Proof Wuhan Lab Manipulated Coronaviruses

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These guys lived in Chinea for over 10 years they they know how nasty the CCP is.

I'd put them up there the Nazis.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jamies_Magik_Torch 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

To be honest didn't watch the vid. N.I.H. funded the [Bat Woman] 600 thousand a year since 2014 to 2017. This was intended to be a BIO WEAPON from the very beginning, it got away from them. The VIRUS was designed to bond to human cells, it got away before they could develop a vaccination. Corporates are chocking on CCP cheap to slave LABOR, their GREED is is a plague to the WORLD also. NONE of this will end well, to many RICH lovers of money will feed us all to the DRAGON.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GOANJUDADDY76 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love those guys, been watching them since the beginning

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/outofspacetraveler 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
more young miners the more young miners what are the mojo miners and why is it as important why is it important why does the whole world need to know about these more young miners well uh it'll be very apparent after this wonderful episode and you'll understand that and i'll explain a little synopsis before we dive into the real scary meat of this [Music] um were a mining group of people in china and they uh they contracted a sars like coronavirus respiratory illness okay but let me tell you when they contracted it because the viewers behind the screen might say i contracted a sars like coronavirus respiratory illness yeah they contracted that in 2012. okay so that's yeah now they contracted it from bats and then the bats gave it to them in these caves where they were mining right all these shafts right um it's beautiful out here eh yeah we got another biker behind us but yeah you go past sure um so anyway when that kind of uh when that was the information was released dr jung lee which is the uh virologist that runs the wan institute of virology yeah the bat woman in you know in wuhan where the coronavirus started she went down there and collected samples from them now over the next four months the uh workers the miners ended up either dying or ended up in the icu yeah recovering in recovery but a lot of them died um very intense serious problem you know just like coping 19 right and it was actually you know when they studied it they brought the the culture back they brought the virus back to the lab in wuhan they uh they basically stored it so that they could work on it and coronaviruses are famous for being able to you know alter protein spikes and basically manipulate them um something that peter daszak who you could probably explain who that is and then we'll get into it yeah well you know recently the who went to do this sort of uh investigation in wuhan to try and figure out the origins of the coronavirus this it's a farce basically but he's the only us-based scientist that was on the team also turns out he's also the only us-based scientist who actually has massive ties with the wuhan institute of virology and all that but we'll get into that later but that's who he is and he's actually he's a brilliant virologist in his own right but unfortunately he's kind of at least all indicators point to the fact that he's paid and bought for uh you know by china by the ccp yeah so so peter basically worked with dr sejung lee on these coronaviruses and had funding going to the wuhan institute of virology peter's also the guy that said that it probably didn't come from china or wuhan and it's probably from frozen seafood so the smoking gun really is all of the work he's already done on corona coronaviruses okay so he's worked on pretty much as sars uh you know coronavirus the same as covert 19 almost it's obviously not exactly the same but more or less the same contracted by human miners in mojang transported those uh samples back those cultures of that virus back to the wuhan lab of virology which is very close to where the outbreak happened you know and so what we wanted to do is we this needs more eyes and we found some absolutely unbelievably damning stuff so no one's gonna do it then if mainstream media is not gonna do it then you guys watch for yourself uh enjoy yeah okay i don't know about you sea milk but i have some issues with ethics when it comes to medical trials okay and why i i feel like if you're going to take part in a medical trial especially when it's some kind of a experimental vaccine that you should be able to at least consent yeah i think everyone would agree with that not only that i think everyone in the governing body is of the medical sphere would agree with that around the world so who are we looking at here uh this is leo jingzhen let me get his title correctly on that okay yeah he is the chairman and secretary of the party committee a party committee so he's a uh a party member yeah chairman and secretary of the party committee of china's national pharmaceutical group company limited yeah i got to tell you guys if anyone's in any kind of a position really in in any kind of government position if you're a i don't know a manager at a a government office or in a hospital or in a police anything you are a party member automatically you cannot get that position if you're not a party member anyone in