Prophecies Concealed in the Menorah | Episode 839

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you're about to see an excerpt from our teaching on the tabernacle it's called secrets of the Holy Place the life-size tabernacle now we're coming toward the conclusion of our teaching and so I would suggest to you that you pay attention to this teaching then stay tuned at the end of the program to see an offer that I have for you but this this teaching is not only prophetic it is also practical and it will teach you something I believe that you need to know let's go to the service right now welcome to manna-fest hosted by international evangelist teacher and author perry stone enjoy unique insight into prophetic and practical truth it's time to feast on fresh manna so get ready to be blessed and encouraged and now here is your host and teacher Perry stone amazing prophecies that are concealed in the menorah is going to be the subject that we're getting ready to deal with X is 37 verses 17 through 20 and we're going to add verse 23 in here follow me carefully he made the candlestick of pure gold of a beaten work work made he the candlestick his shaft his branches his bowls his knobs his flowers were of the same six branches going out of the sides thereof three branches of the candlestick out of one side thereof three branches of the candlestick out of the other side there F three bowls made after the fashion of almonds in one branch a knop and a flower three bowls made like almonds in another branch a knop in a flower and a flower so that throughout six branches going out of the candlestick and in the candlestick where four bowls made of like almonds his knobs and his flowers and he made seven lamps the seven lamps of course along the top and his snuffer's and his snuff dish is a pure gold no the snuff dishes was to extinguish the flame so they could foot the oil and change the wig that's what that deals with there now there is a great prophetic meaning behind the menorah and the menorah has several different traditions behind it there's two things number one it's the symbol of the Tree of Life in all of Judaism the menorah symbolizes the Tree of Life number two for some reason they believe the menorah symbolizes the burning bush and let me just say something you've heard me talk so much about the Ocasio tree that was used for the wood it is more than likely 90% sure that the burning bush was a small acacia tree and that's the tree that would be used to create the entire tabernacle down the road so God spoke to Moses from a bush that was burning that would have been the same tree used to make the Ark of the Covenant so this is interesting first of all seven branches and seven lights on top seven lights now seven as you know is a biblical number seven is such a number of complete completion and a number of perfection but I want to show you something I'm going to show you how how let's let's look at this the spelling of is Israel in Hebrew is yes right L I'm not going to give you the Hebrew letters but I'm going to give you the English letters why is RA l yes right l is how you say it all right then if you look at that there are seven letters in yes all right l the why the I the s the are the a II it out again I'm not giving you the Hebrew letters it gets too complicated for folks so seven letters in the Hebrew name Israel translated of course to our language where we can understand it in the English language seven now that's the seven-branched menorah the seven-branched menorah is connected to the whole nation of Israel that manure was for all twelve tribes now look at Jerusalem je r us al am how odd is it that Jerusalem has nine letters connected with it and those nine letters can represent the Hanukkah menorah the nine branches of the Hanukkah menorah because Hanukkah was not just about Israel it was about the Temple in Jerusalem the entire story deals with the temple in the city of Jerusalem and how it was reclaimed and the oil will affected the menorah that was there in the temple now again if you want to we we have already dealt quite a bit with the menorah itself we've dealt with it made of a hundred pounds of gold it was beaten out of one piece the miracle of how it is able to stand how originally it had a three legged base here so all of that we've already discussed we won't rehash that but there there are some things I want to show you about the number seven and how it fits into the menorah now what I want to do is I want to take you to the book of Genesis and I want to show you the first in our Bible that says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth we got about a 910 letter in English statement in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now in Hebrew I'm going to give it to you in Hebrew and I'm going to put the number of the letter on top of it and then show you in English what it means first phrase Bereshit in the beginning there I created Elohim God look at look at letter for I live Tov no translation then Hashem am the heavens the hot and ha let's high is the in Hebrew Rhett's means the land ha let's the earth please notice the olive Tov Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet top is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet if this were Greek it would say Alpha and Omega mm-hmm now the olive table is the fourth in the series of the seven letters if this were on the menorah the Bereshit would begin on the left side and go all the way across to the seventh light but it is the fourth light on the menorah that would be the olive tough why is that important here's why that's important because if you look at these branches this middle one watch one two three four it's number four coming from one side watch this now one two three four it's number four coming from the other side it's four in both directions but it is in the creation statement the fourth letter better sheet Baba Elohim I love Tov and you've got olive top now remember it's right here this is the middle branch and you've got Hashanah Eve and you've got the hot and higher X why is that important because the olive table is all through the Old Testament but it's never translated when you come across it in the Hebrew scroll it actually olive table is placed there to place the emphasis on the coming statements or to tight together place the emphasis there however rabbis have