Project: Human Weapon - Full Movie

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Mindstorm (2001/II)

    a.k.a. Project: Human Weapon (2002)

Action, Sci-Fi [USA:R, 1 h 36 min]
Judge Reinhold, Victor Browne, William Zabka, Rositza Chorbadjiska
Director: Mitchell Cox

IMDb rating: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 2.8/10 (305 votes)

Plot? I'm not sure this movie has a plot.

More info at IMDb.
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] Reiko [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bring them in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going to happen to the baby girl adoption we're playing favorites no we're playing God well that lease is on our side yeah for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] skywriter this is Bravo Team we're at the LZ and ready for pickup over Bravo teams as a skywriter we read you commence deployment protocol we Roger that sky Raider we're in position and wait immediate extraction program Bravo Team this is renegade we're showing two bogeys closing from your north that visual in its death well [Music] [Music] you're the one who's not supposed to be here you go first a big price was paid for those documents [Music] you win [Music] dai Reiter your skies are cream clear Roger Renegades gyrator is on final approach yeah Iceman carries it it's the only where they'll take us all out ploobis i know right out sir do you had the documents serviced on the ground that's a negative up adoption it does not have them what do we do we gotta pick up the rest of my man our objective was to get those documents that's it well they're down there damn things are down there along with my man that's not our problem sir well it is sit down you understand sir [Music] this is on your head like your head Mountain Mount Everest picture of a woman wait a second it's a painting the Mona Lisa it's a girl Lucien at pickles what do you see anything else I'm sorry I can't concentrate anymore today it's alright let's go out today his concentration is getting worse hi buddy wake up I went for 92 and I just lost it it's a face and what's on the menu today flashcards better new 95 whatever we want one man fully trained in less than six months he'll be fine he is not fine we have a problem that's getting worse the man whose entire wealth has been this facility I'm surprised we haven't had more problems that's precisely the point the live experiment will identify any more problems and what if something goes wrong with the exercise then see you at the test tonight [Music] thank you no more pets the winning number is a 1380 thank you very much thanks so much thanks for the boys can you please hurry I have a plane to catch Sylvia message the predict live in the garage of the word casino I'm sorry I not understand I have a plane to catch so if you gentlemen don't mine well well see uhm is key I see that my first warning didn't do you any good I'm afraid this time the warning will be somewhat harsher [Music] [Music] [Applause] just doc we're only budgeted for one man to proceed to the final level of training neither has the especially David's it's time to push the birds out of the nest doctor what if the birds crash to the ground what if they are not ready 20 years of work will be destroyed they're ready you don't know that they want one man fully trained in less than six months I'd rather they fail in here than the middle of a mission somewhere I would rather have two fully trained men want to back up the other if the first failed as I said doctor the budget will only allow for one to proceed is this what it's all about money they're talking about the life stuff go man it's always about money doctor how do you think we won the Cold War we outspent you what the hell is it going to do if they go out of control you use the beta gun blocks telekinetic abilities I know how the better guy works I just call that your prevention doesn't become the problem Jerry how you feeling ready yes I'm ready excellent bringing David hey but guess you and the other best of the best at you guys so shall we begin gentlemen welcome to the last and final stage of your testing and development this will be a full power test of your individual telekinetic abilities against each other so what are the rules there are no rules there's only one winner what do you mean wins yeah what do you mean wins gentlemen this is a combat exercise you are enemies go to war you didn't see that one coming did it Jerry someone would give it can only be one winner it's not over cherry finish it watch me kill him Jerry part of the program it's okay kill him kill him relax your everything John nothing's alright what happened to them I don't know you're talking about I want to know what happened to my parents yes you do I don't [Music] [Music] [Music] Scrabble security and find it first and we need a pocket translator [Music] fine [Music] [Music] rojack what the hell are you doing here it's good to see you too mink who's with you ah nobody I came along [ __ ] who's that side go ahead jack you knew but I'll kill you so can I get up no why the hell are you here you live in this [ __ ] you should have called I'm gonna cleaned up what do you want give you a job good job that'll work for you anymore yeah remember you guys made it so I couldn't work for anybody I can't even go home my passports worthless strangely every u.s. customs agent knows my face last year when my father died I couldn't even go to his