the government is going to be a party member but he's kind of like a higher level party member right anyway uh he released a statement i'll just translate it for you guys okay let's bring it up we should have translated this previously but anyway we do it on the fly yeah so uh this guy basically says that it's safe the vaccine of china's coronavirus vaccine is going to be safe for three to 17 year olds now that in itself is not alarming that's just a statement right but then he follows up with this by saying give me a sec he he follows up by saying that the trials the the clinical trials for the three to 17 year olds were successful were successful and they were not really different from the 18 to 59 year old trials yeah so in that statement he's just not insinuated he said that three to 17 year olds were part of clinical trials for the coronavirus vaccine yeah three three-year-olds three-year-olds yeah and this is something i want everyone to get you can kind of spiel about but by the way the source of this is a government chinese government oh it seems safe between three and three to 17 year olds because the clinical trials on three to 17 year olds proved no big issues now why would anyone allow their three-year-old child to be part of a clinical trial for an untested vaccine you've got to either be very immoral or someone who only cares about money and not care about your children i certainly wouldn't allow my child to be part of that trial yeah but you understand that a lot of these people are very undereducated right this lost generation of people so if they're taking care of a three-year-old right hypothetically they don't know what the the potential fallback from this is yeah they don't understand i mean you have a you have an entire generation people that barely went to school i mean look i do actually understand it and the reason again i'm gonna pull this out i used to train doctors okay my wife is a doctor a chinese doctor but just the experience that both of you and i have had going to hospitals and stuff is there's a huge amount of ignorance yeah behind how medicine works sure and the reason i say this is that antibiotics is used as a cure all for everything i say this every time but when i broke my knee they gave me yeah they gave you because you broke your knee and i didn't have an infection no you just broken it that's the thing when i went to sparta that when i was training the doctors for the university in shenzhen it was this big event it was kind of like the olympics but for universities i went to their big new medical facility they'd set up with the most high-tech equipment that this massive big x-ray machine they put me on and you lie there and it moves you around and like scans your entire body for breaks in your bones and stuff yeah it was weird it's it wasn't like you lying like a plate and the plate moves backwards and sideways but it was a very fancy work they had all the fanciest best equipment ever i went in there to pretend that i had a sprained ankle that was my whole thing and i was because the whole point is that they're supposed to be dealing with international athletes sure so i had to pretend i can't speak chinese right and i went to the doctors and i'm coming oh my my foot hurts etc they put me on this x-ray machine they take me and sit me down with the doctor to consult me and he tries in his very poor english to figure out what's going on guess what he gave me for my sprained ankle antibiotics he gave me antibiotics yeah and i was like first of all i was allergic to that particular antibiotic that he gave me right and second of all you don't need antibiotics to treat a sprained ankle but you know i'm just i am china just drifts by on luck because during the university the only thing that happened was one of the athletes got heat stroke that was it because if anyone had actually been injured and being treated by these doctors and i'm i mean you could say it's a failure on my point because i was training them you know i and i was doing these massive intensive training courses with all the hospitals around the city it was a huge thing that i had to do but the fact of the matter is that they messed up something that simple giving me an an antibiotic that i'm allergic to for something that doesn't need an antibiotic you know it just blew my mind but here's the thing guys antibiotics are so abused that you'll get a middle aged woman going in i've seen it a lot of times and my wife's told me about this a lot and the other doctors too will go in there with the a cold and she'll be like give me your heart yeah give me antibiotics and they'll be like okay but it's not good for you give it to me okay fine and they're cheap they cost like 10 rmb or five rmb and then yeah two r b and you get a bag an iv bag and you go sit on a one of those wooden chairs yeah okay you know those terrible things sit in the woods in public in front of the window so everyone sees you getting your iv with an iv drip of antibiotics so when you have this kind of ignorance surrounding medicine it makes sense that the occasional person wouldn't think it's weird to give their three-year-old an experimental vaccine they literally think oh it's good they get a vaccine and this is what always bothered me is that china's you know running level four viral labs virus labs and they're running massive medical trials with huge funding from around the world when and and again the scientists themselves have very good understanding