noted this and Messianic Jews have really noted this if you take it from the menorah it would say in the beginning God created the Alpha and the Omega for in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and Jesus said I am the Alpha and Omega if he were speaking Hebrew he would have said I am The Aleph and the tall I am beginning and I am the end so in the very first statement of the seven words of Genesis that represent the menorah you have in the fourth statement I am in the beginning God created all of top say in the beginning God created the word and there was nothing but the word in the beginning and the word is Jesus who is the olive Tov and Hebrew and by the way it's the fourth branch on the menorah and guess what this branch is called in Hebrew the servant branch none of the other branches are called that this is the central shaft that holds everything else up and the Bible says he's upholding all things by the word of his power now that shows you a little bit about the number seven so let's look at the days of creation in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth with earth was without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water and God said let there be light and there was light let's just stop right there and tell you what liberal scholars have noted that they mocked Genesis with God is supposed to create light on day on that first day right Genesis 1:3 go to your Bible and you'll check out that the Sun Moon and stars are not created till day 4 now they say how can there be light without the Sun Moon and stars for the Sun is the light of the entire creation therefore we have a contradiction here oh we got a contradiction in the Bible really I decided to go to Jerusalem and ask rabbi Getz rabbi Getz to know this is one of the this is when number two of all rabbis in Israel what was the light of Genesis 1:3 I said Sun Moon and stars were not created tilde 4 he said that's correct I said so what was the light he just said it was God now not only as John said in the beginning was the word but if you keep on reading down from there it says and in him was life and this life was the light of men now John is going to refer you back to Genesis 1 and 3 and the light shined in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not that's Genesis 1:3 now what's interesting is in creation I wish I could go through all this manure and show you man is on the sixth day God rested on the seventh day and show you the first 1,000 years of history second 1,000 years third 1,000 years but see the Sun was created on what day the fourth day and it is the light right now of all natural creation so the Sun becomes the servant which shares the light with all of creation but if we count years this represents 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 and 7,000 is the 1,000 year reign of Christ so this menorah is seven thousand years of history just so happens that the servant branch is number four representing 4000 years and from the time of Adam's creation to the time that Jesus came is exactly 4000 years 1000 2000 3000 here's four thousand servant branch Jesus the servant who became the light of the world who upholds all things shows that of the four thousandth year of creation from the time of Adam it's all it's all it's all encoded in the menorah anybody want to go a little bit further with this come on let me ask you a question a lot of you ever heard this how many of you though at this point have not heard the menorah teaching raise your hand if you've not heard me do this hold up real high real high look look around guys that's why I'm teaching like I'm teaching right now praise God all right look at the seven churches of Asia let's look at this seven churches now Jesus in heaven I turned to see the voice that spake with me John's on the Isle of Patmos has the vision of Jesus being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks in the midst of the candlesticks one lakh of the son and told with the garment down to the foot Girt about the paps with a golden girdle and so he's standing in the midst of the candlesticks then the Lord says to him in Revelation 1 in 20 I want to tell you about the mystery of the Seven Stars you saw in my right hand and the Seven golden the seven stars are the seven angels and that actually are messengers of the seven churches this would actually be the pastors you know God loves preachers so much he calls them angels well I can't help it that you didn't think that was a revelation or something yeah and then in the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches now let me give you the seven church orders and we're going to go with the menorah start over here and count with me while I count this okay here we go we're going to start on this side where I'm standing number one Ephesus to Smyrna number three pergamus or Pergamus number three Thyatira number four Sardis number let's go over this again see my numbers I'm going ahead of my numbers number five Sardis number six philadelphia number seven is label to see I think I got them all in there right seven churches okay everything starts centering as we can see on this center branch there's your key branch what is the fourth church the fourth church is some people call it thigh thigh thigh attire others call it a turret scholars call it different ways and in the fourth church here's what it says the Lord whose eyes are like fire speak to the church he mentions fire on this fourth church which is the light of the menorah and his eyes have you ever looked at somebody's eyes do you know what eyes are shaped like almonds do you know what is on top of this the almond blossom do you know what's on Aaron's rod talk to me somebody so godlike the almonds so much he put your eyes in the shape of two of them look at it look at look at her almond don't go stick an almond and you're out like a nut but look at it almond fourth church he mentions his eyes like fire and eyes are in the shape they do they have a shape if you look at an arm and they have the shape of an almond some eyes are bigger than others we know that some people also the same now let me talk to you for a moment about a few more other things about the prophecy and the menorah we're almost done with this the judgments of the book of Revelation what I want to show you is how God's patterns are just so perfect the