funeral I didn't have anything to do with that I tried to stop a much he never tried you let me twist in the wind you violated the basic rule in getting out the package it goes first then you would you expect the [ __ ] metal I just wanted to save my man you should have scheduled another extraction hi whose authority yours as soon as they saw I didn't have the package they splash videos end of story you failed the mission you got my team killed I need you to come to Bulgaria with Gary with you I want you to lead a team another team what's this team got to do find somebody that's what a private investigator does this isn't a normal person it's gonna be different really what do I get when I find him the Balkans incident wiped off your record and you get your life back [Music] [Music] something even link yeah I'm here to pick you up that's Martina I'm smart sounds like a German blouse there yeah that's what I tell the women so logic tells me you've done a lot of work here in Eastern Europe so when it's been a while this reminds me of a low-budget version of Las Vegas you ever been to Vegas No made it you have a nuclear test in here Neven mink Hans this is Jules Denton she's from mi ones parapsychology and telepathic studies this is hans martina will be our leading expert in weapons and this is the infamous evan mink the reigning expert in tracking people please sit down 25 years ago the Russians developed a top-secret advanced telekinetic program called mindstorm after the Cold War the United States adopted the program we've been working together ever since subjects using the program were trained at a very young age to allow their minds to properly develop the telepathic skills telekinetic skills Russia started the program with five subjects only one subject made it through his name is Jerry Kaminsky he possesses both telepathic and telekinetic skills weight can move objects with his mind yes like what we're not aware of the full extent of his telekinetic skills but that's irrelevant your jobs to fine him and bring him back a lot of money's been spent on him over the last 25 years we don't want it to go to waste or end up in the wrong hands exactly that's why we hired you to track him track him is one thing bringing someone back alive is another why aren't the Russians looking for Jerry Russians don't want to be seen using strong-arm tactics and former satellite territories we've been assigned for the job and any more questions good choppers waiting shall we how does it work there's a high identity beta wave for burned us all telekinetic abilities uses among other brain functions look that's all even how do we know where it's going you got his hands on his classified file the only personal information and it was about his biological sister encouraged late where else would he go if she's still alive it doesn't matter if you were Jerry where else would you go where's the money I got thrown out before I could kiss out check under her bed that's where she gets it here hey what's this what you to play let this is all the roots yes oh why yes I'm here to see Sylvia Sylvia there's lots to get here she's here no hey mama no see sorry friend you're mistaken I know she's here I'll be to you can I talk to you for a moment no she's not going out I don't know who you are get out leave my daughter at all I need to speak with her now you vote for gladion nikolai what gamblers what 70/30 6040 I've got expenses I just bought these cars for my foster parents deal [Music] damnit [Music] baby [Music] confirm the targets have escaped the targets have escaped you speak English step behind of type please what are doing here was this the Chi Minsky residence you said let's get out of here it wasn't you miss residence now it's firewood any survivors look around what do you think check them out did you know Soviet sieminski know her everyone in Kujo knows her she had the gift the gift look here at cats always in the casinos thangkas you know lose too much money maybe the casino try to end the problems once and for all forgive me she never loses so you think the casino had had enough of her and decided to take care of her who else would want to hurt her she won casino have an attack helicopter all the bodies on me about female mid-40s might be the foster mother Jilla gigs little 8 he says one man did all this one man it's a problem make why don't you tell us what we're up against here you read the file you know what you're dealing with come on you regular band spoons this guy's dropping Hallie kept us out of the sky are you sure it's okay to come in yeah it's a church everyone is welcome really you've never been in a church before huh and now you want the three of us to bring in a guy who took out a whole Russian Brigade using his mind what I'm about to tell you is highly classified the Russians were trying to develop telekinetics as a weapon you know if it would work I guess you guys really guessed wrong on that one project Mindstorm was a mission you screwed up at 89 you had no idea how important that mission was Anela cool we are yeah I knew four guys who paid the price I think they know all right look kid was trained entirely in English he's a perfect weapon against the United States if he ever goes operational well the Russians aren't the enemy anymore not talking about the Russians talking about anybody who gets their hands on what did the Russians find him before we do they'll be terminated why because their projects been compromised