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unchanging love here i raise my heaven easer by safely to arrive at home jesus saw me when a stranger blood [Music] precious oh greater daily i'm constrained to be led by goodness to leave [Music] is [Music] is seal it for the doors if blood is there's if i'm still alive there's gotta be a reason why and still beating don't forget good morning good to see you father thank you for this place you've given us to gather we continue to pray that if we as we move meet together week in and week out that you'll be here to speak to save to heal to encourage lord that you would have your way in this place and so as we have our second service this morning be with us be with the kids and the teachers be with those in the overflow room lord that you would just be with us have your way in this place that we can walk out in an hour from now or a little longer and say the lord spoke to me this morning i heard from god speak to us lord we want to hear in jesus name amen amen good morning let's all stand let's worship the lord [Music] here i am i've come to find you here i am to see your grace [Music] [Applause] i have to ask myself one thing how can i do anything but praise [Music] of everything i want my life to praise you i've come to thank you here i am i've come to thank you here i am a life you've changed because you gave your life for me you crucified your son for me now how can i do anything but praise [Music] [Music] i want my life to praise you but you are god you you are king of everything i want my life to praise you [Music] you you are god you are a lord you are all i'm living for you are king of everything i want my life to praise you [Music] i want my life to praise you i want my life to praise you [Music] i want my life to praise you amen you may be seated [Music] come on [Music] come to the well that never runs right drink of the water come and thirst no more [Music] come all you sinners come find his mercy come to the table he will satisfy taste of his goodness find what you're looking for for god's soul love the world that he gave us only son to save us [Music] [Music] [Music] bring all your failures bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross jesus is waiting there with [Music] [Music] is believes in him will live forever the power of hell forever [Music] praise god praise god praise god from whom all blessings flow praise him praise him for the wonders of his love praise god praise god from whom all blessings flow raise him praise him for the wonders [Music] the world that he gave us is [Music] will live forever [Music] [Music] bring all your failures bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross [Music] [Music] amen all right let's open our bibles for our scripture reading to psalm 96 psalm 96 it is a psalm of god's deliverance for his people from his judgment i'll read the odd numbered verses you can follow tom along with the even numbered ones that stand together as we read psalm 96 oh sing to the lord a new song and sing to the lord all of the his earth proclaim the good news of his salvation from day to day declare his glory among the nations his wonders among all people for the lord is great and greatly to be praised he is to be feared above all gods for all of the gods of the people are idols but the lord made the heavens honor and majesty are before him strength and beauty are in his sanctuary gift of the lord o family of the people give to the lord glory and strength give to the lord the glory do his name bring an offering and come into his courts oh worship the lord in the beauty of holiness and tremble before him all earth nations the lord reigns the world say the also is firmly established it shall not be moved he shall judge the peoples righteously so let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad let the sea roar in all of its fullness let the field be joyful in all that is in it then all the trees of the woods will rejoice before the lord for he is coming he's coming to judge the earth he will judge the world with righteousness and his people with his truth father i thankful we are this morning that we have passed from death to life that because of your son the judgment that you have declared against sin has been poured out upon him so we sing and we worship and we praise the lord and we we stand and wonder at your goodness and at your grace lord thank you for being such a great god who has done such great things and thank you for delivering us from your judgment this morning in jesus name amen you may be seated we do have a baby dedication in fact our young adult pastor and our he also oversees our junior high come on up sean and tara bone [Applause] sorry for the client you have to make a climb these these days so this is a little fletcher look latest addition to the family look at this good thing looking good yeah pretty cutey good thing he doesn't look like his dad huh i know i know you don't look like your dad that's all right all right we're going to pray while you're good valerie thank you for uh for the boom family thank you for for sean and tara's relationship with you thank you that you've used them for so many years here at the church how you've poured out your spirit upon them and continue to use pastor sean as he ministers to the young people here at the church we thank you for the kids that you've placed in the boom family thanks that they're going to get to grow up knowing you and seeing who you are from mom and dad and the