Guided Meditation: DEEPLY EMOTIONAL Inner Child Healing. Powerfully Transformative! Change your life

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hello and welcome to today's guided meditation I am your guide Jess Shepherd and today we will be taking a deep dive into our inner self creating an opportunity to have a conversation and communication with our inner child this is a very powerful practice and something that is used in healing modalities all over the world many of our behaviors and beliefs that we hold and live by in adulthood were formed when we were very young some of those behaviors and beliefs may remain appropriate yet some may be outdated or not support who we are or who we are becoming when our thoughts feelings or behaviors do not align with what we want for ourselves this can create conflict tension and unease so in this meditation you can gently feel into something you would like to change well that you feel uneasy about as you do you can meet your inner child and listen to the thoughts and feelings underneath the current condition caused by something you decided when you were very young this is a very gentle practice so take your time and please approach it with love and compassion you can begin by finding a way into a comfortable seated or laying position maybe today it feels good to be sitting on a chair or on the floor with your hips supported by a pillow alternatively You may wish to lie down making sure your head and knees are supported placing your hands at your sides with your palms facing up take a moment to arrive with a few deeper breaths [Music] notice your connection with the surface beneath you [Music] feel those points of contact allow your spine to grow tall and straight feel that you are extending the crown of your head toward the sky soften your shoulders away from your ears face your palms up to the sky as a sign of receptivity and relax your fingers making any final adjustments now before arriving in complete Stillness when you're ready gently close down your eyes Focus all of your attention on your breath breathing in and out through the nose feel your belly and chest rise with every inhale [Music] and soften on every exhale [Music] simply allow all of your attention to sit with your breath [Music] relax your jaw letting go a little more with every exhale [Music] now gently allow yourself to become aware of anything you currently feel uneasy about or something that is causing you tension [Music] with non-judgmental awareness allow thoughts and to enter your consciousness as you breathe evenly and smoothly softly notice when these thoughts and emotions are present where do you feel it in your body notice the sensations or the tension without getting attached to the observation just note it with compassion and kindness the act of observing May intensify the unease and that's okay just notice with love and kindness as you breathe smoothly and evenly [Music] take your attention to the top of your head for a moment with your minds I notice a source of vibrant pearly white light above your head on your next breath bring this healing white light into your body through your crown chakra [Music] with every breath you draw in more of this luminous pearly light and it begins filling your body as it fills your body it heals what needs to be healed let it in it naturally knows where you are holding any tension stress or uneasiness and it goes directly to those points [Music] any tension is dissolved any discomfort is soothed [Music] any unease melts away begin to feel every part of your body relax relax this beautiful light allows you to release and surrender into a relaxed safe space your forehead feels smooth and even your eyes feel heavy and relaxed in their sockets [Music] all tiny muscles around the eyes are completely relaxed [Music] your cheeks relax [Music] your tongue relaxes [Music] your jaw relaxes [Music] then all the all the face soften and relax as the healing white light circulates inside your head then it travels down into your neck and throat soothing and releasing any tension there feel your neck and throat softening and relaxing as the light travels into your shoulders they let go soften and relax [Music] as the beautiful warm light travels down your arms wrists and into your hands fills each one of your fingers and you begin to feel heavy and completely relaxed [Music] as a brilliant white light travels down your body feel your torso the front of your body relaxing [Music] and now the back of your body receives this healing light and it relaxes [Music] the light travels into your hips and pelvis soothing and softening all the muscles [Music] the white pearly light rolls down through your legs [Music] your legs feel heavy and so relaxed and your feet now welcome the warm healing light feel it as it moves through your feet and into every toe relaxing everywhere [Music] the old with brilliant white light rays in this sensation for a moment breathe it in and allow yourself to relax completely [Music] oh [Music] [Music] now move your awareness into a safe place your own personal sanctuary [Music] this might be somewhere in nature or it may be a safe space inside your home Perhaps it is your garden or yoga studio or a special new room made it just for you in this moment with cushions all around and a beautiful view [Music] allow yourself to go there fully now [Music] when you have arrived experience yourself in this space and acknowledge this sanctuary's calm and comforting atmosphere feel yourself sitting in this space look at the objects shapes and colors around you the sounds and the smells that make this a safe haven for you [Music] when you