Prophecy Update 06-05-2020

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[Music] well hey good evening Nathan Creek it's great that you here with us with your a with your family with your friends or just by yourself we're really great happy that you guys are joining and jumping in on this we're gonna see what the Lord has for us this evening yeah but first let's start with worshiping the Lord in song we'd love to be you guys to sing on with us all of you II can Wanderley all those who yet you fun come lay a burdens down you'll take all of the change you bring oh you thirst with no relief although Smith Wells from dry come to the red sea spray you can choose so one said come on evilly weary come lift your hands and give leaves we are so dead we are the daughters can [Music] all of you down and bend the knee washed in the blood of Christ come lift apart offer you creepy sense leave them or be [Music] please [Music] everything [Music] we cabin down [Music] oh you Serbs for the light no longer in the dark see come to the father's feet he'll take the [Music] c'mon bro [Music] and again we see that we are the sons we [Music] together we see we are the star [Music] raise [Music] nothing I can do couldn't make you look for me it's no place I can run then you won't be right by my side is your love in never fades it stays great spirits it's great that's greater Oh [Music] make your for me Shane there's no place I can run ties go then you won't be right by my side cuz your love in there Oh [Music] it's grace Oh [Music] it's been [Music] trace its graves that's great Oh [Music] [Applause] no Riley that never coming between Mary very [Music] [Music] it's great it's great [Music] street [Music] Oh Oh now pardon [Music] [Music] that is very [Music] and father how thankful we are for that grace by which were saved saved by grace through faith not of our works Lord we're so glad that we can make it to heaven not based on our performance or our ability but Lord you were the one who fulfilled the law perfectly you're the one who did it right and then the perfect sacrifice that was slain on the cross for our sins Lord we have the great hope of heaven we have lord grace not only to be saved eternally but or you've even saved us now presently we have been so blessed in so many ways we applaud you Lord for your kindness your goodness your compassion that never fails Lord we pray that you just bless this time as we consider your word and the days we live give us that grace Lord may it be seasoned throughout even this this time Lord so we pray your blessing on this prophecy update in Jesus name Amen amen all right thanks Joe thanks Brooke nice job hey let's get to it we have a lot to do tonight a lot of stuff to cover and definitely the world is in an interesting place and man I just praise the Lord by His Holy Spirit will help me to communicate things that some things might even be a little hard for some people to hear or to accept but the truth is you got to share the truth and the truth is important and and these are days where truth is sort of hard to find and it's hard to know but I love the Bible because the Bible is absolute truth and just if you're joining us that's kind of where we begin you know with as Christians we begin with God's holy word every single word that's in the scriptures and we don't doubt any any verse any chapter any book and that really helps it's that anchor that we look to everything else I don't know much about then that's where it gets tricky because the Bible talks about the last days and what they will look like and then we see what's going on and you have to kind of put your finger on the pulse of geopolitics and say are these the last days and the answer I believe is very possibly we could be living in those very last days the Bible talked about there's a million reasons why and if you weren't with us last time we talked more about technology and how the Lord predicts in his word about the cashless society and the mark of the beast and this this whole world economic system religious system we talked about some of that stuff more on the techno stuff and I did mention that we move more toward the Middle East and I don't know I hope we can get some some of that tonight but the Lord has put on my heart to share something that I think is really important as we just kind of see things unfolding now if you remember our December you know prophecy update those of New Year's Eve do you remember we were talking about how things are really good everything's peaceful and how could this be the end you remember that we were talking about that at that and I warned I said things could go bad really quickly and boy 2020 people right can we hurry up and finish this year already 2020 has been a bit trying with the Kovan virus and and all this stuff that's going on right now and the riots and man the economy tanking you know and people worried about that all kinds of things that people are upset about but I'm so thankful that we have the scriptures to go to it's our point of reference and don't forget we know the end of the story don't we we know how it's all going to turn out and that makes me glad so keep that in mind as we go through some of this stuff and maybe even particularly some of the harder harder stuff you know when you get sort of bummed to hearing about some of the stuff that's going to happen remember the Bible says that things are going to get kind of worse before they get better why don't you grab your Bible and turn with me to to second Timothy and I'd like to kind of read through this chapter because this is Paul the Apostle giving this sort of prophetic word to young too the and the word that he gives is pretty powerful concerning the the last days the end of the world there's all kinds of passages of scripture that talk about that I've got a ton of Scripture for you tonight so you know you can jot these down in your notes and don't feel like you have to you know go through all of these in detail but this chapter I'd like you to kind of look at it closely with me and then we'll sort of break it down it says here in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 it says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent that means without having sexual restraint fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having the form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captives silly women the the word silly women there is is a King James kind of translation but it means weak willed women women who are easily sort of duped it says they'll creep into these houses lead captives silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as Janice and Jan breeze withstood Moses those are the two you know sorcerers magicians of Egypt that made serpents just like Moses made as Jettas and Jambres withstood Moses so disease also resist the truth men of corrupt Minds reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest or made known and to all men as was also but thou has fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity patience persecutions afflictions which came to me at Antioch Iconium and Lystra what persecutions I endured but out of them all the Lord delivered me yay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou in the things which thou learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou learned them and that from a child thou known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect or fully mature as the idea there thoroughly furnished unto all good works here in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 17 this chapter describes by Paul to Timothy the last days in the last days perilous times shall come this-this-this first part of this chapter is kind of an important you know it says this know this is you can bank on it that in last days perilous times shall come there in verse 1 that word perilous and the Greek is call a pulse and that word it means trouble Asst or difficult harsh fierce or violent does that describe the days were limited well sure seems like right now at least you know this is definitely one of those birth pains that the Bible talks about you know where we're feeling this contraction of violence and difficult times harsh these are harsh times you know it was a you know was it ten days ago now or so where you know George Floyd was you know killed there on the pavement in Minneapolis knee of the police officer crushing his neck so that he couldn't breathe and man just harsh but then you know the response to that violence and rioting and then the the part of that gets stirred up into the anti feh and and what does that have to do with you know George Floyd and and people are kind of wondering what is this with these perilous times I'm one of the things that we're finding during this time is there's so much about this chapter that I see being fulfilled let me just give you some of the highlights perilous times well one of those things is in right there in verse three second Timothy three three where we just read without natural affection that speaks of homosexuality by the way trucebreakers people that don't keep covenants or promises they're not men and women of their word you know we we look at like divorce as one of those truce breaker kind of behaviors false accusers people who are being falsely accused of things incontinent we talked about that without sexual restraint fierce people are fierce man when you see what's going on around the world and whether it's the anti-shah protesters in Portland or some of the you know Muslims on the streets and the Middle East yelling out you know Allahu Akbar there's a fierce quality of the days we're living and a despiser of those that are good it's interesting because part of the narrative that we're seeing with this whole thing and and let me let me just explain something and i gotta say this because there's always those that are thinking