ALL OUR SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS - Sponsor Spouse 2022 - PR Canada

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hey welcome my name is i'm your talking head for this video part time youtuber and cold weather victim so when you're sponsoring your spouse one of the most critical things you'll do besides struggling with confusing forms yelling into soft pillows and punching through walls is to collect all the documents that you have to submit for your application i know the struggle it can take a disturbingly large amount of time to gather all your documents so in this video i'll share with you all the supporting documents that i submitted when i was sponsoring my wife this will include both the documents from the sponsor which was me and the principal applicant which was my wife so we'll cover identity documents status documents travel documents employment documents proof of relationship documents and any additional documents that i submitted for my application towards the end i'll also show you how i prepared those documents got them to the right size and format how i labeled them and where exactly did i upload each one of them in the online portal so for those who are new just a little bit of background i sent my wife's sponsorship application on october 26 2021 using the new online portal and in the past four months we've received aor sponsor approval my wife's biometrics and medicals have been completed and her background check is also done she's passed the eligibility test and she's received the letter of pre-arrival services so basically at this point we are waiting for our passport request our application is pretty much in its completion stage so obviously our application packet was good enough to be accepted but keep in mind that these were the exact documents we submitted for our application and they work for us every application is unique so the documents that work for us may not always work for every application every application is unique so go through the document checklist that is your bible and match the documents listed in that checklist with your unique specific case and then submit the documents accordingly all right so with that said let me shrink myself and let's expand the information okay so the first thing you need to do is get the document checklist 5533 which is going to have a list of all your documents so you get to this page i'm going to link it in the description below and this is where you scroll down you select who you are sponsoring so we are discussing spousal sponsorships we will select my spouse then what country does the person reside in so whatever country the principal applicant resides in you're going to list that here for my case my wife was in india at the time so i'm simply going to select india then do you need to provide documents issued by another country so yes my wife will need to provide documents issued from india so i am going to select india here again okay and then if i click on get checklist and forms i get all the country specific requirements including forms and documents plus i also get this checklist 5533 so it's pretty much common to every application so just click this link and download the checklist all right all right so this is your document checklist it's basically divided into two parts part a which is all your forms and part b which is all your supporting documents so you're not going to be discussing part a in this video this is just about supporting documents so if you're looking for instructions on forms the list of forms that you need to submit then you should check out this video which should be showing up on the cards here and it's linked in the description below i basically discuss all the forms the list of all the forms that you need to submit for your spousal sponsorship application okay so let's scroll down all the way to part b and get to the supporting documents so the way we'll do this is first i'll show you the documents that i uploaded for each section for both the sponsor and principal applicant then we'll go into the online portal and i'll actually show you how i labeled them and prepared them for upload and where i uploaded them in the online portal all right so first up is supporting documents for sponsor number one is status in canada so i'm a permanent resident of canada so i check this box so as you can see on the screen here this is the front and back of my permanent resident card which is scanned and converted into a pdf okay so i simply uploaded this in the online portal and if you are a canadian citizen then you will have to provide any one of these documents mentioned here okay number two and number three did not apply to me so i simply checked no number four didn't apply to me all right so number five is employment or source of income so for this i submitted three kinds of documents number one was my offer letter from my current employer in canada number two was salary slips so basically i provided six months of pay stubs and the number three was current bank balance okay so this just to prove that i have a steady source of income and enough balance in my bank account to take care of both me and my wife once my wife gets here now i did not have the cra documents mentioned here which is the notice of assessment and the proof of income statement because i'd only been working in canada for five months so i had not done my taxes by the time i filed the sponsorship application i will be doing my taxes in 2022 right now so i did not have these documents so i explained all this what i explained to you right now and i provided all the employment documents that i just talked about all right all right so now let me show you how i uploaded these documents in the online portal so this is the permanent residence online portal page i've signed in as a sponsor and if i scroll down all the way to the supporting documents section this is where you will upload all your documents so this is the test application page that i created just to show you how i uploaded each and every document i am not going to be able to access my original submitted application page that's why i created this page uploaded every document again in the exact same format that i uploaded in my original application so before we begin it's important to focus on this section recommended document labeling okay number one instruction here is the naming instruction as it clearly