right but in as a general populace in terms of like where we're at with medical technology and stuff i mean we're way behind in china and when you have a situation like this where beggars believe the the lack of morals that you need to have to to accept a child patient from three to 17 yeah to go get an experimental experimental vaccine trial yeah you know with it with a vaccine it has such a low efficacy rate already yeah um just to rush it out so you can say listen we did it first this is remember when china said let's not turn this into vaccine diplomacy proceeds to literally vaccine diplomacy that's just their way of trying to stall everyone else like yeah yeah just just don't don't worry about it don't do it meanwhile they're like yeah i gotta finish it you know my point is the the the biggest thing that i learned from this is i mean i know some of the horrible things that happen in the medical field in china it's some really horrific stuff but that he was so apt and ready to go out there and say yeah we finished clinical trials of three-year-olds thinking that that's probably not a big deal that no one's going to point that out like people like us aren't going to notice something like that yeah come on dude like no one in the rest of the world in the medical community is going to be sit on that and think that's kosher correct you know what i mean and that leads us into something else yeah that we're gonna i mean this is i'll be honest this might be the last time we talk about this whole coronavirus thing because the ball's in the rest of the world's court at this point but this is the last thing we'll we'll hand to you on a silver platter okay yeah let's remind you guys first of all what happened here wa-o gets one year basically sorry china gets one year right they get one year to clean everything up or do whatever they want to do they stalled the who for one entire year because the who needs to get into wuhan and figure out why coronavirus happened michael 19 happened simple as that right they get a whole year finally peter dazek goes in with the he leads the investigation team in wuhan they go into the lab they go into the the wet market the wet market has already been cleaned completely the animals that were being sold there are not being sold there anymore they did swab tests of these animals they're like yep no coronavirus on these sure sure because at the end of the day china's been pushing the narrative that coronavirus didn't start in china and it's we pointed it out last week and it's everybody has to understand this peter does that guy was the only us-based representative to be part of this uh investigation team he is also somebody who has decades of collaboration with the wuhan lab of virology where it's where everyone is kind of expecting this probably originated from if it didn't come if it wasn't just cross species naturally the others yeah exactly the other big um theory is that it came from this specific lab sure he has personal and financial interest in that lab which is yeah which is the doctor who is working on all the scientists scientists working on the the bats she's called the doctor yeah i'm sorry i'm just saying yeah doctor you know scientist um anyway you can be called doctor if you're a doctor in mathematicians anyway the fact of the matter is um this guy worked with her and has personal a lot of personal ties to everyone involved and that's why first of all he shouldn't have been on this trip because of those interests it's a it's a conflict of interest he cannot be like open and fair and and objective and independent when it comes to his investigation because he's basically given years he's basically going to his friend's house and going in there and saying like hey i'm i'm supposed to like look for drugs in your house but i yeah don't worry about it i know i can see them all over there just quickly put them away put them away i won't tell anyone you know what i mean that's basically what happened with this guy yeah so china blames what eight to ten countries around the world for coronavirus yeah and they expect the rest of the world to be like oh that's cool just keep blaming us china yeah they blame italy they blame india they blame japan they blamed australia they blame the us at this point and and it's not tabloid this is the state the chinese state was blaming these countries for coronary arteries when it's very clearly started in muhammad right let's see where it came from it's gotten to the point where it's become almost prejudiced or racist to insinuate that it came from wuhan which baffles me because it's just scientific evidence at this point it doesn't baffle me it shows you once again how the ccp is using western social media and western media against the west they've turned this on its head and somehow insinuated like you said that it's a racist to say that the virus originated from the place that it originated in right and at the same time it's totally okay to say the uk strain or the south african strain or whatever that's totally fine the thing is i'm not even talking about on a personal level like let's say we're just two blokes chatting about coronavirus and we're like yeah here that came from that's not what i'm talking about if you want to go out there and be like a social social justice warrior or something and say listen we shouldn't say that it came from there because it damages asian people or something right okay that's fine that's that's that's up to you the