Professional Artist Buys Supplies At WALMART...

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hey guys for the longest time i've been putting off creating merch because i could never settle on a set style or design after some careful thought and consideration i landed upon these three designs to start with i've got shirts in masculine feminine and youth cuts and super cute tote bags for each design i'm keen on adding more items in the near future so keep your eyes peeled for any new additions if you or your friends want to look creepy cool cover your hair to shame you filthy human or you just want to help support the channel then i highly recommend clicking the link in the description down below or heading over to collections slash emily artful to pick up one of these cool designs today [Music] hello everyone my name is emily and today i'm headed to walmart to pick up some art supplies and show you guys that you don't need to spend a bunch of money to create fun art i've always been deeply saddened when young or beginner artists are discouraged from starting their art career because they believe that they need to have moderate to expensive art supplies in order to succeed i was in that same boat myself when i was young and i felt like i wouldn't be successful because i didn't have fancy art supplies when a lot of my peers did sometimes i was even ridiculed for the quote-unquote cheap art supplies i was using i'm here to say if anyone makes you feel inferior for the supplies you're using they can suck a fat nut because why does that even matter anyway walmart has some great inexpensive to moderate options from reputable brands across the board you just need to know where to look and what you're looking for today i'm going to be doing a 10 example and a 20 example to show you what i do with each i also want to make something clear up front here i understand that a handful of people watching this will be irritated that i'm even shopping at walmart or giving them any sort of positive pr and i do get it it's a big corporation that can greatly damage local economies and drive smaller specialty shops to close i think it's important i acknowledge that information up front in the event that anyone was in the dark about that fact but i also want to remind the people who are privileged enough to be able to afford to shop at other oftentimes more expensive alternatives then not everyone can spend that kind of money to stick it to these big corporations a lot of people have families to feed on a tight budget or they're a minor and they don't have any regular income of their own right now or live in a community that doesn't have any other options this video is for them and i'd really appreciate it if we keep the quote unquote walmart shaming to a minimum everyone deserves a chance to be creative so let's see what we can find behold i have to make a quick pit stop because i told beanie i would pick him up a fake cash register with his um christmas money you have a little fake instant pot that is so cute um but i'd assume yeah see cash register would be right here but it's not ooh this would be like the sneakiest way ever to get him to clean up it's so soft it feels like osa this is so soft so soft and i love the color no it's so good they actually have a really good selection of things they're just a little bit picked over [Music] so [Music] beanie would look so cute in this let's take this wiggy does need new pjs oh my gosh maybe no hood oh this one's very cute i have to get this too oh a little monster truck on it it's so cute [Music] not what i came here for i got to get myself out of the baby section like now no i was wrecking my brain trying to find out why there was no crayola stuff here at walmart when i realized it was all in front with like other stationary stuff because this this is pretty much a staple for inexpensive art supplies now i don't really like crazy art very much if you can spend the extra money on the crayola even if it's something something a little bit smaller i would do that because i know even with crayola crayola can get pretty expensive but they make really great products crazier a little bit less so if you can avoid great if not that's fine we'll make it [Music] work so it's cute oh man let me fix that that's still bad for as cute as i think this video is going to turn out i don't know if it was worth the um awkward stairs and i know like people don't care right like they simply don't care but so they're still gonna look who facetimes in landscape not a lot of people just kidding i face time in landscape now that i think about it it was kind of awkward and i felt uncomfortable and i'm sure if i did this more it would be less and less uncomfortable each time i did it the new year's resolution i made for myself this year was like just it's okay to go out and be yourself and be silly like be unabashedly unabashedly god help me unabashedly yourself like just go out be yourself and don't worry what other people think um about you and i failed that i was just like hi help me but it was fun so let's go home and see what we can make with the art supplies we got i keep forgetting that i have frozen food with me hurry up shut up for the ten dollar example i initially went over by two dollars but hang with me because i had a plan i purchased a five dollar simply brand sketchbook a four dollar dailer and roundy sketch set and a three dollar 24 count crayola colored pencil set my walmart didn't carry the smaller 12 count crayola colored pencil set so i just went ahead and purchased the 24 count and for the sake of the challenge i only used the colors that would be in the original 12 count set however that still put me over by one dollar because the 12 count set according to walmart's website would be a dollar eighty-four which because i rounded everything up to play it safe budget-wise would make them two dollars making my total eleven dollars honestly i think i would have been fine not including any color at all just judging by my final art piece which you'll see here in a minute but i wanted to at least have three items in each example so my bad the 20 example gave me a lot more wiggle room to pick more diverse items so my recommendation is if you can hold on to any extra cash until you've got about 20 dollars you'll be able to have more room to experiment with different mediums but don't forget you could still do a lot with ten dollars if you repurpose and recycle for this challenge specifically i just bought things to make an art piece from start to finish all bought at relatively low cost i have a video coming up in the future all about repurposing discarded goods to make art so don't forget to subscribe and turn your notifications on if that's something you'd be interested in seeing the daler and rouney sketch set was great because it came with a kneaded eraser three pencils one woodless