seven trumpet judgments of Revelation 8 and verse 2 let us again start on the on this side we're going to start on the side toward me and count the judgments I'll give you the the number then I'll tell you what they're about ready first judgment which represents the first branch on the menorah hell fire and blood from heaven number 2 is a burning meteor right number 3 is a star called wormwood I'll skip number 4 number 5 is the star that falls from heaven our angel with the key of the bottomless pit number 6 or 4 angels that are loosed and number 7 the angel cries it is finished or it is complete that's why we talked about 7,000 years and you get to the end of that millennium that last branch is the 1000 you read across what happens when you come to the end of the millennium that's the end of it man we can't we're an eternity so the seventh angel says it's finished and it's done now do you know what the judgment is of number four which is the servant branch it is the judgment of the darkening of the Sun Moon and stars I've already told you the Sun is made on the fourth day look this could go so deep I could spend two hours on this and I won't but this is so deep it keeps going and going and going I'm only giving you a highlight to show you the greatness of the patterns of God alright the seventh vial judgments Revelation chapter 16 let's go the same way we're going to start on the left side and we're gonna go to the right side here we go said I'll do that right yeah yeah yeah okay we're coming come on this side right here and this far side near me first judgment a sore pairs on men with the mark the second one the sea becomes a blood the third ones the river becomes like blood I'll skip the fourth one that's the servant one that's the main one number five darkness on the kingdom of the Beast number six the afraid these river drives up number seven it is done you always get to number seven in all of these the Seventh Seal positions to something vii files transitions to something the seventh trumpet transitions to something but always number seven is where it says it's done it's finished complete that's why that's why the early church fathers said them that there were six days of creation and God rested on the seventh there's going to be six thousand years from Adam at some point to the time the Messiah returns to set up that one that God rested on the seventh day that's a thousand year millennial reign of Jesus that's why everything ends at seven you don't see another branch on the candlestick in the temple there's only seven because it's seven thousand years of total history oh I wish I had time to preach on that oh by the way the fourth vowel judgment is the Sun scorches man with fire fourth day of creation fourth branch Sun Moon and stars are made on the fourth day fourth judgment Sun Moon and stars fourth trumpet judgment fourth foul judgment let's talk about seven feast whoo this is what gets me excited hey you're ready some of you're gonna shout with me for this is over with all right you don't get that good Baptist Methodist shout on you watch I'll guarantee it's gonna come on you this is really cool now seven feasts of Israel we got to start from this scene ready I'm gonna come back I'm gonna come behind you like this ready here we go no but I'm all dyslexic my feast went backwards when I did that let me come here that was weird it's like all of a sudden I got back here what's the first piece whoa okay here we go ready Passover you all know the seven watch now unleavened bread firstfruits Pentecost are you ain't heard it yet coming to the fall months trumpets Russia Shana trumpets David tone mint Tabernacles those are sent feast of Israel why is Pentecost the servant branch why is it that why why because the Holy Spirit represented by the menorah came on the day of Pentecost or the Feast of Pentecost to be bring the holy spirit to build the church around him and around Jesus oh but wait wait ready and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like a fire yeah there it is now you've got some hockey give him a shout for the Lord all right so so the first now here's what's interesting you ready this Tabernacle that I've been showing you with all these curtains and all this furniture Moses went up on a mountain for forty days but you have to count the time that they came out of Egypt and then he's forty days on the mountain added up from Passover to the time Moses who came off of that mountain with those Commandments was fifty days or the day of Pentecost when he came off of that mountain on the day of Pentecost Jewish rabbis have taught this for centuries that fire was seen on the mountain and the Bible says there was fire and lightning and all that type of thing and that God spoke God's voice could be heard in 70 different languages which were the 17 languages of the nation at the first Pentecost we're talking about rabbis that don't believe in that speaking in tongues stuff that's their tradition about Moses being on the mountain in Pentecost now watch 3,000 Souls okay first of all God comes down on the mountain Jewish tradition says there are voices heard from the nations off the mountain 3,000 Souls die because they're worshiping a gold cow right watch what happens in acts 2 when the day of Pentecost was fully come the Holy Spirit comes tongues of fire show up they start speaking the languages of the nations 16 Jewish nations understood those Galilee and speaking their own language and 3,000 souls are converted on the day of Pentecost my lord 3,000 Souls convert so here's what here's what that central branch represents three things ready number one the light of Pentecost or the light of the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost to baptize people number two he brought the anointing which is the oil every lamp had oil do you know what that means ready the first thousand years is from Adam till the translation of Enoch ever I wish I could go through this and show you the whole thing every 1000 years God has people who have the oils the anointing every generation there's somebody maybe one person in France one person in Spain one person in the Middle East somebody in the desert but every thousand years there's a generation of anointed people but we're here right now we're at Pentecost having fulfilled these feasts now we're at Pentecost getting ready to fulfill the