cousin Jaffa on the floor when the roof of the house split open through which angels entered picked him out and took him to the kaaba's door at the table as Higa angel Gabriel laid the prophet down and slit him from his neck to his navel his open chest revealed his heart was removed and washed with zanza and filled with faith and wisdom from a gold utensil before being resealed Gabriel led him to a fabulous heavenly creature called the boar arc a white pony sized steed who became agitated in alarm but Gabriel consoled it saying it's rider would be its most honored yet so Barack broke into a sweat and became very calm the boar ark was the steed of former prophets for example Abraham peace be upon him rode it to traverse the distance quickly between each spouse for Sarah and his son Isaac lived in Hebron but Hagar and Ishmael lived in Makkah where he built the Kaaba a las House the Prophet is before him mounted the Barack amazed to find that with each proves that it zoomed to the horizons edge in sight completing a month's journey within seconds it left from macas Kaaba to Jerusalem's al-aqsa mosque in one night he dismounted the bull ark and tied it to the hitching post of the prophets in Jerusalem and two units of Prayer performed then Gabriel led him to the rock from which the Mirage ascended to heaven ladder or stairway angelically adorned the mirage is a glorious vision that the dying person's eyesight is drawn towards where angels carry souls beyond the sky the Prophet peace be upon him was privileged to pass through that portal up to the heavens in body and soul and he peace be upon him ever told a lie gabriel accompanied him to the first Heaven's Gate guarded by angelic gatekeepers whose permission must be sought following angelic protocol Gabriel identified himself but the angels wanted to know who was the man he had brought angel Gabriel told him it was muhammad peace be upon him to which they asked has his mission started with delightful refrain when he replied affirmatively they cheered marhaban or welcome indeed he is the best of those who ever came so the gate to the first heaven was opened and the Prophet peace be upon him was welcomed in joy as Gabriel offered him a drink he was given a choice between wine or milk and he chose the milk to the natural disposition did Gabriel make a link milk was linked to the fitrah for its a baby's first food doesn't intoxicate and symbolically showed Islam's perfection Gabriel said had you chosen wine your Ummah or nation would have been misguided so milk was a pure selection of course the prophet's journey occurred in the Macan period when wine wasn't forbidden but Islamic Lee legislated gabriel said you've been guided in your decision meaning that God intended to spare believers from being intoxicated after he was a ciated Gabriel led him into the first heaven towards prophet Adam peace be upon him the first man God ever created angel Gabriel introduced him saying this is your father give him your greetings or salons which he did truly elated Adam responded and added you are most welcome all pious prophet and pious son and prayed for his well-being it's interesting how each heavenly level strengthened the Prophet certainty as preparation by Allah the all-seeing in the first heaven he met Adam peace be upon him who was cast out of heaven but repented and regained entry by Allah's grace on reflection the Prophet peace be upon him could remain hopeful after X Vol'jin from Mecca that he'd returned to his birthplace on leaving the first heaven he saw Adam weeping at souls to his left but laughing at souls to his right gathered round when he inquired he was told that Adam peace be upon him wept for his offspring destined for hell but laughed at the heaven bound angel Gabriel then lifted the Prophet peace be upon him to the second heaven repeating angelic entry protocols at this second location there he met and greeted the two maternal cousins John and Jesus oh yeah yeah and ISA peace be upon them a truly joyous occasion Jesus responded saying welcome o pious prophet and pious brother who looked as if it just bathed his face of lush the Prophet peace be upon him noted Jesus as being of medium build with red white skin tone and shoulder length hair straight and plush on reflection he peace be upon him could remain firm against Jewish foes who killed John and Zachariah and boasted of killing Jesus too and that he would overcome their opposition after migration as their sly rejection of God's messengers was nothing new fascinatingly the Prophet said that Jesus peace be upon them both is currently in the second heaven in body and soul awaiting his return the Prophet said that Jesus and he peace be upon them both were as close to each other as two fingers and Jesus peace be upon him we'll have another turn he was then lifted to the third heaven where he met Joseph or use of peace be upon him by Gabriel repeating protocols as was his duty he peace be upon him mentioned that people in heaven would look like Joseph or his mother for they were given one half of all