you know one thing but you know it's let's try to really keep a discussion going here this is this is you know something that I hope you can discuss with each other and talk it through and especially if you have disagreements amongst yourselves and what-have-you but we can all agree that you George Floyd should not have died that day we can all agree that Floyd that officer was behaving badly and and I don't I've not heard anyone really argue the other side of that nor would I hope that there would be anyone who would argue that he should not have died it was a horrible thing bad cop and those cops have been arrested and they're up for serious charges and so we agree on that I think for the most part I hope everybody agrees on that that was horrible it was horrifying to watch the video now what happens after that though is people take that and just run in all kinds of directions and you know whether it's you know what's being said on social media or the news or talking it to people about stuff it's become more and more fierce and and there's this there's this lack of care and consideration for those who are good we know that cop acted badly but what about people who are good well these riots have hurt a lot of good people and you know you can understand you're talking to a guy I don't believe anybody's good we're all sinners we've all fallen short of the glory of God there's no one righteous not even one so we're not really that surprised when there's a bad police officer among you know hundred hundreds and hundreds of really good police officers it doesn't shock me when we have police officers who are sinful and horrible even do I think high percentage of them are that way no you know we can talk about the medical profession there's doctors who have done horrible things there's serial killer doctors who have just very carefully murdered people in the hospital there are bad doctors there are bad pastors who are sleeping around with their congregation and doing crazy stuff like that they're bad there's bad pastors there's bad teachers there's like we could go into any profession now the reason the police get the tough one is because they wield the sword as the Bible says they're the ones who are the authority so when they behave badly men people people get upset people get angry and that's something that I think is legit but in this last couple of weeks I've noticed that this despisers of those that are good is something that we're seeing that if you are a good generally a good person who loves people and is compassionate and caring there's something about you that's bad you know they talk about silence as violence and man we can talk about that if you don't say anything about racism in America you're a part of the problem and and there's a lot of good people who have never treated someone badly Oh Brett you're not woke you don't understand the way this whole thing works you're not understanding the that confusion by there's a lot of confusion we'll talk about that but what's amazing to me is like why why don't we hear more about you know some of these other these other situations you know it's it's sad to me that there's a lot of good people learning you know when we talk about despisers of those are good than a good what about retired police officer David Dorn he was you know basically was responding to alarm he was retired police chief captain police captain he was responding to alarm at his friend's pawn shop where he went to go and help out and he was shot there and killed and nobody wants to talk about this good guy who had a great career and was an honorable police chief or police captain but nobody really wants to talk about him and and so this idea of what's good you know it's interesting because it's hard to even say what's good we're hearing you know certain people talk about how these protests are good and I do believe that some protests can be really good you even see Paul protesting in the in the New Testament and and we see that you can make an argument for protesting but the idea of peaceful protesting but this this idea of violence I can't believe that there are people that are promoting this and if you don't believe me just just think of what you know Alexandre Ocasio Cortez said basically you know she she talked about this she said you know make sure and cover up here any any identifying tattoos turn off your face idea on your phone we're heat-resistant gloves when you're protesting why why would you cover up your tattoos if you're just doing a peaceful protest it's because you don't want to get arrested for doing ill harm to people and that's I can't believe it one of our senators are actually saying that as sort of advice she's encouraging protesters to do those things you know it's you know good people that are getting hurt this couple outside of their I have the video I was gonna show but the video is too horrific this this woman here in the blue shirt brown pants these big huge guys with two-by-fours basically she's trying to protect her shop from being broken into her husband is inside the shop and when he came out they smashed him with two by fours and then and then she came to try to help and and then they started beating her up and smashing her with two by fours this Rochester New York just a couple trying to protect their store beaten bloody brutal and and that's the problem you know there's there's good people and and there's a lot of people calling these riots good but the Bible says that that would happen in these last times perilous times would come and they would they would call you know they would call evil good and good evil kind of like what Isaiah chapter 5 talks about in Isaiah 5:20 and 21 it says won't of them that call evil good and good evil that put themselves for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight it's interesting because this approving of good and evil and all this people think they're right everybody thinks they're right what's interesting to me is the level of dogmatism how much of what you know is true and I'm hearing it from everyone some people said Brett why did you not have more of a presence on social as best you know we can have let me give you an answer to that I've got a reason the Bible says to be slow to speak and what I've noticed about this current crisis is people are Swift to speak man they're just chatting it up on social media and giving everybody a piece of their mind I've learned that I shouldn't give people a piece of my mind because there's not a lot to give I need to conserve on that as much as possible and you know what's interesting is all the chatter it's just a bunch of noise we're hearing from everyone from your you know senators to your you know yeah you know instagramers and bloggers and you know Facebookers and and and we're hearing from you know pastors and you know like politicians like it's just this noise that's just I would just argue it's just dowsing out any reason whatsoever but it's everybody that thinks they know stuff it says you know one to them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight that's what it says here and those that are calling good evil and evil good what one to them Isaiah says that put bitter for sweet sweet for bitter that's what we're seeing we're seeing people call police officers that all of them one of the big moves in the last couple days have you seen it defund law enforcement get rid of police altogether I just don't have the math of that works out honestly does God like police officers that's an interesting question isn't it because nobody wants to answer that probably but the answer is yes the Bible says the powers that be Romans chapter 13 are ordained of God God puts people in power and they wield a sword or you know a weapon is the idea and they're a minister of God that's what they're called but Brett what did Paul know when he was writing the Romans there in Romans 13 all I know is the the people that were powers-that-be for Paul were the Roman soldiers and their leader was Caesar Nero wacom totally wacko and yet God says these are the minister of God now were the Romans it was they're bad cops among them ha you better believe it where they're bad ill willed people in the Roman Empire all over the place but it's interesting that in the Bible it says that God actually he ordained those powers that be and right now there's a lot of people saying and well we hate law enforcement see that's the problem if you start voicing and giving your own eyes wise opinions to everyone the problem is if you're supporting one group you might be actually hating another group it's amazing to me how that works out well sort of perhaps talk about that even a little bit more but the ideas despisers of those that are good man that's something that we see happening in this current culture and it's really sad and a lot of the good people are being overlooked a lot of bad people you know it's interesting because this is so controversial and I understand why people would probably even if they don't have a moment illogically think through this you know is George Floyd a good man and the reason why people would say yes is because they're calling him a hero and they're calling him you know that he's sort of this this martyr of bad cops and there's a certain truth to that these cops were horrible and they should not have done if they did and I'm glad that they're gonna get hard time they should get that so and don't say that I'm you know anti this or that or another thing but let me just say George Floyd sad to say was a guy that was troubled he was not a hero he was a hardened criminal and if this isn't just me talking if you just check it out it's there for the inspection he has a huge record as long as your arm and some of his records see people say well say Brett he was on a course of recovery before they brutally killed him no they brutally killed him but