PROGENITOR: A Genshin Cyberpunk Anime // EPISODE 1 & 2

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[Music] Alice please I would never have let zand Corp hurt her goodbye Al or l13 whoever you really [Music] are do does this mean you're not my brother anymore I'll always be your [Music] brother where are you you always knew what I was didn't you but you didn't care I wish more Organics could be like [Music] you hey it can't be that easy you'd be asking me to fix it every other week maybe next time you'll think twice about getting into a fight I finally found you l13 hey hey relax I'm not with sandicor it's me see RS oh General rtis [Music] sh don't you have a war to fight yes that's why I'm here [Music] at this rate zanda Corp will outnumber US 10 to one we don't know when they'll strike but as we are now we don't stand a chance and so because you missed me so much you ran away to hide in this hellhole new cona very funny I'm not running any anywhere I'm here because we've been taking heavy losses since you left we need you back we need albo I don't go by that name anymore right l13 then if I came back and made you more soldiers you'd only have more lives to lose but what's a life worth when you can make a new one right you know I don't believe that I just want you to give us a fighting chance and what if that Fighting Chance doesn't want to die for our cause we'd be no better than sandicor we are nothing like Xander Corp but sometimes one death can save thousands of lives could you tell that to sucrose could you tell her for certain that her death meant [Music] something I'm done getting myself involved I don't want us to lose but it's already cost me too much so now whatever happens happens including the war do you think you're not involved now hiding behind Organics and putting them in danger just so you can pretend to leave your past behind xand Corp doesn't know I'm here and Organics never get more than a slap on the wrist anyway they'll be fine if we lose the war life will never get better for synthetics like us I know but the way things are now I think I can manage so I'll take my chances thanks for the tea I wouldn't bet on things staying the same I tried it once it didn't didn't work Ryden even if I wanted to help get down this is syic control we have reports of the it's zandor and one of their new L Series Bots I'm not quite sure they got your nose right here give me your hand there's no way they've never come down here before maybe one of your organic friends reported you you ready for what wait wait wait wait come on let's go are you insane let's sand the cour property this is going to draw every drone in the city I'm supposed to be lying low yeah well it's too late for that they already know you're here I really hope you can still outrun a security drone hey I'm retired not out of [Music] [Music] shape let's go you know maybe we don't have to run maybe we can take him no dandor fastly outnumbers us remember this [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let go I told you I tell me where he is where are you taking me when my mom gets here all right it looks like we shook them off [Applause] no come on this is our chance l13 out leave my brother alone C I got you don't you dare touch Dono [Music] I thought you said you were done getting involved this isn't your responsibility you shouldn't have come back you really think you can handle them all on your [Music] own I have to [Music] try no I'll protect this organic girl girl with you if you agree to join the war again it's now really the best time for please miss you can't let them take big brother away he's not hurting anybody he just wants to help people why is this happening looks like we have no [Music] choice [Music] CR please [Music] Ryden what is that something sanac corpse should never have [Music] Unearthed huh [Music] ch R in C's hurt she needs your help [Music] understood Ren don't lose it this time [Music] [Applause] a [Music] what Ryden Target reinforcement reinforc Target Target tget un identity identify yourself un ID [Music] B don't worry it's her her you don't mean the one who created you did you secure the area yeah I did a human I will administer Medical Care immediately thank you about time you showed up kid kid right yeah you know I'm older than you and you're welcome right introductions I'm net Nomad nice to meet you now can you get in so we can get out of here do you think you can can wait for a bit the virus will only disorient anticor for a few minutes we should leave as soon as possible [Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] d are we sure this is the albo we went through a lot for him he doesn't go by that name anymore stop talking you're still losing [Music] blood are you coming with us or not Alo l13 whoever you are we need to [Music] leave we have to go [Music] [Music] now you can call me albo [Music] [Music] huh [Music] Big [Music] Brother all right that should throw Zander off her Trail for now happy yeah thanks is she going to be okay I was able to stop the bleeding for now once we return to inauma I'll repair both of you Inazuma City I thought it was destroyed she means Neo Inazuma City rebuilt from the ground up you've never been have you I guess not is it safe to go there directly xand Corp already knows where it is they're just too scared to follow scared Neo inauma city is on the [Music] surface [Music] fore
Channel: dillongoo
Views: 495,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fight, animation, dillongoo, dillon, goo, katsu, cat, genshin impact, genshin, genshindou, hoyofair, progenitor, progenitor the shogunate, progenitor albedo, progenitor anime, cyberpunk genshin, genshin au, alternate universe, cyberpunk anime, 3d anime, 3d, goo engine, blender, animated, cartoon, episode, raiden shogun, raiden, scaramouche, albedo, raiden ei, booba sword, dilliongoo, dilongoo, duolingo, hoyofair 2023, hoyoverse
Id: XkNz36sVsI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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