beauty on reflection he peace be upon him would remain magnanimous for Joseph left for dead by his brothers forgave them after gaining rule likewise his own kinfolk would try to murder him but upon victory he would forgive them even though they were very cruel in the fourth heaven he at Enoch or Idris peace be upon him who Allah said was a truthful prophet who he raised up to a high station Enoch was also raised of bodily to the heavens before his death in the forth and experienced the prophets elevation on reflection he peace be upon him would be consoled that he wasn't the only one to experience the mirror arch as Enoch had already been Enoch was also the first to write with a pen and although Muhammad peace be upon him was unread they were equals on the same team in the fifth heaven he met Aaron or Harun peace be upon him who gave support to his brother Moses and started the priestly line even though Israelites indulged in idolatry Aaron guided the pious to stay monotheist as would the Prophet peace be upon him over time in the sixth heaven he met moses or musa peace be upon him seen as a dark-skinned man with curly hair like handsome chinois blacks upon reflection he peace be upon him would say that Moses was tried severely by the children of Israel but whether their attacks on his way up to the next level the angels noticed Moses peace be upon him crying and asked him why so he replied without any resent this war lamb or young man's Ummah or nation will have more followers than me on the last day without Envy or dissent in the final seventh heaven he met Abraham or Ibrahim peace be upon him whom he greeted as he did to Adam peace be upon him like a father to a son Abraham was the father of Jews and Arabs as well and the Prophet peace be upon him said that he looked like him second to none Abraham was resting his back against the baton matter mood or oft visited house which the Kaaba mimics in its roll every day 70,000 angels circle around it never to return to it again performing pilgrimage a once in a lifetime goal Prophet Abraham then entered lush gardens surrounded by the souls of infants who had died in innocent state the Prophet peace be upon him was consoled that anyone who entered Islam would have their prior sins wiped clean from their slate Prophet Abraham peace be upon him asked Muhammad peace be upon him to remind believers that paradise was spacious and fertile with musk for soil as the Prophet peace be upon him looked around he saw tents made out of pearls and bejeweled mansions rewards for those who toil he was thrilled to have met Abraham Halil Allah or the friend of Allah but then Gabriel told him to walk to an elevation and took him to a glorious tree called acid rotten muntaha or the furthest lote-tree for a magnificent revelation he noticed four rivers emanating below it - showing the Nile and Euphrates and - hidden with a shimmering flow the lote-trees leaves were as big as elephant ears and it's fruits like 6-foot Yemeni jugs beyond which angels do not go gabriel halted at its boundary but urged the Prophet peace be upon him to go on passing angels who record God's decrees as scribes angels are lighted on the tree like starlings or golden butterflies and it lit up in colors and lights impossible to describe all of a sudden the tree lit up with an amazing wondrous glow as the Prophet peace be upon him moved in awe towards Allah strong Gabriel stepped back in his angelic form with six hundred bejeweled wings while Muhammad peace be upon him walked into veils of light alone when the Prophet peace be upon him was asked whether or not he saw Allah he said he did it as Allah was beyond many veils of light yet the greatest prize in paradise will be to see Allah with our eyes above his throne in a manner that befits his might words cannot describe what happened next but sufficient is that mortal men are only able to see Allah after they die it was in their meeting that Allah decreed that all who died without committing idolatry or will enter paradise also revealed during that momentous event were the last two verses of surah Baqarah as Allah speech in the Quran but due to the intervention of prophet Moses peace be upon him the daily prayers were reduced from fifty to five for the followers of Islam for when the Prophet peace be upon him went back to the sixth heaven Moses peace be upon him asked how many prayers God had decreed so he could advise when told it was fifty he insisted the Prophet peace be upon him asked for a reduction as Jews had found it hard to comply or to compromise so the Prophet peace be upon him kept on going back to obtain a reduction granted by Allah's mercy indicating Islam's ease by intent until he felt shy then God decreed I have reduced the prayers from fifty to five each one given a reward equal to ten finally Gabriel took him on his journey back where he not only saw the wonders of paradise but also the horrors of hell on one extreme he saw the gold brick house of Omer and on the other he saw adulterers burning in a narrow necked well he heard the footsteps