he was he was high on methamphetamine and he also had was using you know forgery you forged $20 bills or whatever and not only that he had this huge record that included armed robbery he went it there's a there's a whole you you can it's all in public record he went into a house years ago and pretended to be a government official with this pregnant woman and you know kind of made his way into her house and then he pulled out a gun and held his gun the gun to her belly and threatened her and he was robbing her and and then a group of his friends came in and they searched the house that they were probably they believe were looking for drugs but this this is just as George Floyd this is his record he did a hard time for that I think five years because he admitted to doing that holding the gun up to this pregnant woman's stomach um this is not the hero that we should be holding up but he's also not the guy that should have been killed he should have been killed for those things but he but but it's amazing how his face is plastered all over the world now and we're calling basically good evil and we're calling evil good and everybody's jumping on board with that one again I have to say it again the cops were bad that was evil there was nothing but evil I think in that one law enforcement officer who put his knee on Floyd's neck that was just evil the way he handled that and he should be paying a price for that and he will I believe I hope the good thing is we know that the Lord is the one who ultimately Debbie's devil you know to divvies up justice and we could put the Lord trust in the Lord for that but Floyd was a struggling guy and he was a really a kind of a bad criminal and he had a long rap sheet of drugs and armed robbery and that's heartbreaking to me it's heartbreaking to me that the world just kind of dismisses that and really sort of idolized this person but you know that's the problem whenever you're trying to put people up there whether you're talking about Floyd or the cop or Donald Trump or pastor Brett we're all just wicked evil sinners the problem is sin and we're full of sin we are a world of people full of sin that's that that's the bummer so you say okay Brett despisers of those that are good yeah we're seeing that calling good evil and evil good that's that's Isaiah's what's happening there in Timothy that chapter that we ran it also says lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God there in second Timothy three four people want to do what they want to do and they don't love God that you see that's the problem when people live and sin and do their sinful stuff it's because they could care less about God you know when you love God that's the beginning because once you love the Lord that makes you want to keep his Commandments Jesus talked about that if you love me you'll keep my Commandments but people don't care about what the Bible says as much and so they're doing stuff that's contrary to Christ contrary to what the Bible teaches and we're seeing people by the millions you know what is it that these people are doing when they smash the Apple store windows in downtown Portland and they love the idea of having a computer and did you see the end of the news of the looters that were looting the looters you know the guy that would grab the you know I Mac Pro and run out the store and and then somebody else would punch him and grabbed his iMac and man it's just people wanting to have their fancy computer and they love that more than anything else that's what we're seeing lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God also in that chapter ever learning and yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth it's an interesting thing to me that academia and the college professors have been talking about racism talking about law enforcement talking about all these things and they've been doing it for you know a long time now and one of the things that's interesting is people have more questions today than they ever have excuse me it's not like we even Weavin them you know have gained ground I feel like we've taken maybe one step forward and ten steps backward in this idea of ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth one of the things that we're seeing is this idea of people you know thinking they know stuff but I think people are more confused today I found that college students this is something I've noticed this college students go in learning from their parents what's right and wrong good and evil and then they go off to college and instead of instead of answering life's questions they tend to raise more questions than they can find answers to and and people come out questioning everything come on Brett you should question everything we should question authority and we need to question question and that's kind of what we've become really good at but as the truth that says here like in the last days no be ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth and there in Romans 122 it says they're professing themselves to be wise they became fools that's the sad truth in our Timothy passage there in chapter 3 of second Timothy verse 8 men of corrupt Minds reprobate concerning the faith we're seeing that on a large scale here in America today corrupt mize men of corrupt Minds reprobate in the faith reprobate concerning the faith the religious movement of faith would be corrupted and reprobate do you remember in Romans chapter 1 it says that the Lord would give them over to their own reprobate minds that means that they were their minds were unwilling to go for the Lord and follow after truth so the Lord would give them over to a reprobate mind and that's that's the the sad truth of it you know I'm deeply concerned by the way as a pastor and and again I didn't put all this on my Instagram because I think that's a bad place to talk about the heavy heavy stuff social media but from the pulpit here I feel compelled to say this to the church in general not just a theory but all of the church I'm concerned that the church and we've been slits flipping off the rails if you would the doctrinal rails of Scripture as we more and more seem to refuse to believe and apply the scriptures practically the Church of Jesus Christ is getting good at just kind of ignoring the scriptures that talk about things specifically and the sad truth is we see pastors and churches doing stuff that that doesn't necessarily I think really fall in line with what the Bible teaches Brett do you have a monopoly on this nope I don't and we're a sinful Church just like every other Church and a few I always say if you find the perfect Church don't join it because you'll ruin it but eight the Greeks not a perfect Church but I would say this one of the things we really are trying to do is search the Scriptures daily and see what the Bible says about everything that we're seeing everything that's going on around us and be really careful not to live a life and not to do stuff that actually is contrary to what the Bible teaches I know that seems like oh yeah yeah we all do that but it's it's not happening I'm concerned it's almost like if you can see that the table the tables tilting and the church is starting to slide and I kind of want to reach out go wait a minute and get back into the scripture don't slide off the rails because the Bible says for the last days there will be many that will fall off the rails the word is the Greek word is apostasy it I'll tell you about that in a minute but the thing is it's so subtle you guys the way that the enemy sort of slithers in to our minds into our worldview into what we're thinking and I know that I'm gonna seem like a perhaps self-righteous prude or whatever but let me just give you a few examples of things I'm I'm just concerned about and I have to be careful here because some of you guys did all this stuff that I'm about to talk about and and it's it's not it's not that I'm judging or saying you know that everybody's sinners who did this but it's actually it's actually something I just want to kind of give you a heads up on and don't go quickly changing your Instagram accounts and all that stuff but let's talk about for example this week black out Tuesday maybe you guys saw if you're a social media person black out Tuesday was were you on your Instagram account you just posted a black square and and it was supposed to show you know well the question is what for those of you that did it you probably well I know what I was doing I was showing my concern for racism and I was you know now some of you I think we're probably innocently doing that some of you guys were I'm just trying to be hip maybe because everybody else was doing it you know I understand that you may have been you know trying to show that you're listening and that you have sympathies and and and and again I'm not criticizing people who innocently were doing that but I have to say on Tuesday I saw how so many people even a theek recurs got on board with black out Tuesday movement movement but but first of all we have to understand not everybody really agreed on what that actually meant do you know who is starting that whole thing and what black out Tuesday was it you know it's interesting because it started with these two ladies that were part of the you know Columbia Records Atlantic Records there you know and the the record business for african-americans and for hip-hop rap music all that stuff that was there that was where I was coming from and so they were saying let's let's let's have everybody thought baby be silent and we had you just be silent in honor of you know what's happening in racism and in honor of you know George Floyd and enough was enough let's silence that the Instagram for a while so so these two two ladies did that but here's the problem if you look at those those organizations that they work for Columbia Records and others and I'll talk about