shows here name your documents this way last name first name document type and document number and it also gives you an example very clearly and this is going to become more clear in a second then it gives you instructions about file types which file types are allowed so these are the file types that are allowed so any other file type the portal might not accept it okay so only stay within these file types and finally the instruction about file size so each document that you upload should be within this limit of four megabytes it should not exceed four megabytes so what i'm going to recommend is go through your documents first and make sure that they are within the size limit that is mentioned here if they are not let's say they're over four megabytes then what you can do is you can try to compress them so for example if it's a photo that you're uploading it could be in the png format or the jpeg format so if it's larger than four megabytes you will have to compress it to get it to the right size so what i found was the easiest to compress these photos is to simply go to google type compress and then the type of the file you want to compress so let's say you want to compress a jpeg file so type compress jpeg and you will get a bunch of links i found that this first link compressed jpeg online worked for me simply upload your files here and then it's going to compress it to a much reduced size you may have to repeat the compression a couple of times to get it to the right size all right and for all your pdf documents you can do the same thing type compress pdf and it's going to give you a bunch of links here this small link seems to be working for me so simply upload all your files here and then it's going to compress them you may have to repeat compression again a few times to get it to the right size okay all right so let's actually get to the documents that i uploaded so if i scroll down as you see here under the other category i have uploaded my pr card and the way i've labeled it is last name first name so this is my last name and first name because obviously it's a sponsored document so i don't want to confuse the officer so last name first name proof of status because it's a status document and then pr then i uploaded my passport as you can see right here under the travel documents and passports category okay and then i uploaded all my employment and proof of income documents under the other category again because there was no category for income documents then i also provided some additional documents which were not really mentioned in the document checklist but for my own peace of mind i simply provided them so in those additional documents number one is the proof of address basically what i did is attached a copy of my lease agreement in this particular category so i uploaded this under the other category and it has the start date of my lease and the end date of my lease with my current residential address in canada listed in that lease agreement so basically just to prove that i'm indeed living in canada at that current address and the same address i've mentioned in my form 1344 okay so just additional proof it should help the case okay so if you can provide your proof of address in canada for the sponsor do that then to support my case i also provided my social insurance number it's not really required but you can do that if you want so now let's look at the principal applicants documents okay so before we begin with the principal applicants section let me just show you something that i've done which might be useful to you so you know how this table has all the documents and categories where you have to upload this is the permanent resident online portal where you upload all these documents what i did was i took this entire table and i actually created a table of my own in a notion template so basically this is just like an excel kind of template and i've called it list of my documents so basically as you can see there is a category column here there is a name used for labeling column and there is a document name column so these are all the categories that i have used to upload documents under okay i've not taken every category from the online portal but basically every category under which i uploaded documents i put them under here then in the name used for labeling basically you'll see two things sponsor and applicant then next to the sponsor is this emoji of a man to indicate that it was me and next to the applicant is the emoji of the girl just to indicate it was my wife and whenever you see these heart emojis between the man and woman basically these are the documents which were common to both of us but just to help you understand i put a heart there because these are all proof of relationship documents which are common to both the persons the sponsored person and the sponsor okay so what we are going to do is we are going to go through the documents in the document checklist and then we are going to quickly jump back and forth between this table and the document checklist so that i can show you where i upload it it just helps make this easier so that i don't have to jump back into the online portal which is already a little tedious to navigate but keep in mind all these documents are the exact documents that i submitted from the online portal which you see here and all the categories that i used are the categories that are listed here okay and one more thing you can actually download this table for yourself so in the description box look for list of my documents something that says list of my documents click that link and you will be taken to a notion template basically this table you can download it you can put that in excel you can apply your own filters you can use your own coding and you can just use that for reference or share it with your friends or whoever is struggling to understand the naming and the upload process okay so use that table it's linked in the description below all right so let's begin with the principal applicants documents so number one here is the identity documents travel documents and passports so this is where i uploaded my wife's passport front and back page if your passport has middle pages with stamps let's say you've traveled internationally then you will also have to scan those pages okay but my wife never traveled internationally so i just uploaded the copy the scan of the front and back and if i can