of Morez in Balad but also saw takers of usury with snakes writhing in bloated bellies being trod he saw faces of backpackers being cut with copper nails but so formed into treasures thicker or the remembrance of God he saw rivers of milk wine and honey but also sees as a fire cutting the lips of those who don't practice as they preached he saw three trunks made of gold but fire entering and exiting those who pilfered an orphans wealth out of their reach he saw angel Malik the unsmiling keeper of hell and gave him salams but saw fruits of jemna of a dazzling array he saw does a boom tree of hell with hurtful berries and stalks of snake heads butts of heavens gardens all in a day he even thought that job the Antichrist blind in his right eye the other a murky green biding his time but soon to appear it was all very exhilarating and a great honor but eventually Gabriel led him back towards Earth's mundanes fear when he alighted at his departure point in Jerusalem he was welcomed by all the former prophets who had ever be in fact all 124,000 were assembled and he recognized Abraham Moses and Jesus peace be upon them all amongst others that were seen all of God's prophets lined up in a row behind him and he was honored to lead them in prayer indicating his position he led them in fire or dawn prayer in the new daily format being the last prophet and seal completing God's mission now for those who don't pray their five daily prayers please comprehend their importance and their magnificent initiation in fact the Prophet peace be upon him said abandoning the five prayers breaks the covenant between him and us so fulfill your obligation then he mounted the board ark for the return journey and on the way back to Mecca a Syrian trade caravan he did spot a camel bolted startled by the boo dark but he stopped by another train to see if a drink of water was available or not all the trade crews were fast asleep so he drank water from their covered containers left for the public to partake as they were headed for Makkah he noted the caravans details like sacks on camels estimating how long they take for if a camel train traveled 25 miles per day the journey from Mecca to Jerusalem would take a month to complete so when Gabriel returned Muhammad peace be upon him to the hedger of the Kaaba he worried how he would explain such an amazing feat as he sat in anguish over how he would go about telling the people about his overnight trip along came the worst one Abu Jaffa noticed the sad look on the prophet's face and quipped do you have any news in earnest was poking fun so the Prophet peace be upon him said I was taken on a journey last night relaying the event you went to beta luck this last night and sit here this morning if I call the people will you repeat what you just said he peace be upon him replied affirmatively and as he addressed them makrand heads shook in disbelief as they clapped and jeered many who had warmed to Islam now turned on their heels and the prophets enemies had a field day as they cheered some quizzed Abu Bakr who replied if Muhammad peace be upon him said so then I believed him so they accused him of being a freak he added I believe in greater God's revelation descends to him from heaven hence his epithet true believer or as Sadiq others knew the Prophet peace be upon him had never been to Jerusalem and vowed to accept his story if he only described it all clear as he did so he felt unsure so Allah raised a vision of Jerusalem before his eyes so he described it in detail without fear they were still in doubt so he peace be upon him described the trade Caravan it's estimated time of arrival and his own interactions but even though the camel train came in exactly as he had predicted they stuck to opposition and disbelieving factions next day Gabriel taught the Prophet peace be upon him the new prayer and daily timings who in turn led the Muslims endure at noon it wasn't long before the Mekons demanded a miracle but still turned away after seeing the Prophet peace before him split the moon subsequently Jerusalem's Christian patriarch recalled the night when Alex's door stayed ajar as immovable as a mountain and by daylight he verified that the cornerstone had a hole with traces of a riding Beast tethered and ready for mountain
Channel: TheNeedForCreed
Views: 262,171
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Keywords: Allah, God, Lord, Almighty, Creator, Divine, Quran, Sunnah, Sunni, Salafi, Hadith, Islam, Islamic, Muslim, Prophet, Muhammad, Mohammed, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Enoch, Joseph, Jesus, John, Adam, Ladder, Stairway, Portal, Chariot, Space, Paradise, Heaven, Vision, Gabriel, Ascension, Ascent, Lote, Tree, Throne, Night, Journey, Isra, Isra', Isra'a, Wal, Mir'aj, Miraj, Miraaj, Buraq, Light, Jerusalem, Aqsa, Dome, Rock, Mecca, Makkah, Hereafter, Jew, Christian, Bible, Torah, Angel, Salah, Prayer, Worship, Belief, yt:stretch=16:9
Id: dIlHDkXj8Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2011
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