that a second are those the kind of organizations just asking that we as Christians want to say yeah we're on board with this it's interesting because other pastors they knew wait a minute we're in kind of this tricky spot I watched what a lot of people did they thought well I don't want to be perceived as racist or we call the races so I've got to put a black box up there but then they realized that maybe there's some difficulties with organization that's actually promoting that like maybe they're not godly holy people and maybe their worldview is maybe I'm jumping on board with something so so then some of my pastor friends put a little scripture in there and I can see why they did that that's great just you know hey we can't you can't silence the gospel well some of the pastors that did that I saw they got smacked down because you were supposed to be silent you actually did exactly what you're not supposed to do it with black out Tuesday black out Tuesday was supposed to be blacked out so some of those pastors and put a little scripture on there they got hammered for that because they didn't do what you're supposed to do other pastors they put little fate light grey letters so you can barely see them and they put a little scripture in there just kind of sneaking in and they got criticized for diminishing the Word of God it wasn't bright enough the word should be out there and so there was hatred and I saw people tithing against one another for putting scriptures on there black out Tuesday post or no posting if you didn't post a black out Tuesday oh you must be a racist because you weren't willing to do that or you just weren't on Instagram that day but either way you're probably a horrible person as it turns out black out Tuesday was also very linked to black lives matter now some of you are saying no they weren't I'm saying yes they were and we know that because of people's worldview and mindset so many people on blackout Tuesday hashtag black lives matter it connected the - whether you like it or not they were connected so much so that black lives matter got shut down there their whole web presence and what they used an Instagram got shut down because so many people hashtag black lives matter on blackout Tuesday and so he got really it got actually very controversial black out Tuesday got really controversial for example Rolling Stone magazine the music business is holding a black out but no one seems to know what it means it's interesting that Rolling Stone was was the one said the interesting wide industry-wide call to action which asked for a day of pause on June 2nd has garnered both support and skeptic skepticism from record labels and artist Warner Music Group Sony Music Group you know as a group had all pledged to support alongside many of their flagship labels though others in the industry expressed confusion that the message is intent Joe Steinhardt owner of Don Giovanni records and a teacher at Drexel University tells Rolling Stone excuse me from the from the scene of a protest in Philadelphia on Monday he said that he believes the movement is an ignorant and misguided way to protest adding that what the label should be doing is supporting the already existing efforts and initiatives that have been active such as black lives matter CNN did an article saying why posting a black image with the black lives matter hashtag could be doing more harm than good and they went in and talked about how they were shutting down the black lives matter movement okay so the main people was that did this they were not the black lives matter people they were in fact the the women from all the record companies but you have to understand these record companies and these people are into putting out records that as a Christian pastor are horrifying and I believe there's there's actually real racism even in those records it's it's something that I know not many pastors are gonna talk about but I'm just gonna say it some of the most godless lyrics come out of those very record companies and they're horrible misogynistic hateful toward women using the n-word all the time and and I'm just gonna surprise that that you know as a Christian I just didn't feel a piece of us and yeah I'm on board with that crew and what about that with along with black lives matter can I get on board with black lives matter the answer is no I cannot but prep don't you believe black lives matter we'll just the false dilemma I'm a logical person and you know most people logically say well wait a minute don't all lives matter I've even heard pastors give nice sermons on why you shouldn't say all lives matter you should only say black lives matter until and I get what they're all trying to say but as it turns out it's just confusing til people the idea of black lives matter because a lot of people would say of course black lives matter but their argument is well a lot of people don't realize that and until everybody realizes black lives matter we don't care about any lives except for black lives like there's this there's this kind of controversial and questioning about what does it mean but that's not even the problem that I have with black lives matter because I would say yes black lives of course matter of course but but what about the organization are you supportive of the black lives matter organization well as it turns out they're one of the most godless institutions out there and you really don't have to look very far just go just go to black lives matter website and it's right there black lives matter com it's easy to find and when you go to their what we believe section you'll you'll be kind of shocked and stunned what some of them the major stuff they talk about they talk some about race and and by the way when they talk about the race problem I have to say I agree with quite a bit of what they're saying and of course racism is ugly and racism is evil and it goes against what the Bible teaches of course but that's not really what like that black lives matter it has a huge agenda let me just I don't have time to read all of it but let me just read you some of there this is a few paragraphs really often they're what we believe they say we are guided by the fact that all black lives matter regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity gender identity gender expression economic status ability disability religious beliefs or disbeliefs immigration status or location now listen this we disrupt the Western proscribed nuclear family structure the requirement by the nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages that collectively care for one another especially our children to the degree that mothers parents and children are comfortable what's a nuclear family well if you go to Oxford Dictionary it's the structure that can be defined as a family that consists of a father mother and children and when it's thought of as a unit and said it's like a unit thought of as in society according to the oxford dictionary so black lives matter stands for disrupting that the Western prescribed nuclear family structure they don't want fathers mothers and children in a single family unit they want to have the village raise their children and that's one of the things it goes on we foster a queer affirming network when we gather we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking or rather the belief that all in the world are heterosexual unless he she or they disclose otherwise it goes on and and the LGBTQ agenda is huge in black lives matter and and also you can see that black lives matter stands for defunding the police and you see that the last couple days last 24 hours you've seen signs all over the places you know defund the police they're they're anti police I already told you that God actually is into the police whether they're good bad or ugly read Romans chapter 13 I'm a Bible guy and I believe the Bible and God says I condone the police officers those that are law enforcement the powers that be with the sword in their hand that's that's my thing the Lord says and and so black lives matter stands for defending the police and getting ready at rid of the police altogether boy I can't imagine can you imagine what this world would be like I don't I don't believe there was one person who suggested the day that black lives matter could take over law enforcement and and that sounds a little scary after watching what has happened with the rioting and the burning and the looting I think most people that are reasonable and saying yeah we should probably not go with that particular plan now you say okay great Brett you make this feel really bad now cuz I put a black square on my Instagram well don't feel bad I don't want to add to that I'm just saying what I would say about my silence online and has more to do with I have been listening I have been praying and I have been thinking and talking to people who I trust in Good Counsel and and just asking what should we be thinking about this what should we be doing about this and I've I've listened and sometimes it's better to be silent well Brett you're a leader yeah but you also have to no panic and and and as soon as you try to tell anybody to hurry up that's whack oh I don't I'm not a hurrying type of person by the way I I'm usually slower because I'd rather wait a little bit see what's going on and then actually say something that's true I think too many people jumped on bandwagons too early and maybe are jumping on bandwagons about this whole thing too early right now I'd rather be guilty of being careful prayerful and biblical so so you say okay black lives matter the the blackout Tuesday so that's why you didn't do that Brett yeah I just don't want to be on board with all those record companies that put out horrible garbage and I didn't want to be with an organization that's very Pro things that God says is an abomination I can't get on board with