latest addition here little fletcher lord we i know he's got everything he needs and now would you just show him who you are and may he early on turn his heart to you and may you keep him from all that the world would like to do and turning him away from you may he love you and desire to be like his dad like his mom in his relationship with you bless him lord and place your hand upon him this morning and the bone family as well we pray in jesus name amen are you a good-looking boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] never mind i've got other things to do unless you're shy [Applause] that is neat all right well if you've already looked at your bulletins you'll notice that we're no lack for opportunity here at morningstar so we've got a lot of things to go through so we're going to highlight them as quickly as we can our christ in cancer group will be meeting this next tuesday september the 7th at 7 o'clock in the evening over in the multi-purpose room and that's a group for those that are dealing with cancer either as a patient or survivor or even a caretaker family member friend all those who've been touched uh by this disease to really put jesus in the center of all of it bear each other's burdens pray for one another and share the love of the lord to be in the multi-purpose room at seven o'clock on tuesday that following thursday then september the 9th we're going to have a pause night of worship where we take a full hour or a little longer and just spend time worshiping the lord setting everything else aside it's a great opportunity for us to come together and give the lord honor and praise through our worship so that's going to be at seven o'clock in the evening right here in the fellowship hall so join us then that following day on friday september 10th the reinforced discipleship group will be meeting if you have a fifth or sixth grader you want to have them down here for that that's from 6 30 until 8 00 in the evening over in room 16 and they're gonna have a great time getting around the bible and playing games and there will be dinner provided so you don't have to worry about that for your young ones and then finally it's here next saturday is our church picnic september 11th and we're going to be over at craig regional park from 10 in the morning until about 4 or so in the afternoon and all kinds of stuff for us to do games to play stuff for the kids for the whole family bring a picnic lunch and meet us there at craig regional park there is a flyer in the back with information if you need it but i'd encourage you guys to to join us next sunday will be a full day and we've got several things going on the chapel store is going to be having their quarterly meeting so if that's a ministry that you're involved in or would be interested in i encourage you guys to join that it's going to be at 1 o'clock in the afternoon over in the multi-purpose room so again if you're interested in serving the chapel store great way for us to reach out to our community come to that meeting i'm sure we i'm sure we can all appreciate the fact that we can sit in our church services without a lot of kids crying or chattering and that's because they're all being well taken care of in our nursery and the nursery ministry is going to have a meeting as well and if you'd like to be part of that maybe the lord's nudged your heart to uh to be part of that particular ministry they're going to be in room nine at one o'clock in the afternoon for their meeting and then as well over in room six at one o'clock our missions prayer meeting will be happening where we lift up all of our supported missionaries so if you're not already going to one or the other then here's a place for you to plug in and pray for our missionaries that evening next sunday at six o'clock is when our men's and women's bible studies will begin we're going to be going through an 11-week study in the gospel of john starting off that gospel i think it's going to be in several parts but guys you're going to be up in room 16 beginning at six o'clock in the evening and ladies you'll be in the multi-purpose room at that same time if you haven't already gotten the curriculum from the chapel store you want to make sure you do that and have that first lesson ready to go and ladies if you can't make it there on sunday night we do have child care available on wednesday morning for you and your kids for you to be able to come it's at 9 30 that following wednesday september 15th and you'll be in the multi-purpose room our summer baptism is happening and you probably got a flyer an insert in your bulletin with all the details but it's going to be on september the 25th and we'll be right up here in the up in la habra heights the directions are there on the flyer and we'll be there from 11 in the morning until about four in the afternoon we'll have a potluck lunch together so bring some food to share with people and our actual baptism will happen at two o'clock if you haven't been baptized we'd encourage you guys to plan on on doing that you've got several weeks notice so mark your calendar and if you have been baptized then come and join the church and both with our church picnic and this summer baptism a great chance for us to get together as a church and really at the baptism to be able to uh to cheer on those folks that are making this step of obedience in identifying with jesus in his death and resurrection through baptism as well because our neighborhood outreach usually meets the last saturday of the month