Project Zomboid Trapping Guide in Under 7 Minutes

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look i get it you can't survive on just grass what are you a rabbit no you're not but you can catch a rabbit in project zomboid with trapping and i'm gonna teach you how to do it hey fellow my name is mancy and i cover survival games with a small side of ethically trapped humor let's start right at the beginning with character creation if you know for a fact you want to survive off of trapping let me introduce you to the park ranger he starts with a plus two to trapping and knows every recipe right off the bat that's kind of banging actually if you take this as your occupation you're gonna have a huge leg up mostly because you don't have to slog through slow leveling and hope for finding books with the recipes in them reading is for dorks with library cards okay if you want to choose a different occupation you can take the hunter trait to still start out with all the trap recipes or you can take hiker and get the basics from the get-go i'm going to go with the absolutely free and easy park ranger occupation because my actual job isn't listed and i'm just throwing traits in for fun honestly even though this is a debug character and i'm gonna be giving him everything he needs after legally looting and legitimately finding everything needed to begin trapping you can stop playing with leaves in a garden and broaden your horizons to the wonderful world of savory meat first make sure there's 75 tiles between your traps and your base or else you will not catch anything don't even put these within 75 tiles of an area that you frequently go to as that's enough to cut off your meat supply you know what don't even check these traps period let the zombies do it for you that is actually a small side effect of having these traps if you let the meat stay for too long it will attract nearby zombies and that's scary the best way to get the most out of your traps is to know which zones the animals you're targeting likes to be in you'll find more mice and rats and trailer parks and towns birds can be found more frequently in farms squirrels like forests and your big money maker rabbits with a w those bad boys are found in deep forests probably hunting ducks that joke is stupid let's start with small stick traps these things are generally easy to make only needing one twine and four sturdy sticks the best bait by far for these is worms which never rot and are gathered a lot easier than some baits i'll be talking about later now i haven't used stick traps yet and i'll get into why here soon but a trolley commented on my previous video saying stick traps will break around every 2-5 days and when they break they drop enough twine to craft a new trap but not enough sturdy sticks you can get around this pretty easily by leaving the supplies in surplus next to your trapping zone and i generally recommend this for whatever you're doing your traps are going to break eventually and you should be prepared to replace them when that inevitably happens if you didn't take the traits mentioned before then you'll need to find this recipe in the hunter magazine volume 2. these spawn where other magazines can be found in mailboxes and bookshelves maybe hit up your local library and renew your library card while you're at it duncan you know what maybe you should return those vhs tapes your parents don't remember buying stick traps have a 40 catch chance and only catch small birds these tick every hour in game so make sure you check them constantly if you're really in a pinch for food they make a good little snack reducing hunger by 26 points when cooked fresh but we can do a lot better check it introducing trap crates you can find the recipe for these in the hunter magazine volume 2 and they're crafted with a saw three planks and five nails these traps have a 30 chance to actually catch something and will only catch squirrels or rabbits between 7 pm and 5 am they're nocturnal so it definitely doesn't sound all that great but that's where you're wrong sure the percent chance to catch something and the time frame is far lower but the game you'll be catching while still small game is the biggest you can catch in project zomboid as of build 41. at a whopping 0.2 weight these rabbits will reduce your hunger by 52 points when cooked fresh and that's pretty dang good that's enough to feed a small army an army of one because superb survivors frustrates me and i don't know if i can go back to that mod okay so both types of traps take a certain kind of bait and each bait has a value for its effectiveness i'm going to quickly run through baits for the stick traps but just use worms there's no point to use bread or anything else so here you'll see bread and worms have a value of 50 while corn and cereal have a value of 45 and that's like the only four you can use for birds like i said earlier just use the worms you're gonna have a surplus of these if you start a farm and even if you don't start a farm you can just dig furrows in the ground and you'll find you'll find enough worms for these now for the important stuff if you're growing your own vegetables i would recommend you tithe ten percent put ten percent towards your crate traps and do whatever you want with the other eighty percent this is literally just how i handle money and it works you know what else works carrots with a value of 45 these are the best vegetables to use to trap rabbits actually any vegetable you can grow can be used but carrots take the least time to grow and require the least water but you will need at least 12 seeds to plant one tile so you might want to hit up your local rural king bub as of right now these two traps are really all you need to gather plenty of meat and until future updates there really is no reason to move past these two in the beginning you'll need to level up your skill for sure but i really wouldn't bother with it past two or three leveling up is just about as simple as sneaking everywhere until the yarl can't see you in front of him just check on your traps harvest the meat replace the bait leave and repeat bars you can also read the books while you're waiting for the traps to pay their dividends but if you're lucky and you get trapping for beginners before your sixth day in the world you can watch my favorite television program life and living tv at 6 00 pm for a special episode of exposure survival that goes over trapping for a huge bang and certified exp boost while you're out there gathering enough dead rabbits to feed you through hopefully many winters to come you'll need to think about storage and preservation the absolute best way to keep your meat and honestly every other food item fresh is to find and loot an ice freezer set up as many of these as you can if you can they slow the rate of spoiling by 25 times that's just fantastic for keeping all that hard work from turning into a rotting disappointment speaking of rotting disappointment i gotta come clean i only added all that leveling stuff in just so you have the information right now you don't even need to use that many traps because there's other ways to get meat in this game and i would argue they're more reliable relying on looted food items for the long term is a foolish choice sure but if you're near a body of water and need food you can fish to sustain yourself if you're living off of only vegetables it's not exactly the best choice but you can do it furthermore if you're still nomadic and haven't chosen a spot to turn into a defendable base and traps really aren't going to help you all that much as you're most likely in the beginning stages of the game and can rely on looted food i'll be doing a fishing guide soon but for now enjoy your trapped meats and may they sustain you until then
Channel: Mattsi
Views: 72,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid Trapping Guide, Zomboid Trapping, How to trap in project zomboid, how to trap animals in project zomboid, how to find animals in project zomboid, trapping animals in project zomboid, how to get rabbits in project zomboid, how to get birds in project zomboid, best bait to use in traps project zomboid, getting food in project zomboid, food gathering in project zomboid, project zomboid rabbits, project zomboid rabbit meat, project zomboid trapping rabbits
Id: bncMEFS5aRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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