that I'm a Bible guy and anybody that is part of the Church of Jesus Christ we need to be careful about this compromised you know that Satan wants us to sort of compromise our beliefs inch by inch and isn't it interesting that the righteous cause of defeating racism in the United States the good the good thing in this whole discussion man we got to get rid of racism that's absolutely true but it's funny how the enemies sort of using that something that's so important and so rich in in in the direction of this country if we could say man let's get rid of racism altogether that's a good thing but I believe the enemy Satan is using that good thing to try to get everybody on board with something that's actually very sinister and very dark and devilish and it's not godly I think we have to be careful Church don't slide off the table I think there's churches and pastors that are willing to go with the flow of the crowd and just kind of jump on board with things even though the Lord says that's an abomination to me call me a religious prude if you want to but the Bible says in the last days this is what you're gonna see this is 2nd Timothy chapter 3 well as 2nd Timothy chapter 3 moves forward it says there that Paul gives an example he says in second Timothy 3:10 he says but thou has fully known my doctrine the word doctrine of the Bible is teaching you fully known my teaching my manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity and patience Paul's life was lived out in such a way that I was unquestionable I loved that there was no virtual sink or virtue Signet signaling that Paul need to do with his Instagram account I'm not a racist click click click he was just known to be a guy that loved people it says that Paul can you say this hey I don't have anything to prove you have fully known my teaching my doctor in my manner of life my purpose my faith my long-suffering my charity my patience somebody asked why is it Athey Creek you know said more about this I've been saying stuff for 25 years going through the Bible verse by verse chapter by chapter book my book we talked about it last Sunday we talked about the week before that I mean we have been talking maybe just not as screaming as loud as everybody else but but I would say what Paul says men you you know those of you that have been around a 3-week you know what we've been teaching all these years you fully know the doctrine we've been through the Bible one and a half times and we're you know going through Isaiah as we speak we're seeing what our doctrine is in our manner of life and I would show the manner of life of most of the people in our church that I know I'm not saying anything creaks all perfect or righteous but man I'll tell you we got people that are doing a lot of good a lot of good especially during this time I loved seeing a think recurs out this week handing out hundreds and hundreds of meals to people that needed them just this week caring for one another and loving on each other um there's a ton of people that have been praying from Athey Creek during this time of unrest and rioting and and the whole black lives matter of protests and all this stuff there's people praying for safety for people and that racism would come to an end we have 80 creatures were fasting and praying man there's there's faith and and charity and patience that happens man I love that Paul could say this is my example you know Timothy what kind of person I am and and it's almost like you can say in Paul's saying and I don't have to prove that to anybody cuz you already know that I that my ways are I don't have to do any virtue signaling or anything that is just sincere love or my fellow humans by the way did you know that there was various forms of racism going on during the time of Jesus and Paul the Apostle did you know the Samaritans were a race that was hated by the Jews hated man they hated the Jews the Samaritans hated the Jews the Jews hated the Samaritans but the Jews hated them so much they wouldn't even go through their area they just went around they said we don't want anything to do or those stinkin Samaritan it's like like racism was rampant back then but I love that you know it wasn't just that racism was also rampant with the Romans against the Jews the Romans hated the Jews I would be shortly after Christ time they would totally wipe out the Jews kill them and you know it was emperor hadrian who said if you see two Jews talking in Jerusalem you have permission to kill them I mean you can almost picture that with downtown Portland as people are running down the streets smashing each other with skateboards and two-by-fours and stuff that's what they could do during the time of Jesus's day they you know the Romans said man if you want to kill so and you you you can but what I find interesting did you notice that Paul and Jesus they didn't deal with these horrible racial issues politically did you notice that if anybody could have Jesus could have you know Jesus could have started a riot just single-handedly just made people suffer that were horrible racist but he didn't isn't that interesting that he dealt with racism on a one-on-one personal level he went to Samaria and sat by a Samaritan woman and just shared with her and gave her compassion and forgiveness and salvation he dealt with the Samaritan woman one-on-one as they were crucifying Jesus on the cross he dealt with racism how the Romans hated the Jews and and and hated Jesus but instead of you know saying you know Jewish lives matter he actually said interestingly Father forgive them for they know not what they do I would say they know exactly what they were doing is they were sticking a spear into his side smashing a crown of thorns on his head they know exactly and it was it was a very racial issue but Jesus saved the Samaritan woman Jesus forgave the Romans as they were crucifying and then Jesus tells this great parable of the Good Samaritan the Jews would have said there's no such thing there is there's no Good Samaritan Jesus arose and told this great parable like I loved how Jesus dealt with racism of the day one on one and you could see that Jesus loved those people that he would reap meat with and reach into and his life stood for what was right just like Paul could say you know my life you know my doctrine you know my teaching and Jesus didn't have to do any virtue signaling or any of that stuff he just was perfect Jesus was man I loved that well back to our Timothy text Paul's example you know it's then we moved to evil men and seducers second Timothy 3:13 but it says but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived evil men deceiving and being deceived there's so much information today that were that we're getting in the news or by all different kinds of people and I I feel like there's a lot of people being deceived could I just say be careful with information and I'm talking about from all different all different angles I don't trust it any of it really I don't trust FoxNews I don't trust you know CNN or MSNBC or any of those because you know what they're just people and a lot of malt there's agendas and some of it's probably true but a lot of it's false and and and because of that people are totally confused again remember how the Scriptures talk about people that raise more questions than godly edifying Paul talks about that but right now people don't know what to do people are freaked out because they just don't know what to do and I think that confusion you know what the Bible says that the Lord Jesus is not the author of confusion but where does confusion and strife come from James chapter 3 tells us that when there's strife and confusion there's every evil work and it's earthly sensual and devilish strife and confusion people are confused they don't know what to do you can kind of see it in this video there's a little video I'd like to show you and what it is is there's this dude that is he later goes on it says it was a prank but he did this to this poor woman scared her to death later on in his video it shows that he was carrying a big knife so he was not this innocent little dude but um check out what he does and see this woman's rishis she's scared check out what she does I work for black lives matter I'm sorry I work for black lives matter I'm sorry that I scared you but since I work for that company my CEO has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege so if they see that a white person is getting on their knees that show solidarity for the situation the situation and could you just please apologize for you know for your white privilege this apologize it's big it's so it's large in this country you know what this country we have that President Donald Duck that cloud and office you know he's brought a lot of bigotry and you're not a part of it right no and so you know just okay you have a great day you know it's interesting I was thinking about what would I do if somebody came up and told me that and the Lord showed me sitting in my heart I have to admit I'm just gonna say that a person like that saying that to that woman there's there's probably sin in my heart about that because I don't think I would have responded in the best way that's the thing we're all sinful and wretched miserable sinners but this poor woman she don't even know what to do she I think she's just freaked out so this guy's gonna kill her or do something but she goes to her knees and you know does whatever she has to do to get out of this situation but it's so heartbreaking because God's gonna judge the world because of the evil that we're seeing happening today and the untruth the lies and the things that are being told and making people to feel like they have to do that or whatever it is I believe it kind of goes back to what Hosea the Prophet spoke of in Hosea chapter 4 verses 1 through 3 it says hear the word of the Lord ye children of Israel