that's going to get moved up one week so it is going to be going out on the 18th of september the week prior at 10 o'clock they'll be meeting in the parking lot to go out from there and then finally our mexico missions trip we'll be going uh from thursday september the 16th leaving around 5 30 in the afternoon till saturday that september the 18th going down to uh calvary chapel elongo to partner with the work there and the prison outreach that they have and we will be able to go out into the prison so if you want to be part of that you want to get signed up fairly soon so you can get put on that register if you can't go we do have these flyers in the back that has a list of all of the items we'll be taking in as a care package for the inmates there so you can go and get those items and bring them back and we'll take them down for you and for the trip itself there's a fact sheet back there as well and you can get signed up online let's go ahead and pray lord with all of this going on we just ask that you would speak to hearts lord to all of us as to where you would have us participate where you would have us get plugged in and opportunities to serve lord in places where we can be there as a support for one another in areas where we can pray lord pray for the church pray for our missionaries and in places where we can gather together as a fellowship with our summer baptism and our church picnic oh lord it's just so wonderful to be able to come together as a church as a body of christ and to hold each other up and to spread to each other lord the joy that we have in our hearts as being believers in christ and now as we give of our tithes and offerings we ask humbly that you would once again just speak to our hearts lord and that which you have so blessed us with may we willingly give to you and to this work here at morningstar that which you have set aside and may you give wisdom in their use in jesus name amen [Music] there's a place where streams of grace [Music] [Music] cross at the cross at the cross i surrender my life i'm in all of you i'm in all of you [Music] [Music] you jesus [Music] there's a place where sin and shame our power [Music] where my heart has peace with god and forgiveness [Music] comes flowing down at the cross at the cross i surrender my life i'm in all of [Music] [Music] you [Music] here my hope is [Music] [Music] [Music] i mean [Applause] [Music] the cross at the cross i surrender my life [Music] i owe all to you jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i cast my mind to calvary where jesus bled and died for me [Music] i see his wounds his hands his feet my savior arm that cursed his body bound his party pound and drenched in tears they laid him down in joseph's two [Music] oh praise the name of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will sing your praise [Music] the son of him [Music] [Applause] [Music] the angels roar for christ the king let's all stand though praise the name of the lord our god oh praise his name forever more [Music] our foreign we shall return in robes of white the blazing sun shall pierce the night and i will rise among the saints my case transfixed on jesus face praise the name of the lord of the lord our god hope praise his name forever [Music] foreign [Music] god oh praise the name of the lord our god oh praise his name foreign [Music] we will sing your praise [Music] [Music] praise the name of the lord sing this chorus with me jesus [Music] had left a crimson stain he walked in white as snow lord thank you for sending your son jesus to wash as wide as snow that you looked ahead in time father and you looked beyond our faults and you saw our need our need for a savior and we thank you father for just your saving grace this morning father that love so unconditional your grace and your mercy that there's not a sin so great that you can't forgive in a heart so wretched that you can't save father so look deep within our hearts this morning father and do a mighty work cleanse us this morning father from the inside out make us new in you and bless our time of study now and bless pastor jack as he comes to teach us it's in your great holy name and everyone said all right let's open our bibles this morning to isaiah chapter one isaiah the prophet begins the last section really in your old testament which consists of five what we call major prophets followed by 12 minor prophets and they're really not major and minor based on their importance obviously but usually on their length lamentations get squeezed in there as a major prophet it's not that long but it is attached to jeremiah's writings through his tears to the people one of the things and it is our desire to go through these 17 books topically if you are around or have been around in your bible for a long time you know that these 17 books you could pick them up and move them back towards history books because that's certainly where they took place and i suspect as we go through these different topics that the prophets brought to the people in the next few months that you're going to hear a lot about the same historical setting that i think you should know and here's the crux of it and we'll do it in one minute when solomon died in 931 bc there was a great revolt among the people led by his son and some others that divided israel into two ten and a half tribes went north they rebelled against god where he had put his name in jerusalem they stood against the leadership that god had raised up and for the next 200 and nine years they