the real importance of this is it's become prejudice and inappropriate to say that it came from wuhan in the medical and scientific field when you insinuate as a scientist with tons of collaborative effort yeah from other scientists that are putting out research papers that are coming out like wildfire right now by the way yeah um because there's people that are just baffled at this investigation actual scientists that can break down dna sure right they're they're coming together saying like listen they can't get any headway because the media won't touch it they can't get it funding they can't do any of this stuff because people are too scared to say that it came from one in the in the scientific field right um by then signed that you're not allowed to say that if you work in government whatever you're not allowed to right call it a chinese voice or a wuhan flu or anything it's actually now law right and that's the problem is that that's gone past okay limit what people can say because maybe it instigates bad feelings amongst each other we're talking about at a top level now where people need to talk about the origins because that's how we prevent it in the future yeah so to to start this all off this is what we've we've found we just wanted to remind you guys and catch you guys up that this guy has deep deep ties with shidong lee and the wuhan institute of rolology yes this is well documented it's all over the what we're about to show you um is footage that's been that that's basically been uncovered by us and people that are helping us and this is going to prove that this guy peter dassack is a liar and a con and he contradicts himself sure this is the important part because this the entire investigation hinges on him sure i should say he he contradicts his own organization absolutely in the in the messages that they've been so he contradicts himself sure well let's see what let's go we want to remind everyone if you haven't watched the episode previously this is uh what he said to the bbc so i'll let you guys watch this first listen very closely to that press release what you will find is that there is a clear indication of supply chains going into that market that take you from places where sarsko v2 relatives are into that market so there are supply chains going in from other countries as well and there are reservoirs animals that we know are susceptible to related viruses evidence of that was found in frozen food in that market that was clearly stated in the press conference just then i think that's a clue as to how something might have got in we also know about the cold chain work and there are also other ideas on the table i think that um you know you heard the opinion of the team that spoke about the whole group and our opinion on the various hypotheses and i think it stands alone as it is is given that this report rules out a lovely isn't your credibility on that a little undermined by the fact that you've been saying that even before you came here no and what you find here is um a group a very large group of experts have looked at this they've been to the various labs around the region and talked to people asked critical questions got critical answers and they've come to their conclusion and i have as well and what they say is extremely unlikely and that stands alone all right now p with peter this is the issue here peter basically a long time ago he said it was oh what did he what was the word he used he said it was like reprehensible or heinous i think he used the word heinous right uh when people said well there's a level 4 bio lab yeah where the the the head scientists chojang lee yeah works on that that derives coronaviruses and she goes and gets bats from around china and studies the transmissibility of coronaviruses from bats into humans and that lab is next to a wet market where they sell animals and the initial outbreak happened in wuhan yeah in that white market where that lab is yeah and and then that huge banquet that was put on by the government and promoted everyone eating out of the same dishes and everything at the same time one of these things one of these things is probably what happened here right it's just kind of common sense sure occam's razor yeah now the thing is when peter goes and says way back way back before they go to the lab that it's heinous to insinuate that it could potentially be an error i'm not talking about bioweapon here no just talking about an error yeah potentially it could have been an error that like if somebody contracted it in the lab yeah or it leaked out or through the garbage or whatever right yeah it's heinous to even insinuate that there needs to be an investigation sure it's heinous to even think that this lab that studies that very coronavirus has anything to do with this that's heinous right yeah so the scientific community not me the scientific community by the way says that's a bit ridiculous yeah right yeah that's a little ridiculous this head virologist peter dazzak is going out there saying this already that's because his mates are the ones who run the lab of course we've we've come to that conclusion but number two they got a year a year to clean up the sea to clean up and the ccp goes and talks to everyone in that lab now the people that were originally missing still haven't turned up by them no they haven't this would be a really easy way to prove this right sure sure so that's the first thing but that's something that can't be proven because what