The Day of Judgement - Quran vs Science

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hey there sorry to start off on this note but eventually we are all gonna die that's a fact I don't need to educate you on throughout human history every religion stated that God created the world for a limited duration of time but the scientist had always remained pessimistic about the Doomsday as they held the view that the universe was actually static until 1929 when Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was actually expanding let's compare what the contemporary scientists have to say about the apocalypse with what is mentioned in the Quran about the end of the world in cosmology we believe that the universe started off in a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago however how will the universe end we have several possibilities one possibility is a Big Crunch when the universe squashes together in a gigantic ball of flame and maybe bangs once again another possibility is the big freeze that the universe expands and just keeps on going and we're all going to freeze to death and we're all gonna die when the universe reaches near absolute zero then there's something called the big rip where the universe goes into an exponential expansion and expands so rapidly that the distant galaxies can no longer be seen meaning that the night sky will be totally black except for some of the nearby stars which of the three alternatives is the fate of the universe well the short answer is we don't know [Music] over nearly all of Earth history threats have come from nature disease earthquakes asteroids and so forth and even our species would surely not survive long-term mass extinction of the earth will be destroyed this is and no chance for our form of life to exist it would have wiped everything out we would all be gone and at that point all intelligent life in the universe will die the laws of physics or a death warrant to all intelligent life [Music] [Music] all the tears in all the struggles and all the heartbreak of humanity it's all for nothing why did you bother to wake up tomorrow knowing that we're all gonna die billions and billions of years from now when the universe turns to absolute zero what's it all mean anyway it's pretty bad and the chances for life surviving past you know a few trillion years who's just it's really getting slim and in those last few million years of existence I don't think we will survive another thousand years nobody man no matter what echo non-energy bad okay the sky should be on fire the stars will start flying away from one another no longer held together by gravity all of a sudden we see stars coming at us from all direction all of a sudden temperatures begin to rise the oceans will start to boil all of a sudden the oceans boil all of a sudden the mountains will melt and the universe itself begins to reach blistering temperatures [Music] [Music] we think all the stars will blink out stars will cease to twinkle when the stars blink out once the Earth's atmosphere the Earth's oceans and the Earth's crust start to become perturbed is going to kill people pretty quickly or even the galaxies and the stars that are getting closer to each other to start distorting each other our solar system will get ripped apart and then stars and planets will get ripped apart or anything with eyes would eventually be blinded we're talking about the end of all life as we know it first is gonna be mass panic [Music] [Music] the Sun will use up its it's all of its hydrogen fuel its fusing hydrogen into helium it will someday simply run out of hydrogen in its core son that was huge suddenly becomes the Sun that's very small and extremely dense and then everything cools off and then that object is no longer generating energy either so it begins to cool as well when the Sun eventually cools off so much you won't even be able to see it with your eyes and so that's why some people call it a black dwarf or a Dark Star it'll just be invisible oceans to begin to disintegrate and life will seriously begin to suffer humans because we have an audacity to us we're try and hold on as long as possible the the rocks the solid part of the earth will melt [Music] [Music] three to four very large earthquakes it will truly be catastrophic it will be there will be something that will take every resource that we have to to address a tectonic activity light up things like earthquakes volcanoes explosions that's just the beginning [Music] [Music] life on the surface would die pretty quickly the earth layer by layer will be peeled off on the near side of the earth more than its pulling on the far side causing earth to become progressively more elongate the earth itself is being stretched and squeezed and that scratching and squeezing affects the continents in a profound way eventually it gets stretched so much but it starts breaking apart what will happen next is its crust will shatter the hot interior of the planet will essentially spill out tons of material being thrown into the sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] the radiation would be digging through the Earth's atmosphere and digging a hole in the atmosphere it'll blow off the Earth's atmosphere you would have rocks melting you would have buildings melting the entire surface of the earth will be incinerated - the total destruction of the