would exist as the northern kingdom and it is called during that time israel not a good king not one good thing did god have to say these people lived in rebellion for all of that time eventually in 722 the assyrians would take them out and they would not be reconstituted as the north in the south where judah and part of benjamin stayed the lord called them at the time judah or that's what they were called during the time of the split jerusalem was still the capital as their devotion to the lord was was more solid if you will there had eight really good kings they lasted not just till 722 but in 606 or 116 years later for the next 20 years after that the siege of the babylonians against jerusalem and judah would come and the lord would allow judah to fall really for the same reason the north did but god had made a promise to david and to judah and as a result he would take them out for 70 years to babylon as captives and then they would be released to come back to the land in 536 and god would again begin to deal with them as a nation all that to say that all of those northern and southern kingdoms and their dates and their times are useful to you because most of the prophets can be placed in one of those two time periods either speaking to the north and warning or speaking to the south and so it is good that you have i think the the big picture as you read the prophets because it helps you to understand who the lord was speaking to and why and when if you want the historical settings excuse me for this book you would go through to second kings chapter 15 through 20 or second chronicles chapter 26-32 or if you like look at verse 1 of this chapter it gives you the names of the kings in which isaiah spoke because isaiah was sent to the southern kingdom he was sent to them to warn them about the way they were living and that the lord wanted very much to deliver them from that way of life and bring them back to himself it is generally believed that manasseh hezekiah's son killed isaiah by sawing him in half every prophetic book and we're going to be in these for a little while is written from as words from the lord that that oftentimes have a near term in other words what's coming next and then a far-term application sometimes what is spoken to a nation or to a people it will be applied by the lord years later in his fulfillment for example in the book of revelation so whenever you study the prophets you want to look at them historically you also want to look at them prophetically and obviously you want to look at them practically so that we know how we should walk before the lord well isaiah it was the prophet to the south he came to begin ministry in seven oh sorry eight i think 39 if you will no 73 39 and he spoke until 6 86 so he began to speak 13 years before the north would fall which gave him a good example to give to the people and he would speak until about 80 years before the south would fall as well the book itself is like a miniature bible there are 66 chapters and there are 66 books in the bible the first 39 chapters and there happened to be 39 books in the old testament speak really of the judgment of god and the call of god to to turn from sin and his judgment that would come the next 27 chapters and by the way there are 27 chapters in the new testament speak of the promised messiah that is to come and the heart of god to just draw him into himself as we wait for him to come for us his name verse 1 means the lord is our salvation and he will remind us of that constantly we don't know much about isaiah we know that he was married we know that his wife was a prophetess we're told that in chapter eight we also know that he had two children but he was a guy that in a culture that didn't really want to walk with god stood out he loved the lord with all of his heart he was a true patriot he constantly used the term his people of israel he hated sin he was he was very ashamed of the religious shams that he saw around him and so he called the people from a phony religion which is exactly what was going on to a real devotion to the lord in relationships he he was a courageous guy he was unafraid of mobs which he faced he was he stood before very wicked kings unashamedly if you will he was a great linguist he uses wonderful comparisons and examples to kind of illustrate what the lord wanted us to do and while he was speaking to the south up in the north right before their fall amos and hosea were speaking to the kingdom in the north on the verge of overthrow well this morning i just wanted to just look at the first 20 verses or so of this chapter one um because it is a word from the lord to god's people seeking to bring them out of religious kind of vanity the problem for for isaiah's day was the hearts of the people was empty but the church or the temple was full not something god really approved of so in verse 2 we hear god's word through isaiah and his word begins hear o heavens and give ear o earth the lord has spoken i've nourished brought up children they've rebelled against me the ox knows its owner the donkey it's master's crib but israel doesn't know my people do not consider alas sinful nation the people laden with iniquity a brood of evil doers children who have become corrupters they've forsaken the lord they've provoked the anger of the holy one of israel and they've turned themselves away backwards isaiah begins by calling the heavens and the earth to listen because he says god's people are not maybe someone will pay attention to what