are they going to let a third-party scientist go in there and check it out right no no the real problem that you can prove the fallacy here is that peter says that they are kind of going on the lines of china's original theory which is it came from seafood seafood not just from china but he also mentions from saudi arabia from he specifically says from other countries and it's very key in china's whole play and this whole corona virus thing it has it can't come from china comes from other countries they started with demonizing wuhan this is this is how the ccp worked they were like wuhan you effed up and then they told the whole world and including chinese people they called it a virus they fired all these people they're like yeah they jailed like they killed you they're the top like guys who were trying to hide it and stuff that's the thing it was wuhan in the beginning and then china realized hang on they're like we can milk this yeah we've got to deflect this away from china completely so now the fact of the matter that the whos investigation their sort of end thing that they came out with was it's probably from imported sea frozen seafood now never mind them the fda has said that it's virtually impossible pretty much to get coronavirus from packaging or food yeah um it's just not how it spreads it's a respiratory illness right and you get it through what me and you are doing right now there's flecks of spit that are going into the stomach but that's what's happening and that's how you get coronavirus pretty much human beings are disgusting they are now the who themselves back in august said there is no evidence that coronavirus is being transmitted by food okay yeah and also the who at this point was they're pretty staunch on where this kind of came from yeah okay yeah they're like this is just not how it's gonna be they don't want people freaking out over this like handling food and stuff there's enough paranoia surrounding this the scientific community basically said this is respiratory right yeah now peter after the entire investigation without any evidence because they swabbed all the animals came to the conclusion as yeah it's probably we're looking into this supply chains of frozen food after they've already said that that's not the case and multiple governing bodies around the world have said the same thing if you go to the next slide this is it gets even more damning yeah let's do it so this is an interview with peter i believe this was maybe march or something but anyways in 2020 okay yeah and he got his grant suspended um for for the research he's doing okay now peter and the who basically they're insinuating that they haven't found the reservoir the natural reservoir for the coronavirus right yeah now they have bats that they've been working they even had patented cages to breed bats in the the virology lab by the way sure they've they know that it's it's um we know that it's probably bad drive right sure now i say probably because they've backtracked on this and they're like we need to find the natural reservoir probably in this in this frozen food from different countries right but let's look at this interview here can you read what um i'll be the i'll be the host have you what how have you been doing since your grant was suspended it's just very difficult and disappointing and worriso and worrisome time i've lost people that i know to covet 19 it's a bat origin coronavirus we should have been there trying to find out why this thing emerged and right now i'm sat in my house looking out the window and able to do this work because the nih has told us that it's not appropriate it's extremely frustrating you getting any uh are you getting any uh hip hypocritical vibes going on here yeah he says right there so it's because of the western yeah it's the western funding that it got cut off that's why he can't do it it's not the ccp it's not china and he fully admits it is a bat origin corona virus yeah but oh wait the natural reservoir hasn't been found no it wasn't from the seafood market it wasn't from honda on seafood market and it wasn't a lab leak that was studying no it's some some imported seafood this is like these amazing dead fish particles floating around in the air you know someone's gonna get in trouble for making that statement by the way i believe so okay so the next paragraph and this is his interview with nature magazine okay yeah um take us out so you can read it it says what is the aim of the project that's been affected we have specific aims to go into rural regions of china to find bat origin coronaviruses and determine which ones are high risk then to work with local communities in rural china in five provinces we target communities that are at high risk for viral spillover and see whether they're getting infected and then finally see whether people are getting sick from novel coronaviruses do we have to say much there no okay guys let that sink in for a second we know that it's a bad drive coronavirus we know that it's probably from china considering they were studying bat derived grown advices from rural regions in china specifically yunnan they brought the bats the bat woman the leader of the wuhan viral institute took bats from yunnan in caves found that it affected local populace with coronaviruses yes brought them back to a lab in studied them near that seafood market and then a viral outbreak happened then they posted on their job website that they needed help with finding out