Project Zomboid Dedicated Server Steam CMD

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hello there I'm going to assist you in installing your own dedicated project zomboid server well a couple things you're going to need so if you have a lying around PC at your home or anything that's basically got four gigs and up in terms of memory or Ram I would recommend using that so you don't you're taking the stress away from your own PC for when you have friends not playing on your game so a couple things you're going to need to do is download Steam CMD I will provide the link at the bottom of the video once we have steam CMD basically extracted what I would recommend is you're going to download in the file similar to this let me just go get rid of that one it's normally gonna go here we extract the files we're going to have it onto our desktop because that's where I want to have the server there we go I'm going to pop it down here we can open the file we are going to run Steam CMD it is then going to install that for us cool now it's basically installed steam CMD onto our desktop into that folder so what we're going to do now is to get the game files we're going to go login anonymous and hit enter it's then going to log in anonymously to steam as a basically just Anonymous client and then from here now we logged in Anonymous we are going to say app underscore updates and in the code we're going to want is this one so it's going to be 380870 and then validate you can knit into here it will then run the script download the game and then verify it it takes a while depending on your internet's project example itself is not the fastest when it comes to downloading on Steam I'll be honest with you though but once it's all installed and download the files and it's there you can just type quit and then leave or you can just close at the top here either one's fine it's just quicker to type quit for some reason cool so now we've got the files installed what we can do is we can have the project zomboid folder I've renamed my steam CMD folder the project zomboid and open it up over here from here we are going to see all these files over here so one thing I like to do is I might like to make a folder or a file or batch file where I can update my game so if you wanted to do something like that you go view have file extensions on we're then going to go new text folder I'm going to call it the same something like this so updates and we're going to remove the dot txt and call it dot patch yes we want to save it like that we are then going to right click on this edit and you're going to type in basically what we had typed in earlier so it's going to be steam well slightly different so we're going to type steam cmd.exe Plus login Anonymous Plus app update with the game files num or the game ID validate plus quit so it'll automatically close it for us so we just copy there save I will have this at the bottom of the page if you guys need it so now every time we run this it'll automatically validate our game for us and check the version I should have typed quits but yeah it's already done cool so now we've got them this far so what we're going to do is we're going to go steam apps common project Zomboy dedicated server there's going to be three different folders so there's the no stream there's a 32-bit in the 64-bit and a 64-bit no stream ah no steam sorry so I normally don't use this one well I've only not really been using it long but the 32-bit one is only if you're running a 32-bit system one thing I will change here is depending on how much RAM you have as a system if you only want to use a couple gigs for your game so at the moment for my service I've got 12 gigs for my server small PC so I tend to have it at eight so we're going to change both of those to what we want and we're going to save cool we are then going to run this folder for the one that we want so another thing while this is loading it's going to request you to have port forwarding enabled on your router so what you're going to have to do is you're going to have to go into CMD so command prompt we're going to go ipconfig hit enter so what you're going to do is you're going to grab this IP address over here and then this is what you're going to use for your server for you tell it basically where what IP address to forward you are then going to set it to look for UD well you're going to send it to UDP and then the either Port forwards okay I can't see them on here but I've got them typed out over here so it's 16261 and you're also going to port forward 16262 and this is going to be for UDP so that's what you're going to need for port forwarding for the server so be available so your friends can join okay now back to this what now this has gotten to a point where it's actually entering new Administration password because that's going to do this on the first run so I'm going to make it something simple like one two three one two three this is for the admin essentially so this is your admin password for the game so if you want to log into the server as an admin this is what you're going to need I'm going to hit enter see so it's created admin password I already have wait no I don't have the settings set up for this PC it's for my server so it's going to initialize install the folders for the server itself but the main folders We are looking for it to download if I'm not mistaken I already have the folders installed we can go this PC here users your user and then all the way at the bottom you're going to see a folder called zombroid so this is where your actual server folders and your game folders are going to be in this case we're going to go server I've had a few attempts for troubleshooting these ones we don't need so the one we do need is the server test.ini this is going to be where you change all the settings for your server essentially so when I open this up it's going to give you a whole bunch oh yeah firewall messages is going to pop up to say allow okay so from here it's going to allow you to change how many people you can have on the server um basically the loot that you can get also like the different settings like display usernames if people get killed do they get a notification on the server to say this person's died or anything like that but we can also add our mods here so with here you'll just add the steam ID for the mod and I know there's one other place that you have to add it's if I'm not mistaken I'll probably have to make a video on that and then there are your two port numbers that is going to be asking for which we will have already set up through is the um port forwarding on the router and then um yeah pretty much so you can actually change the server name and everything here you can also even change like what items people spawn with you're probably going to have to look at the item registration and IDs for that type of stuff to get that sorted but for most thing what most people are going to be interested in is for the name wait no it's going to be public there we go public so at the moment the server is called that but you can call it pretty much whatever you want cool once your server has pretty much been run and whatnot we're going to go back into your projects onboard folder we are then going to go steam apps common product jump zomboid and then we're going to run the server and this will run it with the settings that you've changed cool and then pretty much once you're done what we can do is we can open up our projects onboard so the things we have done we've Port forwarded to from on our main router and whatnot from the server to the public one or open IP I guess or whatever you want to call it but once that's all done and dusted you're running the server you've changed the settings you want you've Port forwarded we are going to run the game and hit come on we're going to hit join I've already saved mine because I've got a because obviously I'm running it along the same server here I've if you ever want to do it that's just what my route is you basically would type in whatever your IP address is for your server PC with the port forward for 16261 or six two and it will open up well basically it'll start loading into the server for you I will be honest it takes a while for it to eventually get added to the game server lists so if you really want to play with your friends and you can connect to the server and you can do whatever you want inside of it you're probably going to have to go into Google type in my IP grab your IP address and then give it to your friends that you want to join onto the game with you don't willy-nilly hand it over I would say and then they're also going to need that Port because it's going to ask them at the end and basically once this is all done and dusted you will pretty much have a server you can jump into and play with your friends huge that's quite loud um but there we go pretty much and yeah I'm just gonna quit here and I'll show you quickly onto the other thing what we're going to be doing cool so if you wanted to have your French join you'll go join Okay Internet because there's a few options there you're going to give your IP address they're going to type into here the port is already pretty much here so 16261 or six two if you've got a server password put it on over here and then they can make a username and then obviously the password for that user they're going to be playing as and pretty much you should be that interested hope this has helped you guys and yeah see how it goes cheers let me know and like And subscribe please I'm I'd really appreciate it thanks a bye
Channel: Natorianpulse
Views: 6,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Private server, Zombies, Zomboid
Id: Zkz1wxOFcpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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