for the Lord have a controversy with the hat' inhabitants of the land because there is no truth nor mercy nor knowledge of God in the land by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery they break out and blood touches blood and then it goes on to say therefore shall the land mourn and everyone that dwelleth therein shall languish with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven yeah and the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away what's this talking about well as it turns out I believe that this is talking about when the Lord comes and the day of the Lord remember we've been talking about that when God intervenes and wipes out pours out his wrath upon a christ-rejecting sinful world what is it that's gonna make this the second part of the verse happened the first part of the verse if we go back to that it basically says because in the land there's no truth no mercy nor knowledge of God by swearing lying killing stealing commit adultery breaking out blood touching blood and then it says that the end is gonna be there the Lord's gonna pour out his wrath and wipe wipe out and judge this world that's what the scriptures say you know it's um I believe really could be living in the last days because of what Hosea said what Paul told Timothy and second Timothy three it's very interesting now as we look at 2nd Timothy 3 also notice this that Timothy knew the scriptures Paul kind of wraps up his section there in in 2nd Timothy 3 there when he says and that from a child Timothy thou has known the Holy Scriptures which were able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus here's the answer by the way of all this stuff that we just read in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 perilous times you know lovers of themselves and doing all this evil and violence and anger and all this stuff but Paul says Timothy you already knew what to do from the time you were a child you knew the Holy Scriptures which were able to make you wise unto salvation through Jesus Christ you know it's interesting we're living in a day where the narrative goes like this well your parents taught you the scriptures when you're a kid but now you're an old person you need to bail on that stupid stuff your parents taught you the Bible is full of contradictions and errors and Jesus Christ never really existed and the world is you know propagating this lie so that our young people are coming out of their parents homes into their colleges and universities being not educated but indoctrinated and they're being indoctrinated away from the gospel of Jesus Christ I love how Timothy knew the scriptures from the time he was a child we know by the way from the second Timothy chapter 1 who taught him the scriptures it was as first as his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice who taught Timothy the scriptures and from the time he was a child he knew how to be wise to salvation through Jesus Christ here is where we find the answer what is it that will make you wise everybody's trying to be wise on social media saying something wise what will make you wise reading Facebook or Instagram you know entries watching the news reading blogs we become more wise listening to podcasts or attending college the thing that's gonna make you wise in the context of the last days and of perilous times that we're living is right here it's knowing the Scriptures which brings you to Jesus Christ the Bible that brings you to Jesus that's what it says here you knew those scripture scriptures which made you wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus you see one thing about this problematic era that you and I are find ourselves in is it's it's it's just so complicated never say it's not that easy racism is too complex and as soon as you say something that you think you know they'll say that's wrong that's racist or they'll say you don't know what you're talking about but I wonder if maybe it's it's actually more simple and everybody's just trying to say it's more complex because they don't want to do what the Bible tells them to do simple stuff like little children love one another that's what Jesus taught us that's what we're supposed to do you know how are we supposed to think what should we say what should we not say what is a horrible statement of racism versus something you're just trying to be nice and people just are worried and freaked out and upset it's so simple follow Jesus Christ get into the scriptures and know Jesus Christ I don't care who you are if you're the person who's had racism you know pounded into your life Jesus is your answer if you were raised by parents who were racist and have worldview that's wacko you need to repent of your sins and and turn to Jesus who showed us how to do it to love one another and to die for one another to be willing to die for one another man I love what what the scriptures say in first Timothy by the way chapter 1 verses 4 through 7 it says this neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith you know it's funny how so many of these things we talked about say they minister more questions than building up are you when you say something to someone about racism or about the issues or the perilous days we're living are you making people feel more built up or more questions it says they minister more questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do now the end of the commandment is charity or love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and faith unfeigned not fake faith real faith now check this out from which some have swerved have turned aside to vain jangling that's a funny term we don't use it anymore but it means they're just yakkung yakkung yakkung of acting like they know what they're talking about but it's all vanity they don't know what they're talking about and there's spinning in circles saying nothing some have turned aside from good solid doctrine and biblical teaching and biblical worldview to this vain jangling and I have to just say it I think some pastors are trying so hard to fit in with this narrative of what's going on in our country in our situation that we've turned a little bit aside maybe from just the solid teaching of the love of Christ oh that's way too simple Bret it's not that easy some of swerves and gone to this vain jangling desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor where of the affirm and because of this this lure there's a lure out there for Christians you and me to get engaged in this well we can't understand it and there's no way to really figure it out and I'm a white person so there's no way I can understand it and and all this stuff where we just we're just feeling horrible and want to go to our knees in front of some stranger and how do we get to this place well I believe this is where we if we lose our anchor to the Scriptures we're gonna start seeing what the last days tells us what's going to happen it's called the the great apostasy or the Greek word is apostasy ax um flip over to second Thessalonians let me let me have you turn there real quick second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses one through three and there it says this now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together in him now pause for a second right there this is great this is both the rapture of the church and the second coming of Christ people say the rapture of the church does not even exist well it does in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 but also right here it says we beseech you by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ that's the second coming but it says but also by our gathering and together that's the rapture of the church so it says now by this that's coming that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled if and you've been shaken in your mind or troubled have you lost any sleep over the last week or two because of this George Floyd incident and the riots and the protests and the anger and the perilous days we're living says don't don't be troubled by this it says it says neither be by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us that as that the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means see here's what I'm suggesting the the Christians are being deceived and things that look like good organizations black lives matter which are actually really dark satanic or organizations they're actually driving people away from Christ people are being deceived and seduced by this this the issue of racism which is as an important issue but it's a little lure that's luring people to get into supporting things that they don't want to support or they shouldn't biblically let no man deceive you by any means I'm afraid that this last week some good Christian people were deceived into behaviors that are part of what Satan's doing to draw his church away by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first the word falling away the Greek word apostasy ax apostasy the day of the Lord is not going to come first the rapture the church the second coming of Christ it's not going to come but before that happens for that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of person son of perdition the man of sin who's that Antichrist that's the coming Antichrist the world leader that's going to come and set up his shop and try to rule the world and kill the Jews we've done whole things on that by the way so you got this whole thing about you know Antichrist remember Antichrist is in place of Christ people think it's against Christ what did it it is that but the idea of Antichrist is is in place of Christ and see here's what happens subtly as we have consternation in the world the Christian Church is being pulled off the rails because we would say Jesus is the answer but a lot of it no it's not no he's not we gotta get there it's too complicated and they'll say