what the heck was going on with well just to study that drive chronoviruses and peter working with her knows this yeah he understands this fully goes to wuhan after a year with the who and then tells the public no it's probably not from here it's yeah it's probably highlighted it's yeah it's probably dead particles of fools dead right dead fish floating in the air go to the next slide okay let's do it yeah you you hit the nail on the head winston someone's i believe someone said that i think believe someone said that exact quote that you just said somebody say rich it's pretty rich if you think that's the case oh boy yeah okay so this is a vira pneumonia outbreak associated with the coronavirus of probable bat origin so this is put out by shi jung li as well yes now shi jung li again is the head of the wuhan institute of biology she's a heterologist she's very talented in fact she was in times one most important people or whatever they're making a comic out of her dc comics is making a comic really yeah oh i didn't know that anyway um it's not her fault theoretically i mean because no one wants a comic made out of them it's not her fault for that that's dc and it's stupid direction it's been going these past couple years anyway uh no my point is all of this can't it's not i mean she said statements that i fully disagree with because the ccp makes her let's be honest she's not she can't be impartial in this scenario she should be murdered yeah so she puts out a paper all this kind of stuff so um we've established that shijang li the bat woman basically has proven that coronavirus comes from it's a bat drive thing peter who led the investigation who also a virologist says this too yeah guys he said that he's changed his tune well now there's a huge there's a huge problem with this okay there was all this mystery surrounding coronaviruses yeah there's so much mystery surrounding this because they just don't know chinese government says it's uh of utmost importance that we're very transparent about this we allow the scientists to do their work and let's keep politics out of this fair enough i fully agree ccp hand on heart i totally agree with you unfortunately that's just not the way it's gone no you didn't let anyone in you didn't let private investigators in you didn't let scientists come and do samples you didn't let people talk to the virologists in the virology community around the world except for the people that you bought out and that is my conclusion of this is that the ccp bought out the who and we saw that with us and we saw it continue to happen when this investigation came through to the point where bbc and all these other journalists can't even maintain normal journalistic integrity because it's so baffling yeah the stuff that they came and tried to feed the world with to the point where world governments are rethinking this going what the hell just happened yeah you came out of this one-year cover-up from the wuhan institute of virology and said nothing happened yeah and it's probably yeah it's probably seafood and guess what peter the guy that we're supposed to be trusting for this entire thing yeah he did an interview in december 2019 and i can't believe that this isn't made mainstream media yet and it creeps me out that it hasn't but what you're about to listen to is an interview with another virologist in december of 2019 okay guys okay bear yeah bear with us you gotta watch this is a couple minutes please please watch this let me let me just say it's gonna need no explanation if you listen very carefully this is weeks before the coronavirus pandemic and what i want to say is this is not him saying he knew that like this is going to happen to wuhan and like this is a predetermined thing yeah this shows you how much is known when the whole scientific community talks about how dangerous coronaviruses are how they can be manipulated and then the who and a lot of people surrounding this whole chinese propaganda thing says no everything's under control it's tightly locked down it's there's no human to human transmissibility it's even difficult to manipulate like this kind of stuff keep all of these things in mind when you listen to his interview weeks before the pandemic and also keep in mind that this is the guy who says it's probably like frozen food coming from another country right all right let's hit it on sars coronavirus emerged from a wildlife market and was the first pandemic of this century so it's big event um so we we started to trace back from the wildlife market which species carried the virus that came into those markets we found that it was bats not civits was the original idea right so then we started looking where did they come from and we went out to southern china and did surveillance of bats across southern china and we've now found after you know six or seven years of doing this um over a hundred new sars-related coronal viruses very close to sars some of them get into human cells in the lab and some of them can cause sars disease and humanize most models and are untreatable with therapeutic monoclonals and you can't vaccinate against them with the vaccine so these are clear and present danger yeah we've even found people with antibodies in yunnan to cells related coronal viruses so there's like human exposure right we're now doing um surveillance we're just beginning another five years of work to look at cohorts in southern china to say well how frequent does this spill ever happen and