quickly bring you back to this document under travel documents and passports as you can see right here i've uploaded my wife's passport okay so next up is the birth certificate so similarly i uploaded my wife's birth certificate in the identity and civil status documents category and this is the birth certificate that is how i've labeled it last name first name proof of identity status and birth certificate okay so this is exactly how you can use the online portal supporting documents section to upload your documents all right so moving on under civil status documents the first box applied to us we have to submit a marriage certificate so coming back to the online portal think of this as an online portal page right now okay and if you look under the identity and civil status documents i've uploaded last name first name proof of civil status marriage certificate and police clearance certificate so there is a category of police clearance certificates in the online portal and that's why i uploaded my wife's pcc in that category okay so just select police clearance from the drop down and upload police clearance and you can label it this way photo so this is the permanent resident photo of my wife so this is the photo that i uploaded this is the front of the photo and this is the back of the photo with her name date of birth the date the photo was taken and the complete address and contact details of the photography studio so to get the photo digitally what you can do is you can simply follow the instructions that are given here take those instructions to the digital photography studio and ask them to give you a digital copy okay and whatever they give you you can simply divide it into two pages first page would be the photo and second page would be the description okay all right so next up is section seven proof of relationship to sponsor now this section is common to both the principal applicant and the sponsor basically meaning that the documents that you submit here will be common to both now i have a dedicated video completely on this section section seven five five three three it should be showing up on the cards here linked below check that video out for a general overview of this section but right now i'm only going to be showing you the documents and the sections that apply to me so a is are you and your spouse currently living together so at the time i sponsored my wife we were not living together i was in canada she was in india so i checked this box no and if you check now then you will have to provide these two sets of documents so let's first discuss the proof of contact so obviously this is your whatsapp facebook and instagram conversation history so what i did was i exported our whatsapp and facebook conversations including chats and video call logs and calls and i simply converted that text file into a pdf file and i uploaded it into the online portal okay so a couple of things to note here i did not really provide only 10 pages of conversation history i actually provide about 62 pages of conversation history and the reason i did that because i was not satisfied with only 10 pages when i chose only 10 pages sometimes i only had like one or two day two days worth of conversation and that certainly was not enough for us so in order to stretch that to a long enough timeline i had to provide 62 pages obviously i cut out some parts from between but i had to provide 62 pages of conversation history to span all the eight months that we were away from each other okay so i would say choose a timeline which proves a decent sense of contact okay you don't have to go excessively long but at least go long enough that proves that there's a steady state of contact that you've maintained with your partner during the time that you were away okay second is the certified translation so because most of our conversations were in english spoken and written english we didn't really feel the need to get it translated obviously when we speak to each other on calls and on video chats we spoke in hindi and english both but in our conversations on whatsapp basically text conversations they were mostly in english so i did not get them translated okay i took that risk but if you've actually texted with your partner in a different language than english even if you have written that language in english you should get that translated according to these instructions because think about it in terms of the officer who would be going through your chats if you've conversed in any other language even if you have written it in english they are not going to be able to understand it so in order for them to understand it it needs to be translated okay so this is the file as you can see i've combined all the text history and i've given it a heading so it says whatsapp conversations between apoorva mishra applicant and swish gotham the sponsor and here is the timeline okay and here is all the conversation that i simply exported and converted into pdf each and every line has a timestamp and a date and it is very neatly organized in an ascending order and because there is no category to upload this file you can upload this under the other category so as you can see right here last name first name proof of relationship contact text messages and call logs i use such a lengthy name for this document you may actually avoid using such long names i actually made a mistake it worked for me but a lot of people have complained that using such large names with characters in between can cause the online portal to go wonky on you so use short names as long as they prove a point and as long as they make your case and as long as the chat history is intact you should be good all right so let's move on to the next section all right so next up is proof of your sponsor's visits so i did not check this box because it did not apply to us when i was in the u.s in 2020 my wife was in india at the time and we were introduced together by my sister so we started talking on phone we started video calls and we hit it off and then we kind of sealed the deal so the first time i actually met my wife was in december when i actually went to india to marry her so before marriage i actually never visited my wife so i did not really have any proof of visit so what i did is explained this exact same thing which i explained to you in the part c question 4 of the 5532 form which is written here okay so if that is your case just