rapture which i think is a picture of the Feast of Trumpets I don't say it's going to happen that I think though it's a picture of it secondly and it could happen then let me correct that second day of atonement which is the tribulation and then the Tabernacles which is the Kingdom where Jesus is going to come back to rule and reign for 1,000 years so right now we're living at the servant branch now here's the thing oil and light the church has the light and we also have the oil the anointing but I want you to notice and here's the final part of this message and I don't want anybody to miss this servant branch this is not just called main shaft main branch or main dude this is servant branch and here's what it means that when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit and you come into your individual Pentecost you are going to serve God and serve people Perry stone is pleased to announce the release of his secrets of the holy place Tabernacle series with nine new DVDs approximately 16 hours of remarkable Hebraic insight and wisdom regarding the wilderness tabernacle and the secrets of the holy place using a life-size replica of Moses tabernacle including intricate replicas of the sacred furniture Perry combines 40 years of research on these nine compelling and powerful DVDs giving you perhaps the most detailed revelation and exciting discoveries of patterns and mysteries you will ever hear explaining the redemption code concealed in the tabernacle boards curtains pins priesthood and holy furniture preached before a live audience the subjects include living in the shadow of God Tabernacle secrets amazing insights and messages concealed in the Tabernacle furniture secrets of the priesthood and the priestly garments priestly rituals for spiritual war that believers must follow today Holy Smoke David's tabernacle in the shadow of God the blessings of Corbin and prophecies in the menorah Christ our Melchizedek and the mystery of the blood the Sinai Code the festivals and the concealed mysteries of the Cross the believers royal priesthood prophetic insights and much more you will enjoy approximately 16 hours of uniquely Illustrated teaching on DVD which includes scriptures important pictures and other indispensible information edited into the teaching Perry has never offered anything of this magnitude in the history of his ministry and is limiting the amount of time this special offer is available this beautifully packaged 9 DVD set secrets of the Holy Place Tabernacle series is available for a special donation of just $135 or more which will assist us in keeping the Manifest television program on the air order now by calling toll-free 1-800 that's one eight eight eight two one two seven three two three or order online at you may also write us at perry stone PO box 3595 cleveland tennessee 37320 and enclose your gift of just 135 dollars or more and request offer 9dv 0:01 we look forward to hearing from you soon okay ladies and gentlemen if you've been watching and you haven't ordered yet this is the last week this is it to get secrets of the Holy Place nine DVDs sixteen hours of teaching with a life-size tabernacle we had seven cameras in there I mean you know you're talking about taking almost a year and a half to edit eight cameras with the scriptures with the graphics with the pictures from Israel and so we believe it will be a great teaching and you know winners coming up and this is where you want to sit in your home get your coffee or whatever you need a popcorn and watch this with your notebook and your notepad this is the time to do it thank you thank you also for those of you they have ordered the material now real quick you know manifest is on the air they tell me in hundreds of countries and Providence's both on cable course in the United States it's the states on cable but on satellite around the world and just as a brief note we go into a nation's where we are translated into different parts of the world and we're seeing results among all the different religious groups it's amazing when I meet people that are especially outside the United States who tell me we watch your program we don't miss it we use your material on Bible studies in our Bible studies and things of this nature and so what I want to share with you is it's important that you help keep manna-fest on the air either through your support or through the support of lighting the material that we show you that's how you do it we ask you also to continue to pray for us when we step out into some of the realms that we're stepping out into and I think you all know this this is especially if you're believers you make a lot of friends but you also make a lot of enemies who don't like what you preach and don't like what you say now we have never been intimidated to compromise the messages that the Lord has put in our heart to share with people that is one area that the Lord has given me boldness however we also know that it takes a very very heavy foundation of Prayer and we always ask people when when when we come into your mind you see our faces you think of us the family or the entire ministry keep us in your prayers that the enemy will be defeated that we will stay strong physically be able to accomplish everything I guess my favorite verse in the Bible in the Old Testament I just love this verse where it says that Joshua left nothing undone of what the LORD commanded him to do and I guess if I had a prayer of mine it would be that whether you know you live long enough and you pass and Jesus doesn't come or Jesus does show up that you that you do everything that he has instructed or commanded you to do so thank you so much for watching manifest now we're going to be coming to you very soon with excerpts from the main event thousands of people came we had messages that the Lord gave us so I want you to be looking for those on the program as well and also pray for our trip which is coming up to the Holy Land that we'll be able to tape and do exactly what God wants us to do see you next week
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 49,117
Rating: 4.8740158 out of 5
Keywords: Menorah, Prophecy, Hebraic Roots, Biblical Prophecy, Perry Stone, Manna-Fest, Voice of Evangelism, Omega Center International
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2016
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