Project Smoke Double Brat Po Boy on the Pit Barrel Cooker

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indulge me and a little myth-busting the best way to cook bratwurst is not the traditional grilling rather it's smoked roasting smoked gives the brats and a comparable flavor with zero I repeat zero loss of juiciness best of all it eliminates the risk of a grill fire step number one lightly brush the outsides of the bratwurst with extra-virgin olive oil this will help crisp the casings and you know the origin of the word bratwurst it comes from the German Wurst meaning sausage and blotting meanings to roast or grill so it's a grilling sausage I'll just turn these over so I can brush the other side now arrange the bratwurst on the grate leaving about one finger between each bratwurst let me show you the grill to smoke the brats I'm using a pit barrel cooker I filled the coal pan with unlit charcoal and then added a half of chimney of lit charcoal on top take a look at this charcoal it has mesquite chips embedded right in the charcoal and if you want to boost the smoke flavor you can toss some wood chunks directly on the coals place the bratwurst in the smoker and place the lid on top this burns at about 275 degrees cook time will be about one hour while the bratwurst smoke first heat and smoke the sauerkraut and next cut an onion in quarters then skewer the onions brush the onions melted butter and season them with salt and freshly ground black pepper now place the onions on the grill finally butter the inside of your rolls remember perfection lies in the details finally place the bread on the grape to toast it these upright Barrel smokers always work best covered and when the bread is toasted take the buns off I'm going to turn the onions then just stir this cap Saturday now the bratwurst should be ready and Wow look how nice they look beautifully bronzed with smoke and the way you check for doneness take an instant-read meat thermometer and you insert it through the end of the bratwurst you are looking for at least 165 degrees bingo so take the bratwurst off the fire they are handsomely bronzed with smoke you can see there's a nice snap to the casing next take out your smoke roasted sauerkraut and finally the grilled onion now let me show you something really interesting if you cut the brought in half you'll actually see a smoke ring just under the surface of the bratwurst how cool is that and let me put one of these bratwurst together for you we'll start with a broth and sauerkraut and a couple of pieces of grilled onion and finally no brought poorboy is complete without mustard I like horseradish mustard smoke fire sauerkraut mustard onion now that's what I call a bratwurst
Channel: Pit Barrel Cooker Co
Views: 48,430
Rating: 4.8852458 out of 5
Keywords: Po' Boy (Food), Food (TV Genre), project smoke, pit barrel cooker, bratwurst, sausage, Cooking, grilling, smoker, drum smoker, Steven Raichlen's
Id: C4CciS4BUgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2015
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