god has to say obviously the people aren't listening i don't know if you've ever talked to somebody and you realize about halfway through they're not paying a bit of attention to you so you can begin to say still you know they're not listening so i do that with my wife sometimes she likes to tell black back stories i don't care about backstories so she'll start you know back in 85 and i okay when she gets real close to the time then i wake she knows it and tells me about it a lot but but here the lord says to god's people um hey i'll just talk to the earth because my people have decided not to listen to me at all and they're harsh words but but but they're more pertinence because this is going on in a culture where people are filling the temple where where it looks outwardly like there's tremendous revival going on the feast days the offerings everything is just clicking you know it just looks like a revival outwardly they couldn't have been more impressive but inwardly god wasn't satisfied with what he saw he had birthed this nation he says that to them he had brought them up he had he had filled them to glory and now he finds themselves not even listening you know our our nation was founded upon a faith in god we put it on our money in god we trust we put it in our declarations we put it in our pledge of allegiance one nation under god we're not there anymore from a spiritual standpoint israel wasn't there anymore and notice in verse 3 that the lord said to israel you've really become less sensitive than a instinctive animal when god first met with the nation after they came out of egypt there in exodus 19 and 20 he met with him six weeks after they'd gotten out at mount sinai and he would spend a year telling them who he was showing them his glory giving them an approach to him through sacrifice they at that time in great fear watching the mountains shake and the the earth move and and the voices and the thunders said to the lord through moses we'll do whatever you want and the lord said here's what i want i just want you to hear my word and follow it whatever dude we'll do what you i don't know if they said dude whatever we'll do what you want they made a promise but now they had long ago laid it aside their loyalty and their response was goodness now we're less than wet felt well-fed animals who who knew the hand of god and acted accordingly his love had been forgotten by his own people is that possible it is you know the donkey and and the and the ox which are used here as an example are known for their stubbornness and their stupidity and yet somehow by ink to instinct they know who feeds them who cares for them and the lord said my people i brought them up and nurse them they've forgotten they've absolutely turned away in fact he writes here they did not consider they didn't keep in mind what had made them great and what that had brought them this far instead verse 4 at the end they turned around backwards they just began to walk away from the lord and now they were laden down with sin the word laden overburdened if you will right just burdened down with sin and i want you to notice the word alas because in hebrew that's a lamenting word if you want to know what the tone of god's voice might very well have been as the the prophet declares this it isn't just the anger of the lord it is the heartbreaking of a god who loves his people and they're headed for judgment and the north is about to fall and if this southern kingdom doesn't listen they too will face the same kind of difficulty their children have become corrupters people have forsaken the lord they need a national repentance to bring god's restoration but it hasn't happened what god might say to our land today to our people we read in verse 5 the lord saying to them why would you be stricken again you will just revolt more and more the whole head is sick the whole heart is faint from the soul of the feet him into the head there's no soundness in it there's just wounds and and bruises and putrefying sores that haven't closed up or bound up or soothed with ointment your your country's desolate your cities burned with fire strangers are devouring uh you shall devour your your land and your presence it is desolate and overthrown by strangers the son the daughter of zion is left like a booth in the vineyard or a hut in the garden of cucumbers as a besieged city and unless the lord of hosts had left a very small remnant we would have become sodom and made like gomorrah had been stricken now understand the lord had been leaning on the people and certainly one of god's goodness good actions towards us as his people is if we're not listening he's not opposed to leaning on us they've been leaned upon there's been some tough times if you go back in the history up to this time that judah had been facing as a result of their separation from god though they were his people but but look what the lord says in verse five why would you be stricken again it's kind of like how many times you have to get hit in the head for you to go man that hurts i maybe need to straighten out nothing had helped them see their error nothing as far as consequences had turned them around around it had verse 5 to no avail the lord says from your head to your toe nothing seems to get through there's just a great wickedness that has engulfed you and in setting turning back you've you've walked back you've walked back and the land is showing the the consequences you're isolated verse seven you're under siege you're greatly reduced