earth katisa at a barber was we much energy man or nuts over the eternal core and the crust of the earth and starts getting heated up and you start to become molten and this would result in earthquakes on a scale that we've never seen nothing that we think about we don't come up with stress it is a reaction to the external environment when when the brain is hyper aroused if it's stressed out but the stress hormones get released it activates that part of the brain and memory becomes difficult okay a person's stressed it changes the way their body is operating because of these stress hormones being activated physical symptoms are being generated not by abnormalities in the brain but by a set of circumstances that is arousing become clear that chronic major stress can produce the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in a person's body and also can suppress immune system function yeah a UN mess with de Fora become in nozzle zealot SRT J&R the mean young man hello Martin [Music] Oh sookie sookie now longing is that your brain and your body start to wear out high incidence of hypertension you have chronic incidence of strokes and different types of heart attacks storm knock down houses knock down people knock down whatever cast billions of tons of Earth's crust into the atmosphere cloaking earth blocking out sunlight knocking out the base of the food chain and sending a wave of extinction across the Tree of Life and when that happens after the dust settles you have an extinction-level climate shifters of galaxies to get ripped apart and then galaxies themselves will get ripped apart if the expansion of universe continues to accelerate and we have no reason to believe it won't then everything we see now will one day disappear at that point all intelligent life in the universe must die the laws of physics or a death warrant - all intelligent life everything has crumbled not just the sand that monuments to man's folly but even the atoms themselves have begun to crumble even black holes are not possible even atoms themselves will get ripped to shreds black holes are not permanent features in the cosmos the black hole will evaporate completely and disappear at the universe we become a cold dark and lonely place [Music] [Music] it is temporary we're in this huge expansion right now exponential expansion but it's gonna reverse itself instead of a redshift will have a blue shift as the universe collapses and bangs once again perhaps with a different laws of physics within each universe eventually will collapse and the whole thing will start over again if the universe collapses what might such what we follow is another Big Bang another expansion dimensions that sort of branch off from ours into a new universe [Music] [Music] [Music] Punky's some I hear you Oh [Music] welcome [Music] [Music] the universe must be flat the universe is flat the universe is very close to flat and we know that from the Cosmic Microwave Background measurements universe is it's on the global scale very close to flat we know the universe is flat which is an amazing discovery after 80 years we've discovered universe is flat if you add together so the three kinds of things that occupy the universe the familiar matter that's what we're made of and what our telescopes detect the dark matter that's the source of 85% of all the gravity we see in the universe and we don't know what's causing it and the dark energy the stuff that's making us accelerate each one of those components creates a curvature of the fabric of space and time just as prescribed by Einstein's general theory of relativity if you add those curvatures together what you find is that they create a universe that is perfectly flat flat destroy the earth or even worse rip apart the fabric of space yo no police ever anchor points Eden import orbit good man [Music] Oh for no clean no I do what then i naina in [Music] by now most of you have been bewildered by two major things firstly that how the scientists are telling and foretelling all of this and secondly how the quran tells about all of this and speaks about all this with such precision as far as how the scientists know about this there are many galaxies in the night sky some are in the initial stages and some are in the final ending stages and looking at this space is expanding the universe is expanding and doing the laborious calculations and string is observationally scientists have concluded all of these facts now how could all of this have been mentioned accurately in a book unless it is God's Word because it is just a reflection of God's eternal knowledge as God is indeed all-knowing God gave glimpses of his perfect knowledge as God wanted to enlighten us and to warn us before of the reality of this world so that we seek a purpose seriously take this and read it once with an open in an ambiguous mind inshallah you'll definitely find the truth
Channel: The Divine Compass
Views: 36,796
Rating: 4.8981481 out of 5
Keywords: The day of judgement, Day of judgement signs, Signs of day of judgement 2018, Scientific miracles of Quran 2018, Scientific miracles of Quran, Armageddon 2018, Rapture 2018, Qityamaat, Doomsday 2018, Illumanati 2018, World order 2018, Quran vs Science, The Divine Compass, Apocalypse 2018
Id: Ersb2CX1uNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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