Proof of Relationship - IMM 5533 - Section 7- Spouse PR Canada

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proof of relationship so one of the most common reasons why applications for spousal sponsorship for canada get rejected is not being able to prove that your relationship with your partner is genuine whether you are married common law or in a conjugal relationship you need to show that your relationship with your partner is authentic so in this video we'll go over all the documents that you can use to make that happen whether you are living with your partner currently or have briefly lived with your partner in the past this video will apply to you we'll cover marriage certificate financial support documents joint history photos chats social media posts and more basically all the documents that you can use to prove that your relationship is authentic i'm also going to show you how to upload each of these documents if you are using the new online portal to apply my name is suyesh i'm a permanent resident of canada i got married eight months ago and just like you i also miss my spouse so let's get to work and bring our loved ones closer [Music] okay so first step get to this page linked in the description below this is where you will get your checklist okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select spouse under who are you sponsoring then country the person resides in so in this case we are going to stick with india but select the country where your spouse currently is if it's an outline application so i'm going to select india then it says do you need to submit documents issued by another country passports birth certificates national identification cards and more yes so we will select india again okay and then click on get checklist so you are going to get a document checklist spouse which says 5533 okay so click on that and then download it okay so this document checklist 5533e is also what you will have to submit along with your application but this video is not going to be about this checklist we are only going to discuss section seven of this checklist which is proof of relationship okay so get to page eight proof of relationship to sponsor this is section seven it has five parts so we are going to cover each part of this section one by one and then we'll see what documents you have to submit okay so let's look at seven a are you and your spouse currently living together so if you check no then you'll have to provide documents in both of these following bullets so number one is proof of contact this is where you provide letters text messages emails social media conversations other documented proof of contact between you and your sponsor this is where your whatsapp facebook instagram gmail chat history comes handy okay so i have an entire video about how to export whatsapp and facebook chats and how to get them translated okay so it's linked in the description below should be showing up on the cards here so check it out all right then you will also have to provide proof of your sponsor's visits so let's say you the applicant is in india and your spouse the sponsor is in canada and they have recently left india okay then you really don't need them to visit you back again so soon okay they've just started the application so then you're not going to check this box but you will provide this explanation in imm 553 to form part c question four i have an entire video on this form linked in the description below it's on my channel so go check it out okay but basically what i'm saying is this is my case i recently moved to canada in july 2021 i got married december 2020 i lived with my wife in india for seven months and then i just moved to canada so i really don't have any reason to go right away back to india okay so in that case i am going to list this as an explanation in this form okay so if you've not visited your spouse for a very long time you need to have a valid explanation it could just be that the country your spouse is in right now just didn't allow any flights due to covet in that case you can actually use that make sure to check with the government and make sure to check that your information is correct if actually there were no flights allowed then you can use kovid as an explanation but if flights were running in and out of that country during that time that you were away from your spouse then you cannot use that explanation you will have to provide other reasons okay okay so let's say you are living with your spouse then you will have to check yes and then you will have to provide these documents basically these documents are documents which have your and your spouse's address listed in them okay so joint ownership of residential property a house under your name a apartment under your name rental agreement showing both of you and sponsor as occupants joint utility so electricity gas telephone internet bills with both of your names in those bills okay registered at the same address if you own a car then you and both your spouse have been declared to the insurance company as residents of the insured address or copies of government issued documents so if you get a photo card if you get a driver's license the address of you and your spouse should be the same or if you open a bank account together you are either listed as a nominee or you have a joint bank account okay so let me point something out if you visit your sponsor in canada on a visitor visa then it's going to be hard for you to get these documents it's not impossible but you will have to work a lot to get these documents rental properties will not be very cooperative to list your name in the lease of an apartment if they know that you are here only temporarily same goes for banks they are not going to list you as a nominee under your spouse's accounts name if they know that you are only here on a temporary visa okay same goes for electricity gas telephone internet so my suggestion would be if you come here try to convert your visitor visa into a study permit or a work visa these visas tend to