I'd rather kill Jerry and risk another escape but if you find him and bring him back the United States gets control of a very powerful weapon you could have prevented this whole thing now it's come back to haunt you you want to go home next time you call you better have Jerry Sylvia do you remember your real parents they were cute when I was a baby I lived in a foster homes after that you don't remember anything I don't know sometimes I have a dream that they have something to do with my real parents what about a brother in that dream there were two babies taken away from each other how could you know that what was the other baby what's this reading it's an official document it says real sister and brother twins yes this is a me it's impossible Silvia you're my sister [Music] so what does it got the name with it yes it's the only matter I've got it's pretty old if this amount is too here we can follow it to the Greek border Greece we're gonna need passports or documents or cash right don't worry about it what do they do here it's monster they're monks they pray and study the Bible yes I grew up hearing about this monks they be trying to repute the broad cross it's taken over 200 years but they don't have the money or help [Music] the CA was Jerry dead as much as we do so who are working for the CIA [ __ ] Jerry is worth millions of dollars to the right country I want him alive if he was Millions it's worth it for me to bring him him are you already trying I've got Evan mink track internet make is a loose cannon we've had him on a shelf for years now trust me you'll find him trust you that's why I'm here what if he doesn't find him and he's my problem again he'll find him KGB is willing to pay anything for Jerry I will give you 48 hours to find him and contain him and then then we'd come at him with everything we've got understood didn't ask me my price for giving you 48 hours that's five million for every 24 hours I gave you two three agreed that's six million I can do the math [Music] yeah I got something it's about 400 meters ahead remnant traces of beta wear this all over the place sounds like our lads been here what's this all about oh stop Hoagland negative thoughts because the best the hoodie vesicales she say said a miracle has taken place vulnerable the cross up there has been broken for centuries this morning this let me see the man we missed something okay the highways are straight as shot south Jerry left the monastery and made his way through the woods hidden off the main roads you'd go here that's where I've been ego [Music] you a mechanic No I think it's fixed your fix already I think so yeah thanks [Applause] [Music] yeah Jerry look we just want to bring you in we don't wanna hurt you look I'm just bringing him in here guys look I don't want to hurt him drop the gun I'm not askin again Jerry getting the gun good looking for you guys everywhere how far do you think you're gonna get huh Jerry [Applause] there you go she took a family hostage and hit the road south for the moment what whoa whoa whoa wait a minute listen to me you bring in to another team I guarantee they'll be gone I can still find them [ __ ] rejects this we're done it's over so let's get out of here were they saying they're scared they say the men have the powers of a good according to rojak the missions over but I don't want to see this kidness sister killed they say we finished the mission okay yeah I hope all this doesn't blow up in our face yeah they'd still be headed south we gotta stop with cash and figure out a way across the border says apone thank you come on [Music] we near the mukesh we have the bad passports how we gonna do that come on [Music] yeah it takes that is that the restraining harness exists telekinetic powers useless I'm sure it'll work in theory I never tested it I know you're together [Music] here you go if I lose the first time I'm needed but I don't usually lose it's going to take me a little time to build up some innings get out of here I go to do my thing miss Steele hit miss stay [Music] [ __ ] me Hey look I know I know now let's get that real way we're still ringing hey yay remember the processor we didn't want any attention now I just poured that let's go [Music] [Music] yeah that's something yeah where is this answering a call at the suitable casino possible [ __ ] cheaters [Music] now what come on come on what do you got keep going straight ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the hell is this are they they don't look Turkish to me whatever let's get out of here [Music] [Music] how'd you get that you guys keep your eye on me follow my lead understand get out sorry it's a rental you know hey you guys don't know where the soda pole zoo is do ya I guess not look great on the brochure that's a really really bad idea all right I take the one on the right Jude stakes the one on the Left even you'll get the rest will you shut up we'll be right this it's you they're all those three lat what's he saying he's going to shoot us girls would he say buy us dinner that's not the silly mistake stop what's not a meatus Auto gymnast stop it just wanna make I can set my watch many times you disobeyed an order who the hell are they Russians great it's my dear now the Russians willing to pay a lot more than your six million but I'll be fair how about $1,000,000 finder's fee deal was three million it was your deal now I hold all the cards 1 million okay Kershaw will gratis will this garbage it from a