Profoundly HEALING Guided Meditation: ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL Miracle Guided Meditation

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hello and welcome to today's guided meditation the focus of this guided meditation is Archangel Raphael who is commonly referred to as the angel of healing his name Raphael directly means God has healed like all angels He is an energetic being of the highest light always ready to serve you whenever you call upon him today in this meditation you will direct the beautiful healing light frequency of Archangel Raphael to bring peace calm and healing to wherever you need it most at this time each Archangel holds its own unique set of qualities and they use their qualities to serve a Divine Purpose for the greater good of all beings Raphael is a Beacon of Hope during The Darkest Hours be his messages also include healing Miracles overall health and the joy of living as he has been known to assist people traveling attracting a partner and as a guardian for youth if you give him permission today he can bring you more joy peace and healing allow your heart and mind to stay open to receiving His blessings or communication I invite you to make your way into a comfortable position you can be seated or lay down on your back find a position that works for you today and when you're ready gently close down your eyes [Music] then take a deep breath through your nose and breathe smoothly and evenly out through your mouth [Music] breathing in through your nose and breathing smoothly and evenly out through your mouth last one like this breathing in deeply through the nose [Music] breathing out through the mouth now allow the breath to return to its natural flow [Music] consciously relax your muscles [Music] allow your jaw to relax feel your shoulders release soften your belly relax your arms [Music] feel your legs relax [Music] feel all of your muscles letting go [Music] as you melt into the Earth beneath you with every Deep Breath You Take feel that you are inviting more relaxation into your body [Music] as you rest here gently tune into your body and notice if there is any part of you that needs healing today [Music] it might be a physical injury pain or something else happening within your body [Music] you also notice if there is mental pain worry or emotional imbalance that requires healing at this time [Music] breathe deeply into that area inviting expansion [Music] on each exhale gently feel that space softening [Music] this is the area you will focus on today in this state of relaxation allow your body to feel light and open to any communication with Archangel Raphael or other beings who come with unconditional love [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] or out loud repeat the following words as you say these words tune into the space around you notice if anything shifts or changes or perhaps if you feel a strong presence in your surroundings even if you don't feel anything right now that is perfectly okay trust in the process trust that you will feel exactly what you need to feel [Music] repeat after me across time and space I call upon Archangel Raphael to be here with me now [Music] Raphael I ask for your assistance and unconditional love [Music] to help heal my body Mind and Spirit [Music] and return me to a state of balance [Music] guide me toward my unique light [Music] and the unconditional love Within Me [Music] thank you it is done it is done it is done thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that you have called Archangel Raphael to be with you let go and begin to notice his bright green healing light near immediate environment [Music] thank you [Music] foreign like the bright green lights of the Aurora Borealis you sense the presence of This Magnificent dark angel in your vicinity [Music] [Music] begin to feel the beautiful vivacious green light wrapping around your body cradling you in light relax [Music] sense its gentle nature presence and simply allow yourself to bathe in this healing light with every breath imagine you are inhaling this powerful Green Light inviting it deep into your body [Music] oh [Music] as you do allow This Magnificent luminous Green Glow to travel to the space within you that needs healing [Music] allow it to touch the places that are hurting or out of balance foreign [Music] [Music] feel the softness of this light as it lands in your body taking away any pain [Music] [Music] let this powerful light ease your mind body and spirit and take away all the old energy that no longer needs to live inside you [Music] remaining with this healing light for as long as you need to and I will hold the space for you here [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Archangel Raphael also provides you with the energy of joy ask him now by saying in your mind or out loud with unconditional love endure Raphael I ask you now to bless me with the energy of joy lightness and happiness and through Joy let there be healing for myself others and the Earth [Music] let's repeat this one more time [Music] with unconditional love Archangel Raphael I ask you now to bless me with the energy of joy lightness and happiness [Music] and through Joy let there be healing for myself others and the Earth allow all sensations of joy and lightness to be infused into your body [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 's bright green glowing heart now surrounds the entire Earth and all those within it bringing healing to the Earth and to every person here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] if there is anything else that you need right now you may take this time to ask with unconditional love that Archangel Raphael May support you in finding this in your life foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give thanks to Rafael for joining you today and for sharing his healing energy [Music] foreign [Music] as you slowly begin to return to this new present moment notice how altered you feel [Music] there is a new freshness in your mind body and [Music] Raphael's healing has restored renewed and revived your energy foreign yourself frequently throughout every day that Archangel Raphael is always around you with green wings of light healing supporting you and helping you find joy and lightness especially when you spend time in nature Archangel Raphael employs you to enjoy nature whether that is including more daily walks or spending more time Outdoors all that is green is infused with his healing energy the plants in the garden the fresh food you eat and the beauty of nature over the next days every time you connect with something green remember the beautiful healing green light of Archangel Raphael this will be his reminder to you that he is always with you pay attention to any messages you may receive Raphael has a sense of humor so let his joyful messages gently find your ears and your heart and watch for the surge of synchronicities that filter into your life [Music] take a deep breath in gently bringing your awareness back to your body sitting or laying notice your connection to the surface beneath you take another deep breath feel the energy circulating around in your physical body [Music] feel the green light within you [Music] take another easy breath in and an easy breath out and when you feel able to wriggle your fingers and toes you can gently open your eyes this is Jess Shepherd thank you for spending these moments with me my love and appreciation flows out to you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Rising Higher Meditation ®
Views: 163,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Guided Meditation, Angel Meditation, Healing Meditation, Healing with the Angels, Messages from the Angels, Angel Healing, Guided Sleep Meditation, Sleep Music, Relaxing Music, Music for Sleep, Calm, Inner-Peace, Guardian Angel, 528Hz music, Protection Meditation, Abraham - Hicks, Guardian Angel Guided Meditation, Sleep Meditation, Meditate with the angels, Angel protection, Archangel Raphael, Raphael healing, Archangel Raphael meditation, Peace, Miracle meditation
Id: u3IeBQiKRtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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