the handwriting is on the wall but people aren't reading instead of turning to the lord they watch their land become eaten up by strangers be defeated by enemies that they should easily have stood against and i interesting verse from the lord verse 9 and 10 or verse 9 where it says you know the lord had left a faithful remnant in us or we might have been destroyed and i'm sure that isaiah reached back to that time when abraham was speaking to the lord about the destruction of sodom and gomorrah and he said you know the lord of all the earth is going to do right lord what if there's 20 righteous in the city and lord said for 20 righteous people i won't destroy the city and abraham thought he'd push the envelope he said lord how about 10 and the lord said if if there's ten righteous the city stands and i i think that's exactly what the lord is referring to here and isaiah is speaking to there were some a few in the midst of this generation that were loving the lord and as a result they were spared the judgment that sodom and gomorrha faced how though in verse 10 isaiah speaks to them as being the rulers of solomon and the people of gomorrah you're close to being wiped out you're close to not having enough but thank the lord that a small remnant remained faithful and that remnant has brought god's mercy and his patience there were still some believers like isaiah clinging to the lord but it was a modern day sodom and gomorrah but the temple was full hear the word of the lord verse 10 you rulers of solemn give ear to the law of your god you people of gomorrah to what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to me saith the lord i have enough of your burnt offerings of the rams and the the fat of the fed cattle i don't delight in the blood of the of the bulls or of the sheep or of our lambs or the goats when you come to appear before me who has required this from your hands to trample my courts bring to me no futile sacrifices incense is an abomination to me the new moons the sabbaths the calling of the assemblies i cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meetings your new moons and your appointed feats my soul hates they're troublesome to me i'm weary of bearing them now when you straight out your hands i'm going to hide my eyes from you and when you make many priors i'm not going to hear your hands are filled with blood the lord likens the people and the rulers to still being citizens of this nation sodom and gomorrah these cities that were destroyed and maybe the most disgusting thing or the most difficult thing to understand is this was happening all this rebellion in the midst of a a country that was widely religious in practice attending temple services bringing the various sacrifice never missing the sabbath or the feast days everyone was involved it was a religious place without a heart for god and and you know if nothing else know this religion outward behavior is of little value to god he he sees everything the the interesting thing is you can be away from the lord come to church raise your hands and we'll be impressed you can fool everyone in your room except the lord who sees everything and what he longs for is a relationship with you that is honest and pure religious practices in the lives of those devoted to sin is tremendously deceitful if you're here with your hands worshiping and you're sleeping with your boyfriend or your girlfriend or you're out doing drugs on the weekends but here you are on sunday you never miss it's not going to cut it with god because he sees everything and he understands it how many folks are in churches today promoting gay lifestyles because the bible says god loves everyone well he does he just says he loves you enough to not leave you that way or those in churches that proclaim that they are pro-life i mean pro-choice i should say that they speak about reproductive rights whatever that means and yet sunday their hands are raised and their voices are are lifted and their bibles are in in their hands true religion before the lord is a behavior towards him that evidences itself in obedience and in love in fear and in worship and fellowship with him and if you look at these five verses from chapter of verse 11 through at least 14 and then you can add verse 15 as a consequence the lord says to his people who asked you to do this i i certainly didn't in fact he says it makes me sick verse 11. i find no delight in it verse 12. i didn't ask for it verse 13. i hate it every bit of it and and look at the words that he uses here just in these few verses i've had enough i don't delight who required the trampling of my courts no more futile sacrifices they're just an abomination to me i can't endure it my soul hates it they're troublesome to me i'm weary of bearing it up knock it off in consequence the lord said so if you want to live your life pretending to know me but not really walking with me i'll tell you what i'll do when you need me i won't be there it seems harsh but isn't it fair when you pray since you're out of fellowship with god and you want to live that way you don't want any part of your life i will not just take emergency calls if you have a life without his involvement heaven will be silent when you want his involvement in your life the psalmist wrote in psalm 66 if i regard or or or hold iniquity in my heart god won't hear me isaiah will write 59 chapters from now surely the the hand of the lord is not sure that he can't save and surely the lord's ear is not dull that he can't