pencil and two graphite sticks i decided to draw my baby son wiggy i have this great picture of him with this huge like baby classic smile he's also wearing this like adorable little red jumper with bare ears it's just an amazing photo of him it totally captures his big smiley personality and i just desperately wanted to recreate it i started with a basic albeit very creepy sketch and worked in layers from there carefully noting the shadows in the original picture in the end there were a few differences but overall i was really happy with how it turned out even though i placed it in kind of a peculiar place on the page but now i think you guys can see what i meant about the piece not really kneading color but i do think it benefited from having that nice pop of red i really only used red blue and black to create the shadows on the jumper otherwise i didn't touch any of the other pencils but don't worry they will not go to waste when i am done with the pencils and pretty much everything else from this challenge it will go into our communal art supply cabinet that we have in our home i have the art supplies that are just for me that i really don't want my kids messing with and i keep those things in my studio but pretty much everything else is free for all to share we do a lot of sitting down and drawing with each other so we have this big communal cabinet where everybody can just reach in and grab what they want it's a free-for-all for the kids and they don't touch my so everybody wins don't touch my actually beanie is like super respectful of my stuff probably because i'm super respectful of his stuff huh just thought of that all the products in the 10 category functioned very well the daler and rowney pencils were smooth and easily blendable they did erase well with my regular generals needed eraser but the purple eraser the set came with wasn't that great it was a little too hard but it still did the job i think a plain white eraser would work best honestly the paper in the sketchbook held up very well against that hard eraser and had a good tight texture complementing the grape pencils and of course i will always praise crayola colored pencils they're very pigmented and blend well they're a harder type of pencil and obviously not quite as smooth as some of their more expensive counterparts but i still really like them and think they're great quality for their affordable price for the 20 example i purchased a seven dollar canson xl mixed media sketchbook six dollar tombow fudenosuke brush pens three dollar royal and langnickel all media brushes and two dollar crayola watercolors i actually came up two dollars short on this challenge i suck at this so unfortunately i didn't love the washable crayola watercolors i said this before i much prefer the also inexpensive prang watercolors which i've made a whole video about in the past but i've also always said that the crayola watercolors are usually a good alternative if you cannot find prang usually a good alternative usually being the operative word there i'm guessing the washable variant of these paints of which i purchased have some extra ingredient in them that causes them to be like super washable because technically all watercolors are quote unquote washable because they're water-based the pigments can still stain but you can remove the bulk of the paint with water alone at least that's the case with most watercolors i don't know what crayola put in these washable watercolors to make them super washable but they were greasy is the word i want to use working in lighter layers helped a little but not by much when i tried to layer them in this little test painting they just merged with the layer below they also took a pretty long time to dry the paper isn't that absorbent so i'm sure some of the longer drying time is due to the paper but just judging by the strange sheen left by the paints i'm leaning toward the paints themselves and the ingredients in them that were really affecting the drying time that being said they were still usable and i was still able to achieve the look i wanted in my final piece but that was only because it was relatively simple and the only technique i needed to use was wet on wet blending if this piece would have required more layering i'm pretty sure it would have failed these paints do not perform like standard watercolor should so i don't recommend using them if you want to get into the medium however a few years ago i did use crayola watercolors that didn't have the washable label on them and they worked very similarly to the prang watercolors perhaps the non-washable paints have a better consistency or perhaps crayola has since changed their formula if you have any idea let me know in the comments down below i'd really appreciate it and i credit you for any information you can share the tombow brush markers were great albeit a bit stiff for my tastes but they have a plastic nib so that's to be expected the canon xl mixed media paper was perfectly fine for light mixed media sketching it held up to light layered washes of watercolor didn't pill took the pen perfectly fine all good things for a sketchbook the paper did want to warp slightly and i would imagine with any more water it would warp quite a bit but it didn't wear through standard very good for the price but the real winners here were the brushes they held their shape had a great snap and held a decent amount of pigment in water i usually recommend to purchase brushes that are specifically meant for watercolor if you're going to be using them for watercolor they're made to hold a lot of water and pigment and typically acrylic oil or all media brushes don't do that in a way that would be proficient for watercolor use but i also recommend to use whatever works for you and these brushes worked great for their price especially the size one brush i will absolutely be using these brushes again now to be fair time will only tell if these brushes will hold their shape but even if i only get a few months of use out of them they're still totally worth the price and here are the two final pieces simple but lots of fun to make you can find great art supplies anywhere for perfectly reasonable prices i can't wait to test out more in the future where should i go next thank you guys so much for watching and don't forget to stay out of trouble see you guys later
Channel: Emily Artful
Views: 289,245
Rating: 4.9486809 out of 5
Keywords: art, art video, creative, illustration, watercolor, acrylic, colored pencils, artwork, artist, graphic design, painting, winsor and newton, golden, qor, holbein, gouache, sennelier, white nights, comedy, funny, laugh, jokes, emily artful, tattoo art, gothic art, goth, walmart, inexpensive art supplies, art supplies, cheap supplies
Id: MHlkWN9S86M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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