provide a decent explanation as to why you did not visit your spouse during the courtship period or before your marriage okay but if you have visited your spouse before marriage then you can actually use airline tickets boarding passes to prove that okay so simply get a copy of these boarding passes and tickets which should be in your email and simply upload them under the other category okay the next section didn't apply to me because i was not living with my spouse if you are living with your partner right now then you will have to provide these documents here also because i did not provide them i'm not going to be covering them here but i covered these documents in the proof of relationship video again which is linked in the description below and showing up on the cards here so check that video out for more details on how you can procure these documents all right part b is do you and your spouse have children so i checked no is this the first marriage i checked yes have you been married for a minimum of two years i checked no and because i did not check yes to all the boxes from a to d i had to provide further documents in section 7e okay and this is a very critical section so let's get to that section next all right so section 7e first up is photos so photos for your wedding customary celebrations engagement and outings provide a maximum of 20 photographs to support your relationship taken at different times and places name and date of birth on the back of each photo and a brief description okay so first of all 20 photographs were not enough for us there's so many events in a typical hindu wedding that i felt that i should definitely provide more so what i did was for every event in our wedding i provided five to six photographs okay for a total of about 35 photographs so let me quickly show you some of those photographs so as you can see this is a photo for the reception ceremony at the groom's family groom side and the name date of birth description and date of photo is all there in a small text box right here okay similarly this is a photo for the reception at the bride's family side and this is the actual wedding ritual and this is another photo from the wedding ritual okay and as you can see in the photos section which you will see in the online portal i have uploaded all of those photos okay so as you can see here the labeling last name first name this is my wife's last name first name proof of relationship engagement one engagement two engagement three four five similarly for haldi one haldi two three four five these are wedding rituals then wedding ritual one two three four five reception at bride's family one two three four five reception at groom's family one two three four five six that's pretty much it that's how i uploaded these photos individually now you can choose to combine all of them and upload them together also or you can actually upload them in groups of five or six as long as you stay within the size limit of four megabytes and your photos are clearly visible you can pretty much do whatever you want but make sure the photos are clear okay so what i'm going to suggest is if you want to learn more about how to procure these photos how to prepare them how to compress them how to label them how to write description and context you should check that video out the photos video which i've been pointing out it should be showing up on the cards here it's linked in the description below i cover all of that in much more detail in that video okay all right so apart from photos you also have to submit these documents which are mentioned after the and clause okay so basically you have to select at least two of the following four options as it says here and then provide documents for both those options but i had documents for all these four options so let me show this to you anyway it's gonna help so number one is important documents for you and your spouse showing that you are recognized as each other spouse such as employment or insurance benefits so that's exactly what i procured so after my marriage i set up an insurance policy under my name and added my wife as my beneficiary and that policy was set up at the local address in india where both of us were living at the time and we are clearly recognized as each other's spouse in that policy okay the second document i provided for this line item was the employment benefits so basically for my canadian employer i added my wife as a dependent in my account okay clearly listing her as my spouse and then my company actually gives me an official document which clearly states that your employment benefits are such and such and your wife is your beneficiary so that document also works to prove this case so these are the two documents that i provided for this line item obviously i cannot show you these documents right now but you get the idea next up is documentary evidence of financial support between you and your sponsor and shared expenses so after my marriage what i started doing is in india i started wiring money from my account my indian account to my wife's indian account okay and i do that every month and i did that for about five months so basically i had five months of transaction history between me and my wife where money was moving from my account the sponsors account into the principal applicants account very good proof of financial support and i also was consistent with this because i would do this on the 20th of every month so in order to prove this what i did was i basically printed out all five months of my bank statement and highlighted the transactions where money was moving from my account to my wife's account in each month okay in the statement of each month as you can see this is the bank statement and on the top of the bank statement i've actually written some description just to make it easier for the officer to understand so as it says here the heading is proof of relationship financial support financial transactions between sues gautam the sponsor and apoorva mishra the applicant for the year 2021 okay then i provide a little more detail about my bank my wife's bank basically account number and branch name and number and a little more description about what this particular document is going to show and if you see here if i scroll down every month the transactions that you see here in yellow are the transactions i have highlighted where money moved from my account to my