so the sumeru crewmeru played mario kart and it was a bit chaotic

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anyway I should probably introduce myself hi I'm Ben I'm a Capricorn my favorite color is orange uh my hobbies include skiing uh and sometimes I play golf as well uh I voice Andy in Undead unluck uh and um uh uh blonde guy in gench Impact thank you God bless I remember I annoyed the [ __ ] out of my parents with nintend dogs because I would name every dog the same name and none of them would listen to me they were all called Sparky be like Sparky Sparky Sparky Sparky Sparky Sparky and then when I got my goto name dude when I got when I got my dog they're like oh surely you named him Sparky and I was like why the [ __ ] would I do that why doesn't my car have wheels sacrifice me how is it that what is it with Tina and meds and being good at this [ __ ] game man no well I have to play funky because you you can't spell cave without Funky Kong you got it that is that is what I've heard it's cuav the F fun Kong is also fun K funest character what no I'm scared oh mirror races oh oh my god dude I think I'm too high for that oh I missed oh God oh God oh God no what happened Zeus a Zeus that's not nice that's racist that uh no bro I didn't think I'd ever hear Tina say those words but that [ __ ] was mad funny I'm sorry Zeus that was racist up [ __ ] you Ben no oh oh it's it's [ __ ] on now I just want to let it be known Ben's yells are iconic agreed Ben your yells have a lot of character thank you oh the misery everyone I don't think I'm doing this right in circles the things I do for cont you're a behold my Vengeance Alejandra I'm going to pitch to everybody here like I pitched at the panel I want Pon for April Fool's Day to have a boss in accent so everybody knows how good they have it thank you that's my one thing I want in life wait like Jo like I want Pon have a Boston accent no Pon have a Boston accent on April Fool's Day so she can go hey traveler park your car come on and that's what I want park your car that's that's what I want car yeah that's what I want so everybody knows how good they have you know what happened to me earlier today what so I was working out right mhm in the middle of working out you work out what you lift what you what you be lifting wigglers how heavy are your wigglers working out with the wilers what [ __ ] ever picking baby Park really really God I don't know anything about this one it's just it looks cute it's a big circle it's cute I think it's hor wait is it just a Circle it's just a circle and it's flipped now yeah so basically nothing has changed nothing has changed when I was really young um I had to go to speech therapy and it turned out I just had a really ridiculously thick Brooklyn accent and since we weren't from there they were like that's a problem that needs to change we can't have people think you're from Brooklyn yeah like that was a legit Massachusetts like I had to go to here well I was in preschool and I guess no one could understand me like it was that heavy wait really yeah it's because of the Mario Brothers show yes yeah let's go cuz that's what I grew up watching all the reruns hilarious how I learned to talk now I just imagine Tina literally just sound like the Mario Brother Luigi you you [ __ ] you [ __ ] it Luigi yeah you think it's a preschooler Tina said you [ __ ] it Luigi probably I always end up getting [ __ ] I always end up getting [ __ ] Luigi hey Mario you got [ __ ] once again I'm not one of those people that can say can swear cuz my voice is so high it sounds wrong like I sound like someone let their child start swearing who just I Wasing hey yo I don't like the way that was said who just squid me who just we're getting the whole kitten kab right now I don't I don't have the chair I'm sorry chat but I I'm ready for the chair I just have to make sure I can you're ready for the chair the chair I have uh contact I have the desk I don't have the chair honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you were in these races and you were just giggling in the background [Music] just wait was that yeah that's how my giggle sounds you nailed it my eyes burn so good this is the one what colors do you see all of them all of them betray Brian this frean this you Alejandro don't pull out the lowest gri please thank you Brian oh my God oh my God I'm going the wrong way take the credit now don't do that I will not take the CR I'm making a [ __ ] fool of myself right now cuz you were cursed to lose your funk yeah ni try look what you did to me you got rid of my funk no I'm nothing no you're just Kong no I'm just Kong how [ __ ] does that you took my funk and I never got it back oh no oh I won oh I'm sorry now I went through many emotions at once damn I'm definitely from samaro guys well I mean it makes sense you you come and go if I could pick a character to evero in anything I want to voice a really really really really really freaking annoying little boy but I want him to be like good so you have to play as him you know what I mean that's my dream so Bennett sad yeah I guess