hear it's your iniquities that have separated you from god your your sins have hidden his face from you he won't listen to you he won't hear you god is looking for hearts that are turned towards him that's all he wanted from this people that's all he wants from us not hand stained with blood hard stained with idolatry or adultery the pew survey last year said that 93 of hospitals in america have a bible and they believe it not true if that was true our voting would be different our crime rates would be different our derisive divorce statistics would be different our morality would be different one's you know claiming that you love the lord while your behavior and involvement priorities and commitments say that the opposite is not is not going to get you there so the lord said this when you're desperate when your hands raise in depth desperation i'm not listening pretty pretty tough way to start off a prophet ministry gee thanks isaiah we'll have you back next week to speak but god never deals with us like that in fact god never indicts without directions to restore he never demands without enabling us to remedy the situation he will point out the problems and then point out the solution and he does so here as well beginning in verse 16. what can i do you can wash your hands make yourself clean put away the evil from your doing from before my eyes and cease doing evil learn to do good seek justice rebuke the oppressor defend the fatherless and plead for the widow come let's reason together saith the lord your sins though they are like scarlet can be white as snow and though they are red like crimson they can be as wool if you will are willing to be obedient you will eat the good of the land but if you refuse and rebel you will be devoured by the sword the lord cries out to them come back admit with me that you're going through the motions and your life doesn't match your your outward devotion wash yourself spiritually turn to the lord repent of your sin and put away the evil from before your eyes they were hypocrites they were idolaters they lived lives far removed from the lord and the lord just says this stop doing evil i don't know if you ever saw the bob newhart little comedy skit that he did years ago where he played a psychiatrist or a counselor and he had a little sign on the desk that said i can fix any problem in five minutes for five dollars and the lady came in and she sat down she goes let me tell you what's going on in my life and she just rattled on for five minutes every crazy thing in the world and he said she said can you help me with that he said i can what should i do he said stop it the other thing else that i can do for you that was his advice just knock it off bob newhart must have read the bible because that's what the lord says here stop it stop cease from these things cease from doing evil make an about face and all of the commandments in verse 17 are really are ways of life for those who have died to self and are walking with god even the word learn to do good which is an interesting little concept because doing good does not come naturally you got to learn to do good you want to go the natural route you'll do you'll do evil rebuke the oppressor stand with those who have been taken advantage of by others actively oppose them if necessary go to bat for the those who can't protect themselves for the widows for the for the fatherless spiritual repentance will lead to godly behavior and if you'll do that then god gives you a great invitation in verse 18. come on let's sit down and talk for every every reason that he could have turned away from these folks because they were his he instead shows grace he could have made a great argument for just we're not talking anymore we're done now justice cries out for the sword mercy invites them to come to the conference table and sit down isaiah will write 49 chapters into this book can a nursing mother forget her baby will she ever get to the point where she'll have no compassion for the child that she had borne and then the lord said even if she forgets and she may i would never forget you because that's god's heart for his people as poorly as they're doing that's his desire in lamentations the prophet jeremiah in declaring the word of the lord said to the people for men are not cast off forever by the lord he will bring them to grief but then he will show them compassion and greatness his unfailing love he does not willingly bring affliction it's not god's best he doesn't willingly bring grief to the children of men his desire is like every parent bless and jeremiah would write in chapter 31 of the lord is not ephraim my dear son in whom i delight i have spoken often against him but i still remember him and my heart yearns for him i have great compassion for him look the lord was angry with all this religious nonsense words that had no meaning commitments that had no root in reality but his love doesn't change and his call is the same kind i will offer this generation a complete pardon and i should say he's still doing that today jesus will still forgive you of your sin and it's available to anyone who is interested let us reason together let's settle our differences that are caused by your sin the word scarlet is a at least a word in greek that literally refers to something that has been dyed twice and because of that the color is is permanent the fabric can't be uh cleaned or the and the color can't be removed crimson is just a synonymous word with that it just says it's very deep seated