be longer once you have either one of these these companies would be more trusting in your residence status and it's going to be easier for you to get a photo card or a driver's license or list your name in the insurance of the vehicle under the same address okay and once you get a longer visa it's pretty easy to get these documents so there's six of these documents listed here you need at least two more is better but less than two is not going to work okay so the best thing to do is to list your name in the lease okay then get a joint account or have yourself listed as a nominee in your sponsor's bank account that will take care of two documents if you have a car then you can do the same thing with vehicle insurance and the easiest thing to do would be to get a photo card because it's going to take a lot of time to get a driver's license but it only takes about three weeks to get a photo card so get a photo identity card or a national identity card for your province with the same address as your sponsor and that should work okay so let's look at 7b do you and your spouse have children together if you don't just check no if you do then check yes and then what you'll have to do is provide a birth certificate for each child showing the names of both parents and if your child was born in canada then there's another process to get that certificate simply go to the website of your province there is a service canada center for each province and apply for a birth certificate it is that easy okay if your child was born outside of canada just get a certificate from the country that your child was born in okay it's going to help so get the certificate if you have a child okay next is this a first marriage so check yes if it is if it's not then you'll have to provide additional documents down the line d have you and your sponsor been married for a minimum of two years so if you've been recently married this is not going to apply to you so check no if you have been married for two years check yes now in this section if you check yes to all the questions from a to d if you check yes then you don't have to provide any other document you can move on with your application okay but if you checked no in any section then you will have to go to section 7e and provide these documents which we are going to take a look at next okay so let's look at section 7e if you did not answer yes to the questions above then you will have to provide these details and this is going to apply to a lot of you so you'll have to provide two of these details okay it's an and not an all okay so you have to satisfy both these sections so let's look at the first section photos of your weddings customary celebration engagement outings provide a maximum of 20 photographs to support your relationship taken at different times and places and then you have to write your name and date of birth on the back of each photo and provide a brief description okay so the thing about these photographs is for wedding or customary celebration photographs you will have to show at least four to five photos of each ceremony with the two of you and also other people around probably your family and friends that validates the fact that the wedding was publicly acknowledged and socially approved okay so that is important don't just attach photos of your outings with just the two of you while that is required but that is not going to be enough by itself provide photographs with other people around also attending the wedding ceremonies okay so let's look at some photographs so for instance this is me and my wife at our honeymoon just the two of us we provided five photographs like this of just the two of us in our honeymoon but that only satisfies the outing section okay it doesn't really take care of the ceremony section okay so let's look at that so this is the photograph of the engagement just the two of us while it's good but don't just provide only photographs with the two of you okay you need to have people around so this is an even better photograph because it's me and my wife and my parents in the wedding reception stage okay this is me and my wife about to make our entry into the wedding reception stage with other people around as attendees okay so this is a good photograph this is me and my wife at a different wedding ceremony also known as fairy in the hindu wedding with other people attending a good photograph this is me and my wife on the reception stage with my wife's family this is me and my wife at the garland ceremony with other family members around okay so you get the idea the photos you provide of these ceremonies should have other people present and the photos you provide of your honeymoon can be just the two of you okay so that takes care of the photo section now if you're applying offline then you will print out each of those photos and on the back of each photo you are going to write in your name and date of birth of the applicant and then the context in brief about the type of photograph which means the ceremony that photograph was taken in so a good example is name date of birth and then engagement one name date of birth engagement 2 name date of birth wedding reception 1 wedding reception 2 wedding ritual 1 wedding ritual 2 and so on and so forth okay and provide at least 20 photographs feel free to provide more it doesn't hurt your case but 20 photographs taken at different times and places and different ceremonies with name date of birth and description about each photograph on the back this is what you do when you apply offline when you apply online then a lot of people have asked me how do i put the name and date of birth okay so it's pretty simple let me show you an example real quick so let's take this photo of the garland ceremony now if you're using a mac so what you can do is you can simply open this photo using the preview software okay so the way you do that is simply right click on the photo open with preview okay and then what you do is you click on this little circle with a pen inside which says markup and then you click on