is it associated with disease because i expect just like nipper in bangladesh there are dozens and dozens of small spillovers going on on the planet any one time which we just never see sure yeah they never amplify there are a few cases and they're just absorbed in the illness the overall illness of the population right now you could say so who cares you know and that's one argument but our strategy is any one of those could become pandemic there's a lot of stochasticity in what happens then yeah so if we look at all of them understand patterns try and reduce the number of spillover events we've got you know but if you're saying these are diverse uh coronaviruses and you can't vaccinate against them they're no antivirals what do we what do we do well so i i think that carnivorous is a pretty good i mean neurovirologist you know all this stuff but they you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily it's just spike protein drives a lot of what happens with the carnivorous zoonotic risk so you can get the sequence you can build the protein and we work with ralph barrack at unc to do this um insert into a backbone of another virus right and do do some work in the lab so you can get more predictive yeah okay so i think that speaks volumes yeah i mean like you guys i posted the link is in the description right now if you want to watch so it's a fascinating interview yeah um now to super sum it up the super sum it up they were very aware of bat drive coronaviruses in yunnan province in china i had already read about that in all the shujang lee's reports this is all online guys this is not some secret this is online stud research papers right now the bad drive coronavirus thing they found antibodies in people in china already because they've been exposed to it from that crossover right now it at this point with the whole lab leak theory with the whole fact that it's it's uh it could be a zoological spillover that's that needs to be uh left up to the the scientists right the the fingers are kind of pointing more in the direction at this point that is probably a lab leak and it's not intentional sure um but with all of this uh hilarious rhetoric that the chinese government was pulling that coronavirus can't be manipulated that they said peter goes they're easily manipulated yes coronaviruses um you can change the spike protein yeah coronaviruses um are very hard to treat yeah they're obviously very easy to cross over right yeah i saw some people in the comments that it's very important that i say this when he said it can't be vaccinated against and they're like see no the whole point of viruses is when they go from zoological spillover from animal to human of course you can't vaccinate against something that's only been in an animal sure the virus mutates when it becomes a part of a human being so you can vaccinate against a human virus coronary covet 19 what we're dealing with now is a human virus now sure you can't vaccinate against a virus that hasn't gone into a human yet that's what he's saying um but anyway the whole point is all this rhetoric from day one excusing everything that china had to do with this it's very clear that coronavirus started in china and it's only it's not important to understand that because oh china's china's dirty wet markets or something no the point is that we have to understand where the reservoirs are how they come and have zoological spillover and how they're being manipulated in labs where we don't necessarily have the best diplomatic ties with sure right you can't have this massive super lab where people who are clearly bought out by china are the only people allowed to see what's going on that's that's inhumane one thing i'd like to point out is right in the beginning of the that particular segment we showed he talks about how they traced back the original tsar's coronavirus so sars when it broke out i was in china for the second outbreak of sars and it shook the world and everybody the world changed after that especially in and around china every time you go in and out of hong kong you have to be scanned for temperature and all that they ramped the border up uh at the health stuff at the border big time and it's permanently there now and it always has been before that it wasn't you could just walk in and out sure sure now there's no issue with him talking about the fact that sars originated in china and the fact that they traced it because back then it wasn't this whole like political thing where they have to save face and not allow anyone to know that it came from china they traced it from the wet markets as he said thinking that it was in civets or other things they traced it all the way and found that it came from bats most probably probably yeah and so you can see there was actual science at work there yeah and then you want to institute biology what's studying that very thing yeah that's fine the problem is now that it's all political you've got these politics getting in the way of actual science actual signs that could have saved a hell of a lot of lives by billions that's the thing that people don't understand is this stonewalling by the chinese government never mind the fact they tried to cover it up in the beginning which aided and allowed it to spread around the world and infect everyone if we even take that out of the picture if scientists from around the world were actually allowed to go into ground zero and figure things out right when it happened right when the