so no I love Bennett though no I mean more annoying like obnoxious I was I was joking about the Bennett remark just because anytime I hear him go Teamwork Makes the DreamWork I'm like all right Ben sure it does buddy like if Timmy and his pigeons could be a Char playable character you said Timmy and I thought Timmy Turner and I was like that's fair got Timmy Turner oh I would love to yeah that's that's the type of character though yeah Timmy Turner is [ __ ] annoying actually yep Cosmo Wanda I need more Prima [Music] gems bro modern day Timmy Turner would be insufferable my 50/50 I lost my 5050 no I can't believe they still play Minecraft shut the [ __ ] up bro make me crash you should okay how will I eat it it's not served to me procure it who's that trying to sneak up on me it's j shout out to shout out to Dad Tara out there that one's for you na Z wherever you are as I look as I look to the Moon made for Dad look to the Moon see you just see a silhouette of Dexter's dad that's how you know he's there I seen hisas profile yeah that's how you know look to the Stars you're a Zeus Zeus Zeus that was mean but okay I will continuously just picture [ __ ] Tina asatos Zeus I will have my revenge I will have my revenge [ __ ] what he um you know how we to do the battle grunts for genshin um so colay are obviously very cute they're yeah um I did not do that at first time and I had to redo them all because they said I sounded too much like young Link that was the feedback I got I went yeah said uh what if um what if genin impact was like past like the Mario movie oh and it was Chris pratus Pimon and then I came up with something genius and it was uh Jack Black as devalen and then chat was like a duet with venty and I'm like you know what I have to see it now I have a casting choice for my for deito Danny deito for Kay yep Danny deito for Danny deito literally has Ido in his name so araki then no I'm sorry if I'm going to be replaced by some it has to be Danny deito I be replaced it better be by an actual cat that's fair who do I want to replace me I mean Willam defo was the obvious choice but Willam defo is cave I'm somewhat of an architect myself you know I'm somewhat of an architect myself oh my God I would love that the one where you get crushed by cars wait what by cars oh no what what why you do that uh I didn't mean anything oh yeah it's one where you get run over a lot right what nah well I got squished by Luigi oh no oh no I got squished by Luigi what a thing to say what do you want from me man that's what that's what happened title of a YouTube headline I got squished by Lui squished by Lui true story not clickbait is this the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] theme park level like oh jeez the water park oh well the water park I got to do a lot better but I don't think anything P beautiful that's like Eerie how good it is ooo let's go oh never mind here come my fins are crawling on my back going oh my God what has become of our stream what has become of us other than ooos that's it that's the stream now oh [ __ ] me oh no see you later nerd okay I'll see you l in a bit all right bye I'll miss you this it's okay I'm okay with third first place here's the present I'm okay with seventh no I think it's cuz I said the oooo mother effers and then I felt like I had to live that personality [Laughter] now oh my God Tina [ __ ] up an evil Arc oh I had the invincibility flame from the the invisibility flame invisibility flame FL flame look all these creat what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do you're welcome I I Zeus hey guys [ __ ] Zeus and the who it's it's Ze I'm sorry you walked into this hello yo uh hey what's up buddy oh uh so 100 gifted Subs one I meant chat would give me 100 gifted Subs okay that's definitely not how it works oh snap wait I'm very sad that you heard me o what's up I didn't see you you want if you just want to be female saou just you know just just say so you don't need an excuse my God yeah I'm here to uh age restrict this uh this V too hey hey hey hey hey y'all contributed all right let's let's let's not act like I was the sole instigator please oh you're still here hi nizzy yeah surprisingly I still am oh you're still here I I'll be honest I was thinking about leaving like 5 minutes ago I just wanted to come in and uh say that thing and then leave but and then you I appreciate you yeah we're friends with us I'm done no more o take them away if you couldn't tell if you could tell uh yeah Tina's on meds hi yo uh someone someone freaking raging someone what issue a DUI no hey you joke for you this guy I love you bye love you bye love you too damn he said it he said it I didn't say it he said it said it it sounded so painful yeah love you I love you too yeah say bues and [ __ ] okay bues and [ __ ] to everybody and Sh goodbye everybody and Sh goodbyes ooo it's time to go w I'm leaving that's fair
Channel: finnfrog
Views: 161,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TMk3kz8rBLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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