things like it's more complex and and and so there's got to be other things other than just Jesus that they'll say that needs to fill in the blank and fill in the blank listening reparations being quiet speaking up silence is deadly you know or whatever you know silence is violence and everything what they're saying the answer is but as it turns out some of those things are kind of in place of Christ rather than saying no Jesus is the answer what the world's need needs today is Jesus and I hope and I pray that you Athey creatures and all those you that are from other churches are watching tonight or other states or countries I know we have a lot of people from all over the world watching tonight man can I just say stick with the Jesus answer because all other answers pale in comparison Jesus you know it's interesting that people try to say nope it's more complex than that now here's the thing as we see this stuff going on - rioting the United States sort of seeming to implode from the inside out and all this warring and rioting and you know second Timothy chapter 3 perilous times that we're seeing meanwhile the the world sits around and condemns us have you seen this the world has been condemning us and and all these sanctimonious nations are starting to you try it against you and me as Americans check this out we had the New York Times just a June second global anger grows over George Floyd death and becomes an anti-trump kugel so all this all this stuff they say they say public outcry over racism of the United States erupting from Addis Ababa to Vancouver China and Iran criticized on human rights by the Trump administration called the killing of mr. Floyd a symbol of American hypocrisy it's interesting like here in Syria this is Syria and do we need to talk about the injustice and racial inequality in Syria I don't even have time to go into that but you know here's George Floyd's face being painted on the wall in Syria it's an interesting thing to me that the world is saying this is bad the United States is chided by China China urges the u.s. to eliminate racial discrimination protect minorities you say well breath that's a good thing I'm glad China's trying to help us to figure that out let's get this straight you're talking about the worst Human Rights country maybe in the whole world the Chinese I mean this is hypocrisy at its finest them calling our problem you know hypocrisy it really is hypocrisy not only that CNN said Iran criticizes oppressive US reaction to to the protests it's interesting you know China said in one of their comments black lives you know matter that their human rights should be guaranteed and these you know these leaders iran's Foreign Ministry said to the American people the world has heard your outcry over the state of oppression the world is standing with you why are these countries jumping on this bandwagon and again I would I would challenge you guys I'm not gonna go into it tonight but check out the facts on how many people are killed how many white people are killed by police officers unarmed white people and how many unarmed black people you know as it turns out it's it's a pretty small number and and then if you go down the list of why the stories you realize there there are some in justices and there are bad cops but in 2019 if you look at it closely there were actually two situations where the cops should have been and were convicted and put into jail because of their their behavior the other situations were dubious and you can look it up but but - for sure what I would say we're unrighteous and and horrible situations - 2019 it's hardly the genocide that we see happening in Syria it's hardly what's happening in Iran with our hanging gay people from cranes in the city streets daily like like if it's the you know it's this whole hypocrisy of these sanctimonious nations and it's really quite a quite a deal now this is where it gets even more interesting those nations are also wrapping in the Jews - the equation hey you gotta always blame the Jews right and as it turns out there's an article you know talking about how anti-semitism is pretty much a part of progressivism Time magazine wrote this in June 30th 2017 going back ways organizers of a Gay Pride Parade in Chicago ejected three people carrying K pride flags and blazoned with a Jewish star of david' on the rainbow flag subsequent bizarre statements attempting to rationalize their acts and actions claiming the Zionism as an inherit inherently white supremacist ideology ideology only exaggerated by the sense that the organizers were deaf to the concerns of the Jewish community and enraged in anti-semitism denying the Jews same rights that were extended to the other participants basically to celebrate their identities as Jewish queer women Miss Time magazine it's interesting because you know they're trying to basically say you know this cop that was put up put his knee on the neck of George Floyd is the same as the Israeli army putting their knee on the the neck of the Palestinians same thing and they're there they're basically trying to make that case you see this propaganda in the Gaza Strip and in Palestinian publications this ayah Allah Palestinian guy was killed by Israeli police suspected for his cell phone being a gun but but you know they're they're basically trying to make the same so they're dragging the United States name down because of racism in America and they're also saying is the Jews are equally as bad and because of that they're actually celebrating it's almost like China and and Iran and these other countries are giddy because this just might be the downfall of the United States now we can talk about Bible prophecy stuff Ezekiel's war that we talk about GOG Magog for that to really happen the United States really has to be taken out of the picture and I've wondered you know when is that going to happen I wonder if if black lives matter succeeds and defunds police in America man I can see the downfall of America really really fast I could see that happening overnight we saw the Kovan virus these race riots all the stuff going on by the way isn't it interesting that the corona virus nobody's talking about it anymore and all these rioters hey arm and arm I was thinking we should do service next week here at church and just call it a riot we're riding against sin and we'll just have a huge group of people in here well protest we're just here I I joke sort of but it is crazy it's crazy how these protesters by the thousands are gathering in mass groups and the same people that are condemning churches for meeting are the same people who are saying good for them they're protesting calling good evil evil good I'm just saying Church is a good thing people need church and it's interesting that the world has got this crazy sort of double standard well now let's move away from that perhaps our next prophecy update I'll talk more about the Middle East and the stage that's being sent over there I was gonna do that this week but too many things going on locally but lawlessness let's just talk about that and we'll kind of finish with this topic tonight lawlessness is part of the end times narrative I hope you know that we read about that in several places Jesus said in Matthew 7:23 and then I will declare unto them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness lawlessness is something God does not like so we know he likes police officers Romans 13 just read it it's right there but he also how much does he not like lawlessness people to go around saying we don't care what the laws say we're gonna do whatever we want lawlessness you know these these guys that are going and beating old ladies over the head with two by fours in front of their stores these women trying to defend their stores that's lawlessness and their that tells me that guy's not saved he's not going to heaven who better who are you to decide that Jesus said it he said those of you that practice lawlessness when I see you I'll say depart from me I never knew you that's a pretty sobering deal lawlessness is condemned in the Bible listen to Jesus talking about this remember in them the you know all event discourse this is a you know big one a lot of Scripture but let's read it you can't do a prophecy update without touching on Matthew 24 right so it says in jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ in place of Christ is the idea there and will deceive many there's that deception thing again everybody's trying to deceive I think deception is on a rampage right now people are being deceived left and right and and they'll deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you're not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom there will be famines pestilences earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of Sorrows or child pains child birth pains is the idea there in the original then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you now we're talking about the tribulation period and you'll be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended will betray one another and will hate one another then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many so in the tribulation very there's gonna be all kinds of deception just like we're seeing today news that's not real fake news that coming from all different angles that's gonna happen to the tribulation you think it's bad now tribulation period gonna be worse they'll deceive many and because of because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold but he endures to the end shall be saved that's the tribulation Saints and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come interesting so Jesus talked about lawlessness and and how that's gonna be a mark of the last days and we're seeing lawlessness this is what it looks like this is what it feels like and mark my words if they defund police work and our police