Proper Tomato Sauce Using Fresh Tomatoes (3 ingredients)

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tomato paste no no no all you need in order to make this tomato sauce is fresh tomatoes olive oil and salt you know the right way I'm one of those people whose life was changed by the tomato with onion and butter sauce from Marcello's essentials of a classic Italian cooking this sauce taught me to say the least a lot about tomato sauce and what it really means and how important it is to do it correctly now it really varies from region to region does this partially why I'm a little nervous about doing this recipe because I know how Italians feel about their tomato sauce and I know that there are Italians watching this right now most tomato sauce in America is just it's dead wrong but before I talk the subject of death let's just make this shall we right so before I begin I just want to say that this is one of the greatest cookbooks to ever exist and I'll be using some of the techniques that she describes in this video so if you want to take a look at it there's a link in my description anyway let's talk about the most important ingredient here the humble tomato now that it's tomato season using fresh is pretty ideal you want to have some sort of variety of plum tomato more specifically roma tomatoes which is what I'm using here and this is an important guys so when picking these out make sure that you're getting nice vine ripened roma tomatoes some really really good quality ones the best you can get your hands on and of course if you can't get your hands on good quality fresh froma tomatoes and you can absolutely use canned whole peeled san marzano tomatoes but that's sort of a last resort kind of thing take four-and-a-half pounds or 1.8 kilos of fresh roma tomatoes and lightly score cross at the bottom of each of them this helps with the peeling then you're gonna plunge the tomatoes into boiling water for about a minute or slightly less until their skins sort of pop a little and loosen up then immediately transfer them to an ice water bath do this in batches if needed you're just blanching these not cooking them once they're all iced to immediately peel out their skins the should slide right off real easy like make sure not to leave them in there ice bath for too long you know you're just using it to stop a cooking process you know don't let them get all frizzy in there and stuff that's once all your Tomatoes are peeled cut them roughly into 1-inch cubes and place that in a nice medium large pot I'm using my enameled pot that you guys always make fun of for being so messed up because it's old but look don't make fun of old Bessie okay she's giving it all she's got so once your tomatoes are peeled and cut place that pot over medium heat season it with salt and gently some of these tomatoes for 35 minutes now always season right at this start with this because you want to get those little tomatoes to release their juicy juices you know I'm saying during the simmering period you'll need to stir periodically and adjust the temperature you know up or down keeping it a nice gentle simmer rather than a ferocious boil you know you don't want them to be boiling and yeah you get the point also while simmering you're gonna smush the tomato chunks up against the side of the pot just sort of help mash them up as they cook the more you smush the smoother the sauce now we're not blending this keep it rustic you know we want some texture barians now once that 35 minutes simmer is up you can do one of two things you can go ahead and stir in really well 1/2 cup or 125 milliliters of nice extra virgin olive oil and simmer it in additional 15 minutes then taste it again for seasoning with salt and call it a day and have an absolutely delicious tomato sauce or you could take it a step further like I did and replace that 1/2 cup of olive oil by finely dicing two and a half ounces or 75 grams of guanciale and cooked that in 1/3 a cup of extra virgin olive oil with 2 sprigs of rosemary and one yes only one clove of garlic left whole and lightly crushed brown that stuff over medium heat just until the guanciale is lightly browned don't let the olive oil stay in the heat for longer than about 2 to 3 minutes then just add all that stuff straight to your tomato sauce in place of that original 1/2 cup of olive oil stir it in really really well simmer in an additional 15 minutes and then taste again for its salt level season it again if necessary and then toss with your pasta of choice I use bucatini but you can go with whatever your heart desires and ideally your heart desires b-roll [Music] alright guys and that is it so how to make classic traditional ish tomato sauce with fresh tomatoes it's that simple and more people should be doing it it's cheaper and it tastes about a bajillion times better than just about anywhere else you're gonna get it anyway before we go just a quick little conversation about fermentation Friday let's just say I didn't post it last Friday yeah I feel awful about it but today's Friday isn't it point is so fermentation Friday it's having a little bit on hold the biggest issue with fermentation Friday is purely timing you know it's not an excuse anyway I just want to give you guys an update on it you know it's coming but let's just say that I've got some really cool fermentation projects in the pipeline it's things that you guys have been asking for but in the meantime I appreciate your patience and there is still plenty more if you have ideas for what kind of ferments you want to see just send them off comment below let me know but anyway if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 832,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tomato sauce, tomato sauce recipe, homemade tomato sauce, tomato sauce with fresh tomatoes, authentic tomato sauce, italian tomato sauce, marinara sauce, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, easy tomato sauce, how to make tomato sauce, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, tomato, sauce, marinara sauce recipe, how to make marinara sauce, marinara, easy tomato sauce recipe
Id: H6bzvtsJIeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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