wife's account okay and the account number and name is clearly listed here and the same amount of money is moving each month and on the same date okay just to be consistent okay so that was the financial support that worked for us that was the only document we had so that's what we did but if you have shared expenses or any other way you can prove financial support by all means do that all right this will be uploaded under the other because there's no category for financial support as you can see right here the financial support document is uploaded here so last name first name of my wife proof of relationship financial support all right so next up is other proof that your relationship is recognized by your friends and or family letters from friends family social media information showing a public relationship okay so pay attention to these keywords here so let me show you what i uploaded for this first so what you can see on the screen here is the facebook page of my wife and she has set our picture as the profile picture okay but then if you scroll down under life events she's also added married swedish gotham so that is another good proof but if you scroll down even further after the day of our wedding she's actually added our pictures together where she's added this as a life event so it clearly says married suicide so and people are actually liking and commenting lots of heart emojis remember the importance of heart emojis and that is a really good proof of public acknowledgement of your relationship okay friends and family acknowledging that this marriage took place and if i scroll down i also added my facebook information so this is from my facebook page this is the profile photo i had selected at the time of our wedding and then as you can see people are commenting liking sharing so this is a really good social media proof of public acknowledgement okay same thing i did for instagram so this is my instagram page as you can see my handle right here and the date the photo was taken and this is the photo from our wedding ceremony and people are commenting liking and using lots of emojis and this is my wife's instagram page again she's posted this after the reception ceremony wedding reception and it's been publicly acknowledged okay so these two documents were from the social media section facebook and instagram showing public acknowledgement and the way to get these documents is simply you can log into your facebook or instagram in your desktop and simply get a pdf of that page okay and you can get as many pages as you want or you can just use your phone to grab screenshots as long as you can show this kind of information you should be fine okay so finally i also uploaded a family reference letter okay where someone from my family is acknowledging that this marriage indeed took place so as i told you in the beginning my sister was the one who introduced me and my wife so she just wrote a letter for me where she explained how she knows me how she's related to me how she knew the applicant or my wife from before and that she attended each and every ceremony each and every event of the wedding and attesting to the fact that the wedding indeed took place then she also added her contact details towards the end and her credentials then she added her passport towards the end just to validate the fact that this person indeed is writing the reference letter okay so her id matches the name that she is printed here okay so i can provide this reference letter in the description box so look under reference letter and i'll provide a sample so you can use this and you should be able to tweak it according to your application all right so these are the three documents that i submitted for this section then finally we come to proof of pass cohabitation if you are not currently living together but did at some point in the past so that was our case we were not living together at the time of sponsoring my wife but we did live together in india once i went there for my marriage and we did stay together for seven months so remember i showed you the insurance policy earlier that insurance policy is registered at the local indian address where both of us stayed for seven months and we are recognized as each other spouse in that policy so i simply added use that as a proof of pass cohabitation because i didn't have any other document but i also updated my wife's national identity document or aadhar card to reflect the same address as her in-laws or my address so that was another document that shows that yes these two indeed have stayed at one particular address together because these national identity documents or government documents are showing that common address okay so because i didn't have any other document i had to use these documents the best proof of pass cohabitation is obviously if you've actually lived together in the past and you have a rental agreement or a property under both of your names that is the best proof but we didn't have that so we had to make do with what we had all right so once i had those documents i uploaded all of these documents under the other category with the same naming convention that i've been showing you all along okay then if you scroll down you also have to complete this document checklist so make sure you finish this checklist because this also has to be uploaded there is a document checklist category which you'll see in the online portal and this is where you can upload the document checklist and you can just name it like that last name first name document checklist 5533 so if i scroll down once you complete all your documents upload your proof of payment receipt here then you can simply type in the principal applicant's name under the consent form and then you can submit your application all right so those were the documents that i submitted for my spousal sponsorship application again go through the document checklist 5533 carefully understand the requirements understand your unique scenario and then submit the documents accordingly and remember to keep the size small not something every man wants to hear but in this case it's necessary this is fish from hit submit in canada i'll see you in the next one good night [Music] you
Channel: Hit Submit & Canada
Views: 140,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -6Ll6sH-E9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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