pandemic started to hit around the world this could have been dealt with much quicker a vaccine could have come out a lot quicker people would have actually been able to work on this and be educated about this we wouldn't have all this out there right now about anti-maskers and trump's bad and this is bad and this is bad in guadalajara it would have been like guys we actually have a pandemic that we have to deal with the world comes together let's go find out let's find out where in china came from how it how it happened sure let's work on fixing the problem so guys what you saw there was a clip from our podcast which we had last thursday and i hope that you guys enjoyed it because that's where we get to really speak our mind especially on more uh news worthy topics you know here in adv china we're more about the adventures and talking about things in generalities but if there's something that's in the news or very important just to get it out there you'll find it on our podcast every week not just in the new stuff that we discover that the news is scared to talk about yeah exactly and look this is so important the whole world is taking you know basically the attitude towards covert 19 where it came from and all that is hinging more or less in the testimony of this clearly confused or i shouldn't say confused but his loyalties are confused clearly corrupted officials scientists slash or the entire organization we don't know how deep it goes yeah but i think it's important for everyone to at least see this because we're not hearing about it in the news the mainstream media is not talking about his ties to china and to the lab you know to the extent that we are they're not talking about the fact that he's contradicted himself in the past just before this came out you know and that is actually very possibly in some way responsible i think for what has transpired here that remains to be seen but the the fallacies and the mistakes and the cover-up is what we can prove and the cover-up is this is you don't excuse an entire lab league theory right out of the get-go and it's very clear when you have ties to that person in the lab and then you give the wh or the who gives china a year to cover everything up so you guys put your own pieces together yeah i mean especially since he's actually been working on these bat-derived coronaviruses he's been part of all of that in the past he should know best that a lab leak or uh you know transmission from animal you know the spillover thing is a possibility because he studied that right in that exact location yeah in china in the wuhan lab he took those samples there i mean but he was working out with her on yeah that's my meaning like he's actually working on those specific things so yeah i think the world needs to look at peter dazak very closely and i mean he's just a linchpin in all of this because at the end of the day it is all the wh all these organizations that are basically covering for china and preventing yeah they're they're preventing uh you know the world from really figuring out what went on with with the tsar's coronavirus uh the wuhan coronavirus uh and we we need to just stop allowing people to pull the wool over our eyes you know yes agreed anyway that's all i wanted to say but yeah please check out the podcast if you want updates on this yeah definitely subscribe to the podcast um i think you guys if you like what we do then you'll love the podcast and we don't want to blow the lines here because this channel is all about us riding our motorcycles having these kind of conversations and of course as soon as the vaccine is you know out there we'll be traveling around the world doing this not just hanging around in the states next place is japan yep i'm gonna rip past yeah this this is our motorcycle adventure talk show on two wheels here so if you want to see like a more news um cycle type thing go ahead and check it out on uh adb podcast you got it yeah so oh yeah anything you want to tell us subscribers before we sign off well now we're going to enjoy these roads so enough of the dower talk keep an open mind and that's the most important thing is my takeaway for you guys is keep an open mind about all this stuff we are not conspiracy theorists but we are grounded in reality and we see what china does the chinese government does to prevent reality from happening and that's what's so infuriating because we do understand what's going on so keep an open mind about all this make sure that you are reading into it and pay attention to the scientific articles coming out like like a wild firestorm right now about this whole situation let the scientists do their work and make sure your signal boosts the real heroes that are actually doing the math behind this um anyway yeah take it easy yeah and uh unlike peter daszak you know stay awesome
Channel: ADVChina
Views: 445,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: covid-19, coronavirus, wuhan, wuhan lab, china, covid19, coronavirus news, coronavirus outbreak, covid, pandemic, china coronavirus, coronavirus origin, coronavirus china, coronavirus update, coronavirus pandemic, vaccine, advchina, advpodcasts, peter daszak, WHO, world health organization, adv china, china news, virus, communist party of china, china podcast, corona virus, adv podcasts, who investigation, who wuhan, covid update, prc, who china, china flu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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