shoot this is a setup from the start I just saved your ass you're lucky to be walking out of here alive that's lesser math so the Russians can bag them lose a loyalty agony it's whoever got here first hell up kill it it's not our problem yeah go me well I still can we have a deal you'll get your passport my record wipe clean this is big fun for you isn't it deals on deals lies on lies what the hell is going on I need a drink [Music] [Music] welcome back [Music] I look at you and all I see is a man and yet you destroy my helicopters and kill my soldiers with nothing but your tools but now I have you so tell me whose mind is more powerful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what they were doing up here turn the plane around fly south towards Greece we have how old do it now we're all do it for you well control Jaime nine seven seven three seven has changed course learning now in 2016 West given I returned your brilliant flight battery is not down we read you but we are not in control up here given I hold the thirty of light battle you will be fined apart damn it do you not understand we are not in control up here please given ID did your final warning to turn the off flight path [Applause] we are going to crash there's a strand local 200 you're in our flight line Gemini [Music] this breakup repeat you have to break up [Music] Gemini's did you read me we suck [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] [Music] even why are you going to deny I'm about to have another one waiter and then when you get back to the Spain there was the Russians got to Jerry before we did this right I did our jobs [Music] just wanted to get it right this time what do you think has happened to the kid I don't know there was something special about him it's a pity party what do you want our most situations developed I need your assistance my assistance my assistance don't you love this guy Jerry's plane crashed he's dead problem solved all the Russians think he's dead I can't take that chance I need you to come to the crash site give me some visual confirmation [Music] go visualize it yourself did you excuse us for one moment I made a deal with you get your passport back and get your slave leg I'll change that deal so quick it'll make your heads take that as a yes swear me got to watch your temper trouble every time this report says the plane exploded on impact exploded after impact someone could have got out you know someone got out don't you rojack enough of the [ __ ] the US recon satellite picked up two figures leaving the crash site just before it blew and the Russians don't know that's what I thought now that wasn't so hard was it what thank to believing it was [Music] [Music] tomorrow yeah I'll check back well [ __ ] kill her back away sit back away all right what the hell you doing I got it covered me Norma no problem look we want to get you out of here get you to the States you'll be safe there this is wolf ready for extraction Jack who are you talking to the Russians it's calling a shuffle flexstretch for who missions over have a nice ride home are you in bed with now the Russians hell I'm waiting for the Chinese North Koreans to show up Chinese North Koreans Russians Hawaiians what [ __ ] difference does it make it's all about the paycheck you never got that mate that's why I spent so much time on ice yeah my conscience was a real liability yeah well it's a New World Service goes to the highest bidder all the rest is [ __ ] nobody has to get hurt hot give me the controller ha give me the controller Mott's give me the controller [Music] [Music] [Music] now you just let us go please get out of here before they come Jerry you have a gift now you can choose that you want to use it [Music] hey [ __ ] you just got a second shot at life why don't you do some good this time this is wolf subjects are dead and confirm subject you're dead and cancel extraction after months of global speculation a 923 page report was delivered to the Vatican today detailing the more than 400 I witness accounts of the so-called miracle worker X cases which have been reported throughout much of Central and Eastern Europe senior field analyst father Benjamin Wesley wouldn't comment on the contents of the report other than to say the investigation was ongoing the Vatican spoke publicly today for the first time concerning the so-called miracle worker acts cases in Europe the senior spokesman stated the church is not in the moral position to define the work of God that went on to say the church is also not in a position to prove or disprove any allegations or claims pertaining to recent events USA Gallo the hierarchy in the US has stood by Rose since this Storybrook but cracks are beginning to show the Archbishop of New York was quoted as saying resistance by some to outwardly recognize the hand of God in our daily lives three percent claimed to have either been a witness all one of those healed both numbers have been consistently rising for 12 straight weeks you're listening to world news radio [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 119,019
Rating: 4.4494381 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Science Fiction, Action, Judge Reinhold, Top-Secret, Black-Ops, Thriller, Revenge Movies, Action Movies, Free Movies, Full Movies
Id: YFugj2IHS-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 34sec (5734 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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