are ready invite your inner child to come and join you in this beautiful space You may wish to repeat after me I invite my inner child to come and sit with me here oh in a safe place take a deep breath and let go as you sit here you begin to recognize that your inner child has entered your beautiful sanctuary [Music] you welcome your inner child and motion for them to sit with you see or feel that they are sitting with you now [Music] thank you look deeply into their eyes so [Music] see that little cutie tiny little child that you once were [Music] they [Music] are how sweet and innocent they are feel yourself loving this little person [Music] [Music] here is some information to follow and assist you on this inner child process begin a gentle conversation you may wish to ask how do you feel it is time to acknowledge their feelings to listen and receive them fully you can reassure your inner child that you are here for them that you will hear what they have to say without any judgment gently ask if there is anything they want to share with you as you initiate this conversation actively listen to the answers without feeling the need to fix anything or figure things out instead listen with an open mind and an open heart you can hold them if they feel comfortable with that the response you might hear is I am sad or I am not good enough or nobody cares about how I feel actively listen as best you can not just for the words but also pay attention to an energetic response an emotion or Sensations be aware you may notice a feeling of hurt or isolation tuning in with all your senses as best you can just notice what comes up as you do feel the grounding effect of the surface beneath you breathing deeply and smoothly actively listen to your child feeling able to tenderly ask questions as and when you feel it is appropriate gently and with compassion going out to the pace of the child so that they can open up to you [Music] always listening with love and kindness releasing the need to interpret or resolve anything [Music] letting go of the idea you need to fix it just listening and as you do you are creating new and loving connections to all parts of yourself every time your child shares a feeling with you or they impart a piece of information then acknowledge it let them know that you agree that that's how they feel let them know that you appreciate that this is how they feel [Music] let them know that you respect that this is how they feel take on board every detail if they say I would like you to hold me then hold them if they say I would like to sit on your lap then let them if they say please will you hold my hand and do so if they say I feel alone then reassure them that you are here always if they say I am not loved then tell them that you love them always and as best you can Focus your attention on fully meeting their needs I invite you to proceed with this process of actively listening to your inner child asking questions when it feels appropriate to do so listening acknowledging and responding with compassion kindness and love take your time here I will hold this space for you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] before we bring this meditation to a close ask your child if there is anything else they want you to know at this time [Music] foreign [Music] ER child and feel the exchange of love between you thank them for sharing with you today experience as part of yourself feeling relief because you have heard them notice feelings of lightness Within as you have become aware of deeper parts of yourself acknowledged them and loved them you have taken time to love accept and understand yourself this is what healing is awareness blossoms naturally where compassion has laid your inner child is a part of you and your experience [Music] you don't and you can care for and love that part of yourself you can take care of him or her in the way you have always wanted to be cared for understanding acceptance and love [Music] allows space for new awarenesses to Blossom also if you understand what is going on underneath you can soothe those aspects of yourself and make choices that reflect your current awareness keep this safe place open for your inner child to come and talk with you whenever they need to gently allow any images to fade to bring your awareness back to your body breathing feel the air as it enters your lungs in and out begin to feel the energy in your physical body again notice the supportive surface beneath you now I invite you to take a scan of your body and as you do notice what has changed and shifted from the start of this practice [Music] foreign [Music] notice how the mind is now as well take an easy breath in take an easy breath out [Music] easy in easy out and when you're ready gently wriggle your fingers and toes don't open your eyes this is just Shepherd thank you for sharing these moments with me my love and appreciation flows out to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rising Higher Meditation ®
Views: 143,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guided meditation, Guided sleep meditation, meditation music, Relaxing music, Law of Attraction, Meditation for beginners, Mindfulness meditation, Energy Healing, Reprogram Your Mind, Meditation, Mindfulness, Calm, Inner-Peace, Emotional meditation, Inner child healing, Healing guided meditation, Emotional healing meditation, Heal Your life, Heal your inner child, Louise Hay, Neville Goddard, Healing, Emotional clearing, raise your vibration, meditation female voice, Heal, unblock
Id: 9fvN_Yt9kgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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