officers are all taking a big vacation we'll see lawlessness to a whole nother level I'm not trying to freak everybody out but that's what they're shouting for tonight in the streets of Portland I saw it on Westland 10th Street excellent just a mile down this way they were saying defund police in Westland the mean streets of Westland kind of interesting well not only Jesus talking about that lawlessness but second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 5 through 12 it says this do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things and now you know what is restrict restraining or holding back that he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work that's what we're seeing only hewed now restrains boy I wish we had more time to go into this but that's the church the church is the one who's letting the King James puts it or restraining he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way what is that he gonna be taken out of the way rapture of the church and then the lawless one one of the names of Antichrist is called the lawless one he's gonna be the head of an tyfa kind of vibe if you know what I mean he's gonna be the one who's the leader in all lawlessness that's what he's gonna be into so once the church has taken out of the way then the lawless one will be revealed Antichrist whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all a brightness deception among those who perish because they do did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason God will send them strong delusion so they're already deceived by the lawless one and then once they're just hook line and sinker then the Lord said then I'm gonna just send a final strong delusion toward them it's like romans chapter 1 says I gave them over to that reprobate mind there's gonna be a giving over to the Antichrist by those who'll say yeah we're going with the Antichrist we're gonna follow the lawless one then the Lord says okay then I will send strong delusion that they that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness you see why I'm worried that the church is slowly and so subtly being moved away from truth signing on to things that they shouldn't be signing on to Oh Brett don't be so particular everybody knows when I just made a black box on my Instagram it was just to say I'm against racism but to me that's just more subtleties where it's trying to move the church into stuff that's just not really godly racism is not godly but all the other things that those black lives matter and and blackout Tuesday stood for those are not godly institutions and I'm just concerned that we are being slowly sort of tricked and duped to let the church just sort of get used to the climate sort of get our toe dipped in the water does okay we're just getting comfortable here but man the Bible says don't be deceived because there's gonna be those who are gonna be part of the great apostasy a falling away from true faith and then the Lord is gonna send a drunk strong delusion that they should believe the lie man if God forbid that happens anybody here and so this coming deceiver Antichrist is gonna be basically everything in place of Christ and that's why it's so important for you and for me to realize that you don't want to go with anything but Jesus remember in Matthew 24 verse 4 jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you man that's what we need to wrist just don't be fooled these scriptures are all warning you and me that in the last days people are gonna be deceived left left and right I feel like we're seeing that right now these are the days where people are being deceived are you gonna be duped I did a sermon once called bamboozled by Beelzebub are you being bamboozled by Beelzebub tricked into thinking certain things are true and certain things are you know what we should be into or certain world views or philosophies that don't really line up with Scripture you know I think standing against racism is a great cause and that's something that is biblical but watch out because standing up with certain groups and certain ideologies that go with that movement you might find yourself in things that are actually not following Jesus follow Jesus example just be simple love the Samaritan forgive the Roman soldier do good to those that are persecuting you and hating you and and love others as Jesus loved us it's all about Jesus I know that's a lot of words tonight to talk about this and it ends with something very simple but that's the thing man don't be duped by all the controversy and the confusion and all the strife and contention that comes from Satan simplicity Jesus Christ that's that's what it's about Paul the Apostle said and very confusing times Paul was living he was living in deadly times and he said I have determined to know nothing Christ and him crucified that's my challenge that's what I would encourage you as a church don't be fooled don't be duped let's keep our eyes on Jesus let's act like Jesus let's love like Jesus and all these things well then we'll know exactly what to do and how to act how to live and so that's the prophecy update for tonight June 5th we'll do another one here at the first Friday of July the Lord willing we'll be doing that less the rapture of the church happens could happen though nothing needs to happen for the rapture the church to happen tonight no there no we're not waiting for anything the eminence of the Lord's return man there's no problems you and I are dealing with today that the rapture doesn't solve and so I look forward to just coming the Bible even talks about how we should be praying for his return and we should remind each other Maranatha the Lord come quickly that's what the church to do and I I just want to say this you know if you're one who maybe you don't understand all the prophecies stuff I'm talking about all these scriptures but you know you're a sinner and if there's a god and he's righteous and true which there is and he does require righteousness you you might be in trouble and I always like to sort of wrap it up by saying do you need to accept Christ and be saved forgiven of your sins have you been a sinful person we've all done it we've all sinned against the Lord but men good news the Lord loves even the worst of sinners and he died on the cross that's the whole thing you and I we repent it's I'm a sinner I admit it but then you say I accept the forgiveness through Jesus it's not that God just winks at your sins is okay I'll forgive you he actually did something about your sin when Jesus who is God came and lived among us in the flesh was on a tree of Calvary for all to see dying a bloody brutal death for your sins that's why he did that so that in Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart the Lord Jesus Christ that God raised him up from the dead it says you will be saved forgiven nothing you do to earn it nothing that you did to deserve it Brett you were saying that George Floyd was not a good person held a gun to a pregnant lady and robbed things at gunpoint and got busted for cocaine several times and had methamphetamines on him when he was arrested he's a bad person do you know what it's possible the George Floyd is in heaven well how could you say that though both both of those things that's the person that thinks that all your deeds is what there's evidence that George Floyd might have been a Christian there's actually times where he was trying to get kids to stop shooting each other and there's there's actual videos of him struggling with his own sinful lifestyle but there's evidence in places where he may have known the Lord well Brett I think his life must be speaking for whether he's saved or not well you better hope that's not true for you see I think it's real possible that we might just see George Floyd in heaven it's not because he was righteousness because Jesus was righteous and if George Floyd ever repented of his sins and said Lord forgive me a sinner and he repent it doesn't mean you're not / you're not perfect once you accept Christ you're still gonna have struggles and obviously he'll still struggle with sin but it's possible that George Floyd is gonna be in heaven that's the grace of God that's the God we serve and so the Lord banned race doesn't even come into the question at all there's no Jew nor Greek male nor female - God he just loves all the people in the world that's why I just love the grace of God man is kindness as goodness I hope and pray that George knew the Lord there's evidence that I'm gonna look for him when I get to have and that's for sure but until then may the Lord put it on your heart if you're yet to be a Christian would you accept Christ tonight the way you do it is just confess form I believe Sun Jesus that he died on the cross for my sins and I accept that gift thank you for saving me just pray that prayer and the Lord will wrap his loving arms around you and you'll be forgiven of your sins and then you're gonna walk in Jesus and it's gonna change your life that's what it's all about hey if you need help with that or if you want to pray with somebody about that we'd love to pray with you and I would I would be happy to have you know you just give us a call you know we've got a whole team of staff here on pastors and guys and gals and I just love the Lord they'd love to pray with you you can talk to them and get counsel or pray the prayer of salvation confession of faith if you want that's all available so with all that said may the Lord give us ears to hear what his spirit would say to the Church of Jesus Christ of these last days were living in Jesus name god bless
Channel: Lean-into-God
Views: 507
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: hU2ch_jk894
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 33sec (5673 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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