add text within a in the box and a text box will pop up here this is where you simply write in name date of birth and context and you simply slide it towards the corner of the photo and that should fulfill the requirements okay so for each of your photographs that you submit online you can do this just write in your first name and last name the date of birth of the applicant remember and then the context of each photograph all right and then you simply upload these photos in the online portal one by one remember you cannot merge all these photos and upload at once because the size allowed at the online portal is only four megabytes by the way if you don't know what an online portal is there's a video linked in the description should be showing up here on the cards here so go check it out so you upload each photo one by one okay and there's a section of upload photos just keep uploading these photos one by one there's no limit to how many you can upload so don't worry about merging all these and uploading at one section on the online portal you can just keep adding photos one on top of the other okay okay so once you're done with the photos you also have to provide documents from this list basically it says at least two of the following four options and provide the documents requested for each which means you will have to select at least two of these options okay so let's look at them one by one number one important documents for you and your spouse showing that you are recognized as each other spouse so the obvious candidate is the marriage certificate get registered after your marriage as soon as you can and get a marriage certificate from your local jurisdiction or municipality where the marriage took place and remember to get the certificate in english if you get it in any other language then you will have to get it translated and then you will have to get it certified and then you'll have to use affidavits and notarize stamps and whatnot so the best option is to get the merit certificate in english with all the important information okay so for the same option to prove that you're recognized as each other spouse another document you can provide is employment benefits so if either one of you is working list the other one as a nominee or a beneficiary under your employment benefits section okay if neither one of you is working then you can list your spouse or applicant as a nominee under the sponsors account that will also work in this case okay next documentary evidence of financial support between you and your sponsor and or shared expenses basically money moving from the sponsors account into the applicant's account so you show the bank statements where money was transferred or wired from the sponsor's account into the spouse's account if you've recently gotten married start doing that so that you can get a decent history to prepare for the permanent residence application even a small history should do the trick as long as there is evidence of financial support okay another option you can use for financial support or shared expenses is having a joint account with regular activity from the spouse and the sponsor so withdrawals and deposits being made from the same joint account by the both of you if you can attach the history of that that will also work here next other proof that your relationship is recognized by your friends and or family so this is where you attach social media documents so if you've posted pictures of the two of you for wedding ceremonies or of your honeymoon on facebook and instagram take screenshots of those pictures showing people commenting and liking those pictures and then attach those pictures in your application packet remember the idea is to show public acknowledgement so you will have to have comments and likes also present so take your screenshots wisely next proof of past cohabitation now this one is an important one after your marriage even if you have lived with your spouse for a short amount of time you can still use some documents so as soon as you get married update your passport or your aadhaar card to reflect the same address most likely this is the wife that is going to be doing that to reflect the husband's address so as long as you have the same address on these documents it will count also similar address on passport and aadhar card or national identity document will make the process of getting pcc or police clearance certificate from india quicker so definitely do that let's say you're not married but you're in common law or conjugal relationship if you've lived with your partner in the past for a significant amount of time then you can still use lease documents utility bills phone bills gas fills with the same name and address listed on them as proof okay and another document that you can use is life insurance policy so as soon as you get married get a life insurance policy with the same address listed under both names that will also work as proof of pass cohabitation if you have left india or your country and you are now in canada and your spouse the applicant is still in the other country insurance policy reflecting the same address from your home country is also going to count as proof of pass cohabitation okay quick note the motivation that i get to make these videos is actually from your interaction with the videos the notes feedback suggestion questions that you leave in the comments section is actually what motivates me to make new videos over the past few weeks so many of you have reached out to me and shared your personal stories about how you are struggling away from your partner i'm here to tell you that i hear you and you're not alone we are in this together just get the forms right submit all documents and don't be taken for a ride by greedy agents above all keep faith you'll meet your partner soon [Music] give me [Music]
Channel: Hit Submit & Canada
Views: 86,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oYhIvUifhW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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