and so the lord says i see the problem and and how deep this sin runs in your life but but i can make a difference i can i can give you a clean slate i can make you new again i'll do the work if you'll let me to those in isaiah's day to us today who deserve the wrath of god his cleansing is offered and it is he alone that can provide it he can provide it to your life he can provide it to our church life he can re provide it to the nation's life and there's no one else that can provide it even to the to the very latest hour it's available the thief on the cross in the very last moments found the mercy of god however verse 19 and 20 it depends upon our willingness to follow him and obey notice the the word if at verse 19 in the word but in verse 20 if and but when moses stood before the people before he went off to die and handed them to joshua there in chapter 30 of deuteronomy he said to the people i've set before you today life and death prosperity and destruction i would command you today to love the lord walk in his ways keep his commandments you'll live you'll increase the lord will bless you you'll go into the land of possession everything will be fine but but if you turn away and you're drawn away to the other gods and you begin to worship them you will certainly be destroyed in this land that i'm giving you you'll lose that's exactly what happened god gives us a choice but he defines the terms you do well to agree with him and not argue so here's the good news god is reasonable and he's willing to reason with you the question really is are you reasonable enough to be willing to surrender to him if so blessing awaits if not the stubborn refusal and the uh and your defiance may very well go unchallenged for a long time this would go on for another 133 years with the nation however you will certainly meet his judgment in the end because god has said so and the word of the lord has spoken it and you can count on it if you refuse you'll be devoured here by the sword you'll lose the land you'll lose your place you'll lose your blessing religion in any to any degree is unacceptable with god it just doesn't work so even if you live in sin and you seek to cover it up by church going and song singing and participation and all he sees everything he's ready to reason with you if you're ready to reason with him i don't think anything's changed so if you're in that position this morning where you're far away from the lord but here you are bible at hand i love jesus smile on your face but it ain't happening knock it off in the famous words of the prophet stop it god has greater things in mind for you he can take the the worst of us and cleanse and make us his own if you're willing if you're willing and obedient verse 9 if you're willing he's willing you need prayer this morning we'll be here but don't just sit here playing church it doesn't suit you and it doesn't please him father thank you this morning for your word to us i know that what a ministry isaiah must have had to bring this kind of word to god's people the ones that he loved the ones that were so proud to be his people that were proud enough to show up at temple at every possible occurrence at every available time at every every opportunity there they were and yet lord you hated every bit of the services you hated the singing the meeting the offerings the fellowships you just hated you were weary you you said you couldn't endure it and father yet so often we find ourselves like the nation of israel just figuring gosh it's he's got to be happy with this look at what we've done look what we're doing and lord what you really long for is is a fellowship with us that's defined by obedience and love if we're willing you're willing if we're willing you're reasonable and may i say this to you this morning no one needs to know about you and the lord but you you should make that connection you should certainly be willing to say lord i'm i'm going through the motions but my heart isn't in it so far removed from you my life wouldn't say that i love jesus no one could tell the difference in my life the good news is god does see it and he longs to restore you and he's offered to make you white as snow from the deepest stains of sin to white of snow come come let's reason come god would say to you this morning god may today be that that that place in your life that you you turn from religion to a relationship with god he would love it and that's what he calls you too shall we stand [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me hold again nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snowy [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] this is all my righteousness this is all my righteousness nothing but the blood of jesus this is all my hope and peace nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snowy [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus it's nothing but the blood of jesus nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] we're so thankful that you not only point out the issue you then give us the answer the open door the way out the promise of cleansing in life may no one lord just sit and be comfortable away from you here may you stir us and draw us and lead us back to that place where we're willingly obedient to our god bless your people father we pray in jesus name amen god bless you guys have a great week my
Channel: morningstarcc
Views: 287
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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